The BEST Controller Settings for XDefiant!

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what's up guys my name is Ace and today I'm going to be sharing the best settings that I've found with X defiant for controller because honestly that's one of the most difficult parts of this game is really getting those controller settings nailed down and I finally got them to a point where I'm actually quite comfortable with them and I wanted to share those with you guys today now of course for the obvious disclaimer at the beginning here when it comes to settings especially when it comes to like sensitivity options for instance so much of this is going to come down to personal preference and of course you're going to have to make adjustments that suit you so I'm not necessarily saying just copy and paste everything I've got and everything's going to feel amazing for you because your preference May differ from mine but I'm hoping this will at least give you some insight into what many of the settings do and at least give you a good starting point to work off of and without further Ado let's Dive Right into this and we're going to start it off with the gameplay and UI settings for me I really like a field of view of5 now again this is all going to come down to preference some people want to Max that all the way out to 120 others want to have it lower so you can like zoom in a little bit further and see targets at longer ranges better for me for this game I just found 105 to be a nice consistent balance and speaking of consistent that's the setting I use for the ads field of view now just to show you guys what this does if you go independent when you aim down site you're going to be zooming in quite far here whereas when you switch this over to consistent when you aim down sight in the same situation this will Scale based on your current fov so with me being at a 105 fov I'm going to be zoomed out much more while aiming down site now then for ads Behavior that's obviously hold for ads sensitivity transition this one's a bit strange Call of Duty uses an instant ads transition for sensitivity but in this game for some reason I just feel like blend is working better for me and that's why I'm sticking with blend at least for now this is working really well for me and if you guys haven't tried it yet maybe give that a shot and it might help you a little bit then I just leave melee during ads off aiming interrupts to reload I meant to have that off this I like keeping off as well for Crouch Behavior I prefer that being on a toggle Sprint Behavior tap I personally turn auto Sprint off this is a setting I know many people they really like having Auto Sprint on and that's just a preference thing so you guys select that based on what you want I personally don't mind tapping the button to Sprint one setting I definitely recommend turning on is Sprint interrupting reload so you have that method of reload cancelling for slide Behavior I have tap Auto reload weapon is on auto switch weapon is on auto ledge grab I keep that off I don't like my character doing things that I don't tell them to do like mantling over something especially if it's something that can interrupt what I'm doing as far as aiming and shooting so keep that one off and then scrolling all the way down here we have our challenge notifications it'll just pop up as you progress challenges you can have it set to all so every time you progress a challenge it'll pop up letting you know that you're progressing it or you could just set it to completion only so it only pops up once the challenge is completed or honestly you can turn that off this one's obviously just completely preference-based for damage numbers this is what it looks like in game when you're shooting somebody with damage numbers on you will see the amount of damage that each bullet is dealing as it hits same thing with the Enemy health bars I personally like keeping that on that actually helps a little bit with player visibility in some situations as well so definitely I like keeping that one on Mini map rotation this one seems to be working backwards unless I'm reading things wrong here you would think that you want mini map rotation on so it rotates with you but turning it off is what keeps your mini map rotating with you so I leave that off another thing is I would definitely recommend turning your ping display on so you can see which server you're connecting to and what your ping is so if you happen to get in a server that's way out of your region you can just leave the game before realizing that your ping is is absolutely horrible and then finally your team composition overlay personally I like keeping this off but just to show you guys what this looks like this is what it looks like in game when you have it turned on you can see the team composition like which factions each of your players are using on your team as well as the enemy team and that can definitely be very valuable information if you really want to know all the details and what you should set yourself up with as far as supporting your teammates or counseling the enemies in my opinion though this does take up a little too much of the screen so I just leave that off and I don't worry too much about that and without out of the way let's get into the really important stuff this is our controller settings and when it comes to my button layout I use the brawler layout this is equal to the Tactical layout in Call of Duty so this allows me to crouch by clicking R3 rather than taking my thumb off of the aiming stick to crouch then I leave my stick layout to default a assist is standard I also didn't adjust the amos' strength and follow at all I know some people like dropping this down a little bit to like minus three or something I just found leaving it at zero felt normal to me so I just left it there for aim response curve this is going to be an area that is highly pref reference base there is no right answer when it comes to your aim response curve I know many people like standard myself included some people like linear and then other people really like reverse S curve and just in case you guys are wondering reverse S curve is equal to the dynamic response curve in Call of Duty so if you're somebody that plays on Dynamic and cod you'll probably want to go with reverse S curve in this game for me I play standard and cod and I play standard on X defiant then when it comes to sensitivity I'm going to start this off by saying in Call of Duty I tend to play on an 8 and eight sensitiv with a 7 or 75 ads multiplier and in exify what I landed on is my horizontal sensitivity at 50 and my vertical sensitivity at 35 and that might seem a little strange normally I keep these values consistent but it turns out in this game I found a roughly 2 to3 ratio to feel best when it comes to this I know I'm not exactly on a 2 to3 ratio but just somewhere within that