Tunafaa Kukubali Gay People Kanisa? - Mr Tee's Take| Sheng Bible Study Special with DJ Ruff

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statement my reality your scripture let's see what mr t has to say about historiota last and then to malaysia is the last um in reality desert was last size in a corporate statistics zilla pornographic sites zika globally more than 66 million kumanisha tunis kenya satyangawati naturbakina 15 million free sites the atlanta donation it is one of the multi-billion industry in the world was one of by porn bayern nationally in two levels the first thing near the pawn whole body in a conga light come on may feed the darkness the whole body in the darkness what can you explain befitting the reason why i was explained spiritually you cannot spiritual anger me [Music] so spirituality opponent he more than 66 million pornographic sites um spirit well our say wanna act easily my covenant i want you to know more about expose new details [Music] you are not ready to be a father so i may survive one may generate survival system later watch porn allah funny sort now masturbation and his self-induced pleasure be a passive bible mendicate their kwanzaa masturbation in a quangani pond most of the people call masturbation number two what do you masturbation wanna kangalabda wakona self-esteem underlying issue what kind of self-esteem super nini so chinese i am super photographic a different kind of chemical composition is different but ideally semen discharge in the next 10 15 years to take one hour impact and effect socially psychologically physically emotionally at aggressiveness [Music] galatians 5 19 easily desires our flesh one of the way out anzac prayer daily one hour prayer one away energiness strength your cover come easy appetite daily flesh spirit no key empower spiritual ability yak overcome so at the end of the day the moment we may attack sexual fabric a society the moment homosexualize a generation no may attack the the fabric of sexuality your society in aqua may die any society any high enough values it's a dead society future you at the end of the day are the very element and equal affected number two utakuta the moment he remake were propagated [Music] so what one means i could those number plastic into angular normal other doors are opened that was a cool final video very pervasive quite generation here too so when you fit it to a level it could do not to affect 950 to 11 desire flesh and defeated whatever there is only one way to deal with the flesh you know crucify the flesh paula lisa i crucified my flesh daily i in a shortcut come on seriously in anger shortcut eat a bd who may go through the process that could crucify flesh it obedient deal nasa kolyaku what doing you masturbate on anger my bestie they want their space they want their privacy if the video may break your shell once that's why rehab the first 21 days is no longer very key you add that mandiako one's acquired just after 21 days on a filler to need god kulikwana bride you are to kudua nowakansa noah so as it was in the days of noah prayed the allah say eat our pelaka hell the second thing to namby as it was in the days of lord so unique environment thessalonians in yakuzu the spirit of the antichrist eugene antichrist in ammanisha against christ now against christ in the philosophy of illuminati do thou what thy will finally here but the whole animal kingdom man is the most intelligent now one of the foolishiest animals in aquanga ostrich in fact memorial street nicki do go so man under the most intelligence ability could dominate so the moment to metro kaka intelligence to main gear feelings to me to animal kingdom high operating inner feelings lion in operetna instincts to a place your feelings feelings equal is a swallow so come on apparently control feelings self-control [Music] to happen as it was in the days of sodom history my days are so dumb was [Music] vitamin spiritual was saying we need to happen many easy feelings to not could direct your suicide because you don't feel life you live life by logic calculation nakupeana concepts so akuna villatunes [Music] abuse he was sexually okay okay the whole thing about sex abuse a real conversation so do not deal now emerging issue but had to deal in a root cause between the mother and and the child sometimes subconsciously mother this is a spiritual issue and yeah i need policy i need discussion to commence my chapter do what you feel bible i to allow to do what we feel them that love the father obey his commandment chatting me accuse you of oh i'm receiving yourself charging up for calling place your love watch and it can be a bible say manga them that he loves he just tysons you know what justices benefits what's they wanna date lakini when i have sex difference needed my dues watch a two to have sex wrong foundations the moment tomatoes know your dame trusting your daily boyfriend so come on boyfriend aliquana at the moment you may build on the wrong foundation okam bella catanorian do you trust the one of the main thing if you can equal relationship there is only one way out water through the calvary to be not to say it's no longer me who lives but christ in me god our blessing amen you
Channel: DJ RUFF TV
Views: 150,890
Rating: 4.9054031 out of 5
Id: WRU8t1xrHi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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