THE ARCTIC! - Let's Play ANNO 1800 - Ep.1 [All DLC]

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hello everybody daryn here and welcome to my brand new let's play in anno 1800 this series is a continuation of my previous let's play but this time it'll be predominantly focused on anno 1800s dlc content straight away in this episode we're going to be visiting the arctic building in andressa and touching up crown falls everything in the old world and new world has been stabilized so that we can pay maximum attention to the newest content but of course as we progress sometime in the future we'll revisit the old world to add the palace and the research institute and of course with anno 1800s docklands dlc on the horizon we'll incorporate that too as well as future season 3 content now just before we begin this let's play will be uploaded tuesdays thursdays and sundays and all future episodes will go up on my let's play channel republic of let's play in fact episode 2 should already be released right now and links can be found in the description and comment sections as for what you can expect i plan on building a beautiful and functional city this isn't a min max play through but a bit more relaxed where we could be creative and design something fun if you'd rather watch from the very very beginning of this save please check out my previous let's play to see exactly how we got to where we are now but with this series being new i'll explain what you need to know so you're all caught up all right let's begin so welcome to swords this is sort of our capital in the old world and the first thing that i want to do is basically start our expedition to go to the arctic so we have the passage expedition here and our list of expeditions we can assign a ship and we're going to add the hms terror of course our great eastern of which we already have selima the shipping operator and the great white flag that's not necessarily needed but it is 40 diplomacy so we'll take it for now so if we look up force is what we're going to need on the ship uh we can take the inspector has force 25 we need to look up as well hunting we can take the veteran whaler he's also got the trait divers so he might come in particularly useful depending on what we come across and we're going to grab some rum and champagne that's going to give us some diplomacy and medicine just in case we run into anything particularly bad seems all good let's go so while that ship is off doing its thing and we're uncovering the arctic hopefully i thought we'd take the time to just really quickly go over some of the islands that i have currently in this safe island to sort of introduce you to what's going on also the diplomatic state of the game right now as it stands is we are allies with the pirates jean la fortune and anne harlow we're also allies with benty organsen we are not only no longer allied with arthur gasparov but he is actually at war with benty so currently he's kind of taking some islands away from her we used to have lady margaret hunt in the game but we defeated her i guess minor spoilers for the previous season or series uh so lady margaret hunt is no longer in the game these two are at war trying to just keep peace across the board if we can i'm not looking to get into any more fights i think we can all agree for those who watched it previously it's a little bit tedious uh but hopefully we can kind of maintain the status quo with shares and things like that um so this is our capital island of swords essentially on this island we're broken into several districts we kind of have our worker district here it's kind of the main focal point of the island as you kind of come in from the docks looking pretty nice we have um what if i do say so myself i mean people were generous in their comments before and they think it looks good um but yeah nothing too crazy to kind of talk about here it's largely just groups of worker estates with pockets of town halls a focal point of the church and some police buildings and hospitals in the center of the town and then we have different items in these buildings to kind of extend the ranges of said police station marketplace etc as we work our way up to the hills we have the artisan districts particularly proud area for me we used to have it a bit more christmas themed with seeing as christmas has passed we've now just kind of filled in with some extra restaurants and things like here outside of the church and the variety theater and the university then we have our kind of farmer village there we go the hms terror has departed uh then we have our sort of farmer village overlooking the grain village and potato village that we actually built very early on in the old series probably in episode one or two and these are kind of like small little pockets of houses that people work in their farms same without here these are actually bright harvest activated you'll notice uh several tractors milling along them and we have a fuel station somewhere nearby to help that out i think it's just right there then we've got our kind of st james's gate is what we called it which is largely our contained industrial breweries malt and schnapps so anything used in alcohol production is pretty much gone in there it's all of course electrically powered electrically charged and then we have our engineer and inves investor district so we have our focal point of the engineer district which is the clear water pool as well as the children's playground for the investors upper class kids perhaps and then as we work our way kind of up the city a little bit uphill towards the world's fair we have of course our variety theater bank and so on and so forth now i'm not going to do this for absolutely every island this is just like our capital island so this is kind of the one that is probably one of the most beautiful that we've made across from that straight across we have rush which is really just built to kind of harvest the red peppers and the hops here and