FCE CAE Writing How to Plan

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hello boys and girls welcome to this video it is se ECE writing it is the planning phase of the exam now before you actually watch this I suggest you also watch my video on getting prepared for the CAE and f c/e writing it's very important so once you've seen that watch this this is a fantastic method which I've created over the years that I have been teaching so much so there's so many students in the past that sort of congratulated me on this because it really helped them achieve good marks in their written parts of the FCA or CAE exam which is very nice for me to note so it does work it's difficult it is difficult it's something you need to practice again and again and again to get it right you will not master this literally after two or three essays you need to write at least 20 or 30 and you may need to make sure that when you go into the exam you follow this structure so strictly because boys and girls a big cause of not doing well in these exams is that people go in they sit down they're nervous and they create some brand new method they haven't practiced and things go wrong but that's not going to happen with us let's all look you get into the exam you've basically been yourself all morning yourself has stopped now we're going to get down to it the most important thing that you have in your head when you sit down and over that exam paper before you even start know your essay you should have prepared so much your brain should have been leaking out of your ears you need to know in the exact time of your essay the time needed for planning you need to know the structure of all the different essays because you don't know which ones you're going to get in part two for example you need to know all the do's and don'ts of the essays and please refer to my previous video for those I'll mention them again in a minute the most important thing know your English you cannot go into the exam without having prepared learn phrases by heart learn some nice color occasions really practice your positive hearing version throw it in and really impress those examiner's in Cambridge when they read your essays so basically we've got that and the next thing is the planning stage the very first thing you need to do so you open your exam paper you read the question and you've got your scrap piece of paper the very first thing that you do brainstorm my friends I cannot write anything even in English without brainstorming some ideas first so you've got the exam question it is like maybe the writer essay about the best person your family for an award and why they deserve it what they've done just write down any crap it doesn't matter brainstorm anything write down a couple of ideas maybe you'll use them maybe you will not it doesn't matter get something down there is nothing worse than when I see students in my classroom when we're practicing essays and they spend five minutes then what do I really think what do I really think about this it doesn't matter right any crap down and you can change it that should take about two or three minutes either you're brain spawn you're going to structure the essay because we need to have a structure because we've marked on it so we can have paragraphs we're going to put our ideas into paragraphs and I'll show you that in a second that should take you about two minutes and that's being very very pessimistic you should take you about 30 seconds it doesn't take long again if you practiced enough it should be easy the third part which is the interesting part and I've written it in blue I don't know why is write your rough essay what you are doing you're writing down all the key words and all these nice structures and care occasions that you know you're also writing down all these discourse markers like however furthermore on top of that in addition besides because you're marked on that you're not going to necessarily write every words as an essay you're going to write you mainly key words but what I don't want to see I've seen this so many times when students plan an essay they say introduction say what essay is about main topic write about the ideas complete some apps are pure gold I'm like that's not going to help you at all you're gonna have to basically write the essay from scratch with very little time left anyway and we don't want that so you're going to basically write a rough essay I will show show you how to do this now this part for which everybody forgets to do okay you've got about five minutes left of your planning time because so far we've taken 20 minutes all of this and this five minute brings us for about 25 minutes you need to make your essay sexy what I mean by this is because you're like writing like your papers on fire because you're writing so fast you probably haven't noticed that you've repeated the word problem five times maybe you've used some very basic grammar in your introduction maybe you've noticed that you've left out some articles this is that time when you can check your English you read through what you've done you check it you improve it that can be the difference between a band 4 and a band 5 getting at a or getting a B it is important that you do this but many people do not now you've done that your hands almost broken and this is just essay number one you've got to to do if you remember it has almost broken and then you've got 15 minutes left to copy your essay to the exam paper once you've done that you can breathe a sigh of relief and go to essay number two good luck now what I'm going to do now I'm going to show you how to do these individual steps this video will be a long one but it's going to make a difference to your result if you follow it let's do it so here we are I have taken an essay questions from an FCE trainer it doesn't matter this FCC a the principle is the same let's have a look your English teacher has asked you to write a report on shopping in your area you should explain which are the most popular shops or shopping centers in your area say why do you think they are popular and suggests other kinds of shops that should open there before I even brainstorm I'm going to do one important thing that you need to do as well watch our most popular shops or shopping centers say why do you think they are popular and said as other kinds of shoppers should open their basically I have underlined in a very weak green bin three points that I need to answer in my essay I need to say one of the most popular shopping centers why I think they're popular and suggest other shops remember and I said this in my previous video if you're my student if you miss one of those points I will fail you because the task is incomplete you need to make sure underlining that brainstorming planning that we answer those points now comes appraise going to pick up a red pen because it's a bit better now you've got about two minutes to brainstorm so we've read the task just write down any crap it doesn't matter yet okay so let's have a think about the most popular shops or shopping centers near where I live okay they say I Kia let's say there's like a food store let's say a pet shop we all like cats and dogs or whatever animals you prefer to eat now IKEA