The Beginning of Lifesteal Season 3

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lifesteal season three has just started and it has been five minutes since we began and the best pvpers are already attempting to un-alive me and no i didn't do anything to them they just want my heart oh no it's glam beers oh oh oh oh oh they're killing me they're killing me they're killing me run run run run run run luckily i did make it out alive but unluckily i now have an enemy that has twice the gear and 10 times more skill than me finding teammates was now absolutely necessary for survival but instead of deciding to team with possibly the best fighters on the server i joined mr cube and min mystic now even as a team our player versus player combat was outmatched but with some smart survival tactics we knew how to quickly acquire some insanely powerful gear before anyone else on the server could yes all right let's see the nether was the absolute treasure chest of a pirate's cove anything ranging from gapples ender pearls and netherrite to even the possibility of enchanted diamond armor and since the server started less than 10 minutes ago it was completely uncontested right crap just died to clown what no no oh my god blocks over here oh get those get those yeah wait ashrag just died too oh there's a bastion there's a bastion dude tell me if anything's about to happen to me run run no i had died for the first time on the server but because we're not just in any normal minecraft server i had lost one of my hearts permanently and after my death my motives had changed no longer would i be some warmonger looking for chaos and destruction of the people i wanted to form a team a group of people that would devote their existence to protecting each and every last life of the server using my teammates i already had i formed the people of gallantry hello clown pierce we're the people of gallantry clown look behind you you look like you're a bit of a sticky and after saving clown peers from a hogland we had gotten our first mission yo i just got a message from ro he says he wants us to kill prince sam even with our previous encounter against roshambo we decided to put our pass behind ourselves and trust him but this wouldn't be the easiest of tasks prince sam and his team are the biggest and most geared players on the server so we needed to take our time and oh hello prince sam your viewers are mine buddy [Music] yes let's go it was all a lie remember that message that roshambo sent me well yeah that was just a ruse to get me away from clown pierce and his team so they could gear up and terrorize the server prince zam was innocent and i just killed him guess what you just pissed off the wrong team [Music] we're gonna do that we're gonna alert clutch to an area and you guys are all gonna like paraglide onto him i had just received a call from parra asking me and mr cube to help kill one of the members of the server wait can i ask why you want to kill clutch i got a mission from someone to kill all the communists right in order to do i'm not gonna like do it in some dumb way like i wanna i'm gonna break a world record for each one parrot wanted to kill innocent people on the server and as a member of the pog i could not stand for this we have to backstab that's gonna be sick yeah have you killed anyone else yet well i killed terrain and he was so mad i got him with the i dropped the stalactite from y319 but we might lose everything mr cube was skeptical about this idea but even with that we had 15 minutes before parrot's world record trap would be taking place and i had yet to come up with an idea to betray the enemy team i need levels because my sword has a name on it and it gives it a certain texture and it looks like a clown pure sword and i don't want to have a clamp your sword and that's when i got the idea let me explain in the settings of minecraft there's an option called resource pack this allows players to change the look of their game but in my scenario i was about to weaponize this by naming my sword l-taker it changes the appearance of the weapon to myself and everyone using the pack even though our enemies were much more powerful and skilled than us if we were to throw invisibility potions on everyone mr cube and i would still be able to tell each other apart allowing us to get free attacks on our enemies without them knowing a thing all right i just muted my mic in discord but oh my god this plan might actually work i really need mr cube to download this pack though everything seemed to be going alright until this happened bro clown pierce just joined no even with our trick it was still a 2v3 against the best pvpers on the server we needed some backup mapic mapic alright so uh the reason i couldn't call you on discord is because i'm in vc with parrot at the moment let me explain really quick all right parrot is trying to kill like clutch or vortex or something like that and he decided to involve us in the killing right as the people of gallantry right we have to stop them backstab parrot and you know roshambo and whoever else is there if you could help us that would be very very good yeah why not i have two stacks of gold in my inventory so i gotta get smelled fat and then i'm on my way we had gotten our backup and now all we had to do was apply the texture pack and brew some potions yes it worked it worked it worked [Music] with nothing left to prepare for all we need to do is follow parrot's lead at the perfect moment stab him right in the back oh my gosh here we go boys here we go actually really quick that's that's that's me with everyone invisible we now had complete control over the enemy team and they didn't know a thing what the hell is happening i know but who else i'm getting killed by two people what is happening bro [Music] that's not me that's me that's me who is who's fighting me who's fighting you right now that's that's perry paris what is happening bro i'm being crit out by someone stop it [Music] what no i'm not i'm being killed right now are you kidding me i think so who am i gonna get mine let's go yes bro oh my god oh my god oh my god that's one for the count we had killed parrot but the fight was still not over there was two more to go i suspected you guys turned [Music] yes yes box like a fish box like a fish [Music] yes oh wait what that was not me idiot in all the chaos of the fight i had just killed one of my teammates that had forgotten to apply the texture pack but at the same time mr cube had also died to the grasp of clown pierce yes that was nice let's go clone nice nice ice wait how many of them are left is it just leo and me with low supplies and resources we had to put everything into this fight [Music] with clown escaping to the ocean and the enemy team re-gearing up we had no other choice than to run go quick go quick go quick keep running keep running keep running wait wait wait is that just bro no no no there's three it's three three three we gotta run we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we just just run french runs they're they're in separate boats so clown can't shoot us just keep going keep going honestly if we just take off all our armor and jump wait i got water breathing yeah we have water breathing i also have one oh keep going no okay i'm going down get out get out the water get out and water breathe if you stay under water forever they're gonna have to go up eventually yep that's really funny no they can't hit you let's go keep going come on just keep going dude this water breathing coming clutch they don't know where i am i'm good just keep running just keep running and i have death striker and none of them have demonstrators that's good all right just keep going just keep going just keep running we're good we're good we'd escaped the fight with the gear on our bodies but we haven't won yet our revenge is still not complete one down two more to go you know what else we haven't won the subscriber race against clown pierce and roshambo as you can see here i was totally destroying the beginning and then boom they completely took over and i'm way behind so like and subscribe to help catch me
Channel: Leowook
Views: 343,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifesteal smp, minecraft smp, SMP war, Dream smp, Dream, Animatic, Smp animatic, Technoblade, Parrot, ParrotX2, Leowook, Leow0ok, Minecraft Revenge, Minecraft 100 days, Minecraft curious, 200iq revenge, betrayal minecraft, Minecraft Lifesteal, Lifesteal, Minecraft kids friendly, Minecraft Music, Minecraft story, Rekrap2, Rekrap, Clownpierce, Spoke, Spokeishere, PrinceZam
Id: u0SJ26C_Y_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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