ship them over for other things we then also have the island of lusk which is our production focused island this is an entire island with no settlements on it instead it uses a commuter pier to transfer the workforce and it's really just dedicated to all things industry everything to do with ironworks smelting and engineer production everything you can think of is pretty much moved out here almost everything except for instance the beer that we saw on the previous island and then other than that we just conquered a couple islands from margaret before we haven't really done much with them maybe in future we'll do something but we're using them to get their different ores at the moment and then maybe in future we also have a little challenge here if we want to build something kind of nice out on gnol uh so in the new world we have our kind of capital of the new world puerto benues uh essentially all kind of packed out on this sort of costa del sol style beach where our bros are looking over the beach looks quite nice really particularly proud of this area also i think it looks quite good although some things can maybe shake actually there's been an update to the game where you can put old world ornaments in the new world so this place could definitely be shaken up if we really wanted to this island predominantly is focused on coffee massive mass content uh coffee plantations out here and that coffee is then used and sent back to the old world we've actually got too much we can't even store it we can't even satiate the demand the coffee roasters are brimming as well and multiple ships kind of come by and pick it up and then the other two islands that are most important here we have uh benavis which basically just makes cow chuck and a little bit of oil then we have guadal mina which is focused on pearls people actually called me out on this i forgot to do this add a little road to that one there as this one's focused on pearls and tobacco and then this island on of marbella is really focused on sugarcane and chocolate that gets kind of all refined here and shipped around all of this of course has its own all their trade routes are all set and ready to go our money should not fluctuate our population should also not fluctuate everything should be set and stable now for a long time to come of course though we are at well currently we're at about 5 000 investors globally and eventually we'd like to bring that up to 10 000 to run better world's fair events so we're going to also work towards that in future and he wants to settle islands we'll of course let her the last uh the last thing then would be cape trollani so cape trollano we built a sort of manhattan style city on the islands and that's kind of where i plan on building out these islands the quest chain for sunken treasures has largely been completed though there are some things left to do with regards to building a capital city and eventually we'll probably put the palace out here as it is our most attractive city uh by having like our museum our zoo and botanical garden so this place is definitely in dire need of being cleaned up a little bit and i want to move a lot of the farms up here unlike most people who play this game i decided i want to do something different with crown falls which is kind of turning into a turn it into a big robust farming hub which is really weird thing to do but there is so much space here most people want to put down loads of houses i find it really boring building in a grid so i decided yeah we're actually going to instead build farms and i think all the farms can really probably fit up here with many more down here with bright harvest trains carrying the oil and fuel to them uh we should have pretty much we'd every bit of land we'd ever need to to get out here and that's basically it the other islands are just kind of blank islands really that we're holding on to for future uh but yeah that's basically an introduction to the entire campaign as is now we do have embassa we have visited embassa and we did build a little bit but i've deleted all of that now because we want to build from it fresh as it is part of the sort of dlc content experience that this let's play is going to be focused in so we're kind of building from scratch although we do have we have started with a little bit of uh construction material and we have several islands already but the quest chains here have not been touched yet we have the islands of tabarim wahadesha and caduzi and natoni right for the picking and the story which we'll get to and then we also have the pirates of angereb so we're going to be waiting for the expedition to kind of give us notifications and let us know how we're progressing towards the arctic and in that time we're going to be building here a taborine so previously and most people you start by default with your dock here or your warehouse and i've decided that i've moved it over to this side because obviously the water deposits for the canals are located here on the rivers and no water is really going to reach that far out your town actually weirdly doesn't need water other than a fire station if you want to have that you don't actually have to have one either so what i plan on doing is basically extending out the canal somewhere out here and building our city really in this part of the part of the game and part of the island there's been an explosion oh dear uh do we have a fire station out here we do we have multiple let's just mobilize them we'll get to that and come back to it anyways so what i'm going to be doing to kick things off is kicking off with a big time lapse of building up our first city here again at tabarine i'll see you on the other side all right first time lapse of the series it's exciting stuff and this one is actually broken into several segments because i will be stopping to check on the expedition in the arctic every now and then uh for the people who are familiar with how i like to build you know i obviously do