The Best Classes in Guild Wars 2! PvE Tier List

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what are the best classes in guilter 2 PvE this year I made it my personal mission to enture all common guilter two questions common questions like what class should you play what should you do after level 80 can you beat the clock tower on the we fits balance boards that last one is extremely common but today I am answering perhaps the most difficult question of them all which class is the best clearly it is element list because that's the one I play n but seriously this is a difficult question to answer but it is clearly a question which a lot of you have lots of gaming news websites have tried to answer this question with um varying degrees of success but in guils to I ask for so today it is time for me to take a crack at answering this question specifically I'll be taking a look at how goody different Elite specializations are in PVE but why should you listen to me this random YouTuber I play this game a lot I've played all of the classes at a PVE endgame level and I also hear mysterious voices in my head trying to help me out uh they are also known as the twitch chats now before you get mad at me for ranking your main in the lowest St let me just say that g 2 is really balanced right now not a single Elite specialization is unviable or bads the most important thing is playing whatever you enjoy the most that being said though there are definitely certain Elite specs which are a tiny ity little bit extremely overpowered maybe it is really easy to execute maybe it's awesome on a lot of fights or maybe it has great uidity those of these specs are the ones which will end up ranking higher on my list we're looking looking for the perfect balance between being good fun and easy also if you are not familiar with the classes yet I highly recommend watching my class guide first that video is much more focused on introducing the classes to you while today I'm going to talk more about how good I think they are and with all of that out of the way it is time for some hot takes first up today are the necrom Monster specs necrom monster is known for being very straightforward to play but it is also very powerful at the same time so all of these Elite specs are going to rank pretty highly Reaper is an incredible power DPS but it also has solid condition options it hits like a truck it's easy to get started with and it is very tanky with lots of utility also just think it's really fun to dash around being a Reaper of death with a big spooky SI Reaper doesn't really do support roles but it is easily one of the best DPS specs in the game right now so I'm going to put it straight into Esther definitely a specialization which I would recommend to just about anyone the next necrom monter spec is Scourge Scourge is also one of those specs that is absolutely meta defining right now as a condition DPS its DPS output is theoretically slightly on the lower end but because it's really easy to execute and because it has great range you will often still end up doing the most damage in actual VI Scourge can also be a fantastic heater and in my opinion it's one of the easiest heaters to learn it has everything that a heater needs but it also has incredible rest potential with transfusion you can basically teleport down people to you and just rest them super fast this gives you incredible carry potential you can really carry your team to Victory all in all Scourge also easily ends up in Esther oh but by the way if you want to learn how to play CI Scourge DPS actually made a guide for that pretty recently link is in the description the final necrom monster spec is the harbinger which is my personal favorite necrom monster spec because it's a little bit less survivable and to me that makes it a bit more exciting to play it is a solid K DPS but most people who want to play K necro just kind of opt for Scourge instead because it's just a little bit easier than Harbinger Harbinger is also good good quickness DPS builds but it's not really the most popular option out there all in all Harbinger ends up in CER speaking of squishy let's talk about my main the elementalists first up is Tempest Tempest is probably my least favorite ell spec but it's not bad it's going a solid electrity heater bills but in my opinion it's one of the harder heaters to master don't get me wrong it's not like super complicated but you got to be a bit tactical about how how you go for your attunements it's also got a con DPS build which recently got buffed a lot it is really easy to play while simultaneously being really powerful this is a great first Ed build to get started with and also a great build to keep playing because it's just really good tempus land solidly in a TI mostly because of its DPS bills the next ell spec is the Weaver Weaver cannot really do much support but it's got one of the hardest hitting part DPS spills out there instead of attuning to just one element at once reavers can attune to two elements which is pretty awesome but it also gives it a bit of a learning curve Weaver is very good but it's not very beginner friendly and often you end up working a lot harder for the same damage as some of the other DPS bills out there beater cataly is actually quite similar to Weaver it hits hard and it's pretty complex but not not because of its dual