The Bank of Glory - Apostle Leroy Thompson Sr. #MoneyCometh

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your life tonight of either is old you have come into nineteen colossal hallelujah and also before I could have three of my platform I can have five six seven eight nine I could have three hundred you know what some members have hid from these board about stumbling preacher stumbling and preaching is you just don't care your yield to the Holy Spirit whatever you tell you say saying it doesn't make the cool parts eat and make no difference what the crowd do and then the frontal of glory will come upon the congregation like I did this morning then you call that you see another word for this awkward preaching preaching that you're just dependent on the spirit not what you're having your notes not what who prayed for you just yielding to the hole that goes that's what I am to do tonight you'll see it you'll see me farm around but it is something about that it's something about not being such a great orator yes it's something about politic I didn't come to me with enticing words of man's wisdom but he was in fear imminent but he also said that in demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God I feel it already I feel it already and so dr. Fogg give me a book on a pasta ship that helped me tremendously and then he brought the book he told me had a book on fire about fire fire about soul winning but yet I saw so many other things in it cuz I wrote to preach next week in our graduation I heard some student about don't let the fire go out I had already written that I really and most of the notes that I've seen in this book I wrote it in the spirit so it's a confirmation God can send you a confirmation and so I'll get back to that style of preaching I've been preaching you know for a long time and I the Spirit of God always helped me but there are some places he want me to go and there are some flows you can't get to look at that pattern to me see I gotta get kind of rough when I do that too y'all look at everybody baby everybody look pay attention got some flows that we can get into by the Holy Ghost not by man and if you pay attention you see y'all that even though thing get your attention in church because you've never been doing nothing too much listen pay attention when I want a man a woman walking in an anointing that's the best deal you follow I'm saying don't take your mind off don't take your eyes off because you know anything might happen in the spirit and you mess around stealing the flesh don't be in the flesh don't be in the face Lord Jesus thank you so much you may be seated now very for me a scripture I tell you about the passenger now not Kuti Salah not cool Montana young not being familiar with Scripture but I want you to turn to Philippians chapter 4 verse 19 it's an unusual unusual happening will take place tonight now unusual understanding in the spirit about how God banking work how God's a banking work all right all right God has a supernatural banking system and we're going to talk about seven accounts that you have open in God banking glory banking system but I still heard a lot of people are glory banking yeah God have a glory banking system and you got seven open accounts I'm trying to walk through midnight there's some thing that the Lord said to me I got to talk to you about before we get to those seven account there's some things and then you know how simple their seventh so you could say seven keys to God's bank yeah alright so so then flipping for 19 a very familiar scripture but by the same token but my but my God shall supply all your needs according to the riches in glory by Christ Jesus now God did not only talk about needs God is a supplier of Dreams a supplier of desire you know Bobby said the Bible says plan of this delight yourself in the Lord and He will God will give you to desire your heart notice he didn't Acts how much you desire your heart cost why you don't have to ask that he can fulfill it what I said so that the scripts you want to open with and that's another scripture here in Isaiah 1:19 I remember about eight nine ten twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen twenty years ago pretty this I don't know how long it been but I ran up on the translation of the Living Bible of Isaiah 1:19 if your own and let me help you if you're only obeying I'd make you rich write that down if your honor let me help you who by God if you only obey me I'll make you rich do you think you think that's good you think God can do that now prior to the textile supposed to read easy prior to flipping for nineteen and I want to work from that but my gosh you supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus and we're talking about a Sevenfold seven open account seven open accounts in the bank of glory you never heard that before and we're gonna deal with seven account that's already open in your name [Music] and and they are blurred accounts they already paid for they already deposit already made in your name are you follow me but there are some things you have to understand here John John 19:30 Ephesian 1 3 John 19:30 in Ephesians 1:3 both although Jesus said and John 19:30 it is finished so you're not trying to create nothing or you're not trying to find something it is finished so you already have a finished open account in your name the scripture is just trying to tell you about are you follow me Deuteronomy 28 belong to you all those blessings I told my belong to you matter of fact one of their top one of their count is a blessing a car and so this account has to do with the cross and the blood I want to work I want to get you the cross in the blood see the cross in the blood this account has something to do with it then there the resurrection has something to do with this account there Philippians 3:10 that I might know him in the power of his rhetoric you know I'm on this word not Dunamis what it meaning agree so I decree miracles in your finances it's very easy yeah i decree miracles in your finance tonight I don't know your condition I decree miracles in your finances and then Cardinal resurrection power and you know we got this this Dunamis power from the resurrection what is giving us an excellent soul what's open to it John - did you hear see when when when when the blood and in the resurrection see we used the blood we're gonna use the resurrection see the resurrection power open the account in John first John 3 - good lover which of all things you're prosperous being held see even as your soul prospers so the resurrection probably the Dunamis power give you an excellent soul so ever prosperity account that exists in God become yours in manifestation and then you lost oh you turn the fear and these are pre Luke took madama teaching Ephesians 1:3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has passed in blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus now it is a spiritual blessing that make blessings work you can understand any blessing you desire to materialize or to manifest already originated in the rim of the Spirit in your name because you're a child of God blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus we have to know how to activate those things but they already exist so they're not they don't they don't they don't manifest just by quoting scripture we if that was so we've had at all and doesn't matter says yes by praying that there's a revelation room they were must step in constantly illumination revelation from the Holy Ghost then what do you do what