LIVE Real Estate Scripts ROLE PLAY [Buyers]

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what's up everybody is chasing J miles and welcome back to my channel in this video I'm actually taking you into my office for one of our roleplay meetings so you'll get to see how we do those and how we practice our scripts and all that type of stuff if you're new to my channel go ahead and click the subscribe button because on my channel I release videos related to working as a real estate agent so tips tools tricks all that kind of stuff as it relates to working in the real estate business so again if that's the metric in to go ahead and click the subscribe button other than that let's go ahead and get into it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what I what I want to do is I'm gonna act as if I'm the buyer you just talk normally I'm gonna act as if I'm the prospective buyer and I'm going to just give you the common objections that you're gonna hear now I'm not expecting you to be perfect at this but you know just kind of go back and forth with me all right okay okay so you're calling me up I just filled out something on your website and you're calling me up hi this is Jason yeah hey Jason this is Thomas with honors with a group at exp I saw you registered on our website the other day I just want to see if that you know I was just looking at houses okay what's your current situation are you like renting or no I'm currently renting I'm thinking about buying possibly in like a year but I was just kind of looking right now and when that time comes are you looking to like use all cash or are you gonna need to get a loan out of that no okay so you know when that time comes what's stopping you from Brittany uh buying a home now than from getting one in a year later because I have to work on my credit and save up some money and I'm still in the lease right now my leaf in in it actually ends in June but I'm thinking about renewing it just till I figure out what I want to do you know when that time comes what are you thinking of my moon - I'm actually thinking about moving to North Dallas oh not that it's nice nice like Frisco area plane oh yeah yeah maybe not that high maybe like Addison but yeah thank you thank you for calling I'm I got to go back to work now hain't no worries just for your benefit I mean I can go ahead and send you a couple properties if you want to like just for you to kind of look at just gets you more prepared for when the year comes along you know what to pick exactly yeah well that'd work out okay great awesome um if you don't mind like I'll just get your email and I can go ahead and send you some over okay we're gonna cut it there so you did a really great job actually I'm very impressed so some things that we can we can do because obviously they were on the site they feel something today you could you call them immediately so there's there's some sense of urgency there they're just they just haven't told you somebody who says that they're a year out they just may not necessarily know that they can purchase right now I gave you two things that I thought were a problem one was credit the other one was I'm in a lease okay obviously we we have a resource to get them out of there their lease so so that's something we can always talk about credit you didn't continue that conversation to even know what my credit looked like because remember I'm just a consumer I don't necessarily know what the requirements are and so your job as the agent you want to you know bring those to life the third thing that I would even bring up is first for someone who's a year out talk to them about you know what purchasing could look like a year from now versus now so as of right now mr. buyer we're in some of the lowest interest rates that we're probably going to see and you know yeah they have been been lower but they've been climbing so there's no telling what they're gonna be at next year what you can afford right now could be clearly different from which you can afford next year if I had something that could potentially take care of your lease and if we had a program that can help raise your credit within the next 30 days because again we don't know what their credit is they could qualify right now it could be 30 60 days with anything else prevent you from from buying you know overcoming those objections instead of just saying okay I'll call you back in a year all right so let's go over so this is the type of situation to where if it's somebody who you haven't confident in a while or maybe there was they were a lead that came in one of my old databases and so basically we're trying to revive them so a series of the question that I asked would be as if I am talking to someone then I may not have talked to for two years three years that potentially came in as a lead they weren't ready for some reason so at the time I just marked them you know not ready or dead or whatever kind of but it's still name a number that I have okay so answer the phone hello it's Jay hi Jay real quick this is chasing miles with fountains real estate group and I want to give you a quick call because I saw your name and number here in my database and I want to say you went and filled out something on our website a couple years ago or you were inquiring about a property a home to buy did you ever end up buying your property no no not not Jay I looked into him and now I haven't pulled the trigger yet okay okay great is there a specific time that you're that you're waiting on no we're currently renting right now so now we're kind of just saving and you know but no we don't have a timeframe in mind okay honest what part of town are you turn the end we're in a Dallas out of said area okay and are you wanting to stay in the an area no like to move up north to Frisco and be close to the family okay okay so you want to be closer to family did you did you have a specific price point in mind that you were looking to spend on your new home no not necessarily we're thinking probably like 300 per current home and so maybe finance a little bit so I guess 400 and up maybe but if we can keep it at 300 and just pay it outright oh so you said that you can get 300 for your current home so you're so you're currently in a home and you would need to sell that yes yes okay okay and so have you thought about putting your home on the market it seemed kind of wet what happens with it I thought about it see what I can get for it just having to decided to actually do it I guess okay real quick do you know how much you still owe in your home about a hundred hello how's it okay so they don't niche you a little low a little over two or so if you sell it at that price have you had any anybody running a market analysis on it or anything like that no no okay buddy okay how about how about I go ahead and do that for you what's your address address says one two three maple Dallas Texas okay okay I'll go ahead and send you over a market analysis on your home oh we're sure what's your email address again jf founders are you calm J ed founders re calm okay so so I can go ahead and put that together and the reason why I want to do it more sooner rather than later is because interest rates right now are in a really good place and honestly I've been going through some of my old lists because I know that at this time interest rates were a little bit higher and so you know it disqualified a lot of my my buyers but I'm going through my list right now and I'm glad I reached out to you because it sounds to me like you would be in the perfect position to go ahead and make that transition now rather than wait where the interest rates can potentially go a lot higher so I'm going to go ahead and run this market analysis and email it over to you and the and how about I follow up with you tomorrow morning would that be good oh yeah that'll be fine okay great so I'll follow up with you tomorrow morning and then we can go ahead and schedule a meeting and I can go over a lot more stuff with you okay J okay all right I will talk to you soon okay all right okay all right so point out if you take aways of what I did on that on that call that you that you notice that I noticed you expressed urgency and the interest rates are at low right now and that people couldn't qualify in the past so you know kind of expressing that urgency like the ones that it's better to do it out in to wait later on mm-hmm the interest rates might go up also you provided value you can get them ACMA to see it what's the current value of their their home there's kinda like providing value to the customer mm-hmm and you got the appointment mm-hmm might be takeaways right right um what are some key things Asians and I did but I tell you all the time like Oh what's your email again and you never got it yeah yeah ending also using things like real quick really I just finished that that whole calling in what less than a couple of minutes and it was only my mission because my mission wasn't necessarily to see him face to face and put him under a listing agreement today but see now I saw like dollar signs because I saw okay they don't just need to buy but they need to sell also so instead of me turning them off I'm gonna leave with with value you know I didn't go too much on one way I didn't go too much on the other way I tied everything together okay you know so and then if you notice our script I get every single one so there you have it glad you got a chance to see inside my actual real estate business as always I would love to keep this conversation going so leave me a note down below in the comments and let me know any takeaways that you've had and be sure to give me a thumbs up if you did find this video beneficial and if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet go ahead and click the subscribe button because I would love to have you a part of my real estate community so until next time I'm chasing J miles and I will talk to you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Chastin J. Miles
Views: 28,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate scripts for buyers, roleplay scripts, prospecting scripts real estate, chastin j miles, real estate agent, sales role play
Id: tWy10geEiws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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