What is the Best Assault Rifle in XDefiant? | (Full AR Stat Comparison)

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what's up guys my name is Ace and today I wanted to do a full breakdown and comparison of the stats of all of the assault rifles in exify currently at launch so you guys can get a really good indication of exactly how these perform relative to each other and which ones may be best for various situations and before we get into that just a few things to keep in mind here first off I'm not talking about attachments at all in this video this is just meant to get a baseline comparison out so you guys can make informed decisions as to what each assault rifle does and this could also help you decide on which attachments you want to use to make up for certain areas and when it comes to attachment breakdowns if there's a lot of interest that's something I may covered down the road on a gunto gun basis as people start actually unlocking a bunch of attachments additionally just to set expectations right up front here they've actually done a pretty good job of balancing the assault rifles between each other and as a result there isn't one best assault rifle for all situations this video may help you determine which assault rifles are best for individual situations but there's no all-around best at least in my opinion and with that out of the way let's Dive Right into this and we're going to start it off with our range and time to kill comparison and with this again this was with no attachments no other modifiers not using the cleaners faction not playing against Phantom players either although I will share A Time to Kill comparison against Phantom players cuz that's important to note as well but for our Baseline time to kill values up close our average for assault rifles is 407 milliseconds and generally the assault rifles are going to take between five to eight shots to kill depending on the gun as well as the range and out of these the fastest time to kill in the maximum damage range is going to be the ACR 6.8 closely followed by the MDR but honestly they're all fairly reasonably within the same range even the slowest killing one the M16 this is just 418 milliseconds which really isn't that much slower than the average for the assault rifles as for ranges the best you're going to see in this area when it comes to assault rifles are the M16 and the AK-47 and that's simply because they carry that five shot kill potential into their second damage range as well so you're going to see a lot of consistency out of those the MD R is the worst when it comes to ranges it appears they really tried to balance this as an SMG assault rifle hybrid to a degree and you'll see that reflected with a couple of the other stats as well as we move on in the video but at this point you might be wondering what about head shot cuz head shot are actually quite powerful in this game if you can land multiple and let's just look at the comparison including head shot into the equation with this before each time to kill value you see the number of head shot required to get that time to kill this is the number of head shots required mixed in with body shots so with the M16 for instance within that maximum damage range we can actually get a three- shot kill with this as long as every single one of those shots hits the head and that gives us a very fast time to kill potential in this game at 200 milliseconds but if you don't land all three and you just Land one head shot in mixed in with body shots you can still get a four shot kill potential at 351 milliseconds also it is worth noting I put the headshot multiplier underneath the name for each of those guns cuz there is actually some variance there the M16 and the AK-47 get a little bit of extra headshot damage compared to the others I would say the big standouts here are actually the the AK-47 and the ACR 6.8 because in their maximum damage range for both of them you only need to land two head shots mixed in with two body shots to get a four shot kill whereas with the MDR and the M4 for instance you got to mix three head shot in with two body shots to get a five shot kill so it's going to be a lot less often with those guns that you'll see a reduction to your time to kill by mixing head shot in so this graph does go to show how powerful head shots can potentially be but they're actually not quite as powerful as I thought I thought in most cases you would just need to mix one head shot in with body shots to cut that down and that's rarely the case especially not in the maximum damage ranges as for the next thing that I feel is quite important to point out here is how do these assault rifle Stack Up Against The Phantom faction because Phantoms have 120 Health whereas everybody else and everything I've been looking at so far is just at 100 Health but before we do that today's video is sponsored by manscaped and it's that time of the year for spring cleaning and that also applies to your grooming today we're going to be once again having a look at the perfect package 5.0 Ultra for manscaped now you guys might remember remember me covering this from back in December so now I've got a solid season under my belt pun intended and I'm still using it regularly and it's holding up great so far and let's start this off with the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra this trimmer is the centerpiece of this set featuring manscape skin safe blade heads now with this we've got the trimmer blade for your general trimming needs this one's tough on hair but gentle on your skin and if you're looking for a closer smoother finish you can easily pop that trimmer blade off and just swap over to the foil blade additionally with this trimmer the battery life is excellent like I said I've been using this since December and I've only only had to charge it twice so far and as far as cleaning goes it's super easy it's waterproof so you can just take it in the shower with you or rinse it under the faucet for a quick clean as for the rest of the perfect package 5.0 Ultra you also get the crop Soother After Shave lotion and the crop preserver ball deodorant now it doesn't stop there when you order the perfect package 5.0 Ultra you also get a free gift which is the shed 2.0 travel bag this has been excellent I actually managed to do a little bit of traveling with it so far and it held up great so if you guys are interested head over to manscape.com and get your hands on the perfect package 5.0 Ultra today and when you use my code txa2 you'll get 20% off your order as well as free international shipping at checkout big thanks manscape for sponsoring this video all right so getting back into it here is our range and time to kill graph against Phantom users and as we can see here it's generally going to take you one extra shot to kill with assault rifles against Phantom players with one very key exception here this is the M16 in the maximum damage range we're still getting a five shot kill to the body against Phantom users which is the same as we get against non- Phantom users and this means if you find yourself in a lobby with a bunch of phantom users out there and you want to use an assault rifle it's pretty clear to me that the M16 is likely going to be your best option because you're going to be killing them up close as if they were just regular players that didn't have boosted health and that's