ROAD HOUSE (1989) MOVIE REACTION!! FIRST TIME WATCHING! Patrick Swayze | Dalton | Full Movie Review

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this video is brought to you by  G fuel more on them after the reaction real rejects got invited back to  WonderCon come geek out with us in person   Sunday March 31st reject Nation citizens of the  reject Nation we are about to watch 1989's film   of the Year Road House Greg has never seen  Roadhouse I am doing my first ever reaction   to something I saw when I was younger than 10 I  honestly do not remember anything of road house   but I do when I say those two words I have pure  joy in my stomach I'm very excited for this movie   been like 20 something years yeah a long time  I think that's fair to say haven't seen okay is   this like so bad it's good or is it is it good  good I don't know if going to be dread or Judge Dread like I think we're in a like first blood  or Rambo five situation I don't know and I'm so   excited cuz it's also 89 is like right before  that Tipping Point right like it's going to be   interesting so please leave a comment below let  us know if it's so bad it's good or so good it's   good please like this video please head on over  to patreon if you want to see our Full Experience   front to back beginning to end without edits our  full watch along head on over to patreon for our   resting watching faces for all theous action  also thanks to prepper the fine folks to prep   this video and make it so fancy and spectacular  I honestly have no idea what we're in for except   for that next week we get the new Roadhouse so a  better way to prepare than Roadhouse in three 2 1 my only Association is a Family Guy big  guys that's it end of turns and goes   roadh house roadh house I'm like I don't  know what that means but it's funny every time bring back live performances in movies  I feel like I could dance in any era except   today oh yeah this seems way more comfortable  that seems like doable there's no professionals Keith David's here yes some gold plastic  American Express commercial I love the way   the 80s movies make commentary on money  there was a lot of it and they knew it   excess greed they put it up their nose  and we happy about it m oh look at that   mullet if I could have any hairstyle  it's that rig swayy [Music] mullet excuse me sir just randomly kick that woman I think  it's time for you gentlemen to leave sorry what the hell dude what do you think's going  to happen he literally just tried to stab him in   the back I've always wanted to try you I think I  can take you outside in there what a great setup   come on Hot Shot Come On Come On Let's Do It Go  dir where you go he doesn't even care that he got   cut doesn't even need to just got him outside he  just got I'd be so mad if someone cut me not s I'd   be suing is what I would do this is why you don't  run a road house I like that it establishes like   he's like a legend there yeah and he just had to  get water to take [Music] you my guy's going to   stitch it himself got his own M this club can't  afford to take our man to the hospital he doesn't   need it my name is Tillman I have a little Club  outside of Kanas city called the double Duce cool   I took a double deuce today this why you'd Sue  greck I need somebody to help me clean the place   up I need the best got it I remember this in the  Jake Gyllenhaal trailer you got to recruit D I   want you a bouncer mercenary 5,000 up front 500  a night cash you pay all medical expenses I can   live with that I run the show completely the  job's done I walk I've got your plane ticket   right here you didn't even really discuss money  5,500 night okay I was so focused on something   else actually he's beautiful man B stand's all  yours what's that supposed to mean I'm out of here great what a weird Foss great just  like stayed on it for that such a weird edit yo uh I look like a Val keep it at yours  oh my God save the cat I love that this dude   just lives like as flowy as his pants I've  only seen the Jake chill hall trailer once   and I'm already seeing like how different  they made it like oh yeah like Jak is like   so serious this like I'm just a free flow  Surfer kind of guy Jake stays like locked in this is a terrible name I'm just  going to keep thinking you having a   poop that's that's all I got terrible I  mean that's why it's crime and villainy   damn the credits are still going  we've already gotten to the second act you ever been to a bar like that no no no I'd   get stabbed just parking bring on the  real there's a cage for the band you suck I got a pig there's a guy just knocked  out in the back I like the life going on around herat wow they just want one bodyguard to  take care of all this that's why they got   D ladies first [ __ ] come over here baby  hey hey baby come here for a little while   that is sexual harassment it's like a prison  yard I've never been to a bar this bad this   is aggressively bad it's good setup  oh Jesus not here follow me to the [Music] bathroom at least she's trying to  clean up the place's image there's a good   art direction of this this feels very  alive yeah and you could smell it like   I've that there's a dankness to which I  like it's almost comic bookes and just   how much personality there is hey vodar will  you say you and me get nipple to nipple nice   what a line I can do that without you who's  the guy in the back is he joining he just jumped you might have made it worse I'm Carrie an  you need anything you just let me know you got a   name yeah well what is it do oh my God kind of  looks like redneck Perry a little bit why is he   easygoing but so stand off so much self-confidence  but doesn't but judges others it's a good way to   live pay to play play oh sh he must have been cut  right through the yeah this a whole bar screams of illegal that's it just [Music] illegal God does you know them it's  the first time we've seen him like lighten up   so you play pretty good for a blind white boy  yeah and I thought you'd be bigger don't know   you're doing it mean scene around here man Blood  on the floor in this joint every night oh he's   actually blind yeah I thought he got cut but  he got splashed and blind he is blind he was   blinded moments ago he was just in very welled  incredbly knew and casually mentioned it that   guy at the end of the bar man I love the legend  of him kill the guy once ripped his throat right   out really and there's no internet so you don't  know what he looked like so there's like the lore   around him coffee black yeah all right thanks  Joe he don't drink ever seen a better pair of   attitudes attitudes for 20 bucks you can kiss  them are you kidding get a guiss go ahead 20 bucks that is aggressive this is uncomfortable   are you going to kiss him or  not I can't I ain't got 20 a [ __ ] so he's going to have like an  army Dal he's going to have to he's going   to have to lead all these people  trying to turn it into that damn   what a crazy plot for a movie he just  so calmly watching all this go down [Applause] just B that guy yo this is a [Applause] rodeo everyone's in  the 1980s punch pull back right Superman punch   back right hook how' you like to tell us what the  going on it's going to help us out or not I'll let   you know you know I heard you had balls big enough  to come in a dump truck but uh you don't look like   much to me opinions vary he just looked at him  like like Dalton dropped in the coolest line everin Dalton character what's his story story  is you with him and he'll seal your fate yeah   so far he hadn't shown me [ __ ] yeah I like that  he's all Legend So Far like we're building to the   moment we we get it like I hope the whole First  Act is just like s then we see it the John Wick   in so this car dealership is called Big T and the  bar is called double Deuce someone wrote this on   cocaine someone someone was like this is funny a  funny script these work sure do bitching I'll take   it actually might need that for like the where you  park it like breaking glass the violence of the space so this guy is like a drifter in a lot  of ways huh yeah I mean he sold his car and   moved on yeah he's that chill doesn't need  anything he did the salute that means uh he's   got military background a hint at his character  must yeah and he respects everyone which I like   about him $3 million house now I bought this  ranch when I moved here yesterday these are my horses please talk like this he defitely  looks like a prospect yeah you the one   who's got a room to rent come on n n  dud sound too just a guy do you hon   it yes sir expect me to believe that  no sir beautiful wow that was a lot   better looking than I expected it to be  they R going to be like a bunch of hay everywhere helicopter who lives across the pond was the helicopter s in a  scope about do yeah who is this man what the hell is going on  is he going to open a park for dinosaurs does this have to do with what's  happening at the bar at the yeah is this   tying into what's happening at the bar this B  plot is very dramatically