Fully Surrendered | Pastor Jabin Chavez

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we're in a series called what our city needs from us and and I just I feel good I'm just so grateful for all God's doing this is Exodus chapter 3 verse 3 we're gonna talk today about being fully surrendered Moses said this this is amazing why isn't the bush burning up I must go see it when the Lord saw Moses coming to take a closer look God called to him from the middle of the bush Moses Moses Here I am Moses replied and God said do not come any closer take off your sandals for you are standing on holy ground everyone say holy ground one more time come on say holy ground alright I want to talk this morning for a few minutes from the subject fully surrendered fully surrendered father I pray you to speak to us now clearly and I pray also Lord as I talk about holiness and I talk about obedience and surrender some of these kind of words I don't want this to be in any way a message of do's and don'ts want this to be a message that brings us right back to the feet of Jesus that's my prayer and I pray that we would we would be so much like Jesus that our City would be drawn to us that's my prayer in Jesus name everybody said amen amen uh just to recap a little bit from last week I talked that God has a plan for large cities and I really if I ever needed you to listen to our YouTube channel or our podcast please get last week's message because I really do believe I lay down some foundational truths as a church that will set the culture of our church and so if you feel like you are a part of City Light and you weren't here last week please get it I cannot recap too much just don't have the time but God does have a plan for large cities because large cities have influence large cities have name recognition and large cities have resources large cities have money like small towns just don't have money they have name recognition the way other towns don't ain't nobody ever heard of Berlin New Mexico where I'm from okay population 1700 but everybody's heard of Las Vegas Nevada over 50% of the world's population lives in major cities and over 10 million people a month are moving into major cities they're moving into major cities this is true of our city where the second fastest growing city in our nation our city is booming it's booming economically it's prospering it'sit's growing with the UFC NHL NFL large companies we are a tax haven I just met a couple in the 10 o'clock who just moved here from California because they're business owners and the tax relief is so huge here that they've literally moved their whole company here just for the tax breaks and so and I've preached at their church before in California they moved here thank you Jesus so people are moving here and our city is booming our city is growing our city's prospering and let me remind you of Jeremiah 29 that says as the city prosper so will you prosper so this is a good moment okay if you live in Vegas but now though the blessing is great the needs are greater we have the highest divorce rate in America we have one of the highest homeless rates in America we have one of the highest youth homeless rates in America we have one of the highest unsheltered homeless rates in America we are last on most things when it comes to education and different like that we are the six most unchurched city in our nation and so I believe every city has a destiny and I believe every city has churches and people that have been assigned by God to that city I believe that God saw something in you so significant that he said I think there's something on your life that your gift your calling and your anointing is great enough and strong enough I don't need to put you in Tulsa where everybody's a Christian or Alabama where 90% of Alabama's going to church I'm gonna send you to Sin City because I believe that your gift and your call is so great that not only can you handle it but you can be an agent of change do it can I get an amen i Kelly's here on the front row from Brisbane Australia mate I mean how did she how do you go from Brizzy that's what they call it to Vegas the hand of the Lord is upon ER because I believe that God said you can do something in that city that maybe not everybody else can and I believe that if demons are assigned to a city Christians are assigned to a city if principalities and powers are assigned to cities churches are assigned to cities come on and I believe that our church can make a difference can shine a line it could help a lot of people find Jesus in this city can I get an amen from somebody come on so God's calling us to reach our city God's calling us to serve our city God's calling us to love our city but in order for this to happen I believe we must be fully surrendered so let me get into some new content now before God does something through you he first wants to do something in you amen little girl whoever said that or a little boy he wants to do something in you well Jabin but I'm called but I'm great but I'm powerful but I'm mighty all of that is awesome and I'm glad you are and I'm glad you think so much of yourself but let me you something you don't want anything before you're ready for it God do something great through me yes but first do something great in me so that when you do the great thing through me I don't get built up with pride arrogance ego patting myself on the back saying I'm a self-made man no God do something in me so that whenever you do something great through me I can steward the blessing and not get wrapped up in the blessing God do something in me see God is doing something great through us right now he's doing something beautiful through our music and through my preaching and through the kids ministry and every time people come on this campus