3TB Plug & Play Game Drive With 1000s of Games From PS3 PS4 Xbox One Xbox Switch & So Much More!

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hey guys Retro Gaming guy here so today in this video we're going to unbox demo and tour through this 3 terabyte plug-and-play launchbox game drive that I found now this is currently available on AliExpress as well as on Amazon so this is pretty crazy because this offers over 17,300 plug-and-play games and they're not just retro so there's switch on here there's PS4 on here there's Xbox One on here and just about everything else that you could imagine prior to those so I'm excited to see what's truly available what the um setup is like internally so we'll first unbox this we'll take a look at the enclosure we'll take a look at the drive within that enclosure as well to see what the brand is and kind of gauge reliability of course then we're going to boot this up on my gaming PC we'll tour through every single collection that is offered within and then we'll jump into some games and see what the performance is like and the experience is like gaming on this let's dive into it and get started all right guys so here's the box that this comes in it shows us the hard drive uh enclosure right here now this is a HD CD not an SSD so I do want to make sure that that is um you know very clear on here and it looks like we have some RGB lights around here so I'm not seeing a brand name anywhere on here it's probably just a generic enclosure but I'm hoping it's not a generic Drive within because 3 terabyte drives you definitely want to have something that is reliable and secure so we'll go ahead and we'll set that aside first we'll see what connection cables we have inside here so we have our power supply cable for the enclosure you do have to you know provide Power to this in order for it to run properly uh or to run it all rather then we have a usba a cable to USB C that's going to be what connects over to our PC so I believe that the type-c is going to plug into the drive and we'll go ahead and we'll start unboxing that or opening it up rather all right so here's the enclosure and I'll I'll be honest it's you know your typical generic cheap enclosure here um it looks perfectly fine there's good ventilation on here but you know it's it's definitely no thrill there's nothing really special about this by any means now down here is where you're going to take your power supply cable plug that directly in you also have the type C as expected right there so we plug that in other end of this is going to plug directly into your PC this obviously goes into your power outlet and then you flip the switch right here but and I see where we have the RGB lights now in order to open this up and access the drive within which you probably will never have to do but I'm going to open it up today because I want to see what brand drive we have within here if it's a generic brand and it's probably not going to be reliable long term I'm hoping for like a uh Seagate um yeah for for a hard drive seagate's really the only one that I that I really think is super stable um so I'm hoping for a Seagate within here Seagate Barracuda would be great um I'm a big fan of those so let me see let's uh let's take those out first and we might have to usually you can just slide these uh some yep there we go so it's in there pretty good but wrestle it around a little bit and you'll be able to slide that off okay so they have some um little strips here to keep everything from kind of shaking within but we do have a Seagate in here and we have a ski uh Seagate Skyhawk um hard drive which which is actually pretty decent I do I like Cate so I'm I'm a fan of that uh I don't typically use the Skyhawk but it is a a pretty decent um hard drive here so 3 terabyte Skyhawk from Seagate yeah I mean that's pretty sweet and this just simply connects on here and you can just pull that back and as you pull that back it disconnects within and you can lift that right out if you wanted to so if you ever wanted to if like say you had an issue with this long term because this is really cheap this is super cheap plastic if you had an issue with this you just simply take the drive out and you can install it into any hard drive enclosure as long as obviously it accommodates this exact size so uh we'll go ahead and close this back up but the hard drive is good I mean that that was my initial concern I knew that this was going to be a very generic enclosure um but it's going to get you through you know it's going to do the job here to say the least but long term if you were to drop this on the floor you know you could end up with issues with the enclosure uh you could do damage to obviously the power supply over here the ports and stuff like that so just be on the lookout be real careful with that because it's generic it's really cheap quality uh but the drive itself is definitely good so let's go ahead and uh make all of our connections I'm going to going to go ahead and plug this into my gaming PC and we're going to boot this up and see what this has to offer now all right guys so here we are inside of launchbox now the setup process for this drive today took me all of about 5 minutes to do and I'll be honest with you I didn't have to actually install the drivers uh from scratch here because I already had all the necessary drivers to