different than the a   plot I have no idea what's going on like horses  do you if they like me you wouldn't steal him   would you I'm in it I'm he does exude this like  just impossible confidence yeah just radiates   chill awesome I feel like I'd want to impress  him always look for his approval at all times   if I was around him please please acknowledge  me highlight of my life would be him laughing   at one of my jokes or just nodding solemnly this  is a new double Deuce put a lot of money and time   into this protect my investment I've hire the  best damn cooler in the business a cooler oh   that's a very I thought it was just a bodyguard  okay from now on he's in charge of all the bar   business what he says goes I thought he was like  a bodyguard with an army of bodyguards he's a   guy that cool situations cooler makes a lot more  sense Morgan you're out of here what you talking about you don't have the right temperament for  the trade you [ __ ] what am I supposed to do   there always Barber College you're a dead man wow  he didn't need to go that far you're out too we're   selling booze here not drugs oh that's why he  just monitored everything for a whole night he was   assessing everything I like his faux turtleneck  crew neck thing I'm telling you straight it's my   way or the highway so anybody wants to walk do  it now you guys can really rise in the company   here people who really want to have a good  time won't come to a slaughterhouse and we've   got entirely too many troublemakers here oh yeah  too many uh 40-year-old adolescence felons power   drink ERS and trustees of modern chemistry but a  lot of the guys who come in here we can't handle   oneon-one even two onone don't worry about  it all you have to do is follow three Simple   Rules what don't talk about Fight Club One never  underestimate your opponent expect the unexpected   sure but by expecting I'm expecting let's expect  two Take It Outside never start anything inside   the bar unless it's absolutely necessary good rule  good rule three be nice come on if somebody gets   in your face calls you a sucker I want you to be  nice okay hey he followed all these rules at the   beginning be nice if you won't walk walk him  but be nice if you can't walk him one of the   others will help you and you'll both be nice what  a specific rule I want you to remember that it's   a job it's nothing personal you call a sucker in  personal no it's not it's two nouns combined to   elicit a prescribed response that's great advice  always I wonder if somebody calls my mama is she   oh want you to be nice until it's time to not be  nice how are we supposed to know when that is you   won't I'll let you know you are the bouncers I  am the cooler all you have to do is watch my back   and each others take out the trash I mean the bar  scene bar mainly attracts trash but I do like how   it is like he seems like Untouchable yeah like  he's a God the cooler is such a cool name of a   job and I like how it's more and more revealing  about him over time and slow and the screenwriting   thing of having the whole movie in the opening  scene and then you elaborate on it that was a   great example of that okay so this movie is  like actually good not like known for being   bad yeah okay like it's considered a good movie  I never knew never knew what camp this movie fall into but she looks good doing it hey pal do me a   favor and get her down off there what  do you say I say Let Her Dance be nice [Applause] we don't want come on mother  back come on come on mother be nice and   until you don't have to be nice oh my God  escort this gentleman to the door broke   the table and have his face you see that  [ __ ] what was that he knows Kung Fu he   just takes around who is that guy the ways  of karate he's real good that was awesome name whoa hello yeah I thought was I was  why did he get fully naked your history   but I'm on my break stay on it You' got quite a  little Enterprise going here what going through   a bottle every 30 minutes you're skimming the  till for six shots a bottle on drafts one every   10 damn figure he's costing you about 150 a  night so consider it severance pay take the   train nice he's quick I didn't hear you say that  I'm saying it now you sure get out uh is this guy   like there's more to this guy or something yeah  is he like part of a bigger thing it was a good   night nobody died it'll get worse before it gets  better bar don't like change people don't like   change I mean if they attract a new audience  it's their spot they attract new patrons or   something like this an empty bar yeah of no  problems before you know it everyone's going   to be fired no one works there no one drinks  there congratulations this is Island oh damn   that's why he needs the covers that's why  I bought the pair of tires oh man he could   prepare for anything well within the with a  car is another car yeah what do you do can   you fit four tires in that truck there's a  motorcycle like the Batmobile The Dark Night [Applause] yeah where does he live  what is this across the way why is   this Farmhouse across from this like  millionaire mansion just like Wall   Street house what's going on here this  B plot continues to be elusive [Music] Kingpin I love this guy oh damn she's with him oh no Dalton's perfect eyesight I can  definitely tell that's the same blonde   woman from hundreds of yards away Eagle  ey D morning I brought you some breakfast   invasion of privacy there coworker  he only needs to eat breakfast once   a week to survive justce to stain his  ex slowly digested he controls it over time you fired the bartender pth skimming  you should not have done that do why yeah   why is that just shouldn't have that all  there's something more to this guy huh   there's a b plot I think involving he must be  involved with these guys why would be working   at this like shitty bar though yeah yeah I  just think I'm looking at a dead man though   seems everywhere I go I hear that same joke yeah  well something tells me you bring it on yourself wow riding lanes that man has money he can drive  how he wants I married we be soine shoom wow you just made an enemy the only time  I've seen him UNC new windshield's going to cost   you more will beat worth my advice be Scrapper  well I like her so um order me one would you the   auto Parts is fortunately right across from the  double Ser small town that small how long you   going to be in town not very long it's what I  said 25 years ago really what happened oh I got   married an ugly woman don't ever do that it just  takes the energy right out of you huh she left me   though found somebody M and she was that's life  now that's life now a whole business here why'd   you stay on oh I fell for the place oh the heck  whoa Brad Wesley D he's working going to double   Deuce oh terrific hope you're going to clean that  place up bad Elemental well anything I do for you   thanks R is that a Lost Boy enemy I'm just really  interested to see how this is all going to come   together come together and expand out yeah there  two movies so far a great back definition Tai Chi   Warrior bet that man can dirty dance you're  invading ooh Crane or something he does look   naturally strong yeah like actually not maybe not  weightlift but like you know functional strength   versus performative strength everything across  the pond is a different movie at I'm watching him oh that make this cooler if  he did it with a cigarette in his [Music] mouth 80s guitar here's no problem just  a little mistake it's all what's that my job   you don't get it do you it's like probation  job and Mr Tillman May own this bar but the   liquor he serves is supplied to him by Brad  Wesley got it Pat mcer is in the employee of   Mr Wesley interesting his uncle not Mr T oh it's  family you see I'm staying and you're going oh   really that's right shut up whoa where was that  what's the matter you chicken now chicken you   have a knife you scared to fight me big bad  Dalton what do you want to kiss and make up yeah it's making things worse roadh house Roadhouse oh damn this guy gets cut a  [Music] lot oh my God they were both   just stabbed definitely right through  their guts are open that is not going   to be sustainable kick his ass D yeah this  got got good technique I I do like the way he fights oh my God he just wanted a job now he's  going to be fighting for something more important   than him the whole town and integrity now he's  got to meet a woman to fall in love to stay in   the town like that other guy I think it's her  she's also a nurse what a staggeringly attractive   person that will probably fall in love with d  hi I'm Dr Clay how' this happen different person   yeah they're all just BL it's the 80s crack looks  like a KN like I said he brought us a medical file   you're a Bomer double de nice place they send a  lot of business my way just carries it I'm hoping   to change that how about yourself two bullet  wounds nine puncture wounds and four stainless   steel screws that's an estimate of course I'll  give you a little call no thank