Huge Last Minute Changes To Westen’s Peterbilt 379!!@FitzgeraldCollisionRepair

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jaker down boys old Jake breaks at it again easy Ro easy all right guys we are headed over here to the fit darl compound fcr fit darl c repair if you guys had follow yet on YouTube I'm telling you it's well worth it if we can make this turn it's a little tide over through here that guy ain't going to give any it is starting to rain on us and I got that motor uncovered no dang it we got to hurry before it starts raining too hard I'm going to stop and cover it up and Let It Rain quit maybe I can go fast enough and just blow over it one thing about coming this way is we got some big heels and some curves and some it's a pretty sketchy Road [Music] actually I was going to bring the rer but recer is actually busy right now so I didn't want to take it from the house take it from making any money so we just loaded it up on The Old Ship sheet and headed this way all right let's get over here and play on some heels for oh it's beautiful Tennessee Mountains he's all through [Music] here yeah that sounds good guys we're in Livingston Tennessee you guys had seen the body shop over here and uh it's actually a pretty amazing place if you need your truck fixed if you get into an accident you can actually call these guys they can work with your insurance they can come get your truck they've got tow trucks um they got a whole big operation there it goes BRS lifting her up goly boom I've got to have one of these cranes you got it that'll work and that's [Music] [Music] awesome [Music] than a little dver man he he likes to drive all right we got everything unloaded we are finally unpacked so we're staying here for the week to get this thing put back together finish up the painting and first things first guys we are getting ready to go in the paint booth with Brandon which has become one of my really good friends really fast he's a he's a top-notch dude I'm glad you guys are going to get to meet him but let's head to the paint booth and see what you guys think what is that gun what do you think that gun cost uh fuing remember I think it's like a $7 or $800 gun god it's beautiful yeah I like I like those a lot I started with a s which these are hot all guns too bu of sa jet those are badass as well but these The Velvet has come a long way man they used to kind of make I would have consider consider them cheap cheaper guns but these are theyve come a long way firewall we'll just come in here and Tack it off spray a pretty single stage on it be done with it uh the rest of it obviously has been based and cleared super slick but firewall here it's kind of rough um we'll just we're going to spray it make it pretty and shiny same thing with these BR man I'm so amazed at the work y'all do cleanliness is there very important when you're painting man blowing out all your crabs salt or prep cleaning it real good with your with your waxes and grease removers uh obviously Tack and it blowing it off good yeah the worst feeling ever is when you're painting and something comes blowing out of that hole right there wheel on this because we're where we're at but that's very crucial and it and it will we'll have a little this will be a lot more trashy than the truck itself right well it's a firewall I mean we have more time to do this like a super super slick show truck I can make it where that wouldn't be in there but I run out of time but it'll still man it's hard to lay a paint job down and and do legitly nice nice paint do dude for the time y'all had and what y'all have done with this thing is just absolutely well not even that like like like you forance I have no idea what your setup is but let's just say you're starting out painter and you're interested in painting and do a body work and you don't really have a facility Well your paint job is obviously not going to turn out as nice as somebody that's not a million dollar operation right you know you still got to know what you're doing but if you're in there painting in your in your grandpa's pool shed and there's dust and saw dust and you what you can't expect for p what the good I just I just bought me one of them new blow up paint boost hey Ain nothing wrong with that dude look I'll spright outside to grab a por any come we'll put I'll go over here and spray these brackets and put a little more coat on that and it'll be done and that's I like how you spray so like Fast yeah it's just finess it's all about not being nervous and just having a good flow yeah just got to have a good flow man single single stage is spray a lot like I would I would uh I would compare single Stakes spray it more like you're spraying clear on you know so you can like you're spray and clear cuz this is what it's going to look like with your base coat you got to put clear on top of that all right so you're spraying this like you want it to look hard to do anything yeah hard Agra single stage so really if you if you're starting out on stuff it's awesome to start with a good quality single stage it really helps your put base clear on with the mron is difficult it's it's going to be textured I don't care who you are you can't lay it down perfect this right here the single stage if you have a good product it'll really help you learn that finesse and it'll lay out a lot Slicker build your confidence up too it'll build your confidence up and you don't have to do base and clear you're just doing one thing then I just think that's a really