The Battle Of Obstruction | Pst T Mwangi

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one of the greatest traffic offense is the offense of obstruction the moment you go to drive there are lanes you cannot shift when you enter next to a roundabout there is an area you enter and you shift lanes you will be told you have obstructed and you are arrested because of obstructing traffic that name traffic means the flow vehicles that is why there are places you cannot park because the moment you park there you have obstructed are we together so what is this battle of obstruction these are battles that show up so that they can obstruct you from the main assignment these are battles that show up so that they can obstruct you from the main assignment everyone seated under the sound of my voice there is a specific mandate specific assignment that god gave you are we together are we together and let me just mention this today i'll share father's wisdom is that okay it is father's day there are times you come as an apostle sometimes as a prophet today i come as a father and when you come as a father you're more concerned about the welfare of your children i don't want men who are speaking in tongues and nothing is moving in their lives some matters are handled by wisdom now when i was a young boy i used to have a bicycle it's called blocky how many know blocky generation a mountain bike we are sorry we used to have a bicycle called blacky and it was a black mamba and we didn't have money to take the blacky to service so we had adopted this young boy on how to service the bicycle so one afternoon i dismantled my bicycle and took everything outside and then i assembled the same bicycle and i was left with a small washer a washer is something you put between a nut and a bolt a very small washer and the way i had assembled my bicycle i was so sure that i have put everything in its place it was a very small insignificant washer but something told me take the washer and put it where you put other spare parts for the bicycle and i decided to put it there and for a few days the bicycle was functioning well after after a while the staring was very stiff and very hard and i discovered there is always a nut on the steering and there is always a washer and that washer belonged to that steering and the bicycle lost its efficiency because of a small thing that i forgot about when i was fixing my bicycle now this is to tell us you may see yourself as a washer but a bicycle cannot move until you take your place is someone hearing me the wheels are big the seat is visible but the washer was equally important in this kingdom everyone fits somewhere we don't work for money we work for fulfillment i remember when i was employed there's a time i told my manager i don't desire your post the man used to wake up at six by seven is in office and sometimes they will live at 10 and they used to be paid well i used to come to office at 8 30 and leave at 4 30 and i was okay are we together i didn't have the grace to give more neither did i need more hello so success is personal we can dwell there to some people success is money to some people success is a good body ladies and gentlemen um why because money does not determine success to you it is how you look that matters more than money success is very personal success is that which gives you fulfillment not satisfaction are you getting me success is that which give you fulfillment as i preach on this altar the way i live feeling it's so good i always go to watch the sermons because i'm so fulfilled and no one can pay me to preach because you can't pay the fulfillment locate not that which makes you happy happiness is a product of happenings locate that which gives you joy when you're doing it are you getting me joy is more important than happiness if happiness drives you you need events happenings to be happy but joy can give you strength in an event that looked like a mess that's why david writes and says the joy of the lord is my strength anything that god has permitted you to do focus on it if you have nothing to die for you cannot live for if you have nothing to die for you cannot live for right now men are going to tour the mass they are going for there's a whole shuttle going to the mass those are tourists they were not created to function in mass so they just go watch and then they come back listen you are not a tourist on earth you are an agent of eternity for specific assignment located am i aware together today i may not share deep things but i'll share relevant things there are people who are deeply poor you have mysteries but you are poor and someone is simple but he has results so today we are dealing with real things hallelujah hallelujah amen hallelujah and we we have to talk once in a while you preach sometimes you sit man down and talk to them are we together tell your neighbor neighbor focus on one thing don't be a jerk of all traits locate a path follow it and achieve it when i was beginning i was young i was doing music i was doing a magazine what else was i doing i was running a car wash i was busy if i was to come to your meeting and give my profile you think i'm doing well my name is anthony monkey uh uh i'm a director hot sauce magazine you know those christian names director hot sauce magazine i'm also an owner of a car washing rocker and my current business venture i'm an enthusiast of communication marketing and writing and so i'm working on some few books i was busy but no results wake up in the morning i'm in the car wash i'm looking for advertisers i'm doing music and what happened there is nothing that grill i'm talking it is father's day allow me to talk as a father are we together my car wash failed successfully my magazine business made a loss of 70 000. the music i had invested more than 250 000 none of it brought any returns and i was still where i was when i looked at the resources i was handling it was almost half a million but