you what a great   Exposition pain don't hurt what sometimes these  cool lines make no sense but he said it so it's   cool do you always carry your medical records  around with you why is this like saves time   save time randomly graphic nice work good clean  stitches thank you just to post like this don't   worry about it if uh you'd like to stop by the  double du sometime I could buy you a cup of coffee   you know if you happen to be in the asking a girl  out she's intelligent but she looks like a total   dweeb with those glasses what a nerd for that  line of work I thought you'd be bigger gee I've   never heard that before I do like that he seems to  be able to carry himself like I actually buy suy   as someone that's gone through what his growing  Exposition is I mean there's pain in experience   but he's also a Zen human being had to be to  calm down the monster boiling within him someone   actually drives that truck did I explain it wrong  a Pat's got a weak Constitution you boys know that   that's why he's working as a bartender he's my  only sister's son and if he doesn't have me who's   he got and if I'm not there you're there does he  need a job I'm sorry boss there's one thing that   disgusts me it's a man who can't admit when he's  wrong I swear to god boss I'm sorry you disgust   me Okana you want to know why you disgust me Wow  way to make him beg cuz you're a bleeder you bleed   too much you are a messy bleeder oh you're weak  you got no endurance a pain pain don't hurt looks   like that pain hurt yeah you'll be fine come on  I killed the man I hate to be beat up by a guy in   those boots just hurt my my pride get this piece  of [ __ ] coward out of here what the hell one my   guy guy must go through henchman pretty quick I  know he didn't even get like the context of what happened oh my God red yeah what happen did  you get robbed every week you got to move man   just leave ugly woman left you leave town so  what does he take who Brad Wesley 10% start   oh that's all legal like formed the Jasper  Improvement Society all the businesses in   town belong to it way to collect tax genius can  learn a lot from this man everybody pay does a   hobby horse have a [Music] wood there's some  so many great lines in [Music] this there he   is damn he used to not have a mustache look at  that majestic beast it is weird to S without a   mustache I thought he had a mustache his whole  life at Birth just came out with one easy oh   he's the same job but a strip club you want  to save the world from the commies but you're   going to have to do it from down here man some  guy Nam adult oh he looks so happy to hear from   him hey hey how you doing buddy oh [ __ ]  hell kid I'm in hog heaven you ever heard   of a guy named Brad Wesley no I can't say that  I have you having trouble nothing I'm not used   to rhythm with the editing is so weird because  it's like the S is so loud musat got to go see you I love the background nudity to establish  toone ah yes good old background nudity come on   Amazon Gauntlet Throne there's not background  nudity so [Music] good this like a rare movie   from that period where it's it's like  a there's a soundtrack you know where   they're playing familiar Tunes throughout yeah  yeah it was credited in the opening too like a   band was credited as part of the opening  yeah that's right I'm shy I said let's go   to my place and she's subtle you know  you might even like it say good night Denise he didn't do anything he  literally just let stuff happen that truck is amazing you're going to let  my nephew work here or else this is the   only job in town sorry we're closed well  then what are all these people doing here   drinking and having a good time well that's  why we're here wow good turn just starts   with the this [ __ ] so obviously a fake leg  that came up to drags him out by the broken [Music] leg oh is that the doctor  the night she comes [Applause] by no will she like or abhor the violence  let's see what her reaction is it's his   job whoa ear [Music] punch I love his pants  they look so comfortable son of a [ __ ] you   didn't do it alone you're the biggest guy in  the world you smash just KNE he'll drop like   a stone I guess she approves that's what I'm  talking about puts people back together man   and all women who are watching this Roadhouse  reaction should know that yeah that's what   you seek yeah this is what Coy and I want to be  100 Pudo turtleneck gu philosophies and coolers   and literally does nothing wrong he only knows  Zen good girls want him bad girls want him you   know guys want to be him guys want to be him  yeah sh he does smoke I guess that's his only   voice the 80s is awesome yeah are you always  better than there you've seeing his medical records pretty much never been put down not  really how do you explain that the ones who   go looking for trouble are not much of a  problem to someone who's ready for them   I suspect it's always been that way it's the  way the world works I like that a somebody has   to do it somebody's going to pay somebody  to do it might as well be you my God her   dad was a bodyguard my grandpa was a cooler  we lost him has start to charge it that bum rent tonight's rent oh he's such a good guy  I'll heart that D he's everything he's like   the greatest Tinder profile philosopher martial  artist car renovator you live some kind of Life   Dog too ugly for you I didn't say that she cuts  people open man stitches them back together you're perfect oh and she finished  it's all it's all it takes that   man nice little gentle kiss it's very  sweet first kiss they just [Laughter] met how does does that look so cool  he's that cool just holding the stop   sign we've been looking all over for  you Mr Wesley wants to see you let's   go walk on water Dalton do it take a little  Pontoon boat across the pond love the Flinch there oh my God no no no no you got to take out  that Lost Boy Dalton this time it's personal   you're a smart boy aren't you Doon you're just  not too realistic Christ I'm just like you I   came up the hard way on the streets of Chicago  you know when I came to this town after Korea   there was nothing I brought them all here oh my  God the monologue Christ JC peny is coming here   because of me you ask anybody they'll tell you  it's like a random cool shot yeah I believe we   all have a purpose on this Earth I have a faith  in that Destiny to gather unto me what is mine you   get paid for beating people up tell me you don't  love it of course you do you wouldn't be human if   you didn't he doesn't have to love it it's job get  paid for jobs I have a cousin in Memphis tells me   you killed a man down there tells me you said it  was self-defense at the trial oh man he's haunted   but you and I know that isn't so don't we that's  where he has power over yeah he wanted to kill he   wanted Beast will be Unleashed look at those  Steely eyes if I owned the bar and wanted to   clean it up how much would it take to get you to  come work for me there's no amount of money just   altruistic I love him so much inspired of me this  score of the movie knows he is sexy look at that   line of all those people know it's safe oh look  at his clothing getting lighter as he falls in   love with the town like he is a sex symbol in  this movie you see why Jake Jill and I wanted   to play Dalton now like come on so the action  hero leads now being so rugged this guy he's   just like flowy and like oh gosh yeah it's it's  a seductive performance more and more I feel like   everyone fought to make this Movie remake like I  feel like he just seems so cool it's just so cool   it's actually a cool body language performance  from him the confidence and like the different   level of stiffness hey keep David well he just oh  damn good catch he just lets he's got kind of that   Ryan Gosling touch with there's a lot of listening  with the eyes you oh Gosling would be good to take   some of the Gosling in here just be dve but yeah  know like how uh he just lets people talk and only   speaks when he's required you know I finally  get this place just the way I want it and now   we're running out of booze called every supplier  I know he's cut off he's cut them off oh Wesley   Wesley Ernie give me the phone I'll take care  of it he knows a bartender a bar I mean liquor   people what am I trying to say COI a distributor  yep you know a bartender to carry all that boo over you also saved the bar with its liquor  problems does everything what are they waiting   like what shoe are they waiting to drop like  they've cleaned up the bar are they waiting   till they have something to lose they're going to  kidnap her that's not cool man this your place up   there should have gone to her place probably has a  nice place Earnest guy EMT mentioned the smells so   I'm assuming it does smell so nice he said no one  rinsed it because of the smell of nature yeah but   the natural pheromones that dalon lets off she's  in an umbrella of great musk it's quiet horses   let me know if anybody comes around so elegant  the 80s Sun Touched is a very different