New Plug and Play Mini Console Has All The Games!

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[Music] Ken Hank up in the game with another release this time with a new Android box the X5 Pro and if you you did see correctly this is PlayStation 2 over 658 games this whole setup has 177,000 games on it and it's it specifically specializes in PlayStation 2 PSP with 800 games Playstation with 1,800 games 300 Sega Saturn games another really nice if we keep going over here 3DS let's check out 3DS huge collection here 482 uh uh um 3DS and then uh Dreamcast has a nice big collection on it as well 324 plus like 80 Naomi games and then arcade games over 1,700 so if we head over to all games on this thing it is packing quite a bit at what 17 ,000 16,000 games but not only that uh they have this whole front end here this is a plug-and-play device this is an Android box so I can go to settings over here I can turn into my I can turn on Wi-Fi it has HDMI 2.1 for up to 8K upscaling but even 4K you can run that and then it's pre-installed with all kinds of games and things what we were just using was called Pegasus and so this is going to have over four terabytes of games for you all set up ready to go over you know 20 systems um and then you have all your Standalone things everything from Disney plus Netflix YouTube Media Center so this literally is a box you're going to want put it in front of your TV and it's going to be the everything box it's going to um replace your fire stick it's going to replace your Google uh chomecast it will replace your uh Nvidia Shield this thing is packing it does everything and so let's go ahead and check it [Music] out okay so here we are we're in this program called Pegasus and you can see here they have their own branding on it you do have some theme options I'll show you in a moment but here's what's so cool is look at this huge PlayStation 2 collection here and I'm going to be scrolling down it slowly and if you look in the upper right corner you'll see there it's out of 658 games so um they're really uh marketing this device as a PS2 GameCube Wii Emulator and I love it because how many boxes do we have out there how many emulators how many portable devices that can play SNES but then and then up to Dreamcast but then once you get to these systems they really lack luster they can't store a lot of games because they don't have a big enough storage device or just they don't have the performance and so this thing I can tell you right now is it works all the these games are going to run run just fine um this thing is a Powerhouse like as far as priced not a Powerhouse this thing is a good price to Performance obviously if you use your own laptop you get an i5 i7 it it would whip this thing up especially if you have dedicated graphics card but uh this is going to play these games so I like the package that this is all coming in because they're saying you know the new X5 Pro more performance than the past units and now we can push into the PlayStation 2 the GameCube and the Wii and they're not wrong um so here you go you're in PlayStation 2 and then uh you can see in the top on the top in red you have all the other systems so let's go to the next system here PSP over 800 PSP games and I'm not sure I haven't really looked at this that in depth whether or not the PSP minis are in here or not uh but if you notice at the top there is a PSP mini next as far as category systems um and so 800 PSP seems like a lot uh unless there is yeah I think there might be minis in here as well there might be some duplicates but um look at this beautiful right and then uh in the lower left corner you have you have a video you can hear the audio you could turn this audio on or off um you can see here I could change the view of the actual games I'm on small Gade right now I could turn on the background music if you want to play your own music on this front end and then right now I'm playing the game music but if I don't want to listen to it or I want to listen to an 8 bit or game music uh you could change that and then oh it looks like I can change the color too look at that vintage red vintage blue yellow green colorful coffee um let's go with pink nice and bright and then you can search for games as well like with 800 games here I could search for the game I want um anyways you can hide that you can also press X on your controller and then it launches the metadata here and then uh you can turn on your favorite or not when the last time you played it all that information is accessible to you so let's keep moving down the list here of PSP games and um as far as these little videos in the lower leftand corner um I've noticed that it's only for certain systems they didn't include it for all systems so keep that in mind that you'll notice that some of these don't have videos but for the PSP and PS2 all of them do I'm saying when we get to other systems like um you know Super Nintendo or some of the or NES I don't think