X-MEN '97 EPISODE 1 & 2 REACTION!! 1x01 & 1x02 Breakdown & Review | Marvel Studios Animation

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real rejects got invited back to WonderCon  come geek out with us in person Sunday   March [Music] 31st citizens of the reject Nation  it is time to X-Men 97 I am Overjoyed as a fan   of this show how you feeling Greg well Coy I  decided that at like 2 three in mornings I will   binge watch this show and now it is all just  a massive blur watch 10 of the last episodes   late last night I am officially sick of X-Men  I do not want to watch the show while you're   talking I'm going to switch into this beanie C  haven't rewatched the entirety of the original   like Greg did at 2 in the morning the best time  to retain anything but I do have a lot of comic   book knowledge so I'm excited about this being  from the show perspective in a blurry Haze of   insomnia and from a comic book perspective  I think it'll be a unique way to watch the   show please leave a like so we know you liked this  insanity and also please do share this cuz we want   to keep making these throughout the whole season  if you want to watch this in its entirety without   gaps please head over to patreon where the super  sexy rejects get the entirety you can also find   exclusive watch Longs that John and Greg do over  on patreon so without further Ado Xmen episode   1 and two reject Nation you may have seen me from  time to time pull out my phone on screen over the   past year with this eye-catching Marvel case got  it from a company called casify gear that I love   and luckily for me it's also today's video sponsor  I locked out cuz they now have the Marvel casetify   Iron Man collection so you can put a suit of  armor around your phone see what I did there   like with this armor activate case it's not just  a case it's your shield for the Iron Man suitcase   and mask case it's power and style embodying the  spirit of Iron Man in classic red or Sleek silver   or the Arc Reactor case symbolizing the heart  of Iron Man and for the thinkers and dreamers   the blueprint Tech case is your canvas and of  course the classic Iron Man logo case you could   also charge up and style with the Iron Man 2 in1  mag safe charging dock more than just a charging   dock it's a tribute to Marvel's legendary hero and  I just received the Iron Man armor up mag safe set   which comes with a Snappy card holder stand and  snappy ring holder functionality me TI Man Flare   seriously it's really cool actually let me show  you so this C holder keeps your Essentials at   hand while doubling as a stand and the ring holder  is a Sleek ring for a perfect grip and stand combo   that spins your phone into action like Stark Tech  woo yeah so if you want any of these upgrades for   your phone that offer high quality protection  echo-friendly options and designs that scream   I am Iron Man without needing to snap your fingers  get what I mean youd head over to casey.com today   and check out their Iron Man collection I really  do love their products a lot I've had a couple of   their phone cases for a while and suit up cuz it's  time to bring your egg game people thank you again castify yes immediately yes a journey through  the animated that was that was wonderful oh oh   a new intro kind of oh it's WID screen yeah y  my inner child oh [ __ ] this is so much magic   and my favorite storm ha cut object jacked this  is so good man object Jack a morph in the title   yes I love how they're doing the same motions  yeah they like reanimated in a little flourish   there she is God it's so refreshing oh Bishop's in  the CR okay so bishop and morph are two main add   teams okay I feel like Jubilee got a little extra  time I don't know if that's just memory oh this   is great oh that's new oh it's Sinister Magneto  yes the big conflict well Xavier here mavier has   to come back Emma Frost looked different very  excited yeah Xavier must yeah I'm I'm really ex   that was so magic that was wonderful to me my  X-Men yes got a bit of a cyber Punk flare more   loocks professor Charles Xavier the mutant leader  assassination last year by for NSA agent Henry   gyri has spurred increased sympathy toward mutants  despite their strange [Music] Powers restricted   colors ready to share a future with those who  they did such a good drop the animation looking   like a blend and more after the break oh Friends  of Humanity yep 10 grand for every mutant we NAB   says he's using them for target practice dark  please don't hurt me I'm HTO D Costa Sunspot   name a price when is not an issue mudy thinks  it's about cash funny what's this freaks trick   Wolverine clot him I am begging you I didn't ask  for this okay I Was Born This Way ain't that the rub icean or storm looming grab a sentinel  Blaster and spread out oh [ __ ] Sentinel   Blaster can like they retrofitted Sentinel  Tech surrender the boy or face my Fury yes   I'm so glad the xit are back I ain't  afraid of you you witch then you are a fool oh awesome to see her using her powers on  humans there's actual violence in this version   go over well need Bishop for striving to  resolve matters peacefully real peaceful   definitely updated action yeah they're not just  throwing people yeah or did these dirt bags get upgrades it's a bit like um vultures  crew in um Spider-Man homecoming oh yeah Cyclops the old music yes name Cyclops  definitely the good guy hang tight swag finally neat using concussive blast  offensively is so [Music] dope it's   got a bit of that what if animation style yeah  when it goes 3D and uses the Y and z-axis is cool get down that was a cool use of Sentinel hand Giant  blast son of a [ __ ] how scum like you get your   hands on Sentinel technology you freak shows  think we wouldn't find a way to evolve too take   his visor before he starts up again no don't just  open your eyes cyclos not wow there it is Day of   the bugle hell part Club who's missing I can't I  couldn't see you stopped the bad guys saved the   kid got home safe these days needed me more than  you did mon me the Gambit crop top we have to stay   vigilant no matter how good things seem out there  the last few months have been rough what with the   professor being gone and all but sugar if you  don't simmer down you're going to die a stroke   these are good voice casts and good ketchup exp  oh Scott oh it's morph yeah I'm a Fool dream of   a better future where both human and mutant live  free of your total disdain for fun I would prefer   it being avoided that's kind of cruel it is dark  look like Cyclops about to have that stroke maybe this how would that have helped Gambit  oh pregnant Jean can everyone just please   behave this is a school after all and we need  to be role models for our guest that kid's   our only lead to where those extremists  got their hands on Sentinel Tech wonder   if Sinister is going to come back into The  Fray now that she's pregnant he was in