5 Ways to Improve Your Listing Presentation Today | #TomFerryShow Episode 56

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for over 20 years I dedicated my life to bringing you the very best selling marketing and business building strategies to keep your business thriving get ready to experience the success you've been searching for welcome to the tom ferry show hey everybody welcome to the tom ferry show I am so fired up today last week bill pipes and I we're talking about ways to improve your confidence and specifically bill said you should work on your listing presentation that that should be the skill that if there was just one thing you wanted to get really good at that would be it why because if I'm comfortable and confident going into a stranger's house or friends or past clients or whatever it is and presenting my value in my service in a way that's meaningful and impactful that's different and relevant then customers are going to say yes and when I get that yes it's like any other behavior right when you get that feeling that rush of this was really good I want to do it all the time then guess what you're going to make your calls you're going to go after every possible seller lead you're going to do it with so much more conviction so I thought what I would do today is I would dig into some of the private conversations I've been having with a bunch of my personal clients and reveal to you five super sexy insanely great did I just say super sexy on the Tom Perry show I think I did if you end this video at the ten minute mark you're going to lose the best one so you got to really pay attention this is going to be one of those you're not going to want to send to your friends you're not going to share this around the office you're going to keep this like just for you and you're gonna watch this video at least 15 times and then I'm gonna get like private metal Michael Banyas Oman's I can't believe it I just beat the number one age in my office and I'm gonna be like this dude like that's how good this is and I think I'm like Tooting my own horn here for a second but I'm just you with me like I'm really pumped so five ways to improve your listening presentation we do some that are going to feel a little basic but when we get over into this stuff oh just wait here we go obvious right so if I want to be a better presenter my speech coach Ron Arden god bless and passed away a few years ago first thing he would say to me this beautiful little South African accent which I'm not I'm going to attempt was Tom rule number one is know your customer know your customer what are their needs what are their wants what are their issues what are their challenges well today today do you realize I can use Equifax or speedy on and Marni I can know their credit score before they walk in all I need is an email address I can get your credit score I can know what you spend at Nordstrom's last week I can get your shopping behaviors it's pretty incredible what we have access to today but let's talk about the basics ready know your customer should you go to their social sites and at least get a sense of who they are right what do they like to do what are they all about you know people are putting themselves out there every single day on Facebook and Instagram and you know snapchat and everything else and we really get a sense of who they are now what are we looking for we're looking for relatedness I want to relate to you I want to understand who you are and look for that commonality that easy rapport building stuff right but I also put down LinkedIn know what they're doing professionally that's important right get a sense of who they are like maybe they're like yesterday I met with a client was the VP of Sega right so so we talked about gaming and marketing in big business that relatability made it easier for Lydia gable big shout out to Lydia for us to connect on a level that would be different if I didn't understand her professional background does that make sense do you do that with every client already if you do no-brainer number two is obviously prequalify under knowing your customer so you know who's involved in the process what is it you want to accomplish right when do you want to start the process where you guys move to why do you want to move there how much do you want to sell your home frame what's the time frame you want to get it done in different from when do you want to start when do you want to be sold and done by in that new location and then I love the question what's your plan B so what's your plan B if it doesn't work out so I'm going to do this all over the phone pre-qualifying to make sure that I know who they are I'm not going to say hey I'm stalking you on Facebook and wow I saw you you know drinking a beer the other day like not going to do that but I want to know who they are what are they all about check out their LinkedIn background have an understanding of who they are professionally and then obviously a man asks all the pre-qualifying questions to really understand and what is driving the motivation the move remember if they have really low motivation generally speaking what do they want to price the house really high if they want really higher they have really high motivation we're going to be more priced appropriately to help them get what they want and remember it doesn't matter how good of a presenter you are if they don't want to sell who cares right there's there's no presentation that's going to convince them to sell your job is to help them understand why they should choose you over the competition does that make sense now what's your plan B in case it doesn't work out if we don't get the price the time etc what's your plan B well we can always keep it we can always rent it out we have no problem we're in no urgency that's an important question that we're not asking today and what happens is you're going on appointments and realizing that their motivation isn't where you want it to be so number one no the client number two Prime the client for a yes and do your homework so do your homework you know the number one thing is to know the comps right to know the market but don't just know the last 30 days the last 60 days last 90 days did you see the houses did you walk through the properties do you really know what was for sale even if it was just going and looking at 25 videos on you know online through the MLS to really know the you know the area the community was that a nice house was it a bad house so when they say well all our neighbors sold for you can say yes I know why but remember they converted under the stairs that whole extra room into a wine cellar and a wine bar and and you know your property doesn't have that it brought a little more value to know those details you know it is we did a video a long time ago called be the knowledge broker right be the knowledge broker the person that knows the market and the homes better than anybody