The Artist with Multiple Personalities

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We have 20 personalities . Ken He's a guy he's is a gay guy. Every painting He does he says it's gonna be a train. None of his paintings looks like a train So I don't know where that come from. Judy is 15 year old personality Oh, she sees herself as being overweight So she's always on diets a spirit of the water she tends to be out just to have a shower Yeah, I mean it's still me, but I just accept being cooking I'm Kim Noble, and I'm an artist I also have dissociative identity disorder Which it used to be the old multiple personality disorder. It's when other personalities would take over the body It's caused from Torah and the Personality of dissociate so for me, it's like sleepwalking somebody can say oh, you've been You know up painting, and I have no memory of doing it The exhibition I'm putting on is for the Mental Health Foundation They approached me so I pulled in from my contemporary artists to the Great's great minds are often mistaken aren't they? The difference with Kim is that you have no style yeah, it's not you don't say Oh, that's the Kim noble each picture shows a whole different side to you You know people who said to me well come back when your stove settles, and it was you know never getting settled because they were individual artists having their own style I had to explain My mental health issues to explain the art because they came actually hand in hand for me it helps me learn about the other personalities and get a feel and understanding of them and you know and that's the closest I'm gonna get to him, I'm Patricia still, but I just accept being cook him. I'm the main personality now, but Before there was funny wisdom it was a main personality So I would only probably be out to three times Perhaps a week at first there was only Five four five of us painting and as time has gone on other personalities have decided to paint as well I started painting About 12 years ago. I had a support worker here. That was a trainee art therapist and She said though. Why don't you get on and do some painting? Oh? I was sitting here chatting, and I said, I'm not interested in painting. I don't know how to paint and any end and decided to Just have a go and we didn't have any paper or anything can use the back of my paper. It's been really really useful and helpful and healing oh This is them another room which I stalled the work in I? Try to keep them in personalities like all misses are there this is Bonnie's work That's one of judges There's usually something in I could see her face within there Can you see yeah, and I'm not just imagining that you see This is one of these That's the compeller one. Oh she Does to see I think that's Hebrew? I think I don't know these a lot here are Ria's Rhea her work is very bright, and it's graphic of abuse I Had a lot of trouble with her work Because her paintings are not the ones that people want to be put You know really on their walls yeah, and that I see is dissociation that is a print of that girl there so and they've all got that on in some sort of way the ID is coping mechanism So I don't have any knowledge of any trauma so that I can then just gotten with my life And I'm actually not affected by it Obviously somebody like rear must have some memory of at all. I don't know I mean her paintings suggest she does I didn't know a personality was taken over because all line had is these memory gaps but You know he didn't have a name. He didn't have I didn't have a diagnosis in them days I was being entreated for anything, but the ID one of the other personalities that I Think it was 13 tried to take an overdose So they were admitted to psychiatric unit and that was it from there. It was in that Hospital This painting here is by a nun she's called a nun because we haven't managed to get her name yet she just Seems to pour on the paint so the paint's quite fresh I see it being very um it's very Spiritual a woman with all these little ones dancing around The next one here is a missus. She will only use the three colors and She just splashes on the paint all the time just doing this and flicking the paint and when Amy was younger she used to like going up there and getting splattered with paint Amy's now 20. When she was born Social Services actually said that would be unfit to bring her up so they removed her birth And was putting her up for adoption I wasn't there at the birth so to me I didn't give birth to her but obviously I know that the body did and you know Amy's mine as much as any of the other personalities so you know I don't want Amy to feel That she's not mine because she is mine Obviously, you know our first priority has always been Amy and if I ever thought any of the other personalities would harm Amy you know I Wouldn't want her to be with us But they did not even know me they gave me like an hour assessment said no removed child removed child You know my own therapist who recommended I went for a proper assessment in a mother and baby unit she was ignored We did go through the court system, and she came back to live with us after six months That's why a lot of the paintings that you know you'll see... Yeah. Oh look They are and Nun's even nun who has got nothing to do with anything as far as I'm concerned But you know even her there's a mother and child This is Susie's When she was first painting all she kept painting was that mother and baby mother and baby And then one day she done a painting and when you pull it back there's no baby So all our paintings have been mother and baby mother and baby mother and baby and then this ones got a curtain over it And the baby's gone It's actually really said, but she never done anymore of those after that That's something that obviously is deep-rooted and has a knock-on effect And now you know 20 years on she's doing a law degree. You know in her finally at uni she's a well-adjusted young person Think your own touched by mental illness in some shape or form I hope you're going to understand as well that if you have mental illness It doesn't necessarily have to be a barrier to anything you want to do Quite a few of the artists are in the show and you have got mental health issues It successfully what they do I Definitely I prefer doodle artwork. There is no doubt. I love those two pieces. Those are my favorite pieces I never want some whatever because I like them a lot I can relate to The person I feel like I can see that perhaps. They've gone through a kind of a struggle I'm just so proud that I think No, it's true though because I feel like she's just come such a long way from where her art was Until now and to see every personality exhibited in one room. It's a bit. I don't know I guess overwhelming It's a what for you it really It's something nice about you know actually being classified down as an artist Rather than just you know somebody weird. I meant help you see that I Don't want to define me, but I don't think anybody with a mental health issue does I Think I have heard that and some people do Integrate and become one personality I've been told that I can't integrate because my Brain is as there are different Pathways and so it'd be very difficult if not impossible to integrate but before even being told that because that was later on after my diagnosis I never Entered therapy wanting integration. I just thought that you know who are going to be left with And I just used too many artists
Channel: VICE
Views: 1,879,474
Rating: 4.9382577 out of 5
Keywords: documentary, documentaries, docs, interview, culture, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, journalism, vice guide,, vice, vice magazine, vice mag, vice videos, film, short films, movies, mental health, multiple personalities, kim noble, painting, artist, DiD, dissociative identity disorder, dissociation, trauma, d.i.d, a woman divided, BAFTA, mrkimnoble, multiple personality disorder, the woman with 100 personalities
Id: u8Oh1L1aN8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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