it was scattered and everywhere i scattered i never grew because in music i had 30 percent carrots 25 magazine 40 nothing brought a return i will wake up on monday busy but no returns i almost got depressed that is the life of most of you you are not suffering the spirit of rejection you need wisdom choose a path live it die for it build on it become a master are you getting me success is not overnight it is work so imagine if i took the half a million and put it maybe in a car wash and permitted the car wash to grow for two years the car wash would have financed the magazine right now maybe the magazine will be financing my music but what did i do i scattered resources scattered energies and scattered time three years later i was a prayerful prayer warrior with ambition but no vision tell your neighbor neighbor ambition is not visual a vision is a clear picture of the future in fact it is a divine clear picture of the future there are many ambitious men without vision it is destructive they are ambitious jesus they are millionaires in their head nothing to show for they are called talkerpreneurs they have ideas but no results they are ambitious but no vision am i speaking to anyone am i speaking to anyone one of the greatest misgivings it is man doing something for prophets are not for purpose allow me to say this as a man and this has to be separated there are things we do for survival we don't do them because we love them hello i have a wife i have a child i need to feed them there are times i wake up in the morning and i go to work and that work ended yesterday so i have to think i won't lie to you you know motivational speakers told us locate your passion and make your passion your profits you know you need to wake up in the morning and feel oh it's monday go to the job excited there are times you don't go to that job excited you go because you need bread let's not lie to each other i don't want to do an audit but most of you don't like your careers the best time you always update about your career is end month that's the only time you always say wow it's worth it but the moment the salary ends bitterness pain strife you look at the finance manager with bad eyes you hate the hr you hear the ceo why they are you have to come to a place and call yourself a meeting and say whatever i am doing is for school fees house rent and to feed me and i have to work with my hands not because i want but because it's a principle of life but there are things you do because you cannot stop doing them it is passion that's what brings fulfillment are you getting me are you getting me so separated too separate between your job and your work a job is what you're trained to do work is what you're created to do is that okay job is what you're trying to you encompass to get a job and one of the reasons why you get a job number one is to feed yourself parents and also pay tithe so we pray for you to get jobs we need your money yes church needs your money hallelujah but my greatest assignment is to make sure that you don't miss your work that which god created you for and your work is as unique as your destiny works are unique whatever god created us for is very unique some of you god can give you a job so that you can be supporting children's home because your work is for the less fortunate so daily you work you go to a job so that you can get a salary so that you can buy old women and support them and the moment you do that you feel fulfilled and no one can pay you for that are you getting me so let's separate the two are we together are there things that i do and i don't like many but i always look at the end product how much will i make so that i feed my family and i feed my child hallelujah because i said i can never teach a lie so that you give a good offering and the next thing i go and eat chicken with my wife i said baby the day i'll do that call me rebuke me and don't even eat that money let me die with that money are you getting me are you cutting me okay so we are looking at the battle of obstruction focus is very keen life many things will come to take you out of focus many things will come to take you out of focus and the moment you lose your focus in life you end up losing direction and destination choose a path die for it die for it let me ask you how many no java just lift up your hand you know java you know java lift up your hand well so that i see who i'll take to java to tell them this is java so okay what is java known for coffee right how many know you go to java this ugali there's ugali yes there is a girl in java but they began with a path of coffee they have never changed their product they have been consistent with their product that they don't market their other accompaniments but they know when you work in a hotel you might need to eat so they have created other products but their key product is tell your neighbor neighbor make your coffee let us know you for one thing some of you attack a kidney kidney figure is that okay is that okay because some of us are busy but not direction busy but not objective and because of appetites have you ever realized you remember kenyans with quails what was the driving force profits okay kilimanjaro majority of church members are the ones who are in scams of pyramid schemes majority majority why because we don't have such sessions to talk wisdom and people want to be rich quickly but they don't understand the process the process so someone comes with a pyramid scheme to let you say messenger to me angular please just come just come come and hear for yourself and people follow you because they can't recruit you you must enter willingly it's the philosophy and they tell you give 20 000 to become a member and the more people you bring the more you your rank goes and there is there is a money you make and these men they understand the principle of discipleship one-on-one evangelism and they understand they understand the other principle of