else is the one that's going to rise above and be the obvious choice so this is like be the knowledge broker stuff next thing on the list obviously prime the client for a yes so remember a few videos back and I won't bore you with it again but search remember I said if you want to win every listing remember that video if you want to win every listing you send a bom-bom video in advance before your appointment thanking them for meeting with you and then requesting that they review all those key things that was included in the email remember your Zillow reviews your track record you know the three to five things you do differently or better than everybody else and maybe you know your entire marketing plan contrasted everybody else a photo your team etc so what we're doing is we're we're priming the pump and we send it through ball mom's so we know that they opened the video we know that they watch the video because that's what bond mom does it it lets you know those two things which I think is important now I send you five ways to improve I bet you're doing all that stuff and if you're not listen listen you got a start here I'm gonna get a little dance with you ready number three is not that I Vance number four and five for a just wait for for a here we go you ready I'm not sure how this is going to work Danny but here we go tada number three show up mentally prepared I know that sounds easy has there ever been a time you went on a presentation you showed up Late Late Late talk about a way to instantly create the opposite of rapport by disrespecting the customer and showing up late the reality is my friends I know we've all been there traffic this that you have no idea I get it I get it I get it you know I learned a long time ago if you want to be on time leave fifteen minutes earlier than you think you need to leave and you will always get there a little bit earlier and be ready to go but the bigger issue is showing up mentally prepared I like to stop before every presentation and I close my eyes and I just say okay who's my customer and I go back through all this information and I think about what is my outcome what do I want to do I want to bring them value I want to separate myself from the competition if there is any I want to become the obvious and no-brainer yes and I want to make it easy and elegant and beautiful I don't want to be a nineteen year old dude trying to close on the first date right member that old line we don't want to be that guy or that gal easy elegant no-brainer remove all the resistance create lots of trust and make this process easy for them because let's face it do how long do you want a salesperson in your house I mean if you really put it in context you want that person in and out pretty quickly and you'd like it to be smooth and easy and no resistance well don't you think most customers are just like you so I say show up mentally prepared knowing the customer now let's go a little you ready number 4 I believe that sales is a story and my experience is most people the vast majority of agent starts their listing presentation the same exact way hi Bob and Mary thanks so much for having me over I'm really excited let's go take a look at the whole moon Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong all that stuff I get it it's all part of the deal but starting your presentation starting how you start if you frame it with a story if you begin with a hook then you immediately create interest you immediately capture them and more importantly you separate yourself in the competition you see most your competition walks in and says hi thank you so much let me tell you about my company let me tell you about me let me show you all my awards let me show them my prizes let me chime in yeah yeah yeah yeah and yeah and then let me show you the marketing of all the websites I've never been to bla bla bla bla bla bla bla it's the same thing everywhere you go now I probably have your attention do I have your attention I should consider the following you ready sales is about storytelling it's always been about storytelling here's a story ready for in a seasoned Asian or experienced agent you know mister mister seller thank you so much for having me over I had been on sixty-two appointments like this in the last 12 months 58 of those people chose to list with us at the end of every meeting all sit in my car for 15 sometimes 20 minutes and I will just all debrief I open up Evernote and I start writing notes about every question they asked what was important what were their concerns what made them nervous how do I make the process easy and smooth for my clients because selling a home can be stressful so you know what I've discovered after doing this now for three years 60 70 times a year each time having you know 55 to 60 lists their home with me I've discovered there's only five things that were important to every client I've ever met with would you like to see the list would you like to go through the five now that's a little bit different from here in my company your main home in uh in no no no no right now I'm not dogging to you and your company I'm just saying if you're in a hyper-competitive marketplace you've got to do something different and standout the story you create is how you will stand out now if I'm a new agent what am I going to do I'm just going to flip it and say you know our firm is successfully listed and sold over 275 homes and every week at our team meeting all the agents get together and we debrief on all the new listings we've taken and what were the concerns and what were the issues and what with the challenge of the seller we discovered there's only five things that are important to every client we've ever served in this community would you like to go through the five that's a little bit better than trying to figure out how do i navigate as a new agent does that make sense so what's your story what's your story that's going to prime the customer hook the customer create some interest create some intrigue like what are the five like I don't know and by the way when you then say would you like to see the five and they say yes guess what they're engaged with you now they're listening through a filter of what are the five things you've got their interest you now have permission to speak life into their concerns their worries their challenges and listen last time I checked selling us the ability to tell a story and ask questions that naturally and automatically lead you and the customer to a mutually desired end result right it's not supposed to be stressful it's not supposed to be intense it's supposed to be natural and automatic and that's what we're attempting here so let's keep going you ready so show up mentally prepared sales is a story open with a better story to hook them in a way that's interesting that has them listen and then would you like to know the five would you like to know the seven would you like to know the