The Best Farm Show in the World | 2024 National Farm Machinery Show

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morning everybody and welcome to the 2024 National farm machinery [Music] show hey everybody this video is sponsored by Kentucky venues and National farm machinery show so we're getting me and Dad are just walking in here first morning if you're unfamiliar with the farm machinery show this is one of the biggest one of the biggest farm shows in the world probably the biggest indoor show in the United States for sure I would say takes place at the Louisville uh Exposition Center the state Fairground encompasses I don't even know how many thousand square fet but it's big and we're going to to see the latest and greatest so Dad and I are getting here just a little before the show opens one of the things that I want to check out while we're at this show is the new Case IH af11 and the cr11 New Holland combines it's a cnh's new twin rotor large size class 11 combine and well there's one sitting in front of me so let see if we can go track down someone from case to talk to about it so I'm here with Ryan call of Ki and we're looking at the af11 so this just launched this week correct absolutely so this is the first public showing at National F Machinery show pretty exciting stuff so you mind tell us a little bit about the I guess the size of this machine just looking at it it looks huge but uh what are some of the things that separate this from your your previous large combine your 9250 absolutely so when we when we designed this combine really looking at at three main pillars so throughput and capacity so bigger customers are looking to do more with less or or more in less time uh and and providing really the ability to to sometimes pull an extra operator out of your operation if you can go from a larger number of combines down this combine will provide the ability to do that for you second would be technology um you know on our current 9250 series or 250 series alog together we have Harvest command which we brought into this machine uh we we'll move that into some additional automation systems into our cleaning system into our residue management system uh and on top of that it's really uptime run time uh the machine can have all the throughput in the world all the technology but if it's not easy to keep maintained and easy to keep in the field it it doesn't do our producers that what it needs to right yeah as far as uh capacity size I think I seen on a a build over there 775 horsepower is that correct that's correct so it seems to me just as a Midwest farmer that's really being geared for towards pushing bigger heads I would imagine uh what's the unload size what can the unloader handle as far as the a width of a platform well so we we can we can unload at up to six bushels per second and and right now we're we're slated to do 50 50t plus headers okay okay and then uh this dual rotor correct this is y first first move into a dual rotor machine for case I that's pretty exciting then the grain tank 576 is it 567 567 wow absolutely okay okay is a tracks an option or just du for now yep tracks will be an option on this machine absolutely okay and is it a same engine you guys have been using or is it a different power plant or uh so it's a cursor 16 L okay is that the same in the quad the large quad stiger uh I would have to verify that with the tractor team yep I got you so I know one thing everyone's going to ask is what separates this from the from the counterpart the the cr11 yeah so so when it comes to what separates us from our counterpart it really you're looking at at the history and Heritage of of our axial flow machine so uh coming up on 47 years of axial flow technology which is what we bring into the rotors of this machine on top of that power plus CBT drive so we've had the ability to to reverse rers and reverse feeders we brought that into this machine as well and then ultimately it comes back to to service and support as well so you know making sure that our dealer network is is ready to go and ready to support this machine when it gets the FI okay all right well hey I appreciate the interview absolutely where you guys so one thing that strikes me that about this machine when I we roped off from actually climbing up in it but I did notice it appears to have a pro 700 in it which is kind of surprising because that is a monitor they are phasing out but apparently they are still running it in the comb I don't think that's a 12200 I would clim for and check but I can't so now we might as well check out the new Holland version of that combine there is some differences that's one of the things I wanted to clear up today it does sound like the case has the CBT drive as that guy said so we'll check out the new Holland now and it's also roped off that's kind of dis disappointing all right checking out this new Holland cr11 I'm here with Curtis Hillen from New Holland Curtis do you mind telling us a little bit about this machine absolutely yeah as you said this is our our new cr11 combine uh today we're at the national farm machinery show and we're making our North America debut with this machine uh you know it was