elements but because of its energy management mechanic unlike Weaver it does have the option to do some support by bring in quickness personally though I find quickness Catalyst a little bit painful to play because you need energy to give your team quickness when something goes wrong it's really easy for you to run out of energy and for your quickness to just kind of disappear this means that Catalyst also ends up in beer our next Clause is the Mesmer Mesmer already packs a ton of utility like portal MOA for UTC feedback for reflex but some Mesmer specs definitely seem better than others krona monster was not in a great spot for a long time but currently it's actually kind of good again you can be a boon DPS giving your team either the quickness buff or the electrity buff and you can play either of those with the exact same gear and rotation the only thing you have to change is a single trait so if your team really needs quickness you can bring that or if they really needs ELR you can also bring that you can be super versatile as a chrona monster it also looks like heal chrona monster might be becoming a thing in the very near future and once again you can bring either quickness or elcy really easily krona monster is very versatile but you do have to manage your clones and there's also this conium split mechanic which kind can be a little bit tough to learn koner ends up in AER next we have Mirage Mirage is it's it's just kind of not in a great Sports currently as a DPS it's very difficult to play to the max of his potential it's called an alacrity DPS build but because the Clones despawn when they kill their Taurus it can be very difficult to provide alacrity effectively if the enemies are dying quickly Mirage can be awesome for soloing bosses in open world but in instance end game Mirage is kind of struggling right now Mirage just really needs a little bit of love which is why for now I'm going to put it in detail by far the most popular Mesmer spec right now is the virtuoso virtuoso doesn't 3 do support but it is a fantastic DPS dealer it's got a lot of range with its daggers it can cleave multiple enemies and hit them at the same time and it's just really really easy to play virtuoso gives up clone mechanic for these blades that float next to them so they don't have to worry about clones despawning when the enemy dies there are loads of fights out there where Ki virtuoso is easily the best pick for a DPS and even on fights where virtuoso doesn't shine as much it still does a lot of damage this is one of the DPS builds right now so virtuoso goes straight into Esther by the way if you want to learn how to play con virtuoso I'll be posting a guide for it pretty soon you should totally subscribe if you want to see this all right that was our light armor Clauses let's move on to medium armor starting with Ranger Druid is a really really good heater it's not really my personal favorite but I cannot argue that it's one of the strongest heaters out there it's called great heating output and fantastic uidity and it's also pretty easy to learn nowadays there's also a really strong CI DP s builds for Tru which actually currently has the highest DPS Benchmark on but to pull off those sick DPS numbers you need astral Force which can sometimes be a bit painful to get in a real F Ki Dro is not really a DPS builds that I would easily recommend to someone new all in all D is still going into a tier though mostly because it is a fantastic heater our next Ranger spec is the assault beast and I might be a little bit biased here SV is probably my favorite DPS build to play right now it absolutely pumps damage and it's super satisfying to pill of your X5 skill with lots of damage Buffs and see 50k DPS on the damage meter for a few seconds syv is very bursty which makes it great for bues with short damage Windows this has made it incredibly common in try hard fral groups and well it can be kind of difficult to compete with so Beast is however in my opinion a little bit tougher to pull off than something like Scourge or virtuoso your damage is really focused on these little burst windows so if the boss phases at the wrong moment or if you get knocked down at the wrong moment it can really hurt your damage to play sbeast optimally you really need to know the fight well so because of this sbeast is not going into Ester but instead into AER and then we also have Untamed which is um we don't need sbeast we have sbeast at home n sorry that's that's not fair unamed is actually a pretty good DPS but I just don't find it very exciting you lack the burstiness of soulbeast which makes it less exciting but I suppose it does make it a little bit more forgiving there is also an untamed build which brings quickness for your teammates but it doesn't bring much older utility in the end unamed is just kind of middle of the road beer let's do thie next fev's weapon skills are not cool down based but instead you spend initiative this is pretty unique and it has a little flavor but it does mean that a lot of thief bills involve you spamming your highest damage per initiative skill Dar level is the prime example of this Daredevil has caused great power and con DPS bills which deal very competent damage but playing them can be very spammy and a lot of your skills look you into these animations this makes the Dil surprisingly not that mobile while