General range seems to feel best and most like Call of Duty to me and it also seems to help me compensate for that recoil a lot more precisely when I have this offset a little bit so this is what felt good to me again this is coming from somebody that plays on an 8 and eight sensitivity for Call of Duty so if you play on a much lower sensitivity maybe you drop these values but maintain that Ratio or vice versa if you play on a higher sensitivity than I do then increase these numbers well keeping that ratio at least roughly the same then when it comes to my aim sensitivity look factor I had to drop this all the way down to 055 like I said in Call of Duty I plan on about 7 or 75 for this in this game to maintain that Precision while aiming down sight with the sensitivity values I found 0.55 to work best for me however when I'm using a scope that's way too slow to drop it all the way down to 0.55 if somebody's running perpendicular I can't track them properly with that so I leave this one at 75 and that generally allows me to track enemy players as they're running then when it comes to dead zones this is mainly going to come down to your controller rather than your personal preferences you basically want to set these values as low as reasonably possible without getting a lot of stick drift so what I mean by that is if you drop these all the way down let's go right down to zero and I just go in game right now I'm T I'm not touching anything on my controller right now you'll see my character is moving a little bit to the right so that means my sensitivity or my uh dead zone is set way too low in that situation and for me and my controller I have found about four and four seems to work well where I don't typically get any drift when I put my controller down next up let's get into a setting that's often misunderstood this is our acceleration speed multiplier now this I thought would just mean like as you're accelerating at any point throughout your stick deflection this would increase the amount of acceleration that you're experiencing but I talked to AES about this a little bit and it turns out this only applies when your stick is fully deflected all the way over to the left or to the right then this acceleration multiplier kicks in suddenly and for me I kind of like being able to spin quickly so I leave this at 1.75 but your preferences will vary on this maybe you don't want that really extreme spin but in that case if I don't want an extreme spin now I just know you don't fully deflect your stick all the way to the side you just go most of the way you can just deflect that stick like 90% of the way and you will never experience this acceleration multiplier after that I don't play inverted at all and then controller vibration I always leave that off I just find it to be an unnecessary distraction I've got enough visual cues to know when I'm being shot or when I'm shooting my gun so I just leave that off and that's it for my controller settings but let's just quickly go over the audio settings I like using I do like dropping my dialog volume down to 70 just so it doesn't get in the way of me hearing footsteps or any in-game cues that would be really necessary also with UI volume I turn that down to 75 and I turn music volume off this is primarily cuz I'm a YouTuber and I spend a lot of time just sitting in menus when I'm testing stuff and I don't like constantly hearing that menu then with voice chat I just leave that off permanently I just don't like using voice chat in games and then with video this is something you're going to have to adjust based on your monitor or TV that you play on these are the settings that I'm using that work for my monitor settings that I've currently got and obviously if you have the ability if you're playing on PS5 like I am you you want to turn 120 HZ on if your monitor will support that after that in language and accessibility one thing I want to point out is by default for some reason my dialogue was set to Spanish so if you're noticing that your characters are speaking Spanish and you'd like them to speak English make sure you check this setting I managed to change this back over to English so I can hear what's going on and then the only other setting I really changed here is my flashbang effects you can turn this to Bright or dark so when you get flashbanged instead of your screen going white which can be kind of blinding to you you can turn that to dark so your screen just turns black and there we go that is going to wrap it up for the settings that I have nailed down for ex defy they're feeling really good for me so far and I honestly don't anticipate that I'll be making any major adjustments to this as time goes on from here on out I'm quite happy with this and it's here to stay but now I just wanted to talk briefly about how I got into the firing range cuz at least at the time of recording this video really early on in the game's life cycle the practice zone is locked people can't get in that unless you're on PS5 there is a method to get in here and I wanted to show how to do that so what you do with this is boot up the game and then once the game's booted up you want to open up your home screen in PlayStation find your exify tab and then just scroll down from there and you can see the practice Zone and then just press square on that and it will just force launch the practice Zone from there so you can actually get in at least on PS5 I'm unaware of any method of doing this on the other platforms though unfortunately at the moment I think there is no way to get in on the other platforms it's only working on PS5 I'm sure this is something where hopefully soon they will just launch this so the practice Zone will be working normally for everybody but there's at least a workaround for you on PS5 and with that that is going to wrap it up today's video and this is where I'm curious to hear from you guys in those comments down below how are you feeling about the controller settings and options in exify so far and if you're on controller especially what sensitivity values did you land on and if you are going to leave that if you could for reference just leave what you use in Call of Duty as well so then maybe if people scroll down there and see somebody that uses the same sensitivity as them in Call of Duty they can just try copying your settings and see if that works for them in ex Defiance if you enjoyed the video a like raing is always appreciated and don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already I'll talk to you guys next time [Music]
Channel: TheXclusiveAce
Views: 189,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call of duty, XclusiveAce, TheXclusiveAce, Modern Warfare III, MWIII, Modern Warfare 3, MW3, Call of Duty Modern Warfare III, Call of Duty MWIII, CoD MWIII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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