get this up and running on my PC I use launchbox on a regular basis I use game drives similar to this and I've toured through a lot of these in the past so already had everything installed that I need needed but I went through the um the same process just which basically rather than redownloading everything it just checks and makes sure that everything is up to date and you're good so I didn't have to again download anything direct from this drive to my PC in order to get it up and running but the average person is going to have to if you aren't already gaming on your PC or you aren't gaming with something like this a launchbox setup so the way that this is laid out is we land in our all games list here at least that's how it was for me and we can go right down here to the bottom left corner and we can see our total games so currently we're displaying because this is the master list we're displaying everything so 10,17 games of 10,17 games so that does differ from what was advertised here for the total number of games included on the drive not sure why there's a discrepancy there but it is what it is it's 10,17 that's every single title on here and if we take a look at the leftand column here that's our collection column we can see all of the different collections over here and you have to scroll down it's so extensive I mean we have stuff like PS4 on here we have Wii U on here Nintendo switch on here we have GameCube we have Game and Watch we have Nintendo Entertainment System DS N64 Xbox Xbox one even I'm I'm really excited to see what we have waiting for us in there so let's let's kick it off collection by collection I'm going to avoid the all games list so not a whole lot in this collection right here we're only showing um oh they're they're loading in my mistake I was about to say we're only showing four titles five titles no here they all come so currently in this collection we have 44 titles in here we've got Doom love that game it's such a great game right there uh pivotal game as well we've got some good stuff in here just scrolling through taking a quick look I do like the way that this is set up so we have the cover art or box art depending on what collection you're diving into today uh Wolfenstein 3D probably one of my all-time favorite games from this era of Gaming used to play that on the PC a whole lot uh always love that franchise so that would be one that I definitely enjoy here but you can get into that game on a wide range of different platforms so 44 games in here we're starting off nice and slow uh so this launchbox setup here it's not big box it's straightup Launch Box we're not going to have video previews we're not going to have um you know a lot of stuff when you click on a title it populates all the data in over here on the right hand side so pretty pretty U streamlined sort of setup here if we go to the next collection we have a AR links over here inside here we have 86 titles very easy to navigate though not everything appears to have cover art like this one right here doesn't have any scrape data as far as I can tell anyways uh everything else is loaded in so you know that's not uncommon to have a couple things that kind of slip through but very nicely put together I definitely like the way that this looks uh this isn't a collection that I dive into a whole lot but it's nice to have on here so next collection over though we're diving into what I'm really interested in and that's original Xbox Microsoft Xbox games 104 original Xbox games man that's that's pretty incredible right there we're going to just check something really quickly cool we're good we're recording so yeah 104 games for original Xbox now I'm not sure if all these are going to play well that's one thing I will say the original Xbox emulator it's you know it's got some shortcomings it's not bad but it's certainly not great in my opinion I know I know actually the majority of these games here and um like Bruce Lee quest of the Dragon Brute Force burnout um amped I know all those games work there's some in here I haven't tried out Ric I'm not sure if that one works um it's a great game brothers and arms I believe I've played those emulated those so those should work and of course your experience is going to very much depend on what PC you chose to use this with now I have aame gaming PC so I should be able to get into everything pretty well on here I can do AAA titles on here we've got Halo in here which is pretty cool so just a first Halo it appears got some Lord of the Rings The Two Towers I actually mentioned that in the past video in the last couple of days we got the Matrix Path of Neo which is pretty cool um we've got max pay one and two Mecha Sal love that one as well we got some Mortal Kombat in here Moto GP Moto gp2 NC's a pretty cool one ninja Gade and black we've got outrun 200 2006 Coast to Coast love this game right here uh recently picked up the other outrun title but coast to coast is an expensive one this game's like 250 bucks on the low end to actually get a physical copy of it so man this is where emulation really uh takes off for me I mean to be able to play games like this that would otherwise cost you an arm and a leg for the original version to play on an original Xbox you know it's it's pretty amazing we've got Star Wars Battlefront 1 and two we've got soulcaliber 2 we've got Jedi Jedi Outcast