The Kind Of Church That God Uses

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[Music] open your Bibles with me into the book of the revelation of Jesus Christ in Chapter number three verses seven through verse number thirteen into the angel of the church in Philadelphia write these things said he that is holy he that is true he that hath the key of David he that open if and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth I know thy works behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it without has a little strength and has kept my word and has not denied my name behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan we say they are Jews and are not but do lie behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and then know that I have loved thee because thou has kept the word of my patience I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth behold I come quickly hold that fast which thou hast that no man can take thy crown him that overcometh will i make a pillar in the temple of my god and he shall go no more out and i will write upon him the name of my god in the name of the city of my god which is New Jerusalem which cometh down out of heaven from my god and I will write upon him my new name verse 13 reads he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades for the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk this morning about the kind of church God uses the kind of church that God uses the church at Ephesus as you know was the fallen church the church at Smyrna was the fearful Church the church at Pergamos was the faltering Church Thyatira was the false church the church at Sardis was the fruitless Church and this morning the church at Philadelphia is the feeble Church like the letter to the church at Smyrna this church is not rebuked and is not summoned to repentance but this church is commended by Jesus the name Philadelphia is the Greek Philadelphus which speaks of the devotion of Attalus ii who was founder of the city it speaks of his love and devotion to his older brother humanist ii and it means lover of his brother or brotherly love the church at Philadelphia had experienced an evangelical revival because this church had a world vision it experienced an ecclesiastical revival because judaistic ritualism and legalism had been overcome the experienced and eschatological revival because the truth of the Lord's imminent return was the beacon light of hope for this church thusly the Lord stands before the church at Philadelphia to offer not blame but blessing not the threat of fearful vengeance but the thrill of fresh vision look with me brothers and sisters as I talk about this church that God uses at the Christ of the kind of church that God uses in verse number seven the Saints are given a vision of the righteousness of the king it's it's it's more the more literal translation of the Greek text in verse seven is the holy one the true one he is so dazzling in His Holiness that the shining Seraphim before him had their faces in their wings he is so true that a man can stake everything on his word His Holiness means that he is consecrated and he can be followed the fact that he is true speaks to his reliability and the fact that as Reverend Washington said last Sunday he can be trusted Christ is described as having the key of David the key of David is a metaphorical expression indicating complete control over the royal household he is not only the root of David but he is the majordomo majordomo that's a word I learned this week majordomo means the one who controls in grunts into the Royal Palace because whoever has the keys has access and whoever has access has a Faridah he's the majordomo of the kingdom of God he he opens and no man can shut he shuts and no man can open all power all authority is in his hand I want to use that word again he's the major domo he opens and no man's and clothes he closes and no man can open because any his hands is the key of D that's the Christ of the church that God used but I want to talk a moment about the condition of the church that God used in verse number 8 Jesus says I know your words you have but a little power the other brothers and sisters human weakness is no hindrance to the power of God human weakness is no hindrance to the power of God because you are weak has nothing to do with the power of God because I am sinful has nothing to do with the power of God because God can't hit a straight line with a crooked stick God's greatness is manifest in human weakness a matter of fact our weakness by unmistakable contrast provides the setting for the manifestation and the magnification of God's great power you remember Paul had a thorn in the face I wish I had two or three Bible readers the thorn in the flesh which was the messenger of Satan to buff it him less he should be exalted above measure he said I went to the Lord a sufficient number of times and as God to move it God said my grace is sufficient Paul said most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of God may rest upon me for when I am weak then am i strong God's strength can only be made perfect in human weakness God uses the weak things of the world to confound the wisdom of the wise God takes rotten lowdown sinners like me and you and you and you and stands us up on Sunday morning to to teach Sunday School to sing his praises to preach the gospel to us at the door it's not not strength it's God's strength made manifest in my weak [Applause] this faithfulness this faithfulness to the power of his word does not earn them an open door but rather their faithfulness to the word produces an open door they do not earn it because of their faithfulness but their faithfulness produces the open door the open door whenever you read of the open door in the scripture it's always an opportunity for witness a door represents either access or denial depending upon whether it is opened or closed doors figure prominently in the Bible Genesis 18 talks about the Lord met with Abraham in the door of his tent that meant fellow shellye in Exodus chapter 12 the blood of the Lamb was sprinkled on the doorpost that meant redemption in Leviticus the sacrifice of animals at the door of the tabernacle meant access in Psalm number 84 David said I'd rather be a dorky in the house of my god than to dwell in the tents of the wicked that meant service in Matthew chapter 7 he says asked and it shall be given seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be opened that means blessing in John chapter 10 Jesus says I am the door whoever comes in