there's um any videos for it so I want really want to I'm going to when it comes to PSP and PlayStation PlayStation 2 I am going to go through each game list because you know a lot of people are buying this to be plug-and playay and um it is definitely plug-and play I mean this is a little Android TV box think about it like your cell phone and uh it's running uh um you know a little chip just like would be in your cell phone and uh I'm going to skip over PSP minis um but you can see you have 249 of those and then PlayStation 8 wow that's massive huge PlayStation uh 1,800 games now something I'll comment on is I can kind of hear the hard drive spinning especially as you go through these games it is a mechanical hard drive you know there's moving discs in there it's not a solid state or you know solid memory um so keep that in mind a lot of people worry about that like you know after many many many many cycles or if you're accessing it all the time you know it could go bad it could corrupt over time um the you know if you're really if I were you and you're first of all I I don't that wouldn't stop me from getting this it's so cheap um between the hard drive in the box that you know that's it's not a big deal one um but two if you're really just you know you want to um be certain then what I would do is just buy another 4 terte hard drive and then clone this one you know to transfer everything over and maybe just buy a nicer hard drive or whatever whatever you want to do right like you have lots of options for hard drives you want to buy you can even buy a 4 terabyte solid state drive if you wanted to um so you know there's ways to get around that if if that's not something you're comfortable with so let's continue on here um as far as you know me getting this device this is about week one of having it I've been playing around with it quite a bit um it does come with a Gamester controller but the gamster controller is kind of it says in all these games that it's running as a Xbox 360 controller so if you do plug in just an Xbox 360 controller all these things should be working out the out the gate for you um and if not it's pretty easy to change the controls on these systems to to what you like um you know just within the emulator you just open up the emulator and then go to inputs and then change CH your controls um this does come with an instruction manual and it is not a generic instruction manual it is specifically set up for Pegasus and the way they have the emulator set up so all the hot keys and everything will be mapped for you ready to go um so um that's nice you know a lot of times they just give you this device and you have to you know there's lots of setup you have to change the drive letter literally I plugged everything in um the one thing I had to figure out was you know what front end they're using once you boot it up you just open up Pegasus we're in Pegasus right now and then once you're in Pegasus uh here's all your games right and then you just literally can use the trigger button I'm using the trigger buttons to move between uh systems so up at the top of my controller that'll move me to Sega Saturn next and then um I'm just using the down arrow on my d-pad but I can also do it on the analog stick as well I just switched it while I was talking and it worked the same um and then I showed you earlier you have the search function um many other things that you can uh you can do in this front end man 1,800 games I love the I love the um the comments on my videos where they're like you never you spend more time looking through the games than you would playing them and that's what I find myself doing but I'm also making this video but um yeah it's a lot uh but it's fun like don't get me wrong I find that part fun too it's just discovering games and messing around you know playing you know um looking at the metadata watching the videos okay so Sega Saturn does have video snaps did uh Playstation yeah and Playstation did as well or some of them do let me see yeah so some do some don't on the PlayStation um so Sega Saturn it looks like a lot do Sega Saturn 300 games all right and so this is why I'm loving this this thing already because um this is great I think this is for somebody who wants to play those early those late '90s early 2000 consoles uh where a lot of like the Raspberry Pi 4 or a lot of those those earlier single board computers really struggled here a lot of those you know the F the even just the super you know the kinh Hank devices the X2 and the X3 you know a lot of them struggled here and now you can play full speed no problem uh not only can you play full speed no problem but you don't see these collections on a lot of other places so 32x pretty much all of them Sega CD 67 so not a huge collection here I know there's a lot more but it does have the Terminator it does have Sonic CD so it does have kind of the more popular games sg1000 only 63 games SNES that's all of them I'm not surprised um