you're dealing damage and on certain fights it can lead to you ending up in the middle of AOE daril deals solid damage but it just suffers on certain fights making it end up in a CER Dead Eye is uh de ey is kind of just not great in instance content it's called some Niche uses as a ker on Kadeem one or kadim 2 but if you kneading down with your sniper rifle you lose out on crucial Mobility you can also grab daggers and do decent damage with those but this is one of those builds where if one tiny little thing goes wrong your damage immediately falls apart it's just very painful to play and it's pretty one of the least played specs in PVE deter Spectre on the other hand is a lot better it can be a really good con DPS and it's also got on a lity build which is very competitive it is very simple to play and in my opinion it is is also a lot of fun I actually think that a lot of people sleep on Spectre builds Spectre healer is also a thing and while that build is not very popular it's actually surprisingly competitive nowadays definitely not the best heater out there but it's good enough to get you through the content Spectre ends up quite high on my list AER now let's move on to engineer one of my personal favorites glosses let's start with Scrapper Scrapper is a very popular pick for quickness DPS it does good damage while also having great CC and great uidity on Scrapper you have access to a lot of super speeds which means that you can zoom around the arena and also make your friends Zoom around the arena Scrapper also has a pure DPS build which has actually become kind of incredible with the latest balance batch it does ridiculous damage while at the same time being very easy to play and still having lots of utility as a scrapper you get a lot of barrier which means that you can kind of just face tank a lot of stuff no problem absolutely an incredible power DPS build and if you're interested in playing is I'm actually planning to make a video guide for this build as well stay tuned for that there is also a heel Scrapper build but most people who want to play heel on engineer kind of just go mechanist instead all in all though Scrapper is a very versatile spec and it is one of the strongest DPSS out there while being very easy to play sther another another great option for power DPS is the holos Smith Hol Smith actually has slightly more burst than power Scrapper but it is slightly more tricky to play I also personally think that it is a bit more fun than Scrapper it was actually my go-to DPS build for a very long time just like Scrapper Hol Smith is very forgiving if something goes wrong in your rotation you can easily pick it back up there is also a CI Hol Smith build which apparently does ridiculous damage but it also looks really difficult to play so I personally haven't quite bothered with that yet maybe one day for now though H Smith is absolutely going into ather then it's time for the first engineer spec the mechanist and mechanist is just very versatile there was a period in time where power rifle DPS mechanist was everywhere it hit extremely hard while being probably the easiest DPS build to play in the history of the game since then a rifle mechanist has been nerfed pretty hard and its DPS numbers are on the lower side of the spectrum but it's still very easy to play it's still a build that I would highly recommend playing just because it's really easy and really accessible there is also coni mechanist which is not quite as easy as the power rifle build but still pretty straightforward and it does very decent damage that is not even all though you can also relatively easily adapt these DPS builds to give aity and you can also be a competent healer mechanists might not be super widespread but it can just kind of do almost anything well at the same time being pretty easy to get into ater all right there's still a couple of glasses for us to get to the three Heavy Armor glasses let's start with a warrior Berserker is fine it's actually a spec which I personally do not like very much but it is a fair pretty popular big and it is pretty good at well it does you can go into this berserk mode and get access to your Primal Rage skills the idea of doing high damage on Berserker is to basically stay in your berserk mode all the time and keep generating adrenaline for these Primal wage skills it's very spammy and being knocked out of your berserk mode feels really bad Berserker is just not really my thing if it is your thing though it is a solid damage deer which ends up in AER oh I kind of forgot about this but it also has a pretty good quickness spills spell breaker is more my thing I would say that it's a bit easier to play than Berserker it's just less spammy and it's a bit more forgiving but it also does a little bit less damage it's called great quality of life you are very survivable and you also get a ton of stability kind of just for free it's very comfy to play and it's very straightforward to play and I highly recommend it to just about anyone looking to get started with Warrior also ater finally Warrior's last spec is the blades Thorn and blazor is struggling a little bit I do absolutely love this build but it's just a tiny bit awkward currently for those of you unfamiliar you get this gun Blaze weapon which you can charge up for Dragon slash and dragon slash does absolutely massive damage