Secret GW2 Features you ACTUALLY didn't know about!

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guild wars 2 is a gigantic game with loads of content and tons of different features and sometimes the game doesn't always explain to you that these features exist so today i want to talk about these secret hidden guilters 2 features now i realized that there are already a lot of videos out there like that and if you go to the comment section of these videos you'll always see the exact same comments nice try youtuber but i already knew about all of these features so today i am taking on a challenge even if you are like me and you've been playing this game every day for the past 10 years i want there to be at least one feature in this video that you didn't know about let me know in the comments if i succeeded my challenge um if there are any comments saying that you knew all of them i will be very sad let's start off with a feature that's actually blue on my minds recently someone in my twitch chat mentioned to me that you can click the health bars in the events ui those are the health bars in the top right of your screen to quickly select enemies so if there's like a you are fighting and you see the health bar in a surprise you can click this health bar to quickly select the balls i've been playing this game for like a decade and i didn't know you could do that there is nothing in the game that suggests desserts but it's totally dolls i've sort of been trying to spread this around recently i've been talking about it on my streams at all so i even mentioned it on ac time episodes it will select that enemy i did not know you can type slash emote list to get a list of all emotes available in the game this is not super useful but i guess if you forget about the nemos you can quickly find us in the achievements window you can press the little gear next to the search fields here you can add an achievement filter you can for example use the filter to only display achievements that will give you an end of dragon's mastery points or only achievements that give you a title a lot of people know about the snap ground target setting if you turn it on all of your aoes will automatically get centered on your current targets this is really useful if you're like me and you miss all of your grenades with this setting all of your grenades will just get centered on your targets now what a lot of people don't know is that there are actually key binds to quickly turn the setting on or off there's one keybind that toggles it and there's another keybinds where you have to hold it down for the setting to be active personally i bound this to one of the buttons on my mouse so i can very quickly center my grenades and make sure i don't miss and then when i want to put a water field somewhere else i can just let go of it in a wallet menu there is sometimes a tiny little button to the right of a currency if you press this button the game will show you where in the world you can get it here is a tip for all the musicians that are watching as you probably know the legendary weapon the minstrel is also a playable instrument as long as you have dimensional unlocks on your account you can walk up to an npc to get the novelty unlocked and the novelty is what allows you to play music on earth now what a lot of people don't know is that just by crafting the menstrual in the mystic forge you already unlocked that novelty this means that you can craft the menstrual get the novelty unlocked as your crafters and then sell the menstrual on the trading post before you sole boundary this way you can save a lot of goals most of you probably know that in the achievements window you can press the little i icon next to an achievement to add it to your watch list the achievements that you put on your watches will then show up in the top right of your screen thus what a lot of people might not know is that if you go to the watch list in your achievement panel you can drag the achievements to change their order only the first couple of achievements in your watch list will show in the top right of your screen so by reordering them you can pick which ones you care about the most one of the reasons that people love their mystock sanctuary pass key is that it allows you to teleport back to where you came from but not everybody has the mystic sanctuary a free alternative is the obsidian sanctum in wolves vs walls this place has a merchant a trading post a bank and more and it also allows you to teleport back to where you came from so if you're in the middle of doing something you can just go to the obsidian sense of involves versus walls take something out of your bank and then press the leave the miss button to go back to where you came from and this next one is really cool if you're looking at items in a trading post you can type the phrase i am evan nashblade to go into the special evan nashblade most evan nashblade is the owner of the black lion training company so by using this password you can access his super secret mouse basically it allows you to see a lot more items at the same time it is a little bit laggy but if you use the training posts a lot this can be quite useful it even stays active if you switch characters or redo if you want to turn it back off just once again type the phrase i am evan nashblades into the search field and it will turn off if you are the commander of a squad you can send squad broadcast by using a little chat window at the top left of your screen you can quickly type into this chat window by pressing shift enter and you can even type slash 1 2 3 to send broadcast to specific subgroups if you play this game a lot you probably already knew about that but here is something i discovered just yesterday if you press the little icon next to the chats fields you can toggle the chat field between being either completely invisible or slightly translucent that does not seem very useful because maybe you didn't know about it either let's very quickly go through some features that are a bit more well known and that's very useful you can right click the chests that appear on the bottom right of your screen to save some time if you right-click them the pop-up doesn't show up but you just instantly get the loose it is worth noting that this doesn't work for every single chest in the game but it does work for most of them also a surprising amount of people doesn't know that you can right click your skills to swap the mouse this is a lot faster than trying to click that tiny little arrow when you're doing map completion it can be really tricky to find the last point of interest or vista that you still need as long as you aren't zoomed out too much you can mouse over the thing that you still need in the top left of the map screen and this will then light up any of the things you're still missing in the areas that you have in covers this is super useful for finding that final point of interest you still need if you're using the siege turtle together with someone else in the gunner series you can actually use waypoints on the same map and take your gunner with you to that waypoint this can be really useful in guild missions if one person doesn't have the right waypoint you can just like go get them and then teleport with the siege turtle if you make a squad and then press the private squad toggle it will hide your commander attack from other people on the map people your squad can still see us but other people will know us let's get back to some more obscure features if you store your living walls portal scrolls in the bank it can be kind of annoying to use them because you'll take them out of the bank use them and then they're stuck in your character's inventory instead of in your bank you can get around this by taking out your border scroll using it and then while you have the porta scroll dialog open putting it back into your bank and then the dialog will still work to teleport you somewhere you can draw on the map or the mini map by holding down shifts and right click a lot of players actually thought this got through moves thus arena just moved it to a really obscure keybinds you can use the slash time command to get the current tyrion time in your chest you can use dash map loads info in the command line arguments of guilters 2 to get nerdy statistics as you load into a map if you don't know what command line arguments are basically just edit your ghost's new shortcuts add a space behind targus and then rise maplow's info you can press a little hard next two items in the trading post to add them to your favorites list this even works in evan nashblade most you can then press favorites on the left side of the training post to find these items again later i personally use this for food items that i regularly buy we're almost at the end of the video but i've got a pretty good one saved for last if you are replaying episodes in your story journal they will get this little white star next to them if they have any progress if your episode has any progress in it that little star will just not go away it's not really a big deal but if you're replaying a lot of episodes at once for for example living world returns it can be a little bit annoying to see all these white stars next to all of your episodes here's a trick to get rid of them first press the replay button on an episode with a white star this will reset its progress back to zero if you then quickly switch to a different episode the white star will disappear both episodes have to be in the same season you can keep doing this for lots of episodes but unfortunately you will always be left with at least one at the end if that one really bothers you i guess you'll just have to go and complete her and that was the last one on my list i am extremely curious if there was at least one on this list that you didn't know about did i succeed in my challenge or did you already know about all of these then i'll be very sad if you like talking about cultures 2 definitely subscribe to the channel i'm trying to do videos a little bit more regularly and also you can stop by my twitch stream almost every single evening to just chat about guild wars i'll see you again tomorrow on stream bye everyone
Channel: Laranity
Views: 84,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wCiiT1i9FGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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