everything in blueprint mode first and i try to push as many buildings up against the mountains and cliff edges as possible first and then try to fill in a more organic looking road structure i try not to build grids too much actually kind of boring in my opinion but um i also decided to build a musician's courts as sort of cul-de-sac so only one way that would lead in and then the musician's court is surrounded by houses and that kind of makes it feel like they're little micro communities surrounding those things instead of having them in big large open areas and this will make a bit more sense when the roads go down that first one isn't a perfect example of it but the other one will be as you'll see a bit later all right so we've had our first event it is late summer when the expedition reaches the chilling sound and yet the conditions in these iccs are already challenging the wind only has to pick up and the men are tugging up their collars and tramping below deck it seems hopeless to think sir john faithful's men could have lasted three winters here beyond chilling sound the seaway divides to the west lizard chain is small island separated by partially melted ice to the south a long dark headland crowned with snow that hazes out of sight excuse me i think we'll go south i think we can handle it let's do it now of course the story as it stands is that we have had um lady jane faithful is looking for her missing husband who went on an expedition up in the north that's as far as i remember an arctic welcome as you near the coast a large human construction delineates itself quote most probably an abandoned trading post of the huddlesum bay company it leans hard into the wind it's once red boards now scoured pale if sir john and his crew came this way they would likely have stopped here how are we gonna get there sir says the ship's boy he's noticed that an ice sheet lies between your ship and the trading post take the safest route by avoiding the cracks and using our tugboatman i think uh diver guy actually he's a veteran whaler how dare i get it wrong as a bonus success success chance of 30 measure the thickness of the ice your risk walking over it i think we'll obviously go with this then bonus success chance 30 let's go your cruise instincts are solid keeping just the right distance they move at purposeful speed at a purposeful speed avoiding the cracks and dark splodges indicative of thinner ice they reach the abandoned building without incident all right all right give the lads a bit more rum keep it going all right let's resume the time lapse all right so just picking up where we left off decided to kind of fill in the roads now and make sure that there wasn't any gaps in between houses or we'd left any houses stranded had to connect it up to the harbor to test that and actually you know build the buildings and then here with the second musicians court i've decided to like i said build a bit more like a cul-de-sac have houses almost going all the way around it to give it a very small community feel and then in and around the marketplace putting down different tents and stalls just to make it look like the market's kind of overflowing and extending into the kind of town itself into the residences themselves uh filling in basically all the roads and i noticed that there are a couple of houses that you know i made a little mistake with so just kind of readjusting and removing things around and the way i kind of go about this is um when you've got like turns in the roads and stuff like that at these specific corners i often put down trees because typically instead of cutting down a tree they will just move you know the road will just go around it so it can look very natural doing it that way all right so we have yet another chapter in our expedition huddleson bay at least it's a shelter the captain remarks the men shut the doors on the wind to find the building interior licked with frost rusted hooks hang from the beams relics of a short-lived fur trade comforts are few and far between out here i doubt sir john would have passed it by there must be some evidence of the lost expedition here so we could search for signs of recent use or find information about the local area that's fine information something to go on at least whoever the fur traders were they left in a rush papers and maps are strewn abroad about some trodden and sodden into mush and precious few dry and intact dockets are found relating to consignments received from a nearby inuit settlement named ivyjevic something like that which also happens to be marked on a fragment of a map the inuit are sure to have noticed anyone passing through says the captain we should visit them so we could continue south towards the inuit settlement yeah let's go there the crew marked the position of the inuit settlement on the map and set sail boom all right let's continue the time lapse all right so now we have time to place our ornaments so all those little gaps in between houses and the police station stuff like that that's perfect for now putting down lots of ornaments where they make sense you know in between the police station you might have a little fence and a little gap in the fence that leads to a well and i decided then to just lay out all the kind of cobble locked or paved roads just because it looks a lot nicer and then we can really see what fits i guess in between certain areas so for instance instead of just having grass that touches cobble up or paving i decided to go with the flower bed instead and i actually liked the flower bed so much i didn't realize there was this like a tree flower bed ornament so i decided to use that in place of the other trees so it's like oh these trees were here before but they've actually now been you know kind of well kept watered and decorated and things like that so i think it look a lot a lot nicer than just a random tree obviously just fixing some ruins that we had around the place all right we have the next chapter of our