over here we've got a bunch of Star Wars titles so that's pretty cool we've got some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in here Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2x love that a lot of people forget about that one but three and four as well American Wasteland project uh eight lots of great stuff here we've got some baseball looks like they've touched on like the sports and the racing games quite a bit too so I'm really happy with this collection and we will try to jump into some of these titles at the tail end of this video we will demo some of the collections that we tore through here let's go to the next one which is Xbox one now I'm not sure that I've seen Xbox One on launchbox before I've definitely never never played that um and what do we have here let's see we've got 12 titles so we've got Assassin's Creed Origins here we've got Dying Light we've got I don't know what these gaps are here you would think that something would populate in there um but I'm not it looks like there's it looks like they there wants to be something here but let's see how many it says that we have 12 titles but we got 1 two 34 five 6 7 8 9 did I count right that's eight right there right four and 48 9 10 and then okay so I did Count wrong so we've got 10 titles here not 12 I don't know and if I double click here nothing comes in so all right the game counts off there because I don't know what's going on so what do we have here we got Elden ring we've got Grand Theft Auto 5 we got Dying Light Assassin's Creed Origins we've got ay which I'm not familiar with Red Dead Redemption 2 Resident Evil 4 Titanfall 2 we have the um The Witcher which is The Witcher 3 Hearts of stone so pretty cool titles here I'm a big Red Dead Redemption fan obviously Grand Theft Auto 5 Elden Ring's pretty cool didn't get into it like a lot of people did but it is a cool game nonetheless so yeah I'm not sure what the experience is like on here you Pro I mean it's not that you probably probably you will need to have a very high-end PC to be able to play this whereas something like you know turbo Turbo Graphics um 16 or Nintendo 64 you can get away with a much less powerful PC for stuff like that so we'll keep it moving here pretty cool though nonetheless we've got turbog graphics 16 over here with 295 games and you can see the layout in here we've got some Batman awesome title definitely some good stuff in here and as you click on these everything does populate in I like that we get a little screenshot from the actual game that populates into so that's pretty cool next collection here I jumped ahead but uh next one is N64 391 games for N64 and it looks like we have international releases as well you can see that the box art differs from us releases to foreign releases but hey it's still very readable still gives you a good experience coming through here and seeing what you know this has to offer so I'm definitely liking what we're what we're seeing so far so this seems to be very well put together very easy to navigate and again we mentioned before how there are titles that are super expensive and with emulation obviously you don't have to deal with that so clay fighter sculptor's cut believe this is like a $15 to $1,800 game if you have it complete this was a blockbuster exclusive it's absolutely God awful in my opinion but it's an expensive game to experience you know if you wanted to play it on the actual N64 console over here it's included you don't have to pay a dime extra for it so 391 games here and we have our Mario titles let's take a look I already see Dr Mario 64 but let's go down here and let's see if we've got we got my all-time favorite game Gauntlet Legends but do we have Mario Kart 64 I mean that's what everybody wants to play on N64 right I see we have Kirby I see we have Zelda Mario Kart 64 Mario Golf Mario Party games are all here awesome Mario Tennis of course so we've got you know the the stuff that everybody wants which is good Nintendo DS we have 71 DS games here never been a big DS guy myself but I can certainly appreciate the um you know the titles here we've got some great Mario titles Mario Kart DS usually what I jump into when I do Venture into DS so pretty cool 71 games NES over here with oh just uh 1,748 games wow that's that's insane and I would imagine there's also foreign releases here and you can see they're populating in and we do have some foreign releases looks very nice love just the readability of this you know sometimes when you have the video previews and stuff like that it looks really nice but it can be hard to navigate if they're instantly playing as soon as you kind of highlight different titles so this is you know a little bit dumbed down in how it's presented but it is very user friendly nonetheless so next one is Nintendo's gaming watch and over here we have 51 One games I think we're all familiar with these old school handhelds here next one's going to be Nintendo Game Boy over here with 1,34 games and this is original game boy so we're also going to have the foreign releases on here as well which is cool cool to have those I don't play a lot of foreign release games but I know a lot of people that do so I get the value there we even have the um you know the double pack games here like this one has joust and defender in it this one has um over here we have uh centipede and