The Best GPU & CPU Combos RIGHT NOW For PC Gaming!

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what are the best graphics card and CPU combinations throughout this video we're going to give you your very own cheat sheet on what to buy every budget and price point to build your ultimate gaming PC we built literally hundreds of gaming PCs on this channel we've tested an onslaught of components all the aim of finding you the perfect gaming computer so spare yourself the hours of trouble and Toil and join us as we go through all of the very best components right after a short word from this video sponsor corsair's brand new 6500 series of cases have arrived bringing Beauty and the beastly airflow this Mighty enclosure has space for ginormous gpus thick radiators and coolers and up to a whopping 10 PC fans and thanks to its dual chamber design building really is a breeze as it's super easy to get a stunning looking PC it comes in black or Whit airflow mesh or Timeless glass and it can even swap out panels for optional wooden finishes learn more today with the link down below first things first then how much does a GPU and CPU matter almost not that over and which one should you prioritize well together the graphics processing unit and central processing unit are almost always the bottleneck of your gaming PC and they directly determine your in-game frame rates if you want to run games at higher quality settings resolutions or frame rates you want to spend more on these components to get there the real skill here is to properly understand the balancing act that you are going to have to have between these two components because if you spend too much on one then you you might not have enough left to spend on the other you may end up with a weaker system as a result if you're enjoying this video by the way then a like And subscribe would really help us out usually it's the graphics card that should take priority as most games are normally what's known as GPU bottlenecks where your graphics card is running flat out at 100% And swapping us out for something better would indeed yield a faster frame rate however it is becoming increasingly common that games are relying more heavily on the CPU and if you're in an instance where swapping out your graphics card to something faster didn't actually make any difference because it was down to the processor this is what we call being CPU bottleneck now despite what people will no doubt tell you in the comments section it is actually impossible to get rid of bottlenecks alog together but choosing parts of a similar capability will ensure that you get as high a frame rate as possible whilst ensuring the best bang for your buck it's also worth noting by the way that higher resolutions generally speaking don't actually require such a high-end CPU and I know this sounds a bit confusing and almost a bit backwards so let me explain let's say you can run a game at 1080P and you're getting exactly 200 frames a second well you need a processor that's capable of driving 200 frames per second and in something like war zone that is actually a pretty hefty CPU but if you drop the resolution down to 1440p instead you might get 140 frames per second as the graphics card now has to work harder to Output more pixels and it can't achiev the same frame rate but once the load on the graphics card is now actually increased the opposite has happened on the CPU because instead of needing a processor that can output a 200 frames per second you only need one that can output a one FY and if you increase the resolution further to 4K and maybe you're now getting 80 frames a second your CPU now only needs to achieve 80 frames a second rather than the 200 we had for 1080p does that make sense you've also probably noticed that CPUs also have a varying amount of CES with AMD ryzen often having less whilst Intel tend to have more but they're actually split between efficient cores and performance cores over on Intel and for gaming it's only really these performance cores that properly matter I mean the efficiency cores are great they're very useful for background tasks maybe preloading textures or installing games you'll find that if you have more cores it's going to be more beneficial but it's not like a Apples to Apples comparison so generally speaking when you're looking at a gaming CPU you can sort of compare amd's Total Core count with the total amount of performance cores over on Intel but how many of these cores do you actually need for gaming you ask well it's actually pretty straightforward as older games will run absolutely fine on four newer title 6 and anything over eight really makes a big difference for gaming therefore I wouldn't advise buying a CPU with more than eight true cores unless you specifically stream your games or you also use your PC for heavyduty productivity ultimately that extra money could instead go on a better graphics card that would increase your frame rate oh look here he is again PC Centric all he does is talk I came here for some some recommendations and he can't even give it to me have you heard of timestamps come on but here we are that is the end of the talking section and we're now going to go on to my favorite bit which is of course the recommendations and I am going to assume that you have an idea what graphics card is that you actually want but if you're still a bit undecided unsure you want to know the differences I've literally just made a proper graphics card buyers guide that goes through literally everything that will help you to find your dream cards you can find that in the top right corner of your screen and also bear in mind that all of these recommend ations were based on the pricing today which is March 2024 if you're watching this a different day which you almost certainly are things could change so if you want current pricing as always you can find that listed down below with our affiliate links kicking things off and starting at the budget ends we have our entrylevel gaming setup still plenty of power especially in older titles but offering immense value