expedition nanak's way the route to the idiot settlement of evojivik is a two day trek by foot across exposed ice flats a small expedition party set off leaving the rest at sea to await their return although the going is tough it is not with it is not that which preoccupies the crew as night falls they are sure something is following them stop for the night and keep watch with the veteran whaler or continue to walk despite being cold and exhausted hmm i mean the bonus chance is obviously much better for this one but i kind of feel like i want to use what's her name the inspector are going to go against my better judgment it just seems too obvious so i'm gonna go with this one one of the men struggles to keep up with his unsymptomatic uh unsympathetic comrades is the runt the weakest of the pack and the polar bear knows it the rest of the group hear a piercing scream followed by the sound of crunching and tearing moments later mama bear is bounding across the snow towards them hungry for more oh organize and defend yourselves or use cunning to trick the bear well he is hunting [Music] we're somewhat prepared either way well let's double down on our inspector organize and defend years of ambush ambush drills pay off quickly forming a circle your men level their guns into the half light sensing the danger they pose mama bear grows more cautiously and after a single circuit of your camp disappears out of sight full of adrenaline your scat party reach the inuit camp i mean geez we still lost the guy though it feels pretty bad all right let's continue back to the time lapse so now we're starting with some of our production chains and we have this canal that stretches all the way into the town here so trying to make use of as much of that fertile soil as possible i've decided to put down the goat farms right alongside it now the goat farms are the first chain that you actually need for your residence and it basically just gives you exactly what you need you don't have to refine it or anything like that putting it on fertile soil obviously gives you twice as much out of it and you don't have to do that but for agricultural farms where you grow things you do so the goat farms are all laid out perfectly there they actually totally have full coverage of fertile soil and the linseed farms appeared the thing is the production building itself doesn't need to be on for a toss hole it's just the modules do so i decided to kind of map out exactly where they needed to fit to make use of the natural fertile soil coming from the river and then kind of follow our canal down even though it isn't laid out in a perfect grid where we're covering everything with fertile soil it doesn't really matter as long as you're using it because you're not losing anything then if you have gaps where you're just not using fertile soil or you're building on the fertile soil with the buildings then you're wasting space but i haven't actually done that so i actually think it's relatively efficient despite it looking like a bit of a weird shape i guess you could say uh but yeah so essentially we've got the linen mill uh we have four of the basic farm buildings then two linen mills and then four embroiderers so that's four two four and then that works out just fine uh with a couple of warehouses there we should be good to go all right we have our next chapter of the expedition evojivik fujific is a semi-permanent settlement the any would appear worried but nevertheless offer your men every hospitality inviting them into a large igloo where they are served a hearty suasat a meat stew under the silent gaze of what feels like the whole village a girl tapissa is able to translate and the others warm up when they hear the story of your journey over the ice flats soon the subject sir turns to sir john's lost expedition tapissa shows you items that looked like they belonged to the missing men offered a trade for the relics or ask how they got a hold of them yeah i don't think i care about the well they could be good items i guess let's have a look what do you got collection of lost expedition relics rare part of the icebound set and a source assortment of seemingly worthless miscellaneous items that belong to the crew of the lost expedition uh no chance whatsoever right now okay well throw that in there and i'll give you some champagne 10 tons of champagne she's like i'm done great okay easy enough by the way i know it's champagne just so you know your trade was accepted silver cutlery embossed with the names of hades and sticks these are for sir john's expedition ships from them now there are also cufflinks belonging to sir john engraved with assorted marsupials and a knife handle with the emblem of the arctic council to beast uh tapissa says that about a year ago some men came wanting to know about channels through the ice and traded their things for information she points to the west coast of terrier island on your map boom all right let's keep going that's a long expedition back to embassa all right so our first tier of residents almost has everything they need we've got our goat's milk our musicians quartz and our finery i'm just going to set up wood production down here really quickly because we forgot to do that and then we can get to work on dried meat now the first thing is going to be the sangha farms now sanger farms are very similar to goat farms but their modules are slightly bigger so a good trick is to actually build them across the roads or across canals if you have them and that way you just make use of space way more like way better and you can irrigate each one of them having two of them counts to having four because they're irrigated so combine that with two salt works and then i decided to move the dry houses up into the town because i thought they looked like quite natural kind of looking buildings i'll probably end up moving them a bit further but we got called by the newspaper special guest comes bearing gift distinguished guests gifts generously to