he feeds into six now he's taught my being seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus then prior to teaching this these seven account I'm giving you pre Lou I told you to finish we're gonna try to get across in the blood I turned a rather Impala didn't the retention talk about the seated position why you said now it's finished all this hustling and bustling we doing is illegitimate you have you listen you have divine rights that Satan you know the scripture said in Luke 10:19 you have financial Authority in the Earth's rim because of what Jesus did said I have financial Authority and I'm gonna use it behold I give you power trade upon surfing and Skaar feeling the power other words I give you authority over his power you got that you got it now but it's my job as an apostolic apostle finances and and and I have gone there already so you know I touched the grapes up remember the trail smart ascent yeah I ain't coming back down to college I know what's a quarter y'all kick them all numb chin God he came back scared you know sorry got big Jackson and we look like grass I win over a stop now you better put your seatbelt I'm gonna talk about a few things here that's not normal from a pulpit but I haven't gotten to them yet next thing we have the Holy Spirit I have the Holy Spirit living in me and then when I pray in the spirit I go into mistress of the kingdom mystery of the spirit realm are functioning operate not as an ordinary man not as an ordinary woman I'm connected with Jesus Christ I have the Holy Spirit the conductor of all Revelation all anointing all manifestation all wisdom all grace all understanding living on the inside of me so I operate different than a normal plane that I'm saying then the Bible says just one coming up in me the kingdom of God is within me my my mind so I have the Holy Spirit then I'm authorized XO seals in another anoint you yeah and that XO seal has to do with in in looking Matthew chapter 10 I wish you had amplified Baba Majesty up at 10 voice 1 it talked about how Jesus said the disciples out they give he give them power and authority ecstasy of me and authority I got authority over Demonica power I got I got I got a thought to extend your spirits I have authority over spirits that try to feed me bro I use my power I use my authority right now take your hand off of my father from this day forward you have nothing to do with my money you see we have to know these things because these spirits fight against us you see cheap well now we thought power you see the admin board power and authority is not the same thing power is a mobility Authority is it a goal so if you just operate in time you operate in half of your life you say things and demand a nap [Applause] you command you'll find that your victory tonight you command it out of your mouth can come out your spirit with it then we have the name of Jesus that is give us our credentials to live the life of increased the light of the life of prosperity the life of abundant si si si we don't we're gonna have to hang these religious spirit and who are the hang me is just getting half a spirit we need to manifest I got anybody here we need to demonstrate our God our God want to use us as financial demonstrator write that down I love it financial demonstrate it go wrong - I am a financial demonstrator I am a financial demonstrator alright don't worry about your bill just tell what I say I'm off I am if financial demonstrate see somebody old on wall say see now this is where I'm going back to the old school now yeah since I wore my do school I'll come out there and point right in your face they say put me away from my time I met you in a very expensive seat up in here I am a financial demonstrator oh yeah I would let the devil tell you you're not gonna make it forever let him tell you you're not gonna rise up nor ever tell let him tell you you're not gonna live when you desire to live don't ever shut up nobody else doing it you do it and then you monistic Allah scientifically Chocolat it you can't use this next thing I'm about to talk about and we add like we don't have it the soul of the spirit now I'm a good many things here and it's not one of the seven things yet we got to stop going from financial crisis to financial crisis to find that your crisis and finally going up and financial disaster we've got to get out of that deal while you follow me now there are some other things that I have to the Lord I said Lord he talked to me there's something we got to get rid of your ego and a negro and the download I've am appreciating your night boy you gotta get rid of your ego the negro the negro goes along with the word slave and that negro connotation meant putting your soul and down low down low down low time I got married and I got a man to you so I gotta talk to these down laws and rising up tell them why God give you that equipment you got [Applause] that's up what I shall cut out and they gotta get rid of superior and inferior [Applause] you wasn't born to be no down low man trying to explain yourself your punk it's not explained you set them up are we I'm really not I'm really I'm really not gay I'm down low down low [Applause] yeah I know it I know it that's why I'm so bold I got a boom in when we meet now these seven accounts my gosh is supply your needs according to the riches in glory he opened seven accounts for you to Jesus death burial burial and resurrection and ascension and seated position the seven accounts are open we just got to step into are you ready with your hand admin you ready to step in your own account any person ever born again child of God listening me here all over the world you have seven accounts already open in your name took passat Ella Moshe Revelation chapter 5 verse 12 Revelation chapter 5 verse 12 we will find these seven accounts that was paid for by the Lamb of God they work on everything that God has provided for us including money and well here he's saying with a loud voice word is the lamb that was slain to receive not for himself who he received it for work chamber a loud voice don't let let somebody hear me worthy is the lamb you didn't know what it was the lamb I'm gonna say that love why does the rain I want you to get a hold of that that was slain to receive it's a death on earth of God for you to stay bro there's a dishonor to what the lamb have done for you he's already receive it you got to believe it you got to receive it you got to act like your God is right now because it already yo slander receive look look at look at the second Corinthians I'll go ahead of myself Seneca mention chapter 8 verse 9 look at this look at this look at this what we're gonna do with this he said it your own it if you only let me help you if your honor obey me I'll make you rich everybody said for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ though he was rich yet for your sake this is a transaction he became poor switching over to you that ye through his poverty might be rich now if you keep looking at your circumstances you're gonna never get there you got the right here tonight say I am rich you not lie because it already paid for it's yours and it's our job and the fivefold ministry of guilt to teach you how to walk in it manifested demonstrated create it and not ashamed of it tell it everywhere you go the Lord did it I said the Lord did it tell it everywhere you go somebody need to testify about some money [Applause] terrifying about all these dreams and stuff that's alright with that but we need some manifestation dream the dream