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hi guys welcome back to my channel today I'm gonna share with you guys how I make some delicious bean pupusas so in case you guys wonder who will make them just stay tuned and I'll show you how already get so let's get started with our ingredients so for this recipe we're going to need 4 cups of instant corn masa flour three cups of your choice of beans 10 ounces of queso Oaxaca 1/2 of a purple onion 2 cups of shredded carrots 1/2 of cabbage 3 hella pea peppers and these are optional 6 roma tomatoes 2 garlic cloves vegetable oil oregano salt and a half a cup of white vinegar so these are ingredients now let's get started alright guys so first we're going to stop her be frying our beans we need our beans to be cold by the time we are ready to use them so I'm going to start by putting a little bit of oil on my medium frying pan and I'm just going to wait for that to heat up and then we can add our beans and like for me a coat I'm purposes are similar to gordita so like everybody that you know you can step in with your choice of feeling and pupusas are the same way so for me my favorite are the ones with bean and cheese so that's what we're going to be doing so we're just going to wait for that and then we can proceed to the next step are you saw earlier today I made my beans I already have a video on how to make up I'll leave it in the description box but if you know whatever works for you and the things that we're going to be using um you can always use can you know refried beans but these are just my favorite so you can see they're still hot so we're only gonna use three cups of just beans okay and about half a cup of the Jews and like I said we need our beans to be cold and we need them to be dry by the time we are ready to stuff our pupusas right the ones are always ready we're going to add our beans and mine still have the garlic in the onion and I'm going to add half a cup of the juice okay so my beans are hot like I mentioned I just got done making them but if your beans are cold just wait for them to heat up a little before your smash them so I'm going to use a cup just because for me works better so I'm going to use my cup just to lay back and reach the right consistency that I'm going for we want them to be completely smashed or he's a winter begins looked like this in they're beginning to simmer we're going to turn it off and set them to the side like we can allow them to cool down Arisa what we we we're going to start working on our tomato salsa so in a medium saucepan we're going to plate our Tomatoes now the jalapenos are optional most places where you go and order pupusas they give you that tomato salsa and it's not spicy so for me I like to add to jalapeno and now we're just going to cover it with water let it on medium high heat and allow for that to come to a boil for you so when our tomatoes look like this we're going to transfer our tomatoes and jalapenos into the blender or heat transfer your tomatoes along with the jalapeno we're going to add our two garlic cloves and salt I'm using two teaspoons of salt but of course it's always going to be up to your liking so now we're just going to blend it all together until we have a smooth sauce all right so once everything is blended we're going to transfer the sauce back into the saucepan very soon the same saucepan I'm going to say on medium heat I'm going to add about two teaspoons of oil and once that you can we're going to add our salsa okay so answer alright now we're going to add our salsa and we're going to add our egg and now we're just going to wait for that to come to a simmer try our first salt and this is our tomato salsa perfect Orissa once I saw fellows like this and it's already simmering we're going to turn it off and set it to the side I guess I'm now we're going to make our cookie dough so basically our Khosla so now we're going to grab our cabbage and this is one more cabbage so I probably use the whole thing um if you grab a big cabbage then you can use you know just half of it okay so just make sure that you get it as fine as possible all right so as we have a cabbage we're going to transfer it into a strainer so I'm going to grab that onion just half of the onion and do the same okay so grab your onion and cut into half moons razor just break them all into small strips like that and then transfer it into your strainer as well Orion because I like spice in my cookie dough I like to add one jalapeno like I said the jalapenos are all optional so I'm just going to do the same let it in half and then cut them into thin strips and you can remove the seeds if you want to I'm just going to keep them in there maybe just remove them thanks a cuddly thing and now I'm just going to cut it in half and I'm going to add it in my strainer as well I so I'm also going to add my two cups of shredded carrots in my strainer and if you can't find the shredded carrots you can always use two to three carrots and just chop them yourself alright so now I'm just going to rinse all of my vegetables I guess I'm never going to boil enough water to cover our vegetables in the strainer okay so now for me is going to be about eight to ten cups and this is the bowl that I'm going to set it afterwards okay right and this is what I'm talking about so make sure that because we're going to boil some water and then after that we're going to place our vegetables with our boiling hot water okay so just like that so make sure that it covers like that oh yeah so here I have the water that we're going to bring to a boil so once that comes to a boil we're going to continue working on our cookie dough are you guys so once your water begins to boil we're going to carefully pour it on top of our vegetables we'll just mix them around and make sure that they're fully covered with their boiling hot water okay so now we're just going to let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes all right guys so I let my cookie dough sit for about 10 minutes just because I like it to be crunchy but if you if you don't want it to be crunchy you want to be more soft and just let it sit for a couple more minutes or you know for 15 minutes so now I'm just going to remove the water or remove my cookie dough from the water make sure it's completely drained and a ball I'm going to transfer my vegetables I'm going to add 1/2 a cup of the white vinegar you can add a whole cup but for me personally I don't like the whole flavor of vinegar so for me half of it is just good so I'm going to add the other half with water so the other half is going to be with just water we're going to add 1 tablespoon of oregano break it down with your hands right back and I'm going to add half a tablespoon of salt and of course is going to be all to your liking you can adjust you know the flavor this is how I like mine and I'll just mix it all together and