is famous or was popular because let's say good Oh a word has just come to my mind let's say calm perfect if it's sorry to can't read my writing is because it's like brainstorming competitive prices variety okay food storm let's say we've got that variety wide range of choice so automatically I have found a connection between my Kia in the food store so if I finish that paragraph I can immediately say in addition and move into that paragraph I'm already given some sort of flow to my essay is going to sound good already I'm getting very excited now foods the wide range of choice great customer service let's have that like great customer service maybe one more thing what else can a food shock have them thumb or let's say rare items okay I'll write that here so cuz I'll stand there waiting right it pet shop what can be good about a pet shop maybe food for your cat and dog like I can't think of anything but write something down okay food for pets let's say good food let's say good products okay now it says here suggest other kind of shops that should open let's suggest like to shops this is will be in the recommendations part of the report so I don't know if on the camera you can see below so what I'm going to do I'm going to write it here okay so uh put recommendations I'll do two shops okay so don't do too much okay let's say hobby store because we don't see many hobby stores and let's say a shop that sells honey honey shop because it's medicine hobby shop because people don't such products aren't available in others unavailable products and also make sure that when you brainstorm we can read your own writing because sometimes I can't now have you noticed that in my brain store I have just happened written down IKEA food store pet shop I have already answered that point why because in your speaking exam and especially your written exam you must say why you need to give a reason and you need to expand it we are going to expand this in the third section when we basically write it okay so let's keep that I'm going to take a picture of it on my phone so I don't forget what I've just written let's go to the next section okay now this is the next part in the planning phase of the FCE or CAE essay now what I've done I've written the top report to remind myself what si is I can automatically know that dues and a dose of the si exactly what I need to put into paragraphs what the exam requires of me to do I've also written down the word limits because it's very important it's there for a reason I'll explain how we'll work with that in a few seconds I've also written down the word formal just to remind me that I need formal English so let's avoid phrasal verbs or you know let's have instead some nice passives maybe some really nice modal verb structures or even conditionals maybe okay what I've done next as you can see here I've written down on my board and you'll have like a big a for size piece of paper you'll even maybe go on two sides leave big spaces between these points because you're going to write a lot what I've done now in the intro paragraph one paragraph two recommendations or another essays paragraph three and conclusion like I said leave a big space between those so you got like space to ruggle your notes what I've done here I've taken the word in it and I split it down into parts introductions not big 20 words inclusion 20 words paragraph one paragraph 2 paragraph 3 or recommendations 50 words approximately if I go over or under it doesn't matter so much but the idea is I want to write approximately to 180 to 200 words for my essay what I've done I've also put my ideas into their respective paragraphs so here I put my key with this I decided to put grocery store and pet shop together in this because I want to say more about Ikea because I can really use some nice vocabulary there I hope you shop and honey shop with my recommendations notice if I haven't touched conclusion or introduction yet because as I had in the very first part of this video you can see may parts introduction conclusion or main part conclusion introduction do them big part first because remember that's what takes your kind of creativity once you've got that the conclusion introduction should come very easily to you because you know what you're going to write now the next thing we have to do is part four if I remember correctly we need to basically write an essay now so what I'm going to do I'm not going to do it for all of it I'm going to do it for some parts and then I'm going to show you what I've done okay so I was going to write a few notes not be back in a second here we are in this part now what I've done I just sort of taken the introduction and the first paragraph because I haven't got time to do the entire essay with you but I want to show you the basic point now what I've done I've taken the introduction in the first paragraph so this one is about my peer and I started with this and assume I did the others I left the introduction to last I actually I did the introduction after I had done paragraph one now I'm going to read my introduction to you okay this report is to outline the most popular shops in my local area and some make recommendations for shops that might be needed the statistics I wrote stats were collected by interviewing local shoppers now the introduction is usually quite easy for people to write in an FCA LC report because you sort of learned particular structures by heart is very very simple like that the difficult part is this because you've got to use your imagination your creativity but what I've done for this paragraph I put is widely known so I've left out the word like here so I'm not writing all the words it's just the first things that come to my mind okay so I've got my expanded ideas that I had in my brainstorming I've taken note but I've got to expand them so I've just written anything now if you have been practicing a lot you're already write down some good English and some good ideas if you haven't practiced or you struggle this is how this video would really help you so it's very good writing essays congratulations you don't need to plan you're amazing I haven't met such people yet now this one says Boober I hear is widely known okay so nice passive to start off that paragraph remember it's formal so already the examiners starting to rub their chest in excitement so IKEA is widely known or it's a it is widely known so I just made a mistake myself it is widely known that the most popular shop is IKEA he sells us liked SW having written forward Swedish furniture which matches your start match your style so an icicle occasion throw it in offers competitive prices which is good for poor people I can't think of a nice word for poor people at the moment so I'll write it or change it in a minute IKEA also has fun shop layout which is good for kids and makes people buy stuff I mean that's really informal really basic that sentence but I like it but I need to improve it so in future if you transfer that to your final essay big mistake there is a restaurant if you're hungry or you can even take the food away IKEA has something for everyone when it starts off ok but it gets a bit basic towards the end so my consistency isn't grits I need to change it but the last