The Beautiful Apple With A Rotten Core

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[Music] open your Bibles with me again to the book of the revelation of Jesus Christ in Chapter number two commencing in verse number eighteen revelation at chapter two commencing in verse eighteen [Music] this service I want to call this sermon a beautiful apple with a rotten core beautiful apple with a rotten core I hope you enjoyed my singing because you may not appreciate the preacher and unto the Angel of the church in Thyatira write these things that the Son of God who have as like unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass I know thy works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works in the last to be more than the first notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce My servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols and I gave her space to repent of a fornication and she repented not behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation except they repent of their deeds and I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am he which searches the reins and hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works but under us a and under the rest in Thyatira as many as have not this doctrine and have not known the depths of Satan as they speak I will put upon you none other burden but then which ye have already hold fast till I come and he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him will I give power over the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a Potter shall they be broken to shivers even as I received of my father and I will give him the morning star he that happened here verse 29 says let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower thereof saith of the way but the word of our God shall stand forever perhaps this has happened to you you've been invited to someone's house for dinner or invited to someone's house for lunch and you were real hungry and the food was real bad I hate to be hungry and eat bad food or you've had this experience where something looked real good on the outside but but when you got to the center of it when you when all the dust settled when all the stuff was moved out of the way you thought that it was really nothing to it the old people in my growing up years down in Louisiana where I'm from had a word for that they said everything shine in gold everything that looks good to you is not always good for you that's that's the situation of this church at Thyatira there were a beautiful apple on the outside but on the inside they were rotten to the core the city of Thyatira was the smallest of the seven cities of the churches at Asia Minor that received a letter from the Lord Jesus Christ and it is also the city that about which the least is no it's smaller than all the other cities of Asia Minor there's not much known about this city but the longest letter of the seven letters written was written to this church at Thyatira if Ephesus is the fallen church if Smyrna is the fearful church if premise is the faltering church then Thyatira is the false church founded by Alexander the Great some 300 years before the birth of Christ the name of this city means unceasing sacrifice by Otara was known for its woolen industry especially for a dye that was produced there they manufactured a very expensive purple dye in the city of Thyatira Lydia in Acts chapter number 16 was from the city of Thyatira Lydia was a seller of purple and a little house Church got organized in Lydia's home Lydia is perhaps the founder is very possible that her testimony made her the founder of this church at Thyatira but if a woman named Lydia was the founder a woman named Jezebel come founded the church if there is one word that describes the situation we find that by Atari it is the word compromise the theme and the situation with which this letter is concerned are virtually identical to the church at Ephesus the Lord's eyes in verse 18 of blazed with indignation the Lord's feet are like fine brass that that expression his eyes blazed means that the red-hot fury of his righteousness saw right through that supposed working as a church they look good on the outside but God saw right through it they appear to be a church on the corner of Pier Western Dallas but God saw right through it because his eyes please like five then his feet were like fine brass bronze in the scripture is always a symbol of judgment this verse verse 18 is reminiscent of Daniel chapter 3 those of us who read the Bible will remember in Daniel chapter 3 as Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace because they would not bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's golden image I wish I had two or three Bible reader and the scripture says when Nebuchadnezzar throw them in he got up to look in the fire to see if they had been incinerated and then he asked all of his wise men and say traps and counselors didn't we throw three men bound in the fire and this is years old King we did he said well I see four men loose walking around and the fourth one looks like the son of God and he must have been in there because the book of the revelation said his feet were like polished brass and who they had burned in the fiery furnace in Daniel chapter 3 he shows up as a protector but in Revelation 2 he shows up as a judge because when the church is against the doctrines of Christ he will show up in judgment and judgment will begin at the house of God somehow don't help me freeze it now brothers is mr. he he commends them for their service he comes into that service commending them with joy the guys look again at verse number 19 I know you works I know your charity your service your faith your patience and then he mentions work again they were a busy church they were active in good deeds and benevolent outreach like linen road they were charitable and consecrate like the lead role they be they were bowling for blessings on Monday