fabulous crown falls stating rarely have i seen such pleasant and thriving herbs in all my years of travel the honor is mine i actually have no idea what that means did we get a gift i don't know well either way it's kept people happy low risk of explosions well we had two quite recently but good just good to hear and the promised land settlers arrive in numbers to swords its illustrious doors opening to reveal a shimmering utopia my first tip off was a riot at the mill of course to take a stone to the head when i came to everyone and my story had vanished of course if they lived here they'd known not to expect that but still growth is good all right well let's pay the devil the narrows the west coast of terrier island is snaggled up with monstrous horns of ice navigation is going to be tricky will daenerys lead back once more to open water or will your ship end up stuck you can navigate carefully get a better view of the channels from a nearby rock or send scouts ahead in row boats to sea find a path in the narrows using our great eastern ship itself and the veteran whaler we have the force by sending man up the slope and sends scouts and robots to check also 30 we'll find a path through the narrows i'm sure a great eastern can handle it although it is a massive ship to their relief your crew reached the open sea on the other side as there is a lack of consensus on magnetic north at this time your navigators decide to ignore the compasses and trust their instincts saving them a collision on more than one occasion their crew enters king williams sound a majestic carpet of water leading up to its seat king william island sensing something lady faithful suddenly emerges from below deck and voices the determined hopes of her heart and here we have it the arctic we shouldn't expect to find them right away this is a vast wilderness it's been two years the admiralty say they've tried everything but then they haven't lost a husband so cool nor did it occur to them to search king william sound there a camp abandoned we imagined as much didn't we my john picked a fine spot perhaps they left some sign as to where they went no pun intended but the arctic gives me chills the music is so good all righty man it's exciting it's been a really long john's time no worries 50k all right here we are at the very eastern corner of the map for us from here we can search to any length beautiful absolutely beautiful hey thanks john love fortune appreciate it click on the old trading post we'll wait to get there i was going to say the arctic is in my opinion the most beautiful region in the game by far i just think it looks stunning the job that blue bite did on this is just really incredible like really really incredible i don't think there's like like a strategy game kind of a city building again that looks as good as this and especially this region in particular i mean look at it look at it i'll try to keep the camera still give you the best youtube compression view it looks amazing it looks amazing so i'm delighted that way that we can finally come up here uh so there will have been no settlers up here we've got ships obviously back in the old world waiting to go actually so we have the augustus extravaganza steamer we have the endurance now i'm actually not too sure what you need to colonize it but we're just gonna send everything up there right now and uh hopefully we can get the materials together then colonies actually you know what i'll leave one ship i'll leave the flagship here maybe we can find something for it i'm assuming it's probably just you know wooden steel i just can't quite remember for different regions it tends to be a little bit different one last thing i'd meant to do was um fix the ruins here there we go all right here we go king william island [Music] this isn't the music i want i want the music give me the music it's not changing music it's supposed to change music my atmosphere let's go somewhere else maybe it'll all right should work now all right here we go king william island sir john faithful we'll rake over the remains and then make a refuge for ourselves you may have survived the journey to the arctic and found sir john's old cat but the search for his lost expedition has only just begun lady faithful has suggested establishing a base of operations at the place her husband picked to winter before continuing to search from there all right so we have to clear some things so just as an fyi we're probably not gonna go back to embezza for a while we're gonna stay in the arctic just to have a bit more focus in the next couple of episodes then we'll go to embassa when we feel like we've got some time and start progressing the quest chains out there just so we're not divided uh too much but obviously we want to spend time in both but uh seeing as this is a new region we want to be colonizing islands up here fast we're gonna try and stay here for a while so clear the abandoned camps and search them what's left of sergio on faithful's makeshift quarters the remains of the camp left behind by the crew of the hms hades and sticks and it's completely empty now some abandoned storage facilities is well worth our time first get all your faithful some shelter and a canteen where they can warm each other up look at the detail the little uh footprints none of them are moving right now but i was gonna say the footprints do move with them yeah there they go amazing all right cool uh so pick up the belongings from sir john john's log open it he knew we would come for him read sir john's log if hms hades and sticks came this way the inuit must have seen them maybe they can help us log back of commander sir john reginald patience saint smith and faithful november november 14th 1847. made camp on king william island it shall shelter us for the winter january 3rd 1848 met a group of inuit to the northwest they were reluctant at first but later approached us to trade for iron they offered us dead seals which of course we civilly declined