GRAIN VILLAGE - Let's Play ANNO 1800 - Ep.2 [All DLC]

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hello everybody darren here and welcome back to episode 2 of my cozy anno 1800 let's play in the last episode we got set up with some of the basics we settled a few different islands and reached our second tier of population the workers today our goals will be to set up our first trade routes so we can finally start producing goods like soap in order to sell to the prison and make some money all right let's just let time play i'm picking up right where we left off at the end of the last episode although this time i've actually got a list of objectives and things that i want to do during an episode just to help me give a bit of focus to it as so many things can take your attention away in ano 1800 now uh you may remember we left off with our flagship loaded up with steel and wood that we bought from archibald in order to head out to the southwestern island down here and settle this we're still going to do that but i realized that the original reason was for grape fertility but it turns out we actually have great fertility on our home island i just for some reason just didn't think to even check what we have just because i never thought you have grapes on your home island but we do so that's really good for late game we can use that later but i'm still going to go and settle that other island mainly because there are four coal deposits down here so we're definitely going to make use of that so it's still good it's still a good get all right so on my little list of objectives or things i want to do i noticed that we'd hit the max storage limit of some of our items so i think we'll just set up one of our first depos it's going to increase storage by 50 and it's going to basically set us back two and a half grand and 10 bricks so it's kind of a lot but i think it's worth doing that just gives us a little bit more breathing room for storing extra items should we wish now of course for those who don't know you can actually sell things you know if you want i just don't want to at the moment i want to load up things manually and sell them to different traders although it's a good idea for items that you don't plan on selling to traders just to skim a little bit off the top if you do start hitting your max amount but i'm not going to do that just yet all right so that's the depot setup i also want to get a sailing shipyard right so we can finally get our own ships and set up our own trade rates now this is going to set us back 25 bricks and 10 000 gold so it's quite a big expense but it's obviously extremely important to get done all right the editor thank you daring expansion hans von schlong incorporates new territory in a bold move and happiness and light swords is quite full of mirth all right so it's gonna increase our happiness and reduce the riot chance that's perfect those two go hand in hand so we'll publish that no big deal now we need 25 bricks actually we just hit that so we can build our sailing shipyard now that's going to require a hundred workers to actually build a ship so just let's just really quickly get a few extra worker homes and we'll start building our schooner a small and agile trade ship with a small cargo capacity it's going to have it's going to take three minutes to be built it's going to cost us 20 wooden planks and 10 uh sales which we've made already because of course we did build uh some sales out by the sheep livestock and stuff out here so that's all very well and good we have our sale makers is that what it's called sale makers yeah there you go all right so i thought what we could do while that's kind of cooking up it's gonna take three minutes i thought i'll do another town expansion but this time i'll save you guys the tedium and just do another kind of time lapse as i build out into the mountain here we're gonna basically i'm looking to just basically build up into this area you'll see that for yourself all right so this is a pretty simple build basically just pushing all the like houses as far up against that mountain as i can i needed another market and another pub because it was just a little bit too far out of range for those ones that are just touching up against the mountain there and i wanted to make sure i didn't encroach too much on the beach because later on i'm hoping to get one of the wall ornaments and really separate kind of the worker docks area from the residences as well that's basically it alrighty so that is my proposed town expansion there's actually a bit of a fire going on right now so it just happened right as soon as i had kind of finished off doing that uh but we've dispatched multiple uh multiple fire trucks they had out there is that what they're called i mean i guess they're not really trucks they're just fire wagons i guess uh it's actually quite a big fire thinking about it it's actually spread across an area where there's really no explanation of how that really happened i guess wind i don't know uh but yeah fire late into the night and our ship is finally done by the way uh the nebuchadnezzar done all right let's go back to the morning time so what we could do with this first little ship is just pick up a bunch of uh those potatoes that we don't need and we'll just go off make our first little run at the prison