revealed last November at the AGR show a lot of excitement around it we're excited to have it here today and and talk about it some more so this is the first time it's been available to the this the first time we've been had it at a show in North America that's right so yeah um it this this tops our current lineup so it's it's a level above our current cr10.90 we've got 775 horsepower uh twin 24in rotors bigger and longer than what we know today how does that compared to the pre like the class 10 machine before that first diamer yeah the the class 10 machine or 10 90 today is a 22 in rotor so now we've gone to 24 24 and we we've also gone longer so we have significantly more threshing and separation area we have a new cleaning system in here we call it our twin Clean cleaning system it's actually like two cleaning systems in front of each in front and back of each other um so we've got up to 50% more cleaning system capacity a new elevator to support all that capacity we've got 567 bushel grain tank and six bushel a can unload rate okay uh one thing I notic a 50ft head on this and somehow that makes this combine or this combine makes that 50ft head just look like a another head that's right is the design is going forward it appears to me like this machine is geared towards bigger heads more capacity so is this augar is this capable of going 50 plus foot then unload y yeah we've you know we've kind of designed for the future here um recognizing that heads are going to continue to get wider our our unload system is is capable um our our spread residue spreading system we've got a totally new spreader system on here okay um it's capable of spreading more than 60 ft this one's equipped with our intella spread options so we're using Radars it's a new feature that we're offering we're using Radars to look at that spread material and then we can automatically adjust the Spreader settings to uh to make sure we're getting full full spread with up to 60 ft uh going up in the cab is it the same basic cab same basic footprint I guess as uh previous models or is this an all different cab sure it's a good question so current C owners are going to recognize that cab it's going to feel very familiar to what they know today a few of the key differences that they're going to see we've uh upgraded from the intell vi4 to the intell vi2 display and we now have two display two intell V2s in there as standard so we've got the plmi with the improved navigation and connectivity the the better display quality that's one of the things they're going to notice the other thing they're going to notice on this machine is that we've added a lot more incab controls so depending on how you've configured it there's up to seven new incab remote controls things like Chopper shift C Chopper counter knife engagement okay that sort of a thing so a little bit more of switching crop to crop is done inside the C right from the cab that's right that's right gotta so I noticed this is sitting on Duel is tracks an option or is it a du machine only yeah we will have a track option on this machine as well we've got that you can see here we've got some larger du than what we offer today um recognizing it's a biger bigger machine we want to be able to to support wider heads um but along that train of thought one of the things that we recognize in going with a bigger machine is it can't just simply get heavier so we've taken a lot paid a lot of attention during the design to keep the weight of this machine down so if you look feature to feature were just a few per more uh more weight than a current 10.90 similarly equ for example so that was really important to us to to make sure that we we keep that weight down cuz it helps with our ground Drive efficiency helps with uh compaction concerns that sort of thing all right well hey I appreciate the appreciate your time absolutely thanks Brian so I forgot to ask Curtis what makes this combine different from the uh case combine I don't think there's much uh I think there's basically just a few minor differences in the cab or not they're extremely similar but here we got a fd2 50ft McDon head are hard to find so besides checking out the latest and greatest one thing we like to do at this show is look at things that we're kind of planning on upgrading at some point or things that we're interested in the future like in years's past we've looked at Hopper bottoms cuz we were going to upgrade to hopper bottom and every hopper bottom manufacturers here are corn heads or attachments for corn heads things like like that this year we have a honeybee head coming so I'm going to step over here at the honeybee booth and kind of crawl around on their head we've already ordered this head it is coming but uh I've only seen one a few times so just kind of want to familiarize myself with it a little [Music] bit I got something uhoh so this is the same model of our head the NXT this is a 35f footer and we're going to be running a 50 footer but I guess it be a that might mean 236 that might mean 36t not 100% sure on their numbering but just kind of looking around the back of this head here kind of looks like an AGCO single point might be a deer [Music] though