IT JUST WORKS!: Silver Chariot

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so I've been asked before Metis who's your favorite stand and obviously they expect me to say something like a Kareem or some super overpowered stand like gold experience Requiem but when I answer this question they're usually disappointed and I don't understand why the answer Mike the answer to the question is silver chariot not silver chariot Requiem though it is a cool it is a cool ability in evolution but silver chariot by itself is my favorite stand and let me get into that real quick on the surface silver chariot seems to be like a pretty average stand with a/c and destructive power a and speed but we'll get into that asean range of being durability being precision and AC and developmental potential so he doesn't he has had a lot of chance to develop but silver chariot has some very unique features about it and that being one it's seen destructive powers a little is a little bit of a lie and we'll get will get more more into that when we get to the speed category but it itself is kind of a average strength stand it can't pull polnareff across the room when he's been attacked by vanilla ice but that could also play into the fact that he was incredibly wounded at the time despite silver chariots moderate strength polnareff holds a pretty solid win count he defeats Devo he defeats jay guile he defeats Anubis and he defeats vanilla ice he also fights do but he doesn't win he almost does do makes mention that if he hadn't stopped time polnareff could have shredded his brain so even do realizes that Palma Rapp is pretty [ __ ] tough and we're talking about pretty [ __ ] tough because Palmer has his stand silver chariot has an ability that is unique to itself I believe I don't think there's any other stand that has anything like this but that it's that's its armor and it's not just for aesthetic purposes its armor actually protects polnareff from taking damage from other stands because as you know if a stand gets hurt its user gets hurt but with Palmer have silver chariots armor polnareff would take no damage from it being hit but another thing that's kind of unique to silver chariot is its rapier its rapier does most of its heavy lifting because silver tray by itself has very little destructive power as I mentioned earlier it's kind of a weaker stand but it's its rapier can through solid stone like no problem it's an incredibly strong tool but not only that silver chariots rapier also has the ability to shoot its sword out and this is able to deflect off of stone it can do precision trick shots with its own rapier but the issue is Paul Knapp does have to retrieve the blade afterwards because he can't just materialize them out of nowhere so he does have one nerf to that but what would make up for that nerf is something that completely makes Paul nerve overpowered silver chariot has one more ability I have not mentioned yet this of course is the ability to remove its own armor and loosen its body to the point it becomes a lot faster so fast in fact it is able to leave afterimages behind let's get a little scientific for a minute to be able to leave an after image or trick the mind in such a way you'd have to be moving at a incredibly fast speed roughly 250 meters per second that's when things about that's when things start to blur and that's when things get a little weird now anyone who is the fan of the flash or a superhero of extreme speed will know that speed is a lot to do with power and pull the RAF has a pretty powerful weapon so logically speaking polar app is able to do star platinum levels of damage with his sword at his extreme speed polnareff can lunge at you with about 12.7 tons of force that is easily enough to kill you and is incredible why don't people realize how [ __ ] strong polnareff is he's really scary ly strong but you guys didn't come here to hear about regular silver chariot you're hoping for something extra aren't you Yoshii silver chariot Requiem what do I say about silver chariot requiem well it was silver chariot originally and then it got pierced with the Requiem area and as the wreck of America's polymer have the exact power he needed at the time which was the ability to get the arrow away from diaval and it creates one hell of a monster silver chariot requiem has three main abilities that's grand scale soul manipulation stand manipulations and regeneration abilities its grand scale soul manipulation works within its range anything within its range immediately falls unconscious or asleep in a sense and then switches souls with the closest living thing next to it there are arguments of it is actually the closest thing next to it but there are other arguments there are cases where it doesn't because polymeric would've went in to die Ivalo and that doesn't make much sense if he goes to the turtle but still it switches souls with everyone also can I just mention a polymer have fought died Ivalo twice came out victorious both times by victorious I mean he's arrived it is mass level destruction no one is safe from its a and range which it has it also has an A in durability and an A and developmental potential and everything else but it also has stand manipulation which is the scariest part about it because if you try to get too close to the arrow your own stand will attack you silver chariot Requiem is a stand designed specifically to protect the arrow nothing can get close to it it doesn't even matter if you injure it because if you're able to detach limbs like Bruno does with sticky fingers it will just regrow them it reattaches them it has regeneration ability you can't stop it the only weaknesses has is its own shadow the shadow it has is reflected from the light behind you your soul your own soul you have to destroy to defeat this stand this stand requires a goddamn sacrifice to defeat it is broken beyond all [ __ ] belief like holy [ __ ] and it's perfect because it's that's perfectly designed to stop diabolic as I have Allah will treat his life above anyone elses and he would never sacrifice himself to claim the arrow and so silver charity Requiem completely succeeds that it's does it is one of the coolest stands to come out of part five because it just it it looks so [ __ ] cool looks it's really cool so we're sure it's still better though so yeah there's your silver cherry Requiem video it's not that complicated oh and when it's defeated everything it does is reversed that's it like and comment also don't forget to preorder shimoneta boring world where the concept of dirty jokes doesn't exist coming out November 29th on Funimation comm slash shimoneta pre-order now and get [ __ ] nothing because I'm not being paid to do this just go do it for me please
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 414,393
Rating: 4.9341273 out of 5
Keywords: Diver Down, JoJO, Diver, Down, Part 6, JoJo Bizarre Adventure, Silver Chariot, Silver, Chariot, Geoff Thew, Mothers Basement, Silver Chariot Requiem, Requiem Stands
Id: UhLR42O-r1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2016
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