for money our picks here would be the Intel I3 12100 F CPU and either an Intel Arc a580 or an MD RX 6600 graphics cards now this CPU definitely ain't the best in the world it's only a four cord chip and it performs fairly similarly to an i7 but one that dates back to 2017 but hear me out because ultimately it works and when every penny counts you just can't argue with a bank for buck here don't believe me well check it out for yourself as we actually saw fantastic results in our latest budget gaming PC rig the video for that is at the top right corner of your screen by the way and that was actually paired with our GP new recommendation the Intel Arc a580 now Arc definitely used to be a little bit unreliable but these days it's actually mostly there with a crazy amount of performance in games for 1080p gaming and even surprisingly a little bit of light 1440p if you'd rather stick with a company that perhaps has more reliable drivers then you will have to pay a little bit more but actually the AMD RX 6600 offers roughly the same performance for about 10% more but as we've said pricing changes all of the time so see for yourself with the links down below and don't forget of course if you are trying to save as much money as possible then you are going to be better off looking at the used market for CPUs motherboards gpus to lot really as while you aren't going to get the same warranties and you do have to be a bit careful as to what it is that you buy assuming you get something that's in perfect condition is a great way of Shaving a fair bit of money off your overall Bill if you can spare a little more cash then you are going to get a significantly more well-rounded system with a now six core Intel i5 12400 F and a choice of three gpus the Intel Arc a750 the AMD RX 7600 and the Nvidia RTX 4060 being a six cord chip the 12400 F now offers better compatibility and multitasking capabilities whilst not actually costing masses more with current UK sale prices around Ā£15 and let me tell you that is a steal on the GPU front once again they're all perform relatively similarly with scope for frame rates well over 100 FPS in certain titles especially at 1080p whilst having more horsepower for high to ultra settings for better looking visuals the Nvidia card is definitely more expensive than the other two but with support for DSS super resolution frame generation and exceptable levels of race racing this could be the pick if you love to play the latest AAA games please remember by the way that this is not an exact science it's absolutely fine to go for a slightly better CPU than the one that's in this list like it's not going to hurt I will say though that it's definitely worth sort of considering being a little bit fluid with your choices because prices do change all the time and often there are Bargains to be had especially in the sales case in point the next rung up the ladder high-end 1440p gaming here many of you will be better off sticking with the previous generation of AMD with the still on sale RX 6700 XT or if you do want to push the bow out a bit the brand new RX 7700 XT both of these cards have 12 GB of Ram which makes them much better for longevity at all resolutions but even today allows for stutter-free gaming when other cards might start to cease and also both of these cards launched at prices that were frankly a little bit too expensive but look at them now really good value as for the processor to pair with them well you're now in serious superu territory so I would look at going for maybe an i5 13 600k or 14600 k they're basically the same or the ryzen 7600 all of these chips have plenty your head room for highend gaming and they allow you to crank up the CPU intensive games and settings without hitting the limits in the vast majority of games though it should be said that the Intel ship is more powerful and it also has a lot of extra ecor that can help with game updates and Shader caching though is of course a fair bit more expensive but if you want to play A Game's ultra settings 1440p High refresh rate or maybe 4K 60 then I would admit this is where things do start to get quite expensive the best value option is actually my favorite GPU at the moment amd's RX 7800 XT coming equipped with 16 GB of vram for smooth 4K gaming and an asking price under $499 spend a smidge more and you can even get the brand new 7900 gr which UPS the anti with even more performance or of course you could go for team green with their RTX 4070 which is going to be the best card in this set for Ray tracing or be at the cost of 4 GB less vram and if you are interested in just how much better the RTX 470 is versus the 7800 XT at rate tracing I've literally just made this video you can see it for yourself in the top right corner of your screen as you'd expect the processor here also takes a fair step up with the ryzen being upgraded to the 7700 which is an eight core variant whilst Intel suggestion also increases to the 8 performance core i7 14700 K both of these will give you amazing performance in any game especially those like war zone that really do hammer the CPU and then of course that LE leaves us at the highest end of the stack the ultimate Do-it all 4K GPU and CPU combo and it really is going to cost a lot of money now and I'll be as clear as I can on this one because you pretty much have two choices the cards that's best for multiplayer or the cards that are best for R tracing as the value proposition actually changes a lot between team red and Team Green if you want to ecal every single frame per second then generally speaking the AMD 7900 XT and XTX offer much better value for money at the high end with both cards offering crazy levels of performance even with all of the multiplayer settings crank to the max it's a slightly different story when we turn to single player though as the new Nvidia 4070 TI and 4080 super cards can not only use the higher quality dlss settings to get better looking visuals than amd's competing FSR but the cards handle Ultra demanding rage race settings a whole lot better yielding higher frame