now one thing about the honey bee is it's runs off air so we got airbags here and that's what controls the flex in our cutter bar so what this is this shows that you're in Flex mode okay you switch that over it goes to rigid mode like right now there's no rigid sensors on it so then what you'll do is the sensor is right here so then when you adjust the sensor it shows that it's moving oh okay so that way you can tell if our make sure our sensors are working properly and then the center is how you adjust air pressure right now there's 80 psi so if you want to add air you turn the pump on okay if you want to take a out you d air oh okay okay and this one that one adjust that's on your real function and if you want to tilt your header then you adjust that and then you til and then you use your propulsion lever on your on your to your four and you're like your four and after on your real function so you use that normally and if you want to tilt your header you flip that and then you use your Cora on your lever on your okay that's all there is to it that's how much Flex you have and so that's at 80 psi so when you're in the field for soybeans you're going to be running about 45 CSI so that thing's just going to be even more flexible and Contour the ground even [Music] more so when you're at in wheat you're going to be at 100 PSI so it's going to be locked out orig yep we need to have the right uh I think we need a different con case maybe for wheat there's the inside of an ideal so there's one of our rotors there's another one just like it on the other side these are your con caves basically that grain's getting threshed out there falling down here and being cleaned in the cves is what I call them I don't know what F calls them gets walked out the back of the machine or the trash does to check out this Massy Ferguson corn planter we got over here and interesting a 55° slope with an RC lmer you doing the kitty tractor pool I don't think so oh we got to do our annual check out the JCB Booth dad likes to drill over these Tes skids like that one maybe a little bit bigger than that one though got a mother bin we are got between Park out at the end of 6 acre field yeah the time really the idea behind this is to reduce the high the high cost equipment like tractor [Applause] dad it looks like it's missing something it's got joystick no I mean here oh right there yeah electric electric pstone yeah right there see ah they just don't have battery again I was actually just coming to look at the actual the only combine worth looking at here I run into this down there I I don't know one that uh has good technology steer wheel don't have a steer wheel how can you drive it then it's got the little sticks do you drive it like a b like a Dozer with the you just sit right there just drive it that sounds way too easy I don't know oh I know you take a na if you want can we get a quote from you Ron I don't I I still don't understand the steering wheel this combine I might have to come over and drive it for you joh deer's just jealous they'll have it next year yeah and red one will have next year exactly no yeah so this is the CLA Treon 740 so a few years ago we demoed one of these it was a pre-production unit didn't have Treon on the side of it and I couldn't show anybody on the YouTube channel believe that was 2 years ago really like this combine had this combine been available when we bought our Gleaner this very well might have been our combine because it's about the same price point and there just a lot more technology and capacity with this machine for that price point I think you're going to get Dusty pulling the GRE [Music] card it says 400 or 4500 plus horsepower never heard of these ones so one of dad's favorite pastimes is to look at all the stuff he wishes he could have and we do this every time we come but he's a big fan of the horse Planters so farm machinery show is huge and spread out lots of buildings so we're in the West Wing now hadn't made it over here yet see what we can find out here's a couple vendors I want to talk to and uh yeah check it out this is this so this is a drone spray trailer we have a drone and it's something we are going to be doing at some point so one thing about a drone you're uh ping small amounts of chemicals but you need to be agitating it cuz the Drone does not have a way to agitate chemical basically on a sprayer your tank with all your mix in on the sprayer is agitating that chemical it doesn't settle this doesn't do that so agitator while you're loading it one of the things that a drone spray trailer had this one has a top deck for observation some shade down here and the place to put your drones pretty nice setup but I'd hate to guess what this thing costs but it's cheap so walk around the farm show I'm an apex drone Solutions Booth I'm here with Cody Garrison who's going to show us a little bit about this sweet Dr trailer you got here yeah thank you hey perfect thanks for taking the time to go through this so kind of some of the things to kind of highlight our trailer and separate us from everybody else um the easy climb stairway on the front of the trailer um you know a lot of companies out there