The Madonna's Secret 1946

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the night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour our light well John uh the Hadley galleries are honored oh hello Haley who posed for this picture wonderful isn't it Coleman's been remarkably successful the last four years yes but who's the girl well the same girl he always paints he always it is this the same girl for the last five years to my knowledge but I know her excuse me John I've seen her son good afternoon mr. arrow oh hello Joyce New York Evening Globe drama department all right thank you I'll tell him you won't have to review that play tonight mr. Harold they've decided not to put it on Oh Thank You Joyce sinus trouble again hmm no Joyce did you ever see a face that disturbed you lots of them that new man on the rewrite desk no no I mean some of you know quite well but just can't place I had that experience this morning at the Hadley art Garrett Hedlund Garrett well mister you detest art galleries I know I do they're usually so many people one can't see the pictures or so many pictures one can't see the people how original was 50 years ago and Oscar Wilde said it 10 is a friend of mine and one makes sacrifices for one's friends it's terribly bored until I saw a painting really lovely picture of a girl I seem to know well a dramatic critic meets so many women no no this isn't an actress not even a bad actress it's a girl I remember vividly but who painted the picture man named Corbin James Holland Corbin perhaps he's in the phonebook shall I look captured better otherwise the theater will suffer yes this is Carmen speaking sorry to bother you mr. Corbyn My Name Is Earl John I'm dramatic critic on the globe and I was wondering if you could tell me pardon me I I didn't get the name John oh I saw that painting of yours at the Hadley gallery's beautiful thing Govan I was wondering who modeled for it the model yes I want to use one girl mr. her name is Helen no Helen no thanks sorry I bothered you Colvin it's all right mister James who was on the phone with just someone inquiring for heaven who asked for him didn't catch the name mother yes Oh Plan B I'm looking for a young lady named Helen north I'm Helen or oh no you can't be I mean you're not use not the girl in the picture or the painting at the Hadley gallery no I'm not well do you know where I can find that girl you can't I'm afraid you see there isn't any such girl I modeled for mr. Corbin but the faces well then imagine every face might be young lady that's utterly impossible what if there is such a girl I've never seen her what happened could it be an accidental resemblance well sorry I disturbed you that's alright I'm sure what kind of a wolf was that he's no wolf painting remind him of some girl you know hunt there is something strange about that face of paint you mean she loved him and left him I've often wondered about her I want to ask him who she is what do you care who she is I don't on me he want you kind of like him don't you let's not have that again okay you're gonna quit your job Oh hon please don't start that don't try to kid me you're in love with Corbin please go then why do you stick to him you've had lots of better offers where's your pride does it burn you up that he always paints another girl's face there weren't stuck on him you'd quit you've no right to talk to me like that you do it just to hurt my feelings I do it because cuz I love you dad I had hopes of huh it means a lot to you mm-hmm all right I'll quit your favorite dish booyah this I'm not very hungry I'll taste it I remember when you were very fond of it yeah that was in Paris it's horribly quiet here of course isn't that is why we took this house James you're upset has something happened no I'm just a bit jumpy that's all I wish you tell me there isn't anything I'm tired I'm working too hard I guess well why don't you go to a show or a picture get around talk to people you wouldn't mind of course not you shouldn't stay cooped up in this house all the time I don't wait up for me do ya I'll be sound asleep you'll be wide awake I know good night a part of me in the heart of me kiss brings aloo Oh ooh the only one Oh with you it another one love it may wander astray my love it will grow every day everywhere ah Monsieur corbeil have a droll sense of humor I see mind if I sit down so it's Corbin now no longer Co Bay Street I didn't recognize your voice on the telephone recognize yours I'm sorry to say why New York why not England or South America this is my mother's country you can't hide my dear fellow painter can't lose himself with a change of names the only thing to do is to stop painting and especially stop painting Medellin Renard strange I didn't recognize him Oh what you want of me completely forgotten your existence until half an hour ago seeing you again rather makes my blood boil but there is on it you laid a fool of yourself writing