3 Important Sales Skills You Need to Improve Lead Conversion | #TomFerryShow Episode 125

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it's never the leads my friend it's your ability to convert for over 20 years I dedicated my life to bringing you the very best selling marketing and business building strategy to keep your business thriving get ready to experience the success you've been searching for welcome for the tom ferry show hey thanks so much for watching its episode 125 at the tom ferry show today I'm talk to you about three primary skills everyone needs if we want to convert more of those leads into appointments and ultimately sign contracts so let's take a look right we know that number one and probably the thing that I see more and more people missing is we stop the art of building rapport can you think about a time maybe in your life when you were single or maybe you're single now and you were you were dating you know that awkward moment when you're not in rapport with someone right you're sitting across the table they're looking at their phone you're looking at your phone it's just awkward right well I want you to imagine that moment if you knew exactly what to do to build rapport with anybody anytime anywhere so you can break the ice and really get to what matters most whether it's connecting with them on a date or in this case building rapport to see if they qualify for your services to buy or sell real estate at the end of the day my friends it's simply this there's people that know how to build rapport and there's people that don't and there's a lot of work out there I'm going to tell you that the most basic thing that I follow every single time in every engagement and it doesn't matter if it's someone I've known for years or someone I'm meeting cold I always remember to mirror them right we know the old line people prefer to do business with people that are just like them so if we understand that that people want to do business with people they feel they're just like them here we notice how certain families everybody talks the same their cadence is the same their tones the same their volumes the same right there was a time when I would you know call my dad's house and both of my brothers were listening there and all three of them answered the phone the same way hello that was I didn't know who I was calling they all sounded exactly the same so if I wanted to be in rapport I'm going to use the same language that they I'm going to speak with the same pace the same tempo what do we know there's fast talkers there's medium pace talkers and there's slow talkers if we were to go deeper we understand that there are visual people auditory people and kinesthetic people visual people have a tendency to talk faster visual person right well what do you think happens when a visual person meets a kinesthetic person is more touchy-feely in ah needs to sync it over and the visual person's like look take a look at what I'm talking about if you just look me to check this out right that person's going to be instantly at a reporter if you want to convert more leads you got to get out of yourself and you got to get into the moment with the client so I'm listening for their pace their tempo because it's going to give me insight are they visual auditory or kinesthetic by the way visual people will use words like see look up here get a clearer picture where perhaps the auditory person right it's going to say you know bettering zobelle or I hear what you're saying or they'll quote other people and I'll actually change their tone am I getting too advanced these are things we need to be paying attention to if we want our conversion to go up and of course the kinesthetic people right the kinesthetic people they're going to use words like feel or you know just I just feel like I've got this giant weight on my back I listened intently for the words that they use their pace I listen for their volume and I listen to their tonality I'm not asking you to call someone with an accent and change suddenly the way you speak to their accent right that would be awkward but you can do it subtly you can take just a little bit of their cadence does that make sense just a little bit of their cadence pay attention their volume use their language by mirroring them listening and using the same exact pattern and guess what happens my friend we build rapport in under 60 seconds and without rapport that sales walls up I don't care if they just which to your website and gave you their cellphone an email or your cold calling the spectrum of those two we repor nothing happens without rapport there is no trust there is no questions there is no qualifying there is no closing so we always have to say to ourselves I'm in rapport with every person I meet I take the time to build rapport deep levels of rapport not walk in their house and saying you like fishing I like fishing right we're not talking about that we're talking about real rapport like with the people you trust and the people you love so the first thing I would challenge you on is start paying attention again pace volume you ever talk to the loud family you ever talk to the whisper I have a client every time he calls me hey coach okay I have to be really important to talk to you about right if I already be on the phone like hey what's going on it would I'd be out of rapport the moment we break rapport we break trust you with me on this so that's number one number two if you want to up your conversion you've got to ask way more qualifying questions you've got to ask way more qualifying questions now there's going to be a link here for a script book you should absolutely download the script book because at the end of the day this is just a sample of a few of the questions you could ask to get deeper with people if I want to ultimately book an appointment if I want to convert if I want to help this client I've got to know their motive for action I've got to know what's important to them what their timing is what's their financial situation what's their plan B so take a look at these few questions but again these are just a sample here's the mistake that I hear