testimonials they give five testimonies and they raise your appetite hi hi who didn't want to be a millionaire you know i used to be a nurse making 35 000 a month at five thousand then i joined this group i invited my friends who are nurses seven of them three years later i've bought my mom i'm a citizen build a five-bedroom house i make 1.2 million in my house this thing is working what are they doing appetites and you say aman intern making 25 in two years jesus and then we lose money and then you even come and pledge by faith item what will financial breakthrough to cover and we were waiting on you tell your neighbor neighbor don't allow your appetite to be louder than your vision came to talk to you as a father are we together because many have been led by appetites many have lost the heritage ask israel it was an appetite that made him look at the birthright and say what does it benefit me jacob understood there is a time that bad right will matter eso said you can have it the day the birthright mattered is when israel discovered i wasted destiny because there is no way you would have been blessed you see a firstborn carried a double portion by esau giving jacob the double portion it meant that eso carried the whole blessing of that house the double portion of eso and his own portion as a second born are we together are we together it is time for the church to be wise it is time for the church to be wise here is a man so the whole concept of obstruction is that there is something you are doing diligently you have focused on it but disruption and obstruction come and they will come the day you launch on the path of your destiny it will come the question is not if the question is when nehemiah means your comforts hermione serves the king some wine he's a caper by the order of the day he was meant to be a eunuch you not to a castrated man because the seed of an ordinary man was not supposed to mingle with a royal seed so in case anything happened you will not transfer your seed to compromise royalty so you had to be a eunuch to walk in the palace nehemiah was a eunuch and eunuchs are very good the moment you enter kingdom business one of the things is that the lord will make you a eunuch because there are levels you enter in the spirit and you encounter jezebel and jezebel is very good with seduction and you can never overcome jezebel if you have nothing to offer am i making sense am i making sense it was eunuchs that killed jezebel it was not jehu jehu showed up by the gates and said who is by my side jezebel showed up she began to do the mascara the lipstick you know the brazilian weave and then some men were there who had no appetite carlos sapir they are they were dealt with karustaya jezebel did her staff when she finished they asked her are you done we have nothing to offer we are dead engines cut off and the bible says they pushed her by the window there is a level you can't do ministry until you become a unique in the spirit some young men came to my office they came knelt down me i don't know where they go that culture i felt like asking them this was not our culture they were here they used to see somewhere there they came a nail down papa this is our seed we give on our honest deal i said you nigerians no we used to be i said this is not they gave me a seed of twenty thousand and they told me uh we are planning to get married i took the seat i returned i asked them how has been your work why are you fornicating this seed cannot am a unique this money cannot bribe me to begin to bless error told them stay ahead so you are good everything is okay the pastor knows you don't live together thank you bring the seed now i can't before are we together are we together there is a level of ministry you can't enter until you touch are you not dimensioned there are appetites that hinder men from caring god fame pride jesus hi you can't come to church unless you have chest cause and people following your car what are you guarding are we together i know pastor kevin is laughing there's a place because the traffic and we told them the evening service i made sure they didn't come for me i'm not sure they came with a convoy security needed you know even our life is in danger we are small boys now if i come to this or they might think i have money okay so praise the lord we are just so why why should we you know hallelujah so i'm talking to my protocol team so that let it be let it be toned down you can carry my bible no problem so so nehemiah was a yuna can we together so the man did not have any appetite but he had the desires and the burdens of god concerning jerusalem now he was not a prophet not a priest neither did he come from a kingly home he was just a man taken by babylonian captivity to babylonian territory and he used to work in the palace an ordinary man listen there is a level where ordinary men can cause a difference are you getting me the man had a button for the walls of the city he there are men who came to him and told him about the devastating situation of jerusalem he knew this was the dwelling place of the lord and he was told the walls of jerusalem are in ruins what happened there is what we call the babylonian captivity when nebuchadnezzar came with his men they destroyed the temple burned down the walls and it was chaos and it looked like jerusalem will not be inhabited again and it was during the rulership of one of the kings of pashia who permitted the children to go back in the time of ezra and the men that went in the time of ezra came from a levitical order because of their order they restored the temple are you getting me but the walls were in ruins and an ordinary man had to arise the same way there are many ruins in our time and god is seeking ordinary men there are things we can fix as pastors but they are things we need to fix as a society that's what they were just talking and saying who is mentoring our generation who are their parents yes this generation who