and out of that door will find salvation revelation three Jesus is standing at the door knocking that means conviction whenever there is an open door nothing opportunity for with me pray that tomorrow on your job there'll be an open door pray that this afternoon at lunch that be an open door pray that as you said I'm talking with your friends there'll be an open door pray the next week as you drive to work that would be an open door I want God always to open the door not for me to receive blessings always but for me to be a blessing to the open door every time I ask God for opportunities to be a witness he sends a burden [Applause] [Music] of stress something that if he did he show up it would break my spirit if he didn't show up he would keep me from doing all that he wants me to do so be careful when you ask for an open door because he might send breast-cancer he might send a sick family member he he might cause or be hunted to have a loss of a job he may cause some breakdown in your health but every time he does it it's an opportunity for his power to become manifest in your weakness I wish I had somebody who was struggling with a heavy load I wish I had somebody here this morning who know that if the law don't show up it's all over if God don't come to my rescue I would lose my mind if God does show up tomorrow and make a way I don't wanna I don't want to run ahead of myself this is this is the mistake a young preacher would make right here this is the mistake an inexperienced preacher would make right here but let me run ahead of myself and take an inexperienced preachers note and testify that the open door is open always because God has already walked through it and because I have a track record winning I'm here testified that whenever the church the open door shows up and a baton is behind it he'll show up to make a way yes he will he'll make your enemies your footstool he'll give you strip that you didn't even know your hand he'll be a fool food for you when you're hungry water for you when you vested everything you need God will be that because he's already walked through your door I need somebody to help me testify about doors that were closed and doors that were open and sometimes closed doors are blessings too because God knew that there were some things you didn't need he said had you got them you would have put it before him so he closed the door so you should have a stout this morning [Applause] think of where you would be not only this is God open doors but since God closed some doors I wish I had time to see right there thank God for open doors but hallelujah for closed door that was some people that shouldn't have been in my life and God close the door but I kept on pulling over [Applause] helloween in every time you pull on a door that God wants to keep closed you invite calamity somebody's testifying right now if I had known this what I know now I would have left that door know I wish I had my 7:30 try that's that's the Christ that's the Christ of the church God use that's the condition of the church God uses but I want you to see thirdly the challenge of the church God uses if all I will make them verse nine I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but lie behold I will make them come and worship before thy feet and you know that I am lovely because thou has kept the word of my patience I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon there is the hole I'll come quickly oh fast that which thou has that no man take your crown [Applause] brothers and sisters win-win feebleness Mary's faithfulness [Music] when feebleness marries faithfulness the question is not whether Christ is promising deliverance from trials are safeguarding us through trials we are the whole fast to what we have because if he delivers us from it or keeps us in it the door is still open it's a challenge when the synagogue of satan' window when the unbeliever who tries to stop your progress when you know you trying to do right and and you're being blaspheme you're being criticized you're being lied on your good is being evil spoken on God said just gonna keep lying let him keep digging ditches let them keep setting traps for you I will let them know that I love you and I love you because you kept my word in the good time in the bad time in the uptime in the downtime when the Sun was shining when it was raining in your life you still had a love for the word that you would not blaspheme my name there still some people around here who love God's name I said there are still some people here after 56 years who are still calling on God's name it gets rough sometimes but they haven't let go their faith it gets wearisome at times but they haven't stopped giving God the praise sometimes they don't know how things are gonna turn out but they show up on Sunday morning with a fresh expectation that if he didn't do it yesterday he still can it's a it's a faith it's a faith that says even if he does not deliver I'm still not gonna bomb it's a faith that says Nebuchadnezzar I don't care how hot you heat up this rain the God we serve is he but if not let us serve notice on you we still not go back he will deliver us out of your hand but if not our fate is not in you my faith is in God and he will open the door you know the rest of the story be heeded the flame seven times hotter than they were normally heated and put on wool caps and wool blankets to make sure that they would be instantly incinerated bound their hands and their feet through them in the midst of the burning fire sat down and thought that he had made an accomplishment but beginning the king gets up and he looks in the door of that flame and he calls all his astrologers and say traps and counselors and said didn't we throw three men bound in the fire they say yes we did change that well I see four men loose walking around in the flame someone ought to help me testify he will show in your fiery furnace to let nebuchadnezzar know you ain't got no power king to rise through daniel in the lions Daniel can fight but the Lions wouldn't bite and all night long the rious couldn't sleep while Daniel fluffed up a lion and with the sleep on the Lions back and in the morning with a restless night he gets up as a lure Daniel did your God deliver you from his life and Daniel would trust in his boat said okay oh my god kept me in this lions big Peter was in jail and the church with an open door went the full God without ceasing and you know the rest of the story the angel came to deliver Peter I wish I had a Bible reader and the scripture says when