good way to spraying frames and you know back sides of parts and like trimming Parts here stuff that's where I start is just doing doing things like that but single stage is an awesome way of good quality you don't want to go to Tractor Supply you want to get good quality make this single S as well is this Emron here this is z okay this is this is this is$ doll single stage P holds a really great shine you can still Buffet as long as you put enough material on you know two coat is what I do if you a lot of people think that if you put a lot of coats on that you're getting more build and you can buff more you in theory you can but if you if you're trapping stuff if you're building a lot of product up it can't breathe and it pops Sola pots a lot of to Haze out right the reason you see that Haze is because the solvents it's like water evaporating solvents have to come out and when you trap them in there they pop and they're little microscopic bubbles causes them to look like it's ha that makes sense like I that makes actually a lot of sense that's the whole beauty of of this stuff man is you really want to you want to understand the science of it because when you learn the science of of how paint works and primer works and Bondo works and what it's actually supposed to do and how to actually use the product it makes spend it on just so much Mak you better makes you better you're not just in there just spraying oh you know let's put a bunch of coats on or load it up or that's not the way to do it well I can spend weeks with you just listening to you talk well to do I enjoy I've done it for a long time so I enjoy I enjoy helping you out and and uh that's the that's the whole beauty of this profession is helping people out so yeah cuz I mean like you we were talking about earlier I mean who's going to do it in 20 30 years right who's who's going to feed us who's going to paint our cars and our trucks and change our engines and brakes and who's who's going to do it you know I'm going to be too old to do it myself so yeah you know you got to have you got to have people that's that's going to get out there and work and make and the thing is people don't understand everybody wants to go to college and there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with you want College I went to college wasted a bunch of time and a bunch of money but I make just as much money as the job I wanted to do going to college doing this you know enjoy it enjoy it so that's that's very important so this guy here's who did a lot of the painting on the cab sleeper and all that stuff him and his brother and you guys will get to meet well you guys seen his brother probably in the last video so tonight we brought the frame up here we want it to be really slick so I'm going to spend the night up here and and do some sanding and get all that and in the morning we're going to spray the frame and then uh the cab and stuff will be done they're going to do some buffing which their work is amazing I don't even think it needs buff but um their perfectionist up here years you've been doing this right 24 25 years yeah so not I started out pushing a broom um in a body shop when I got out of high well before I was out of high school and uh you know had barely turned any wrenches in my life my papa taught me how to you know get under there and change my poil and my brakes and uh I had a I had a hunger for hot rods and love Lov loud cars and trucks and um I had some people that I looked up to that some guys that were was around my family my uncle be one that always had muscle cars and he liked to paint and stuff so you know when I got out of school my dad was like what do you want to do and I said I want to I want to paint so I got me a job my first job was at a body shop and I was the shop boy just you know taking out the trash and sleeping the floor next thing you know I'm detailing and I was fortunate enough to work uh for for a guy and his dad who own their own shot and they were very patient with me and they were they took so much time in teaching me the right way to do things and that was very big an influental in you I'm going with that it was a big influence on me they were because without them without somebody that's going to take the time and you know you can't do this the first time you can't do this the first 20 times you're going to mess up and mess up and mess up if you got somebody that will teach you and if you want to learn that's that and that's what I done that's I learn from there and just built my way up that's what I like about humble people that'll listen and like me I always listen somebody will talk to me and tell me how to do something or show me not a lot of people's going to take you in the paint booth and show you hey just do it like this you know yeah and I don't know it all I'm sure you learn stuff I still if you stop learning you're in trouble you know you need to learn and and products change you know every Everything changes and you need to be able to adapt and and make changes yourself you know and in this in this world in the painting world you know you have color problems all the time you have issues with matching colors and you have to take advice from people and and learn new techniques on ending colors and uh and then you you go back into the into the Bodywork side of it same thing you know you've got all kinds of issues that you go through with body work but if you're openminded and will listen not everybody's going to give you the right information but it's