look   like you don't see people with that kind of like  sunburn SL tanning bed [Music] [Applause] look I   mean obviously not kind of vibe you go in there  for adult you want to seduce the woman or fight   her look out about the lake loud loud rock music  right what we're feeling maybe he's not so good   at reading people I like the idea this he cuz  it shows he cares about her opinion but the   delivery was very odd so I saw your picture in  red Webster's place he's my uncle nice old guy   he raised me after my parents died that's why I  came back that's why red stays so how come you   never got Mary I did didn't work oh my God that  Heavenly glow guess I picked the wrong guy well   have you really changed as a person to make  sure you don't attract the same kind of guy   cuz maybe dalon might be in that category also  he seems very violent and prone to aggression   so maybe if that was the kind of guy you  attracted before you've done it again you   got to be mindful about this what was the  violence you brought in this town doesn't   seem like a stable place for any do they work on  their mental health here in this time is there a therapist wow this is a really long time to  get to This Kiss I like to graze a woman's   face with my nose before I kiss her  what is happening oh okay they took a   while to get I didn't know what know I  honestly didn't know odd angle choices for D it's like 50 Shades of Dalton  he had to like make sure we knew we   took his dick out had to like show the whole angle implied wow this is a very specific yeah  I'm like not sure if it works or not I mean you   got you got neighbors D they're always naked over  there you rent the place dalon you don't own the   place you can't just sit outs sit out a window  naked D couple in shaped people sitting on a roof   naked you're going to have a lot of pain when  you get older ad you could be crippled if you   don't slow down she's a doctor you could stay  D if you wanted to he doesn't have a home the   road is his house water flows off him and he  must flow like the water you should stay for   her worked out great for red now he pays 10%  I'm so worried for her safety because they've   had nothing on him now they do oh [ __ ] did  his did Dalton's Vision not allow him to see   that he was out there is his vision as good as  Dalton Vision wow that is disconcerting this   unlit cigar I just wanted something phallic in my  mouth while I watched Dalton bone that hot girl   you got a woman up there with you that's right if  you're smart you'd pitch your tent sometimes I'm   just not as smart as I'd like to be you never  know son maybe she'll be smart enough for both   of you this old man going to die I'm worried I  like him this town needs him that's what we've   learned hey bro what's going down not too much  I love all of his outfits it's not what I hear   word is you've been spending time with Elizabeth  clay so you know who had a thing for Elizabeth   clay oh Brad Wesley oh he's the ex-husband oh  old guy she left town and he went nuts pervy   watch him was even worse this just keeps getting  more and more complicated what is the plot that   would have been great information to learn weeks  yeah I'm a ghost rider he's just the coolest it's   like the right amount of silver in hair like how  it's perfect it's like permanently Dusty he never   seems like he's acting no put him back this bar  is closed for business it's okay Jim take a break   can I buy you guys a drink guess not love how  these same same guys keep coming back beaten up new one guy's just determined to get rid  of that much as I can destroy property damage oh no Dalton got a skinny little r named  Dal working here he's out the back I know you be   will be back how you like that oh my God they got  to jump on dton how's it going Miho mind your own   business dad you want to fight I'm sure I ain't  going to show you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] my wow perfect punch right in the trash where you belong you  know back then this was considered a lot of   choreography multiple cameras yeah multiple  punches good to see you good to see you who   is that guy Wade Garrett [ __ ] exactly right  why are these guys so famous is there like   an underground network of bars where they all  talk about coolers it'd be by a letter too like   there's no internet like how do these people it's  like it's Word of Mouth of these insane go bar   talking cool coers thought you said you were all  right I'm fine knew it blindsided by a bottle of   Jack Daniels around somewhere where I shouldn't  have been kid here got his head cracked you got   the scar I'll show you a scarf I'll show you one  I'm real sentimental about doc whoa a woman boy   was she why is this so a sexuality in fighting  definitely like everyone's hot this 50 Shades   of do they don't make aretta dramas quite  so sexy anymore yeah this is like sexy it's   leather and violence it's like masculinity sexy  different way the part I'm not used to seeing in   movies The Cloud of musk I talked about and it's  like Western grit sexy like there's a old ESS to it wake your ass up doson stop becoming human  throughout this movie yep we're seeing the soft   side part where you tell me what a great guy  your friend is not hard far where I tell you   I want you for myself whatever he's saying you  can be fairly sure it's a lie damn he's really   like Sam Elliot neck grab damn that's wild he  looks like he's been working on a car all night   in the coolest way like so dirty I'm like did  you wash your hands before dancing that girl's   got entirely too many brains to have an ass like  that you got your hands full kid you could make   this movie today and they're proving it oh yeah  we'll find out in a week who plays Sam Elliot   with questionable seems to be a loving place he's  coming from still living in the past aren't you a   long way from Memphis Memphis has nothing to do  with it [ __ ] you kill a man D you can be happy   you're allowed to be happy that girl never told  you she was married and when a man sticks a gun   in your face you got two choices you can die or  you can kill the mother uh oh so it's personal   and a death he just defended himself he slept  with a man's wife who then pulled a gun on him   he killed and he killed wow he was able to do  both dton just out here winning but she didn't   tell him so he feels guilty that's that's an  interesting like back plot it is interesting   the guilt of like he didn't know but also murder  like so it's personal and professional and my   mind just went too he was able to he didn't  even really suffer checked all the boxes he   didn't suffer hit all the man points place  on fire well cu the town has changed as he   has and now this the bar is as as comfy as him  but stuff has to go AR it's just like an odd film again it's good thing Reds is  across the parking lot oh god oh oh   no the Hollywood explosion  practical it's cool to see whoa um glad red wasn't in there he  can't even get the insurance on it   can he red looks reasonably annoyed  at that moment damn it unfortunate news shs get those firemen in here I want to  buy them a drink risk their lives to save a no   good draft Dodger like red Webster ouch Alis play  something with balls I can't tell if this was a character script they Hollywood it up  I think the ladder yeah but I can't   tell there's more effort than I expected from  like even having like the two blonde girls to   mirror like his type in the and like what  he would usually go for and like the more accessible also this like paternal relationship  is great and like them dressing [Music] like shake it yes wow she's just performing for everyone huh  and he's so proud which is always an interesting   like power Dynamic with villains like how they're  proud that that's theirs but they like to show it   off hey if no one wants to sleep with my wife  something's wrong I just want you guys to all   want to sleep with my [Laughter] wife is he G to  stop her dancing oh what's this Dynamic going to be the power Dynamic is so interesting I guess she essentially do L dance but   for his benefit and his benefit  you're not covering up very well unsuccessful oh he did want her to  stop okay that's what I was curious   about I mean I assumed but did he kiss  her back no he didn't you got to have   a pet keep it on a leash what a line  yeah that's like for everybody give me [Music] and then he calls his pet it's got  no martials too oh my God sh off the weirdest   movie he's got to show off his taekwan  Doo sticks down it's a world that admires   bodyguards so much they're all legends  it's like a mythology and these legendary   bodyguards have to fight off these Lackey  who are dressed like video Gam very strange oh it's a boss fight oh no it's all going back to  what it was before that's like he wanted no everyone needs to be nice ooh  I like the sound design making it kick here he is really good with that weapon  wonder if he must have cast him whoa no don't kill him oh yeah this  guy can actually kick and punch   yeah they must to