it should have a really good collection here K Hank has a pretty good SNES so that's all the SNES games super Graphics you got 252 I'm not going to go through all those it is quite a collection there so Nintendo switch this is one problem I had for mine it might be fixed by the time you get yours um but uh the controls were all weird for the Nintendo switch emulator I had to go change those out not a big deal but also I'm not really playing switch on this thing so um and don't get excited like this thing is not going to full speed all switch games so I wouldn't necessarily be buying this to play switch I'd be buying this to play Wii maybe Wii U um as you'll see as we go forward so gra 16 103 turbo graphic CD 45 Virtual Boy 23 so Nintendo Wii 33 games and not that many um and that's okay because Nintendo Wii is kind of a funny one because of the controller um we're going to get to 3DS and GameCube though those those are some nice collections so 68,000 sharp uh all games so how many games are on this entire 4 terab hard drive you have 16,1 16 C4 all right 3DO only six games 3DS 482 so again really cool to see this this is a highlight okay huge Nintendo 3DS collection and for those of you who play Nintendo 3DS you know how expensive the games are and uh there were some great games for the Nintendo 3DS Luigi's Mansion being one Pokemon games a lot of the Mario Mario games um it even had Super Smash Bros uh Paper Mario really really fun system and so uh no video snaps as you see for oh yeah so some games have video snaps I'm just checking seeing what what all is included Lego Movie the Oregon Trail um some of these Oregon Trail games are super expensive as far as if you collect um cool so and you got Zelda and uh Hyrule Warriors all right moving along Atari 500 Atari 5200 100 Atari 7800 67 uh Atari Jaguar you got 43 cool to see Trevor mcfur and uh what's next Atari Lynx atomas Wave Super impressed by the performance of atomas w runs Flawless atomas wave love it really fun area here check it out kico we're at 140 CPS 1 42 cps2 42 CPS 3 six games and you got video snaps here too that's nice to see Dreamcast 324 so um there is Naomi as well on here here we're getting to it you can see it at the top there and uh yeah good to see good to see again this is this is kind of the era I was looking at this has GameCube 3DS Dreamcast Sega Saturn and then uh Playstation One to and PSP final burn Neo these are going to be your arcade games so a lot in here uh I think there's a MIM as well so we'll get over there in a second but almost 1,800 game Cube 623 so um this company kinh they also sell just this hard drive right I don't think it's the same hard drive but if you go to the website there'll probably be a link in my description a lot of times they post the game lists so if you're one of those people that you just need a particular game one I have videos on all these products so check my channel too and you can actually see for yourself through my YouTube videos I have a video on the four they have a couple versions of the 4 tab hard drive they have one where it's running um launchbox and then they have another one that's like a hypers spin one and then they have a 5 terabyte and a 12 terabyte so each of them kind of have their own you know there's quite a few overlap but there are some that have some games and some don't have other games so if you are one of those people searching out a particular game and or you just want these games and you don't want this TV box those are available as well and I'll put links in the description but also I have videos on all that stuff already uh if that's something you're interested in but uh huge uh GameCube set this isn't the first hard drive they threw this many game uh cube games on so just wanted to let you all know game uh Cube Game Boy Game Gear 333 Game Boy 851 Game Boy Advance pretty much all of them Game Boy Color pretty much all of them Sega Genesis that's going to be all of them but you can see it's a mixture of Genesis and probably Mega Drive and also Japanese Mega Drive uh MIM only 200 uh typically they'll put the MIM games uh in the final burn Alpha area as well so as far as total arcade games it's probably around like 1,700 games or so Master System 293 MSX 400 Nintendo 64 so 264 it might be it's missing a few games then because it should be around 300 um but I'll just go through here quick in case you were looking for a particular game but looks like they have the Marios and pretty much most the popular games here terac all right and then Yoshi story Naomi 49 so I do want to scroll through here because you know there might be a couple games in there you want us check out Nintendo d wow so they really um went light here so only 15 Nintendo DS games so if you're into Nintendo DS uh you and again remember you can add your own games as well so you might just want to add a few uh Neo Geo uh 137 that's pretty much all of them Neo Geo cd93 that's pretty much all of them NES this is all of