Fastest Soapbox Wins! (F1 Driver Race) ๐Ÿ

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<i>Who's the fastest F1 driver in a soap box?</i> <i>Is it Max Verstappen or Sergio Perez of Oracle Red Bull Racing?</i> <i>Or is it Daniel Ricciardo</i> <i>or Yuki Tsunoda from Visa Cash App RB?</i> We're about to find out here in Montreal, as the drivers go head to head to see who's the Montreal Soapbox champion. <i>We'll start with qualifying, where each driver will have a chance</i> <i>to set their fastest time, dodging obstacles</i> <i>through the Great Canadian crossing, making their way</i> <i>through the foam pit, through the S-bend</i> <i>and over the roller.</i> <i>Will they even make it down the whole way?</i> <i>Let's head to the top for the first of four qualifying runs.</i> -Oh, yeah. -Oh my God. Well, I hope it works. Max, uh... so like, no knowledge or track advantage. So I think it's probably Checo. I think Max is up against it. -I try to break. -Push. Oh, he's preloading it here. Oh my God. -It breaks well. -Oh my God. It steers really heavy. I've been doing a few sled pushes, so I backed myself to give Yuki a few extra horsepower. You got this, almost go time. <i>So the perfect person to start with is the multiple world champion,</i> <i>Max Verstappen.</i> <i>And let's see what he can do. Down he goes.</i> <i>This is where you've got to get some speed.</i> <i>The top of the course, the start ramp</i> <i>avoiding the obstacles.</i> <i>And he's just cruising past them.</i> <i>Here's the foam pit through he goes.</i> <i>Just making sure he doesn't get any foam in his eyes.</i> <i>He's brilliant through the S-bends over the roller.</i> <i>This has been perfect at this point.</i> <i>Flying down towards the finish.</i> <i>Very, very smooth as you'd expect.</i> <i>24.310 big smile on the face of Daniel Ricciardo.</i> <i>And didn't Max Verstappen enjoy it?</i> Oh wow. I did brake a little bit for sure. <i>It looks like it's going fast.</i> Yeah, I just went for it. I didn't know what to expect. I think if I would try again, yeah, I would probably jump even higher. You tell your teammate one thing, what will you tell him? Just keep it in a straight line. I think that helps. All right, Molly here we go straight back up to you. Okay, so final strategy before you're qualifying? -Don't break. Don't push your break. -Don't break. You're crazy, Checo. Will try. See where we end up. <i>He's not wearing gloves. Risky strategy.</i> Let's see if it pays off for him. You got this, Checo. <i>Let's see if he has Sergio Perez next. You've got this, Checo.</i> <i>The final words to Sergio Perez before he gets pushed down the ramp.</i> <i>And what a man to start here. Max Verstappen gives him a big push.</i> <i>Teammates helping each other</i> <i>and he's off avoiding those obstacles.</i> <i>This is the part we call the Great Canadian Crossing.</i> <i>And this is the foam, he's gone through</i> <i>the shallow side didn't go through the thick bit.</i> <i>He's doing really well at the moment. Nice and calm.</i> <i>Concentration all over his face, over the roller.</i> <i>This is where you can generate speed off the other side,</i> <i>flying down to the finish, gritting his teeth.</i> <i>Wants the time, having a look at the clock</i> <i>down towards the finish in a time of 25.913.</i> <i>And a big cheer at the end for Sergio Perez.</i> I feel Max looked faster, the speed. <i>What do you think?</i> <i>Like when they arrived at the finish line.</i> <i>Oh yeah, maybe yes.</i> <i>How was the push from Max? He's a big boy.</i> <i>He kind of leaned into it. Favorite part of the course?</i> I feel the jump. <i>The jump is the most exciting part.</i> <i>Max and Checo have set impressive times.</i> <i>Let's see if Daniel and Yuki</i> <i>can be quicker ahead of our final head to head races.</i> <i>Yuki is going first.</i> <i>Okay, Yuki is going first.</i> <i>He's gonna put the gloves extra weight, you know.</i> He needs to have every bit of weight he can. <i>Every ounce in there.</i> <i>Maybe he puts a different... like an extra helmet on.</i> He has an extra underwear, I saw. So, I'm going to go push with arms and then as I release, I'll give him one last push with the foot. -Ready buddy?<i> -So it's very technical</i> <i>with Daniel Ricciardo at the top as Yuki Tsunoda waits.</i> <i>The last push is going to be with the foot.</i> <i>We know that. Is that going to generate</i> <i>more speed at the top to get him off to a flying start?</i> <i>Oh, a little bit of a wobble there. I think that caught him by surprise.</i> <i>There was shock on Yuki Tsunoda's face, but he's fine.</i> <i>He's through the obstacles and he's now through the foam.</i> <i>Great shot of the on board. He's got to keep it straight.</i> <i>He's just managing to avoid the straw bales over the roller.</i> <i>That's a great shot. I think he's really enjoying this.</i> <i>And he's flying down towards the finish.</i> <i>It's all about the time. There's the checkered flag.</i> <i>26.814, that was just that little moment of concern.</i> <i>But he made the first turn...</i> Hey Yuki, what happened at the first turning? <i>Uh, that's okay. No breaks without touching the wall.</i> All right. Don't touch the wall. Don't touch the brakes! All gas. Molly, back up to you. <i>So Daniel Ricciardo is well and truly ready.</i> <i>Yes, he's serious.</i> <i>You can bet your bottom dollar.</i> <i>The finest mustache in motor racing is about to take to the course.