cast a guy that  did martial arts that could also act oh [Applause] [ __ ] help him out  come on oh man what a great kicker all right that's enough why  this guy was about to lose let's   go boys your ass is mine boy now  even that guy's starting to look sexy once I see what he can do his shirt got  more open so hairy he's so capable I want to   do drugs with these guys at least 20 years I  watch Wesley get richer while everybody else   around him got poor can you prove you started  the fire who are you going to prove it to he's   got the sheriff and the whole police force in  his pocket for Christ's sake well Dalton knows   the president of the United States call up your  booze guy there's only one person around here you   got to prove anything to that's Wesley himself  you scared him last night he's always got this   weird grin I know that son of a [ __ ] was  afraid no he wasn't Mike drop let him grin   it's what he does 134 West Ventura they actually  shot this in California yeah I was like I think   that's not far from here yeah it's definitely  a freeway right over here it's a problem with   making things HD we can look in the background  you lost your face dman that's what it is made   you an abuser well what are you waiting for  Gary drive through there whoa oh that is cruel   he's taking a position of power in the whole  town oh no look he found a job for his nephew oh those brand new cars wow a rare locked off  shot like that back then damn they really look   how expensive this is I'm so this is like a  Small Town movie but with the budget of AUST   big Blockbuster so weird maybe that's why it's  a classic cuz it's both yeah it's just what I   mean it's just like both movies it's a big 80s  movie wrapped in a a drama about a Zen bouncer   it is kind of like drive you get him out of here  Elizabeth course if you don't he's going down and   I'm not going to lose a second sleep about  it when the oppressed become the oppressors   take out that richond long live the fighters  I never thought you'd turn on me too this is   my to don't you forget it what a villain let's  Crank That Thing Up and head down the road we   can be gone by Dawn never see this place again  you can leave anytime you want to got face his   head on Tommy stops running leave me alone I  to stop telling you what to do maybe I ought   to kick your ass we don't want to do this I'm  going to tell you something else taught me as   much as I ever T you I love you NE damn beautiful  moment I came to talk to you no you came to tell   me to leave you don't know him I have seen his  kind many times it's obvious nobody in this town   can stand up to him but you can stop first time  we've seen him on cool who's this for anyway   you doing it for them you think you're going to  save these people from Brad Wesley who's going   to save them from you oh my God whoa right on Q  oh they kill his they kill Sam Elliot it em it [Music] no he would wear giant red onesy like  that EMT has no idea what's happening he was   just asleep emt's been drunk for a week he has a  butt flap onesie like a prospector that man is a   prospector without a train you got to take out  this ass cot wearing [ __ ] he should just son   have a job I mean the nephew nephew his nephew  really really really cared about that job just   lives across the pond from all this violence  are you right I'd be fine if you get off of me Dam it you don't want her on [Music] you my man what a maniacal laugh Choice oh my God  what's he going to do is he got to chase it down   on foot yes oh hell yeah Roadhouse prepare to  die you're such an [ __ ] prepare to die hell yeah he's been waiting for this very flexible denim great sparring  match [Music] okay no do good job help   use the crocodile do and stay on The High Ground yeah El neck and look really made  contact there yeah this is a good fight they both sell these really well ouch oh the wind knocked out of you like that  man like prison what the hell did he just say not   sure how it relates but he's letting him know was  that the greatest line in movie history it might   be after prepare to die it's such a weird thing  to say in the middle of was it like flirting was   like a compliment it's a very confusing line it  is an OD oh I kicked him in the balls through his legs damn take him out take him out this guy  doesn't go down find 50 Cent right now dson   keep doing it yeah spinning kick and you were  late to the party lady they've been fighting   for 10 minutes he said questionable things I'm  going to kill you the oldfashioned way hope she   didn't get shot oh ripped his Thro out Roadhouse  he legit ripped just killed that man with his bare hands great stuff he just ripped his throat out  what a toneal shift what a total shift he's like   Jason Bor what just happened what movie did this  become there was nothing like that up to this   point so much Stranges in the last two minutes he  said earlier he like he heard he ripped a man's   throat out did he kill the husband or ripping  his throat out did that really happen could she   stay with a man who just what is happening walk on  water swim across on his body yes carry his body   to the [Applause] Wesley everything's so close  by the auto shop the bar his his his enemy in   the movies right across the street a parking lot  at a pond separate all the violence at this point   you got to just kill him you just killed this guy  like what's to stop you from killing the the Ascot guy oh Mercedes this shows who he's a new  man he's driving a Mercedes now he's too   confident he's confident that going to  have the car now he violence I cannot   get past that guys like you in prison it is  the most most fascinating lines I've ever I   just could tell what direction like that's not  really threatening hello up of the morning to   you well here's what's on for today Wade  or Elizabeth what one of them dies choose Spider-Man one of them's on a boat one's in a  warehouse but the boat and the warehouse are   right next to each other I'll tell you which  one's which but I'll switch it Wesley oh oh   my God he's doing it I'd sure like to tell you  how it turned out Christopher Nolan was a big road oh over here let's just stop Dalton from  just killing him that's what I mean he should   have killed him last night I don't understand why  you rip man's throat out it can't be just in like   cold blooded murder he has to it has to be like a  self-defense a dual fight I got to find doc let's   go have a beer I'll be back we're out of here  where's Dr play She's an x-ray you know what it   is that thing so strange about it it it's it's  paced like a soap opera yeah and the transition   Ting it it moves and breaths like a soap opera  so it's a little odd you things were're out of   here I'm not going anywhere oh yes you are  let's go now get it these are your MRI scans   Dalton you're dying where does a movie go from  a throat RIP by hand vampires vampir vampires   is The Logical next step I think oh God what's  he going to find in this bar I'm worried for Sam Elliot now the reaction I  expected he's dead I said one beer Senor damn you got to murder  this guy you got [Music] to I mean do you need to take the knife  out I guess he wants to K de him with   it but I assume right like use the weapon I  don't think he needs it he's ripped a man's   throat out I think Dalton should forgive him  at the last second ah yes yes yes prove that   he is not what he once was yes remember that  blonde he just got scratching his back with a shotgun there he is please tell me Dalton's not on the car he's  just like let it drive itself get out of here damn weirdest small town move what a budget  so cool though it is refreshing seeing like   real explosions it's refreshingly insane tonally yes that hold it down no but in  this yes find that prick maybe he   broke it and then stabbed in into  it and now we know who killed his friend hell yeah Dalton take him out like a raptor damn are all these like characters I  wanted to see die dying off screen come on I   think he's only going to show like two of them  come on movie came this far it's only gotten crazier nice love this like horror Adventure music  yeah the third act totally different music   tone Tails [Applause] again [Music] whoa perfect throw oh good there's more murder to be done   I want like a mob boss guy  who cries with his henchman die so over the top just move  step to the side step either direction you're made for each other what is the  dialogue that someone else write the quips I think   they Hollywood in small town screw do you found  my trophy room D the only thing that's missing   is your ass there aaries this is is dialog in  this food I think everyone has to sleep with   d the TR so serious though your friend Wade  I took him out of his misery are you're not   mad at me about that are you guess not hell you  took Jimmy he was in better shape hell you took   all my boys please tell me Dalton's hiding a must  taxim dermy he takes him out with a Tusk now come   on out D this town is big enough for both of us  you've made it very clear you