the   opening credits too so I feel like there  is definitely going to be some summers's   DNA tampering also a lot of Cosplay potential  in these costumes already Orwell's Animal Farm foreshadowing salutations and welcome I'm blue  very blue great voice cast for Beast here name's   Jubilee one day life's Fresh then the next day  you're waking up to a blue monkey singing Mozart   as he Tinkers with doohickeys Simeon analogies  Jubilee shame on you this guy's in the Jubilee   role of what she was in the pilot for X-Men great  call how fair's the boy besides a cavity in a   Layman's existential fear of metaphysics Mr dasta  here is in perfect health I need to go where's my   jacket we're more interested in the weapons those  creeps had how did they get it I wonder if gyri   gave it to them just give us the data figure  this out make sure you're safe and then you can   go do whatever a kid like you does at least say  there there's something to do around here besides   listen to mozar to the mall go to the mall hear  me Humanity's Days Are Over Magneto my favorite   as we build a bright mutant future the games are  for nerds oh it's no game danger room it's the   danger room it's where we train that's Magneto  the professor's X [Music] bestie what can you   do fly teleport shoot gold balls from your body  that' be weird shoot B there's an X-Men named gold balls the mechanics of the danger room I've never  quite understood yeah the physical from abstract   show the ladies some respect is so scary Jubilee  can we stop now computer and [Laughter] program   scary enough for you bub it is cool to step back  into to the world with just sleer cooler camera   work yeah there's directing yeah I'm impressed  how it feels like the old line work mixed with   today's 3D definitely someone's putting this  stuff out there Dr Cooper what about biver   tras tr's been missing ever since his inventions  tried to swap out president Kelly's brain with a   sentinel computer wow when cardio wraps maybe  you can spare the calories to go make sure he   didn't build another one TR is definitely back  Charles Xavier was a dear friend of of mine it's   why I urged the UN Council to work with the X-Men  a little Trust Scott Professor loved to say trust   happens when actions meet words oh I like that  Jean's so powerful and having her pregnant like   a a way to keep that from having her in the field  so it's escalation and like the danger allows a   ticking clock you're too hard on yourself and the  team remember when we were young and we'd sneak   down to the lake instead of doing our Danger Room  drills the professor would shout your childish   hij Jinks have cost you five demerits young man  he would shout you're going to get her pregnant   Scott wear a condom Scott the team they'll always  be family but with the baby coming maybe it's time   to think of a life beyond the X-Men or just  kick them out of the Mansion leave the team   we were the professor's first students the X-Men  need us here the team will be fine our son will   need us more H search for identity for Cyclops  am I the leader am I a father yeah it's okay for   you to let go are we going to meet cable and  realize that Nathan summers in belly out of belly oh jeez take that nose of yours and go  find the kid and take Jubilee all of you could   stand to act a little more like X-Men go with  them hey now we didn't do a dang thing took the   words right out of my mouth Jean may think the  Boy Scout routine Summers but I don't much go in   for being bossed around damn Logan find Roberto  please I was a little worried about his voice in   the trailer but I like it yeah it sounds great  what gyri did was pretty horrible but want to   know the worst part about the professor being  gone you always really going to have to rise I   know who we need to see to find biver tras the  man who killed Charles Xavier dyri kids here   but there are too many damn SS looks like we  split up nice place to pass it's a good time   hey share he said it he said it he said he said  share he said it he said the thing he said the [Music] share she wants to be able to touch  every one of these people yeah how mean how   hard would that be to watch people dance and like  wof thought you were going to slice Summer's head   off back there want to talk about it let's just  find this trust fun baby and get out of here morph   I know what's wrong how why I'm Jean Gray humble  telepath extraordinaire and I'm having the most   beautiful baby in the world hello you on the  sidelines watching our exhausting Perfection   Every Day school's no place for a baby Jean knows  as much you don't think they're leaving the team   morph Jean's sleeping oh poor guy he wants  to raise that baby the original felt like a   mature kid show this is getting more of like a  te sh yeah it doesn't feel adult by like those   standards but it definitely feels like the  people that watch it them would watch it now yeah wow Jubilee jubile I wonder if they noce  she's a mutant because of the fireworks is that   why you didn't use your powers against those goons  didn't want to rub their faces in it it's like meile Let Live don't I know it bub hewa R  Great Cyclops find where these bad boys are   coming from before things get too hot to him she  was just exposing her powers all over them yeah   did you honestly think we'd roll over and let  mutants take over the planet yet your cruelty   has only made Humanity more sympathetic to our  cause sucker normal people know the more room   we make for your kind the less we leave for  ours KY Rick's Reich should not keep showing   off my black and gay friends tolerance is  extinction oh tolerance is extinction woke   to show is but we both know you're no Charles  Xavier I'm not Charles Xavier he'd reason with   you he'd do everything in his power to save  you from what you no but have you met my wife   hatred weakens your mind Mr gyri wow cerebro  amplifies my psychic powers allowing me to   penetrate your thoughts from any distance  I please wow that's very anti- Exavier for   this moment in time we need backups I know  manipulating from within his mind yeah yeah   without permission something's wrong someone  [Applause] else who's in there trippy I really   hope we get the live action version of these  [Music] suits oh my God evil baby Dune part two no cable not again I don't think in the show  cable is the son of oh they didn't do that   I I Cable's in the show but I don't I don't  I don't think they made it explicitly clear   okay cuz they said he so it's not hope behold  mutant and despair for I am dead I am Master   Mo whoa Judgment Day very Terminator too very  what I felt we have to stop Trask now strange   so she's getting like visions of the future  now yeah or like what he was planning there   will be no dismembering Wolverine we know  that nah weight loss we get this done by   working together as a team think you can do that  Logan jeez dad keep