millipede so cool to see that stuff next collection down Game Boy Advance this is 1,594 and it seems a little bit high it's because we have those two in-one deals here which you could see um and this one there is Crossover with these so like you will have these titles by themselves then you'll also have them bundled together so you know it does pad the numbers a little bit but it's nothing that's really outrageous here uh it's definitely nothing that I find to be like malicious again down here like even some of the twoin one games these include different games but there's crossover this is the same title as this but the other game here differs so you you know you do run into things like that um so worth taking into consideration why the number is higher than it should be here it's because of these twoin one bundle packs we have Game Boy Color over here now and 926 games here so again same sort of deal it's a little bit higher than it should be but I imagine we have some bundle packs in here as well I'm not seeing any blatant um duplicates other than again stuff like this where it's two games in one but very very nicely put together and you can see the consistency throughout all of these it's not to say that there aren't the occasional titles where you do not have box art um or cover art of any kind but it's few and far between you can see the majority of these populate in very nicely um and they are very easy to navigate so next collection game gcube huge GameCube guy here 92 GameCube games and let's see what we've got we've got Animal Crossing aggressive inline um we've got some snowboarding racing some ATV racing over here Beyond Good and Evil is a good game uh Capcom versus snk2 we've got Desert Storm 2 we've got Donkey Kong's Jungle Beat which is a great one Dr mudo we've got um Crazy Taxi over here Final Fantasy we've got gun which is a pretty cool game some more Harvest moons we've got Hitman 2 Hunter the Reckoning some Zelda in here some Tomb Raider in here Star Wars for actually Star Wars Legos which I I'll be honest I used to make fun of these games or not make fun of them but I just kind of look down at them like who's playing Lego games I'm actually playing through the Lego Indiana Jones games on my original Wii console right now and they are a frakin blast so eating my words on that all these years later Luigi's Mansion over here Mario Golf Mario Kart C Double Dash which is obviously one of if not the most popular game and we talked about value with stuff and emulation being obviously a um instance where you don't have to pay ridiculous prices to get the physical copy of this complete you're going to spend almost 100 bucks you know to play on the original GameCube so emulating it here it's just a click away it's awesome Mario Party 5 Mario Power Tennis middle of honor front line love that game used to play that quite a bit Metroid Prime Metro Prime Echo we've got uh some Need For Speed Most Wanted great game there Need for Speed underground to we've got some baseball uh excuse me basketball we've got some hockey we probably do have baseball in here as well but we have some Resident Evil Code Veronica is a great one Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil Zero second sight's cool soulcaliber 2 Sonic Adventure 2 battle Smugglers runs a cool one SSX um three and what else do we have so we got some Star Fox in here we've got Super Mario Sunshine super SM Brothers Melee I mean they they have all the great stuff here time Splitters one and two lots of good stuff no wrestling games I will say that though no WWE wrestling games so that's a that's a slight miss here but still amazing selection of titles in here moving on Nintendo switch 31 switch games okay so we got Border Lands here we got arms which is pretty cool we've got crash um Bandicoot insane trilogy we've got crash team racing Nitro fueled which is my go-to every time we've got some some great stuff here we got all the Zelda titles which are great hollow Knights another good one hello neighbors getting is is pretty popular as well haven't played too much of that but I'm familiar with it we got some Pokemon we've got Smurf's cart I don't think I've ever played that Sonic forces I've played that though we've got Super Mario Odyssey lots of great titles in here so 31 in total for Nintendo switch keeping it moving Nintendo Wii and I was just talking about these games and look look at all the Lego games for um Nintendo Wii and this right here is the game I'm currently playing through on my original Wii console right now but we've got Pirates of the Caribbean we've got Star Wars 2 we've got Batman 2 interesting that they don't have the originals for these but still great games in here Donkey Kong Country Returns is a great one golden i7 is fun I actually played this mostly on other consoles but still it is it is pretty fun to play over here as well on Nintendo Wii Sonic Colors uh Super Mario Galaxy Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition and that gives you a different experience obviously over here then playing it in the other collections Super Mario Galaxy 2 super uh Smash Brothers Brawl we've got some more Capcom in here so 20 titles in here in total Nintendo Wii U now 10 games over here we've got zeldas we've got Mario Kart 8 we've got Mario Party 10 we've got some more Pokemon over here we got Super Mario 3D