sell those make a couple grand back all right the speed nice and then we have our main ship it's just about to settle this island here all right cool and then now we can start with all the uh wood that we have and stuff we can start filling in that proposed expansion all right nice benty's loving it there's no point in plotting lady margaret's not so happy about it though all right cool so basically what i've done here is essentially put down a new market another pub and just kind of spread the buildings out all the way up against the cliff edge and i think i've hit everything with the road so we'll just start activating some of these now over time we've got a couple of seaside estates as well that'll look pretty good i think but now we have just a huge workforce now to really start doing what we want to which is setting up the grain village and setting up bakeries and start getting to our uh start feeding the plebs essentially uh they're gonna need sausages they're gonna need bread and that's going to require stuff like bricks now while we're waiting for more bricks to come in i think we'll just set up another clay deposit and we can always decommission it later if we want it's kind of expensive to do so but i think it's still worth it just to speed up bricks because we're going to need more and more and start paving our roads and things like that uh i'm also gonna drag this up here because we need these so often there we go warehouses all right but money's gonna start getting a little tight now with all of this extra stuff we're building right so bricks should start coming in pretty fast with all of that that does take up a big population though so that's uh let's see 25 25 and 50 so it's a hundred workers that have to work on just making clay bricks versus using construction same out here i don't like the way this is let's just move that around wood bricks steel that's the way it should go all right so for sausages um if we want to get the soap we're going to need steel we could just buy some temporarily just to get us up and running but ideally you'd want to set up the actual production chains for steel beams but we're not quite there yet but for sausages we just need pig farms and slaughterhouses but we can already start building the grain farm now my oh we actually have a missing road over here it's all right we can fill some of this area in with ornaments i think we can get a police station here it looks like it would fit just about right as well i'm really happy with how the town's looking right now i can't wait to see hopefully what people think about it um so yeah so i think i'm going to do essentially another time lapse in a moment out here and what i'm what i'm thinking is i want to build a big kind of grain farm village kind of thing out here i just have a nice vision for having it along the river and having some of the mills blowing in the wind as we have the river as their backdrop i think that would look really nice unfortunately this is kind of in the way so i'll probably end up having to shift this over here and in fact it would make kind of sense to have the distilleries uh a little bit more over here for now it's kind of expensive to move these things we're not really in a affordable position to start thinking about how things look to be honest but nevertheless we'll just keep plowing ahead so let's check on our schooner my life is my prison so that's uh 3200 for some potatoes you know i'll take it that's not bad at all now that was as you could see 32 coins per ton of potato right so we sold 100. and we have this soap would sell for 384 so it's like 10 times the amount so we'll make absolute bank if we just get some soap going but it's going to take a little while now in the meantime what we're also going to be wanting to do what we're also going to want to do is on the second island that we have rush this is where we have the hops and the red pepper and the fur this would be great for artisans later on but also for hops early on that's what we're gonna need to make beer now beer actually isn't showing up here yet maybe we just need more workers before it even shows up i didn't think he did but i guess so well let's get some new workers then all right so that's given us the availability of soap beer there we go so we need 500 workers to start making beer now beer is going to require hops grain turned into malt and then brewed in a brewery so it does require quite a bit which we'll get to obviously when we see it but generally speaking it just means that yeah we're going to want to start setting up the hop production out here now luckily once that unlocks then we can put down the hop farms and it only takes farmers so we don't need workers over here for it and then we'll just ship it across and speaking of wheat we have agra bean so actually let's read the headline first key to animal husbandry agribusiness just take the spotlight animal farms all around the world class silos as an essential using smart distribution systems fodder is stocked and easily fed to livestock turning grazing into a faster process i don't know why i'm doing 1950s guy we can't wait to see what hans von schlong's farms can achieve with the help of silos neither can i neither can i i've got a quest there oh hello the farmer asks you to build a silo on a pig farm uh how about we try one