you might be live you know trying to be spiritual but you can't lie by master tell somebody tell them you can't lie by manifestation yellow telling you about to start getting some I thought the question is you really real the other won't talk to one another help your brother so how about the question are you really real I need to see more more manifestation in your life preachers who just I didn't see more manifest then y'all come on y'all saw God last night you saw God no and I told I have no manifestation in your life y'all not be up to your neck in that if you see in God every night [Applause] see see faith without evidence is faith [Applause] say without evidence it's fake oh she all right let's do this at on out of here let's do this yes jump back to mom back to my old preaching now boys yeah see I'm in control you're tonight I had no faith expression from nothing but back in the old day when I read it I didn't flow with the noise I don't care what I say I'm okay with English I don't care for the adjectives I don't care what the verb are now the blower in a cup God Almighty walking this place tonight and we'll have a talk with Jesus you [Applause] never something like this marker you don't see you tonight no you never saw it tonight kind of falling over [Applause] [Music] [Applause] unless we reason with salmon a lot more worried in the land of a slant to receive you know someone Wow say power and riches or hallelujah and wisdom and strength and conjunction connecting all seven of them belong to you seven hope on the car not only is prosperity right these notes my birthright but it is my blood right not only is prosperity my boy right it's my blood right got it and I wrote be not unconscious of your redemptive rights stay awake to the spirit realm I had I knew you keep on keep the arm of light on that's in the Roman thirteen twelve I might say somebody later now let's deal with Deuteronomy 8:18 now the Covenant power to get well belong to me right there that the Covenant say the Covenant how to get well belonging me the Covenant power to have well belong to me now well 44 demons fell out just now then no you know you Salada then know something's gonna happen in here tonight they know that you know that you got covenant power over them for well not just a dance not just a sing because you got power to live the big life you got look I do remain anything but die oh but thou shalt remember the LORD thy God I remember your Lord for it is he that giveth thee power [Music] it didn't say have given he's still giving it up good God Almighty we can get a little bit at fooling in here tonight that that God giving us power to get well all our finances by the chain he says it but the Dodger see you got to remember all you got to remember when the story trying to tell you something else what an optical financial obstacle getting you well financial second things get in your way you can't let it talk to you don't talk back to it say no you're not I have power to get wealth I have a covenant agreement with Almighty God and get a hold of this I'm so glad I'm back get hold it feels so good nothing and nobody can stop me and God no no way no way tonight something gonna happen to you you were getting the car and the wind is my blow up Holy Ghost power you feel it huh you appreciate it you're ready for it not this in this world but I just remember the LORD thy God for it is he that giveth thee power again well that he may establish his covenant which he squandered our Father as it is this day so you used your power pack your well power paddle right in the I'm oh I am a wealth power pack and and the column of wealth power pack up I'm packing well this is the cover you know what a common idea huh covenant with God as a divine agreement God will never go back on his word 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 with unit with the covenant power to get wealth belong to me say tell somebody next to you and make them condenser [Applause] giannis do your good on it what y'all bein up there what y'all get up there but I told y'all do all they do that I don't need no cute folks up in ya what do what I tell you to do what I'm telling you I'm living it to $200 and I bought that or the we went on a trip one broke down on me and I was mad and I was rich and my dog law said look at this look look at this all possible got this one dad look at this one I said last night take me over there yeah man thought I was playing man throw a plan he won't know who gonna finance it I see you're looking at us right now this one I'll give you for this what I get for you sure I don't know I said well I got cash money hey I'll be right back see when you're going to RV live in a king [Applause] I'm teaching you well when people see you that's God right there hey that's dog like that's a dog right there let's go out right there said that God right there said that's dog like that shade man [Applause] good god like that [Applause] that's gone right it was gone right there I believe these boys not I tell my send out yeah he got all of you he got an RV he gonna get over be real soon he's got yeah he got he got all the V fever right now he need to hear this kind of message huh God got it for him cuz he a big song for the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness but to us it's not foolishness it's the power of God that's part of what revelation 5:12 talking about power across the power the cross is a divine financial indicator that God want me bless he paid for it and silver and gold and money is in the deal God want us to stop living in heaven down here you need to be able to look up in your ceiling and we're gonna say who live up in ya up in ya you the singing up in the old baggage a hideout over anybody remember that ha got old so bitter going to heaven you can't kneel down here and then see that's Phillip in 310 in his power this fresh account deal with power that I might know him tell him in 310 that I might know him and the power of his resurrection right there shall grow Philippians 3:10 he said that I might know him and the Polish whether his the powers revelation is not just but you singing and praising him is let him let him manifest let him manifest you to block you to stop go hang with all broke folks they got these old folks arrived I ain't Johnny I'm not all I got Psalm 103 verse 1 2 3 I'm being renewed like the eagle had broke for running from the ticket yeah but grab somebody go to bed wanna take you come don't ever go out with him the more I thought ticket Dodger you can't be a ticket dodge and be blessed this man yet never even man you know ticketed here here we don't care you got 21 18 what flipping 3:10 act 1 & 8 I get enough on one point and act 1 & 8 Luke 10:19 accorded it so this power you know you can't do justice to this politics so powerful but I just want you to discover the power to have wealth now john-117 is another scripture I don't even know buddy say look at what you learn wasn't this yeah after a while breathe I know that I know it there for a reason John 1:17 what do you say huh that's 112 I'm not gonna 179 yet so love given by more than but grace and truth no but as minutes resume hey wait you going to general what you gonna go for the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ what is the truth then I'm rich and grave did it come when some coming need not even go to any said by brave right by favor not by label then the second word now account riches riches is the will of God on purpose for my life right there huh yeah riches is the will of God