those vicious articles about me no you made fools of us all including the Paris police Madeleine Renard was in love with you you just completed a remarkable painting of her the Madonna's secret I think you called it he were to have married her the next day which he disappeared two days later her body was fished out of the Seine if he had waited did not jump to conclusions that please Gordon it's over and you're in the clear but I've always been curious about one thing why was Madeleine Renard murdered what had she done well stay away from me I quit Paris avoid people like you tell me nothing to fear now why was that beautiful girl murdered someone said it each man kills the thing he loves is that the reason what happened Helen sorry mr. Corbyn you have heard something about me that upset you heard something no I'm just going to quit that's all myself every zijn I've been here too long now wait a minute Helen I think I deserve some explanation you've been with me now more than three years I I had no idea you weren't happy now what is it there's a wonderful painting if they had the galleries everyone's talking about it but it isn't Helen North is it no these aren't Helen north either any of them so that's it why do you always paint this woman whoever she is I have a face too and some people think it's a very nice face why don't you ever paint me am I just a body with arms and legs and no face how do you think I feel posing day after day and seeing that other woman on your canvas I have feelings too mr. Corbyn I send you your check Helen Helen I want you to stay no don't go away Helen I didn't know forgive me it isn't your fault yes it is I I should have seen you before let me paint you that's it let me capture that expression that that year were they laughing it good oh it's wonderful I feel like I could kiss you why don't you is it my imagination or are you more beautiful today and to think I almost went away sometimes we are lucky enough to correct the mistake before it happens are you children are going to have a bite Oh mrs. Corben you haven't said how you like the picture oh you're just looking for compliments both of you are there no sandwiches this is an important moment isn't it Helen it is for me it calls for a celebration Helen and I are going to the wonderful dinner then a beautiful boat ride on us a boat ride you don't know about my boat do you know tell me you'll see tonight she's a beauty and as fast as a bullet she was don't frighten the girl perhaps she doesn't like to go so fast oh but I do I love it of course she does so let's meet in the lobby of the ass altar at 7 o'clock we'll have dinner there that will give the mean time to come out and be ready for us wear a coat Ellen it gets quite cool on the water yes I will well I I guess I'd better leave now I want to look I'll take me a little time to get ready don't forget 7 o clock add up yeah don't become die send her away for Hey it's after 6:00 time to get dressed I don't think I'll go James that isn't fair she expects you I know but I'd rather not don't you feel well it isn't that I I'm a bit gloomy this evening not since you go downstairs and get dressed a girl doesn't mind when she's in love and she's such a sweet girl to come in hey look at you you could have let me know you were coming why got a date mm-hmm who with I'm going out with mr. Corbett so he's finally got around to taking you out well you're not going understand no you can't stay away for a month and then just walk in here I said you're not going Ellen I am I gonna step down for courting or any other man I couldn't even if I wanted to huh we're all wrong for each other only lately we used to be okay no we were never okay I know it now hello yes who mr. oh the line please I knew you were lovely when you didn't quit your job what am I supposed to do back away oh no you're not gonna use me out of the picture yes telephone miss Nora Thank You mrs. Watson you'll have to go now I'm telling you Alan I'm not gonna hold still for this if you go out with Carm tonight ah hello well hello yes yes of course I certainly will goodbye been dead for hours case for the morgue tough she was a beautiful girl that's all you want to tell us that's all I know finally more I'd tell you but the landlady says she heard you threaten her on the 18th that was the night before last the night she was killed what about that not Helen didn't mean her no oh did you mean korben korben oh yes the man she worked for what about Corbin what about him come on Mason you're only hurting yourself I was sore she had a date with him and I didn't want her to keep it so I popped off I'm always popping off anyway this is just a lot of words I wouldn't 20 big the hell on I wanna see Mason we'll have to hold you till we check your alibi this carbon what do we know about him McNally is bringing him in let me know when he gets it right look at this why it's unbelievable another murder that's