night jogging for Jesus on Tuesday night Wednesday Bible study and evangelism hitting home runs for heaven on Thursday golfing for glory on Friday and God knows they ate every time they met just like real Avenue just like the church without wall just like linear growth we are busy we got a whole lot of stuff going on and Jesus said I commend you for your words I'm grateful for your service I'm thankful for your faith I'm glad about your patience nevertheless not withstanding I've got some addition um there's a church that a woman in this church who is corrupting the fellowship I told you is gonna get kind of cut now got a dicey right in here there's a woman in the fellowship with the spirit of Jezebel jeez she's bossy she's control Natan and somehow she's gotten the reigns of power she is in control of this church and she are leading she's leading them astray now in order for you to get the full weight of that you've got to go with me to the whole Testament to talk about this woman named Jezebel I need two or three Bible readers to help me free I'm gonna be finished in the minute but there's going to be as hard to preach as it is to listen to but there's this woman in the Old Testament named Jezebel who was the daughter of a pagan King and she came to Israel and married a weak King named a ham I wish I had two or three Bible reader and a ham wanted nabobs vineyard and Jezebel said why don't you just kill him and take it sputtered help me preach it and not only did she come with it with with the God Vail but she brought 850 prophets of Vail to Israel and she led them into idolatry everywhere there is a weak-kneed leader there is a bossy Jezebel [Applause] behind every week man is a strong-willed woman SIOC when she got ready um she she's in control her her spirit has taken over the fellowship and her spirit is the spirit of compromise listen to me brothers and sisters we live in a culture we're living in the most tolerant age in the history of Silverland civilization we live in an age of moral relativism a religious syncretism and secular pluralism in other words anything go the reason why I know that's true is because a fool like Donald Trump can be the front-runner in a leading political party in the United States of America because people don't care about truth they don't care about morals they don't care about values and nothing is absolutely right and nothing is absolutely wrong it just depends on what everybody likes to do hear me seventy-two percent of young adults believe that there's no such thing as absolute truth the only thing young adults believe in is themselves for them gay is the new straight orange is the new black they don't care anything about values all they care about is reality television you try to get them to do something you got to control them and flatter them and pacify them and then they still won't show up when it's time to get it done because they got to go to sorority meeting or they got to go to the beauty shop or they got to go to a fun run or they got to go to a race for the cure they got the outcome is always getting in the way for young people complaining about they don't get a chance to do anything then when you put them up front you can't find it because for them nothing is absolutely right and nothing is absolutely wrong Melinda grow if we're going to be the body of Christ we gotta set up some boundaries I said are we going to be the body of Christ we have to set up some standards I wish I had one or two more with decision and this and folk don't appreciate it they'll call you in tolerant they'll call you homophobic they'll call you all kinds of names like I've been called but I'm a child of the King and I've got to stand up for righteousness even if I got to do it by myself but I don't think I'm by myself this morning I think that some witnesses in here this morning who would help me testify but if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything where are the Christians where are the believers who will tell people the truth homosexuality is wrong living together before you get married is wrong sexual perversion of any kind fornication adultery is wrong talk back to me if you can but there are no moral absolutes and so we can excuse sinful behavior by calling it juvenile delinquency I was a juvenile delinquent until my mom and dad it was around I need somebody who was raised like I was ready in the words of young people back in the day all your parents had to do was look at you come on talk back to me if you can oh no my momma would be sitting in the quad and see us in the back road and just point and say I won't come come come on and we knew it that is when there wasn't no wait until you get home no timeout I wish I had somebody who was raised like I was ready my mama didn't know much about the Bible but she knew this verse spider off and you spoil the child she knew this verse foolishness is bound up in it but the rod of Correction will drive it far from him have a got a witness here if we act the food in the grocery store at the funeral home at somebody's house at school and if they had to leave that job to come see about you yeah it's somebody in here raised like I was ready they would stop you right there because they would determine not to compromise his here here's what's going on in this church as a teacher this woman is teaching false doctrine and and the scripture already teaches us that I suffer not a woman to teach or to usurp authority over a man I'll make it up is in the Bible now the Bible does not forbid women teaching other women the Bible forbids women teaching men because the man is the head of the woman like Christ is the head of the church and when the woman is subordinate and in her place then the man can be all the man that God called him to be brothers and sisters I said it to the people who were here earlier but your wife your girlfriend your roaming on the side might put up with your foolishness but a real woman wants a real man