they're amazed at what God is doing through us all of that's amazing but if our music is good and our preaching is good and our ministry is good and our systems are good but our heart is not good God calls us a clanging gong and cymbal we're making a lot of noise and we feel good about ourselves but God forbid he does something amazing through us but not something amazing in us Holy Spirit I want you to do something in me I want to be changed from the inside out I want to walk like Jesus talk like Jesus love like Jesus live like Jesus I'm not doing this for great ministry I want God to do a great work in me and in you that's my prayer that's my prayer for this church that we don't just pull off a good Sunday spectacular but God's doing something so special in us that people want to be a part of it and so God is calling us not to be better than others but to be different Christians are not to be better we're not better but we can be different living a life that causes unbelievers to be curious about our walk with God we're not perfect but we are holy and that's what holiness is holiness is to be separate it's to be all together other this is why around the throne of God the Angels will cry out to Jesus holy holy holy but there in the presence of perfection there is no sin there is no sickness there is no poverty there is no disease there is no addiction in heaven and yet when the Angels look at heaven they don't call heaven holy they call God holy because no matter how amazing the creation is it pales in comparison to the holiness of the Creator I pray that we would be a people of holiness so that when people see us they would go you're different you don't respond the same way you don't think the same way you don't act the same way you don't laugh at the same things you don't look at the same things you don't you don't respond the same way the way that we respond you don't run to the same things we run to in trouble what's different about you I'm not better than you but I pray I walk in a holiness that causes people to become curious about my relationship with God you are a chosen people first Peter 2:9 a royal priesthood a holy nation God's special possession that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light o God do a work in me and then do a work through me I believe that if will let God do a work in us we won't even really have to invite people to church people will invite themselves to church will say man I'm always inviting people to church I'm always invite but people never come with me maybe you is the problem see people have to say yes to you before they say yes to this church people have to believe you before they believe me people have to see something in you before they will wake up on a Sunday morning after a crazy Saturday night and give up their weekend and give up their Sunday to come to God's house when it's 5 million degrees outside they're gonna have to buy into you before they ever buy enemy they're gonna have to see something in you before they ever see something in us if or they people with it when a person says yes to an invitation to church Fred they're saying yes to you so God do something in me that would cause such curiosity that people would want to come because they're so intrigued by what you've done in my life living a life of holiness is not perfection but it is a life that honors God and honors my brother and sister when the man asks ease it's Matthew 24 what is the greatest commandment Jesus said it's to love God and love people if you take the Ten Commandments you can focus them down you can melt them down into two Commandments love God love people see if I love God and I love people I will not murder if I love God and I love you I will not steal from you if I love God and I love you I will not commit adultery if I love God and I love you I will honor the Sabbath if I love God and I love you I will not take the name of the Lord God in vain in other words if I can love God and love people that is holiness and the other Commandments kind of happen by accident so here's number one holiness happens when you pursue God holiness happens when you pursue God Moses said verse three I must go see it he saw the burning bush and he said I got to get closer verse four said when the Lord saw Moses coming to take a closer look he said see Moses drew near and God spoke hello somebody y'all with me God didn't talk till Moses moved I'm just waiting on a word from the Lord move I can't hear God get closer God is a whisperer y'all ever been around close talkers come on somebody all up in your space in your face in your personal space y'all know what I'm saying okay God wants to break your bubble he will only talk to you close he's a whisper he whispers he told Elijah I'm not in the fire I'm not in the wind I'm not in the earthquake I'm in the still small voice this is how God talks to you see if you're on this side of the cafeteria and I'm on that side I will not hear a whisper we must become closer it's all about proximity with God God said okay Moses is coming closer now we can hear my still small voice when God saw Moses pursuing his presence God began to speak it's James that says draw near to God and I'll draw near to you God speaks to those who pursue God leads those who want to be led God reveals himself to those who want him this is how God talks last week we talked about pray read worship wait what say even how do I do that practically you read the word if you can't read the word get a devotional Joel Osteen Joseph Prince Bishop Jake's Jenson Franklin and Joyce Meyer a lot of Jays okay get somebody find find a devotional that you can read back sue Cato is a brilliant author may be the greatest author of our generation get get a devotional if you're a little more theologically sound than