you can try it to see you know if you like it or you can add more salt right now's the perfect time okay so once you have it all mix you can transfer it to a mason jar because we're going to let it sit for about 20 minutes the longer you let it sit the better but for 20 minutes is going to be good for us right now I'm just going to cover it and let it sit alright so now we're just going to shred our Casa Oaxaca if you can't find this cheese you can use whatever you know preference for me this is the best one okay so once we shredded our cheese we are ready to work on our proposal alright so now for a dough we're going to transfer our corn matza into a large bowl we're going to add our salt the salt is going to be up to your liking I'm going to use two teaspoons so just mix like that we're going to use between three and a half to four cups of warm water so make sure that you're adding it slowly and it's better to leave your muscle a little dry then super sticky and you want your dog to beat this consistency if you're able to grab a piece of dough and roll it and make a little ball like that without falling apart that means that your dough is ready so now just knead for 5 minutes all right guys well while you're kneading you can pre-heat your griddle or your frying pan on medium heat all right guys so what we're done kneading we are ready for the fun part so this is what our beans look like once they're all nicely cooled down so now we are ready to stuff and make our pupusas I guess I wasn't ready to make a Papoose that we're going to dip our hands into the water so just a little bit okay so grab the water in between your hands now we're going to grab some dough as big as a baseball okay so now we're just going to create a little ball okay just like that so now we're just going to flatten it out so use the tip of your fingers and just flatten it out and he doesn't have to be perfect just yet okay so once it looks like that we're going to press using our fingers we're going to press it down to create kind of like a little basket just don't go too down otherwise you're going to make the bottom very thin so use the edges and continue pressing okay just like that okay so once we have our little basket we're going to add our stuffing but if not add enough beans for me this is fine and then your cheese because I like to have a good amount of stuffing okay so once you have it like that just press down your filling and now we're going to close it okay so just close it like that it is going to look like a little flower so using your fingers grab the excess dough and your dough is going to look like this okay so now shape it back into a pretty ball see so be gentle and just rotate your little bow in your hands just the like that can be perfect little round ball okay so now I'm going to dip my fingers into the oil you can't use the water if you want for me the oil just works better I'm repairing the cracks the our dough creates so just dip it a little bit and then rub it in your hands grab your ball and now we're going to flatten it out okay so clap your hands slowly like that and as you're clapping you're rotating your ball okay and then stop a little you know stop in between it's just a fit so stop in between just to fix any imperfections or any cracks that we're creating the oil makes it super easy to repair the cracks see okay so just keep working just clap your hands and roll t-tracks are going to happen it's okay just fix the mouse you go see so just fix them you don't want to keep going because otherwise the cursor is going to open even bigger and bigger and then all your filling is going to start coming out okay so just clap and flap-flap and then use your and I'm using the palm of my hand to flatten it out as you can see the habit have a little bit of oil just fix it and now this Papa says they are flat they're not you know opposite of the gorditas we want them to be a little thick this what we want them to be as flat as possible without the filling you know coming out of the dough so just work until you get into that own thickness mean if you don't have a problem with cracks then that's Cory I mean you're going to be the one eating them you know so it's okay me I like them to look pretty so I like to you know take my time so that's the bottom and as you can see there's little cracks it's okay just go back and fix them okay so this is my papa site here so just keep working them you guys the first one is not gonna come out as perfect as you want them to so just keep practicing and keep working them okay so just plan them out as you rotate them just night then okay so now we are ready to cook them I guess are in a frying pan or a griddle we're going to drizzle some oil and now we're going to place our pupusas we're going to cook them for three to four minutes on each side or until they turn into a beautiful golden color all right so after three minutes I'm going to flip it over and cook that for another three minutes that's what they look like so they are ready to come out so now we're just going to repeat the process into all of our couples as our cook I guess a wonderful those are done this is what they look like and this is how you can plate them already hands and now for the best part the taste test and use it for boost I'll show you guys do a little hot look at that so perfect and of course you know you're gonna eat it however you like to eat it so I'm just going to grab my stuff's on here tape it then I'm Michael Seto enjoy hmm these are just so delicious everything you guys is seriously perfect now salsa that could be though not pupusas the best already guys in there you have it and how make some delicious bean pupusas I hope you guys how did you watching this video and if you did please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up share with your friends and family and if you recreate this recipe please don't forget to tag me on any of my social medias any video to my channel please hit that subscribe button so you guys can be part of our family thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video bye oh yeah [Music] it's there me even to get Nasr pecan the lover market around my symmetrical origami elephant manure sorry mommy my symmetrical cute origami Esper
Channel: Cooking Con Claudia
Views: 1,050,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pupusas, queso, mozzarella, masa flour, masa, beans, how to make pupusas, authentic salvadorian pupusas, how to make pupusas salsa, how to make pupusas salvadorenas, how to make pupusas in english, how to make pupusas salvadorenas recipe, food, pupusas recipe, SALVADORIAN PUPUSAS, el salvador, Curtido para pupusas, salsa de tomate para pupusas, bean and cheese pupusas, claudia regalado, como hacer pupusas, pupusas de queso
Id: 1VyBg731Klw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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