HOW to STRUCTURE your B2 First (FCE) ESSAY - B2 First (FCE) Writing

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how can you write the perfect b2 essay without planning you can't you can't you can't and how can you plan the perfect b2 essay if you don't know what the structure is you can't you can't you can't my name is toby this is smash english and here is everything you need to know about the perfect structure for the perfect plan for the perfect b2 first essay [Music] i am going to show you an essay but the paragraphs will be in the wrong order wow that's exciting it is your job to take these paragraphs and put them in the right order you have 30 seconds to do this so take your time and have fun go and then okay okay let's put the essay into the correct order wow what a magnificent piece of writing this is well done toby did you get it right i cannot see you or hear you but i will pretend that you are here you are beautiful and you got it correct so well done you you beautiful imaginary person but why do the parts of the essay need to be in this order and why should you follow this pattern for every essay that you write i don't know are you going to tell me toby yes yes i am this here is our introduction what does it do it introduces the topic seriously every student says that and it drives me crazy it is more complicated than that the first sentence is a general statement about the topic so it does introduce the topic fine the second sentence presents the question that the essay question is asking we need the examiner to know that we know what the topic is for the essay and what the question is for the essay otherwise the examiner could think we have misunderstood so the introduction is very important especially in marks for content if you don't know what that means and you don't know about the cambridge marking scheme that the examiners use then watch my video on it because how can you give the examiners what they want if you don't know what they want i can't i can't no you can't so yes the introduction does introduce the topic but it also says hey mr examiner i know the topic and i know the question aren't i great and the examiner will say yes yes you are so by reading this introduction can you understand what the question of the essay is i'll give you five seconds the question was this did you get it right yes you did you are beautiful you are here with me now and you are telling me yes toby i got it right because your introduction was so brilliant thank you now we have our three body paragraphs what do these do they discuss the prompts yes one paragraph for each prompt remember one of the most common mistakes that students make when writing their b2 first essay is not including all the prompts in a b2 first essay you are given a question and two prompts to include you must include these prompts in your essay and you must include a third prompt your own idea the examiner must be able to easily understand what these three prompts are without looking at the question so if you dedicate one paragraph for each prompt it makes it clear to the examiner that you need high marks for content and organization so do it one paragraph for each prompt introduction prompt prompt prompt yes yes yes but it gets more difficult are these three body paragraphs random or are they organized in a logical way can you see any way that they are connected here i am a very logical man these two paragraphs agree that having a sibling has disadvantages because these paragraphs express a similar idea they are linked together with a not only but also inversion this paragraph is in contrast to the other two and suggests having siblings is better because this paragraph is in contrast to the other two it begins with a concessive clause do you have to do this no but you should structure every fce essay this way this is because it guarantees a clear organization to your essay it guarantees that all the prompts are connected logically and related to the question paragraphs two and three being in agreement allows us to connect them with a not only but also inversion which is an organizational pattern an example of complex grammar and shows that you thought about where to position your prompts paragraph four is in contrast to paragraphs two and three so you can start it with a concessive clause this is a cohesive device a linking expression allows you to use more complex grammar and again shows planning to your essay so that's why it's a really good idea so paragraph one introduction paragraph two a prompt paragraph three another prompt that agrees with the point of paragraph two paragraph four another prompt but this prompt must disagree with the prompt discussed in paragraphs two and three so that leaves paragraph five which is our conclusion so what does the conclusion do first it restates the point made that disagrees with your opinion that could be paragraphs two and three or it could be the point made in paragraph four then it contrasts this with the points made that do agree with your opinion that could be restating the points of paragraphs two and three or it could be restating the point made in paragraph four depending on what your opinion is and then finally we give our own opinion this ensures that our conclusion is clearly linked to our essay often students will say i think that blah blah blah blah blah and it does not reference anything you have said before having a sibling is a terrible thing because i fight with my brothers all the time in conclusion i think it is best to have a sibling makes no sense and students do it a lot so make sure you put your conclusion at the end firstly restate the points made in a logical way and then make sure your opinion is connected to what you said before and that's the conclusion so to sum up how should you construct your essay introduction prompt prompt prompt conclusion but as we have seen it is more complicated than that now you know the structure you can start planning your essay and that's a video for another time and with that we are finished now you know how to structure every single b2 first essay that you will ever write doesn't that feel good i feel great smash that like button leave a comment down below and subscribe thank you bye [Music] you
Channel: SMASH English - Cambridge English Exam Preparation
Views: 22,460
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Keywords: b2 essay structure, b2 first essay structure, fce essay structure, b2 essay writing, fce essay writing, b2 first essay writing, b2 essay, fce essay, b2 first essay, b2 first writing exam, fce writing exam, b2 writing exam, first certificate writing exam, first certificate essay, how to structure b2 essay, how to structure fce essay, how to structure b2 first essay, b2 first essay plan, b2 essay plan, fce essay plan, Smash english
Id: fgt_JH4xzjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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