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don't [Applause] move love this a good dummy such a great dummy dummy I love it I said finally we get some good oldfashioned dummies I ain't trying CG a stt man put they put a stuffed suit on a that rope just dragged it off that bridge [Laughter] [Music] Double Toasted live in Los Angeles is going to be Saturday April 27th for a night of Comedy games and that Afterparty press that Banner right there and it will take you to X1 where you can see the tickets are available you can also get your tickets over at uh so this is funny so you know these movies about these guys with the special skills you know these badass dudes you know they they're always something that you don't expect like they're always a a a a badass kindergarten teacher or a badass plumber or something but now we got a badass beekeeper it feels like a parody it like you watching something like a Family Guy aside or scrubs or just something where they they show up a movie parody my man all he wanted to do all he wanted to do was make honey and play with bees that's all he wanted to do and then somebody had to cross him and he he lost his page there's a story of a modest beekeeper who his only friend was a old black woman and she was the only one that took care of him and cared for him until one day she got fished and scammed and they took her for all her money took her for everything and that's when he said well you know what I got to excuse me bees I got to I'll be back I got to come out retirement that's what it always like they always got to come out retirement and I got to go figure out who who hurt my friend made made her kill herself cuz she lost everything and my man just goes on a rampage and boy you won't believe where this goes I might tell you if you want to know I might not I don't know depends on how this review goes yeah I it it is funny how he left those bees behind but he kept all those be puns to take with he said did boy he said did my man he said it's too well they're too good not to use i' I've been saving these up all these years I'm a beekeeper what do you want me to do I only know bee humor he was cramming those bee metaphors in there I'm surprised he didn't dress like the bee guy from from from The Simpsons I like he dress like a giant B with antennas on Springs and [ __ ] and run around killing people like that that would have been cool that would have been that would have been am amazing but he didn't is is it still fun well let's go ahead and take a look at this for The Beekeeper I just got a message saying that there's a problem with my computer yes ma'am we got this I ain't going to say that she deserve what she got but they boy she just she too willingly gave them that information well you know she like okay I I be honest I was like this is probably the best part of the movie cuz the way this is set up that's kind of realistic about how somebody can get taken by one of those you know and and yeah like well I don't really know this well and my daugh put this together my daughter put this together and you sound like you're trustworthy and and yeah people get scammed by that all the time oh yeah especially older people yeah so I was like all right this this actually works you know what if the movie's GNA stay on this tack right here we might have some I shouldn't have been so quick don't [Applause] move I love that that's this a good such a great dummy dummy I love it I said finally we get some good oldfashioned dummies ain't TR CG a stunt man put they put a stuffed suit on a that rope just dragged it off that [Laughter] bridge honey it's flammable as [ __ ] who knew I laugh my ass up cuz she scream just like she like she was a bad said he put some [Laughter] honey so Martin I'm just GNA let you know right now because I don't think you feel the same way I do but I I like this all right and and I know I shouldn't because this for even me looking at this this should be terrible okay and and really it is cuz there's so many silly bad things in here it's ridiculous of course and it's and it's kind of lazy but but I I get where you coming from I don't necessarily feel the same way but I understand I like this man because it is so silly it's not just bad it's silly bad you know this because I'm looking at this and I'm like you know first of he's he's part of a secret secret secret organization called actually called beekeepers of course and and and Jason STM I think his name is U uh Andrew Clay or something like that Arthur clay Adam clay there you go his name is Adam clay and he's part of an organization called beekeepers man he even got they got the movie G you see they got their own Avengers symbol and everything right there man and and and they seem to the John Wick Society oh yeah and and and I don't know how the other people are in in in this beekeepers organization but he's the one that takes that [ __ ] seriously like he takes it literally man first of all he reminds you every 10 minutes that he's protecting the hive I'm a beekeeper I protect the hive now I expect to hear that every 10 minutes right right and if somebody's in your office pouring gasoline they say my you like I'm sorry what did you just say what exactly hey man could you stop okay I'm getting out of here he he is so he's so dedicated to this that he literally became a beekeeper when he retired exactly I mean you got to figure he just lost his mind and the beekeeping thing was the only thing that's in there yeah except they won't actually acknowledge that he's crazy yeah oh they do actually they they call lunatic in the movie but now and and his him and his enemy but mainly because of him he again everything is about bees with him so everything he talks in Bee yes so let me read you some lines right here now these are real okay I'm not making this up I and by the way these are in order as they are said in the movie oh their family are a hive I got to face the Hornets alone you've been a busy bee and my