with a pig farm okay we haven't got any pig farms but sure thing we've got a residence quest here as well worker offers you a photography quest how am i supposed to brag about punch club if i can't talk about punch club oh i know the rules didn't say anything about taking pictures meet us at the marketplace which marketplace well we've only got one right now i guess so take a photograph of the fighters at the market i don't see them oh they're at the market in the farming village of course lower classes all right let's take a picture of those guys can you just barely see them kind of brawling in the center there there we go i don't know when they were knocked over beautiful punch club i thought we weren't supposed to talk about this little joke there fight club all right we still have the quest from archibald artifact finding a royal expedition lost some very valuable valuable cargo on its way back home sir archibald has asked you to salvage and return its artifacts does this give us the uh a building for trade unions which reduces the chance of fire it might be nice to have that if we have a trade union near some distilleries or something gives us money as well so it's worth doing all right good um so what's your distance to get to things 94 so close but yeah unfortunately we do just need another marketplace down here great awesome i'm loving this town uh okay right so yeah i think it's just about time to start doing our blueprints in fact i'll just build everything we can you know what i haven't been checking consumption rates how are we doing so consumer goods fish is now in a bit of a it needs a bit more than we've got schnapps is still okay work clothes are a bit behind and then the rest is unfulfilled as of yet so for work clothes again we can just get another one of those going and that should sort out the workflow's demand the fishing demand again pretty easy there's not many workers are needed for fishing uh 25 i keep saying workers it is farmers but you know what i mean hopefully all right so that that'll at least sort out our production issues if we were to have any and as the town kind of grows and these kind of fill up we'll see if that demand gets any heavier i think it does it per household but we'll have to see and they should be able to pull from the market just fine okay cool all right so that's what i'm going to do now i'm going to build that kind of grain town out here this might be a long one in terms of a time lapse so we'll have to see yeah so this one actually did end up taking quite a while this is actually sped up 10 times the normal game speed just to give you an indication of how long these things take but we were positive for income so there was no real massive time pressure on me for this one at least not financially uh so i started off building the road straight down getting the market set up and then having some supply warehouses next to it and then working from the inside out to build the grain fields and dot around some houses as well so obviously dot around the houses first and then you kind of fill in the fields i did do a bit of an error so i had to kind of go over one of the fields again but generally it was fine and overall the kind of goal that i had in mind here was to be able to look out towards the river and see the mills kind of turning in the wind facing it so it is two grain farms for every mill so i needed to have four farms that could at least feed into the mills before feeding into a warehouse if boss if possible so a little bit tricky to kind of get it all right but i think i did a decent job and i actually decided to put a fifth mill out on the edge as that one's gonna be used for silos which i'll end up talking about later um but yeah that's generally i think one of the things i kind of forgot to do was dress the set for ornaments and by the time i'd already done a lot of it i was like i don't want to spend another 10 minutes doing this so i filled in where i could i kind of removed what i could and then we added the bakeries down in the bottom left which are going to be used from the mills dotted around some ornaments just to finish things off kind of did archibald's quest in the meantime as well and then yeah that was pretty much it alrighty so that is basically it for our little grain village here so it's just like the potato village it's just a lot bigger and a lot more complex so just not just houses were placed within the grain fields this time some actually placed in the actual production buildings which are mills so that's going to kind of turn the grain into flour and then that's going to be turned into bread at the baker's so the baker's down here so for every one for every two of these we need one of these and then two of these so it's one minute to 30 seconds to one minute and there's a hell of a lot of workforce that's involved as well so we're not gonna be able to build everything right away so we're gonna have to scale this up slowly especially considering the money situation we're not going to really be able to afford it even um but yeah so that's basically we'll kind of see it as it comes alive kind of how it looks and how it all shakes out and see if i've done a good job of it so just get this one here and this one and then one of these and then two of these so that's everything we can kind of afford to build