right and just like the other one what another one Joyce I know who did it this primer at the one over no no this Jepson artist an artist it murder yes that's exactly what he is quick Joyce get me the police Oh lieutenant Roberts come in sorry to bother you again mr. Corbin just around checking out a few things any new developments we've released that boy Mason his alibi was airtight and so far we haven't been able to locate let's talk in here good oh how about going to your studio I've never seen a real art studio well alright so this is it yes you mind if I look around perk yourself I've been trying to check up on the phone call she got night before last you say you found her about 7:30 rather later than that I'd say someone called her before 7:00 it was switchboard the landlady thought I I'd like to find out who it was well that shouldn't be hard to trace all will finally cross there's to go yes Carmen you're pretty good at painting I mean certainly had what it takes it's very beautiful you painters get lots of breaks these seem to be of some of the girl they are her name wouldn't happen to be Madeleine Renard yes that was her name where is she now dead didn't John Earl tell you she was murdered you were tried for it and completely exonerated and now Helen North is dead murdered in exactly the same way rather a coincidence a more than a coincidence lieutenant what does that mean I seem to have an enemy that's no defense oh I'm being accused what do you think I've given you an alibi anything wrong with it you beat that rap in Paris with an alibi but not this one I see you have convicted me already but you won't find it so easy in a court of law now be a reasonable Roberts why should I want to hurt Helen north does your top C show a motive I think not and would I kill Helen the way Madeleine Renard was murdered in Paris that would be stupid wouldn't it stupid or very clever I see you've come to arrest me that's right and this time there'll be no miscarriage of justice I promise you that just this what do you care about justice you're a policeman all you want is a conviction you don't care what you do to a man or difference if he's innocent or guilty come on let's go the two crimes present a coincidence that cannot be ignored five years and 3,000 miles separate the murders of Helen north and Madeline Reynard but oh good morning mr. Lavin I'm dictating that follow-up story on James Corbett throw it in the wastebasket aye what Corbin's free walking around no released habeas corpus no case against him his alibi is us tight as a drum just forget the case er stick to the theater that's your dish going officer obviously don't forget to cover that play tonight cover it I'll bury it hello roberts i just came from the criterion detective agency yeah okay Jerry stick with him hold on to your hat mr. Corbin just hired a private detective agency to break the case who did Corbin don't you get it it's a phony he knows we're tailing him oh what a guy fooling that's the clincher now I know he's guilty all right Lee keep after that first phone call that may be the answer right looking for something mister no not exactly thought maybe you might be interested in the body that pulled out she sure was a beauty well I am I was wondering where she was thrown in well I figure somewhere around that boathouse down there it makes you think that I know this river mystery what you think the current would have drifted the body towards the Hudson River you did the tide changing brought it back again that always happens I fooled many a body out of this river in my time but none as pretty as that gal can't think of any reason why a man would want to kill the good-looking woman like that can you I say can you mister what no well good night good night mr. well hello Randolph of all people Georgie Porgie where in the world of your being real or earning another service strike free and on the prowl again eh well if I were a bit younger I'd propose to you and if you were a bit older I'd accept you seriously George I want to buy that picture I thought you had a picture I have lots of don't try to be cute George I want to send it to my home sorry you can't have that vanilla you know that's painting all about it they have newspapers in Reno it's painted by the man who who didn't kill the girl come on make a big fat Commission for yourself yes and introduce you to the artist what a romantic idea you know I've refused twenty offers to that picture but if you're willing to meet the price can you think of a less expensive way to meet Corbin then again he may not let you have the picture you're not exactly a connoisseur of art no but I can be very persuasive come on have him come over oh all right when you see him be a little tick you know he's not very happy about all this notoriety no I haven't seen him since hello hello James Headley why haven't I oh no don't don't don't talk like that oh come on snap out of it James