Unleashing Retro Gaming Paradise with AMD Ryzen Mini Xulu PC Emulation Machines 🦾

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it's the time for a package from China and we're going to take a close look at this product called Zulu or how you freaking pronounce it let's go [Music] so if you're wondering does most of these packages come in like that yep they are nevertheless what are we going to get that is what we're going to find out we're going to do this unboxing together we're going to have maybe some fun or we're going to have a lot of shenanigans nevertheless I just wanted to see what are we going to get inside the box and oh man I forgot my knife I have no idea where my knife is doesn't even matter we're going to do a quick unboxing so this product is something I was really looking forward to check out here on the channel the reason why because this is something new it's not like a very powerful device it's something different it's like magic but what are we actually going to get that is what I really wanted to unbox and find out this is some completely different kind of a brand I have never heard of it and I was really curious why they're actually going to get because this thing is one of the tiniest and a very powerful machine so we do have like different kind of versions this is the Zulu xr1 light we also have a maximum problem saying it correctly and we have all different kind of specifications depending what you want to do with it because these things can be very powerful different kind of chipsets some are a little bit older but one of the things I want to check out can we actually play with it and how is it with emulation but let's interrupt the plastic and let's take a close look at the inside it comes complete with carrying case I think it's pretty damn awesome I was looking for a solution to bring a Mini PC to France if you're having like a game party and where a lot of the mini pieces are not very huge nowadays this thing is so small but it does come with the AMD radiant version number three so I don't know if it's going to be powerful enough to run most of my games I think for indie game it's going to be absolutely Epic easy more yeah but let's first talk about the specifications the processor we're going to get is the AMD ryzen 3 5300u it's not the most powerful one that comes with four core and eight threads bass frequency with turbo to 2.6 gigahertz stable and 3.8 gigabytes of turbo in the ryzen RX Vega 6 and ddr4 3200 milligahertz dual Channel nevertheless the specification list is not the latest out there but I don't really wonder how far we can push it and what can we actually play I think the most appealing thing for me personally is that we're having a different kind of a design and I mean especially particularly when you're looking at the way how they pronounce pronounce this just by having a very cool like new way to play bring this thing with you with friends and it comes with a beautiful tiny compact design the power supply is just your typical power supply that you're going to get this is the 19 volts 3.42 amps that's nothing really fancy just a normal plug then in here we're having the system itself with some pretty cool features there come different kind of colors and one of them is a green of course where you see over here it goes with a tiny display at the front and the coverall construction is quite genius I already seen some things overall we're going to get four USB port at the back we're going to get two HDMI out rg45 at the back and the input for the power supply at the front we're going to get an audio jack type scene and then we're going to get two USB ports the X air when the light comes with the Indie ryzen 3 Mini PC chipset in the inside 16 gigabytes of RAM 5 and 12 gigabyte PC Express SSD and of course we can replace it if you want to well nothing at all let's take a close look at the other compartment what are we actually going to get so here we're having the minimal let's say the smallest ryzen base PC in the world it's quite a bold statement but so far I know this is actually true let me know in the comments if you have found another one that has basically different and smaller but here we're going to see the different colors you can get the storm white is also very cool with the Battleship Gray a lot of cool looking different colors I'm going to get some stickers and here the mini desktop PC quick guide let's see here we're going to get a filter and the filter that we're going to basically placed in here for getting the dust out it's quite interesting that they give you this and here we go to get ourselves all the other information there's some foldable manual I really hate these things by the way but just and give you a quick explanation how you need to connect everything well it's kind of cool that you're going to get actually a very nice looking HDMI kit with this man look at this but what is a really in cool novelty at the front we're going to get a very tiny display that will showcase the fan speed but also the temperature itself I particularly going to use this thing for indie games and just for party games one of the old ones is Blaze rush and this game runs of course without any problem on even a lower powered AMD ryzen chipset and this game oh boy I can tell you this is a lot of fun [Music] next up of course Sonic Mania another game that is not super demanding but just wanted to check out how great or bad it will run on this Mini PC [Music] fun Cooperative game is one of those games like