The BEST Budget Friendly Plug & Play Retro Gaming Console PC

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[Music] foreign hey what's up everybody Rich gaming guy here today in this video we are going to demo and review the Retro rager 500 gigabyte Plug and Play setup so this is a PC loaded with over 5000 retro video games comes with a controller comes with a SSD installed within the PC ready to go and all the necessary cables to get it up and running so we are going to take a look at this set it up test it out see what the performance is like on here because it does seem like this comes with tons of retro video game collections many of which I'm dying to test out on this PC so let's dive into it alright so we're going to open this up so we have a controller here looks to be PlayStation style controller uh looks like our power supply and our HDMI cable and then we have our PC itself all right looks like it's in great shape here appears to be an HP Elite desk um I'm not seeing here we go um I'm not seeing the model number on here all right well it's an HP Elite desk which I'm actually fairly familiar with although this looks to be a different one than what I'm used to we have four USB 3 ports on the back so we can certainly connect a bunch of controllers here two on the front looks like we've got microphone here um audio jack over here USB um type c I believe it's yeah type c up here in the front um and this doesn't have a HDMI so I guess this is probably let me open this up yeah so this is an HDMI to display port so this would connect back here where are we just like that and it basically does exactly the same thing it transmits video and audio and this is HDMI that would go into our TV so no uh no real difference there from an HDMI cable this goes right back here and uh let's take a look at the controller that we got here I'll actually lay this down because this is a little bit top heavy there so I actually think it's meant to be laid down that's how the picture was on the website so I'm going to go ahead and take a look at the controller here clear all this out of the way so we do have just a generic PlayStation style controller here I'm going to plug this into one of those USB 3 ports see a little bit lightweight but it does seem to be does have a good feel to it no branding on here so it is 100 third-party generic which obviously given the fact that it's USB is not going to be authentic um you know PlayStation style but it seems to be decent enough quality so we're going to plug this in let me just pull that through a little bit I'm gonna take the whole thing out and I'm going to plug it in up here I'm gonna actually run the DisplayPort to HDMI cable through my capture card so I can actually show you guys exactly how this boots up and what everything's like on here because I want to dive in and test out the games on here because it looked very promising foreign version 37 on there which at the time of this video is actually super current that is the latest from batasera so I'm kind of surprised to see that on there I didn't realize that that's what was um you know going to be included on here it just said bottasera um when I placed the order here so let's see what we've got now this is only 500 gigabytes so I'm not expecting massive collections here but we'll see what we've got good all right so here on our all games list 5373 games on here so that's pretty pretty massive list actually for just 500 gigabytes let's jump in and just see the layout within I have seen this theme before so I believe every single collection is going to be laid out like this we have a text list on the left we have video preview Den Center we have some box art cover art in the middle uh description of the title bottom right and then rating and some additional information as to like who published the game developed the game when it was released genre Etc so I do really like this layout it has literally everything you could ever want so as we scroll down everything does come together very nicely here we have background music we have audio for the video previews here just everything is really nicely put together from what I can see so far so let's back out and we're going to go through each of our collections so favorites here that is going to be a custom collection you can customize that add all your favorite titles just for easy access we have Atari 2600 627 games we have Atari 5296 games Atari 7858 games now Commodore 64 just one game there I'm sure we could expand upon this if uh Commodore was a collection that you wanted to um you know have access to those games don't take up much space at all so uh kind of surprised there's just one Title Here I believe that actually comes with badocera stock though so kind of makes sense that they would just leave that as something you could you know kind of expand on on your own original Xbox here 48 games for the OG Xbox that's probably the most massive collection I've seen for Xbox on bottasera I'm definitely interested to see what the performance is like there I know there have been improvements with the latest version of badocera PC engine just two games there I believe that's another one that comes stock on here with bottasera Nintendo Entertainment System 129 games so let's take a look at that one usually we see a lot more titles for NES but maybe they just put in like the more popular stuff and I do see like Bubble Bobble Dig Dug looks like Donkey Kong Jr looks like they definitely have the most popular ones which I think is good I mean I don't really get too