running a ladder gets really complicated and hard trying to hold a remote walk up a ladder climb up a ladder with this you can actually walk up carry a fan up drink up anything you want um and it goes up to our observation deck on the top so let's walk up here and I'll show you a little bit about the observation deck so up here um we got our observation deck usually run two pilots up here have really good line of sight over everything see when you're spraying we keep pipeliner clouds on our own are are our trailers um these things will stand up to 120 mph winds um they're fireproof got one on the back for your ground guy one up top for both your Pilots up here you've got INF floor recepticles right here so you can plug fans in fridge in anything you'd want this is what's called worm floor um this is an additional add-on feature for some people they want it definitely reduces fatigue stress on your knees um it's non porous no water anything will ever get through this never gets slick never gets slippery really makes a big difference up here um all of your handrailing up here handrailing staircase that's all made out of lightweight aircraft grade aluminum the handrail right here all this folds down if you want to store it in a garage a shop anything like that um so now we'll go back down talk a little bit more about what we got so we were kind of talking about it up there something else good to note um so the handrail with up being up like that the whole trailer is about 2 in under 13t so legally you can still drive down the road with it up not have to worry about it the fold down is just an option if you want it this whole trailer is wired off of two deep cycle marine batteries running all your lights everything like that you got two solar panels on the front of the trailer wired in to charge them you got a plug that when it's plugged into your truck it's charging the batteries as well a lot of the problem we had when we're running other trailers is ground clearance everybody's trailer sat too low so as you can see we really raised our trailer got it up off the ground gave you more ground clearance coming back to the wheels we put 8,000 lb axles on it 16 ply Tires 17 and 1/2 in Wheels really beefed It Up made sure you're not going to hurt it I mean it's a tank in here in the front we got sliding trays that'll hold the drones these will hold two t40s or any type of Assortment like that this slides out both sides of the trailer so you can access your drones from either side closes up at night you can lock your drones in here make sure they're safe coming back here You' got your dogghouse in here a little bit workstations in here um aluminum tabletops plenty of Lights plenty of receptacles plug your laptops in anything you want on the front here youve got an RV step which literally just rolls up inside latches like that whenever you get where you're going pull the latch pull it down set it up good to go coming back here um we had a lot of problems with other trailers not being able to fill from both sides so we plumbed our trailer with fill valves on both sides to the trailer that way no matter where you're spraying if you're in a ditch whatever we can pull pull up fill it from both sides everything's wired into electrically including your fuel pump I've got 45 gallons of fuel 50t of retractable hose reel this will pull out stretch around to the back of the trailer fill up your generators anything you need there coming back here you can see how everything is really neatly labeled neatly done clean Plumbing very easy to operate and use right here we've got your summit hose reel one of the best in the industry 100t of line right here stretch out fill your drones on the back of the trailer keep you running keep you going fast uh we use DJI generators with our DJI drones um they go into the middle there charging our battery boxes uh that away got your cooling everything's set up there when you come up the trailer grab a battery grab your hose reel fill a drone you're good to go in the floor back here you can see we've got the the E TR um it's set up to work with our patented drone dolly cart um this way if you're going in between Fields throughout the day and you got a little bit of chemical left in a drone you can just roll it up here strap it on get you right onto the next drone aluminum ramp back here this comes up slides under the trailer latches in place out of the way that way easy to transport easy to move lightweight very easy to operate uh one of the last kind of key things I want to mention on our trailer so we have have everything is set up for functionality so as you can see this trailer is already set up to run an inductor so if somebody wants to run an inductor we just unscrew these two caps tie their inductor in and they're good to go we use actual Honda engines on ours with name brand pacer pumps on the back of this that way if you ever do have something problem with it you can go to any farm store in America and pick up a repair kit for that Pacer pump uh that really kind of sums everything up for us um you know again you can see the fill on this side of the trailer uh really really proud of our trailer I think it really