favorite and of course is it's in here to be or not to be I was like I was waiting for him to go somebody say why are you doing this it bees that way sometimes I'm expecting to be like they killing my buzz man they actually said that Tob are not Tob just stop when he did it too and it wasn't even him that said it some say he said [ __ ] you know you going to kill me anyway so I might as well put one on you I'll give you this one for free oh I didn't think about that Jesus and it's all done with a with the straightest face that's the thing just like listen if you could if you could shoot these these action scenes where they're not so edited and chopped up or you could throw some humor here like make this a comedy I could go with it but but y'all serious is a heart attack with this dumb [ __ ] listen all those lines he said he said with that face right there he's looking at you like what's so funny no no win at the camera all I mean James bottle at least have a smirk no not him I'm with these bees man my be everything in fact don't even laugh at this beekeepers they they're Terminators man oh yeah whatever organization that he's in and that's why they keep it secret secret secret secret because they turn they train these people to be unstoppable uh like seriously he's you know this this is a dude that walks up to a a platoon of armed soldiers and barehanded just takes out all of them takes out not one not two but about 50 SWAT teams here yeah yeah and he's fighting armed men but he he takes their guns from them and just dismantles them and drops them on the ground every time no every time man uh like you don't want to use one of those it gets to a certain point too where he's so man he's so badass that David SS who directed this David S had to call the The Suicide Squad in you remember bunch of dudes came in on like comic book characters they all dressed up clothes and [ __ ] I know know I know that that guy looks like Felix when he's going to go wrestle this dude right here look look like some out of a 80s cartoon show right here you know this and then he and and he just start pulling guns and James Bond equipment out his ass like I like I like okay no where'd you get this right yeah there's a point where he's he's taping stuff up I was like you didn't have that with you where' you get this you came completely unarmed with nothing doing things even listen of course I tell you this guy's Unstoppable they they set that up in the movie but they doing things even too farfetched for him he does something with a agent in a truck I can't even tell you what it is I was like all right that's [ __ ] I mean even for this movie that's [ __ ] right there plot is insane like you said it's he it's uh it is like John Wick and more ways than one where you start out with this guy trying to get simple revenge on one guy and then the more people he kills you realize oh [ __ ] this is this is deeper than we thought I'm G tell you this goes all the way to the White House I about to say I the White House in that [ __ ] how the hell he get there yeah apparently you know him his friend getting fish and scammed goes all the way the president and kind of and and they just glide into it where there's like no not a real explanation no like look this is what we're doing and and it's one of those those action movies where everybody everybody's actions or reactions are just so overblown yeah you're like okay we got one guy well we got to get an army then oh wait are you sure yeah we got to have a whole Army to take out this one guy matter fact we need we going to need two armies we need the FBI we need SWAT and we need this this private Army of mercenaries well that's because he's he's beating the [ __ ] out of everybody like they it's like it escalates like it starts out with like a couple security guards and then it comes out like two armed security guards and then the actual you know uh uh military comes in you know like uh uh SEAL Team Six and [ __ ] like that and when he beat the [ __ ] they got bring in the actual Army so he just keep going man and and it ain't like he's he's strategizing he's just walking into places walking he he never runs only time he ran was when he was had like what 12 machine guns firing at him and he somehow every bullet missed oh yeah ran yeah he finally ran that's why but I liked it though I did I actually like this a lot so so why do I like this what I'm saying this is so stupid well that's because it is that it's ridiculously over the top the pacing in this is ridiculous because they waste they waste no time losing that damn mind is they waste no time getting crazy like you think they have a nice scene of bonding between Felicia Rashad and and Jason STM it's like no man she so here's the thing she invites him to dinner and dinner is gonna be served in like about an hour or so so between that in that hour she goes back in gets scammed loses her whole life Fortune man goes to the living room and blows her brains out by by the way don't ask nobody for help or seeing she called the she just said well that's it hey Ain got time for that a got time for that [ __ ] no he comes over and she's already laid out the chair uh five minutes later five minutes later this fool is he's at the call center get beat beating the [ __ ] out of everybody and blowing that [ __ ] up man at this woman lost her fortune and 5 minutes later he's blowing up the building and I was like all right that's cool we can we just jump right into it the scammers are one note villains and I know this man I know this and then they're all Tech Bros they are all complete Tech bros man and I'm and the thing is with them that like there's nothing deep about them there's nothing deep about this movie that's that see that's the thing the movie kind of knows that but the scammers they are so sleazy that's one of those things where you know they're not deep characters but you you you you just root for them to die man because they are so sleazy while they're ripping