for now so that should start bread production in its most basic form uh producing basically i'm not entirely happy with this little area down here we might change this to this one as well this is all kind of new um so we might end up changing that stuff as well in the future but for now this should basically get the basics basics up and running uh we've got some basic ornaments around as well i think ah after leaving a few patches out here we'll just get some grass turn off blueprint mode for now there we go there that should make things look a little nicer i'll go over it uh later when we start populating the place with different houses and things as well in fact we can do the houses now good all right yeah it looks nice once it's all kind of filled in it'll look nice and once the mills start turning and stuff uh so yeah it's just like the potato farm just a little bit bigger and a little bit more complex in scope uh so ultimately the mil the flower will go back into a supply warehouse and it'll have to come out and get fed into the bakers um also in the interim while that was all going on as it did take me a while i did complete a quest from archibald which is to hand in uh well let's actually find out i think we got that book didn't we yeah we do we have the fire safety poster now so we can go back to our main island that was about four grand that we just got so that's going to help prop this up obviously we're now in the negative which isn't isn't ideal obviously but we've got lots of room to upgrade and lots of stuff to sell so we can actually pick up potatoes again make another 3 000 off that that just keeps us afloat for a while which is nice actually it's actually pretty good boone thinking about it at the small early stage got lots of bricks in production as well which is good so we're really free to build whatever we want as long as we can just get the money to do so so the next thing would be the pig farms and sausages and stuff like that now the good thing with the pig farms is because we built silos we only need two of them and that's the equivalent of having four so we should be golden uh let's just check our consumption rates of things bread we're now over producing just having the two bakers is over producing all of that we haven't we've missed out on sausages so let's take a look at what bread's actually going to be getting us from the workers houses so bread will give us four coins per household that actually might pull us back into the into the black i think as well so what about sausages sausages are gonna give us four per household as well all right so sausages is next then the chicken coffee a check cookie absolutely shipyards being built the shipyards in swords shows we've heard the call of the ocean while we soon sorry god i'm so bad at reading right now will we soon be waving a first ship farewell what manner of sailing vessel will grace our shores renovations boost city appeal golden hoft has become noticeably more attractive recent campaigns to beautify the city's avenues and boulevards have begun to pay dividends for tourism all right we can publish that i don't know where goldenhoft is that must be this place i don't know how it became more attractive no there's nothing here um what are we gonna name this one lusk so we have rust rush and lusk and scarys right scary's is the further one away yep swords russian lusk and scaries some irish names scariest i think is actually kind of like a scandinavian name i don't really know the history about that maybe it was founded by vikings or something i don't know it is coastal uh anyways do we need another green form no i think we're we're all good on the production rates of this if i just check production rates if we go down here yes that's two for two two for two so grain is satiated and the mill should be satiated as well and so is bread that's all good all good baker's just waiting on getting its goods actually but the mill is turning it looks really nice across the river i'm pretty happy with that i i should have left in hindsight i feel like i should have left more areas for more ornaments um i kind of just blocked it all full of like grain farms as much as i could or grain fields if i was to do it over i would kind of leave some bigger gaps for more ornaments and things like that uh like at this house here for instance all right either way looking good so we have to decide where to put the pig farms now i think i'm just gonna stick them um kind of somewhere out here because there's no road that actually leads to the market out this way so it is kind of isolated off on its own so just do that and pig farms are very kind of rectangular and square they don't really need to be built in any kind of ornate or interesting manner so to speak well mess that one up yeah and then the silo is the exact same size as one of these modules so that's all that's pretty much done uh when it's done like that and i don't know we'll just get two and then they'll get a silo each and then we'll have to go to a slaughterhouse so it's one to one i believe so we can just do this so that's two pig farms but they're going to have silos so it's going to be 200 percent which basically means it's equivalent of having four of these so having four of these line up here is actually pretty perfect i think uh how many workers was that it's 30 