Updated Tapered TWA Wash 'n Go Routine! Non-frizzy, Shiny Curls

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hey what's up guys it's rinse welcome back to my channel so today I am finally doing my updated TWA taper TWA wash and go for you guys this video is super highly requested so I've already done one for y'all however I am substituting some products and you know it's just time to do an updated routine for you guys so a little preliminary information for you all I had a blonde buzz cut for about or actually it was from May to August was the last time that I actually shaved my hair shaved my head rather so I had a blonde buzz cut and like I said the beginning of August was the last time that I did that so I am I would say I am 4 months post big chop if you will I've already washed and conditioned my hair so I'm just gonna take this off and in the vlog that I just recently posted I did show you guys the process of me getting my hair cut I took y'all with me to the barber shop and I just showed you guys how he cuts my hair so this is it right now it looks a little crazy obviously because it's not done but it is a little damp so I'm just gonna go ahead and show you guys exactly what I do to make my curls pop girl so the first step that I do is I use a leave-in conditioning spray and I go back and forth in between two of them so this one before I ran out this is the damage the dark and lovely damaged Slayer leave-in spray and you guys this stuff first of all if you don't follow me on instagram you should go ahead and do that because I'm always talking about products that I am in love with currently on my instant stories but you guys this stuff this whole damage Slayer line I rave about it all of the time on Instagram it is literally and I don't say this lightly but this is the best haircare line that I've ever used in my life so this dark and lovely damaged layer I use this leaf in spray and then I was using this until I ran out and then my specific beauty supply store stopped carrying this line for whatever reason they're carrying it now so but after I ran out of that one I picked up this at Jackie's flax seed half-and-half hydrating silken hair milk so I am back and forth in between these two it really just depends on what I feel like my hair needs and sometimes I can use both of them and so that's what I'm gonna do today just for the sake of this video so I'm gonna take my aunt Jackie's half-and-half hydrating silken hair milk first so I'm just gonna spray this all on my hair and make sure that I get it nice and saturated now you don't really kind of like want it dripping what you just want it super saturate all my hair is getting thick you guys Wow and you know what I'll say this the difference between this time being natural and then the last time that I was natural is that last time I was kind of obsessive with me tracking my growth but this time it's just not that big of a deal to me because I already you know kind of bit through this process or whatever and the fact that I'm not really keeping track of my growth you guys it's like I wake up one day and my hair is so much longer than it was like a week ago it's really crazy so this is four months of progress I say I'm doing pretty good now that I will say the only thing that I don't like about this specific product is the nozzle the sprayer or whatever it's not like super easy to use but I really like that stuff it kind of detangle so as you can see like I can run my fingers through it easily and that's a really good thing so now I'm going to take my dark and lovely leave-in spray and I'm gonna do the same thing now this sprayer I do like because it's like super easy to spray and it comes out very evenly so I'm just gonna spray this all over and make sure my hair is nice and saturated and this stuff you guys it detangles like a freakin dream this holds like damage slow your line I swear by it and I promise I'm not being sponsored during anything like that I just really really love this haircare line all right so now we're going to get into the fun stuff once my hair is all saturated and filled with the leave-in conditioners and all that stuff I'm gonna use a cream and then I'm gonna follow up with the gel and that's literally all I do for this specific routine so I'm going to be using the ORS Krause Unleashed coconut and avocado curls smoothie this one is the yellow jar of course you guys I will have all of these products linked down below in the description box for you guys I'll have it in my Amazon sword so it is easily accessible to you all so I'm gonna take a good amount of this and I'm just going to apply it all through my hair make sure that you know I get every strand it's really not anything in particular you guys I literally just put this in my hair and once I feel like it's all you know nice and moisturize that's what I love about this Oh rs curls unleash line I've worked with them before now this specific video isn't sponsored or you know like my I talk about these products a lot on Instagram as well my stories are never sponsored and I have a lot of people you know saying that oh you know you just post these products just because they're paying you to do so they're absolutely not even though I wish they were I just really really love these lines and these products you guys and my man loves them you know like he has curls I put my sister on them both of my sisters like they both use these crows Unleashed products and they both use the damage Slayer lines and I'm telling you you guys like they're so good I swear everybody I turn onto these products they come back to me and say oh my god like you were totally right and I'd be like I know I told you so this is looking pretty good it's very very the cream is very moisturizing and you want to put oh no oh my gosh shoot guys I just filled almost this whole entire look at this oh my god that is like that was my biggest fear I knew I was gonna do that one day it was bound to happen I am the clumsiest person oh my gosh okay it's not that big of a deal I can like scoop it up and put it back in here oh okay well this is what we're going to do I'm gonna put all of this messy stuff in my hair now so I don't waste it and that is a lot of gel that that I just had to put in my hair but I was saying that you wanna layer a cream or you want to layer a gel on top of the cream so your curls can be super moisturized under the gel because Jill you know tend to have a lot of alcohol in them and they dry your hair out and stuff like that so you definitely want to put the gel on top of a cream so this gel that I'm using is from the our escrows unleash line of course and this is the coconut and shea butter curl amplifying gel souffle I love this stuff as you can see my curls are super moisturized and the fine girl and like I'm telling you these oils products are the bomb so now what I do that's it for the products basically now what I do is just kind of go in and fine tune my hair meaning I like to use a kind of like a medium tooth comb it's not a fine tooth and it's not like a wide tooth it's kind of in-between so I just like to go in and detangle and this will kind of just make my curls come together you know like it'll pull the product through and it'll kind of just make everything less frizzy when it dries and that's also what I really love about these RS curls and leash products you guys your frizz is kept at a minimum so if you go in and