rates in single player games with a Teek enabled and maybe I'm just a glass half full person clearly very optimistic today then actually I'll say that the good news is that you can't really go wrong between the two because all of the cards have loads of horsepower and I think you're going to love them for years and years to come they've just got slightly different strengths and weaknesses but if you do specifically know that you do want to like favor value for money or you do want to favor rage tracing then that will give you a very obvious indication of which way to go otherwise again maybe like check current pricing and see what you can get in this sale having said that you should also be aware that the 7900 XTX does come with a whopping 24 GB of vram and display port 2.1 whilst both of these Nvidia cards top out at 16 GB of vram and come with display port 1.4 so I guess it would be absolutely fair to say that there is no best option but actually be wrong cuz there is you want the RTX 4090 this is the best GPU but it costs so much that it's also by far the worst option to put this into perspective this literally outclasses everything with performance so far above everything else it's frankly stupid and if you do want to buy the best card for 4K race racing High frame rate all at the same time then this is definitely the card for you just be aware that this alone actually costs more than most people's gaming PC just for this thing hope it doesn't break not saying it will just trying to make a point but regardless of which graphics card you do decide to go for of course you will need a top spec CPU to get everything to run properly as even at 4K I've actually seen bottlenecking especially on the 4090 therefore I'd personally go for the fastest gaming CPU the ryzen 7 7800 x3d I actually bought this chip for myself last year paired with a 4090 and it is a beast but to be fair it is only an 8 C chip so if you do want more cores for flexibility than an Intel i7 14700 k or an i 94900 k would essentially function the same but with a little bit more room for other loads and I know at this point what's coming loads of questions quickfire but I'm actually psychic so I can preemptively know what you're going to say so here are some quickfire answers is ryzen 5000 okay what about b550 yep that's absolutely fine but it's harder to recommend to the masses because motherboards are a little bit more sparse and personally I think upgrading on the Intel side is a little bit better no the RTX 46 vti is not worth buying it's not like it's a terrible product if you've bought it like don't worry but there are better value options out there because the 8 gig version doesn't have enough V Ram to reflect its price point whereas the 16 gig then doesn't have enough performance to reflect that price point um PC Centric aren't you forgetting the 6800 XT and the 6900 XT well firstly no cuz I did mention the 6700 XT but obviously there are loads of deals to be had but as they are literally running out and we don't know what you can get and what the price will be again it's quite hard to recommend specifics but especially at the lower end something like a 6650 XT or something like that they're they're really good to pick up if you can get them for less of the equivalent new cards but then when you get to the higher end things like the 6800 XT or maybe the 6900 XT again at the rise price point it does sort of make sense but do be aware those higher end cards especially the 6900 does get quite loud under load uses a lot of power and actually I wasn't a massive fan and then last but certainly not least what about the this gem the 4070 super you haven't mentioned that why not again it's not a bad product like it's not like the 4060 TI that doesn't really make sense it's just that this has 12 GB of vram and you're paying almost Ā£600 here in the UK to access that and I think when the AMD offerings are so strong personally speaking I wouldn't be comfortable to recommend this not because I think it's going to cause you a problem today but it's almost again a little bit too powerful for the amount of vram it has if you want to go for an Nvidia card at this class 470 is fine or step up to the 4070 TI super and actually with that that does bring us towards the end of this video I really hope it's been useful it's been incredibly fun to make and to test everything if you've enjoyed it please smash that like button get yourself subscribed and I know we joke about it but genuinely all comments are welcome any questions let us know down in the comment section below and we do our best to answer them or we get other people to answer them cuz we are a lovely community and of course if you do want to do a little bit of shopping or you're just interested in more details on the product themselves or current pricing then as always we will leave all of our affiliate links listed down below for your perusal and while you're down there why not bask in the Bonanza of the Corsair 6500 series of cases these stunning new chassis take your build to the next level with support for calling at the top bottom rear and side in addition to showing your PC parts in their best light it's dual chamber so getting a tidy build is easy there are four USB and a type-c and you can even get the front panel in mesh air flow or luxurious glass upgrade today with the link down below but thank you guys so much for checking out this video we'll catch you in the next [Music] one
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 151,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, best cpu combos, best gpu combos, gpu, cpu, processor, gaming cpu, best cpu, best cpu for gaming, best graphics card, graphics card, pc build guide, cpu benchmarks, ryzen, intel core, i9, i7, ryzen 7, 7800x3d, 7700, 7600, i3, 12100f, 12400f, 14900k, 14700k, rtx 4090, rtx 4080, rtx 4070, rtx 4060, rx 7600, rx 7800 xt, rx 7900, cpu buying guide, gpu buying guide, nvidia, combos 2024, gpu and cpu
Id: TUYi-5Rx_hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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