buzzing in my ear what would   we do if we ever lost you Wolverine sounds more  Nixon H in that scene that was the trailer scene yeah wa that was a cool shot striking that is awesome very cinematic music  that was [Music] cool teamwork solid work team just C J fall the sky he's  going to use the optic blast to buoy himself oh yeah wow the way they have real  is such a boss in this even the   backdrops and everything it feels  more like a painting than before   and it's extremely refreshing after  season 5 to me my X-Men there it is hero poses I'm glad so much the  trailer was episode one feel like   we're going to get like a war me you  are coming wow even in prison he has   friends who know the mutant agenda  Must Be Stopped we don't want to fight wow devilish but you're still animals and  you need to be put down final warning TR I like   how it's like just red and purple representing  the Sentinels oh like zombie Sentinels yeah surrender be super traumatic for morph yeah yes oh this makes you want Pizza Hut oh those tie-in greetings enemy mind might I induce you to a  change of heart I think this is the beginning   of a beautiful involuntary friendship  he's thoring this he's just driving a SEL absorb awesome great teamwork  and power use woo oh amazing track   and shots surr surrender surrender  give them the [Laughter] forecast [Music] right she's so cinematic give  her a movie they really do realize her   like a god feed my command and  reclaim these relics of hatred cool corpses falling to the ground you  underestimate us mut here it is fastball   special oh that's right for some reason I  think it was coming so [Music] soon Richard   yeah oh nice the amount of propelling they do  amazing awesome off up with your head oh that   was amazing you know ever since Xavier died you  guys work way better this is just a concentrated   effort you guys are just much better Fighters  and work together as you know how to bounce off   each other's Powers better the banters better  xavor dying is the best thing to happen to you   congratulations Cyclops that Humanity itself is  obsolete you've no idea how it feels to be left   behind by the future Left Behind Revelations  yet again humanity is in the X-Men's death we   all win when men like him fail you sound like  Charles he would have been proud today to be   honest it was a team effort was oh my God his  clothes are actually torn up they can do that   at Marvel when I first came here I ran away just  like you the team had saved me from Sentinels at   the mall but this place a place where I could  be me sure Cyclops still won't let me fly the   jet but this isn't some weird school Cyclops  racist it's a family a family that that feel   like Outsiders sounds nice your parents don't know  do they come on Sunspot yeah solar energy still   figuring it out makes me strong though whenever  I do this it just reminds me that I'm Different   that I'm lying to them I don't even want to be  myself more reason why you should be part of the   school what's your job hot and rich don't forget  single Paige me I got a jet too maybe I'll even   let you fly it maybe ride it you know I'm saying  Jean and I have an announcement you're bailing   on us to go raise your little one someplace nice  and normal Cyclops and Jean were the first X-Men   if they're gone who the heck is going to lead  the team stop oh right on Q Charles Xavier was   the finest man I knew despite our differences he  never ceased to have faith in our friendship nor   forgive Magneto what are you doing in our home  your home I I beg to differ the last will and   testament of Charles Francis Xavier everything he  built everything he fought for belongs to me such   a weird idea X-Men feel like he just weaponized  the X-Men Charlie Feldman my friend Charlie's   one of the people that made this show very proud  charges objective okay cool oh that's a cool post   credit I mean a credit idea yeah it's updated  a lot of it is the same motifs but just more   updated all right let's watch the next one I like  the ramp up to it yeah the undercurrent music and   it builds oh [ __ ] the team in his very '90s  outfit I can smell my old VHS of this feel it   all oh traveling through time were these in the  last no they added a couple little things this   is great oh asteroid M I'm even more excited  for Wolverine in the Deadpool now like this   is just immediately magic any sudden moves and the  wheel could come crashing down come to me nice and easy the cassette player a Walkman wow whoa wow there's got to be a lot  of deaths here felt it felt it who's grabbing   it is it Magneto Magneto it's got to be metal  oh altruistic Magneto art is that who I think   it is saving human but while it's too soon to  tell how recent events will impact mutant human   relations one thing is clear to both humans  he's going to feel like has to stay to keep   an eye on Magneto yeah did the professor  not trust me oh yeah creates doubt Within   in him it makes sense he has to overcome it for  being leadership and father it's a smart way to   create inner conflict within the X-Men I really  like it and Magneto love the X-Men a ton in the   comics and after the X-Men are are finally being  looked at as Heroes they terrorist that's clever   this is our home you pig it's all we have  left all you dogs left us don't hurt leech   the oh my God Magneto can go everywhere  yeah he's so GA op the indignity of your waste how unfortunate for you that I  am the master of magnetism get what's coming damn I need what Force for good he can be  his suit is so much more sexy look at that [ __ ]   oh you shall never be afraid again wow that's  some iMovie transition's right there the only   safe and sure way to destroy your enemy is to make  him your friend Mark Twain the professor had a   plan seen a lot of Futures but Magneto leading  the X-Men that's a new one maybe we go change   it back huh I have arranged for the morlocks to  travel to the mutant nation of josha yay this is   one of many mutant matters on which we can and  will improve oh man this Strife this is really   interesting guess we can assume those jerks in  the sewer are alive but not unharmed more locks   weren't too bad I did not consign those sapiens  to the wastebin of history is proof of my desire   to honor Charles Xavier's dream of mutant human  still disdainful but coexistence what jeans scan   your mind see your real plans no you did it with  gyri I accessed guy's mind for information using   my powers to assess honesty is another matter  oh that's the main reason to do it I'd be like I   don't trust this person read the mind I was under  the welcome impression that you and Mrs Summers   were leaving us not a chance this baby doesn't  matter I hate you so much Xavier wanted this   maybe he was wrong you have finally realized  what I did ages ago even Charles Xavier can   make a mistake by making him infallible he gets  more Authority but Magneto would have