on purpose Omar I say it riches no that's half of your weight come down there riches is the word of God put my light on did you write it down what you up in your father if he's not gonna change for you leave out of here why you let all these power set around you and you're not receiving it your life is changing tonight by the Holy Ghost you're in a financial anointed service God is Ukraine financed in your life we're not playing around here this money got to move it I said anybody got moved by truck loaded money got to move bus load now plan this is gonna gotta move in my direction from the east west north and south money looking for me right now stirring up 9 channel hit displays about 20 minutes about 20 million 5 10 15 20 stir there none you know hit this tree get ready for God you don't wrap you in money tonight I've know my son I preach about anything but I know my son you've not only could have a TV you can have RV matter of fact you can have a motor coach that's what we drive we really don't have RV RV not gonna get your hook feeling hood and have no one you hook on the back of the truck and say you came talk he came go to restroom a real motor home you can go in the restroom wide road yeah that's a real one out there if I had to come back next we got coming another one [Applause] your life tonight of either our is old you have come into an urgent call and also hallelujah and also I could have both of them I could have three of my can have form I'm gonna have five six seven eight nine I can have three hundred riches Lord just told you if you know it only let me help you if you don't obey me I'll make it real look at proverbs 10:22 the blessing of the Lord what it make is rich yes - $5 model chick you know he flew you on it on yet though you just got it penny short over the video thank you look you taught my car we tell my that's cleaning man you tell my jester y'all time out of wash car we taught my jet that's clean man bad and he they go to these boys farm and he going to I'll go too bad Negroes they called us we're not no Negro we're not Negroes we're just too bad man we ain't no different than you and and and colors don't make no difference I got white daughter black a white son it don't make me I got a Hispanic it don't make me no different I I ain't fighting no race I'm just telling everybody right now nobody know better than nobody else you get that Negro out your soul next time they acne the sign of him I put white negro Japanese Chinese orange yellow blue purple will put all of them but not in this army well I got to get no criminals are on the winning leg who designed people whatever that is normal put orange hallelujah but dealing with this riches we went over seven eight nine flippin 419 let's look at let's prepare you let's prepare you for this type of life then first Timothy chapter 6 points 17 no I'm not going to voiced here first-gen have kept you broke talking about a sin and you took it talking about you the love of money through it all evil you don't have to love no money but I love what money can do it sure one night to walk out at 7:10 you know right on my house palm on a road look at it and why would God say this if nobody rich right so I'm charging you tonight because I'm getting you ready to get ready for the try them that are rich in heaven that they be not high-minded no trusting them soldiers riches but in the Living God what look at the end of his voice somebody better look at what that voice said what if I'm reading that quite right what and they use the word rich in there again whoo-hoo-hoo he don't want you to make a mistake God don't mess around God yeah God don't mess around with no medium yeah God says who give us us richly he said that's what he said over the increase ass it didn't huh what I'd brush it ecclesiastic fire what did it find that void fine fine a boy he give God give her he keep giving us Richard is in it wait a minute you in Ecclesiastes fine look we all boys fun dig it out I'll see to the morning 5:19 p0 5:19 what is it hold up hold up hold up in a month or two or three with me they would miss that you somebody seems every man also to whom God have given riches and well and I've given him power to eat down and to take the portion in the drawers in his labor this is the gift of God well why not hell I don't have it something wrong somebody been tricking me some kind of way but tonight I'm gonna fly like the eagle I'm gonna have what God woman ahead if God want me rich I agree with it you agree with it give us rich it all things enjoy so you can enjoy good thing yeah yeah hi I have to I have to unfold I receive something I have to unfold hombre no check my can look at it 500 out I have to unfold I have to be real with you you see riding in the back of that may bar yeah see I don't have a more say to have a may bar yeah you don't see them don't get a mixed up ticket the little emerald on the front you better look again they're different order Jason you should riding a better than me but I really enjoy I don't get no get upset but in a shipper that you need be like this in the mailbox you like a laying out in the bed God don't mind now the one of y'all have my may bar but you you got to have a mailbox understanding you can't have you can't be a church mouth and on 900 acres of Lane my mouth my mouth eat cheese day is over for you I feel mighty Rio them the other night what you feel what you feel you receive anything huh word in anointed company why than a nine you better feel what I feel [Applause] things gonna start happening in your favor people stop doing things for you don't know why they're doing it because you love that to me I was at the media expectation excitement empowerment [Applause] enlightenment oh oh my god my god what we're gonna do this place a man also to whom God have given riches and well let me break it down for you a number go to Psalm 112 all those bills got in your house because many of y'all back in the day was not taught about this God he's got these young boys riding up today hey you remember that show they're gonna tell you about some money partner well God God so happy God go to Kleber gosh y'all finally got somebody gonna enjoy what I want to enjoy praise ye the Lord blesses the man that feared the Lord how many all fear of the Lord that the light green means come and if you delight greenies come and go to the next one go to the next one did I mean they see what you his she should be what no tell me nothing but you might and you ain't got no money I don't even matter Joo young I don't believe in Superman there's a super line they say here C should be mighty on earth it generated about right shall be better than ever that is not a good feeling voice that's not apply for you go around quoting but I search the Scriptures for in them you think you have life but they testify I mean you won't come to me and let me do it for you all just wants you reading it I don't just want your coordinate on the head not in your tear dragging all the time you can't do that it's time to be blessed in the city and in the field wealth and riches might be somebody else and then he gonna talk about right - yeah God put well and writing is in the sand but in Russian there shouldn't be because when you write says you don't supposed to be well somebody lies you told a lie somebody told that live God glory to God proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 let's talk about let's talk about wisdom this other kind of God we got a power comical riches account in the bank of Lord let's look at the