World Super Mario Maker we've got Tekken Tag Tournament which is an awesome one as well uh excuse me Tekken Tag Tournament 2 the Wii U edition of course great stuff oh this this game is sick too so all right we've got 10 titles but it's 10 knockout titles here actually and and because there's a missing space here are they shorten us one one two 3 four five six seven eight nine nine titles here so I I believe Wii would be a little bit short too because when we were in Wii oh wait wait wait this populated in this was blank before Godfather Edition I definitely would have noticed that because I love The Godfather um this is Godfather uh blackand Edition and what else I think there were two titles here so all right it's interesting maybe you just have to yeah same deal this was blank and now it's populating in maybe you have to just you know maybe they misfire a little bit and you have to come back in CU now it's working fine so we ran into that with one of the Xbox One Xbox One right yeah there we go these were empty before so we got battle toes and cuphead over there good I'm glad that we figured that out all right so we went through Wii U let's go into Dreamcast one of my all-time favorite retro collections just 40 titles in here not that 40 is anything to get ban out of shape about but uh it is a lower number than some of these other collections that we've seen we've got some good titles in here Marvel versus Capcom 1 and 2 Legacy of Kane Soul Reaver The House of the Dead 2 just to name a few of my favorites dead alive 2 is awesome as well Crazy Taxi one and two what else do we have here some Raymond 2 Resident Evil in the house postone oh both power Stones that's good you don't want to have one over the other Sonic Adventure one and two we got Soul Caliber love that Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 probably my all-time favorite game for Sega Dreamcast and virtual of tennis these are both my favorite titles so honestly we we only have 40 games here but we have all of my favorite ones to jump into and um the only other thing I could think of would be what's another title the San Francisco um The Rush racing game would be well there it is right there yeah San Francisco Rush 20 49 all right so they literally have everything that I like that's perfect not to and power stones are good too but um Gauntlet Legends would be like the ultimate thing to add in for me but we had it for N64 so I'm not worked up about that one bit Sega Game Gear is the next collection and over here we have 378 games you can see laid out very similar to what we've seen consistently on here collection by collection so I love that just going to check this real quick good we're still recording next collection is Sega Genesis and Sega Genesis has 657 games and you will see some crossover between these like you you're seeing crossover already between Genesis and Game Gear but is it the same version no absolutely not next collection is going to be Master System and and yes we have the Sonic games in here of course Alien 3 is an awesome one just noticing that but yeah if we scroll all the way down cuz I know everybody's wondering well is Sonic in there yeah all that stuff is in here operation wolf we saw outrun over here as well but I'll pull up Sonic over here for Master System there we go so we've got all of our Sonic titles and I like that everything is in alphabetical order so it's very easy to navigate your way through this and find everything super easily now Sega Saturn is the next collection Sega Saturn 30 games and this is another one super expensive to get these titles now Sega Saturn if you're getting like a complete Saturn game man there's some titles that are like 850 bucks it's crazy what Sega Saturn games go for they're super rare I get that but all of this again one click away ready to go quake Mortal Kombat Trilogy Sonic Jam Sonic R virtual fighter games awesome stuff um moving on and we have a lot more to get into here we have got over here SNK Neo Geo inside here we have 150 games we have Neo Geo Pocket color inside here 75 games original PlayStation 451 games wow that is awesome and I would imagine just based on what we've seen so far you're going to have all your popular titles I mean look at all the crash titles are in here that's awesome to see lots of good stuff so we'll keep it moving though Sony PlayStation 2 122 PS2 games burnout titles bully black love black that's such a good game and such a great cover as well dark alliances up there one and two dead to wrs one and two Devil May Cry titles are all here got some ESPN hockey games we got Final Fantasy God of War Grand Turismo Grand Theft Auto Fight Night wow Guitar Hero games all over the place jack games Jack and Daxter games we've got Kingdom Hearts in here Tomb Raider we've got Manhunt one and two max pain we've got mercenaries Metal Gear Solid Metal Slug Need for Speed NBA Street Volume 2 is in here got some base ball up there we've got Need For Speed Most Wanted Black Edition awesome game there actually have the physical copy so we have the Black Edition and the regular Most Wanted over here underground two wow lots of good stuff Prince of Persia Ratchet and Clank Resident Evil lots of Resident Evil Silent Hill Sly Cooper Socom soulcaliber SSX tricky on tour and sx3 we've got Star Wars Battlefront 1 and two time splitter 2 we've got Splinter Cell