to change   his entire philosophical belief on coexistence  though possessed by a malevolent Cosmic entity   intent on consuming all of existence there was  Scott Fighting by my side the photo is back I   need to tell you something and I need you not to  judge me too harshly or tell Scott Jean does have   her dialogue a little bit more like a relatable  human being oh written like a person yes he's a   mutant how do I tell him he's different that the  world will remind him of it every day that he must   always be careful you wish him to be born human  ooh I have wondered what it would be like to be   human but then I remember how my Mutant gifts  brought me to this Mansion to this family to a   sister interesting makes sense that she she'd feel  over that though yeah that she would feel the fear   about it though it makes sense and her history  and her powers like can't shake this feeling that   something terrible is coming boy I sound like a  fool you sound like a mother yeah she's worried I   like that well your little pep talk went about  as smooth as small ass I'm done this show was   great when we parted ways I told myself I needed  this to protect myself from his psychic powers but   you were worried if you still felt how much he  loved you and yet here you are dragged in like   a kitty cat's prize Kitty Pride brought about a  world more tolerant towards mutants I am indebted   to honor his last wish I like how the painting  is like comic sketchy my past is too littered   with error mine was too no what a great reflector  reflection of his evil I didn't go about demanding   their trust I earned it I feared you would do  your best to avoid being alone with me Rogue   oh oh is that not in the show oh they got a thing  do they yeah I didn't remember if they touched on   it yeah they were a couple for a bit I watched  at least 50 episodes of the 76 I don't recall that that's got to stay in the back this  is the one I missed he doesn't get sick   dressed up that sexy for Cyclops that's all for  rogue I don't need my helmet nor do I need my sleeves take this all off we're here  for Magneto think twice our rifles are   resistant to your Electro magnetic  powers okay it's got like there   like a billi other things it's not a well  thought out plan so the iron in your blood and no prove yourself by order of the  UN Commission on superhuman activities I   hereby place you under arrest for crimes against  humanity okay what I will generously assume is a   fair trial will I earn earn your trust that is  how due process works going to the UN did that   in the comics yeah and like the leadership role  has to be vetted similarly I don't know if the UN   actually has a military force is that a thing in  real life like I barely know anything about the   US that's fair add the end of that too much oh  that's that image is uh uncanny Xmen number 200   and offer a preview of the Zeal with which he  would resume his quest to dominate this planet   should he be exonerated today it's crazy the  trial of the Punisher is happening right next   door I liked it folks outside are pissed he's  even getting to trial have you seen Scott oh   he's there with the others making sure Magneto  doesn't pull one of his stunts if the president   doesn't it is nut I'm not a crook I like the  brown shirt homage to the brown suit it's got   that flavor to it that energy ww the news is also  the Deadpool news the same uh Channel good catch   sorry Daredevil not Deadpool stir the pot boys  and keep them distracted I'll only have one shot   do not miss your chance to blow how do you expect  me to grow if you won't let me blow sorry quick oh   that's the cover of 200 right there nicely done  my people's homes were burned to Ash because we   dare to call God by another name my people hunted  me with those who had once hunted them I was a   just them there is a refrain believe differently  love differently of different sex or skin and be   punished the oppressed become oppressors oh my God  he's inspiring your words while kind do nothing to   heal those hurt by your crime it's fair you build  robots to hunt us callers to chain our power like   how they reanimated moments from the classic I  have only ever acted to avenge crimes against my   people you would walk Charles Xavier's path not  the worst thing is don't go Magneto's way don't   you think she didn't respond I don't know I've  just to sleep with them un conflicted protest is   a breach in the perimeter they must want Magneto  and the judges ma'am what in the blazes did we do   you gave a monster trial now you are traitors to  your kind oh to play by the rules and still they   come for you the biggest difference I noticed  with this is the music it's a little bit more   film oh well then cinematography too it all  feels much more movie like he's he's here apocalypse the baby [Music] C  oh that was great it said ween   Salon Len we invented uh Wolverine sweating balls almost [Applause] we're making a great case we are safe I am  unable to ascertain the nature of the weapon   on his back but his armor is constructed  from an energy resistant titanium laced   alloy you got a name executioner here to make  sure Jean Freaks Like Magneto pay for their crime kill them all Gambit executioner with  a sentinel Blaster is pretty cool round two   absorb this ouch hurt my friends well now you  answer to me I think not just the action is   cooler but there's the drama around the action is  better too yeah there's a sense of choreography   and tension not just one of the other oo got  him right in the visor oh now we can't aim   your you act like you got it so bad normal people  have it hard oh fighting blind we just have the   dignity not to whine about it and I'm to struggle  here I hate your whining just as much as I hate you she is oh cool oh great all the X-Men characters  is going to become Scott hurry D oh he's got   to decide about leading his team and woo Rogue  fly Cyclops to Gene immediately Magneto and I   will protect the judges careful storm it's  still Magneto circumstances do not offer us   a choice Dam there's a great tension to this  mhm you uncola Magneto you well now who does   she think she do not think be silent heed my  commands and you shall survive leader of gold   team I'm here this doctor won't deliver our baby  mind warp him can you use your powers to siphon   his medical expertise excuse me do what I mean  she can't touch the baby you all need to sorry sugar prep an IV and get this lady  to a room did her power really work   that way she gets the knowledge  of the people yeah but it usually   puts them in a coma or unconscious  cuz she gets all the memories and experience what is he oh wow how biblical how their mob manners fa against the  shock of Good Conduct wow yeah you   guys are feeding each other's  Darkness here oh the powers combin mag wa wo [Music] w nope don't kill don't kill  down in front of everyone don't kill don't kill you