all the time and I'm not going to name names because I've talked to so many great agents that have been busted by this Oh Tom I just went into this appointment and it really didn't work out made it up list to another agent I'm like well did you know that you were in competition did you ask the question who else are you talking to Oh should I be asking that of course you should on a highly competitive marketplace where listings are the name of the game absolutely 1000% yes I people say to me but if I ask that question Oren I planted the seed in their mind maybe you are maybe you are but if I say hey are you interviewing any other agents and they say no should we be no I just wanted to make sure that I was prepared you there's a few other great agents in the marketplace and if you need a recommendation after meet with me I'd be more than willing to give you one right coming from that place of confidence is going to make that customer go this guy this gals got it so let's just a few of the questions right tell me again what you like to do we're thinking about buying we're thing about selling here's our plan right tell me where are you going where are you moving to where we'd like to buy right you know we're not sure actually at a client's say to me I've got this buyer Tom and I'm not sure what to do they want to look at houses between Santa Barbara and La Jolla that's like saying they want to look between Charleston South Carolina and Miami right if the client doesn't know where they want to go houston we have a problem we got a dig deeper number three so why are you guys moving like what's the why behind it what's the motivation if we get this we've all heard the phrase before their hot button their trigger hey we're retiring we want to be closer to our grandchildren we've outgrown our house or you know what we need more space or you know it we just like to move every six or seven years it's just who we are we've been here long enough and it's time right if I don't know their motivation for action what am i ultimately going to close them on if they're struggling to make a decision what am I going to remind them of that they share with me I can't tell you how many agents I have met that don't find out their true motive for action and by doing this my friends you're missing the opportunity to convert to showcase your services into ultimately when more business let's keep going okay what's your timing oh you know any times good by us I mean you know you just sell our home for top dollar and do it in any time prayer do you want generally speaking when a person doesn't have a very set time frame what do they want to do in terms of pricing group right but when they have to be gone in 30 60 90 days whatever that time frame is what happens they're pricing they become a little more realistic or at least we've set the tone for proper price amendments got to find out what their timing is hey who else is involved in the process have you ever gone an appointment discovered that uncle Larry is actually on title and they're the ones they're gonna make decision you had no idea or there was multiple people multiple attorneys involved both of family members too often we find ourselves in these uncomfortable situations because we didn't take the time to discover what the heck is going on before we get there so hey what's your plan B in case it doesn't happen in this timeframe you know this is important for a lot of my clients especially in the high-end hey we're thinking about selling our apartment hey we're thinking about selling our state we're thinking about selling our big expensive you know McMansion outstanding what's your time frame well we'd like to get it done you know in the next like six months you know we're in no rush but you know we want to move and we bought another house and you feel comfortable with their motivation you say what's your plan B in case this doesn't work out well we could always lease it warning again they're going to price it a little bit high right probably higher than you would want and if they're comfortable with that Plan B you and I both know that's going to impact the possibility of signing that home I want to know that there's a plan B if there is one just like you do so we got to ask that question now um have you guys met with the lender obviously and what did they say what price range are you guys looking in buying or what price range you guys thinking about selling in right I want to know as much information as I can but here's my favorite question what's important to you in the agent you choose to represent you what's important to you in the agent you choose to represent you what's important to you in the agent you choose to represent you by asking that question you know what you're basically saying tell me what I need to show up prepared for to win the business you know what we're looking for someone's done a lot of transactions in our marketplace we're looking for somebody that's going to market our home aggressively we're looking to something that's going to you know get us the highest possible price in the shortest amount of time we're looking to some it's going to discount their Commission they're going to tell you everything that they want in that moment and and what I'm going to advise you is if you're just booking the appointment this is not the moment to start handing the objection but instead take detailed notes and then make sure you alter your presentation to walk in prepared to handle their objections answer their concerns and close to the business look at the end of the day my friends building rapport only gets us access to the answers to all these questions if I don't have rapport and you've been in the situation before think about it has there been a time in your business where you can now identify I didn't have repor because i was asking questions and the people started getting short with you they didn't want to give you the answer or their answers were yeah fine not sure hey I only got a medic like you to speed this up you don't say that to people when you're in rapport when you're in rapport you answer the questions you feel comfortable it's like um