</i> <i>Don't forget we've got the obstacles in the Great Canadian crossing.</i> <i>We've got the foam pit, the S-bends, the roller and then the finish.</i> <i>And it's ultra-competitive between these drivers today.</i> <i>So Daniel Ricciardo ready,</i> <i>Yuki Tsunoda to give him the big push.</i> <i>And he's going to try and generate</i> <i>as much speed as he can right at the very top</i> <i>and he's nice and smooth through there.</i> <i>And the obstacles have posed no problem whatsoever</i> <i>for anybody all day.</i> <i>But listen to the shriek as he goes through the foam.</i> <i>He's loving it. Daniel Ricciardo flying down,</i> <i>using the shoulders, trying to transfer the weight over the roller.</i> <i>He can hardly watch banging the side of the soapbox.</i> <i>Down he gets towards the finish. What about the time?</i> <i>It's 25.382,</i> <i>and I don't think anybody has enjoyed today as much as he has.</i> <i>One of the great entertainers. He loved it.</i> <i>Over to you Craig.</i> It felt okay, but it's hard when you're in it, you don't really know. You lose a bit of perception, but I know I got a bit of air over the roots, so that tells me I had some kind of good speed on the home stretch. It's hard to brake or push? I did a little bit. There was a lot of fun. I got a little scared. Okay, we're going to find out who's third, who's fourth, who's first, who's second and get these runs underway, so let's get back up to the top. <i>Okay, drivers, the qualifying results are in.</i> Competing for the bronze medal in our next race will be Yuki, who came fourth with a time of 26.81. Just over 25, okay. And Checo who came third, who is just ahead with a time of 25.91. That means battling it out for the gold medal in the grand final will be Daniel, who came second with a quali time of 25.38, and Max, who came first with an insane time of 24.31. -That's so easy. -Wow. -That's so cool. -I can tell. I can tell. Honestly, it's the lightest, second lightest. -Then it's Daniel, then it's me. -Okay. He's strong. How are you guys feeling going into these finals? I feel good now. Yeah. What about you? I'm gonna find a second, so I'll figure it out. <i>So one from each for third place.</i> <i>Sergio Perez, Oracle Red Bull Racing,</i> <i>Yuki Tsunoda, Visa Cash App RB</i> <i>and it's a head to head</i> <i>and Tsunoda has been left at the start</i> <i>and Checo Perez has got the perfect run</i> <i>and he's having a look for the competitor behind him</i> <i>and he can't see him.</i> <i>So he's storming down the track here.</i> <i>Sergio Perez over the roller.</i> <i>He's virtually half the course ahead.</i> <i>Tsunoda trying to catch him towards the finish</i> <i>but Sergio Perez is going to glide through the finish flag.</i> <i>The checkered flag waves, he gets third place.</i> <i>It was all about the start. The race was decided on the grid.</i> <i>To all intents and purposes, it's disappointment for Yuki Tsunoda.</i> <i>But third place today for Sergio Perez.</i> How was the race for you. Talk us through it? I think the first time actually I made a chicane without any break, but I have to really... <i>You didn't break it at the chicane?</i> <i>No, like I need it actually ended up in the wall.</i> <i>But yeah, it's fun. It was fun.</i> It went all right. I just looked to my right and I couldn't find Yuki. So I was like, what happened to him? <i>So this is it.</i> <i>Multiple world champion Max Verstappen,</i> <i>multiple Grand Prix winner Daniel Ricciardo for first place</i> <i>and Daniel Ricciardo trying to get the little jump there on</i> <i>Max Verstappen, who gets the inside run</i> <i>and gets the early lead.</i> <i>The big push off from Sergio Perez. Daniel Ricciardo wants speed.</i> <i>Max Verstappen so smooth, Max Verstappen so efficient.</i> <i>He's over the rollers,</i> <i>he's a mile ahead, he's bouncing through,</i> <i>hanging on for all he's worth,</i> <i>has a little glance to the side</i> <i>and he's going to get to the checkered flag first.</i> <i>He's going to be the winner today.</i> <i>Max Verstappen's going to be on top of the podium once more.</i> <i>Daniel Ricciardo gives him a bump to finish.</i> <i>It's been a brilliant day but Max Verstappen gets the cheers.</i> <i>He's won it.</i> <i>Max got a such a good gap, but it was like ahh...</i> <i>I'm just here for the airtime now.</i> The showman puts on a show. Talk us through what you have been? We did say before we were going to go down to not hit the brakes. <i>I went into the chicane, I did tap the brake.</i> <i>Yeah, it was good. It was fun.</i> Congratulations, gentlemen, for being on the box. Shake it out. Let's get on the podium. From Montreal, so in third place, Sergio Perez. And then second place, we have got Daniel Ricciardo. Ricciardo. And your Montreal soapbox champion, in first place, Max Verstappen. Oh, yeah Yuki. Hey, one more time for our champions.
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 1,439,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, sport videos, action, sport, Soapbox, soapbox car, soapbox race, soapbox racing, soap, soap box, soapbox derby, race, racing, f1, formula 1, f1 driver, max verstappen, checo, checo perez, perez, tsunoda, yuki, ricciardo, kart, kart race, homemade, crash, red bull soapbox race, ่ง’็”ฐ ่ฃ•ๆฏ…, canada, canadian grand prix
Id: p5nuzBBdY3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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