good to get information and try it for yourself and if it works for you go with man I appreciate the heck out of you and I'm I'm looking forward to the next couple days man I am too like tomorrow I get to learn how to buff and wet sand and all that stuff you guys seen where I went with it before I just winged it and it probably wasn't the right way to do it I mean the tow truck turned out pretty good but um you know I had Rick there helping me with it you know you I want to learn from the best and I feel like I'm in the presence of the best or some of the best I know there's a lot of good painters out there and a lot of good but these guys really they're Next Level they really are good I mean just look at this place it is insane bra is just in heaven he is going all over this shop but Brian and Tommy are up here I'm going to go visit with them and then we're going to do some sanding uhoh we're getting their gun right here so what's that compound this is all 3M that is uh I don't know the part number but there's a three step process they got 1 two 3 and that's the cutting compound I've used this for years I've used lots of different kinds of compounds and this is by far my favorite one everybody has a PR do you polish pad with a uh with that or do you use a foam pad now on on these semis because this is Imron this clear is super hard um I like to use the wool pads now if we're doing Automotive I'll use the foam pads but this you really I find uh that I really like I got to get this heated up before it'll actually hold a nice shine it wants to die back out it's super super hard so if you don't get on this unfortunately for me this has been painted for several days so it's really hard but if you can get on it the next day it's going to come out a lot more like butter as to where this is like a brick right so you got to really get it to to open back up I guess you would say you just want to get it hot it's going to this is like the first so you won't be able to see it on the camera there but do you see how this is kind of got a shine but you can still see scratches all in it okay that like a little Haze look you just got to keep keep using this number one compound and I like to get it heated up I mean you don't want to hang out and obviously burn through but I like to just do a section at a time and then I can kind of you know you got to look up into the light and make sure you can get all that out of there cuz what's going to happen is if you do not get that out of there and then you go to step two and polish it you're going to be kicking yourself in the butt cuz you're going to see it's going to just make that shinier the scratches are just going to be shinier yeah you go wash it and then you're really going to see it yeah oh absolutely yeah that'll show stick out like a sore thumb so but this is the hard a a lot of people will say oh any any paint job slick if you water sanding buff it y y y I hear it all the time well that's true to a certain extent uh I've definitely seen paint jobs that would not be slick if they were buffed but you can put a bad paint job on a uh vehicle and cut and buff it and make it nice but it takes just as much if not more skill and definitely much more labor to cut and buff cutting cutting buffing is a is an aggravating task and uh it's you've got to have a lot of patience and you got to just keep on you know it's guys I feel confident that this truck looked amazing without him even cutting and buffing it he just he's he's a perfectionist so yeah so I come from the car world I've painted cars my entire life when I started here I've been here for about seven years with fcr and they're awesome uh but the semis just they're they're a tractor you know I have just like my John Deere that's got it's shiny but it's got texture in it and I'm not used to texture I don't like texture and if youve sprayed the mron clear you know you're going to have some form of pill like so like right here which it's a little dirty right now where he's buffing but guys this this is like glass literally look at that new camera look how that looks insane it's like a mirror let see how pretty we are yeah guys hide your ladies don't let them watch this part it's dadb season yes it is check that out that is amazing wow so yeah that's that's what we're after we're trying to get it to that finish um with on this time frame that I'm on it's it's difficult you know because this is the longest process in my opinion and you know we're on crunch time now you know so we got to get this knocked out I may miss a few little tiny spots that may be seen to the if you really want to get down on it but um it's going to be it's going to be pretty I don't know that there's I'm telling you I've seen a lot of pretty paint jobs and I feel like you're right up there with them well I sure do appreciate it this is the mess one of the messiest jobs will Sling all over the [Music] place [Music] I noticed you're really good about keeping your stuff flat I try to keep it flat sometimes that's hard to do when you're on a rounded area but I try to keep it as flat as I can keep it from digging in or burning an edge as you can see there I've had to really hang out now if you're if you're doing if you're working on a car you you don't want to hang out that long you can hang out that long but your RPMs are going to be lower I've got to crank these RPMs up to get this clear and you can see remember what that looked like now that's more what you want to see when you go to step two you don't you don't