don't feel that way ah my stabbing arm perfect psychic [Music]  okay well th it the first time didn't work I   thought I could land from afar really thought that  would do it it's smart to do a defensive weapon   like so we can't get close to make this somewhat  plausible but now yeah don't have a chance Ascot   woo get up [Music] daled take out a leg no matter  what can't stand up are there five more Roadhouse   movies there should be hope they get progress  should be a spiritual sequel don't have the time   you had a gun the whole time she got to throat him  she got to throw him oh my God he's going to do it   he's going to Pardon him at the last second but  then he's going to try to kill him and then he's   going to have to choice but think he's going to  kill him he's killed all your everyone you love or   Tred too love this cliche you've murdered so many  people love it yo why does this lady always show   up at the wrong time go for the gun man going to  go for the gun give an excuse to rip your throat   out go for the gun now she'll forgive him for  throating the guy it's over [Music] whoa that was   cool oh my God where all you guys come from guns  yeah everybody keeps shooting them every one of   you appeared in the room from different directions  at the same time this is our town don't you this   is such a weird movie what is this I am Spartacus  moment with everyone shooting him once I'm Spartacus we better get out of here  let Doon take the fall we all just   shot a guy we all collectively murdered a  man together collect all the gun put them   back on the wall you got a second chance  big man where are you they're in here sh how can this go who's going to tell me what  the hell happened here I didn't see nothing   you see anything Pete no I didn't see anything  you see anything red I didn't see nothing not a   thing you see anything [Music] [Laughter]  Tinker see no evil speak to Evil Hear No   Evil monkeys in the weirdest context I've  ever seen them used they never should have   remade roadh house it's too perfect it's  too perfect I feel like I'm going to take   the other one more serious I don't like it  I'm so confused what tone it could be cuz   this is all tones there's skinny dipping  and the between the murder house and the farm like it just has that like male producer  touch to it doesn't it but like 80s Co producer   like a very specific we need boobs we need we  explosions then at the end it's a horror movie   but everybody shoots them and then there's a joke  and then we play the credits with like this is   that was a great movie an insane movie Red was  played by a guy named red that was insane big   thanks the G feel for continuing this awesome  partnership we got going on I've joked about   well a truth actually I've consistently taken less  pay in order to get a bigger bulk order of gfuel   reason being I actually sought this partnership  out myself since I'd already been a longtime gfuel   user and you may have already noticed whether  before or during filming there's a good chance   I or my co-host are being energized by g-fuel and  it's someone who's become especially passionates   about mental and physical health especially  during our 10 to 12 hour work dayss this has   been a lifesaver it really does stand out for  being healthier than other options no sugar no   gluten and more importantly no crash which helps  keeps me focused and energized and there's a few   of the hosts here who generally don't like energy  drinks but now every day they take from the stash   and I'm happy they like it but I hate having  less on my shelf I got to learn to say no but   lately I've been more into the tubs than the cans  weird sentence to say but it's true because of the   efficiency also the variety for blending options  cuz they have a wide range of flavors sometimes I   use it for pre-workouts or blending into my shakes  usually I can just take my time drinking it or   down it really quick especially for that essential  afternoon boost and what's more the one I become   especially reliant on lately are their hydration  drinks I use them about one to two times daily   they help replenish electrolytes have no caffeine  but still help with that focus and energy honestly   these drinks have been a GameChanger in our lives  and sincerely they've helped me reduce stress and   boost overall well-being cuz here's the real deal  if you value your health and are looking for that   consistent clean energy to power you through the  day G fuel really is the answer all I can say is   trust me once you try gfuel you'll notice the  difference in your energy level focus and just   overall performance don't just take my word for it  give it a shot and feel the change for yourself so   you can visit the link in the description box  or the pin comment discount reject   Nation to get 20% off select tubs thank you again  gfuel it's been a great like year or so puring up   with you drinking you every day now it's the best  movie have in a long time I'm so happy even Keith   David for his one line got an actual like full  opening Credit Credit hell yeah Coy um so that   was insane uh audience you couldn't have prepared  us uh we only knew the legend of road house and   even the legend couldn't live up to Road House um  what would you describe the genre as art housee   action it was so much more like what John Wick  and things have become like like like I always   thought this new era of action with like the  philosophical undertones that then escalates   into absurdist action was new yeah because like  you have absurdist action in the 80s and you've   got philosophical action in the 80s but I didn't  know that the Grindhouse element was not new well   it was paced in a way that seemed like they were  going for like tension and atmosphere but but It   ultimately was paced like a so Opera that was  aiming to be like for male audiences to watch   this and be like I want to be Patrick swy so  bad man this movie is also hot yeah like the the   homoerotic tension of how hot he was and everyone  kind of hitting on him yeah was a very interesting   like I don't know how conscious it was or maybe  Patrick S so hot everyone was like attracted to   this is the review so let's be mindful of the  word here because I want to not have to do so   much editing yeah well good luck with the the  B of boobs well the the the this movie was very   like surprisingly sexual and even the bad guy the  main bad guy became very attractive and attracted   yeah the martial arts one who I'm assuming is  the Conor McGregor rle in this new one uh said   that line I beep guys like in prison I was like  is that a this movie just gets more randomly are   so weird and some of them were sexual and everyone  got naked although sometimes when they they would   make philosophical quotes which were at times  Genius Like there were some really powerful   lines that is an Instagram quote right there  and then other times that that makes no sense   you there were there were quotes that would be  over Patrick sesy and black and white in white   text and then there were other quotes that would  be like next to Arnold in a comic speech bubble   and be like explain thator in context out of I  don't understand I don't get what this quote is   what did you mean by that they would also do that  with their onliners of badass on liners the third   act the third Act was just zingers and the movie  hadn't been a Zinger heavy yeah and sometimes it   would work the oneliner early on when he's just  when it's just like a drama of him being this   guy who's like a there's no like fight scene like  there's a bar brawl early on but there's no like   big fight for for uh for for Dalton early on  no big reveal of his skill that I expected I   expected there to be like build up build up build  up this is the fight in everyone's G now we're   afraid of them it didn't happen they had like  a little moment where the guys at the bar were   like did you see that after he the reveal was him  smashing a guy's face once which is more realistic   like to have a moment that's plausible but by the  time you get to throat ripping like what what is   that movie cuz this movie does start off about  this guy who's hired to clean up this bar he's   a cooler y then it evolves more into this small  town and I kind of forget about the dynamic with   the guy who runs the bar cuz he disappear last  like 40 minutes of this movie until he comes   back to kill everyone alongside his towns folk  cuz at first it's like okay I guess it's about   this bar owner who's secretly under this control  and we're going to get to know the employees at   at Double Deuce Y and and then we just kind of  completely forget about once we meet her we care   about the town like wait how did this all start  with where the guy the bad guy got involved now   it we're reviewing this in a way that makes it  sound like we didn't like it oh we loved it I L I   loved uh this this movie is a 20 out of 10 for me  yeah I'm just aware of my confusion but 20 out of   10 I'm over the moon about this movie I my