NEW Creating SECRET NUKE And DESTROYING JOB BOT (Job Simulator VR Funny Gameplay)

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all right we've got a new customer let's see what this guy is hiding in the back okay what do you got buddy oh no why he's got a bomb join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bill I come to receive notifications so you'll never miss a lot of video hey guys and welcome back to job simulator today we are going to be a car mechanic but guess what we are going to be the worst car mechanic ever because we are gonna steal everybody's stuff so let's bring in the first customer oh and look at that what a beauty she is so in this simulation we have to fix up cars but here's what I'm gonna do okay we are gonna go to the back of the car and see what kind of stuff these people are bringing so this lady brought nothing but if she did I'm gonna steal it and we're gonna make her car super ugly and super stupid which is gonna be super funny I'm very excited guys leave a like in the video right here right now and after you guys have left alike we are gonna fix this car so it looks like we got a nice little three sit in the car over here what if we just check out all of these cylinders just like that oh yeah that looks healthy lots of black smoke coming out of it alright let's see what are we gonna put in there so it looks like she needs some oil to go into the engine but I think we're gonna spice this up a little bit okay oh yes this old lady is gonna be raging down the streets with some hot sauce lubrication here we go let's say get that in the engine all right thank you hot sauce you are gonna go back let's see we need to go to parts now because she also needs some stuff fixed why do you have a potato powering your car that oh oh looks like we are actually supposed to take that out right now let's dunk the potato let's see ooh nuclear power we're gonna use that whoa I was gonna say we're gonna use that later but now I got two of them is there gonna be another one whoa holy moly there is gonna be another one yes much better so the lady is happy jobbot is telling me to deliver the car but I want to make it a little bit nicer okay this lady is a real lady and real ladies deserve a pink car so we're gonna turn it pink oh ho look at that beautiful now we can drop the car deliver it to the happy lady yes that's right lady you owe me two thousand seven hundred and sixty one dollars but the paint job free of charge papa get out of here bye bye lady I'll see you later alligator so in this video guys we are gonna steal stuff from all of our customers mess up their course and I want to try and create something explosive with the parts that we still how does that sound bring in the next car oh it's a convertible beautiful how are you doing sir hey wait a minute I recognize this guy that is boss Bo do you guys remember when we kind of you know put him in a shredder in the office he's probably still mad at us so he comes up with a coupon but he's not gonna get a discount ho ho no he's gonna get a broken car ha ha ha that's right I'm gonna dunk all of this stuff wait am I supposed to do this the boss is telling me to break his car too so this guy wants me to replace his headlight fluid that's an exist right there's no fluid going in headlights wait hold on headlight fluid wait hold our phone dude that doesn't exist right do I put it on here nah dude it's totally scam let's see we can mess up his car a little bit of cake you put a banana in it oh yes we could put a banana in it give me some more bananas we're gonna turn this into a banana car there we go yes no battery but he's got a banana all right we're gonna close this off sticking through the hood we're gonna do we're gonna turn this car around we're gonna see if he has stuff in here okay oh he's got nothing that's okay we can't still mess with him a little bit this is actually another banana it's a professional till 5:00 clogger so that's what we're gonna doing a clog up those tailpipes and we're gonna give him this bananas well here you go this whole cars gonna smell like bananas and this car is gonna be pink it's so fighter right why is this so much smoke coming out of this thing um guys what why is there so much smoke this is this is not okay where's that coming from oh but now we're really gonna mess up his car gas tank cleaner this is not gonna clean your gas tank this is sugar oh that's gonna clog up the whole thing oh we're it's only gonna break this guy's car should you get for using a coupon okay I'm cool and yep there we go but you know what I'm actually gonna steal a wheel thank you thank you for your whole wheel now we're gonna drop the car no way that he's gonna drive away and yet another coupon you know what boss bought get out of here try to drive you're smoking we less clogged up car okay wait and we charge him forty four hundred dollars ah well that was not a very good coupon boss bah ha ha ha ha no way look at