a real man goes to work in the morning and works even if she doesn't work take care of responsibilities raises his family stays home at night [Applause] and whenever was a woman taking the place of a man is because a weak man is not doing his job and brother if you are weak that woman that black woman is gonna take over [Applause] someone ought to help me Topher she'll tell you in a minute or get off the pot [Applause] I don't need a dog and I got the bark myself [Applause] Jezebel I know you're in here listen this is this is um this is this is only my business this is not your business but I'm a shared with you because it's apropos for the moment when I was married I never had a pastor and wife's anniversary because my wife never preached the sermon never Laden devotion never came to a business meeting because there's no such thing in the New Testament as a pastor and wife handling responsibilities that the woman needs to stay in her place and that does not mean she's unequal to the man in terms of intelligence and spiritual acumen it means that God has an order that we need to follow and when we follow God's order everything will be like the Lord wants it to be and whenever a woman is out of her place is because there's no strong man to put our back in a place see awkward you got right there I'm um I'm struggling with this I'm really struggling with this because I can't be a hypocrite I can't be inconsistent I believe one thing and if it's logical it has to go all the way to his logical conclusion I wouldn't vote for Donald Trump if he was my uncle but I'm struggling to vote for Hillary Clinton because I don't believe a woman ought to be in leadership over a man that's just my biblical conviction now I could be wrong as to left shoes but that's where I am convicted because I'm preaching it right now and I wouldn't be preaching it if I wouldn't be convicted by if I don't think a woman can lead me at the church I don't think a woman can lead me in the country you vote for whoever you wanna vote for I'm telling you that if the argument is going to be consistent for me I've got to go all the way to its logical conclusion because that's out of order I know she's depending on black folks for the presidency and y'all gonna get some barbecue and y'all gonna put you your vote and stick on and all and God bless you go with it I want you to do whatever the spirit leads you to do but I'm convicted that if a woman can't leave me in my house I don't want to meet me in my country hey man now I probably have to go in the pool and just blindfold myself and and just you know let the best man off man win but but but but but in the church there's a divine order and this woman jezebel is out of her place and Jesus not only does he go there with joy but he goes there with judgment and he says I am going to put Jezebel and will cast her into a bed now that does not mean fornication Jesus means I'm gonna put her down sick where she's suffering because if the law can't get your attention one way you get your attention another way somebody ought to help me preach it and he says if she does not repent his heavy strong words I will kill her children with gasps I missed that this morning in 7:30 but I will kill them with death not killing them is bad enough but to kill them with death is double the punishment because Jack's men will begin at the house of God it will begin with people who know the truth but be compromise we tolerate evil we tolerate sin and here's I excused well you know they're doing the best they can and and you don't want to hurt nobody's feeling some people need that feelings hurt we just need to tell people the truth thank you for the year that you've served but you ain't doing nothing now and we just need to tell people the truth that that that are dedicated incompetence is still incompetence I don't care how loyal you are don't care how dedicated you all if you're not the person for that responsibility and we tolerate it we're just as sinful as you are because people particularly who want power and control will do anything to wrestle it from the people that god wants to have it and it causes disruption in the fellowship because Jezebel won't get back in her plane brothers and sisters he confronts their tolerance and listen all of us need a healthy dose of tolerance all of us need to learn how to put up with things that get on our nerves but I believe to tolerate evil and sin is intellectual laziness you just shut your mind off and just accept anything you just like like my sister-in-law my brother hold his brother's wife or her custom is to take our shoes off when she into somebody's house or that's an Asian custom to take our shoes off when she enters somebody's house and at the checks now we think we got to leave our brains outside we got a we got to stop thinking when we come to church and just allow the least qualified among us to lead us and if they don't get that way they'll tear it up see how glad you got again but brothers and sisters we can't tolerate evil we can't tolerate sin because the thing that makes us distinctively a church is that there are some things we can't compromise on I'm trying to get through this but but we can't compromise on the virgin birth Jesus was born of a virgin and we can't compromise on that we can't compromise on the infallibility of the scripture every word of Scripture is god-breathed is given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and we can't compromise on that we can't compromise on the fact that he died one Friday and rose early one Sunday morning with all power in his hand we can't compromise that he's coming back again now we can compromise on the color abused or live or artificial flowers for women's day but when it comes to what's non-negotiable somebody needs to stand up for what's right and here's what's going to happen to you when you take a stand but what's right you are going to be persecuted people stop calling you they won't want to have