we've got some more Tomb Raider we've got Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 great stuff in here WWE Smackdown Here Comes the Pain there we go so there's some more titles you could add in here for wrestling fans I will say that whoever put this together wasn't a massive wrestling fan but they got this one right at least I mean this is my probably my favorite smackdown game here comes the p with Brock Lesnar back when he was pretty pretty close to a rookie uh we've got PS3 over here now 27 PS3 games and I'm pretty familiar with these titles Afro Samurai is a great title we've got Devil May Cry 4 over here Catherine which I've heard is a good game Dead or Alive five ultimate we've got Fast and Furious we've got the God of War collection God of War 3 over here Indiana Jones uh Lego which funny I mentioned that we're seeing that pop up all over Lollipop Chainsaw which I've heard interesting things about I've never played it yet Mass Effect 2 Plants versus Zombies we've got retched and Clank Trilogy some more retched and Clank we've got Ridge Racer 7 that's my go-to I love testing out Ridge Racer 7 Baja 1000 we've got uh some more tomb raater down here we've got soulcaliber 4 which is a great title just recently got this for my Xbox 360 console so lots of great stuff going on here within PS3 but it gets even better we've got PS4 over here now now so for PS4 just 10 titles and we are currently showing what do we have we have eight here two more down there yep 10 so wrc8 now one thing I'm going to point out here PS4 man it's not going to be true PS4 it's going to be PC versions um and it may even be that for the Xbox One collection too we've got Prototype 2 we got God of War over here this is going to be the remastered version of course uh The Evil Within we've got the Last of Us Part One Resident Evil 2 and three Spider-Man lots of good stuff in here as well Sony PSP is next with 94 games and for PSP I didn't get into a lot of titles I got into like the Tekken titles I got into Ridge Racer God of War um what else uh the the Grand Theft Auto games were pretty cool as well some Harry Potter in here mdle gear solids in here Monster Jam path of Destruction decent enough game we got some sports games some racing games best of uh all all the worlds really some more Star Wars like the cover art for Battlefront 2 here so we've got Tekken five I'm not seeing Tekken six but that's all right virtu oh I forgot Virtual Tennis World Tour is on here too that's a good one all right pretty sweet so next one Super Nintendo Entertainment System inside here 758 games very easy to navigate very aligned with what we've seen previously next is Windows and in Windows oh wow I was not expecting that okay 78 games in here I was expecting when you when you think Windows because I don't know I got the Retro Vibe I'm thinking like old school Windows you know PC games no this is the I mean these are new games here chicken police um never got into that one but I know a lot of people that have enjoyed that title um all right so we got Double Dragon Trilogy some more Double Dragon over here we've got some Final Fantasy we've got flipping cactus in here we've got goat Simulator 3 there you go Goat Simulator 3 sweet Grand Theft Auto 3 over here and this is going to be the definitive edition actually I bet all of these are probably the definitive addition it doesn't say it on this one but I would I don't know I would think it could just be the case of it being the wrong scraped data there I'm not sure uh this right here is let's see what's the release date on this 2002 so yeah it's interesting I would think that they would be the definitive edition based on the fact that they're in here with you know other ones that follow that but you never know Hunting 2 simulator is a pretty good game as well if you like hunting games I happen to be into those limbo is cool played that recently so nothing too demanding here Ninja gayen 2 over here um or ninja gayen Sigma 2 what else do we have I'm not familiar with all of these titles in fact I'm not familiar with the majority of these but I have seen them around before a lot of these games you'd find on like your um XBox pass and stuff like that Cosmic shake from SpongeBob definitely seen that one Tekken eight all right Tekken 8 wow that's uh certainly a pretty recent game we've got uh Shredder's revenge over here fairly recent as well it's a couple years old but Timeless game right there love the Retro throwback sort of feel to that uh wild Frost yoku's Island Express pretty cool games here so that was a pleasant surprise oh vampire survivors didn't see that uh recently discovered this um yeah pretty cool wasn't expecting all that wonders Swan over here with 125 games and then we have wonders Swan color over here wonders Swan color is going to deliver 98 games so yeah if we scroll all the way up to the top hit all again it's going to show us 10,17 t total games on this plug-and-play launchbox 3 tbte um external hard drive which is very easy to connect over just simply get that power supply plugged into a power outlet connect this over to your PC via USB connection and you are of and running able to play all these games in one central location on a PC obviously make sure you have a PC that is capable of handling and emulating everything included in here or at least what you want to enjoy from