listen there's a lady in the office and wants to buy the picture tell em I'm a wealthy woman who collects collects all masters young ones too the name is Randolph mrs. Joseph P Randolph this of course is the Venus de Milo blood listen she that's probably Corbin our James come in hello Haley mrs. Randolph this is mr. Corbin mr. Carvin pleasure mrs. Van Daan I'm quite interested in your painting yeah so Hadley told me well I'll be back in a moment George so obvious hello thank you shall we discuss your painting you like I'd like to buy it I wonder why why I never asked myself that question mr. Corbyn I never try to analyze an impulse if I did I'd be ashamed of half the things I do I'm telling thank you in any case I never try to make excuses really good what an attractive point of view are you interested in art miss Renta no not really just people then it's not the painting actually it's they're not arrived it goes with it publicity sounds so much nicer well whatever the word you like to be able to say Corbin why no I'm quite fairly painted this picture and points to it and wait for the reaction did you object to that well I had something else in mind when I painted it but you did hope to sell it yes what it's on see mr. Corbin you're being naive this publicity has created a demand for your work a demand which otherwise might never have come why not take advantage of it then at least I'm a commercial success is that what you meant to say a commercial success is better than no success at all you're very practical mrs. Randall by practical you mean cynical I'm neither I'm merely being sent to bad I'm not if I sell my painting it will be to someone who appreciates what went into it I'm sorry to have wasted your time goodbye going so soon James I phone you tomorrow what happened I'm sorry but you just lost a commission Oh too bad he seems to be rather particular about who buys his pictures was it was he rude quite I rather enjoyed it I may even ask for an encore on second thought maybe I'd better quit while I'm even Oh murder My dear Robert Cesare not with James Corbin he's not the ordinary type of killer that you can trap with crews or evidence it goes far deeper than that Corbin kills for inspiration why he's very genius depends upon the taking of human life I can see myself trying to explain that to a jury why did he kill Madeline Renard simply to etch a beautiful face into his memory very interesting well I've got to be running off just a moment it was the same with Helen norm time came in Madeline could no longer be used he hit the jackpot with that painting of hers at the Hadley galleries so he needed a new inspirational stimulus get it no I'm sorry mr. L I've got to have something more concrete what would you say if I told you I'm putting a spy into Colvin's house a spy what sort of a spy go on tell me you probably don't know it but Helen North had a system but I do know it she's doing a play of Rodd she was she's home now got back yesterday young Mason brought her to me we worked out a little plan Oh is there something you wanted are you mr. Corbyn yes the agency sent me over agency the model agency they thought you might want a girl and oh I see did they tell you what happened to my last model yes and you're not frightened I need to work mr. Corbyn you're very brave mr. Morgan Linda morning well unfortunately a model needs other qualifications besides courage I'm sure I can please you I've work for some of the best in town you can phone the agent I never to judge for myself that's the best way of course I suppose you drop around tomorrow morning I hadn't intended you do much work for months or so but you're something of an inspiration besides I like your nerve thank you about ten yes then we'll be all right miss Morgan oh uh Linda I think you said that's right Linda you'll find the dress on the chair miss Morgan thank you miss Morgan you look at the painting Laker supposed to get into that dress I destroy the bear this morning but for blocking in it won't matter can't change in here like it what it's beautiful it's Helen oh yes I know it's the best thing I've ever done I shall keep it here in my studio always belongs with milena what's the matter nothing tell me what you want me to do sit down here you tenth day I have accomplished nothing korban is a strange man a creature of moods stands for long moments looking at Helens picture then he puts his hand over his eyes is it to blot out some terrible memory I know that memory is then he wanders over to his little piano and starts to play strange weird music I think he improvises I never heard the melodies before but I know what the music means he's trying to drown out the memory of her voice I hate him with all the force of my pee eleventh day why do you stare at me I'm sorry every time I look up I find you staring at me why no reason I was just thinking I can't wait while you sit and glare no the whole day wasted well I don't