are their parents what have you done concerning that generation how many are you talking to how many are you working with sometimes i look at some people come to church and i say i'm now preaching because if all of us were wearing suits right he's here sometimes what you are doing sometimes we used to go to school and we are doing drugs sensitization i love to let you talk to us you nama prefect how could one get drugs from your coconut again basketball meeting we are not helping the school are you getting me are you getting me now this was an ordinary man but with the burdens of the things of god may you be that ordinary man that has the burdens for the things of god the king looked at the man and said your countenance is not okay he said how can i be okay or king when the city where my father's lay the walls and the gates are in ruin so two things here the walls and the kids jerusalem had 10 gates but before we come to that there are four i call them the forces of rebuilding the walls why are walls significant in a territory number one a wall is a type of security is a sign of security number two a wall is a sign of strength a sign of strength security strength number three a wall is a time of a secured territory a wall is a sign of secure territory number four a war is a sign of establishment and number five a wall is a sign of ownership security strength territory establishment and ownership how many are they number one number one number two number three number three secure territory number four number five ownership so meaning that the city of jerusalem was lacking in security in strength in territory securing establishment and ownership it looked like a city without an honor but what jeremy nehemiah was concerned about were the ten gates that were in the city can we go through the gates now allow me to parallel this with our own lives why because today we are the new jerusalem we are the dwelling place of el elyon the lord lives in us so now if i parallel it i need to ask you what is the status of your wall what is the status of your wall you can never fix a wall number one if you're not concerned the first thing that makes men fix their walls is concern you must have concern about the ruin some people are comfortable with their mess you must have a concern about the ruin compare what you could be in god and where you are now compare what you could be in god and where you are now compare what god has invested in you potential visions dreams talents gifts and how you have invested them and put them to use compare what god has invested in you check your life what are the deposits that god has put in you what are the potentials that you carry what are the visions that you have what are the dreams what are the talents the gifts and how you have invested them no one is empty there is something in you a preacher used to come and say tell your neighbor neighbor there is something in you i don't know what it is but i know there is something in you and i feel like saying the same word are we together tell your neighbor neighbor there is something in you it is a great thing i don't know what it is but there is something in you that will never doubt are we together so you need to ask these potentials these abilities how have i invested them get concerned majority of us can bet and we can say i know i am not where i ought to be you can audit your life you know the things you need to eliminate too much movie too much facebook too much gossip you know the things you need to eliminate listen time waits for normal time wasted can never be recovered god lives in eternity but man lives in time you must audit and invest in time time is money and money is invested the difference between great men and ordinary men is the ability to create an extra hour i was so surprised when i was going for morning devotions i used to find traffic in roonda morning division there was traffic in rhona guys going and the funniest thing you begin to find traffic at around 10 where you are qa the employees are going to meet the employer can i give you a secret this is what they say whatever you do after five that is the main thing whatever you do from eight to five that is the ordinary thing everyone is doing it is [Music] you know the words of christian ronaldo but we're on our way to destiny hallelujah why should you spend 90 minutes to wait for results you can google in two seconds minaj talk afford to and i need two minutes now your mom with me because that's the joy mama bald possession you know 90 minutes that could be invested in something great imagine how many 90 minutes you waste watching men make money you see you don't need prayers you need wisdom are we together are we together tell your neighbor get concerned check your life audit your life is this all that you can be is this all that you can be challenge yourself wake up some of us we have great deposits talents but education fooled us upon [Music] now you'll sustain the quality sustain the market package took it clean decent wake up facebook if you need your parties fortified fortified no i came to talk by the way are we together i came to talk to you today that's why i said i may not have anything deep to say but my desire is to talk to you as a father some of you are sitting on great potential let the mentality of employment get out employment is good i tell you if god permits you to go there it is men that have risked some of them my dad my dad after i retired he did a business once the money he made was equal to his 10 year salary he began to ask what was i doing but there is such fear to step out many will die with business ideas potentials things they ought to have begun can i tell you something whatever guys are doing do it with a touch of excellence that is enough that is enough watona pikacha poco road is inequality do it with a touch of excellence a brand visually then package there hallelujah by the time i discover by the time when i discovered