wisdom account wisdom for Prosperity is yours for a habit wisdom for Prosperity God give me wisdom how to walk in prosperity give me wisdom how to live in prosperity I'll glorify you I'll tell him you did it I'll help somebody I'll buy some out of their house I got a man in y'all bought a house full till he got on his feet then he got him a better house then he brought me a hand full of money now he wake from they said he won you'll never make it you're gonna be in that little Brent pray at the wall the man singing or making he gone matter of fact two or three weeks ago he preached from in my poop is one of the best employees I got my goodness my good will the full price you didn't Roman 817 I love them they love me and those that seek me early shall find me when you find God you're not gonna find him broke so it's somewhere up in here you haven't found God okay go to the next place come on let me preach to you riches and honor are with me how many else are you with God how many else is God with you alright open the veil do all the riches and Reisen you go to the next play oh my god my fruit is better than gold yet in fine go and my revenue in charge silver revenue what you tell my ribbon you what you accounted Leroy jr. I'll count ain't got anybody else in the counting in here you know what revenue me morning coming Eve that can't be stopped [Applause] you got too much confidence in your job they're gonna get your take our hand you wait 45 years ago Oh Timex watch how much you did a good job you took 45 years of my life I so Social Security check come in for me 300 and and and what $392 that much that's what I'm supposed to live all too late [Applause] shoot that one sure would I feel that I believe I would feel all of the appearance I'm not hungry no I couldn't even go on a ship then I went many years I just told my wife contacts you would even do hope you have a little fun you know they already don't need you can't pay my help Monday's appeal I won't tell you how much it is you gonna fall out let it be oh so much it is it what company is dead my daughter my daddy house 300 now so you can't depend on him they gonna send your 300 now wheels device mean come on come on let's keep going we're going to what voice that is 19 keep going I'll lead in the way of righteousness in the mists of the path of joy they keep going going to voice to anyone keep rolling there I'm shocked Otto that I may call those that love me come on out come on it's good preach it to inherence substance and I will feel their treasure somebody dance I'm pretty happy that I'm in color you feel do you love it do you love it he said that I made called he's nothing that just won't happen they must be an accident I'm gonna make it happen I will and it got a whole lot of folks on the side of my voice in his room really love God take the whole package baby take the whole package minutes get the religious spiritual body not your mind take the launcher that I make all those that love me to inherit now I'm gonna shout right there then he goes on the same yo goal is this a run-on sentence and I will feel now trick boy idiot at verse 21 oh my goodness oh my goodness my goodness my goodness don't forgive a baton man we tell my d7i count God got over half my y'all to have listened yeah wisdom for possibility Oh ready for this I don't know how far to do in here I've got down a most shotgun oh oh first Kings chapter three you might not get all seven you gotta sell them so you just pray about it but we're not giving some we'll give me some with a lot less don't let me be stupid Lord give me some wisdom don't let Mississippi the other food don't let me sit with these fools come out and money down there pretty mint money that Ron Walker churchy you down there I ain't going over there stupid stupid and the man at the door ringing the doorbell for his money and they hide tell him I'm not here one time I've heard all the boy some some are hiding from the bill collector and they told look here they'll tell him said mama said attention I hear she behind the door mama behind the door but she told me to tell you tonight she's not she's not here can the man I was a young youngster the Canada man used to bring his kin and we was the seldom fall and then it had the moon pie yourself maybe you or anybody know about that we add them all up so we had to hide when you come back we didn't share uh time so we just we had them up [Laughter] food-man come one man talk to him on the other side see the food truck you become one man talk to me other side some watermelons and stuff gonna be missing on the other side listen listen listen to me listen to me I eat watermelon I'm the one of the richest watermelon leader who ever seen in your life you don't you don't classify me as a watermelon man you know see see I know when I move in my neighborhood a man black man stayed down the street and he said my house had brought another introduction in the subdivision that you know God is bigger than what you're talking about and he said I used to sit on the porch throw the watermelon rind right in my yard he just had to say something yeah I love me think I don't know he said it but I know he said it well I ain't gonna get offended that's years ago he say that you know yeah you got to say something when you're hurting you don't know what they do see blessing is it white people don't understand oh you gonna hurt somebody if you walk in the full blessing of God you can't help it I mean you're not meaning to hurt him you're trying to help him but I'm not gonna stop I'm gonna stop God from blessing me tell your neighbor um I am getting the blessing flow like never before tonight breathe it receive it I release it in Jesus name Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh king of Egypt took Pharaoh's daughter and brought her to the City of David until he had made and in a building his own house keep going and the house of the Lord and the wall of Jerusalem around about keep going I want to see it only the people sacrificing the high pay there because there was no house built up to the name of the Lord you wouldn't it until the old days keep going and Solomon loved the Lord they wonder what house Solomon godwe was the sound of them love the Lord walking in the Statue of David his father on his sacrifice and burnt incense in high plains keep going and the king went to give her urine to sacrifice death for that was the great high place of thousand burnt did some offer up on that altar how many now keep going go to next door and get it in giving him the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and God said ask what I should give thee let's go for it let's go for it who taught my wisdom right now and Sodom I said I had showed until I serve and even my father great moistly according as he walked before thee in truth and he writes in his and in uprightness of heart with thee and thou has kept for him this great kindness that I had given him a son to sit on his throne I got three sons as it is this day keep going and now Lord my god I made thy servant King instead of David my father I bought a little child I know not how to go go out come in come on come on keep going gold mine and our servant is in the missiles are people which I have chosen great people that cannot be numbered no counted for multitude he loved us brochure condition or Raimondo this is my night come on I know what the actual I don't have to ask for own money they said give them what our sudden understanding heart to judge died people that I may discern between good and