why they going to wrap it up for all of the range and time to kill breakdowns I wanted to do unfortunately at this point it would be a little too much to include all the cleaners info as well cuz if you are playing as cleaners you will deal extra damage but have less range that one's going to take quite a bit more time for me to test and really figure out all the intricate details of that whereas Phantoms is pretty simple you just boost the health value of enemy players so now let's get into the next really important stat to look at here and this is our recoil comparison and in this game The Recoil is actually very straightforward and extremely consistent as well from one recoil plot to the next it's going to be essentially the same with very minor deviations the general pattern is going to be exactly the same every single time and with the way they've got everything set up it's just easiest to show you one single recoil plot instead of multiple and as we can see here obviously the most accurate assault rifle in the game is the M16 and this is largely due to the fact that it's a burst gun that will reenter perfectly between every burst then with the MDR this has a fairly straightforward recoil plot it kicks basically straight up with just a very very slight lean to the left that horizontal drift is practically negligible though however it does have technically the highest magnitude of vertical recoil out of all of the assault rifles and relative to the other assault rifles as well there is a decent amount of side to side bounce as it kicks upward when it comes to the M4 A1 this one has a fairly low vertical magnitude of recoil however it does drift pretty far to the right as it's kicking upward the AK-47 has a pretty high magnitude of both vertical as well as horizontal recoil but it's like a perfectly diagonal line straight upward and to the right and somewhat similar to the MDR there is some side to side bounce as it kicks upward with the AK-47 it's not much but it is enough that it is worth mentioning at least overall I would say the AK-47 has the worst recoil out of all of these assault rifles but it's still very manageable and then finally we've got the ACR 6.8 which also kicks in a nice diagonal line line upward and to the right however in the case of this one the bullets tend to be very close together and there is very little side to side deviation on that it's a nice nearly perfectly straight line at the end of the day these recoil patterns are all very simple and easy to control as long as you have your aiming settings nailed down after that let's have a look at a comparison of our handling stats and our aimed on sight times are all fairly similar 300 milliseconds seem to be the Baseline for assault rifles but the M4 A1 will be a little bit faster at 267 milliseconds and the ACR 6.8 is going to be a bit slower at 320 milliseconds it's a fairly similar story with our Sprint out time or how long it takes to fire your gun coming out of a Sprint all of the assault rifles hover roughly around 300 milliseconds but the MDR is the best out of all of these with it being sort of that assault rifle SMG hybrid at 250 milliseconds and then again with the ACR 6.8 this is going to be the slowest in the assault rifle category at 320 milliseconds after that let's have a look at our reload ad time and these values are going to differ from what you see in the detailed stats in game and that's because those numbers are referring to the total animation time however just like with Call of Duty and many other Shooters on the market you can actually cancel any unnecessary animation once the gun is technically reloaded so once you see the magazine filled on the bottom right of your screen at that point any animation after that is totally unnecessary you can cancel that animation out and therefore anything up until that point is what's considered our reload ad time so this is the true potential reload time of these guns and most of the assault rifles are very very similar here at about 1.35 to to 1.39 seconds which is actually pretty quick that's not bad at all however it is clear the M4 A1 is the slowest in this category at 1.54 seconds that's still not a horrible reload Time by any means it's just noticeably slower than the other assault rifles and then finally for the stat comparison here I also want to have a look at our movement speeds and again this is an area where if you look at the detailed stats those movement speed values don't actually mean anything they're just totally inaccurate at this point so I went in did all the hand testing and calculated our movement speed values here and it turns out all of the assault rifles aside from the MDR have the exact same movement speeds our base movement speed so if we're just walking without sprinting but we are standing up this is 4.2 m/s for most of the assault rifles our Sprint speed is a 1.5 times multiplier on this so it's 6.3 m/s and our aim walking movement speed is A7 multiplier from the base so the typical speed you'll see with an assault rifle is 2.94 m/s as for the MVR again they do treat this kind of like an SMG assault rifle hybrid and as a result all of our movement speed values are a little bit faster than what you would see with the other assault rifles and with that that's finally going to wrap it up for today's stat comparison for all of the assault rifles in ex Defiance so far and like I told you at the beginning I really don't think there is one single best assault rifle in the game for like all situations and I got to say that matches my experience in game as well like initially I was really leaning toward the ACR 6.8 and that might be one of the best like all arounders but it's not necessarily the best in all situations and I performed just fine with the AK-47 or the M4 A1 as well then when it comes to the M16 it may kill the slowest against regular players but it kills the fastest against Phantom users and it's also extremely accurate and has excellent headshot potential and I've got to say the only assault rifle that I'm really not a big fan of in the game currently this is the MDR well it is designed to fit that SMG assault rifle hybrid rooll honestly I feel like it's just kind of a not so great version of either of those and if I really want to lean into more Mobility I'll go with an SMG whereas if I want to lean more into what an assault rifle would be good at I'll just go with a typical assault rifle that's not the MDR those are just my opinions though and I'd love to hear from you guys in those comments down below for those of you guys that have put some time in with all of the assault rifles what are some of your favorite assault rifles to use so far in ex Defiance do you think there is just one best overall or do you think they've actually done a reasonable job at balancing these with each other just let me know down below if you enjoyed the video a like rating is always appreciated and don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already I'll talk to you guys next time oh [Music]
Channel: TheXclusiveAce
Views: 83,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call of duty, XclusiveAce, TheXclusiveAce, Modern Warfare III, MWIII, Modern Warfare 3, MW3, Call of Duty Modern Warfare III, Call of Duty MWIII, CoD MWIII
Id: sV0mcGtAGXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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