deposit with the right attitude there is so much in us i tell you there is so much in us if only we can refuse to think ah are you concerned enough are you concerned enough to step out some of the people who pay you they know you are worth and they pay you peanut they know you are not even worth what we pay you but they they give you what we call sustainance allowance early parent inundua food at out in washington and you worship that job and it looks like a job vacation animation tell your neighbor neighbor open up there is too much potential can i even share a business idea maybe it has a dmt there's a guy patrol took me to initially and we went there and when we started initially he introduced me to our whatsapp group so that v20 can hear and has the updating yearbook and there are people today who don't have shops physically but because there's a guy so every time you update vito you update not only as a 2000 jew all you need is a rider casino coliseum you make money in your sitting room we're on an online generation okonasi mo ukona smartphone now where's your smart it's error anyone but there anyone that comes to talk to me the first thing i always look is what they have is a phone how is it from you and you know on a smartphone you're not serious you're not serious you ought to be smart with that phone there are many opportunities you know i'm happy with your young people tell your neighbour whatever you do after five that is your main thing are we together that is your main thing number two be ready to fold your sleeves and make your hands dirty a generation yamasel queen mikko no [Music] tell your neighbor neighbor where you are you can be better than that get concerned i don't know why holy ghost on any carpool and you know sometimes sometimes we preach powerfully and we don't change lives there are things in you they are deposits in you take time explore them can i tell you something have you had this conversation of bottoms up seize it to malay to our siblings the copaly zamakademia now jungle foundation i was called yesterday and i think they are here they're here yes the people from django yes they are there he's only macadamia that's a guy who's an empty think i think wants to be a governor and those things can help someone and people afraid not are we together are we together allow me to share this tell your neighbor pastor knows you have no money see that's a fact by the way you have big ideas and you have no money but you cannot talk on a person don't expect that one day usain could take a more yeah to live a person since the generation near to god no got but there is something i want you to understand today there is a principle called the principle of access tell your neighbor access me out on eat little guy in animals and we go home because i know i'm dealing with real issues let me ask you today the ideas you have of business are you trying to tell me that hakuna materia let me use an example of my milk amelika does events i tell you she can organize a wedding for you i collect a vt tent deco killer kitty where is she in our sub group of event organizers and people who have these things hannah but she has success i'm a milk animator she has access she cannot say i don't have and she knows she has skills of events she has but she knows someone has i'll get a seat at 10 bob i'll give you with 15 i'll pay 10 and remain with five how jbm2 and i don't share my secrets it is error you must get concerned and ask what do i have what is at my reach i began my first business i was an mc wedding mc by the way i used to emcee weddings huh without sound without anything and i used to give what we used to call a whole package i used to charge 65 to 45 000. i had a guy who had sound alcona pen sound generator and it was good so in a wedding of sixty five thousand naruto home now forty dealer sound good store are you getting me but later i knew i need to buy my sound to reduce what cost so that my profit margin can can grow i want to tell you the truth if i start to emcee today i will be one of the biggest emcee with my own stuff i used to do my research i used to go and take nigerian jokes scrolling on a chat joharusi jokes fresh so i'll get jokes from nigeria ghana south africa where i know people don't go there is nothing new under the face of the earth una towards you deadly because again we go because of the money but we don't put the work some of us we are mediocre i lost my first business because of appetite many people deal nigeria could supply t-shirts a thousand they gave me over 100 i took the best quality they said you mean this is 250 i said yes they said bring a thousand because we have a campaign aura germany because i cannot tell t-shirts that campaign i was almost being sued in omaha akarudisha this is a joke and we are not paying i lost almost 100 000 let your product be consistent some of you you are born again but whatever you deliver whatever you deliver we can't even give you job next time so let your product tell your neighbor neighbor consistency let your product you know coca-cola taste the same as it used to taste they say the formula is one of the most gutted is a formula to make it so let your product be consistent don't get jobs out of favor there is one of us here who works in ktn charity i told the charity i don't want you to push our staff we want to create a product that can push itself that even as you take it you are proud to take it that it is excellent timely well produced something that will push itself she came and told me those summons are the most watched so we are not waiting for our godfather we can negotiate now and say can we get a service because we have results are you getting me days of favor over it is time for your works to speak so that even unbelievers can endorse you let me give you the few points we'll pick it up from sunday jesus is not coming next week so i know i'll finish this message is it okay are you learning