farmers not too bad so for now we'll just build those two and let's check what we need so here's the silo thing the amount of fodder we can stock up in this silo it makes things so much simpler for us farmers how come your brain boxes didn't think of it sooner i don't know dlc i guess so the silo needs to connect to the main farm as well as be a module so it's a bit of as well as have a road access so it's kind of an annoying building i wish they would let you just build it further in but it does have to have road access because the uh supply warehouses do make a delivery of grain uh so we're gonna drop this here as well so all right that should be us for sausages so let's have a look actually we didn't really look at this so there's the slaughterhouse slaughterhouse gonna be taking in pigs outputting sausages with the extra solid or the extra silo we can have more of these now as well but we'll just leave it just for a while so the silo is going to be taken in green i think it processes one every five minutes a grain field is produced a grain a piece of grain is made every minute so that's yeah i think five silos can be supported so we'll just build another one right now this farm can come alive this guy's got a real nice drive all the way leading up to his all right house so i don't know if that made any sense i'll just go over it one more time just for those who maybe don't know so let's have a look we've got the pigs here pigs made every one minute sausages are made every one minute but because we've got silos on this the silo is going to boost it to 200 so it's like having two because of that it can actually support two of these in order to support the silo we need a grain field that produces one grain every one minute but it can it only consumes one every five minutes so that means we can support at least five silos off of one grain field so at the moment we've only got one we'll have another one here and then we'll decide if we need it for other things you could put it on sheep as well if you wanted to so we could actually reduce this down as well to two uh but then of course we'd be loading and unloading grain all the time so you gotta think about that as well um now it actually hasn't received its grain yet i'm hoping that it just does soon maybe if i pause it and press play it'll call another cart soon hopefully i'm sure it'll figure out soon all right so there's our little so that's looking good i think anyway so we have our potatoes across the river and then our green fields it looks quite nice and once we need the we have the demand for it we'll set up the second mill and more bakers and things like that and our money should get a little bit better let's have a look and see what's been made so far they have their bread they're loving it um sausages not yet oh starting to come up though a little bit there we go they're starting to get their sausages their first batch of sausages they can't believe their look all right let's sell those potatoes it's brought us back up to six grand money is very tight not gonna lie let's see if we can do some quests we got some quests down here so benty poor sailors superstitions drove them to throw my precious relics overboard please retrieve the lost cargo before it's lost forever i can i can't i can take any silly curse they can bear absolutely [Music] all right we'll do that pick up flotsam there's four of it floats them is it flotsam it's flotsam okay jetsam jinx benti was awaiting the arrival of some precious relics from one of her expeditions but it seems the sailors believed they were cursed so they threw them overboard she's asked you to recover the artifacts for her all right i've got another quest from arthur over here faith in others i sent 50 scores hunters to capture the bird with the guild lashes and no sooner was it found that those incompetents lasted at sea bring it to me and my golden salon shall be complete all right i suggest in 30 minutes for each of these we could do both actually maybe i'll just do one at a time i guess oh no we could actually we've got the uh schooner the scooter can come down here and pick this one up no dangers present i don't think so we should be fine our money's gone a little bit better since we satiated the demand of the sausages uh so what we can do in order to make more money now is elevate more villagers or farmers up to the worker class and then they'll be taking the sausages and bread as well so we can look generally speaking this household is producing 27 income whereas a farmer household is only making 10. so having more workers is better at this stage as long as we can supply them we'll make more money overall so it's good and money should start coming up now once we start getting to that soap that's that's gold dust to the uh prison as well as beer beer actually makes 11 coin per household so it's probably the best thing we can do for money it actually is for the workers yeah so we'll do that even soap makes money which is nice uh so soap that's an interesting one because that will so let's have a look at the soap chain that's gonna require us to have some steel just to get the basics up and running so we need four steel for each rendering works and then four steel for soap factories might just buy it temporarily from archibald because that seems to be the best way just to get