eleven things that every one of our customer was interested in I just had this conversation one of my clients because she has the same question on every presentation mister mister seller every time I'm meeting with a wonderful couple like you that's interested in selling in the ocean you know their home on the oceanfront the number one question we get is how are you going to attract the international buyers which is why several years ago we created the gallons report this is Maxine and Marty gallons right we created the gallons report every year we do an exhaustive research piece on every property that was sold along the coast between Point Loma La Jolla Del Mar etc and I think it's going to you're gonna find this interesting let's look at the report only 4% of all the buyers actually came from international and yet every client we meet with says how are you to find the international buyers when the truth is what you really should be asking is how are you going to find the buyers in Texas Arizona Nevada and throughout San Diego County which is where 96% of the buyers come from does that make sense what bah-bah-bah you with me like awesome stuff speaking directly into what's going on in the mind of the customers all right so let's keep going Taos over here I created for a for the first time ever on a tom ferry show can you just look at this and maybe TAS can you can you maybe go in a little tighter on it here's five things that every customer so mr. mr. seller we met with 65 people in the last 12 months 270 in the last five years and after a 15 or 20 minute debrief on every time they really were concerned about five things how are you going to get me the most possible money for my home how much time is it going to take for me and for you in the process have you done it over and over again before like do you have a track record is there proof and then what's your marketing plan like how are you going to market and expose the property to make sure that the highest number of buyers ultimately see the home and then the last one is who else is involved what's the team what's the process so let's go through those together and now right now we're speaking directly into what's important to the customer does that make sense now I'm making up these five this is stuff that I work on with a bunch of clients that it resonates for them you might have eleven things you know your customer better than I do you know if you're in you know Milwaukee what's important to them this time of the year versus springtime summertime winter right if you're in Toronto Ontario Canada you know maybe staging is the hot thing or how do we compete against the condo market as an example rule number one is know your customer think about the story that hooks them in and then I begin to show now I like big obvious visuals you with me yesterday I looked at somebody's listing presentation and I I opened up and here's the first thing I saw Marty a photo of this person on every page I was like look after the third page I know what you look like and since this photo doesn't actually look like you it's kind of awkward and then I said who wouldn't be funny if you were wearing the same exact outfit on the appointment as the photo like that would just be hysterical whitespace is okay in your presentation big obvious photo font are okay like everyone understands a dollar sign everybody understands a clock everybody understands performance and track record marketing right and who's involved big obvious visual simple clean you turn the page there's the next one all my clients are interested in money all my clients are interested in time all my clients are interested in have you done it before right do you have a track record Mozilla reviews here's my map right this could just as easily be your map with every one of your transactions right how are we going to market we're going to cover that today mr. mrs. seller and then ultimately the team and the process so you know that while I'm here there's a group of people behind me that are handling phone calls taking care of transactions servicing our customers to bring the most possible value does that make sense right BAM you with me on this now again I'm not trying to change your entire presentation beginning to end I said to you Bill pipes the extraordinary coach the leader of our sales edge conference who's out talking is already trained a thousand agents this year three days of role-playing he'll he'll end up training I'm gonna guess five or six thousand this year he said work on your listing presentation make your listing presentation better and by doing that you'll want to naturally and automatically go do everything else in your business because whoever gets all the listings wins right but this is the effect if I've got this down all do all the things I have to do the cause to get there does that make sense so let's finish strong with my favorite one all right think about this in relationship to how most agents go in and present we walk in with this assumption of let me make a bunch of promises to you these are all the things I'm going to do right in the next 72 hours we're going to blah blah blah blah blah in the next you know 48 hours this will happen but in the first week we're going to do this and it's it's these promises of things that are going to happen in the future it's what everybody does it's what's always been done what if you reverse engineered it what if you took a different approach called it a case study made it a hundred times more relatable to the customer but started with the end result versus the promises are you with me on this so here take a little look ready if this was ties I don't know how far over I can go here sue me you can see all this if this is a timeline of a transaction I'm literally going to say Marnie Taz the number one reason you guys have me here is you want to have your property sold for the highest amount of money in the shortest amount of time with the best possible service is that correct so I want to take you back words from home I just sold down the street from you guys in the same community close enough that they can relate to it was a four-bedroom three-bath home in Huntington Beach just like yours wonderful couple just like you guys interviewed four other agents chose me because I think we just connected and they like the fact that I can sort of prove how I do what I do here's what happened we sold the property and closed it six weeks ago it was a four-bedroom three-bath just like yours it sold for five hundred ninety five thousand dollars they got three percent more than we listed the home three percent more money they also we sold 22 percent faster than how other homes are selling in our market buy so we got him more money and we did it in less time and they were they were really kind they really liked the process they wrote a long review on Zillow and they gave me five stars now what got us to that point is probably