made your point looks like it all  symbolic here it's pretty symbolic you made him a symbol is it yeah her powers did he deow oh no I cannot feel it nor the moisture nor  the air what has he done to me me this was not   what we wanted lies lies this is your dream  kill them all Magneto what must we do to be   good enough what a line is this the high Road's  destination if so I say as I have too many times   before never again let us go no W it's a game  plan here buddy oh dear yeah what's the game   plan here buddy dropping them from space putting  them in the Sun what are we [Music] doing oh he's   crying I like the attention to detail of how  they're actually freezing up there I would   Smite you all for what was done to storm but  today I have saved you from your own for an   old friend has challenged me to remember this  real Earth literal perspective Charles Xavier   entrusted me with his dream and it does not  ask you to love or embrace my kind as your own   well you're making a point this is a shared  world with a common future and that my kind   like yours have the right to live in it what an  intense cutaway I am trying to be better so can   you pardon all my crimes that I did prior while  I have you in space please do not make me let you down that's great great doesn't he need a name  I was thinking Nathan hey Summers Nathan Summers   Nathan Charles Summers it's just whenever cable  would interact with Cyclops in the show he never   acted like they were related you know I wonder if  the retroactively do scenes from the old but like   with context we will begin talks to admit the  mutant nation of josha into the United Nations   interesting poison dark roast I hear you and  Jean have begun to make arrangements to leave   does this mean you trust me to carry on Xavier's  dream the professor trusted you and I trust him   be wary be vigilant tragedy lures with Fortune  first tragedy lures with Fortune first wow I do   like how they have dumb down the dialogue at all  yeah especially with Magneto and Beast who should   speak with certain articulation inhibitor callers  use radiation to temporarily neutralize our mutant   Powers his laser rifle fired a concentrated dose  of that same radiation it affects genetics on   a cellular level how long the effects appear  permanent damn that is cruel they're combining   like volume one of astonishing X-Men ease for  extinction like they're doing a lot of really   cool combining of classic story so far you of all  the ex-men know the Heartbreak of saying goodbye   my faith in your family's future is strong and  I cannot kind of little X pajamas seen to feel   another Soul finally seeing yours they're going  to do Life Death they're going to do the storm   Walkabout Story fragile treasure one we sacrifice  so much to maintain only to then sometimes watch   it break in a blink that changes your life we  are no longer connected Jean but trust that I   will cherish what we shared as ex-men memories  that already feel like a lifetime ago weren't   you that woman on the UN to television yesterday  not one minute storm will spend a day slepping it   with the basic folk and come right home happy as a  okay she's back Jean I need the ex men Rachel what jean which storyline are they going to do what that is that daughter is  that meline prior is that clone   because of sinister is that going  to be there's so many things I can beat what a great two episodes they I like that  they've uh basically made a part one part two and   that aired as like a movie and then like this  ending was the cliff like what a great format   citizens of the reject Nation or should I say  Royal rejects cuz that is who we call those who   check out our RR apparel at reject naations  shop.com we come out with new designs every   month or every two months it is personally my  favorite way you can support the channel reason   being is because we are involved with every one  of the exclusive RR designs that are up at the   shop we got a bunch of designs already such as our  super Marvel bro shirt my sister actually designed   this one Deadpool Wolverine inspired my personal  favorite one but then we also got like our number   one bestseller the last daddy t-shirt which has  Pedro Pascal from The Last of Us inspired carrying   baby grou we have Loki's glorious balloon we also  o have our Doctor Who shirt which is full of a   bunch of classic Doctor Who quotes on the Taris we  have space babies of the Galaxy we got ourselves   some Star Wars inspired shirts we got a boys  inspired shirt and we have a house of the Dragon   one as well pointing those out because obviously  we have new seasons of those shows coming up and   then of course you got a bunch of other designs  as well like our bat verse one who influences   the influencers another Last of Us inspired  t-shirt and of course you know the classic   reject symbolism t-shirt shirts as well either  one is an amazing way to support the channel and   like I said you get to look good while doing it  so thank you guys so much do consider going to   reject naations shop.com and also tag us on social  media if you end up buying a shirt please tag us   we'd love to see it when people do end up buying  the shirts thank you Royal rejects see you guys   soon yeah it was an amazing Cliffhanger I think  it was really smart too to end off where you know   like the trailers ended exactly there yeah we  don't know anything kind funny how like trailer   the trailer ended where episode one ended so you  know oh there all new territory now right and the   first episode I liked the first episode a lot and  it it was more of like the Nostalgia feels and uh   I appreciated the update on the animation with the  action sequences and stuff and watching the X-Men   uh original series I completely forgot that season  five had a the final season had this like weird   shift where the uh different Animation Studio yeah  it felt like it was odd it was it was definitely   it was definitely the worst season is the one I  was like man is not great and while there's some   highlights to be had there for the most part  no it was it was weaker animation and uh the   storytelling was really off so to me going back  into here I just wanted this to kind of hearken   back a little bit more to the earlier Seasons when  it was more in its prime and I think they did just   that whilst still keeping in tune with the flare  of the 9s but not being obnoxious about it they   still want it to be like live in and I appreciate  how much more cinematic they have made it whereas   um you know it was serialized storytelling before  but it seems like this is like it okay how I put   it is the original series would be very serialized  when they're like we're doing part one of Beyond   good and evil or part one of dark Phoenix and it  was like especially serialized and it seems like   this whole season is going to be much more of a  giant movie that they are telling