steel early on not have to go through the whole rigmar role of building the industry for it the industry is kind of complicated you need iron mines we need furnaces which require 100 workers and then we need steel works which also require 200 so it's like lots of workers are needed like your population needs to scale up big time for iron um what we want to do now as well is make another ship so just get that on the go it doesn't cost us anything you can actually sell ships as well uh archibald buys them so if we just constantly produce ships you know all it takes is sales and wood which we probably have plenty of uh we can just send the ships up there and let's excel for a couple thousand each as well it's not too bad that that grain farm silo still doesn't have its thing i feel like that's a bit of a bug in the game i feel like i've seen it before i'm gonna pause the building turn that back on it seems to be doing its thing now it's got a line coming out to go here it should be like picking up grain let's see what happens one of these should be picking up grain and then bringing it back i remember this is a bit of a bug when the dlc first came out sometimes these things are just left like not being used i don't really know why that is but once they get it once then they'll always get it it's fine it's just a bit of a weird bug it might have been the case that we just needed to turn on and off the production of the building got that loading process though yep there we go it's working now so that must have been it so once we get that that's actually another little quest we can do which is deliver grain to the pig farm i think it's just like a tutorial thing but still nice to get it done so we are dropping two grain off in the silos please allow me the chance to study them and there we go so now it has the grain that's going to last five minutes master it's no bother if the grain runs low for some reason we'll manage without the silo just like we did before i suppose you might see the numbers drop off until we can use it again though no problem no problem well it's still two for two so we're fine at the moment the extra pigs though could be used in the rendering works instead instead of one of these so that might be better i kind of forgot about soap actually so i could just stick two of them there we'll probably build it out later anyway but yeah we'll just have to have to send the ship up to get uh more steel i think all right let's have a look how are we doing so the demand is met for fish it's actually a little over the schnapps we have to build another distillery we should have plenty of uh potatoes though yeah loads all right let's sort out those schnapps thank you archibald uh so the schnapps distilleries i've got placed i want some to go down here actually in future did i delete them did i oh no there's they're still up there yeah but in future we're gonna move them down here cool um so let's uh get on our ships and this is for benty right yeah our ship is being constructed nice and we'll deliver this back to benty then we'll come back down here and our nebuchadnezzar is on the way we'll give these all their own unique names once we assign them to ship routes what do we have now the toto bless the reigns this one's going straight to embezza i guess um all right do we need more housing i guess we could never always do it a little bit more it's basically more money while we have the uh well we can meet all their demands so there's no reason not to uh can we build the police station two and a half thousand for a police station maintenance 50. it doesn't actually fit where i thought it would add that up right uh we could just get rid of the road though it's actually not that big of a deal and it would fit there just build it as a blueprint for now i'm not terribly happy with that it's just kind of squeezed in there um i don't know where else we could slam it down didn't know it was bigger than everything it's the same length as the main buildings though maybe just get rid of some houses and pop it there and that way we kind of have all our central stuff in the line that would be kind of nice excuse me just move these houses yeah i'm happy with that two and a half thousand should we do it i mean i don't think there's gonna be a riot but i guess so good to have it so training jolly police officers jolly jolly police officers i don't know if anyone's seen it but i just watched the south park tell me everything pandemic special so funny at least for me i i thought so with what they did with the police uh but yeah i won't spoil it i guess but it's i thought it was really funny it's just south park i just absolutely love that tv show i haven't played that um second game that they did though be meaning to anyways um so we've handed in the question to benty upon my stuff gives us a little bit of money thanks benty let's get our ship to head off towards uh purchasing the steel we're still carrying that book i keep forgetting to drop it off don't even have any money to like get any interesting items and things either yet all right so our population is up to 1700 that's all well and good uh everything's pretty much good over here yep seems like it cool so what we can do now is start focusing on the other islands right because we're not going to get beer really anytime soon we need the hops