jazzed up about having you know hundreds and hundreds of NES games when in all reality I probably play maybe 10 of them personally so let's back out of this collection uh original game boy here which is an awesome collection 557 games for the original Game Boy Super Nintendo here 796 for those let's take a look see how everything's laid out very similar here definitely liking the layout you literally have everything you could want you have you know if you want a description you've got it if you want the additional information you know on when it was released the genre all that stuff you have that too you have the video previews but you also have the box art so you don't have to sacrifice one thing to have another you have the best of everything so I'm definitely liking that right so the next one down N64 probably the most popular collection on here 177 games now I'm gonna put this the ringer when we start testing things out because I see a lot of these Plug and Play setups with N64 and N64 has been in all honesty a mess in most of these Plug and Play setups they always have a ton of games but they don't perform well at all so we're going to put this the ringer test everything out well not everything can't test out 177 games but we're going to test out some of the more challenging ones I want to jump into cruising USA or cruising World um maybe Mario Tennis yeah Mario Tennis is a good one that's a tough one to emulate Mario Kart just to see if they're slow down or lags but seems to be a pretty deep collection here 177 games and I'm not seeing any titles here that are missing in terms of like the most popular titles obviously some obscure stuff I'm sure isn't on here but we're seeing a lot of good stuff Indiana Jones and the infernal machine huge Indiana Jones fan and that is the only game I haven't played through for the Retro games for Indiana Jones But Ken Griffey Jr slugfest probably one of my top five favorite games for N64 so let's back out and continue on here touring through what we have Game Boy Color 533 games Nintendo GameCube 70 games now that is pretty pretty stacked there so we got some 007 backyard baseball football Crazy Taxi crash Nitro cart um Legends of Zelda Luigi's Mansion so we've got all the Mario parties here we've got a pretty pretty sweet setup here Metroid uh Prime and Prime 2 Echoes slugfest NBA Street NHL um NFL Street but um NHL hits which is an awesome one Pokemon game Sonic Soul Caliber Star Wars Super Monkey Ball Super Mario Brothers Super Smash Brothers awesome looks awesome I mean I want to see what the performance is like Game Boy Advance 1028 games Nintendo Wii 31 games let's see what we got for Wii I'm a big Wii fan I think people sleep on the Wii I love the Nintendo Wii so we've got Mario Kart Wii here Mario Party Metroid Prime Trilogy Pokemon um Super Smash Brothers we've got the House of the Dead games I love those this one Overkill people sleep on that game too that's an awesome game intense but awesome we got the Wii Sports we play Sports Resort awesome so it looks good there I'm going to test this out with the dolphin of art the mayflash Dolphin bar and I have a somewhere around here I have a Wii remote so I'm going to find that when we get you the demo portion of this and I'm going to test it out with that as well so we have Wii U here how many games four games for Wii U what do we have Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze awesome title Mario Kart 8. Mario Tennis Ultra smash it's my favorite Wii U game and Super Mario 3D World so we'll have to test this out that's pretty Advanced I'm kind of surprised to see that on here um and is that everything no so we have ports we have Pi game which is just like a trivia thing comes on bottasera a Thomas wave how many games 36 games what do we have in here let's see all right so I do I have I was gonna say I haven't seen any duplicates so far I do see some here in this collection but that seems to be it on here this one definitely has some duplicates I know a Thomas wave can be a little funky though so I'm not mad at that but yeah there's there's definitely some duplicates in here I don't see duplicates in any of the other collections um I will dive into that a little bit more off camera and I'll report back to you guys on that at the end because that does drive me nuts when there's you know say 5 000 games and then you dive in and find out that there's two of every game it's like okay there's not really five thousand then there's 2500. but I'm not like I said here going in Mega Drive we're not seeing any duplicates in here maybe no those aren't no that's a sequel so there's no duplicates in here all right so continuing on we have Game Gear and how many mega Drive games 784 259 Game Gear Game Sega Saturn 21 games so not super stacked but what do we have in here we have Daytona USA we have area 51. we have Mortal Kombats maximum four Sonic Jam Sonic 3D Blast Road Rash virtual cop one and two Virtual Fighter so I'm actually some really great games in here it's not a massive number but all of these games I'm actually familiar with earthworm gym two these are all good games so I like the selection there dream cash 35 games for Dreamcast so that's probably it's not a super um you know attractive number there by any means but 35 is still 35. um let's jump in here Crazy Taxi one and two Capcom versus SNK jet grind radio awesome game Gauntlet Legends my probably my all-time favorite game of all time is Gauntlet Legends so I'm stoked to see that in here a legacy of Kane solo Reaver uh Marvel vs Capcom 2 clash