bad for who was able to judge just so greater people go ahead on good keep going and the speech pleased the Lord that Solomon had act this thing and God said if I gotta read it all because I act this thing and have not asked for - their long life neither fact riches for thyself no I've asked the life of dying enemies but da but have ax for thyself and understands that his son Jim I'm like what God do behold I've done according to thy word law I've given me a wise and understanding heart so that they're well known like thee before thee neither after thee shall any ride lack on the deep and I've also given thee that voice doc has not ax both riches and I so that there's oh my God my god I can't read no more look I'm gonna go somewhere else I wanna show you this for our close tonight I wanna show you this go go go go - first King 10 get caught with it do anything for Solomon you're there any evidence Queen of Sheba heard about it see understand that's why I told you I'm trying to see the young pastor yeah I know of it man get the know man you see on a success track record you I mean if I drop on people bubblegum you're gonna make it you're gonna be anointed I got 12 men I got 11 now wanting to make it follow me everywhere I go they passed it they got charges wasn't gonna fly I was an hour an hour to get here but the money flowing in their life oh I know they ain't follow me for nothing and if I can find my by for nothing if nothing they had no Saints father keep trying to man five year and then happen so they got something happening in their life keep him going one of my son he wanted to buy something for me and my let me buy something he said no holdup pass it makes many of you man just called me and told me got a tent I'm not a check waiting on me don't mess me up that's a grand Bible you read back pastor a pastor I'm Emma Cole until you got a chin down then is a member sitting your guilt path to fit it down now she gave him did that and send me some money thousand she said in the other night [Applause] give him 50 I wasn't no Ana forever what no appreciation you know god bless her she didn't forget her man ago let me say that again God blessed her and she didn't forget her man ago don't touch sooner monkeys sort of ah shucks the cut like off in your life and I cut an imitation off in your life and all your loans got to go because you righteous and you have a divine right to be blessed in the city and in the field that all nation me know that you called by his name and I can't get a praise on that I don't want them praying the body of our bliss I don't want them searching to heaven as if I'm blessed I want them to know that I'm blessed by seeing with their naked eyes that God love me just like I love him [Applause] come on a Basha Carabas shot some good outside Lauretta God if you can't stand you can't stand what you don't want I'm from the reasons I'm not boy listen and when the Queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord she came to prove him with hard question not a queen she she was rich as hell and she was rich n why she come talk to somebody we're here to hear another level she hadn't hit wants me to get snobby talk to him go down the street and talk to a broke man yeah man Mimi says we don't have nothing in common he still he still sick I had the noise on that morning walking a woman with her annoying I stopped him I saw he was hurting I said you know we don't have nothing in common now he was making a racist statement he's a white guy he's making a racist statement you know but Jesus Jesus say you have nothing in common with the devil he was right she came to Jerusalem with a very great train see she wasn't broke camera did bad spices and vivid look at it very much gold and precious darling when she will come to Solomon she commune with him of all that was in her heart Solomon told her all question there was not anything hid from the King which he told her not and when the Queen of Sheba had seen all Solomon wisdom and the house that he had built I'm all over the Sun I was talking to him one time he was about to say I throw the him I said man over there and what I had taught him I stumbled over it's just good I told him if you wise you got some money you you haven't reached your wisdom until you got the money plenty money and he said he's look at me and said dad I don't know leave all that time he said daddy do you have any - all right so I'm just forget about this what did I say that Christie I put foot in mop what I taught him that I'm a man really why you're gonna have money y'all don't like that do you y'all I see y'all are like that cuz it see saying some of you you let God do it tell your neighbor let God do it you see i Rasheeda the home dollar check I'm almost through wait a minute I don't know you're gonna get discouraged the house he built and the meat on his table by the way you have a spread and people who serve rich spoke don't sit it said a different way and cuz she went people people around people rich they're getting rich idea I got I bought your latest in my church and patio didn't do it they served me and my family I mean and and they got a nice house a nice car but he stood me in my family but but they hearing things and seeing things that and they're getting anointed on you can't walk in my house and don't get anointed and it wise enough they don't get familiar with us yeah they called out the face famine some people have problem with that the phrase family telling them girls here tonight they don't know how much I preform and and then they don't know I know when they're going through sup they serving me and my family and you talk about set in a debt doubt table oh look hey god I don't know how many how many said it is you it over honey now we nighttime I know all my dishes you know we talking about dishes that get up off the table when you sit down see look at me look at me look at the glory in me I've been to my table what brings him on bring the motherboard I want to go to that table I want to sit at that table I heard you more and more say I'm ready to go - I'm ready to go man what you waiting for what is your here baby you'll get to the table to show you stop preaching of what I'm going to appeal right now and this is so powerful man what and in verse 5 and the meat on his table in the Senate of service and attendant of his minister and their power you can't be preaching with no tennis and a t-shirt at all represent God in the news meter got suits on the news meter got suits on and then you see people on TV that got certain village that dress nice got shops and so on yeah you're coming a little band on shirt on pat blue jeans don't fit you right and won't preach the gospel come on that this is the season this is the time people like to dress casual oh you dressed casual but I'm not I'm on way I'm aware of their ties with my commission god I'm trying to hurt somebody Perry's cut bear assassin was come on I gotta cool how to look Dell oh look at the end of the voice plays fine look at the end of voice file I can't take no more that is that this is a rich woman but she went to another level I can't Halligan and now read it one time the law said she passed out without trying to make Ruffalo pass out he thanked God just blessed in the city I want to get a chandelier when he walked in my house but but but I shook him a little bit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah she you see because when he looking what I wall he said what the jetty is under my jet he said doc I thought you had a 50 so no anything you