layer like all of these products together most likely like nine times out of ten you're good not going to have any frizz at all yeah so I kind of start from the back and then since my hair is getting longer now I kind of just section it off and come through by sections and as you can see my comb is literally just gliding straight through them curls so I'm just gonna keep doing it until I get to the front and then I'll tell you how or I'll show you how is it together so it's not looking like a you know like a flat pancake okay so now I just kind of run my fingers through it and you know kind of get the gaps or the parts out of there that I made with the comb and I really honestly need to probably redefine this part because it's been a few days since I've gotten my hair cut and my part like my hair grows super fast in general but this part especially it's like so then I just go in and find to some things maybe I'll you know do a couple of finger coils but the key to not having frizz is one using these RS products and then two I don't want to always have my hands in my hair like I'm always twisting and pulling out my hair for whatever reason I don't know I don't know why I do that I just do but when you have your hands or your fingers and your hair all the time it creates phrase so I'm trying to do a lot less of you know this I'll just take some pulley when it's dry and that'll create the frizz now you can do it when it's wet which is kind of what I'm doing now you guys this is literally all I do okay so this is it now I'm about to show you kind of how I do my edges cuz you don't know I have to have them it just laid girl right you guys so I used to use got to be jail for my edges to do my little swoops or whatever all my baby hairs however that stuff has a ton of alcohol in it and it is literally like glue for your hair so I have been kind of on a hunt to find the best edge control just because I really don't care for edge controls they don't really hold as strongly as I would like them to but I've heard time and time again about this specific edge gel this is the style sector style factor edge booster and it says stronghold water based pomade and this is the lemon berry thing I got it clearly because it was thinking and this is what I do okay so you guys are gonna laugh at me I take a spooly this is an eyebrow pencil and I just took the spoolie on the back of it because the spoolie is kind of it's it's hard okay like it has a really good hold but then more recently because this one can kind of take out your edges if you're not careful or take out your hair if you're not careful I just use this double ended edge brush and comb so let me show you how to do my edges Allah quickly azumed y'all in so y'all can get a good seat you know to the show the edge show girl but here's my hair up close I know you guys probably want a close-up anyway but this is it and they do stay shiny like this all day it's like even when it dries it looks so good and that's just because of these RS products so you know I'll just take this side of the comb or the edge thing and I'll kind of comb through the curls just to give them more definition you know kind of like raise them up a little bit so I like to start on this side and this is what I do I use my nail to scoop some out of or scoop some of this edge gel out of the jar and then I just put some right here put some right here you guys this edge control is literally the bomb like it has a really good hold the only thing that I don't like about it or that I don't care for about it about it rather is that it's clearly not as good of a hold as got to be is and then if you're not careful it could use or it could create a white cast if you use too much so I just try to use it sparingly I'm gonna take my the comb side of the edge tool and I'm just gonna kind of do my swoops this way just to kind of get the hair to go in the direction that I want it to go now I'm gonna take my spoolie and just create my swoop and my foundation is going two men on the side I'm gonna love this and you guys the the edges is like this is really all just personal preference you can do it however your little heart desires but this is what I like to do with my edges because I am just you know a little extra so then I'll take this right here this the opposite way except for this side of my hair like my hair in general is getting too long for me to kind of do this it was cuter when my hair was shorter but now that it's getting a little longer it's like okay girl you taking it a little too far but now I'm gonna do this part right here actually want to use the comb to bring the hairs in place and you see that just kind of curling up like it just I really just let it do whatever like it wants to my curls have a mind of their own so I just kind of go with the flow and do it like that and then on the other side I'm gonna do the same thing kind of just like brush it combing in place take your spoolie and this one I do double swoops on this side I don't know why I just I think it's cute like that I take it and I do one of these numbers it's really all about just playing with your hair and doing whatever you like and normally when I do this I don't have on makeup so right now I'm getting makeup in my hair which isn't cute so be careful not to do that like me and yeah you guys that's literally how I do not a science to it it's just doing whatever makes you feel good about yourself and doing my edges like this makes me feel cute yeah all right you guys and that is all I did to my hair now I'll take the brush and kind of brush around the perimeter of it just so you know the back can lay flat and you should go back and watch my latest vlog just so you can see how he does my back and stuff I bet I can't really turn around because I spilled my gel and there's literally like a perimeter of gel but this is all I do you guys maybe I'll take some oil sheen this is the Cantu shea butter oil sheen deep conditioning spray and I'll just take it and do a couple of sprays like that just because I like my curls to look a little shiny okay so I'm going to very quickly clean up this line off-camera and then I'll be right back alright you guys so that brings us to the end of this tutorial I really hope that you enjoyed it I know that it was SuperDuper quick but this is all that I do every single time I do my hair so if you have any questions make sure you leave them down below in the comment section and I will be sure to answer you I also make sure you check the description box and check out my Amazon website I have that link down below as well so that you can purchase all of the products or any of the products that I talked about today make sure you go back and check my last vlog as well just so you can see my whole entire haircut in general thank you guys so much for your love and your support you guys are so consistent with it and I appreciate you so much you guys we are almost we're almost at a hundred thousand subscribers so I'm super excited I love you guys so much and I will see you in my next video na bye
Channel: Lorissa Nelson
Views: 349,013
Rating: 4.9102693 out of 5
Keywords: twa wash n go, wash n go, tapered twa wash n go, wash n go for twa, wash n go for short hair, natural hair journey, short natural hairstyles, lorissa turner, lorissa turner hair
Id: 2FITinsdLQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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