and then for the soap which is kind of the thing i want to do by the end of this episode we want to get soap up and running so we're just going to grab so how many we'll have to do the calculation we'll have to work this out so we want to get at least two rendering works and two soap factories so we're going to need 4a 12 16 steel and then i'm trying to work out how much it's going to be to build them all it's going to be 2 grand to get all the buildings done and we do have the workers to man it all so yeah this seems like it'll work um all right so we'll just blueprint it down somewhere like this what is the rate one minute to oh right we only need one soap factory so if we wanted to have uh right we need a lot then if we wanted to sew factories it would look a bit like this and we need even more like pig farms interesting with the silos we have four pig farms two of them are taken by sausages and then two of them go into here so we need another one pig farm yeah all right let's try that out then all right that's two more silos i'll probably move and reorganize this a little later i guess i should really do it now while we have the time right so these can fit in here nicely it's just the rendering works that don't really fit that well do something like this though [Music] yeah it's a bit of it's a bit the wrong way around you kind of need these to be up here and the reason for that is just they want it you want to feed the pigs straight into there it sounds so mccarb but you want to feed the pigs basically straight into there and then these buildings will feed down into this and then just have um yeah i think that'll do it alright cool it's not maybe the most elegant looking thing it could be though actually if we just get rid of this road there we go tightly packed looks alright room for an ornament as well sure why not okay cool uh so let's head back over to ya boy archibald pick up that steel if we can just about afford it 16 right he's always got stomach trouble as well which is just tmi all the time okay do we have any extra potatoes to pick up of course we do oops i've even got excess fish got that flat time as well now let's deliver it here it's a bird of paradise what did we get just bird of paradise okay bring it to arthur gasparov that will give us a little excess extra money as well at least we're positive for money at least that's good uh the bricks you know what we can chill out the bricks now we have been straining the workforce here we can chill them out with that that's fine and now we can start to at least here we can say okay look you've got too much of this you can sell some fish sell if you're over 100 minimum stock 100 and there we go so if we go over 100 fish which we obviously have gone over now that will sell the excess amount same for construction sell that goes over 100 sell it off and that just means any passing ships that can buy they may or may not buy it uh the rare the rarer the goods that you're trying to sell the higher the chance they will sell let's just build another ship while we're here might as well and we can sell it if we don't need it well we have the workers doing nothing basically i just know you'll make a special partner she wants trade rights for six thousand unfortunately benty i don't have the money crikey i know how is the diplomacy by the way we haven't even looked at it so we've got arthur with 42 we're bringing him up with his recent quest i haven't failed any quests yet which is good we have another quest from i know that's just the delivery there you'll notice as well when you load up a ship with cargo like this has 100 tons of potatoes it slows it down so it's going to take a while to go there i think it's also kind of going against the wind the wind direction is facing out straight up that way so it's going sideways all right let's drop off the steel beams okay let's uh carefully carefully do this let's try that first that should be enough to just get the basic first bits of soap going i think and that extra soap that we sell then will make a lot of money for us good and these uh these sellers are getting deliveries no problem that first one was just a bit slow for whatever reason so that is six pig farms that we have going right now so if we were to check production the nice thing here now is we can just go into something like agricultural products right pigs we're over producing we've eight i don't know exactly what that number means but we're eight to four right now eight to two to four yeah so four is the potential that we could take away from it and eight is the amount that we're producing so we have plenty of room to pop in uh a couple more rendering works or sausage factories or whatever so that should be fine i had to do it i know it's 300 for that water tower but hey it looks glorious if i had a bit more money now i'd like to build some paved roads and then start putting dressing the set putting the ornaments down nicely we're sailing here at night time man this game looks so good i it never gets old for me how good it looks i mean it only came out two years ago i guess but well not even almost two years ago it just looks so good the little lantern on the front of the ship lighting the bow and the stern at the back oh my god so good and then as well see they didn't always used to be day and night that was added an