see what you going how could you but it looks wonderful well it isn't it's wrong sorry you're wrong and dies oh please mr. Carvin you're just upset today it's really what what qualifies you to give an opinion you know nothing about painting well I want your opinion I'll ask for it that's all I can't work today you may go go on I mean he's gone this man is helpless beaten his rage is only a defense his moods change so quickly after what happened yesterday he phoned today and invited me to his birthday party should I go sometimes I feel like a traitor to hell James I know that - you should I used to play it enough remember the night Rita's started that crazy and the thing is this year army uh swa-- a bit of your warm or kama more oh no not French I don't understand it oh there is an English translation it's about about a fly sitting on the rim of a glass of wine bottle or drink with me and drinkers all freely welcome to my cup you may help me drink it up not like humans such as we nothing ever Traverse t gather nectar why steam a life is short and slips away mother you're not drinking Oh Jane oh I've had three glasses already oh one more won't hurt Olinda oh I'm alright thank time you're lagging behind here now let me give a toast to the best of sons my James thank you mother thank you namitha sit down huh Oh No no I've had enough and I'm I'm going upstairs good night mother good night mrs. Corbin she's wonderful why she's my mother now nothing what shall we do with ourself evening have you anything planned no it's too late for a show the fond of dancing it's your birthday suppose we just let things work themselves out huh that might be fun the skies clear and there is no wind I'll get my keys well it's like this we're made for thrills and excitement hello mr. John Alisa dense yes oh hello mr. Morgan no mr. Morgan mr. all's not home Thank You Laney listen to me tell mr. Earl I'm going out with mr. Corbin I think that's nice no listening listen to me ready already what are you thinking about the stars I like the stars they seem friendly they are moon is for lovers but the stars belong to lonely people are you lonely aren't you but you wouldn't say so if you were there's nothing I wouldn't tell the right person that tells me there is no bright person there will be some day when he comes along but what will you tell him all everything my hopes my plans dreams no not your dreams Linda your hopes and plans perhaps I tell me what you ask of life just average things someone to love home children this right person I I wonder why he hasn't happened along perhaps he has we may have passed each other without knowing rather tragic mistake what to think I suppose how the word makes this mistake and suffers because of it that's a girl me thought Oh I have lots of them but mistakes come so easy to most of us and after the first one I I'd like a cigarette please oh I'm sorry how much like Helen you look Helen was she ever out here with you the coloring isn't the same but the eyes the contour of the face the line of your shoulders and neck so the little gun again please I could this save you if so now you're quite unprotected don't you think I know you're Helens sister what you want to know ask me I tell you I don't skulk around like a cheap detective just a moment aqua don't alive see don't I make you drink oh you're not used to Thrones Isle it was so black I loved it well driving through the night with a throttle wide open sense of her knowledge the next moment may be my last but then perhaps you afraid to die isn't everyone why fear the inevitable yeah go on drink up you hate me don't you Helen was here with you she loved you why did you go on what was it ask me no use wasting it should've known I'm sorry let's go yes this is Ella Randolph remember me oh yes mrs. Rando no man could forget you I've been waiting for you to call and apologize for leaving me high and dry that did have it well am i forgiven apology but something tells me it's the best how would you like some stimulating companionship suppose we meet somewhere this evening and cheer each other there is a little place on Perry Street here in the village it's called shadow shadow doesn't that mean golden cat how appropriate never mind I'll find it I'll meet you there at 9:00 goodbye Ivor Santi I love wood I'm beginning to like this place James do you mind if I call you James how do we delighted and you shall call me Ella Ella I have a wonderful idea James I'm going to let you immortalize me on Kenneth on canvas no I think not I have stopped painting for a while I don't know I'm a bit off my stride I seem to have lost something your self-confidence perhaps possibly that's bad artistic work requires ego and you think my ego needs stimulating James Weir but fish and the wildest devotions we must either eat or be eaten right now you're being eaten the thing that makes you tick is being destroyed or twisdom from such pretty lips when you