the car that thing was scraping all right let's bring in the next customer I want to find some cool secret item in the back of some of these cars oh but this looks like a cool rodeo cowboy guy can I steal this yes I can steal that so apparently this guy is got like a really messed up broken car which is even more broken now that I'm done with it we gotta make it at least a little bit wrote safe cuz these lights those are busted ok let's see if we can't put some new lights in there oh yes we can use this yeah in this guy so we put it in just like that to complete the mission let me just take him right out again oh wait there's something going on under the hood as well is this a thing oh it's a dirty filter man what are you breathing up oh that's gross right well we are gonna give this guy a new filter there we go and then we're gonna take it right out again and this rusty beauty is gonna get another color let's see we're gonna go for a nice project James to fly green okay shower me and green oh yeah yes yes that's right and then we're gonna close that puppy up whoo-whee steam coming out of that puppy and there we go we got ourselves a banana hood ornament which looks absolutely terrible and then we're just gonna drop the car wait I want to tire ha yes I'll put the tire in the back okay the banana you know what yes we're gonna give him some more tires okay how many tires can we give this guy huh how many tires I wonder if he's gonna be able to drive away with that many tires and also this nice bill over here papa come on cowboy get out of here I want to see this guy drive away oh no I dropped all the stuff man gee sell us Ruth man I give him all these cute presents and just ditches it on the ground oh I taxi all right first things first we are gonna go to the back of the car oh my what's happening Oh get a banana oh that's gross man holy moly oh but now it's in the okay well it's in the in the cabin now oh that's okay let's see what's in the back hello guys I will not give up there has to be something in the back at some point is a donut an air filter probably right there we go let's see we can get some banana action going on huh cuz this is gonna smell super tasty just gonna go to the left front there we go open up this door alright I'm just gonna hang the banana right over there there we go it's done hey wait a minute he dropped my donut how dare your friends get in there and of course we gotta take off a tire you know what we're actually just gonna take off every single tire let's see what happens and dunk it Oh beautiful can we hang a banana off of here yes we can how many bananas can we hang we get two bananas come on three bananas ho ho ho ho boy are you gonna leave you three bananas I guess we can't put another little banana whoop right on in there oh hello what is that sound there does it sound good okay okay just get it out of here get it out of here that is a weird sound man please leave my garage get out here you don't even have to pay just just get out but is he going to try for what oh my goodness Wow then that was extreme evil job Jameses on the job how are you doing lady Oh No look at you tires yep those are absolutely busted you can't drive around like that lady let me help you out okay I'm gonna give you the best kind of tire okay it's a banana tire there we go just gonna put the banana ok that doesn't work we need an actual tire of course right this toy looks like it's made out of stone this is gonna work how does that work basically I could just take off the tire dunk it like a boss put it on there and then just remove it again how does that even work it's just actually going to complete the mission no way look at this put it on take it off oh boy alright that didn't work I thought it was smart but I was not or what a surprise it's okay guys we're just gonna put this back on there and it's beautiful oh of course the back of the truck what's cooking in the back nothing here man well lady you are gonna get some tires that's all right and there we go beautiful then we're gonna check out the engine apparently it's whoa it's overheating let's see if I can open oh my goodness this is a dirty job right now a lot of stuff happening here I just get these things out of here you know what we're gonna put some antifreeze in here that should cool it down right oh yes much better much better what is this um do you want to drink like do you want to drink some gas or something actually some gas mixed with some hot sauce oh yes and then we're gonna put some anti-freeze in there oh this is a milkshake here you go girl you're welcome oh yes things are gonna work out for you girl things are gonna work out for you let's drop it like it's hot we are still yet to find something in the back of one of these cars but maybe the next one has some answers get out here that's right another happy customer but not really they're gonna come home and find out that that car is messed up but that's not my problem hahaha