thought I had no 50 days no no I got a 900 I'm the first minister that flew a 900 God breaking record you see God letting them know I'll do it I'm sitting on the plane going look at the plant I don't know how i'ma get it I'm going to plant and my two son was sleeping I'm praying and talk crying and sniffling and I said God yeah he said the plane you always I wrote it up he said the plan is you I'm giving it to you so when the people went to shipping in taking it off the market and all that stuff cut off from all Sigma we I ain't contacting them or they call my sons are you ready for it Sam price y'all wonderful yes it should we'll find answer in the time of what you call that stuff the time famine or recession face minister in the United State I don't know what one hand I got boy so you got one now but he second yeah you second my brother you get about face it face it man you second God wanted me to be first man I can't get upset about that the Lord wanted me to be faith the Lord want you to be faced with in your family to break up [Applause] come on come up here and sing set about breaking out I'm a quick enough break out or jump out and do something it's just we need to be suck we need to do something here y'all need to you know when your feet up in here we were gonna do do something can you we were something about to happen something have happened the word working isn't it I said a word working in me is it working are you she going up again he's 700 now she was fired when is she going up that's 200 huh the word reckoning me right now tell me tell me that's a fire without telling me I heard I heard what you say I'm gonna let it happen I'm not going on and let it happen I'm gonna make it happen me and my job gonna do this thing well belong to me abundant belong to me riches belong to me the overflow belonging me increase belonging to me yes do something here do something do something do something just let them jump around a little bit jump right guys when you gotta shake it up hallelujah Pentecostal church up come on hallelujah Church of God and Christ up in your cutoff for gospel up in you come on get your praise on get your praise on get your friends on get your praise on [Music] every financial jail that is in here tonight we're gonna give you one more chance ah they're not let football faint praise more than me they're not let any game please God I'll play their team or not praise them that's why I have a nine then we got to break through we got a big one I never got your little sweaty top I got dance before God thank you for what I heard my life will never be the same lift your hand your God we thank you lift your hand young man hands in our what's the matter with y'all up in you put them hands in there you know you need some money father we received your word tonight your word is working in our soul in our spirit in our body and in our pocket every word that was spoken to me tonight is going home with me be with me the rest of my life you said you give me rest of all things to enjoy they have a few things know what I want to enjoy and tonight I heard the man of God say it's mine I have our covenant and Kingdom right to be blessed beyond measure now under him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you asked to think according to the power that worketh in you hallelujah that they've come not to come but to steal kill and destroy I am come that you might have life and you might have it more abundantly he prepares the table before me in the presence of my enemies night my hair at all good God Almighty my cup runneth over from this night stalking I'm gonna live in green pastures go ahead our lives upon I heard this in my spirit I want you to say it three times but I want you to understand what you bought to say because I he just told it to me we need to say it three times I am blessed fresh fresh lesson fresh blessing from this knife phone will follow you anywhere you go says fresh blessing what God about yeah you know you it could be any size you wanted to be nice I saw the Holy Ghost hits your twice yeah I told him boy you know when he hit you got to trade them a while praise him awhile start out if you got to start out in the flesh you keep praising him he goes you up see what people stop too fast they go look at their who are watching she my dad when I was thought of him he would get in the spirit wouldn't take him long to get in the spirit and when the whole day go hit he let it go we got to come back to those day we got to stop acting actually go all up in the holding go when you first start yeah all up in the hole they go you gotta give the whole whole time the manifest you feel it see the presence of president of the Lord if you praise him he assure in a dynamic manner Wow Wow so head up saturate yourself with it Wow I know the Lord of God I've been preaching father for a year I know when the president of God come to endorse what his sermon had preaches the Lord is here [Music] therefore special anointing for this meeting say I got it going home with me would never leave I know yeah good point yeah tell my point negative if you don't want it I'll take you just you ready to shop ready shop there's what I just said in this bed I felt a double anointing have come in this house when I told you I can't afford didn't want it I heard it must be double anointing so you leaving here with a devil prosperity or 90 not one on argit you leave you a two-night you leave in here devil anointed for prosperity we're not to tell the plane I'll give you it back if I got a double anointing and shout put a big sit out and get a seat so so in the flow pouring envelope I'm sawing in the floor of the devil anointed I love it I'm soaring in the floor of the double or not you i loo you how they do it seemed good to the whole ego seemed good to me that's the kind of seeds you want to so tonight I'm soaring in the flow of the devil anointed of prosperity double or nothing of prosperity and possibility of prosperity I'm sowing the night in the flow of the double anointing of prosperity when the Nanshan president god give you some things you never heard before this double of noise you know you're not only against anointed you got a double anointing for Prosperity money gonna respect you twice as much I'm flying I'm soaring in the flow of the devil an unguent of prosperity you watch it out by television get in on it you know you don't watch him turn the television off when you get to this time get in on it see this annoys and goes with see you've got a soul seat I don't beg for no money I don't worry I don't have a budget I'm not going to no church hoping they will send me back I have a family I got to come back so I'll go with round chill I mean y'all got bread Pasteur showed me some ice want to play a young pastor a minute why I've run through it it just got mad it ran through here it is hooking together what the pastor is right there you go so much so it's so much the line in this bedroom so much tonight so much to learn boy you talk it over with your wife and repent and get your plate get your tail back when you pull the be hard on the other but I know y'all good people don't let nobody fry you out fry you like a hey [Music] you Eagle see sometimes you'd be around me a few years and them not having to get discouraged don't get discouraged babe I hope I hope until I got it my head my dad took my name five here the ho ten-year the home I kept hanging hanging I kept hanging around free it price what'd he say what'd he say she even get discouraged because you think