The Best Items in the Gem Store! - Guild Wars 2 Tier List

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so you are new to guilter Su or maybe you've been playing for a bit already but you've now decided that it is time to swipe you have a burning desire to spend money and Gil st's gem store has caught your eye but which items are worthy of your credit cards well something that's certainly worth your credit card is a subscription to okay no but seriously there are a lot of items on the guils 2 Gem Store and some of these items are amazing while other items are less amazing so which items should you buy first which items are the must haves which items are great for certain people and which items should you probably avoid well as a serial gilter 2 money spender I got you it is time for a tear list of the gilter St Gem Store let's begin by talking about some must buy items starting with the copper fet Salvage omatic the copper Fett Salvage omatic might not seem that amazing at first glance but it is easily one of the items I just cannot live without when I made an old account a couple years ago the first thing I did was buy a copper Fest this item is basically an infinite basic Salvage gift every time you use it you pay free copper which is roughly equivalent to buying Salvage kids manually from the vendor so it's not necessarily cheaper but gosh it's so convenient to not have to run to the merchant every time you want a salvage you can just Salvage forever and never run out of kids it is so good you might not know about this but you can actually right click a salvage kit including this one and press Salvage all fine or lower let's go such an easy fast way to clean your inventory this item is amazing and is going straight into Esther besides the the coer fets there is also the Run crafter Salvage H medic which is ideal for green gear and the silver fet Salvage helic which is ideal for yellow gear these kits are also very convenient but in my opinion they're not as much of a game changer as the copper fets green gear is usually pretty profitable to sell in the trading post and you don't get that much yellow gear so getting regular Salvage kids isn't that annoying for this reason these kids are going into AER you are now probably thinking that you need to buy a copper Fest well an awesome item to pair up with this is a shared inventory Source these special inventory SS are shared between all characters on your account so you can get one put your coer fit self drumatic in there and then use it on all your characters these Shar STS are awesome and I have loads of them Esther by the way you also get these for free when you buy an expansion so you might already have one perfect for that coer fet next up living roles if you're not aware living RS was basically content updates that aret used to release in between expansions nowadays new expansions include all of their content updates but in the past you had to buy these separately these Living World seasons are in my opinion also great purchases because they just content to play with new maps story and rewards Living World season 1 is free so you can just give that a r right now season 2 on the order hand is a little bit weird season 2 is a bit more expensive than the other seasons and these season 2 maps are actually available even if you don't own the season this season is probably not the best value for your money but it is a story I quite enjoyed and if you enjoy sory 2 definitely pick this up beater season 3 season 4 and season 5 which is also known as the ice Bo Saga are all solidly Esther though these get you new maps new story and new Rewards these seasons are genuinely quite a l like small expansions so I highly recommend them Esther by the way all of these Seasons especially season 3 are super useful for getting easy ascended trinkets check out my gear guys video for more details on that now let's talk about yet another item I cannot live without Lounge bosses Lounge bosses give you access to special VIP lounges these lounges are lot like the in-game cities with all the vendors services and crafting stations that you would expect these are super convenient because usually all these servfaces are super close together so you don't have to run around as much as you would in a regular City in my opinion the three best Lounge PES to get are the following mlook Sanctuary this is the only pul with access to fractal stuff armis dis Bastian this one has access to volt versus Vol stuff thousand Seas Pavilion this B has access to fishing stuff these free pulses also allow you to click the scroll a second time to quickly teleport back to where you came from in the open WS this is super convenient just teleport to your Lounge sell stuff and quickly pull back into open WS not all lunch bosses have this awesome feature when you buy a lunch boss I highly recommend waiting for the permanent boss Keys these aren't always available but it's so much better than spending money on the two we limited one once you get your permanent Lounge balls put it in a shirt do and enjoy ultimate convenience oh by the way if you don't want to spend any money on a lounge ball going to SoDo Wizards Tower Hub is a pretty solid alternative because it also has all the venders really close together because of this free alternative I would probably put the paid Lounge bosses not in eser but instead into AER also in AER infinite Gathering tools this is pretty self- explanatory these scattering tools never run out which means that you don't have to run back to the vendor all the time unfortunately you can only use these items on one character at a time which does hurt their value a bit if you like playing multiple characters if you have free shared inventory thoughts something you can do is reserve free slots to easily swap over your infinite tools each time you swap characters just keep tools and all your characters and then swap them in and out by double clicking when you switch character however I am personally