this so we'll jump into some games we'll test out what the experience is like like playing on this and uh obviously that's going to depend on what you're playing what you have this attached to for a PC but we'll jump in here just to make sure that everything see or the majority of things seem to be working anyways CU obviously I can't check out 10,17 games but let's dive into at least a handful of them and see what the experience is [Music] like into left three short and right two don't cut [Music] into left three short into break for hairpin left and right one don't [Music] cut and left five short and right four Titans and flat left don't cut and right five bumpy Titan into left three Titans to don't cut rock out into right three short don't cut into left three short open into flat right long over bunk one fight [Music] kidding kidding KO [Music] w [Music] Mario to serve 15 love love 40 love gain Point gain [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right guys we jumped in here we checked out this launchbox 3 terb plug-and-play game drive and wow this is jam-packed with amazing Collections and all of your favorite games for those collections now it's insane what's in what's included on here we toured through this extensively collection by collection we saw the game count for each of these collections now they're advertised in 17,300 plus games on here plug andplay ready to go we found a lot less than 17,300 on here we found closer to 10,000 uh it was over 10 ,000 but significantly less than what's advertised I'm not bent out of shape about it and I'll tell you guys why the collections are jam-packed on here the games are awesome they are they are in my opinion truly plug-and-play and we'll talk about that momentarily um but the price point on this is insane so all the games that we saw here all the collections jam-packed $82 and change on AliExpress for this game drive now it's a very cheap enclosure I don't think it's going to hold up long term if you drop this it's going to crash back you're going to have to replace the enclosure it's just really not high quality by any means I'm used to using a lot of enclosures for ssds as well as hard drives like this one right here and this one's just not one of the more durable options out there so plants you probably have to replace that if you drop this it will crack I guarantee it uh but the drive internally is a very good drive it is a reliable Drive um Cate is a great brand so I was really happy to find that installed within this at least so $82 and change though on AliExpress now it's also available on Amazon I would assume it's going to be quite a bit more on Amazon just because of the cost involved with being on Amazon I know they take a larger commission uh from Sellers and there's fees and all that stuff so I do expect it to be more expensive on Amazon than AliExpress also you have the convenience um you know factor involved there too Amazon's going to get it to you much quicker than AliExpress so you guys know the deal there I'm sure everybody has ordered from one or the other you know what that entails but yeah I mean I think that the value is certainly there I mean we talked about some of the titles as we comb through these Collections and saw the games included within those collections there's some that cost thousands of dollars to get the physical copy of these games because they're super rare um and you know they're highly valued as a collectible so with something like this you have everything ready to go in here again for $82 and change on AliExpress anyways pretty insane so let's talk about performance here performance is going to depend on what you connect this over to so if you're using a high-end gaming um PC you're going to have a great experience if you're using a you know mediocre Mini PC you're going to have some issues with some of the higher end stuff so it just depends what you decide to connect this over to it also depends of course on what you're interested in playing on here if you're looking for Dreamcast you're looking for N64 PS1 PS2 you can get away with a much more inexpensive option for PC with much less uh impressive specs if you want to be able to play PS3 uh PS4 Xbox all that stuff that's much more demanding you're going to want something that's you know more gaming oriented and has those higher specs so keep that in mind here I talked about plug and playay and how I believe this is plug-and play but it's not plug andplay in that you just simply plug it in and you dive right into your games you do have to go through a process of downloading drivers they are all included on the drive so you just have to add them over to your PC um I actually had all of them so I didn't have to download anything myself I'm used to using drives like this I play a lot of games on my PC so I had all the necessary drivers so I went through the same process though as if I was downloading them and it just did a check and it basically just verified that I had everything that was needed and it goes down the list and it just says you have everything basically and you don't need to add any of these everything's up to date you're good to go so still went through the same process it took six minutes to do um actually it was a little less than six minutes so really not a big deal there six minutes to dive into everything that is offered here