it's like give a walked inside a department store and said yourself I need a dress or I need a suit or I need something for this function and it's like tonight so I need it now like your motivation is high to get this outfit you walk in the store salesperson says you hi can I help you what did 99% of people say in that moment no I'm just looking are you a liar no they just weren't in rapport with you what if they walked up instead and said you know hi my name is how are you doing today on fine and just really busy everyone that walks in this door is super busy I'm just curious are you looking for something immediate are you just browsing gosh I'm actually looking for something immediate is it a formal event is it a casual event we start asking these questions and i'm building rapport and guess what my friends now beside the sales guard is down well that exact situation is exactly what goes on here when you take the time to build rapport right the sales wall goes down they answer all these questions they reveal to you what's really going on so you can help them does that make sense people like to do business with people they feel or just like them follow the fundamentals are before and ask all the qualifying questions make sure you download that script book and then obviously you got to close and you know ABC always be closing ABC always be converting at the end of the day there is there's so many things on the internet and look at my team there's so many things on the internet like you know only this percentage of sales people close this many times and then but whatever right here's the bottom line people that close make money people that don't don't it's that simple right on the last show I talked about resources versus resourcefulness with your assistant it's same exact deal if I am resourceful I will continue to find a way a kink in the armor something that's going to get them to say yes even just for a 50 minute meeting at the end of the day my friends no transactions happen until we get an appointment so we've got to have five six seven different closes we use handle me a judge now well we're not sure we want to think it over I can appreciate the fact you want to think it over let me ask you a question since three minds are better than two what specifically do you guys need to think about I mean this stuff needs to just roll out of your mouth as it does mine because I practice it for years so here's just a few you ready hey let's go in and schedule an appointment our morning's or afternoons better for you the world-famous alternative choice closed super basic did you want to do this or this you know did you want the red one or the blue one did you want morning's or afternoons Monday or Tuesday you with me a basic clothes that can be used by all of us you also told me all of their motivation that you guys wanted to move out of this house you wanted to be near your grandchildren I'm going to remind them of all the things that they told me this is like the hot-button clothes you guys told me you were moving to here and you wanted to be there and there's time frame because you wanted to be there before summer or graduation or before school starts in order to achieve your goals let's schedule an appointment Monday or Tuesday at 4:00 using their qualifying information their hot buttons or a basic one hey look if I can show you the obvious advantages both in time and money would it be worth fifteen minutes of your time if I could show you the obvious advantages in both time and money to you would it be worth just 15 minutes of your time invite me over the bottom line is this my friends it's not Leeds it's never the Leeds it's always you it's your ability to convert your ability to build rapport with a wide variety of people right over the phone face to face makes no difference the same rules apply you're going to ask good questions to find out can you serve this client do they actually have a need or are they just looking right now and that's okay if you don't ask the questions you don't know that they don't really have to do anything for two or three years and then they eat up all your time right all of us watching right now have been in that situation where we felt like we just wasted our time and the real waste was it didn't ask the Koala buying questions to find out what was truly going on and could you serve that customer and then at the end add a clothes baby clothes clothes baby clothes it is so fascinating to me how many people I talk to that are just uncomfortable asking for the order I heard a million years ago the following line the clothes is just a natural ending to a great presentation so if I'm asking all the right questions that I'm in rapport the clothes is natural and automatic if you're feeling tension when you're closing for an appointment or asking them to sign the contract the bottom line is my friends it's probably because you just don't believe in the services you're offering or you just haven't practiced you don't have you know your two three four automatic shots that you take that work for you every single time so a lot of assignments for you can't wait to read the comments share this with a few friends share it maybe with your office manager because this could be a great sales meeting topic no doubt remember always your strategy matters and now more than ever your ability to convert is what rules the day hey thanks so much for watching if you want more of this make sure you subscribe to our Channel [Music] you
Channel: Tom Ferry
Views: 293,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom ferry, real estate, real estate coaching, real estate training, real estate marketing, business, sales skills, lead conversion, improve, tutorial, video, sales video, sales, convert leads, sales tactics, building rapport, how to build, build rapport, close a sale, how to sell, qualify, qualification, questions to ask, sales training, real estate agent, realtor, techniques, sales tips, real estate tips, listing presentation, sales pitch, educational, learn
Id: J6VIbmDV2a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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