having enough fine canned food aboard sticks and hades to last a lifetime but instead they may know of a route to the northwest passage march 11th so three months later the inuit led us to a channel heading deeper into the ice inuit looked worried but our instruments report freeze is thinning by the day time for our mighty icebreakers to prove their prowess so uh soon we shall be the first to cut the miracle shipping canal bridging east and west we set up tomorrow all right so find the inuit something we're gonna have to do and settlement on king william island so old nate is up here and he says it's time to set up camp in the arctic as per usual the first step is to provide some housing for the explorers and a canteen for them to warm up between shifts now what kind of goods do we have we got some wood as a basic resource and we also were given steel if i'm not mistaken we perhaps could go colonize right now let's leave our rum and champagne here i have declared war on your ally sorry to put you on the spot she's declared war on jean lafortune well i'm i could side with benty i guess break the alliance or side with john i'm hoping that's what this means i want to side with jean well i don't want to go to war with benty just break the alliance how about that let's see what happens oops i shall treasure the time we had as friends let's be honest i don't need an alliance but i'll just i look forward to working keep them happy benty's fine should be fine uh okay so let's pick up that construction material let's just take 10 of each for now well i'll take 20 just in case it needs more now we'll go explore so we'll go southwest and then we can get building so let's see what we need to do first so find the inuit build the canteen you know what let's bring our flagship up here we can explore even faster yeah seductive i'm sure they down the sun sets in the arctic the sun rises just like that all right actually i'm gonna leave that open so build a canteen and explore shelter uh so we'll just kind of follow what we need to do here i'm not going to get too crazy or creative with it just yet we'll just make kind of what's required of us and then we'll set things up space will always be tough in the arctic and there's no ornaments here either so things never really look that good a new milestone so in the arctic uh we have explorers that are going to move in in these kind of makeshift tents whoops sorry and these sort of makeshift tents don't have like a little canteen they're going to need heating as well for brass monkeys so fighting the coal the arctic cold is no small challenge if you don't want your recruits to freeze to death you'll have to keep them warm old nate has devised a heating system that runs on coal but watch out the heat won't travel far all right so we need to build a heater set up a charcoal kiln and sustain heat for a while so here we have the needs and heat so they don't have desires they've needs and instead of luxury desires they have heat heat can be achieved through the coal burners as well as getting items like sleeping bags and even schnapps let's just have a look at our ship that's exploring right now is there an island over here doesn't look like there is anything there was one here everything has their own fertilities out here as well old nate is up here with his little airship looks like he's um exploring a cave or something in in this little particular island all right let's keep our other ship has arrived as well so we're just gonna hit all four corners and use this one to maybe go the other way actually that'd be good there we go so we have our extravaganza steamer and we have our great eastern up here and our flagship is on the way uh so yeah let's set up this heat and this ship by the way is lady jane faithful's clipper she's just chilling over there i'm gonna say chill quite a lot get over it we should definitely go for a walk around here as well just bear with me one second take a quick drink all right excuse me okay so heaters yeah yeah so we need a charcoal kiln first to get our heaters up and running let's just make one over here for now and let's just line that up and then we need an actual heater so the heater provides heat over a limited area it takes 30 seconds for one heat to be burned or one coal to be burned i guess sorry to create heat and uh it needs to be in range of a warehouse right i think to get its stuff and this is the range of its heat so we could build it right around here and that would actually heat the entire block so we're going to need that warehouse we'll just set it up about there we're lacking wood so let's get wood production rolling as well i'll just set it up close by for now and then in future we'll just move it uh somewhere else all right cool actually you know what i guess this doesn't make any sense so let's just put it up here something like that there we go oh it does make sense i just realized why i'm an idiot okay it's because um well first of all i meant to check what we could even settle on they did give me the wood to to build everything i would need um but i have taken it away to see if we can settle things uh the reason i'm an idiot is because of course the lumberjack hut's gonna be there and then this is gonna give us wood is our i'm guessing our other ship is already on the way okay i'll just come back down with this then i guess not a big deal just wait a little while straight away made a mistake feels good all right supply that heat for whatever amount of time that seems to be working 10 seconds left to go so the heater has its coal it's been fed straight into it and then that's heating this entire area and that's basically giving these guys up to chilly temperature at the moment and that basically causes a chance of sickness so the higher this is the less chance they'll get sick to deal with sickness we'll build ranger stations i think oh that's nice on the edge keep feels good all right now we have to find the inuit cargo stations so in the