totally worth it I still would say 6 minutes doesn't make it not plug andplay in my opinion um I will say that the switch emulator my controllers didn't work right off the bat I had to Simply go into the input settings within the Uzu emulator make just simply select my controller from the drop- down list and then everything was automatically mapped from there I didn't have to go through the actual mapping process which can be a little tedious everything just automatically fell into place from that point on so you know I did have to do the little work around there but we're talking about literally like 3 seconds that I had to do there the Xbox emulator I had to actually set that up a little bit and then the PS3 emulator works right out of the gate but I do say I will say that you have to go into some of the settings for your games just to better the experience if you look closely at the game demo that I chose to put into this video for PS3 I did that game without making any adjustments and it's not perfect it's pretty good but I can go into the settings and there's actually a website that'll tell you what settings to use for each game that is offered through the PS3 emulator and you can customize everything to better The Experience on every single game unfortunately you have to go game by game because different games have different things that you want to enable or disable or adjust to make it a better experience on your PC so different things like that you will have to customize but that's how emulation works it's nothing um that's concerning it's nothing that really is a big headache or anything like that you know you don't have to do it but you're going to have a lesser experience if you don't so keep that in mind but yeah I'm a big fan of what this offers personally so now one thing I do want to touch on is malware and viruses now a lot of people get drives like this they scan it sometimes they have false positives sometimes they have legitimate concerns maybe somebody put on some sort of tracking malware or any malware virus of any type and you know that's a legitimate concern for anybody that uses something like this you have that risk with anything that you connect over to your network whether it's a brand new PC or a game drive that you didn't set up yourself you definitely should scan everything that you get prior to using it I did exactly that I did have a couple false positives specifically within the Xbox One um section of things here I did have a few things quarantined I verified them though and they were false positives you got to remember with emulation you're using software to emulate these games in most cases that isn't recognized by stuff like malware bites which I find malware bites to be super sensitive with stuff like this and that's a good thing you want to make sure that it picks up on things that it doesn't recognize and it quarantines them makes you aware that you're using something that could potentially be a concern I verified on my end that it wasn't but you should always scan everything that you use verify on your end whether something that comes back as questionable you you want to verify whether that is a legitimate concern or not so just keep that in mind for me again I didn't have anything on here that was malicious anything on here that was a concern to me it's just that with emulation we use software that's not always recognized by malware bytes or any of these other virus and malware detectors so again just for the record scan your drive verify whatever your findings are verify whether they are you know something that you're okay with and if you're not don't use the drive don't connect it over to your network um but I had a great experience with it on high end the value is definitely here the cost of this is a low price point of $82 in change on AliExpress Amazon is going to be a little bit more uh there's higher costs involved for sellers on there I'm sure so it definitely makes sense plus often times it's being processed through Amazon um so you're going to get it much quicker that way convenience obviously they do tack on a little bit extra for that AliExpress is going to come overseas so it's going to take much longer but in the end I had a great experience with it let me know what you guys think about what is offered here um what you saw here in this video and the different Collections and everything that's included hit me up in the comments of this video If you enjoyed the content today please give me a thumbs up on the video and of course hit subscribe to stay in the loop for all future videos right here on the Retro Gaming guy YouTube channel thanks for watching I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Retro Gaming Guy
Views: 30,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kinhank 12tb game drive, kinhank 12tb, kinhank game drive, plug and play game drive, plug and play gaming, plug and play game console, kinhank 12tb review, retro gaming guy, retro gaming, pc gaming, pc build, pc setup, mini pc review, emulation gaming, retro games console, nintendo switch 2, youtube gaming channel, hyperspin, hyperspin drive, hyperspin build, new kinhank drive, 3tb game drive, launchbox build, launchbox image, launchbox setup, launchbox drive
Id: zXCtPAqi8xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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