stands out um I I think everybody will see the benefits of it and it's about all we got but I really appreciate you taking your time and thank you sir and if there's any questions out there you know feel free to let me know so my name is Cody Garrison with Apex drone Solutions help us help you spray more Acres one day maybe we'll get one of those one big draw National farm machinery show is tractor pools and they stage these things over here in Broadband Arena and you can walk over and check them out before the pools every night hey do I recognize you guys from social media no yes this is the new cat skid steer if you haven't noticed we are kind of cat people we like CAT equipment and um did you do that we did have it I don't think so y think doing suspension's probably good enough won't even spill yep so one of the exciting things I've seen at the show is the new cat skid steer I'm here with Chris Karn from boy cat Chris you might tell us a little bit about some of the new changes for the skider yes sir uh the Cat 255 is replacing the current model 2 uh 59 it's about a 10,000lb machine right under 10 ,000 lb and they have changed this machine completely uh the first thing you'll notice is the loader arms are different compared to the Bobcat the engine is a new caterpillar U engine that gives you more power to the ground as far as more torque it lifts more it lifts higher and you get more Dynamic stability so when you do lift it and you move it the machine track stay on the ground a lot better than in the current models okay so your tip over weights a lot higher than the previous ones so it's not only just lifting it but what do you do when you move with the machine and a lot of people would tell you that sometimes when you move a heavy load that you will feel it get on its nose which we say on the front iders and can feel very Tippy with the new center of gravity and the stability of this machine it's keeps more track on the ground so you can move uh move your heavy load more comfortably without feeling it in the C as far as the cab itself it is got probably I'd say about 30% bigger compared to the current model it truly is a bigger person cab taller doesn't matter there's more leg R the foot pedals in a better position and um it really is a true enhancement on the size of the cab which has been always something that has been brought up to me as far as U kind of a knock on the sealed and pressure cab the door is completely different no longer do you have to worry about debris getting caught on the front of the machine and trapping you in the machine we lowered the step slanted the front and if you ever did need to get out of the machine you can just lift it off so that kind of eliminates being trapped in the machine as long as you can clear that front edge you can can um get out of the machine comfortably and safely so it is a redesign undercarriage as well more track on the ground like I said for more Dynamic stability what do you do with the weight when you lift it you have to move it once we can do is we get stabilize the machine so you don't get that rocking feeling it's um it'll help the operator feel more comfortable in the cabin out here in the back like I said it is a brand new engine compared to the current models the 259 and the 289 um it is still under 75 horsepower so this machine does not include Dev but it is a Perkins Caterpillar engine that caterpillars on Perkins for many many years so it is a true Caterpillar engine um as you can see it sits very low that helps with the stability of the machine this is a vertical lift machine um more reach height this one will reach up to 124 in compared to 121 that was on the 259 the the 265 that replaced the 289 over here now reaches over 11 ft it's 1 32.7 so if you need to get into a 10t triaxle it rolls in very easily pretty much to cut you know the nuts and bolts onto it the new cat skid steers more power to the ground more lifting ability and more lifting height with a bigger C all the things that we've heard over the years that could be a knot they have addressed on these new models come see it it's it'll uh come visit your local CAD ply dealer and check them out so when will these be available for uh retail right now the order slots were opened up in November of last year so the 255 and 265s you should start seeing them in the ground as far as April or May of this year okay all right well hey I appreciate it thank you very much so one thing we're going to check out before we get out of here is the Precision planning Booth as well we might be using a Precision planting monitor to plant corn with this year so walking through the Precision planning Booth I noticed that there was a row unit here that had a Precision logo on it so I bumped into Sean Hansen from precision and thought maybe we'd uh learn a little bit more about this for sure yeah so Sean Hansen from the pr support team here at Precision planning uh what we're looking at here is the Cornerstone planning system so from the first time for the first time from the from the bar of that planner back it's 100% Precision Planning Engineer so fully integrated um planning system so just kind of looking at all the different