yeah that's right leave a bad review I don't care oh wait oh no I banned it please don't rob me an emergency paint job oh yeah right this guy is definitely running away from the cops let's see what he's hiding in the back okay I mean he's a criminal there's gotta be something in the bag oh please not a human okay I don't want to see a body in here hello he's got all this cheese in the bag that yes oh that is some Gouda cheese and as we know in the job universe or in the bot universe this equals money so basically this guy has robbed a bank and now I gotta fix this car you know what we're just gonna mess with this guy a little bit okay la la la la we need a banana in the whap oh I said the wopo let's give this guy a collar that's not gonna be noticed at all which is James fry green that I'm gonna just own this color now okay yeah yeah yeah obviously this guy needs a lot of gas to escape the cops well guess what my friend guess what justice will be served no guests today oh ho ho no we are gonna give this guy some maximum energy so that he can't escape the corpse with a maximum speed how does that sound how we go perfect for James that we go and another dunk and now we gotta upgrade his engine again he wants to be as fast as possible to escape the cops he's actually got a nuclear powered engine I don't think so my friend I do not think so I'm gonna take out everything yes after all this guy's a bad guy and I wanna help the police to lock this guy up okay oh but hey we can't switch out this right real plate mate that sounds like a fake plate we're gonna give him a better one okay too fast for you how ironic when he gets caught by the cops and he's gonna plate that says he's too fast oh you know what I actually have a great idea we're gonna go to the back of the car again and we're gonna grab some kind of like a sensor or an or or a transmitter let's see this thing maybe we can track his car when he's on the way can we're gonna hide that in the back I'm just gonna cover that by gouda cheese and then we will know oh where this guy is ed come on hey close up buddy yeah then we're gonna drop the car we're gonna help the police catch this bad guy all right we're gonna print this puppy out that is a nice number I'm sure he can pay for it now yes sir well he's got a lot of stuff here so let's go ahead and close this up okay bye-bye all right we've got a new customer let's see what this guy is hiding in the back okay what do you got buddy oh no why he's got a bomb oh I just knew it at some point some criminal would bring a weapon through the door this is absolutely incredible but my question is does it work I mean there doesn't really seem to be any way to activate this thing there's a button can't really press it though oh it's making a sound oh my goodness is it gonna blow no way right I can hear it think whoa oh my goodness what what just happened um uh blood hello where did everyone go did I just blow them up um guys that was honestly the loudest scariest most insane thing I ever see you know what I'm gonna quickly fix up his car so that he can't get out of here cuz I am super curious to see what happens when we bring in the next car cuz job board is gone and the client is also gone she's so believable alright we fixed this car now we're gonna drop the hood drop the entire car actually let's see what happens like no one is here I can print out a ticket but I can't give it to the guy anymore cuz he's gone alright so we are back I had to restart the simulation to bring back the customer jump off and of course that guy let's turn his puppy around and see if he brought another bomb and know why he actually brought to this time I guess that means we can kind of experiment with these things right can we make a spicy bomb okay that doesn't quite work can we make a frozen bomb right it doesn't quite work either maybe put some oil on this bad boy alright that doesn't really seem to work maybe we got a attach something to like a battery make it extra powerful maybe Oh oh-ho what about nuclear power go Oh what we just made a nuclear bomb this is so cool this is so cool oh my goodness doesn't explode go oh listen to that you'll get a truck in no wait it's a dude it's gonna do the same boom right where's it bigger holy moly that wasn't even bigger explosion and everyone is gone again guys that is how you make a nuclear bomb in job simulator thank y'all so much for watching I'll see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 4,897,522
Rating: 4.8303375 out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job simulator vr, job simulator virtual reality, job simulator overtime, job simulator challenge, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator game, job simulator vr game, job bot vr, job bot virtual reality, vr, virtual reality, family friendly, gaming, projectjamesify, jamesify
Id: iIdkXz9hwrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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