yeah I agree I   think that pacing is is exceptional and maybe  even better than the original because I think   they have an idea of their overarching stories I  think if memory serves they've already green lit   a season two so I think they know what they're  building out to they fed the the head Rider uh   like last week or something like I just yeah  but I I'm curious I mean we don't know the   details of that yet but I'm really curious how  far they formatted out for these arcs because   what the original show did so well was tell very  indents soap opera esque stories cuz Chris clont   and John burn two of the most iconic creators on  X-Men always loved the soap opera nest and I think   that was a big strength of the X-Men so you've got  so many characters so many moving Parks you could   have those overarching arcs as well as the little  arcs amongst the characters but also little arcs   amongst individual comics and stories this feels  much more like it's going to have the big broad   trade paperback feel but each episode's going to  have like a comic or two feel so I I like that it   feels like a mix right now of ease for extinction  with some life death with some astonishing X-Men   volume one so astonishing X-Men volum volume one  was Jos Sweden and cassaday on Art and it was   basically like if you could cure your mutant Hood  what would you do would you choose to would you   not and I like how that's reflected in storm not  having the choice and the guilt of Jean wanting   potentially her kid to be not a mutant so there's  some of those elements teased in there and that's   that's what they tried to do with X-Men 3  unsuccessfully and then the um Life Death   stuff is storm and a walkabout of self-discovery  of basically like I've been a kid on the streets   I've also been a goddess what am I who am I and  by taking her powers away I think she's going to   be coming to terms with her humanity and I'm  curious if they maybe bring in Forge because   it was her and Forge in the desert and then the  other thing that EAS for extinction seems to be   the very literal like Genosha and like bringing  mutant kind into humanity and all those those   elements there and that was the um new X-Men run  that Grant Morrison did with Frank Whitley that   was really popular for a time but I feel like  people don't talk about now as one of the big   iconic X-Men run so I think they're being really  smart with grabbing like a greatest hits but not   making it a direct translation kind the MCU War  get theist but you change it enough where it'ss   like the X-Men characters but all the stories I  just listed were 2000s like comic stories so keep   it to the root of this but modernize the the the  type of stories you're telling because this feels   very fresh and modern but it's got like you know  '90s elements to make the Nostalgia feel authentic   not like it's beating you over the head with it  yeah which is the line they needed to ride 100%   because if it was EX exactly where we left off a  we would be with that season 5 but even if it was   exactly where we left off with season 4 well sure  there might be a camp of the audience that maybe   did ultimately prefer that I think they haven't  normally when when something's coming out I've   noticed Disney will kind of do this thing where  they go hey go rewatch uh these select episodes   of X-Men or go rewatch X-Men before you watch  this uh but they didn't really give the audience   that much time between the first trailer and the  relas date announcement to do that believe me I   know they didn't really give that much time had  to skip some episodes uh but I think that was   kind of intentional so that way you can take this  a little bit more on its own merits like watching   this while there's a little bit of touches that I  do feel like ah they're bringing this back they're   carrying this even right down to the storyline  with getting rid of uh the powers it was either   season one or two everything's kind of a blur to  me about it but there's like season one or two   where there was a scientist touting the episode  we got the angel introduction and they were going   to remove the powers and and and the communities  of mutants were like oh we should sign up with   this scientist end up finding out this was a  uh a ploy where Mystique was pretending to be   a scientist who could do it but they was all to  manipulate to serve apocalypse and now they're   actually doing that integration of the story  where they can get rid of the mutant Gene and I   like how they are setting our up our characters  in ways that I do find compelling Jean uh being   pregn uh having a having a child Scott having  to be a father what is his position as being a   leader I think that Magneto was easily one of my  favorite characters in the uh in the watch of of   X-Men I I I found myself constantly um very  compelled by his point of view of going you   know sometimes I'm on Mago side yeah because  uh humans are like you're all [ __ ] in this   show yeah that's the fun of of the X-Men is like  people make bad decisions in our world when they   do it against Xmen like yeah people do suck cuz  everyone here's most humans it seems like 99.9%   of you are xenophobes and I don't like it yeah so  like you got no real other choice so I think it's   really interesting of how they're drawing Magneto  because he's not so he's he's clearly adjusting   yeah he's not just all right I've changed my mind  like even to before the judges uh he like takes   them up to the sky puts him in his terrain and  he's like I'm trying don't let me let you down   don't let me let you down like to have the Dual  meaning I thought was a really great writing of   don't let me let you down in terms of let me give  you a chance to change but don't make me kill you   I thought it was EXC because he's not he hasn't  really fully reformed and because the trailer Ln   showed the first episode I was like is it X-Men  versus Magneto starting episode 3 I I actually   was tense throughout that segment of like did he  reform or was he trying to and failed like what   storyline because Magneto led the EXP enough time  in the comic books they could have picked a story   line where it was for a day or it could be the  whole season it's really interesting having his   internal conflict of like I promised my friend I  would try and trying is so much more interesting   than succeeding a story is about trying what we  do as humans is try we always try to be better   succeeding at being better is a short trying  is is fascinating so I'm really excited to see   Cyclops try to be a father while trying to be a  leader Magneto try to reform like those elements   are what the tensions from that's why Claremont  and burns X-Men is so interesting and that's why   I I love the choice to make Rogue with Magneto  cuz like now Gambit storyline is going to be a   lot more interesting yeah yeah and it's only  in