paint cracked as the chap on the radio says sure we danced wild horses couldn't restrain when you paint me what shall I represent well I can eat about yourself oh well you couldn't pay me like that or could you oh Linda this is miss Randolph is Randolph in the Morgan how do you do miss mom aren't we working today no we're drop things for a while he's starting to work on me Oh shall I report tomorrow yes drop in every morning you haven't lost your job sweet a little thing isn't she they're not yes been with you very long oh boy lip la something tells me I smell smoke James you're frowning Oh month wasted wasted oh my dear oh hello Linda hello anything you know they're upstairs another dress another pose another mood he can't work oh that's a shame there's nothing I can do about it oh good of you to drop around Linda hello Linda mother have to run over to the supply also get some paints I'll be back in 10 minutes maybe he's going to work no and if he does it won't be good mrs. Corbin let me go upstairs why dear I want to talk to her oh hello excuse me come in don't try to act surprised you knew I was here no matter what I pay for stockings they still hang like drapes go on I'm waiting what's on your mind oh I guess isn't anything really now don't tell me you climbed two flights of stairs for nothing nothing you'd understand Oh our little kitten has claws Linda dear you must learn to take it on the chin his work is talented mean nothing to him perhaps not but he does enough soda I'm going to marry him let the don't let it break you up there are the men your kind you'll meet some nice young man well everything else has happened to him why not this ngratulations James I need your help I can't imagine you needing hair salon Thank You Steven I got no ahead of myself today anticipated a bit you can set matters straight with just one word sounds easy what's the world yes I took the liberty of telling someone that we were getting married I suppose I should have told you first in his matches you're an interested party you James don't you understand I'm proposing to you yes so I gather well then swallow your drink and suite me in your arms what is it aren't you pleased with the prospects flattered of course you are how hard James you're the fellow is this the girl who laughed at loved now she's ready to cry not for our sera too many things wrong name one me Oh should I see I know I should say hi so I don't fit into the picture is that it yes foiling a perfectly good evening I'm not the type I like the artistic sense the sublime appreciation listen to me James I know my witnesses I don't pretend to be all things to all me but I love you I've never said that I've heard it a thousand times but I've never said I've got you bad let's talk about it some other time this is it either I win right now go broke I planned some excitement for tonight should i cancel it as easy as that you know Betty what I have my work sooner or later I must go back to it yes and to Linda I'm not a fool then stop acting like one no wait that excitement you spoke of it might do us both good the trouble is we're both stone-cold sober a few drinks in the whole world of you already it must be like that there can be no other way I know where we'll go shadow better give me that we're good old shadow that's where it all began this ended less the artistic touch tapes what's yourself Ella I adore artistic thing Saint tell the truth would lender thought of shadow stop talking about Linda sweet little and your wind up with her James you'll get married have lies and all painting spray around the house what are you shut up James what happened what happened sorry did you find your own way home James never leave a lady in distress I'm not a change of heart hello oh yes yes I shall I'll start right away name Italy mr. Corben mr. Corben mr. Cogan wake up Helen I made them die screams screams now I know the mind can reject some things things who would remember oh no it was only a dream dream no gear we spoke of dreams that night on the river this was something more it was an echo of reality you're accepting something is real that I'm accepting the only possible answer Oh mr. Korbell please try to know no word hasn't come to an end my world and uh thanks dear but listen I want you to go away I know you won't be needing me now that not that you're getting married married the wife can model for you she measures up pretty well I guess glenda I was with mrs. Randolph last night for the last time but please understand you must go away staying won't herb either as I I wish it could I wish there was a path through this jungle because I I please say Jane at least let me hear you say it just once sorry to interrupt folks matter of duty you understand I don't remember inviting you the afternoon miss North looking for mrs. Randolph oh you know where she lives you were with her last night where is she I don't know no then try a couple of guesses come