the angel got back to deliver him the angel had to wake him up you missed the shot he is about to be put to death and when deliverance comes he's sleeping because Peter knows that God don't show up to deliver him that will be delivering angel wakes him up brings him to an open door and when Peter knows we're years the angel disappears and he ends up at Mary's house where their prayer asking God for an open door God heard God answered them Peter is at the door and they scared to open it see our quasi got reppin greatness answered prayer is at your doorstep and many of you are scared to open it I was ahead of witnessing God has birth reason in you God has birth greatness in you and the answer that you're praying for is at your door what's you to visit your open-air [Applause] [Music] you scared that somebody gonna be hating on you because you're successful you scared that somebody's gonna be mad at you because you've reached a certain plateau if God is blessing you don't worry about what nobody say about you if God is reppin vision and sending answers to your door that's it's enough to open it and say thank you of the consistent I've learned and you need to learn to stop letting people make you feel bad for being blessed because you believe God you've trusted in the kingdom's principles and God is blessing you and focal mad with you because of your blessing and you are getting embarrassed because God is blessing you that's crazy if you want what you got let them stop believe in God I'm not talking about prosperity preaching now I'm talking about pay to time see how quazy got resin I'm talking about investing in the kingdom and doing what God says to do and he will open it the word again the windows of heaven and pour out blessings that you won't even have room enough to receive the answer is at your door you've been asking you've been seeking you've been knocking and the answers at the door and the rotor goes in and says Peter dr. doe it's a girl you crazy you don't know what you're talking about the answer is at the door and they are free to answer our brothers and sisters win when God opens the door in the midst of tribes in the midst of setbacks when God opens the door don't be afraid to walk in it you know I think one of the surprises for us when we get to heaven that would be this large room I'm imagining this room that will be about the length of the size of heaven which is infinite I don't know that I haven't been there to tell you for sure but I just believe it from the Word of God that that would be this giant room in heaven with with a door attached to it and we will all want to know what's behind door number one it's not let's make a deal it's not the price is right we will all want to know what's behind door number one and I suspect God will say that's all the blessings you could have had but you will afraid to ask for you have not because you asked brothers and sisters let's not be afraid to take on the vision that God is giving us to make this church green we have an opportunity to be one of the greatest churches in the city of Houston but we are afraid to take a hold of it because you think you got to get something by keeping something but you don't get something by keeping it you get something by planning to lose and when you turn it a loose God will make sure that you get more we are poised for greatness we own the precipice we own the doorstep of greatness we could finish this church we could revolutionize this community we could turn this city upside down if we have some people here who once cared who wouldn't stingy you know God has blessed you and you got all your blessings on your back see how quad you got ready you wearing your blessing you driving your blessing you living in your blessed you think you married to your blessing God got more than a man or a car or some shoes or a dress God's got blessings God got blessings that you can't even Emax and belong to you [Applause] I have not seen I wish I had a witness is have not heard neither has it entered the hearts of men the good things God had in store for them that life that's not just in heaven that's right now and are they speaking for you I'm talking for Terry I want some blessing right now but they are tired into my obedience and when I obey God and he blesses me I'm not gonna let you make me feel bad cuz I'm being blessed no no no no oh no I'm gonna eat well i'ma wear nice clothes I'm gonna drive a nice car because I'm will being gone and I'm not embarrassed to testify that my obedience has paid off now I need some child in here this morning I need some real sho'nuff obedient Christian in here this morning to help me testify the goals who are still doubting that if you trust God it's no secret what God will do God will do so many things for you that your family won't be able to believe your friends us not getting jealous of how far you're going but don't let that stop you cuz if God be for us who can be against this one more word I'm through God uses the Christ at that church I just see the condition of the church the challenge of the church that God uses but then finally there's a comfort for the church that God uses in verses 12 and 13 he says him that overcomes when I make a pillar in the temple of my god he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of God the name of the city and then i'ma write my own name on I want you to get this I want to take a minute or so to unpack this because the shout is in verses 12 and 15 he will make them he will make them he will mark them with a three-fold identification reminiscent of the three-fold blood mark in the book of Exodus I need somebody to help me shout right here when the death angel flew over Egypt every house that had the three fold identification the Death Angel passed over [Music] blood was on the the door pores it was on the lintel and the death angel when he saw the threefold blood mark exemption I traded at that high before Harris County ever thought of homestead exemption it was in the book of Exodus when the blood of Christ is on your house that homestead exemption he'll take care of your children won't he do it you'll take care of your grandchildren he'll take care of everything that's in your house everything that concerns you if you've got the threefold blood marconi [Music] [Applause] exemptions will occur the overcomer will be marked with a threefold identification the Lord's infinite greatness the Lord's invisible government and the laws inherent growing is right there in the teeth he said I will put God's name on you that'll seal you yeah