something is it worth it north korea once in a while tonight we just talk some of you you don't need prayer you need wisdom the next thing you must come to a place of confession accept kunashida nikonashi said you have come to a place of confession confess acknowledge where you have failed and in this acknowledgement no blame games don't blame anyone for your predicament don't blame your ex that's a whole presidential term excuses are like clutches every has to there is a reason as to why you never did it there is but there are options on how you can do it no excuses no blame games i'll tell you this clear failure is the school fees you pay for success some lessons we learn through the hard way they don't just come easily even in ministry there are times we failed there are times we compromised there are times we did things that were not okay before we bought this sound we had gotten a deal where we were getting second-hand sound and we were very excited it was cheap one day we had not paid for the sound the guy told us i need my sound it was on saturday at four minutes from today no second hand we pay cash we learned the hard way do you send an immediately protesters out hakuna sound are you getting me there are lessons you learn the hard way the lessons you land the hard way a story told of a man who repeated all classes all his life from one two times from two two times from three two times from four two times and they said this man today is one of the greatest spare part dealers in krenyaga when he went to kerenyaga his business failed three times but because of repeating from one to four he had developed resilience of failure so sometimes you fail until failure is not something to be afraid of and it's a good level when you enter there many people don't launch out because of what if it's a fact what if what if so come to a place of confession forgive yourself and acknowledge i'm here because of my failures i've wasted time i've wasted opportunities i've wasted resources but allow me to share wisdom in the military barracks which is a wisdom of double matching in the barracks when you begin to match and you reach a place and you discover you are using the wrong pattern you double match and you catch up with the pattern you don't necessarily go back where you began you double match that means more effort more energy more focus on that thing at that time some of you yes you have a child but you need to double match by applying for your masters because yes time disappeared i met a doctor who told me they sat down with the wife they had three children and they said we have spent a whole decade manufacturing children it's time to move on okay someone didn't get it because and america and they discovered for the last 10 years we were just breeding business was not going on children children children but they he said now hold life must go on so there are times you look and say it is time to launch out add more effort and do what i ought to do is it easy no number three commit commit i'll finish with the fourth one and then we'll see how to end this matter commit tell your neighbor commit tell your neighbor commit tell that neighbor commit what is the challenge many people have good ideas but they don't step out they say dreams are for free but only those who get out of bed enjoy and walk in the fulfillment of their dreams kenyans are very funny i saw someone who wrote nah meme that where was shindana nakifo kilalala kamo kufa nikamam nasi nananakivo and they wrote there and they said enjoy the warmth of your blanket now and be ready to embrace the cold of the future enjoy the warmth of your blanket now but be ready to do it embrace the coldness of your future why it is men who commit into doing things that have results you can never wish success you can only be in that team and do it i love the nike logo it's called just do it that should be your greatest philosophy in life step out do it anyone that is not 30 years of age you have enough time to try out the moment you enter 30 years you have no time to try out you must identify one thing the moment you enter 40 years it's either you are growing what you have been building 40 is not the age to begin is the age to expand by the time you enter 50 you think of legacy and mentorship 60 money should be working for you you can't you you don't even have energy at 65 between 60 to 65 even your brain becomes tired that's why old man the easiest word is abuse because they have no time to think and that's why governments retirement are killing me choker you have no time to strategize if things are not working for you leaving them is the easiest thing tell your neighbor neighbor your mind right now is so functional take advantage of it strategize drop loves patterns listen study see what guys are doing enter expose your eyes to things that are happening feed your mind with possibilities don't stay in environments where people think it cannot be done no enter into a space i know a friend of mine who made 250 million through our sub group and mindset he saw a piece of land in harlingen a piece of land he went and asked the owner are you selling the guy said yes how much 250 million they negotiated he went and got lawyers got the details of the land entered into an agreement and it was in our subgroup of investors he was an architect he drew a design of a facility did the projections and so if we sell this facility will build with half a billion sell it at one billion and i'll make my 250 claim get the proposal the site was done projections arturial science and they realized it's worth it the guy came invested his money got his money through our sap group now you need to ask yourself other than what groups are are you in a group let's not go there tell your neighbour commit tell your neighbour commit opportunities are all over opportunities are i remember there's a lady in our office we were many bachelors her food was the best she used to make good food