them Neo Geo pocket and Pocket color about 50 games total and then we're back at PlayStation 2 so there you have it um you can exit by going quit here you can exit Pegasus so this's what I got for the X super console Pro and um this cable was actually in this box already I just pulled out but um I was like why are they just sending me a hard drive so I figured it all out so you got your controller Gamer controller I'm sure they might sell it with or without the controller got your instruction manual you got the actual Android box here and look at the io on this thing a lot of stuff going on uh ethernet I think it's like one uh 1,000 um gigb like gigabit Ethernet type c you got H 2.1 audio jack volume you got a Micro SD card you got some USB 3.1 one some regular USB they're advertising the 8K video a lot and then look at that that's that SATA so this is what's going to happen is basically going to be a little unit you can absolutely buy a little hard drive enclosure but if you're going to leave it like you know everyone's going to have an opinion on this but if you must you can get a hard drive enclosure they're very very cheap and um you can basically hook these two up together and so there you go it's all hooked up there all you need to do is put in your your power oh let's check it out do get a nice little remote remember at the end of the day this is an Android box so if you want to run Android or know your streaming apps Google Play Disney plus Prime video YouTube that's a nice controller uh Google assist on there as well has a little dongle does not come with batteries though you have a power supply thing only running 12 volts and then you have an 8K braided HD HMI to HDMI full size HDMI to full size HDMI so let's go ahead and boot this thing up it does have a little um fan in clo a little ventilation I'm pretty sure the Fan's probably up here um and then you got ventilation all around the bottom and you can see here it says kinh X5 Pro 8 GB of RAM it's got a 64 GB internal um hard drive and it's running the Rockchip RK 3588 s which I can't seem to find much literature as far as if it's any better than just the regular Rock Chip nons and then there's some ventilation up at the top on the sides as well all right so here we are on first boot you know it's an Android box you can set your Wi-Fi up you can download additional apps it has a lot of the emulators and everything already pre-installed for you as you see here you have the PS2 emulator in the top you have Citra the Nintendo 3DS emulator dolphin which is going to run your GameCube and your Wii and then you have uh your Nintendo 64 over here drastic Nintendo DS PSP PPSSPP for PSP and then retro arch for all your arcade games NES s NES and you know 20 or so systems you even have the Play Store over here to download more things you have steam link if you want to do some streaming from your computer um and then it's a streaming device so you know anything from YouTube to Netflix whatever even browsing the internet and this thing is super fast like I'm this is quick so here's your home screen what I would do is what you're going to be using for this is Pegasus so here is the instruction manual it gives you all the hotkeys it tells you how to exit each emulator whether you're in Nintendo switch or Playstation 2 um it even tells you how to add new games and how to edit metadata so it's a nice you know introduction to all this and I have to say it was pretty plug andplay from the GetGo now let's get into the gaming number one PSP God of War you can see my frame rate in the upper right corner here and it doesn't drop a single frame and it looks great as you see here it stretched out it's it's filling my entire screen and I enjoyed it very much it ran great as I mentioned in this video performance- wise and then this is Nintendo 3DS you can see the frames in the upper left corner now but um this thing just took everything I threw at it uh you might be wondering well show me some lag show me where it's going to stop working well it doesn't have any PlayStation 3 games installed uh to start uh but I would say it's going to start at PlayStation 3 I wouldn't really play many PlayStation 3 games maybe like After Burner might run or something like that but don't get excited for PlayStation 3 only because this is running an onboard Graphics now here's a Thomas wave you can see there it never drops a single frame it'll stay at 60 fps to whole entire time really nice where when the Raspberry p 4 or something like that might even struggle on something like this and it just runs great you might notice that there's bezels on some games and not bezels on others um you also notice that they have shaders um especially as I play Super Mario soon but here's GameCube you know and you would think um that or no this is actually wi this is we um playing right here and as you see it runs great right that you know even an advanced game here runs just fine so GameCube and Wii no issues whatsoever