anything to do with you come on talk back to me here because they'll call you all kinds of names because you try to do what's right but I've had some bad news for you this whole sermon but now I've got some good news for you everybody at that church didn't compromise and everybody at nearly Grove ain't compromised now some people here who don't care what you say about them they going to try to live for the Lord the very best they can now some people here who won't give God praise whether you like it or not they go shouting holla every Sunday it may get on your nerve but you might have to go sit someplace else because they've decided that the Lord's been so good to me that I'm not going to turn off my praise I'm not going to stop my work I'm not going to stop doing what I know is right for the kingdom of God because if you don't like it I'm not trying to please you [Applause] brothers and sisters you go have to learn how to get a thick skin you stop worrying about who likes you and who does not like you if God be for us who can be against us I wish I had a faithful remnant it hit his moaning who's not afraid to stand up for what is right was not afraid to tell people the truth even in my own family I've had to call out members of my own family because as a child of God as a preacher of the Lord's gospel I can't say one thing on Sunday and be something else on Wednesday never got a witness here I can't shout and cut up all day on Sunday and then live an immoral life all the rest of the week I wish I had two or three believers when you try to live godly in Christ Jesus you will suffer persecution but I've got some good news for you most of this sermon has been bad news but I can't leave you with just bad news I've got some good news jesus said if you endure to the end if you just hang on to see what the end is going to be if you just keep on doing right if you got to do it by yourself I've got some promises I'm going to make to you you're going to reign with me when I come again and then I'm going to give you the morning star I wish I had one or two more witnesses right here now you know who the morning star is come on help me talk about in a minute that's one of the names for Jesus Christ I'm not going to give you a house I will give you myself I'm not going to give you a job I'm gonna give you myself because when I give you myself you can get a house when I give you myself you can get a job because we are more than conquerors I need two or three witnesses to help me right here he is the morning star you gonna help me close this one sir not only is the morning star the scripture says he's the bright and the morning star he's the rolls of shower he's the lily of the valley come on help me preach a minute he's God's only Son he's Mary's baby boy he's John Andrews older brother he's Matthew's came he's marked suffering servant he's Luke's Great Physician he's just where had made flesh that's just a few names he's called by his act coming of the Holy Ghost he's the only begotten of the Father that's just a few names he's called by Adams Redeemer Abel's Vindicator Abraham's sacrifice that's just a few names he's Koba but when my soul is weary I got another name for it when my friends turn their backs on me I got another name boy when my back is almost against the wall I've got another name for Jesus early in the morning Jesus late in the evening Jesus in the midnight hour is there anybody here if I have to stand by yourself is there anybody here ever been persecuted for righteousness thing is by anybody here I'd lie on you behind your back but look well the Lord brought your brother you still standing you still got your help and your strength you still got to well asleep tonight you still got a car to drive you still got clothes to wear fret not yourself because of evildoers neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity is there anybody here no God will take care of you I said is there anybody here no God will vindicate his own me won't he do it I said will he do it he'll show up in your pirate planet he saw in your Lions in his heart in your Philippian jail won't he do it I said worry do it I need two or three witnesses who's not ashamed to testify that the Lord brought me through the Lord brought me out and I'm not ashamed to be a witness why don't you grab somebody find a neighbor and preach to them right now Reis my god push it right now and telling me you don't know like ondol wet the Lord has done for me he brought me from a mighty long way he opened doors that were close in my face why don't you grab some up fine you appraised and boom be y'all right now tell one another your story tell them you don't know the price of my hallelujah you don't know how much my Amen cause I've been through so much I cried so much I've been depressed so rough I've been broke so long but the law brought me through but the Lord brought me out and I came to testify grab somebody by the hand tell them I came to testify and here's my testimony came nobody give me life Sheila hey nobody [Music] even he's a keeper he's a deliverer he's away maker I need somebody who's really frightened and you know him for yourself I don't need you to grab nobody now shout by yourself praising by yourself give him glory by yourself call his name by yourself sing his praises by yourself thank you Thank You Sheila Thank You Tina break it Lila thank you Jesus I'm going ball [Music] [Music] if you if you hold out to the end if you keep the faith to the end Jesus says I will let you rule over the people who thought they had trapped you I will let you try out over the people who thought they had the upper hand yes he will and not only will you reign within the Lance but when he goes back you reign with him in heaven because he has given you the morning stone [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 84,136
Rating: 4.640985 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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