of the superheroes Matt Hoffman's Pro uh BMX we've got NFL Blitz we've got Resident Evils power Stones Awesome Sonic Adventure one and two what else we have Street Fighters virtual Fighters Virtual Tennis another one of my favorites WWF Royal Rumble love that so awesome collection there PlayStation what do we have here crash bandicoots we've got how many games we're on here get ahead of myself 66 games so pretty pretty good if they're good selections I'm happy with the lower numbers and the fact that we have 500 gigabytes here I get why it's not like you know we see sometimes 300 games for PlayStation in some of these collections it's certainly more attractive than 66 but if you're not playing them all then you know really doesn't matter so we've got the medal of honors we've got the Mortal Kombats here we've got NBA Jam tournament Edition we've got need for speeds um NFL Blitz ready to rumble Silent Hills uh tekkens Time Crisis ooh I would like to try out Time Crisis you know it would be sick as if they had it for PS2 I know there's probably only a couple PS2 games here but um I want to try that out with the sending light gun because I know that bottister 37 it should work on there I'd like to see if it does in fact work wrestling games I love the old school wrestling games it looks like we've got most of them here for PlayStation there might be a couple missing so here's the last collection PS2 and we have eight games here so not massive um God of War crash Nitro car Ratchet and Clank Tekken Tag Tournament one of my favorite games right there we do have Time Crisis we have three-time crisis games I don't have I even played that one crisis Zone it's one of these I haven't played I played three I don't think I've played this one and I like that we have the icon there saying that it's a light gun game um we got to try this with the send and like on I'm not gonna get my hopes up but that would be sick if it actually worked and again I don't even know what the performance is like on this right here but um Smackdown Here Comes the Pain one of my favorite Smackdown games of all time so we've got a great selection here um and we can scroll through each of the collections by just going d-pad left or right here but that was the last one so let's dive in and check out what the performance is like I want to start with I don't really care so much for NES or Super Nintendo or Mega drive because I know those work on if they work on like a Raspberry Pi they're going to work on this let's go with Dreamcast N64 Sega Saturn um gotta go PS2 Wii and Wii uh we gotta go GameCube oh what the hell we're gonna try a bunch of games and game collections I will put on the screen what each game that I demo belongs to but I'm stoked to try this out let's dive into it [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah a [Applause] [Music] Come on Mommy fights YouTube [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign action [Music] s alright guys pleasantly surprised by what was delivered here now the PC I'm actually familiar with the model not this particular version but the model is a good PC from HP the elite desk is a great model this particular one has more USB ports than what I'm used to so I know that it probably has some better performance as well because it's a later version of what I've used in the past so entire setup here though cost about 225 bucks I think shipping was included so 225 total price spent here it's not cheap by any means but it's worth every penny given the fact that you get amazing performance out of this most of these Plug and Play sort of setups we typically see anywhere from 100 to 150 bucks and they max out at almost every single one of them maxes out at N64 and Dreamcast and it doesn't Max out after those collections it maxes out like Midway so you usually get about 50 50 on that so 50 of your games for N64 Dreamcast would work pretty well fifty percent would not work at all so with this here we started our gameplay demos at those collections we started with N64 and Dreamcast and we went up from there everything else out there for less than this is going to get you barely to where we started today so we jumped into Mario Tennis for N64 ran very well we jumped into cruising USA another tough game for N64 to emulate perfect experience there the only thing I didn't love about that was the controller the control roller here is actually a pretty good PlayStation 2 style controller it looks and feels just like an original PS2 controller but the analog sticks weren't great for racing games perfectly fine for the majority of titles but for racing games just didn't have a great feel to them so they definitely get you by and the performance is good it's not great though so you probably want to upgrade your controller if you're going to be spending a lot of time doing racing games or if you're picky like I tend to be a little bit picky with analog sticks if you've seen any of my review videos on controllers or handhelds that's one of the big things that I always pick apart you want something that has a good sensitivity to it that allows you to navigate and steer without over correcting and kind of being all over the road which we did see a little bit here I was with cruising USA Beyond N64 though Dreamcast ran perfect GameCube perfect Nintendo Wii perfect and I used the original Wii remote with mayflash Dolphin bar if you haven't used the mayflash Dolphin bar I highly highly recommend it it will bring your experience with Wii right up to the same performance level as you would if you had an