off people that's smoking they're just laughing the whole time while people's accounts are being drained in front of them they're high-fiving oh yeah everybody in the boiler room is yeah they're high-fiving and and and cheering on what a great job they did scamming people pointing fingers like Nelson and laughing at them and [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that is what I am talking about come on why this woman's face is on the screen like oh like yeah [ __ ] yeah man you so you can't wait for like the wrath of STM to come in and get them man because you know they just that bad and it's you know no matter how not deep they are or whatever it's just it's just sad to me they think they make her look so sad when she gets scared like oh they need to they need to die all of them man let me okay so you didn't like the movie but let me ask you this what do you feel about Josh Hutcherson in I liked him a lot I I actually thought he made up for Freddy got I mean uh f Five Nights at Freddy Five Night Five Nights at Freddy's yeah they didn't give him a lot in there yeah yeah he's good in this man yeah he he really is I mean I know you know he's one of the sleazy Tech Bros as well but the whole time watching it I was like I don't think much of this movie but I like his performance here I was like man he's really good nothing else y'all if you see this at the theater or if you see it on TV look for Josh Hutcherson in this movie man I didn't even know he was in this and he's great he just tears through four people didn't get out you're telling me that this [ __ ] burnt the entire building down and dropped four bodies yeah that's not exactly a disgruntled customer is it who did this give me a name right now The Beekeeper I I like Josh Hutcherson the most but I found that I liked all of the villains the act the actor playing of villains like that one he's on the phone with yeah um and then the Italian guy at the other call center he was funny when my boss hears about this you're going to be sorry I'm calling right now you got to you want to get out of here while you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can he still here you're gonna be sorry U man I likeed I like Josh hutter and uh and and and Jeremy IR ir and and with jerem Jeremy Irons you like man you were you come on you were you Batman's butler you don't need to be doing this but now he trying to handle him a coked up Tech bro but Jeremy Irons I I especially liked him in the beginning I liked what his role was in all this but then after he started getting into it especially when him and Jason stay up talk he comes out and make makes a speech to him I was like you had to know that speech wasn't GNA mean [ __ ] that was the worst speech you could have made you don't want to do this now do you mother you know no I just I just killed 31 people to not do this exactly you know what I went through to get here [ __ ] you better I'm not killing you right now go sit your ass down old man no I I I I liked uh I like Jeremy Irons in this because and there he is because he he's Jos Josh Hutcherson like he's the Handler for a coked up Tech bro and he's tired of of his job and he even tells Josh Hutcherson's character he's like look if they wants to kill you you're gonna die okay he want me to do about it like oh a beekeeper is coming after you ah you if he says you're going to die you're dead you might want to start making funeral arrangements who is this guy the last pair of human eyeballs you're ever going to see actually I think the movie like I said it's silly and I think some of the dialogue here is is is terrible I think some of the dialogue I think there's actually some dialogue that's funny too some of it is but a lot of the terrible dialogue comes from uh the the police oh especially Felicia Rashad's daughter I thought she wasn't that great in the movie but I did like her scenes between that's her name is Emmy raver Lampman right and her partner is played by this guy Bobby nadere and I thought that they were good together yeah the two of them together yeah I thought they had some fun exchanges in the film I thought especially him I thought he had some really good lines there now here's what we really G to disagree because you didn't like the action in this I did yeah I I thought it was kind of typical but what really got me was and maybe it's from seeing those scenes from eeko the other day but it's like man just the Quick Cuts all the all the editing it's like like let it let the camera hang back and do something cool with it cuz cuz I would I would forgive a lot if it did that yeah see for me I thought the action actually didn't cut that much I thought I thought it's you know they're not doing one takes but I thought the point was was was pretty much coming across he was like really messing these people up you know it's like I like the stunt work it was great to me man I like I get what you're saying with the Quick Cuts right there I see right there it's like sometimes watch a movie like this I go like the choreography is on point but the editing it's taken the impact out of it yeah for me I liked them it's just a matter of taste though I don't know I I thought that's one of the things that was the Saving Grace and it's the kind of thing where like John Wick is just as silly but the production and the Artistry that goes into it elevates it above what it is and this is this doesn't have that I disagree man it's it's working for me but then again you know I mean IE I see what you're saying it's cutting it is cutting but you know I I I liked them I just I thought they were they were pretty good but again you know but it is brutal I I'll give you that yeah but you know I do see the editing in there and sometimes I will say this you know I like the fight scenes now it gets silly to me when you start getting the Home Alone stuff cuz he's just finding these things out of nowhere man exactly everybody out yes see the thing with this is that and