that you want a little go a little deeper read some aw Tozer you can reach some Leonard Ravenhill you can you can read some CS Lewis but but but read something get in God's Word it's with God it's all about quality not quantity this is the number one question I get asked how many chapters of the Bible do you read a day sometimes a lot sometimes none offended somebody in this room like on Friday I didn't read the word so just confess right now let me just confess myself but I listen to two sermons and I'm reading a book called the blessed church by Robert Morris right now so I'm so I read a book and I listened to two podcasts and I prayed and then I went on a date with my wife I prayed for LeBron and the Cavs didn't win so I should have read my Bible maybe God would answer my prayer but listen it's all about quality not quantity there's no good in reading 50 chapters in the word a day and you didn't capture one thing it's all about quality it's about getting alone with God and getting a word from God now you've got to block out a time and place for God well I'm just gonna let the Holy Spirit lead me the Holy Spirit is never gonna lead you to have a devotional time cuz he's already called you to do it so he doesn't need to repeat himself well I'll seek the Lord I'll read the Bible when the Holy Ghost tugs on my heart he ain't gonna tug he's not gonna do that he's already waiting for you to do it now here's what I tell you to do here's the practical thing give God the best part of your day when are you at your best now if you don't think you're a morning person you actually are a morning person you've just believed a lie you are a morning person there's not a scientist in the world that would tell you you're a night owl at you are a morning person and if you would wake up early and seek God and read your whole day would be different like not one Amen thank you sir I thank you like not even like what like not even anything just silence anger [Applause] [Laughter] you are there is not there is not a science there's there's no one that will tell you that you're a night owl you are a mourning for your brain will function best when you first wake up and if you'll read if you'll read anything if you'll read the paper if you'll read anything you will absorb more and and we'll get more give God the best part of your day which happens to be your morning if you wake up at 6:00 wake up at 5:30 if you wake up at 8:00 wake up at 7 whatever it is if you wake up at 5:00 wake up at 4:30 oh I know you're already up at 5:00 like life is already pretty tough just wake up at 4:30 there is no difference 5 and 4:30 are just both terrible wake up a little earlier get some coffee put some cold water on your face and read the word you will be best you will be best in the morning this is this is proven I don't have time to prove it but it is proven but I'm gonna still prove it again you've got the best part of your day David said early in the morning well I seek you Jesus would wake up before the Sun and pray to the Father there's there's something here ok now listen here's why you need to seek God in the natural if you eat you get full okay recently the Lopezes took us to TDB Texas de Brazil praise the Lord if I could say it in whatever that language is it's not resilient it's Portuguese I would say it but I don't know how to say it and when you go in you put your little thing on green and that's telling those dudes just keep it coming baby keep it coming chicken yes sausage yes beef yes lamb yes port yes keep it coming green and when you first start eating there you go I'm up with these people out of business all I've had today is one ounce of water just so I don't dehydrate I'm gonna kill this plate but if you've ever been to a Brazilian steakhouse how many nope about 30 minutes and you're going I'm gonna die I just felt my stomach lining rip I just know that was your button but you know I was like all I got you're dead right you're mad at yourself you wake up the next morning you feel hungover but you didn't drink you're just cuz because then the natural when you eat you get full but in the spirit when you eat you get hungry let me tell you why you don't have an appetite for God because you don't read the word let me tell you why you don't have an appetite for God's presence because you don't pray it's something that is activated by the seeking God has set the table he says if you will sit down any I will feed you and the reason you're not hungry for God it's because you don't seek God but if you'll seek God a hunger will begin to be cultivated maybe not day 1 maybe not day 2 but it will happen now look what Jesus said Matthew 6:6 when you pray go into your room and shut the door that this is why I believe that you can go to Starbucks and read but if you really want to start going after Jesus it's going you're gonna have to shut a door bedroom bathroom car somewhere you don't have to get alone with God somewhere and if you got little babies you're gonna have to do it probably when they're asleep you're gonna have to have time with God shut the door pray to your father look where the father is who is in secret I thought he was on the throne well yeah but he is in secret I thought God was in heaven yep but he is in secret I thought God was in charge yeah but he is in secret God is waiting for you in the quiet place and if you will make a time and place for God I promise you God won't just meet you there he will beat you there can I get an amen from anybody in this in this quiet 11:30 so y'all I know I know I'm just teaching you but I know this will change your life this will change your life if you'll give God a time in place he'll meet you there number two to be fully surrendered the answer is always yes God whatever you say yes God whatever you want