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friends welcome to let's talk in English you're on pts get ready to learn something new with us I'm Andrea and I'm Gabe that's right I'm Gabe well today's title of our lesson has a question time travel I guess we'll find out what this is all about let's get started with some key words the first one is watch watch do you have a watch what time is it pass don't worry about what happened yesterday it's in the past event event getting married was one of the most important events in Tom's life change change we changed our plans for tonight we're not going out we're staying home well friends we didn't change our plans on the show we are still going to say these key words again the first one is watch watch past past event event and change change great well the next events on our program here today is talking with Eddie he will give us today's mission won't you Eddie Eddie where where's what I'm looking for my watch your knee your watch hey we can help you find your watch later but we can tell you what time it is now okay yeah it's time to give us today's mission ok ok ok today's mission what does Benoit what does been won well what I want to do right now is find the answer to this mission let's go and look for it in today's lesson listen carefully well that was a fun evening yeah I really enjoyed the movie me too I want to watch like the one we saw in the movie then I could travel through time I think you need a watch that will help you wake up then if you could travel through time which time period would you go to that is an interesting question Andrea if you could travel through time where would you go well I would like to go to England about 150 years ago that's a time period that I like to study I've seen many movies from that time period and also read many books from that time period oh that would be so much fun Wow well Gabe what about you what time period would you like to travel - hmm well I was just thinking I like this time period I would like to go to yesterday because I played basketball and I did a really great slam dunk and I want to see what that looks like so you just want to travel back to yesterday yeah to see what I look like interesting everyone can have an interesting answer to this question that's true and this is an interesting conversation we find out about a movie about a watch that lets you go through time friends let's learn this word watch watch a watch is something that you wear around your arm and it lets you know what time it is yes Oh watch I always wear a watch so I know what time it is so I don't run late now if you see somebody who is wearing a watch you can always ask them what time it is what time is it well if someone asks you what time it is then you can tell them wait a minute let me check my watch wait a minute that's clever yes and wait a minute we found the answer to today's mission that's right the mission is what does been won what does then want then wants a watch like the one Keith saw in the movie then he could travel through time that would be pretty exciting to travel through time I don't know I've never really thought about it if I could travel through time I had traveled to the future really why I want to see what my life will be like you mean you want to see what your wife will be like what time period would you go to Sarah I think I'd go into the past and see different events in history ha ha so max wants to see what his wife will be like no no he wants to see what his life will be like life Oh his life right L I Fe not wife no not W IFE life l ife oh well I'm sure that when he sees his life he will also see his wife friends Max has an interesting answer to the question well Sarah says that she'd like to go into the past and I think we would like to look at this key word it is past past now anything that has already happened is part of the past yesterday was the past an hour ago was the past you know a minute and second ago was the past that's right it's the past it's already gone we've already done it it's in the past and we can know the past but can we know the future well I don't think we can know the future do you hmm probably not but that's why max wants to travel to the future what max wants to travel to the future he wants to know what will happen Sarah wants to go to the past she wants to know about what happened and friends it is important to learn about the past it's important to learn about events that already happened let's look at our next keyword it is event event an event is something important that happens there are many important events in history that changed the world friends what events did you read about in the newspaper today Andreea what is one event in your life that you will always remember well one event that I will always remember is my wedding that was a very important event for Daniel and I yeah that is an important event a wedding is a very important event and gave I think a very important event happened on July 8th uh yes my birthday it's true that's also an important event event would any of you want to go back and change something about your life I don't think I would why not I'm happy with how my life turned out I've made my mistakes but the things in my past make me who I am today and that's the woman I love and that still woman I love oh that's so sweet of Simon to say well we have a keyword here we've got a great keyword it's called change say it again change when you change that means you make something different you change it what would you change about your past that was Simon's question you can also change your plans or change your mind for example I often change my mind throughout the day like at lunchtime first I think I want to eat pizza for lunch but then I change my mind and I want to eat rice and then later you go to play basketball and when you play basketball you get sweaty and you're running around a lot so it's important to change your clothes before you go out on a date right then when you change your clothes you take off your old sweaty clothes and you put on new clothes that are clean and smell nice you change your clothes no friends Renee says something here she says the things in my past make me who I am today that reminds me of a phrase learn from your mistakes yes and that's a great phrase to keep in mind when you learn from your mistakes you use what you learned from your mistakes in your life and then you can get better so friends tell someone this today learn from your mistakes inspector e hi friends it's Mrs E here this week we're talking about waiting for others Simon is waiting for Rene he tells her to take her time he will wait for her but later Rene says something very interesting let's take a look again what happened to take your time what happened to take your time what happened to take your time study tells her name not to hurry he tells her to take her time Oh Rene does she takes her time and she doesn't want to hurry but Simon gets tired of waiting he didn't know Rene would take that long so he tells her to hurry up Rene answers and says what happened to take your time Rene is saying you told me to take my time why are you telling me to hurry what happened to what you said what Rene is saying is Simon didn't just say take your time what happened - what happened - is a good way to tell someone do you just say and it's a good way to ask why did you change your thoughts let's try some examples you didn't cook what happened to all cook dinner tonight now remember to use what you learned use it or lose it this is mrs. e signing off [Music] conversation replay well that was a fun evening yeah I really enjoyed the movie me too I want to watch like the one we saw in the movie then I could travel through time I think you need a watch that will help you wake up then if you could travel through time which time period would you go to I don't know I've never really thought about it if I could travel through time I had traveled to the future really why I want to see what my life will be like you mean you want to see what your wife will be like what time period would you go to Sarah I think I'd go into the past and see different events in history would any of you want to go back and change something about your life I don't think I would why not I'm happy with how my life turned out I've made my mistakes but the things in my past make me who I am today and that's the woman I love calendar phrase [Music] hi friends I'm sorry I'm late hi everyone Gabe I'm sorry I'm late yeah you are late I'm sorry I'm late hey it's okay because I was late too but now we're here to teach today's calendar phrase the phrase is you guessed it I'm sorry I'm late I'm sorry I'm late were you late then maybe this is a good phrase to know I'm sorry I'm late well I'm sorry I'm late I forgive you kind of just don't let it happen again but you were late too you know I'm sorry let's go and wash today skit okay I'm sorry I'm late I'm sorry I'm late I'm sorry I'm late oh hi Dan did you bring the book yes here you go I'm sorry I'm late that's okay where's Marie I'm here I'm sorry I'm late that's okay but we better get to work or we'll never finish our homework I'm sorry I'm late I'm sorry I'm late and the next event is the question of the day with Eddie me yes ah I have a question of the day greats what is it okay here it is would you change anything in your past why or why not would you change anything in your past why or why not yes there is something I would change when I was a little girl I started taking guitar lessons but then I stopped taking lessons I quit I would not quit anymore that is something I would change that's good don't quit don't just give up on something well friends thank you for joining us here today on let's talk in English on pts we're learning English can be fun yeah don't give up
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Keywords: best English, Serlymar, video lessons, video English lessons, the best way to learn English, English conversation, video courses, video English courses, English grammar, English easy way, English lessons on YouTube, English for free, English free, English languages, learn English, best English movies, English speaking, skills, vocabulary, how to, word power
Id: b7IdYSllR94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2016
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