usually a little bit too lazy to remember doing this I do highly recommend these items if you do a lot of gathering and also if you hate running out of gathering tools however they are kind of expensive and I do think that you can kind of live without them beer oh also a quick side note if you are buying infinite tools and the volatile magic tools happen to be available consider getting those those tools give you bonus volon magic whenever you gather and you can trade that in season 4 maps for super valuable materials you can get that same volatile magic effects on the order tools by buying a glyph on the trading post but those glyphs are pretty expensive so if the volatile magic tools happen to be available I highly recommend you get those specifically speaking of alts let's talk character slots I would say character slots are a bit situational if you don't care for alts you probably don't care much about getting slots but if you like making lots of characters these are Big Value a new character gives you lots of inventory space access to new builds and storage for equipment and you can also Park them in convenient places out in the open vaults next to a chest for example if you want cheap storage getting a dedicated mu character just for storage is also an option for example I have a special character just to hoard ascended stuff that I drop character slots are big value ater if you want your storage to be be a little bit more convenient bank expansions are kind of awesome you start with very little Bank spacing guilters to so having a bit more space is super helpful especially the first couple Bank upgrades feel awesome ather a similar upgrade is also the storage expander this item adds 250 slots to all your material storage LS in your bank so if before you could store 250 myal in there you can now or 500 mefro this is kind of awesome the first couple ons you get will feel like massive upgrades but in my opinion you really do not need more than maybe 750 or a th000 in total the first couple ones are great though AER back expansions are in my opinion not quite as good they only apply to one character which is a bit awkward if you play lots of alts it is kind of cool though to have lots of backspace on your main but the reality is that if you just clean your bags regularly you don't really need bag expansions beer I might also be working on an inventory cleaning guys if your inventory is a huge disaster just like mine you should definitely subscribe for this speaking of upgrades that only apply to one character let's talk templates equipment templates basically give your character another equipment load out I love these because I love playing multiple bills on my characters but I hate carrying around different gear sets in my inventory these are super cool AER there are also build templates which instead St a combination of skills and traits I think these honestly are a bit overpriced they're convenient for sure but swapping out your builds isn't that much work in fact you can actually right click your bills copy it and just save it in a text file then later you can paste this code back into the chat click it and apply it to your character only recommends getting build templates if you really like the convenience of instantly swapping your Builds on the fly or if they happen to be on sale see here oh also another great option if you want these templates is by getting them for the Wizards vault in the vault you can get some build templates for free every single season just for doing some dieses and weeklys there's also this other thing called build storage and I honestly don't really recommend you get this build storage lets you store Builds on the side of the screen and then you can reapply them to regular build templates it's a bit of a weird system and again you can also just use a text fall instead I personally play like 40 different builds across all my characters and I never use this if you really like this feature though I recommend getting this upgrade on the Vault instead deter all right now that we've started filling deter let's also put some other stuff here I am not a fan of single use item this is stuff like the Blackline Salvage kids boosters consumable primers Mystic Forge Stones revive orbs upgrade extractors reinforcing canisters Merchant Express Trading Post Express with all of these items you can use them one time and then your gems are just gone I would much rather spend my gems on stuff that will last so I'm putting all of these into detail often you can also get these single- use items through other methods in game like for example for the Wizard's vaults all of this also goes for transmutation charges having these is awesome for fashion bars but you can also get these charges for free in the research Falls or you can also get them as rewards for other stuff like city map completion another item which I'm just not really into is Black Lion keys these Keys allow you to open loot boxes you have a tiny chance to get something rare but I feel like every time I open one I just kind of get unlucky anyway for this this reason I'm going to put these into CER if you're the kind of person who enjoys the fril of gambling I guess you might enjoy these but just be warned it's pretty likely that you will not get what you want one redeeming Factor about these Keys though is that each key guarantees you a black lion statuette you can spend these statue at a vendor to buy past black lion chest exclusives so even if you lose you could be working towards getting cool skins that you want if there's something that justest you really want you can always just wait for that item to be available for stues in my opinion that's a lot better than potentially gambling away loads of money all right that's enough negativity for a bit let's talk about something I spent way too many gems on skins this is of course really subjective but there are a ton of skins on the Gem Store there are Mount skins armor skins weapon skins outfits back