and most of the time she would i'll go not to go here and we didn't get satisfied but it was good and one day she said you know what guys me i love cooking so what if per month you give me 3 000 and i'll be bringing you lunch and someone does this every morning let me tell you she used to make more than 30 000 more because of passion how many bachelors are in your office those are clients wanting banda daily and they eat unhealthy and you love cooking buffet okay to me is a business idea please please number four and the final one is courage are you learning something are you learning something number four is courage you must be courageous your ideas will be opposed whatever you are thinking of doing many have done it and they have failed you will get criticism you will get people that don't believe in it there are there are three levels of opposition that i've mastered the first level of opposition is people that know us so well and they know us with our weakness i stopped sharing my vision with my mom my mom up to date she has never seen as if i'm a grown-up she still knows the young boy who was careless who could not manage anything so i always tell them and you get discouraged so there are those people who know you don't share your visions with them because they are so familiar with you they know your weaknesses your brothers your sisters have you ever realized they are the ones who criticize your idea first because they know you from a place of being helped they don't think that you can be somebody the second level of criticizers are people who wanted to do what you're doing but you have gone ahead of them but they cannot do it because of the disadvantage of time so they had such an idea and they see you doing it and they're like what it's not young sometimes we call them haters they have same ability same potential but they don't have same results leave them the number three are just demonically empowered opposition people who don't like it when people do something in life neem a people there is nothing else you can call them destruction and all that guess what this is the wisdom i'll give you and it has worked for me before you do anything they say every mother has a recipe of raising a child if if we were to bring three mothers here one of them will tell you our tissue kunyonya akiwana music another one will tell you now all those are mothers with ideas of mothering but remember their child is not your child it may have worked for them it may not work for you so when you have a vision incubate it incubate it the way you saw it implement it then let men see what you have done because some will give you opinions that don't count are we together i'll give you a good example and this is the final example and final story and then we'll pray that whatever is in you you will not die with it are we together where we are today where we are here where the church is today there was another church here i found an existing altar now my gift will tell you there was a charge here they closed down they closed down okay there was another church there they closed down there was another church at the stage they closed down imagine if those are the men who ushered me in the muru what would they have told me tonight talk alimur wherewithand and guess what if those were the men that ushered me with this mentality of schizawatum and there are many people that have been discouraged by men that failing to understand what you carry is not what they carry the same place a man closed the business you can open a supermarket the same place where a man why the grace upon your life is different and that's why you must begin to build how you saw it there is you see when you have a vision and a dream there is how you saw it how you saw it build it that way leave other people experiences and counters out of the way are you getting me yes you may have failed i'm not you that's why i'm jayana anime casino because the lord told me in cuba for three years then let them come tell them this is what i saw you know you can't explain something you have seen unless you put it as a structure and can i tell you the truth see they are my personal emoji i have seen again i have seen again because now if you are seeing well you can know by 2022 this place will be small now i have seen again and i'm not going to consult anyone i will build how i have seen i have everything here hakuna i saw something so i told the architects the food is what i saw they were not building what they have been drawing they were building what i saw and my wife is a witness i used to come here daily because i told my wife if i don't tell them what to build they will build a chat they would have wanted to build i told them this is not their church me have seen something the fact that why it does not mean hide away tell your neighbor neighbor you have to step out you have to step out you have heard politicians talk about bottoms up yes why do you think as a nation people are going there why do you think this is not a political ideology it is a global face sorting an economic crisis even americans are going there what is bottoms up it means that governments have no jobs they can't employ anyone the people that come out of school versus the jobs that are there they are not sufficient and now and you'll begin to see and i'm not a prophet of doom they have begun to revamp the tibets technical colleges they will be there in every county what will happen what what acquire casey be your absolute debate so that you give skills to men so that they can employ themselves so the future of generations is not employment it is what can i do with my hands and how can i vent and vote for myself stand up on your feet
Channel: Life Church Limuru
Views: 21,269
Rating: 4.8963733 out of 5
Id: wBk-r8FF8_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 55sec (3955 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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