hunt down you can just enjoy them together with friend old school like in Nike back in the 90s and of course this game is like Sonic Mania speed of H4 and many other great Idols they run just fine on this dude in my opinion this thing is great for mini games down in come here I'll show you [Music] so okay when it comes to let's say homeschool AAA games let's say a Street Fighter 4 I'll still love to play these games will run absolutely great on 1080P and everything set to the highest setting and I think when you're looking like me the old fighting games or other games they would have been absolutely amazing even on a low spec AMD Rising chipset [Music] [Music] but if you're going to get in the latest games they're going to have a lot of trouble you need to get it to very low settings otherwise you're not going to get playable situations and in my opinion that is quite fortunate if you love to play an adventure game like Crash Bandicoot the trilogy it's a low resolution everything put to the low you still going to get not very long loading times and also an overall performance that is still playable between 50 and 60 FPS what do we got it [Music] but let's get into some emulation and when it comes to the old school stuff all the way up to Sega Saturn it's no problem whatsoever where I want to focus on some systems like PlayStation 2 to begin with and I can tell you even on a low spec system like this it runs pretty damn great two the PlayStation Portable and the PPSSPP emulator I needed to mess around with it I couldn't get this thing to run on Full Resolution or in other words like 10 times Revolution like we have seen with some of the systems that reviewed here on the channel do of like the lack of power we need to scale it all the way back to six times we'll have some dips with some cut screens but beside that we did have a very good overall playable gameplay thank you for PlayStation 3 we're going to push the boundaries of this device simply because this is a low power system but I was quite surprised to see how fast even the loading times it might actually go into boot up again [Music] thank you mine [Music] 1080p I just wanted to see about how we can play some Xbox classic but I think when you're looking in the era of PlayStation 2 Xbox classic GameCube you were going to have amazing performance even on this low power chip and that's I think very surprising especially because this thing is so small it's going to be absolutely great foreign to the Xbox 360 this device is not powerful enough so there we're going to meet his limitations and if you want to play stuff like this we need to have way more power so the light version of the xulu is not the way to go to it's just from all the way up to let's say the Xbox Place 2 and GameCube and some PlayStation 3 gaming of course I think when you're looking at the construction of this Mini PC that is absolutely an awesome piece of engineering first of all think about it this is one of the tiniest Amy mini PCS I ever had here in the wicked Studio first of all the design you can just slide it out fairly easy and when you're overlooking at it the way how they produce this is absolutely stunning like the two pcbs so the side we're going to get ourselves the LEDs or lighting up the side but here we're going to get at the bottom the Wi-Fi controller but the problem with this device is if you need to swap out the SSD there we're going to have absolutely a lot of Freaking Shenanigans to get there because that is the nightmare of this thing where a lot of let's say mini PCS you can just open it up fairly easy but that is not the case over here everything have been attached with a couple of screws and four ribbon cables because there are two layers of main board the first layer at the top is going to get herself the CPU GPU combination with a huge cooling but at the bottom plate there we're going to get all the other connections and both of the pcbs are connected with these Raven cables so you need to get all of the freaking rated cables loose then we're going to get basically in the Assembly of the system itself here you can see the bottom part can be removed and there he is there is the freaking SSD so it's absolutely a lot of misery to rip this thing all apart if you want to replace it another thing is because of the compact size there is no way of adding it to yeah second storage capacity where we have summer other devices so I ended a couple of things that you need to take consideration and yeah I think also when it comes to the ram same thing you just need to remove the full thing the top part there we're going to find the ram but everything is so difficult to reach for me the light is absolutely more than enough so we're looking at all the positive and negative side yeah you need to decide for yourself is this thing really worth picking up well thank you all for watching consider subscribing hit that little bell and it would be great to see you in the next video um [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wicked Gamer & Collector
Views: 311,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wicked gamer, wicked gamer & collector, pandora's box, handheld, portable, retro gaming, retro console, video game, video games, how to, ali-express, ebay, game, games, videogame, videogames, Xulu Tiny, AMD Ryzen, Mini PC, Emulation Machine, Review, Retro Gaming, Powerful Performance, XULU XR1
Id: mWSazIjtHVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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