arctic we have islands that actually cannot be settled via the coastline they have to be reached by an airship which we'll get to later but this is a prime example of an island like that they are these are they're glaciers and they don't really have anything on them except one thing which is gas and gas can be used in a gas fire power plant back in the old world to replace an oil power plant so you don't need railways and things like that you just need to deliver it gas which is a good in its own right it comes out of a warehouse and goes into a gas fired power plant uh i'm actually not too sure on the if there's any differences like does the gas fire power plant go further does it consume less often than oil i'm assuming it does but um i'd have to check on that again uh before we get one up and running so i think a lot of people often say that the arctic isn't really quote worth it in terms of getting it all set up because it's expensive to do and you have to you know these islands will be not easily self-sustainable right they're not self-sustainable they have to constantly get stuff in to keep people happy so you can just get gas and bring it back is it worth it maybe not but it's fun and i like having fun so i'll be setting them up regardless because it's good it's good fun to do i've noticed you may notice a little bit of stuttering every now and then since the latest update i'm getting that i don't know what the cause of that is looks like we have a massive ice wall that we can't quite get past another benefit of the arctic though is that fur is more abundant up here as is gold um you get way more out of a gold deposit here than you normally do in the new world and if you remember from our previous let's play our previous series i haven't actually set up anything to do with gold we just buy gold from the pirates so having a gold production setup out here would make a lot of sense for us all right that ship seems to be figuring its way around hopefully we'll find the inuit up there soon they did say north west let's try to clear some of that fog of war as well so where's our ship our ship is just turning the corner now delivering that last bit of wood and then everything else should get up and running we just build that warehouse and then we're good to go we can build more houses sorry for the little delay on that feels good to be in the arctic though man feels damn good it's been a long road um but it's nice for you guys if you're just watching for the first time first episode boom all right we dropped that back in just for now it smells like you keep the steel actually but let's get that set up ah right yeah i forgot actually even the workplaces need to be heated so that's um a big part of it the arctic is pretty tough i feel like compared to just regular anno it can be particularly unforgiving uh so our heating works all the way up to here if we connect this it might go a bit further not not quite as far as we need needed to we'll have to set up too so let's see what our burn rate of coal is so we're currently making two but we're consuming up to four once the other things get running so it's one to one basically is what it's telling me so we'll just make another one of these a little bit further in i think they can be built relatively on top of each other and be quite all right um let's just hook it up this way for now oh we found the inuit sorry my there they are sail to the starting point all right [Music] so here we go eagle river and we have kumak there's one of those little tomes totem things found something maybe follow the inuit boat all right let's follow we can see where they do their little bit of ice fishing they have some wolves as pets and i guess for hunting as well maybe and for maybe sled sleigh riding now we are tailing that ship we are right on it that's gonna take us on a little journey i'm zooming in a lot and staying quiet just so you guys can hopefully soak up the atmosphere i think it's important at least in the arctic and um you know people often comment that they want me to zoom in a little bit more and things like that so hopefully you know you let me know but hopefully people appreciate it and don't mind i'm not really i don't really feel like i'm against the clock anymore with lady margaret dead essentially we're out of the region at least so there's no pressure take all the time we want oh we got a few extra houses going so what do they need the first need is just the canteen they've obviously got that the next one is going to be pemmican and then oil lamps you think oil lamps would maybe give a little heat but i guess not schnapps and sleeping bags so we have to get to a hundred explorers before we can start to build um what we need for pemmican just trying to think do i need anything else here not really and we should be gaining extra not enough people signed up yeah we should be getting extra wood over time as well but obviously just built houses so i guess we kind of have to wait i might go back fetch a bunch of wood um and then come back here might as well right so let's go to cape chilani it's a little bit further actually but um i want to drop some of these items here like this one so the hms terror even though it's kind of should be up there with the quest giver it's going to go off for a little while it is our biggest ship so we can carry the most stuff up here makes makes sense uh while we're waiting i might as well do out a little layout of where we can place some of these things and just kind of keep it up against the wall there there's something like that for now slam that in the heating doesn't go all the way so yeah well this will be really fun to build actually once we get some better construction materials up and running i'll probably just redesign this i know it's weird to do that straight away but just to get us going with the quest chain i guess this is what i'm doing for now but then yeah what we'll do is we'll really have a look at where we can put these see where