have this Haze you've got a pretty good shine now if we pull this out in the sun this isn't what you'd want to see you would see it would it would be hazy uh to a certain extent but once we go two and three you can pull this out the Sun and it's going to it's going to pop out man you're doing an awesome job dang so this is what we painted yesterday which is all dry now look how good it turned out and that's a single stage looks pretty good I still got to have glass put back in this thing get it home and get the interior [Music] done look at that no dust you ain't got to have a mask on or [Music] nothing [Music] oh [Music] wonder if we should change his back there's a [Music] Dr well you got to get one of these a long way from it but my gosh I can see light at the end the tunnel getting to working places like [Music] this all right he just finished the buffing guys on the side this well it takes all the texture out of it don't it should it take as much as you want out of it but if you go too far you go through there and then you're taking paint to then you're having a redo so you got to you got to be careful that's magnificent so now we'll put a coat of wax on it Maguire's gold and she'll be done this side anyway we got one more side to go and and we'll be done with the sleeper did I looked at the firewall we painted yesterday turned out pretty good it did it looks good I mean it's just a single stage single stage uh as where this is your clear this is going to hold up longer have a little bit better shine to it man that looks insane wow tot different color in the sun it is it brings up really shows up blue out here yeah we got to change the frame color that's what Zach said have to well I I I agree I mean I just I I I think if we don't we're shooting her seven foot I mean we're setting here the trucks off the frame you're already standing it why not just do it yep I'm going to town then right now and that looks awesome want you to see that color I'm going to go I'm going to go in here and buff the driver side and then this thing will be done just need to need some hun be it'll be ready to go perfect C's already ready to go I think so like you probably heard we are uh we have decided that I I'm just I can't do the frame color I can't like we were just going to paint it just like put a little bit better of a shine on it I me it's pretty shiny but like we really wanted it to match the cabin sleeper which we didn't want it all one color like it just be too much so this is a lighter blue than the frame sleeper and hood and all that stuff which would work but what we're looking for is like a perfect match like we want a good color um the blue on the sleeper and the cabin the Hood's a little bit darker than what we thought like The Clash on it the frame's a little bit lighter or a little bit darker than um when we pick colors out so I just ain't real happy with it so all right let's pull this engine out oh we got a ground oh this you bre on it buddy look at you D got this bad boy ready to come out look wa can you not fast we did in 30 minutes it's a big old engine check that out bro ain't that so cool yeah that's is that not the coolest thing ever it's easy to take a motor out now I I'm getting really spooled right now guys this is like Christmas for a guy like me that loves to work on trucks loves equipment and machines and like this literally is like heaven I would work 24 like you'd never get me out of the shop I'm already in the shop 247 this would like double it like I would work like I don't know endless opportun when you got a place like this I think those are the biggest fans made and there's like bunch of those in here this place is B I need to move the frame back okay wood you just barely push the button and go slow or you can go fast I like fast they on our way up here when the drive did it yeah all right guys so if y'all missed the live we have been hard ated on this thing got the new back section on it we got the whole frame sanded down all the harness out of it Airlines most of the way taped up then we took it over to the wash bay and got it got it washed pretty good so for the most part we are just about ready to paint this thing we still got some more Santa to do in the morning but very little like I mean we really knocked a huge Den in it tonight getting it to where we're at D I'd love to have that darn front air rod system I had put this thing on back but for right now we're going to put this thing together get it running and driving later on we can do more upgrades to it cuz I mean we've got way too much to do to be changing anything right now our B front end would be awesome but ain't even want to try it I think at this point we got like 20 days 23 days yeah think so I really don't even want to know I I've been looking at Brian's clock he's been posting his clock like every time I see it I'm like no turn that thing off all right so we're going to go and get a couple hours of sleep at the motel and these guys I mean they'll be back in here at 6:00 a.m. so we only got a couple hours of sleep get a shower get something to eat and we're going to come right back in in the morning so Zach and Brandon's coming in to help us Brandon's been here for seven years and he's never worked on a Saturday but he's coming in tomorrow to help us get this thing knocked out do are closing Holly time to close up shop man guys I just hope one day I'll be able to close the doors on the shop like this for myself and if we stay at it I can't see why we can't make that