Creature Comforts that we have some of the features of that um you know stuff always happens when your hopper for right so feature you get here rear tipping Hopper being able to access that meter very easily really a big benefit especially if you got that three bushel Hopper some of the design as we come from the front back right so fully integrated Delta Force didn't have to make brackets for right it's integrated right into durare style parallel arms so that's our dual style bushing parallel arms kind of the obvious difference of of what You' see here a trailing style gauge wheel arm right so looking at you know a trailing versus a leading gauge wheel arm really just did a lot of that that research into those and came with that trail engage wheel alarm really improving the row unit ride as we move kind of deeper in um if you look at this from the back it's a quite a bit wider shank so we really integrate a harness inside the shank uh liquid lines Air Lines everything stays within that shank also have a closing tail alignment so as you're as you're kind of getting that alignment there um can use a a cam nut that's here really align that closing tail behind your your furl we also have a depth calibration there so you can Che up that depth as you're going through and setting that calibration to begin the spring okay so I'm guessing the whole row unit's customizable like if I'm not mistaken like this is something if I was retrofitting a planner I could just say hey I need 12 rows and get the whole whole unit sent to me in a box correct correct correct yeah and is that completely customizable based on what Precision Parts I want to put on it then correct yeah so this is this is going to be in beta testing this year our goal with a commercial release would be an integrated options right so it's it'll be Delta Force it will be V drive from there there's going to be a lot of different options as far as uh different liquid application points um if we want to add speed Tobe for that highs speed planning um fur Force for closing a lot of our different options for our products there okay all right well I appreciate the info yeah no problem all right while walking through the lot one other thing I noticed was this gigantic iPad oddly enough I can't get on Facebook with it but uh Nathan you mind telling us a little bit about what we have going on here yeah yeah so what we have going on here is our app called Panorama we also have it on our web on the web browser so you can go to panorama. a and get a little more information about it there as well but basically what it is is it's a simple to use data viewing platform that is all 2020 files so everything created on the Gen 3 And1 software or newer um that's going to be able to be viewed in the app so couple things I want to kind of highlight here first we have just our generic coverage map everything shows up how it does on the 2020 but I can start to split map layers and start to do some comparisons and Diagnostics one really cool thing about panorama is I can do yield by anything so I can start to do some analysis of let's actually uh let's back out of this screen real quick let's go want to get some data with some uh Harvest data in there as well take a look here yeah here we go so I can pull up my dry yield map play I can see it as it appears on the Gen 3 so once this loads right so there's my my Harvest if I come here split my map I can then select any other M I want and compare it to my yield so if we want to go to our planting and let's say Let's do let's do our crop hybrid right that's a big one right everybody wants to be able to know how did my hybrid perform yeah oh yeah so I can come down here to my tools and I can hit my compare and it's going to show up as what that hybrid did so if I had multiple hybrids it would show every hybrid and what the yield was for that hybrid I can do the same thing with downforce my liquid application whatever it may be seed release index it'll give me a metric for that um so it's a really cool simple to use I can verify what happened in the field um online I have some deeper diagnostic tools of like what actually happened so I can start to see some event codes and whatnot but it's a really cool option to just have it at your fingertips I can see it anywhere um from my phone or from my computer uh so we're really excited to see where it goes from here all right man well hey I appreciate the info absolutely appreciate it so I think our time with the show is just about to come to an end I I did notice this grain cart has a back door well folks that's it we are we're done we're heading home we always have a great time with the national farm machinery show in fact dad was tell dad was telling me he hasn't missed a national farm machinery show since 1972 [Music] 72 oh my God so it's kind of our yearly tradition to come to the show really enjoy it have a great time every year and uh thanks for watching we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Brian's Farming Videos
Views: 84,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d04MAuZukCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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