but if I didn't love for you I'm gonna put the name of the city on you that will double Celia and if they enough for you i'ma write my own name on somebody should have shouted right there now the name of God is enough for me the name of the New Jerusalem is enough for me but then Christ said I will put all of that together and then sign my name on I wish I had a shower right here I wish I had a believer to help me clothes right here that signifies stability safety and security stability because the city of Philadelphia was built on a hill next to a volcano and every time that volcano erupted the earth trembled and he had to move out of that city but when we come to the New Jerusalem we won't have to move out of that city because the Jews got a synagogue but we got a temple a synagogue is temporary but a temple is permanent somehow that helped me preach it and the name on that tip will hang then it grows is God New Jerusalem signed with the name of Christ well you still didn't get well maybe maybe this'll get you I fired that bullet and and and you didn't die maybe I can kill you with it in Old Testament a key was made out of wood it was a large wooden object placed underneath the latch to open the door you could not open that door without that key made a wood and only one person owned the key it was made of wood large enough to open the door and only one person owned the key made a wood very large in size only one person owned the key couldn't get in no kind of way other than that piece of wood because that was only one owner and he was the only one who could open the door one key one owner made of wood and he was the only one who could open the door one Friday on a hill called Calgary there was a piece of wood and an owner and he was the only one who could open the door he opened wide the doors of salvation with his teeth made of wood at the cross somebody who helped me close it at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight I wish ahead a shout of him and now I said right now at almost nine o'clock in the morning and then he rolled back to search I'm happy because that was one key one owner made of wool he died didn't he die he died on a piece of wood to throw open wide the doors of salvation that whosoever will let him come is there anybody here glad you came is there anybody here glad you've been born again if you're not embarrassed to testify if you don't check is looking at you if you know your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life if you know God's name is on your forehead if you know the name of the city is on your forehead if you know the name of life is on your forehead if you don't mind testified why don't you grab somebody tell me you don't know my story you don't know the price of my hallelujah you don't know why I hallow so much you don't know why I shout episode you don't know why I make noise every time I hear the name of Jesus you don't know why I get happy when that preacher starts talking about--we brought me run because he's been good to me he's opened doors for me by the word again he's opened doors for me he made a way I don't know it he picked me up turned me around place might be on solid ground if the love open doors for you why don't you hurt somebody if the Lord made a way for you why don't you go on and testify if the last been good to you why don't you go all-in bragging he brought me from a model only he made a way I don't know way y'all know who I'm talking about he's a rock in a weary land he's a shelter in a time of stone he's a friend when you're friendly bread when you're hungry y'all know induce water whinny of busted Jesus Jesus the Masters Lamb of God Jesus he died didn't he died but huh morning he got her with all power in his hand if you can remember the day he got up in you come on help me Solomon if you can't remember the day he found you come on help me pray the name somebody found him on a Monday that's a good leader shoulder somebody found it on its uses nothing wrong with shouting oh dude I found in one Winston I'm shouting about Wednesday somebody found a wallet last Friday is a good day to show saturd is a good day to sell the survivors testimony is well it works Sunday morning I can't achieve as I was I was wearing water said but I found him a resting place he had made the glass come o help me play the me shake somebody's head tell them you don't know like I know weapon lock weapon loud noise Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] absolutely hallelujah hallelujah thank you for the open door and then thank you for the closed door the vassals of God kept me bassam's that God kept me from I should have been dead sleeping in my grave but God kept me won't he do it won't he do it why don't you hurt somebody ask them worry do it worry doing what we doing I know he's all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] won't he do it won't he do it water opened or water close they won't make away wanna put clapping in your head shouting in your soul make your laugh with nothing's funny get in a hurry when you ain't going no way is there anybody here pay nuns like the bus filled with the Holy Ghost now is the time the Dylan thank you for opening the door thank you we're making a way thank you but I what I said thank you arising for my justification [Applause] me that happenin let him hear what the spirit see he that happen here to hear this this discernment April is about it have to have an ear to hear what the Spirit says to the churches the church that God uses has the right Christ the right conditions there will be some challenges but if you overcome he will comfort you with a name that not even Angels can read jesus said I'm gonna put my name on when he put his name on you if God the Father ate enough your God the Holy Spirit ain't enough jesus said imma come myself take you unto myself that where I am well you will be awesome in my father's many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place from and if I go I will come again Philip say Lord we don't know where you're going how can we know the way Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man can come to the Father but by I am the door of the sheepfold and if you come in any other way you are free from the rock [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 92,681
Rating: 4.6402116 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: Him-O94Q0Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 32sec (3032 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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