yes let me give you another key to seeking God seek God with the intention of obedience read the word with the intention of obedience don't just read okay I gotta read amen I had to read four chapters because that's what my Bible reading plan says to do but I have it read all week so I need to read 97 chapters I'm just gonna do a lot of applause when she's president others everything stop find a verse a verse with the intention of obedience read a chapter with the intention of obedience pray with the intention of obedience say Holy Spirit speak to me with the intention of obedience seeking God has way more to do with heart and it does with how much you can get seek God pray to God with the intention of obedience and I promise you God will speak to you and the reason he is not speaking to you it's probably because you haven't obeyed the last thing he told you the old preachers used to say if God feels far away if God feels distant if you're not hearing the voice of God for a current need go back and obey the last thing he told you why would God tell you a new thing if you haven't done the old thing [Applause] [Music] go back in your journal go back to that go back to that moment go back and figure out what was the last thing God told me and do that and even as I'm saying you're like OMG I remember it was 2015 the Lord telling me what to do it I just haven't okay okay go back do that honor God's last word and God will honor you with a new word let me give you another big thing holiness is more about what you do then what you don't do holiness has way more to do with what you do just leave that up for a little bit than what you don't know because some of you pride yourselves on what you don't do it'll praise the Lord I don't smoke I never touch the thing they might not send you to hell but you'll smell like it praise God so I don't even I don't even touch the thing yeah but you're self-righteous I don't watch rated-r movies except for the Passion of the Christ every Good Friday hallelujah on your TBN okay dum-dum let me tell you something I'm glad you know why it's raining rude I don't care what kind of movies you watch that's not that's not holiness because just because you don't do something doesn't mean your heart's right I don't drink never touched it won't do it awesome it's great you're an adult don't start now you don't I mean like people I should I drink I'm like you're 30 you've gone 30 years why start now you know what I'm saying like but but just because you don't drink doesn't mean you're holy because you could be self-righteous the person who doesn't drink but judges the person who does drink is just as guilty probably more guilty well can you believe what they were wearing I would never wear that well of course you wouldn't you don't look like that every once in while guy give it to the ladies cuz I'm always hitting I'm always getting the man aren't I I'm always I just gotta sprawl the ice for all the men out there who can't say Amen but you're like thanks for just letting her have it one time just ladies you can be covered head to toe in clothing and still have a Jezebel spirit and still have a flirtatious spirit and still have an unclean attitude whether whether you're showing knees or not whether you're showing shoulders or not whether you're showing a little too much chest or not it has way more to do with your attitude holiness has more to do with what you're doing I'm so glad of the things you don't do but I am asking what do you do do you love people do you give do you serve do you give your life away do you say yes to God do you honor your spouse do you love your children do you witness I'm glad what you don't do but you know they tell us the statistics tell us that eighty-five percent of high school or 85 percent of church kids will leave the church after high school graduation why cuz all they're told is what they can't do you told it you told a teenager you told a child for 18 years you can't how to have sex you cannot have sex you cannot have sex you can't what do you think they're gonna do when they go to Arizona State University well my god they told me I can do it it has to be great why don't we tell what they can do you can live for God you can marry the right person and love that person till death do us part you can give your life to something greater than just the party scene you can be a witness you could be a world changer but all we do is tell our kids what they can't do don't talk to strangers don't do drugs don't drink don't watch that movie I'm good don't do any of those things but you also got to teach your kid to dream and I'm here to teach you to dream adult forty years old so proud of what you don't do but God wants to give you something to do am i helping anybody now look at this Hebrews chapter 12 this is one of these verses that I read and there y'all read and when you read it you get scared so you go back to the songs okay you're like it's a psalm 23 kind of day Amen praise the Lord this is one of those scriptures you read and you go I'm just gonna watch Joel Osteen I just can't I can't do this right now okay make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy now we've always disconnected these but they're actually connected without holiness no one will see the Lord now how many have I've heard that without holiness so we'll see the Lord right you've heard that but you haven't heard it in its context this is not a scripture about Hell you better live right holiness or hell type in holiness in YouTube and you will see sermon after sermon holiness or hell what an encouraging word from God Thanks this isn't about hell here's a God saying if you don't walk in holiness you won't be able to see what the Lord is doing you'll be blessed favored God's provision and abundance all around