cheeks  hurt I'm aware I'm giddy I'm going to buy a lot   of silk shirts I was transfixed on every moment  that was happening here because it was the most   unpredictable predictable movie I had ever seen  it would it would go left when I expected to go   right and then it would go right for a while and  I would be like oh and then left it was amazingly   un formulaically formula was so this weird hge  Podge it was a weird movie it's like a weird film   you know what I think it was the first but it's  not even like that weird but it's so weird I feel   like the the the commentary is going to judge how  weird we found it but I'm aware that I found it   insanely absurdist but also delightful yeah like  I I'm very aware that this is is a classic for a   reason but I feel like every act it switched The  Equalizer between small town and Blockbuster like   the First Act felt like a Small Town movie and  then the second act was like Blockbuster and then   the third Act was like a horror movie and so it's  really hard to quantify in a review it is a the   most slow is such a slow moving film but highly  entertaining I don't understand what we watch   also like I'm wondering if the sexual tension was  there that way the towns folk at the end wanted   to be cool like Patrick sey like maybe everyone  was like a little attracted to his coolness they   want to be more like him and once they saw him  stand up for him he's like we all have to stand   up together and so like you had to make it really  tense the sexuality per so palpable it what really   helps too is Patrick suy took this role so godamn  serious it was a very Ryan Gosling stoic badass   performance it really was a lot of DNA from like  drive and what else is the the Gosling stoicism   known for like I love when Gosling does that like  nearly mute performance like um I've never seen   the one he did that was uh you're thinking of  the nice guys no you know that's so like nice   guys performance no he did like a military movie  that's all like noiri and shot really I've seen   the trailer a bunch uh it was like 2049 it's not  going to come to me because I haven't seen it but   I feel like that there's there's a did a movie in  China there's a lot of like Chinese symbology in   the trailer devil make oh only God for yes yes  kind of I mean it's oh you haven't seen it it's   nothing like oh okay that trailer made me think  he's like oh psychopath oh really it's like a   weirdo a weird well then drive I'll stick to the  one I've seen I love the stoic captivating you   want to like you're pulled into his performance  and it makes everyone around him like how do I   do like that well I think I think the filmmakers  today it's weird watching in because you got to   look at in the lens of ' 89 right I I have no  idea how I don't know this like is this a cult   CL class is what I could yeah I don't know how it  did then but it had to have made money I feel like   they wanted to make a franchise like it's got that  Vibe like he's going to go to another town this is   our new Lethal Weapon this is our new TI it's got  that Vibe CU Lethal Weapon was 87 and that had a   lot of Lethal Weapon in it to my understanding  this is a singular installment there is only one   film that should have had five sequels because  RoboCop got six there was like 18 death wishes   I I think that this movie um was this this genre  I think you know we like you're bringing up Drive   which is by all accounts kind of a standard plot  right like the Beats of an action movie yeah but   it's the execution that make it wildly unique and  captivating and then you got on the flip side a   strange have you seen the guest with Dan Stevens  oh man that's a great movie oh [ __ ] maybe we   should I seen that movie I that's a great movie  um but another one that flips the the in terms   of exec I like how we have filmmakers today who  love the tropes and whatever but find a way to   create a unique execution John Wick they have  the mythology world for the most part Revenge   thrower right um and then here this is like the  the the the Genesis of these kind of movies when   you watch how they're like feeling it out because  you watch drive and it's it it's like a Hollywood   stunt man but it it feels more contained and if a  smaller budget than this this was right and that's   my point is that this movie see had seemed at odds  with itself in some of the funniest ways of do we   just want to make like a Nuance mood piece about  this guy in this town or do you want to make a Sex   God who keep [ __ ] people up at bars there were  so many moments that were focused on details that   would never be in the sex god movie and there  were so many action sex pieces that would never   be on the psychological assessment of the guy cuz  it's also like this mythology of of body why does   everyone know coolers why is he like you know who  that is like cool yeah like what is what spreading   the word about Garrett whatever on his body cards  they clearly are old landline phones they're like   legendary uh uh Cowboys people just stand back and  watch them fight like at one point the red shirts   lined up to fight bar stick guy and and he's the  E exactly and he's like the evil sh there's like   the evil guy who runs the town and then you got  the wander Cowboy who's here to save the town it   is very old western format the rest of the format  is is so many different things with this cultural   appropriation of martial arts martial a funny  movie it's a fun movie it's a blast like I see   what I'm worried about now is that Roadhouse 2024  is going to be just as insane and it's and it's   not getting a theatrical release CU this would  have been a blast to see in theaters well the   Roadhouse 2024 has amazing reviews at this time of  we're filming this yes as of filming and it's Jake   Gyllenhaal which I can totally see I'm curious  if he plays intense prisoners Jake Gyllenhaal or   if he plays Sexy Cool Love and Other Drugs Jake  Gyllenhaal the trailer I've only seen it once   see seemed like he was a guy who who's like down  on his luck and he needs this job yeah it didn't   seem like he was like making a choice it felt like  it was like I have to do this job whereas this was   like I'm doing what I want I'm Dalton I got my FL  pants and I'm like rhous 2024 going to ruin what   made the original our new favorite movie rhous  1989 and Conor McGregor definitely is GNA play   like I can't wait to see him as that Rufus Su guy  like that the the bar stick guy like I can't wait   to see p stick Conor McGregor the action in this  is so uh dated it is very much dated action and it   was fun kind of going into a capsule of you know  like now it the Matrix to to me was the start of   oh my God after this movie they are going to force  every actor who's going to do action to train for   6 months to become a professional martial artist  and then Road House is hiring a real fighter and   and post Southpaw Jak ganol but what was okay the  new one right yeah and what was fun about this   with Patrick suy was seeing this guy looked like  he re like Sam Elliott did not whereas Patrick suy   really looked like he trained yeah for months from  the martial arts and the physique and you know   Patrick sey by all the accounts I don't consider  him a an action like ghost right like yeah back   then I mean he's athletic star like dir dancing  and stuff but I've never seen any of these movies   but but I've seen images and and to me it was  fascinated with it looked like you really train in   for the martial arts stuff to get this that whole  sequence didn't look like an actor like trying to   look cool it looked like and obviously that is  what the scene was so we could be totally wrong   and there's a bunch of martial arts people being  like no you fools but it really felt the weight   of his history yeah I was surprised by uh Patrick  I thought it would just be laughable I thought it   would be one of those things where we're going to  laugh at Patrick suy for not keeping up with the   actual martial artist they clearly hired like the  bad guy was clearly a martial artist that hired   to say seven lines including one that didn't make  sense but the the fight with them me too cuz it   didn't I don't I hope con I hope Conor uses that  very conflicting I hope Connor flirts with Jake   in it uh but like I really like that the the fight  didn't undermine the rest of the movie cuz at that   point we'd already gone for two hours of insanity  yeah we got to look up some fun facts about oh man   what a weour here I'll pull it up on the the comp  as the kid say oh the comp yeah I got this coyi   okay you that way we can read this the greatest  movie I'm so happy seen in a long time well   like we've had really good luck with things like  Robocop and Dread yeah this is to the safe stand I have the same amount of Joy I'm just as happy  I put this up with like Robocop and Dread 2012   this is definitely a Sci-Fi Noir Thriller this  definitely has has a lot on its mind this one   and the style is is you know verhoven really was  inspired