the question you're asking what got us that point well we ended up getting eight offers which is how we were able to negotiate the price up and maintained you're getting their mortgage and got it all approved and sold for more than our original ask price we had eight people when I sat down the seller said here's eight different offers here's eight couples that want to buy your house let's go through the price and the terms and the conditions of each of the offers and empower you guys to decide which one is better for you so we sold it for three percent more twenty two percent faster with a five star customer service review but before that we got eight offers before we added offers we had 87 people through our mega open house which is the same they were going to do with you where I Drive all of the neighbors because we know neighbors will know people that want to live here and every buyer that I have searching right now online which is you know about five hundred right now I'm going to drive them all in to come look at your home to see if it matches the criteria to see how many of them will write an offer interestingly enough of the 87 people that came through five of them wrote an offer on this property and one of them actually got the house but how did we get 87 people through look here we have 4200 impressions on Zillow we had 1893 on Trulia this means that they went to the site they saw it they looked at the property does that make sense by the way on Zillow 385 of them actually hearted the property so they were now tracking the property so that's good it's different from just seeing it they actually clicked and said I like that house I'm 2,000 people saw it on realtor.com we had 3,800 individual sets of eyeballs go to our website and take a look at the property explore watch the video you know see everything about the home and by the way one of the Zillow buyers actually bought the house they started at Zillow they watched by the way look down here 873 people watch this brand-new video that Zillow has released where now I videotaped the home as well as my other video that goes directly on Zillow where they get you know 164 bazillion people on their site every single month 873 people watched the video of that one of them actually bought the house that great see how this is working then we had 3100 people that saw it on Facebook because I did some Facebook advertising to the local marketplace only to buyers and potential customers that make more than and $70,000 a year dual income families that can afford to buy that house as an example then I had 74 people that hard it on Instagram I had 177 people retweet the property and send it out to all their Twitter followers creating even more virality and buzz on the house and I had three hundred and fifty five separate people watch the entire video on YouTube so you can see we did all of this which drove this which rotate offers which ultimately got them three percent more money 22 percent faster and a five-star review there was more we had 83 agents at our broker preview it's important that we let all the brokers know this when we unveil the house to the brokers who in many cases already have a buyer who's looking for home just like yours then over here we staged the property we did the professional photography we videotaped two different ways one for YouTube one for Zillow only and over here I earn the listing and started the process so mr. mister seller what questions do you have about the process of how I'm going to get your home sold just like I sold this one do you get it now I know this is going to be a long video and you know Tazz all you know how long is this video going to be Tom this is going to be like 10 minutes I think we're probably at 17 or 18 right now and I'm going to argue to say this could be the most important tom ferry show I've done all year I've talked about a lot of things so far this year at the end of the day my friends there is a massive crisis happening right now where there is simply no inventory and what's happening is agents are walking in competing and doing whatever it takes to get the listing the challenge is the poor consumers hearing the same thing over and over and over and over if you just simply do something different if you do something unique if you do something that makes you stand out you become the natural yes now this is not the end-all be-all this is maybe just the starting of a new conversation for you with your listing presentation so my advice to you is do a little check how well do I know my customers right do I absolutely prime every appointment with the video showing my track record my more plan Maya link to Mozilla reviews like do I really prime them to know me and understand me and perhaps create massive trust and awareness before I get there do I show up on time mentally prepared do I have a great story to begin or do I do what everybody else does here my company here mine can count on right I mean come on like it's 2016 it's time to get fresh it's time to do things differently you can't be more of the same and expect radical levels of improvement you've got to try something different now you know whether it's a new agent or an existing agent I love this money time track record marketing plan processing team what a beautiful way to illustrate whether it's five things in your debrief or 10 things you decide entirely up to you and then this whole case study reverse engineer a sale versus what most agents do is simply just make a bunch of promises and hope and pray it works out listen a lot to cover here probably need to watch this four or five times I'm looking for some comments I want to know look this will have fifteen or sixteen thousand views very quickly if you don't send me comments and let me know it's too long I hated it I loved it I'm totally stealing that let me know what you're thinking keep me engaged let me make these shows better for you promise right come out of the Woodworks and make a comment on my Facebook page insta or right there on youtube thank you so much for watching remember always your strategy matters and now more than ever your listing presentation absolutely rules thanks for watching if you love what you're seeing here then click the button below to join our online community absolutely free thanks so much you
Channel: Tom Ferry
Views: 231,572
Rating: 4.9087811 out of 5
Keywords: listing presentation, listing, sales skills, sales edge, email marketing, success, Tom Ferry Show, real estate, real estate coaching, real estate speaker, real estate scripts, Tom ferry, Real estate coaching, Real estate training, Real estate, Sales training, Marketing, Motivation, Real estate success, Success, Sales tips, Real estate events, Real estate tools, Real estate trends, Financial success, Financially stable, Business planning
Id: oA0cqnsdaBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2016
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