you and you won't be able to see it because you're so distracted by sinful patterns and destructive behavior and you'll look at a wife who loves you but you'll be tempted with someone you work with who doesn't even know you cuz you can't see God you can't see the beauty of what God's given you this is why holiness is so important cuz if you walk in holiness not only will you see the Lord you'll see all the Lord has given you but not only will you see the Lord when you walk in holiness when you walk in holiness people will see the Lord in you how can you love that way how can you forgive that way how are you at peace how are you smiling how are you so generous how are you so kind how have you never given up on that how have you they will see the Lord in your character but if we don't walk in holiness hear me no one will see the Lord us or the people we're supposed to be living peacefully with so it's always yes God it's always yes what do you want me to date it's always yes what do you want me to do it's always yes how much you want me to get it's always yes how do you want me to serve it's always yes what do you want me to do what do you see holiness is not about do's and don'ts holiness is the adventure of living led by the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit what do you got for me today and by the way before you ever say it the answer it's always yes number three holiness is giving God the thing he's asking for and uh or hey please come up when he asks for it holiness is giving God the thing he's asking for when he asks for it God told Moses take off your shoes this is holy ground God said give me your shoes and Moses gave on his shoes there was an exchange there was a automatic obedience maybe today God's asking for your temper maybe today God's asking for your dream maybe today God's asking for your gift maybe today God's asking for that addiction maybe today God's asking for that less maybe today God's asking for that secret holiness is giving God the thing he's asked for when he asked for it see if you don't do it immediately that the old preachers used to say delayed obedience is disobedience I would say delayed obedience leads to disobedience because if you don't do it in the moment that grace will lift Lord I'm going to start giving next week no you won't Lord I'm gonna forgive tomorrow no you won't Lord imma imma I'm gonna apologize tomorrow tomorrow never comes you got to do it today because there's grace today but but notice what God does he says give me your shoe see anytime God asks you for something there's always an exchange God is not in it God is not a taker but he is a exchanger see he said Moses you've been a shepherd and a murderer I'm about to make you a military leader and a prophet [Music] give me your pride and I will show you the strength of humility give me that lust and I will show you the power of self-control give me that insecurity and I will teach you to walk bold as a lion give me that unforgiveness and I will show you the freedom that only comes through forgiveness give me that hatred and I'll show you perfect love give me that fear and I'll teach you how to walk in power give me the struggle and I'll give you victory give me your weakness I'll turn it into strength give me your pass and I'll give you a future anytime God asks you for anything it's only because he has something better to give you and by the way he won't take it from you he asks for it [Music] it's your choice some of you think if I break up with this person I know they're not God's best for me but I'll be so lonely God isn't gonna exchange a bad relationship for loneliness you'll say surrender that thing to me and I will teach you the joy of my presence God what do I do without marijuana I mean we're in Vegas right we're in Nevada right okay yeah yeah yeah I'm in the right yeah I got quiet there's a lot of nervous laughter dude I just I I know the preacher says they know high like the most high but this stuff is chemically great you know and is this is not the weed from high school I know I know too much because I'm always hanging around people who don't believe like me it's good well how do i how do I sleep without it how do I rest with it how do i and you believed a lie that you need it that your whole life has to bow down to these little oils and gods going I will give you perfect peace but you gotta trade trade you I'll trade you imagine driving up in a Hyundai and the dude walks up to you with a Bentley insist I'll trade you and some of you wouldn't do it she goes it's too good to be true no way it's not like thank God that they were stalling let me tell you something friend we have to get over this shirts living things up bread we tell you something that's the exchange we pull up in a hoopty I'm reminded of my 1989 Hyundai that did not have a first year or a third gear friend I went from second and that is your sin that is your little dream that is your little secret that is your little strong goal that is your little addiction and Jesus rose up without Brenly like can we please exchange this thing holiness is giving cause the thing he's asking for when he asks for it trust him trust him trust him trust hey I hope this week's message was a blessing to you and if it was why don't you click on the logo right now that subscribe to our page and also we've got the next message coming up so why don't you click on that too and watch that as well I will see you soon
Channel: City Light
Views: 1,252
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: city light church, city light vegas, jabin chavez, church in las vegas, what our city needs from us, fully surrendered, sermon on holiness
Id: g2BPuBN6qNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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