everything going to me how they gonna have none huh hi everything on to me he's managed yet he got it how am i dead or if you go 250 Tylenol or V huh I get everything going to me you got to do your apprenticeship don't look what I got you drive you crazy flat crib I tell you I'd come here tomorrow in another RV no not all of you will hear more the coach I've even when you pull up yeah they can't go with me I'm not gonna none of my son go with me with no pool behind with a truck no no no that ain't representing God right you wait till you get something go rent one like I'm dry we have no pool back with us yeah who's you hurting my feeling I'm trying to hurt your feeling get you out of there where you've been to get where you're going watch what you say when you leave this meeting - I don't know why I had to sit in because you're sick cause you mess yourself up I'm not playing again I'm for real god bless me cuz I'm for real and I'm your blessed have you got a bless you you ready it's a powerful seed you buy disorder oh thank you for the double prosecuted anointed resting on every pushing on the sound of my voice we thank you for your present we thank you for Revelation tonight we thank you for the anointed and now Lord we got our seat in our hand we're saying thank you but we're also saying that we want what we heard and we saw it in the revelation and anointed that pass through this place tonight we have expectation we have faith we thank you you want us to be blessed so we can be a blessing and so we thank you for it now we receive it in Jesus name Amen surrounded I serve you oh look give it harmful through this in the bucket well Jennifer got to go home now get up get on up you had less well we have had a good meeting God have blessed us I meant and you you you're a good group of people to preach them I'm watching people you know I know why God took me out the circuit I had to have people who can receive this I can't go past the breathing back my neck he don't even believe what I'm saying cuz they never seen it you know just talk to God about every word I said you talk to God about it because it came from him right all right close this meeting now bless you Father thank you so much for your presence thank you for these men and women who have traveled to be here that they're coming placed another anoint you normal place on anointing on this church this man of God this woman of God his children in the church members released your blessing are men of your word and let your word manifest and Haven life in his auditorium and around the world we thank you for these three section that you've given us we give you all the glory and all the praise we brag Lord but we're definitely not bragging on ourself for everything that we have accomplished you did it so we want to give you the glory I share things with your people because I wanted to see that you mean what you say but then on the other hand I want him to know it's not by might know about power but it's by your spirit I encourage those of the boys not to be discouraged I encourage them to consistently follow the revelation that you're giving them and father I know you're not a man that should lie if you say it you'll make it good I blessed every home I bless marriages are blessed siblings children grandchildren whatever whoever need to come home whoever got some habit that they shouldn't have in the name of Jesus we break that habit and they'll come to a righteous soul at the word enter into their soul and their spirit their soul can connect with their body and their life thank you for travel grace thank you you be with us as we go out of his way in Jesus mighty name amen all right this is a possum and I want to come online the lecture new congratulations for all the new partners who has signed up and those who are thinking about signing up I want to encourage you to tell you the story why money coming came into existence my wife and I was juicing and exercising and she asked me to go to the supermarket to get some apples and oranges to put in the juicer well when I was at the supermarket I got two apples and orange I was standing in line behind a short white fellow who had an 8 pack of beer I didn't know him I saw any winning is a wallet to pay for the bill then when they gave me change back he had all the money in and he looked at me and said money really going so to be called you it's a normal saying money really going money's kids don't have much money and so I went on agreed with him well when I got in the car I actually was driving a Volkswagen at that time when I got into the car the Spirit of God acted what did you say in that store well I began to say I didn't say anything but I found out if you agree with some money largely a degree it's just like you saying it and so when I try to get the prefix and say and I say money call it but I never got the whole word going out I've got the prefix of going out and I heard the words on the inside of me never heard them before never heard of no way else money come in and then I went over again you heard it again money come in and then on the third time money cometh but a third time something broke loose in me I didn't know what it was as a Baptist boy background in the beginning of my ministry we didn't talk about money that much were just talking about offering we didn't talk about prosperity well increase we didn't know it for the body of Christ as covenant and it's time for the body of Christ to walk in so I went home I told my wife about it and we incubated it about a year - then I went to a major meeting my spiritual father and he told his son that he wanted me to minister at 2 o'clock well I wanted back to the hotel and started praying 2 o'clock I stood up said to be the largest offering in the history of this camp meeting and I just told his story that I told you when I did I saw hundreds of people getting on their feet coming to wall to altar well I know I hadn't made an altar call well I watched him to come but then they got closer I saw they had money in their hand and they lead the money on the altar thousand dollars they made on the altar and I recognized the seeds revelation cam with money coming to activate it and from that day forward 27 years ago any time I stand the minister people begin to sow seed never ask for it they will put no pressure on anyone so what I'm saying to you partners is your turn into a apostolic financial anointing that I was called at this hour in Pitbull mall to do anything but by the grace of God by an anointing that is on my life I've seen people finances change I've seen churches become debt-free I've seen individuals become debt-free so I just want you to notice the real thing and I want to congratulate you those are you on the why on the wall trying to make a decision I want you to know this is a genuine this is real this is from God I'm not trying to get money from you I'm trying to get money to you that we can carry out the Great Commission of the gospel god bless you keeps on enough [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 32,285
Rating: 4.7959733 out of 5
Keywords: lttv, leroythompson tv, leroythompson, apostle, apostle Leroy Thompson sr., dr. leroy Thompson sr., money cometh, finances, wealth, money, prosperity, abundance, seed, sow, rich, money cometh the body of christ, supernatural money, supernatural money cometh, glory
Id: tEKIfkawt50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 34sec (5854 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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