pieces gliders Skiffs chairs emotes meal carriers finishers Minis and more again this is really subjective and maybe none of these items are your thing these items won't give you any utility or convenience but I just love my plushy Sky skill I love my cozy cat chair and my read book emot all I can say is go take a look at the gem store and see if any of these items make you happy I'm actually not going to put these items in a tier list because it's so subjective but gosh the py Sky skill goes into eser this is my tier list and you cannot stop me let's get back to some utility let's talk teleporters the recharging teleporter friends item is pretty convenient this item that you teleport to someone in your squad or party even if they are in a completely different map super useful for getting your alts around the Ws unfortunately it does have a 1our cool down which is per character if it wasn't for this cool down this item would be incredible but with the cool down it is going into beater the recharging set for to friend's cooldown timer has been reduced from 1 hour to 10 minutes I recorded the voiceover for this video literally yesterday and then one day later they massively reduce the cool down with the new 10minute cool down this item is getting upgraded to Esther there are also the cor areia and hards B portal devices these items that you teleport to gold bosses that are up in these areas when they are about to start you can also set them to give you a notification in your chat when these boss fights are about to happen these items are kind of convenient but honestly I am not the biggest fan I much prefer taking a look at the event timer page on the wiki and then just teleporting myself when I know a big event is about to start this Wiki page also includes the Met events from the other expansions which to me is pretty important these items are going into CER something else you can buy in the Gem Store are home instance notes these add a little gathering note to your home instance which you can then Harvest once a day for items personally I'm not super into Gathering my home instance I think it's a bit tedious but some people gather their home instance religiously the thing is most of these gemster notes take a really long time to pay for themselves the letter rack takes approximately 50 years to pay for itself these are just not great for making a profit but I guess you might want to get them for completionism I'm going to put them into detail though all right we're almost done with the ster list up next is the additional crafting license this item is very expensive but it makes it so that all your characters on your accounts can have another crafting profession active at once normally you can only have two crafting professions active but with this item you can upgrade your whole account to fre crafting professions or even four crafting professions unfortunately you cannot get more so you can never get them all on one character if you are the kind of person who doesn't like to play alts this item might seem pretty good but honestly it is rather expensive it's also just really easy to just swap to an alt and get some crafting done there I would only recommend getting this item when it's on sale CER and then finally we have one more category of items to talk about let's talk skip items first up is the level 80 boost with this item you immediately level a character to max level and you also get some free starter gear I honestly do not recommend this item leveling is really fast nowadays with the adventure Guide achievements and you can also easily get tons of knowledge which level you from PvP Vols versus Vols and the Wizards vaults this makes the level 80 boost just not a very attractive deal because it is rather expensive deter another skip item is the waypoints unlocker which instantly unlocks all way points in a certain area I do not think this is a great item running around grabbing waypoints is really false especially with mounds and honestly you don't even have many reasons to need every Waypoint just get a couple important way points at important places and you're kind of good deter finally you cannot also buy hero points on the Gem Store these are the points that let you unlock new skills and new trade lines before for level 80 you will not need these leveling to 80 gets you enough hair points to entirely unlock your core classs in the expansions there are Elite specializations which cost a lot of her points so you might be tempted to buy this item however her Point challenges in the expansion give you 10 hero points instead of just one so if you do those challenges unlocking a lead spec really really doesn't take much time at all Hero Point challenges can be pretty tough in hard of forns but in P of fire and end of dragons the challenges are really quite easy to solo if you're struggling with heart of forns hero points you can always ask for help in Map Chess or look for a hero Point train with a commander in the lfg I highly recommend just getting the her points yourself it's kind of a f bit of progression and doesn't take that long so for this reason gemster hair points are also going into detail and that brings me to the conclusion of this Gem Store tear list I really hope that this video gave you an idea of what items on the Gem Store you should definitely buy right now and what items are probably best to avoid if you agree or disagree with my list definitely let me know in the comments and if you have any questions the best way to ask me is to stop over at my twitch stream at Twi tv/ Lany I stream guil to five nights a week and I'm always down to chat about this stuff hope to see you there also make sure to join our Discord which is filled with loads of awesome go to 2 players thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: Laranity
Views: 20,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d6lB69bKJYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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