this makes Blaze for very bursty but it also means that if you miss Your Dragon slash for one reason or another your damage entirely falls off a cliff this means that you need quite some encounter knowledge to effectively Play Blaze but right now you don't get rewarded that much for being able to play Blaze horn Blaze horn can also bring electrity and that build is also pretty awise but the challenge in playing them just kind of doesn't feel like it's worth it blaz horn is ending up in beer next let's talk about Guardian guardian is actually balanced which is weird for a long time Guardian had the reputation of being Arena Net's favorite class which was always brokenly strong but that is not the case anymore I would actually go as far as to say that Guardian is just kind of right in the middle guardian's first back is the Dragon Hunter Dragon Hunter is a decent damage deer it is bursty it deals good damage and it's easy to pick up but it just gets a bit overshadowed by the other bursty power DPS builds like for example soulbeast Dragon Hunter isn't bad but it's just kind of middle of the road and in my opinion it's kind of boring beats here fire brands in my opinion is the opposite of boring it is absolutely one of my favorite Elite specs you get access to a million skills in your free to skill bars and you also have access to a ton of utility just from being a guardan H Firebrand is a pretty all right heater which absolutely shines in fractals Firebrand just brings a ton of stability and a ton of Ages which means that in high tier freals you can often save your teammates from certain death con Firebrand is also a pretty all right DPS which might get a lot more interesting with the upcoming pistol weapons I just love fire Brands and in my opinion it is absolutely AER coni wheel bender is actually very very similar to Cony fire band but I personally just like it a lot less because it lacks the cool to skills power will Bender though I think is a very fun build both builds deal plenty of damage and are solid DPS options Wilner can also bring alacrity but that's not a build that sees much play currently because it just doesn't bring much else besides damage and alacrity Wier just like Dragon Hunter just feels very middle of the road to me beat here and then it is time for our final Clause the Revenant and I will just spoil it immediately Revenant is quite good right now heral is easily one of the meta defining specs right now you don't see many pure DPS Heralds out there but quickness Herald is everywhere it is very easy to play with good damage and good quickness up time for your teammates but it also brings a ton of other stuff you can give your teammates tons of Ms tons tons of Fury tons of protection Boon extension it's like your quickness DPS but you just cover half the things that are heater usually does and that's not even everything Harold can also be a fantastic heater with great healing and great ucity Harold is easily one of the best specs in the game right now Esther on the other side of the spectrum we've got Renegades Renegade is still good but it's probably the worst Revenant spec right now it is a solid col DPS and it's also a great option if your team needs electrity but in my opinion it it's called a bit of a learning curve it's certainly a lot trickier to play than Harolds but if you're up for a challenge it's really not a bad pick I am a bit conflicted between a tier and B tier for Renegades but because it's just not very popular of the player base currently I'm going to put it into beer Vindicator on the other hand is very very popular right now now Vindicator doesn't really do support but it is a very powerful DPS which is exceedingly easy to get into I see this builds everywhere and having played it quite a bit recently I can kind of see why it is just the right balance between good damage fun and playability if something goes wrong as a Vindicator you just don't really care you just resume pressing your skills no problem at all you can also quite easily switch out one of your weapons or one of your Legends for utility and don't even sacrifice very much damage in doing so Vindicator is our LW specialization for today and I am going to put it into Esther and there you have it my very subjective T list of all the elite specs in guilter 2 right now once again let me stress that currently all the elite specs are quite good so don't let this list discourage you from playing the specs in the lower tears but maybe maybe this list can encourage you to try some of the higher tier builds you might be amazed at how easy and strong some of these are in the future I really hope to put some more guides out to teach you how to actually play some of these specs so if you're interested definitely subscribe for us so what do you think do you agree with my list or do you think that I am super wrong feel free to tell me in the comments below or you can also stop by my twitch stream over at Lany I am live five nights a week and I try my best to play every single one of these Elite specs hope to see you there and I also hope that you have a fantastic rest of your day this was theany and I will see you next time
Channel: Laranity
Views: 136,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mvhs41rZOzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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