by Roadhouse when he made you know what   I think of intellectually driven oh I'm so excited  I'm so excited for the new Roadhouse me too dude I   I've been excited now there was Roadhouse too last  call oh without the S recently oh my very recently   2006 you can't just do that you can't just do  that he's the son of legendary cooler named   Dalton he's a DEA agent no the poster looks like  a oh Mark the time oh you can't say that word no   sometimes you can but it does does though it looks  like an adult I'm not taking any chances with the   movie I already have to work around that's fair  it looks like an adult movie it looks like a a   spoof for adults the original Road House only a  6.7 imdb oh it's cult then for sure are losers   yeah these people are wrong you're all wrong I  had to break it to you man but that's one of the   greatest movies I've ever seen that's a clear 20  out of 10 I I clear I definitely thought I if this   works out got to watch more Patrick suy movies  yeah I've never seen uh uh Dirty Dancing and I   I've never seen Point Brink oh that's that's  That's a classic I've seen that as a kid uh I   really want to know some trivia yeah where is it  located again you just scroll past it twice did I up yeah trivia is right after there it is  trivia okay yeah there we go okay s's Fame   caused problems during filming a group middle-aged  blonde women attemp to drive up to his trailer a   raft of szy fans sailed by was perfect for ra  yes blonde women in the movie and blonde women   harass oh my god Patrick swayy hurt a knee during  filming he chose to make ghost next because it   was less strenuous turned out Tango and cash  wow that turned out in his favorite ghost is   a goddamn classic yeah Andy turned on Predator  too I mean he made the right calls I think yeah   I mean Tango and cash is ghost is like a is that's  a great film ghost Sam Elliot said the actors did   their own stunts Marshall R Okay Marshall AR must  be the martial arts guy right must be I can't tell   it's a super old photo he aged since like all  yeah okay okay well God yeah initiating along   with swayy while filming their big five both  men quickly realized they shared a dedication   realistic stunts that's what I mean like s for  back then it was kind of a rarity him and uh   Stallone I think for a reason became the action  star you know that this caused if Sweezy was an   action star I feel like he's done like this and  was there anything no you're right never mind I   take it back I think of him as like a badass but  I don't think action you're right but I think it's   just because he's so like effortlessly sexy God  yeah man women were like apparently renting out   boats to go they so much TR they improvised a  lot I he must have improvised that line sway   he was covered in Bruises with two broken ribs  and a busted knee yeah that's why he did ghost   he's like I'll just touch some pottery oh God  film's original tagline reference Patrick s's   success in Dirty Dancing the dancing's over now  it gets dirty I like it I also I'm curious if uh   like Jake Gillen Holland and him work together on  Donnie Darko I'm wondering if that was a if you   wanted to be the spiritual successor check this  out Benny or Benny orotz who is also known as   Benny the jet he's a legendary fighter he's got  one of the best fight scenes with Jackie chanon   of all time he's a legendary fighter too um he  suggested that s become a competitive kickboxer   awesome it surprised me how good he was it stayed  like yeah choreography whatever but but but form   he I was like for the most part he haded down I  was really surprised oh there's a the our line   gets referenced when the fighting okay Mar story  he took his the movie when the fight against aled   happened to he says I used to guys like you  in prison his mother jumped up proudly and   shouted That's my boy that's brilliant oh worth it  absolutely worth it Annette Benning was originally   cast as doc she was replaced by Kelly Lynch who  was under contract to UA at the time remember   when actors had contracts that sphere Lynch claims  that Benning was fired due to lack of chemistry   with s interesting Anette Bening would have had  a very different performance dude I made a joke   about it turning into a um a vampire movie I was  thinking up from Dust Till Dawn the bar and all   that and the the band Tito and Taran the lead  singer lariva in the band he formed Tito inter   tantula which performed in that's so funny was  approached his turn Predator to but was unable to   because he was injured dur the film The Silver's  producer of both movies so silver was like this   is a movie star okay so this has to be a a c  Fone because of the box office disappointment   pop particular criticism in the wake of the film's  disappointment was geared towards the marketing of   the film as lighter and more comedic in order to  attract female movie goers or enjoy Patrick swayy   and Dirty Dancing the film's long afterlife and  video cable made out a cult classic a cemented   admiration for its hyper masculine camp that is  how I describe what genre is this hyper masculine   Camp that's yeah is exactly what it is I'm trying  to see if there's any like fun film making ones   here there's so many so many facts yeah this  is dense I mean cult classic you you add one   of these he considered to be a modern-day Western  yep gunfighter but fighter yeah uhhuh come on come   on give me some just like a fun fun fact here  the the movie's humor is somewhat intentional   intentional he said he wanted to make the fights  like a Keystone Cops melee okaye there's some awareness Patrick S had to have bodyguards himself   during female fans Bob him  that's crazy I mean what a guy okay so I guess it cooler the  more special 4 more facts I cannot   believe there's another Roadhouse movie like recently okay I just want to First of the two Roadhouse movies the sequel  C made for DVD the part of Nate Tanner in the   followup was originally supposed to be James  Dalton s's character from this movie but s   backed out due to creative differences he was  supposed to reprise his Ro in' 06 that's crazy   wow well I'm just so curious at the making of this  movie yeah there's got to be a documentary how did like that is a movie how did this movie come  got to be a documentary I'm done I'm I'm what a   time I'm roadh house out all right well that was  Roadhouse we'll be back next week with 2024's Road   House or a few days depending depending on how  this goes dep this upload goes probably not an   easy edit this was not an easy R this was a  hard R surprised about how hard are that was   the things that make a movie are were involved  in this film uh thank you very much for joining   us please leave a com below let us know what  s we're clearly not as Adept at our s so let   us know what s film we should watch next let us  know what you thought of roadh house let us know   if you've seen the new one we're diving into that  within days of this dropping please leave a like   Please Subscribe and please don't fight people  in bars much love reject Nation we'll see you soon Andrew Hayes my friend it is the month of  spring break you know what I imagine you're doing   on spring break I imagine you're powerlifting  in the snow you are shoveling so much snow   doing whatever you can to get buff that way you  can impress that hot neighbor across the street   then what ends up happening though when you're  try to impress this hot neighbor is you see she   never leaves the house you're like what the hell  I always see her in the window watching me we kind   of make eye contact we got this like teen romance  thing going on yet I never get to interact with   her then one day you hear her domestically  violent father doing some horrible things in   there you're like I got to go in there bam you  break in there one day find out This Woman's a   werewolf and that's why she's been held captive  there the father is not a domestically violent dad   he is protecting everyone against the malevolent  force that resides within his own child so what do   you end up doing you end up killing the father  terrible mistake man you are having a terrible   spring break and then she ends up killing you  so I want you to think on these actions that   you do next time you you let love get in the  way of thinking logically reject [Music] out
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 63,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: road house, roadhouse, road house movie review, road house movie reaction, first time watching road house, first time watching roadhouse, roadhouse reaction, road house reaction, road house quotes, road house scene, road house fight scenes, family guy road house, road house family guy, reel rejects, patrick swayze, jake gyllenhaal, conor mcgregor, movieclips, movie clips, fight scenes, commentary, blind wave
Id: n1gCx5SihH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 40sec (5080 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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