the first couple episodes we got a lot of   characters so yeah we haven't really had time  with most of them yeah yeah it's it's too it's   understandable though you know it's a series for  a reason uh I'm I'm waiting to see how it drives   me with morph because I kind of I I it could just  be the fact that I'm adjusting to oh yeah I'm so   used to morph being like such tragedy in in the  show and they've completely taken a switch where   he's a lot more light-hearted yeah um he's like  almost Deadpool esque like he's like just jokes   and he is so jokes no one seems offended At All by  the the is messed up some of these jokes he does   I don't know I think it's kind of like weird  showing up as a Xavier yeah talk about having   people have a difficult time with grieving it's  like the definition of g humor like d humor to   a te you're like you're a person like a body bro  like stop it I need to move on do you know what   this does to my subconscious when I see you as a  I'm coping yeah it's great it's great in fights   but it's not walking around the Mansion as the  dead leader we had like it's a little messed   up I think like Jean has always had this kind  of Larger than Life um uh very existentialism   way of speaking she never quite sounded human to  me cuz she was more Phoenix than Jean was like I   am this deity so it's always yeah it's it really  seemed like the the The Prodigy of Xavier I think   that's one thing the show really got down right  uh but I never quite saw the chemistry in in the   in the original between Cyclops and Jean because  Cyclops I'm such a stiff and you know and Jean I'm   always like and Wolverine so I I think that they  have humanized uh Jean's dialogue a lot I like   dialogue a lot more it's still way too early on  to like make a comparison there are things about   it that obviously as a modern day viewer I prefer  with the update of the animation action of to to   the cinematography is beautiful I really enjoy the  action like the scene of them falling out of the   sky and like chopping up the Sentinel on the way  down and all of them using their powers as a team   defensively and then offensively was so cool the  blast Powers the optic blast I've really enjoyed   yeah the optic blast use like in the in the z-axis  was a blast but I've also really enjoyed that   Wolverine isn't the lead um um cuz he's fun he's  exciting but he's not the lead just like in the   comics there are arcs where he's the lead but the  movies and a lot of like the properties we know in   pop culture that aren't comic based he's cool so  they make him the lead and it's nice to kind of   have him ebb and flow like he does in the books  there's more grit to the action than before and   uh what I I'm really hoping for cuz I think X-Men  evolution did it and for sure the '90s series did   it is Wolverine was constantly like threatening  and whipping out his claws and then the blue   constantly we got with but he never ever stabs a  human not one time does he stab a human and it it   was it was kind of like um just false threats most  of the time is is what wolverine would do and even   if he would like get into a fight with saber 23  he might have used his claws sometimes it would be   happening off screen and we didn't see it happen  so I understand but I think we're where we're at   now now with animation with this being on Disney  plus I I think we we would actually probably get   a little bit more of that violence that we would  want to see out of wolver Network as poor things   exactly here we are some tobacco Toco use you know  that that movie's big big tobacco industry qualms   I but I also think they're they're character  characterizing him enough that when it happens   it feels more do like I don't think we'll see a  full Berserker rage the way we want to but I do   think we might see some some like I like that  the saber-tooth scene was like like treating   him like a dog like there's an element of like he  wanted to fight like that's what he wanted to like   let off steam so Bishop turned I mean um morph  turned into saber-tooth so we'd have an outlet   like that's fun I did not really who's the new  character at the beginning Sunspot didn't didn't   really care for him honestly well he didn't  have a lot going on thought it was annoying   I don't know spoiled brat kids of I don't give  it he's a in the comics he's a rich like spoiled   entitled but you learn to like him because he has  a heart of gold but we haven't had time for the   Heart of Gold I guess I found nothing unique  or charming about his personality and the you   know like yeah I get it you're mutant you haven't  told your parents like okay I set up the struggle   and I obviously like every time he shows I'm not  going to like roll my eyes like God I've already   made up my mind you I've committed to hating you  yeah nothing will change I will not waver in this   thought process I did honestly we never see him  again I'll be all right we're probably going to   see him again he ends up leading the New Mutants  for a time swe uh he is also a character that uh   is able to like have some political pull as the  character evolves like down the like current   Comics he he's uh sometimes working with the  Avengers sometimes he's working with beasts   sometimes like he's got things that his money  allows him to have connections through but we   haven't been able to see any of his goodness just  the arrogance so far yeah okay and whininess so   far he gets there that gives me hope yeah there's  there's a purpose for his character beyond the   eyeline of Jubilee again cuz it was very much  like you said the Jubilee character uh and and   again this this in the first episode like fighting  Sentinels again like it was a lot was miring there   there was a poetry to it yeah I think it's smart  to bring us back to comfort and then immediately   like executioner I don't think we've ever seen  adapted we'll get used to action too as as cool   as the action always looks you know we get used  to that yeah I think the uh the first episode   being the most like the old show is a great way to  bring us back to make us go oh we love this I have   familiar feelings I legitimately could smell Pizza  Hut like I I felt all of that cuz do you remember   the the Pizza Hut thing where they had the VHS  tapes that they sold along with pizzas like they   literally had like this black case Red X through  it and you could buy vs X that's I have the two   the first two episodes because of that so that's  what I was thinking in the whole first episode I   was like this reminds me episode one pizza hood  or my brother has I forget someone of us has it   but it's it's quality Nostalgia they did a really  good job making it new but old yeah I enjoyed it   quick I I enjoyed it adly a little more than I  expected I was a little worried as we got closer   especially with the fir ring of the writer I  thought like oh God is this