the kind of more optimal places to keep everyone warm and stick all the houses in so that's what i'll do i might start doing it out here you know start having the blueprints in of where houses are gonna go and then start positioning in these things that we also need a few other buildings that are it's worth waiting for like the post office ranger station other things that we're gonna need for surrounding areas so it makes sense to wait even questions being a puzzle quest i'm gonna say no but it's every person's right to change i'm sorry benty but really what are you gonna do about it i was gonna say i wanted to do arthur's quest he had one here but it's it's obviously gone oh well all right let's uh follow our ship we are deep deep deep inside of our ship right now the other ship so basically if we just reset the camera we have gone on a journey through the ice right so the inuit are going to help us find a way to where i guess john was or where he was going or you know bridging that gap between where the icebreakers were going to go between um was it east and west i suppose hello let's read the log sir john left and the abandoned cat mentions the inuit gave him directions perhaps if you found the inuit they'd be willing to lead you to the lost crew so that's what we're doing i'm falling behind can you fail this quest we'll find out i'm sure they just probably stop or they go back to where they were nailed it there they are [Applause] here we are here we are he's very quiet i don't know what it is but um isis closed the way forward to the place they took the hades and sticks came this way 75 000 thanks very much we pick up our crumbs and prepare an especial ice breaching brigade okay the ice rig ice brigade thick ice has frozen the channel to the last expedition lady faithful has given you funds to equip a crack team of explorers so they can blast the way through increase your stock of the requested goods so you can fulfill the objective all right so basically now at this point we have to start you know building up our population so we can get to the point where we can advance the story and find out really what's going on uh as well as that i want to clear up parts of this with our flagship uh so yeah so to get to that we at least need how much was it a hundred explorers we currently have 50. we're waiting on wood to come up right now it is a bit slow this is meeting missing heat that is pretty annoying isn't it do we get it there we could just slide it over here actually then it has it insufficient workforce all right we'll just need more houses i guess well i think that's gonna probably have to be it for this first episode in this let's play remember the next one is up right now on the next on the let's play channel that is so this is going to continue immediately if you so wish over on my let's play channel republic of let's play and all future episodes will go there probably in between episodes i'll redo this area or clear it up a bit and uh have it make a little bit more sense and then we can get really building now in the arctic hope everybody enjoyed i want to say thanks as well for everyone who supported the first series which was immensely popular at least for my channel really really staggering amount of views in it and just a ton of fun i absolutely love anno and i'm i'm just so delighted now to actually be in the arctic again have new kind of production chains that we can start to open up and then maybe in a couple episodes we'll come back to tabarim and start figuring out these quests as well there's so many different quests and story things to do now uh but tabarim is actually pretty self-sufficient i think now we set up everything we need for finery goat milk and dried meat i know we didn't have a look too deeply at it because it was just the time lapses but this little town here is looking pretty good in my opinion i was hoping to put down some more actual production chains like this in deeper into the town so there is a warehouse here so i might as well move these a bit further in to make it really pop and look quite nice and look like it's a really bustling busy town because there's not many ornaments for embassa and while i think i've done a relatively good job at kind of breaking things up and keeping it pretty busy uh what would definitely help is like i said having be quiet geez is definitely having some of those production buildings that can look quite quite natural within a town um and then yeah of course we have our canals with the livestock either side and then our little production area up here if we need to feed in canals for another farm or something we can do that but largely we could just keep adding more production areas up this way before we cross over into the real ripe farmlands all right so that's gonna be it for this episode thank you very much for watching and i'll see you in the next one hey guys thank you very much for watching and remember if you want to support the series directly you can click the join button to become a channel member doing so will get your name in the credits as well as loyalty badges and emotes to use in the comments if you don't see the join button it means the video has been copyright claimed but you can still join from the channel page on desktop you can also link your account to our discord to get a special role on there that will give you access to the senate house and a few other perks
Channel: RepublicOfPlay
Views: 135,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 gameplay, city building games, anno 1800 game, anno 1800 pc, anno gameplay, anno 1800 gameplay part 1, anno 1800 gameplay english, anno 1800 gameplay ep 1, city building, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 new lets play, anno 1800 city lights, anno 1800 city life, anno 1800 pretty city, anno 1800 all dlc, anno 1800 land of lions, anno 1800 arctic
Id: t8vwEqFyL9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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