happen I mean it's a big goal I get that is a huge goal but that's what you got to have in life you got to have goals and you got to go after them and I feel like um I really feel like we'll make those goals happen how it look oh yeah you see what I mean and then is that that blue yeah oh it's still it's got Pearl in it so you can so you can add more Pearl yeah to make it stand out more or you can make like a subtle you know what I mean and like I was telling him you know y'all are going to be inside so you could have a lot like this literally you know find a piece of the frame that's going to be sticking theor yeah so you can have a light sitting there literally like that and it's going to look like this and then look like you know have that sparkle to it when it a lot oh yeah that looks C dude and that way it's not just gray you know what I mean yeah that little that sparkle really and you can put you know the way we can do it is we can put a little bit this is just a literally dab you know and you can you can put more and it'll stand out even more right but you can come look at it next to the cabin see what you think that way it's not just gray and blue you know the two colors look good together for Pure but you know and then you got I think it looks good together I like it I think it looks cool man you know especially that sparkle in it yeah cuz it's similar color blue you know what I mean it's going to look like you purposely did that I would like this is one I stopped several years ago so I I wish we could do that but put like the red and the gray that same color gray and then like red and the same color gray on the inside on that thing I think that be that look so good it would we don't obviously don't have time to do that but see what [Music] happens oh you got to go fast [Music] that's you'll get drown brass is almost done we'll be painting in probably the next [Music] [Music] hour what do you think about that bud must yeah he must have really been tworking her down all right she's all welded up Bri is just got to make it look pretty y r SP Mo brand new BR yep Bry breaks them I'll fix them well guys bra's never volunteered to clean the floor before waep for floors till today [Music] yeah you it go do that back room [Music] dud come [Music] on all right guys we are spraying color all going look oh yeah look at that this look amazing to the Bas is going on for oh my goodness so the Pearl's going on now oh my goodness look absolutely clear dang this is insane absolutely insane our bake is almost over Lots is kicked on cool down we dude that looks way better than now it's baked oh my gosh yeah look at the shine dude before it was baked it looked like a dam Prim FR yeah oh no dude that tell just turned out phenomenal all right guys we're going to let it do its cool down I think yep over here's two both of them are uh this is a second bake we went ahead and did two oh the valve covers are done P covers step Mount all that stuff's [Music] done got do on Monday man I can't believing it grasses break out your light let's go ahead chly bum guys this looks so good it is absolutely crazy that this turned out like this that sparkle is this insane we we should paint uh the white musang SK than so go bom guys this is just look at that blue it's going to look crazy and man in the show it's going to look amazing it's absolutely going to look amazing so so guys it's baked three times now so we got the frame it's absolutely I mean it's it's pretty cured but we want to just make sure that it's 100% so I just don't want to take no chances I don't want to scratch it we got to drag all them wiring harnesses back through it and all that and I just don't even want to risk scratch even on the inside I don't want to scratch it these guys are so cool to helped us make this happen this is what a professional paint job looks like man they were just like throwing base on it metallic I mean they come back in and did that Pearl I mean like it was nothing Brandon and Zach really killed it on this thing did it like 10 times as fast as we could oh Lord I mean without any just boom boom I was like are you're like I couldn't believe how fast it happened no hesitation nothing like just absolutely just killed it that's awesome I will tell you this Robert has got one heck of a team up here and I can't wait for you guys to actually get to meet Robert Fitzgerald hey you guys know that I'm all about who's good for the community and who's good for truckers and and I and I would th% wholeheartedly agree that um Robert Fitzgerald is uh he's a good genuine person I can't thank them enough and I hope you guys go over and follow their channel fish Dred Collision Repair but guys we're going to finish the video off there we're going to head home and we'll see y'all on Monday don't forget like subscribe leave a comment all right bra y yeah baby
Channel: Gentry & Sons Trucking
Views: 102,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truck, trucking, truck driver, driver, driving, day cab, sleeper truck, cummins, detroit, cat, caterpillar, peterbuilt, kenworth, freightliner, international, 2 stroke, 18 wheeler, eighteen wheeler, cargo, flatbed, step deck, cummings, 18 speed, 15 speed, 13 speed, 10 speed, 9 speed, 24.5s, smoke, black smoke, diesel smoke, diesel engine, engine, rescue, mission, repair, rebuilding
Id: M02jizOgFLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 10sec (2650 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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