now I didn't test a Wii U game um but uh I would imagine you know this thing you might be hitting some performance issues there but um I think a lot of people buying this are just going to be buying the plug- and play and I just want you all to know that no matter what you're playing it's going to run just fine so here yeah if you look really close to your screen um you can see that this has lots of um scan lines on it and so it's trying to emulate an old CRT TV and it looks it looks some people really like that look it comes pre-done like that but it is running retro Arch so you can just Google how to turn on and off shaders on retro Arch and you can turn those on and on yourself that is all available to you same with cheats and achievements and all that stuff uh you can turn turn all that stuff on all right so we're now on PlayStation 2 Marvel vs Capcom 2 and like I said this thing is just totally taking these PS2 games like a champ um I want to talk about the pros and cons of this device as we move forward here we go n 4 no issues whatsoever runs really great um so the pros I think the price to value is really great I think there's not a lot of devices on the market that specialize only in PS2 GameCube um like Sega Saturn the kind of the early like mid99s to early 2000s um and so that's really great and I you know if you're okay with this as a TV box I mean it's it's quick right when you plug an ethernet cable into this thing you're going to be able to stream you're going to be able to use it as a media center you're going to be able to use it as a streaming box you you know from like steam link or even streaming like things off your main computer um you know all kinds of you have so much capabilities with all the ports on this thing and everything else so um it's really compelling for those reasons um and then you get a 4 TB hard drive with this right like this isn't just an Android box it's an Android box plus a 4 terte hard drive plus or minus a controller so that was just Burnout 3 on PlayStation 2 again look at that there was no lag on that game whatsoever it was running great and that tends to be a little bit harder of the game to run and then here we are in Sega Saturn with uh Batman now um the negative I mean the biggest thing I hear about these boxes um well in the past it's been price and now this one's the price I feel like is very in line in my opinion but there's always going to be naysayers out there now um building the first con second con is you know build it yourself so you can have all all the games you want you can play on a more powerful computer things like that um but uh one of the cons is you know oh I don't trust anything that comes from China or that's you know I don't know where it's coming from and I get that um you'll notice that in this video most of the clips I show I was not connected to ethernet at all or Wi-Fi so I get it um you know it's up to you how you want to do that you can put it on a firewall you can do all kinds of things but or just not hook it to Wi-Fi or just pass pass up on the whole thing what you know if you want um and then uh that's that's really the only cons I see oh then the last con would be you know if you just if there's particular games you want or something like that it just doesn't have it on there and that's why I spend so much time on this video showing you all the ins and the outs and what exactly comes with so if it scratches all those areas that you're looking for you know hits those check boxes then here you go but uh that's about it you know at this point you know make up your your mind whether it's interesting or not um you know this thing definitely blew me away as far as the price to what you're getting I I just it's a it's it's very compelling um if you already have something like this though a lot of people on my channel have like Mega builds and you know crazy stuff you know obviously yours is better but uh if you're getting this for a gift for somebody or somebody's just trying to get into it who doesn't have a lot of time you know I can see a lot of applications for so if anything it's just another um another great thing in the Arsenal of thing of of choice arsenal of choice with uh gaming so that's what I think let me know uh what you think don't forget to like And subscribe and we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: DrewTalks
Views: 333,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drewtalks, jmachen retrobat drive, jmachen 2tb retrobat drive, retrobat add games, retrobat hard drive, retro bat, ps2 retrobat, kinhank hyperspin hard drive, emulation device on amazon, nintendo clone amazon, sega clone amazon, retro gaming, emulation, emulation station, emulationstation, psp, nintendo gamecube, 5TB Gaming Hard Drive on Amazon Has Every Game Ever?, 2TB Retro Gaming Device Sold on Amazon - Check it out!
Id: jDPlZ7A3y_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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