going to be like   a piece of [ __ ] I wonder like I wonder if they  didn't want that announcement out until after it   was out cuz it really is optically dangerous like  it's a very negative sign ass we assume without   knowing why it's just like why do you find the  guy that we love well I I you know like the X-Men   animated shows is a really good show it's it's  a really great show but I I I still I wouldn't   say it's I wouldn't cons it it consistently felt  dated to me you know it definitely is and yeah   it's not like Batman the inv Made series I you  have to watch it in a certain for me I had to   watch in a certain frame of mind right same with  Spider-Man Spider-Man wasn't yeah like Spider-Man   had to like throw people and like morbius had to  have suckers on his hands because he couldn't bite   like there's a lot of stuff that was like okay  the ' 90s cartoons are weird yeah like it's it's   still I what I was really surprised by with going  back was I forgot how much it has so little to do   with um you know saving people on the streets or  some [ __ ] like that or like we have to go on   a to save these people it's not really about  that uh I was surprised by oh yeah this show   really is still as dated as it feels it's still  very mature it's still very ahead of its time   that seems to have so much on its mind it really  consistently explores its themes nonstop in a very   aggressive way and it's can be so melancholic at  times and and it's subtle but it can be it's int   introspective it was is very like like surprise  and it really go all out there with it sci-fi   elements it was really not just about like go save  people and that's what I wanted this to carry on   so as much as I love the action of the first one I  was like all right cool kind of expected this were   the first episode that's what I like to see it's  really the second episode to me that was going   to be the most telling of okay how far are you  going to push this and are you going to maintain   that or are you going to dumb this down and they  didn't dumb it down like Aesthetics you get used   to after a while and I thought the second episode  really catapulted this for me a lot in terms of   all right we're still going to have conversation  about this uh yeah the dialogue scenes are always   more important than the action scenes because you  can't maintain like you said action like at the   end of the day John Wick is interesting because  of the world you build and the actions exciting   because the world you care about yeah this is a  great world and the original show is like one of   the best long form adaptations of comics period  and it's it was kind of an interesting way to   bring back like for this Marvel animation new  slate that they're doing and they're going to   have the Spider-Man show giv me hope for the  Spiderman they mainly did the what if series   but that was Anthology with semi serialization  in there and this is fullon serialized you know   and I I admit part of my concern was that what  if was so incremental I was really afraid the   thing I like about the old X-Men show is it felt  like you'd read not a graphic novel but a series   like it felt like a hundred issues at times  I was really afraid since what if is so like   I was afraid Disney would want this to be more  approachable and they would see approachability   by making it narrower and instead so far it  feels like the old show and that the scope   of it and the theme and like the density feels  like a long run of comics not like a trade yeah   I'm looking forward to the rest I'm really excited  so far I've been really impressed and uh I I like   the style visually more than I expected from the  trailer it does feel more like someone's drawing   it I was really afraid they'd what if it and it  would feel like they tried to make 3D animation   look 2D like they squished it and instead it  feels like 2D animation that has a bit of a 3D   action element yeah yeah for sure so yeah super  impressed uh I was a little worried cuz X-Men are   my precious like Spider-Man and X-Men my guys  so they're held to a higher standard for me so   far all in all in all right reject Nation leave a  comment below let us know what you think so far we   got our first two episodes we'll be back next week  with episode three hope you're enjoying it as much   as we are let me know in the comments below what  your favorite X-Men Arc is as always please like   Please Subscribe please share this with people do  all the things that YouTube helps us know that we   should keep doing these episodes cuz I'm loving  this X-Men we'll see you soon bub Eric H Eric   God knows what you're doing during spring break  I don't think he wants to know I don't think he   wants to know now some people might know Eric and  be like wow this guy must be drinking and smoking   and doing all kinds of debauchery no what he's out  doing is he's hunting he is lurking the Streets of   Atlanta for his next prey but he's had to convert  it into doing some justice and if I know Eric   Horseman he's a social justice Warrior right so  he is going to become the very literal definition   this spring break of social justice Waring when  he sees any kind of Injustice this person used   the wrong pronouns for me he's going to hunt that  person down he's going to torture them he's going   to make sure that their family that Mourns the  death of this ingr make sure to give him the   right pronoun or or if he sees someone screaming  about rogue's ass isn't big enough in the X-Men   show slice to the throat coming your way it's time  for Eric to get in there and handle Justice if he   sees people abusing buzzwords like gaslighting  and and narcissist all kinds of things trigger   mental health use them right just doing it for  show we know Eric horse and he's going to be   gassing up someone's garage right relatively  soon they're not going to be able to get out   of the vehicle lighting that match dark human  being Eric but we need a social justice Warrior   like you and a Kevlar Cod piece there's too many  sjws out there who are just doing it for show to   get attention to seem like they're on the right  side of the fight activist my ass you're making a   real difference a real difference and the US OFA  the real social justice Warrior around [Music] here
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 217,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x-men 97, xmen, x-men 97 episode 1 reaction, x-men 97 episode 2 reaction, x-men 97 reaction, x-men 97 trailer reaction, x-men 97 ending explained, x-men 97 breakdown, x-men 97 easter eggs, x-men 97 leaks, x-men, x-men the animated series, deadpool, deadpool vs wolverine, marvel, mcu, marvel phase 5, the avengers, spider-man
Id: ru4WYaD6ZaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 37sec (3757 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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