they show even when it's silly like that they do some funny stuff like they didn't show you where a dude got he got cut in half by an elevator and this is that kind of thing where either some people like it or they don't because you know this for me is kind of like The Equalizer 3 where he is such a badass that there are moments where it turns into a horror movie where you they enter his lir he just starts stalking slasher stalking people and looking in the shadows like this and uh teleporting behind people and everything man you know I you know and if you watch the I just watched The Equalizer 3 on a plane like if you watch any of that movie that's a straight up horror movie at the end did you see it yeah I saw it yeah I saw it was in the shadows man popping up on people it doesn't go that far but it gets close he's and the reason why is because and this what I appreciate about the movie early on they say he's a lunatic they say the guy's crazy like he like he he's not they even said he doesn't need to be doing this and uh and and that's why they're scared of him because they're like well this guy he's in retirement and you know really he's one of those guys where they try to act like you know those characters where they say oh I'm I'm retired I want peace and whatnot but like no you're man you're itch for you're insane you want to kill people that's all you know how to do but like I I thought it didn't really make sense when they they call one of the other beekeepers after him and we saw that in the clip with with the you know the girl all Punk rocked out like she's a like a super villain like she lives for it and I was like this this kind of doesn't fit with everything they've set up so far no it was like she came from a different movie oh yeah no it did seem like that seemed like she came from a Marvel movie yeah she came up in here I thought it was U I thought it was Shotwell though I don't for one one one of the things I can say about this is that I don't think it's cheap you know I think when uh right it yeah no it it it has a bit more polish than a lot of these things that just get dumped to straight to video like especially when they go into the the the the call centers man those call center scenes are so nice it's like I almost feel bad that Jason Sten was messing them up he throws people to all that glass in there man I what you gonna say go ahead well you know it's it's your boy David a and I'm surprised he didn't throw any cholos in there I know well he didn't make it in Los Angeles or nothing I know he's he's growing this is what he's doing with yeah he wasn't cholo up in this man but hey uh maybe there's a air director's cut with Jason St causes boys from the hood to come over there from from the from the BOS from what you call it the uh from the bario from the bario Vos of the bario to come help him out come in on Hydraulics and [ __ ] uh I don't know man for a typical action flick I think that this would be fun but I think what sets it apart for me is I think SS David SS I think he I think he has a sense of style directing this you know like I said it's a good it look it looks good the movie it doesn't look cheap I do think he directs it a little bit of style and whether it's intentional or not a lot of this just had me laughing you know I imagine a lot of it's not intentional but I don't think it's intentional but I mean this movie is so ridiculous I mean I think even they know even at this point that's what they say this guy's Unstoppable so this movie is almost they're almost laughing at them at themselves saying like yeah we know that this is this is stupid for a guy to be this badass but who cares man you know and and a beekeeper at that uh that's another thing I just got some good laughs with this I don't know I I had fun for it's a dumb action flick and I'm usually leaning on those because you know they those sometimes are self-aware of how dumb they are so I I I give us a low mat I had a good time with it oh okay well uh I don't think any of the humor was intentional and as as in allowing that it is better well better shot than than most things like this it was just too stupid to live most of the time I had fun where I could have fun but not enough to say I had fun it's it's a it's a it's a a rental a rental all right then folks well there you go baby hey man if you love dumb action movies dumb action action it'll it'll it'll you know it'll it'll do it for you yeah no it did it for me I don't know I just I I guess I like dumb action yeah you know it's just like you watch something like uh like The Equalizer and it's like okay this is improbable but not impossible and I watch this I go all right now you crossed over there impossible oh yeah I don't know yeah it depends on how your your your your your threshold for stupid is apparently mine is pretty strong I tell you I I kind of got hung up on him first going to that first call center and he he hits and knocks out those two security guards and then takes his time to go in there and sign in and with the G garbage can gas andbody I was like those guards would have been up by now in there sh you in the they look chubby man they were there watching a movie and eating snacks and it's like well he's lucky that they never attack him all at once somebody said the next cut going to have Mexican bees in it all right y'all that is it a
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 38,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Beekeeper, The Beekeeper review, The Beekeeper movie review, The Beekeeper trailer, The Beekeeper fight scene, The Beekeeper reaction, The Beekeeper Jason Statham, The Beekeeper movie, Beekepper, Jason Statham, David Ayer, Movie review, Movie reviews, Movie, Review, Trailer, Movies, Funny video, Double toasted, Double toasted podcast, Double toasted bites,, Doubletoasted, Double toasted review
Id: f3hMqlrd_u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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