on come on Corbin what about it give us one of your very best alibis has something happened ask him maybe you'd better tell it to the district attorney come on let's go but what has he done mrs. Randolph is missing her car was found abandoned on Mott Avenue all right call me forgive me times you change you'll have to do that downtown we're getting your stuff three more don't try to bluff me Colin we found the body the crime is an exact duplication of the others suits are being stupid Corbin the district attorneys trying to give you a break he's got all the evidence he needs come on why don't you tell us I don't know perhaps I did it I I don't know I wish I did stop putting on an act there must be moments that that are lost to me moments I I don't remember that's all I can tell you that's all we've been able to get from him since yesterday I was up half the night all right take him away Robert you wait keep him outside I've got a way to break him down later not don't take him back yet da may want to talk to him again yes sir it's not this is the district attorney it's not thanks for coming down you may be able to help us make things easier all around what do you want me to do sit down first let me say that I know what a great tragedy this is to mrs. carbon and you in a sense it's a tragedy to society but there's no doubt that mr. Carvin is a great artist but history has demonstrated that genius is often brutal selfish and cruel we've learned to accept that as a fact there's no doubt that mr. Carvin is guilty of this crime perhaps other crimes still you refuses to confess I see you want me to persuade him to confess for his own sake miss North yes confessions sometimes hell otherwise I'm sorry I don't think I need to tell you what the result will be very well I'll talk to him fine bring Coburn in oh no please I must see him alone I'm sorry I can't allow that only his attorney Garvin I brought your mother and it's north down here too mother Jane they want you to confess but don't do it James don't do it you're not sure you said so before you say anything be sure James be sure thanks a lot miss North you're a great help Corbin don't be a fool you can't win don't let her what yes wonderful that does it you missed something Roberts like all the rest you made one mistake see this it's going to convict you a little piece of fur torn from Ella Randolph's evening wrap where was it found in your boathouse a nail caught in the rap and torrid you threw the body into the water you're clever Corbin but this time you fell on your face you better come clean while there's still time Joe take this down I told you I'm not you I I'm not sure of anything all right Roberts get him out of here thanks dear don't give up James I'll fight for you we'll never stop because I believe in you I love you chance alright Corbin let's go see it's perfectly quiet here your detectives no reporters no one to ask us a million questions I'm about ready to drop have a blinding headache besides child you're just about sick that's a trouble stretch right out on the couch and rest just relax will the light bother you I'll make some tea I know what headaches are my dear I had them myself sometimes and they almost drive me mad when James oh the tea a little piece of fur torn from lriend offs evening that where was it found in your boathouse a nail caught in the rap and Torah you threw the body into the water don't give up J I'll fight for you will never stop cuz I believe in you Linda Linda God please God robots God here do you drink this now lie down again oh I'm alright oh no no you're not now I know about him you're prettier than the others I feel so sleepy odd you will be asleep in the moment but I don't want to go to sleep oh my arms I can't listen there's so numb don't like a fight dear it's useless you're going to see no dear you must go just like the others Madi Helen L James must be great face for me why should you take him away from me what do you know about love my kind of love to us you say them don't you see Lin you're protecting him just as I protected him all these years oh how wonderful another girl and he's locked up behind bars he couldn't do it no one could accuse him at this don't make another move or I'll shoot they get door down she's still alive all EMS and get Robert where's the girl I sent her to the hospital how is she she'll be alright mother how about her hasn't got a change mother Oh Jane I'm right here mother I feel changed I tried so hard now you'll be all alone no one to protect you I can't see you it's so dry tonight night the night is far spent the day's at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light you
Channel: justsomeclassics
Views: 564,223
Rating: 4.7237911 out of 5
Id: 2WcqekygAds
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Length: 78min 46sec (4726 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2015
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