part IKEA has something for everyone it's nice to finish that paragraph with a little hmm now imagine I've just done that for the other paragraphs that you're writing 50th I just wrote the first stuff that came to my head or first thing so my english is bad the first things that came to my head do not worry again the more essays you practice you know the better the English you'll put here and you won't need to change so much that's the key to getting an 8 now I'm going to show you the last page so again imagine we've got the entire essay I have to spend five minutes on making it sexy so I have to improve it now just to show you some points from this this report is outline the most popular okay I've got popular here and I've got popular here I've repeated it twice and also it says in the tasks about the most popular shops in your area and remember we shouldn't really be repeating words from the task but popular is quite specific words I mean I've got here it is widely known that the most popular maybe I'll keep popular here just one time but I might change popular to the most yes it may be visited the most visited shop because we would have the same idea I suppose I mean I was going there to complain all the time so let's change that to visited okay is why did know that the most business shop is IKEA okay it sells we'll do the introduction after it sells Swedish furniture which matches your style offers competitive prices which is good for poor people that's too much like a list but I've got a fantastic idea let's really add some glamour to this in a formal way let's use inversion okay because all of my students kind of get really excited when we use the inversion let's have okay not only does like IKEA when we got Ike here in the end so we need to wear something else not only does it's as busy pronoun okay because English is a forward and a foreign language not only does it match your style but the let's button really not just kind of word that came to my head so instead of repeating I keel or it let's say but the world-renowned shop world-renowned means famous around the world so not only does it sell furniture to match let's say not your stubborn every taste every shoppers taste okay therefore that match every shoppers taste but the world-renowned the world renowned companies world renowned store okay they got shot shoppers I don't want to have those similar word in the next Lane but world renowned store I'm showing my range of vocabulary so again not only does it match every shoppers taste but the world-renowned store also offers competitive prices wow that has gone from like maybe like a band 3 to a band 5 or read that again it is widely known that the most visited shop may be in my local area is IKEA or maybe I don't need to say you my local area is there it's obvious but this is the thought process that you go through very quickly as you check your essay and is well you know that the most visited shop is IKEA not only does it match every shoppers taste but the world-renowned store also offers competitive prices which is let's say affordable yeah fantastic which is because that good is like a really basic is good it's really basic which is affordable let's say fordable for ah let's not say for all people but shoppers instead of saying shoppers again consumer maybe you know that word so which is affordable for every consumer what I say a wide range of consumers either but we had a wide range of somewhere else I think ok we'll leave it ok which is affordable for all consumers ok IKEA also has a fan shop layout ok that's fine I suppose but I don't know the word also because it's quite formal now also is quite basic we had also in our in version so I might just change also to in addition and I'm going to put that at the beginning in addition IKEA has a fun shot layout which is enjoyable for children and makes or maybe has a fun shot web which makes the shopping experience enjoyable that's fantastic which makes so I'm going to light up a blue which mayor shopping in do experience enjoyable let's take that out I care don't wait because the word limits already getting a bit big so basically I'm not going to continue there but do you see what I mean that's what you need to do so imagine if I speak with my introduction ok I'll read it to you now this report is the outline the most popular shops in my local area and to make recommendations for stores I'll change that to not repeat it stores that might be needed statistics were collected by interview and local shop introductions fine I like it it was written by heart I learned it as a chunk of language from another source it's fine it is why do you know that the most visited shop is IKEA not only does it match every shoppers taste but the world-renowned store offers competitive prices which is affordable to all consumers in addition like here has a five-shot layout which makes a shopping experience enjoyable fine ok let's leave it like that otherwise we'll take too long that now is about 5 that is sexy English and that's what you need to do now like I just said if you practice enough when you write many essays you should be able to write something like this the first time in your planning flame phase and this whole part 5 of correcting it and making it sexy you should not be making that many Corrections but I'm just showing you the principle that comes down to practice constant practice three months before your exam you should be writing two essays a week minimum simple as that and you need a teacher or someone with a high level of English to check it for you as you can see I'm quite proud of that and now that's something that you need to do so just to remind you from this video part 1 brainstorm get your ideas down two or three minutes always say white give reasons part two you write them down your like your paragraphs with your word limits approximately part free I think kinds of part 3 part 4 who cares the next part is you just write down you basically write an essay okay after you've classified your ideas you basically write an essay even my arms tired after writing this so you're basically writing an essay with more than just one or two words you need to write a lot and then you're going to spend the last five minutes to glamorize it always make sure you're paying attention to the time make sure because if you haven't finished planning say for FCE after 25 minutes in a CAE 25 minutes you haven't finished stop and start writing your essay you can't hand in a plan you need to give an essay so that's why you need to practice you need to practice this constantly under time limit alright you accept mated sexy you've done that for your tuned essays hether your essay in your arms broken thankfully you've got another one you get your exam results in six weeks you get a and you come to me and you kiss my feet hope that was useful please subscribe and please like my videos see you later
Channel: Practice English with Paul
Views: 52,535
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Keywords: practiceenglishwithpaul, fce, cae, 'fce writing', 'cae writing', 'fce essay', 'cae essay', essay, exam, 'exam essay'
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2016
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