original Wii console so I'll put a link in the description of this video for the mayflash Dolphin bar at least click over to it get some additional information on it if you aren't yet experienced with that he will not regret it if you're into Nintendo Wii emulation and just Nintendo Wii in general I'm a big fan of it love that setup uh and that's always what I might just my go-to I don't use anything other than the original controllers for Nintendo Wii because I love that original experience but uh GameCube perfect PS2 on here really great performance there the only and Wii U as well great experience there the only collection where I had any pushback or shortcomings was original Xbox some titles ran extremely well as we saw with uh WWE Raw 2 some titles didn't run well at all to the point where I would never try to ever play those games again Project Gotham Racing love that game but unfortunately here the PC just doesn't have enough to it to get through that game effectively so we saw significant lags significant delays to the point where that car was cruising at what looked like about two miles an hour it is what it is so I wouldn't get this entire setup here if your goal is to play original Xbox games if you don't care so much about Xbox and you love all those other Collections and you're happy to get into some Xbox games because some games do work extremely well on here if you're going to regard it as just like an icing on the cake if some of your the Xbox titles work then I think this is absolutely amazing for you and that's the case for me I think that everything else that's offered here is absolutely amazing I'm happy with that I think that it's worth every penny that I spent on it for those games and game Collections and the fact that a couple of the Xbox games don't work well certainly doesn't you know ruin the experience here it doesn't make this worth any less than what you know it I ended up paying for it so 225 for all these game collections Plug and Play ready to go you know fully optimized and with sending like on support on here absolutely amazing we jumped into Time Crisis 2 for PS2 which is a demanding game to emulate first off but to bring in the send and icon and to have it perform as well as it did which it performs perfectly on I actually play through the entire game all the stages on here because this is a game I grew up playing in the arcade love this title I've been dying to get into this title with ascending like on for years now and up until recently that was not you know even a possibility uh bottister version 37 made that possible and I'm super stoked to be able to do that to the point where I just played through the entire game so um I showed you guys as much as I could without making this video super long but I think you guys got a good idea of what the performance is like on here for each of those high-end collections here but yeah again the the only shortcoming was original Xbox so I think this is an amazing setup and it saves a ton of time if you're somebody that just wants to have something that you can plug in and dive into those games straight away this is the answer right here much better than those other options out there that are cheaper but you're going to have significant um you know restrictions in terms of performance and in terms of what games and game collections you can dive into so here you got those added Collections and you don't have to leave this exactly as it is you can experiment you can add and remove games you if you found that there's titles in here for PS2 that you know you're not going to enjoy and you want to add more you can remove them you can add your own titles in there if you want to Jive into Xbox and remove those titles that you know or just aren't up to Snuff they aren't going to deliver that performance that you want you can remove those free up some space add more PS2 games add more GameCube games you can customize this to what your taste is this is a great starting point and that's actually what I'm probably going to do I'm probably going to go in here and tweak some stuff move some stuff around and uh you know see what I end up with in the end so definitely recommend this if you're somebody again that's looking for a plug and play setup with all these capabilities I'll put a link up here at the top of the screen as well as in the description so you can click over to retrograde your site get some additional information at the very least that's going to do it for today though if you enjoyed the video please give me a thumbs up on the video if you have any concerns questions anything like that hit me up in the comment section as well that's going to do it for today though thank you guys so much for watching hit that subscribe button to stay in the loop for all future videos but I'll see you in the next video thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: Retro Gaming Guy
Views: 454,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc gaming, gaming pc, pc gamer, retro gaming guy, retro rager, video games, gaming, mini pc, hp elitedesk, gamegrid 2, game grid 2, game grid, gamegrid, game console, retro game console, plug and play console, console, ps5, ps4, ps3, ps2, xbox, gamecube, nintendo switch, nintendo emulator, wii u, wii, psp, dreamcast, playstation, playstation 5, retro box, game box, best gaming pc, best game setup, batocera 37, batocera plug and play, batocera build, batocera image, games
Id: HvMB73Nm4hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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