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X defiant is finally here and you must change these settings for the best performance I'm talking about better fps aim movement audio you name it for gameplay input we're going to be rocking controller field The View 110 in this game higher fov just feels better it feels like my aim is better so I play on 110 the lowest IID recommend is 100 I wouldn't go to 120 I think 120 is a little bit too much so maybe like 115 114 but I currently have mine on 110 ads field of view consistent this is going to go matching your fov it's going to make your aim have one less visual recoil and two it'll just feel natural independent is recommended like if using 95 fov or lower but then again I don't recommend that fov ads hold ads sensitivity transition make sure this is on instant this is huge off on make sure your crotch Behavior toggle tap it's going to help with movement Auto Sprint off and if you go down here slide behavior on tap this is going to help with your movement as well Sprint interrupt reload please keep this off you don't want your reload to be interrupted when you sprint in this game because you can reload while sprinting and it's going to feel a lot better with your movement Auto reload weapon on and auto switch weapon on it's going to help you in those crazy situations where you need to reload or you need to switch it will switch you automatically to your pistol so that way you don't have to reload and you can shoot your gun autog grab ledge off walk Behavior hold and scoreboard Behavior hold next this is going to be huge user interface settings I have this on zero and 40 for my HUD limits now you're asking me why is horizontal on zero and why is vertical on 40 so I put my HUD closer to my screen because one the most important thing on this is my mini map and it gives you so much information and you want to be able to see it a lot easier than it being all the way in the opposite you know that corner of the screen so when I put this closer I can look in my mini map and get so much information from it you can see your ammo you can see your gun you can see like other little things in your hood that it does help but the biggest reason is because of the mini map and then a cool little thing you can have is damage numbers on when you're shooting people across the map or like you know just you're putting bullets into people it shows how much damage you're dealing it's kind of helpful information to know like you're getting a head shot like what's the damage output looking like especially if you want to try different attachments and then enemy health bars make sure to have this on you can kind of gauge where your health the enemy health is and you can you know fight based off that it definitely is helpful you definitely want to make sure to have this on I have this on off meters uh this is another cool thing my FPS display and ping display in the top left corner you can see I have my you know basically showing me this information which can be helpful at times knowing what's my ping like am I getting joked online you know am I getting bsed also the FPS you know if I need to make some changes on my settings or anything like that and next we got controller settings so for button layout I do use brawler flip this is kind of the same as Call of Duty's tactical flip if you ever played Call of Duty and this is what I've been using for a very long time so this is what I'm just used to it feels really good and it's basically changing the settings and obviously flip and next for a assist I do run standard please do not disable a assist if you're on controller don't do it then for a assist strength and a assist follow I I have this on zero which is a default some people have messed around putting it you know in the negatives to like kind of help I've tried it sometimes it feels like I it it does help sometimes it feel like it doesn't I recommend just keep it on zero you want the most aim assist possible aim response curve type reverse S curve this just feels the best overall this is kind of again like dynamic in Call of Duty it gives you that like aim acceleration speed as you go it slows down speeds up then slows down at the end is the best way to explain it in simple terms uh whenever you're moving your stick around uh so this is the one I like the most this is what like Pro players were using back in the day and still do and this is what I've used for a long time so refers S curve just gives you that snap ability and you're going to notice it when you switch to it I play on 45 45 sensitivity uh I would recommend between something between 35 to 45 if you feel like you need to go down a little bit go down to 35 you know what I'm saying if you feel like you can handle a little bit quicker sense or you feel like you need a middle ground go to 40 or go to 45 I think that's a good balance uh I have this on one because since I'm playing a lower S I don't really need to lower this 1 one for my dead zones dead zones are important especially in this game you want quicker response time you want your aim and movement to feel a little bit fluid a little bit better so for my left stick I have this all the way down to one it's going to allow your movement just to be a little bit easier and like quicker and then for my right stick I have this on three again this is going to help you like basically get slightly more control of your stick and your aim so when you're aiming at people you're get your shots going to be a little bit better so have this on one and three if for some reason you're feeling like you're getting a little a little bit too much stick drift or up this to five um but I would recommend like a lower like three or four on the right stick acceleration speed multiplier I have this on 1.5 now this is something really important to note it's not applied while aiming down sight so when you're ads it's not going to mess up your aiming you know you're going to start missing this is good however for you know when you're moving your stick around and trying to you know get ready to aim at your targets and Center on your targets and you know it's kind of move your stick around on the map you're going to be you can play on a lower sense while still getting acceleration speed and like you know kind of move your stick around quicker when needed cuz you are going to have people flying at you you're going to have to make those quick adjustments so this is a cool little setting I have it on 1.5 this was a huge tip GI given to me to one of from one of the creators um I definitely like these aim settings right now I've been doing insane stuff and then it's off off and of course off now in xifin audio settings are nothing crazy so this is going to be fairly simple but I'm going to break it down for you guys really quick uh this should both should be at 69 so my main volume 100 obviously the most important thing might as well have this 100 doesn't really matter you can adjust it with your if you use a mix samp or anything you can lower it or increase it if I dialog volume I had this on 69 because you don't really your character is going to talk in game and give that like maybe some good call outs and stuff but realistically it shouldn't be too loud and you know if they once in a blue moon give something important you should be able to hear it so we're going to have that on 69 sfx volume at a 100 sound effects is important especially footsteps footsteps is the most important sound you're really looking for for obviously you can hear other stuff that might help you so you definitely want your main volume and sfx volume at 100 UI volume at 69 again this doesn't really help that much but it is good to have and just have it a little bit high in case you gives you some important information and Music volume at zero because music does nothing for you it's no there's no Advantage at all so you might as well put it down to zero next let's go to the big important thing videos and Graphics display mode I have it on full screen which is usually ideally where you want to be make sure your resolution refresh rate are on point of course if you go down I have reduced lency on reduces input lency but may cause lower frame rate I have a really good PC so even if it lows my frame rate a little bit I would love to have less latency you know less lag um I want that fluid good gameplay and then uh triple buffering again this supposed to help your frames but also hurts your Lancy and I think again if you can if you can you know frames for me Isn't number one if you can have this at off and on I think it's an advantage for you and then of course you want have this on on plus boost for you know the most uh latency optimization uh then my brightness is on 10 contrast is on 15 if you go down here I have this dx12 on off I have my Graphics quality on custom vsync mode off frame rate limit off right here you know we're trying to get the most performance in fps so a lot of these settings are going to be low or off uh Shadow quality low spot Shadows low spot Shadow resolution low contact Shadows off resolution scale at 100 sharpening 10 10 I like to have my sharpening higher than normal I would say between 8 to 10 is good cuz it just makes the game look you know cleaner crispier and it's just going to up the quality obviously you put it too high sometimes it might look a little weird but you know it's been looking good for me so far uh low low low off low you see what I'm saying here uh off low zero zero off and water quality off and this as well on uh this is on and this is on medium you know just a healthy balance you know just a little bit better quality if you could put it on high you want better quality sure if you feel like you're still getting hit in fps put it on low and then for a little secret setting that not many people talk about is there's a flashbang effect in the language and accessibility Tab and this basically changes your flash you get Flash from Bright to dark so you know you get flashbang it's like super bright um def this is a cool set you can change the dark so it doesn't blind you in real life and once you're un flashed you can go back to normal that is the secret sauce make sure to like and comment and subscribe for more tips and videos that we will be doing on EX defiance
Channel: Apathy BZ
Views: 43,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Iz01kyAU52E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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