update but having this as well now being lit up here it's so nice make say make sale of those potatoes lads 3 000 you got you're basically carrying 3 000 gold worth of potatoes right now that's more than we have in our entire treasury uh but and also now that we should be making soap we'll just have to wait for it to kind of come through they need tallow so it gets turned into tallow at the rendering works that's under production right now nice to see all next to each other as well so saves a little bit of space another ship has been produced we're gonna make another one and i'm probably just going to sell these or just use them for very small trade routes early on all right let's sell these potatoes and we can consider that a new day all right let's see what this quest is why not share some of my daily he offers me a destruction quest my own gun boat being used as a getaway by all means use lethal force but only destroy my ship if it's absolutely necessary 10 grand absolutely destroy one gunboat oh that's easy that is easy so we're just about to deliver the bird of paradise back to arthur i love that his town is called utopia okay does it let's see does it look like utopia i mean it does look pretty nice it's kind of a scary dare i say communist vision of the world because everything is so uniform but it actually i mean hey if everyone's happy who am i to say anything against it all right let's drop this off four grand as well look at this we're up to ten thousand all over again all right we have to go out to that gun boat and destroy it should be easy enough we could go and pick up the mate that we earned in a previous quest oh that was a schooner oh we have the thing here nice [Music] i don't remember getting hurt a kiln keeper negative attractiveness 100 that's pretty good affects charcoal kilns well it's not that good actually thinking about it it doesn't boost productivity of kilns at all it just makes them so they don't affect the attractiveness okay it's not too bad i'll take this mate anyway and then we'll go sailing for that scoot that gun boat it's just a light gunboat it's nothing too crazy oh you know what we can do we can send our schooners out to uncover more of the fog of war because they just don't like seeing these big strips of gray all over the map looks a bit weird right i'm gonna list our ship as number one on the hot bar so i can just get to it easily now cool all right good stuff swords i'm pretty happy with how this is going hope you guys are enjoying it um let's see it's really just all about the soap see the initial amounts of soap that we're gonna make are gonna be taken by our workers right so we want to over produce it big time so we need two more rendering works promotion not possible what did i do wrong i miscounted because we actually we added more didn't we so we need more than 16 steel okay we'll have to go get more so we need eight more steel well we're going to be heading out that way pretty soon i actually can't find the ship now it's gone into the fog of war here it's over there let's go with the wind there he is fire then broadsides this is just our flagship it's not a full warship so it's a bit underwhelming but it's better than a gunboat the gunboat can only fire forward anyway all right so this is a breakout escaped prisoners stolen governor bleakworth's private boat and he needs you to set off in pursuit not sure his precious boat is gonna make it it did not so what have we got here more prisoners oh yeah you can actually see them i love that all his quests are themed around people like breaking out and stuff like that it's a nice touch that you know they're not just generic they actually have a nice bit of writing and stuff to them as well all right so we're out here uncovering the fog of war with our different ships it's a bit of busy work but someone's got to do it right we got to uncover all these little patches of gray just don't want to get hit by the pirates that would be a disaster all right let's see can we pick up any more potatoes there's not that much left actually because we did build more oops we did build more distillery so we're going to be using more overall so we're not going to have as much to sell soon but we'll have the soap we're kind of trading the potatoes up for the soap that's the goal anyway so we're going to drop these back off here actually while we're doing this how much time do we have in the quest we got plenty of times we'll just head off to oh no that is yeah yeah our relationship deteriorated that's sad we'll head over to archibald just so that we can get that steel go over to the um prison and then we should have enough to come back build the soap get the job done and then sell some make some bank and then that'll be it for all of the objectives i wanted to do in this episode which was expand our storage build a sailing shipyard expand the town build a grain village and have soap pigs and trade all of that stuff done i will actually set up a reliable trade route um to this guy as well archie i want to trade with you i think it was 12 we needed new orders all right guys spend money to make money so while we're waiting for that to happen we can now set up a new trade route our first trade route it's going to be a trade route between here and here so that's our island swords and then wormways prison it's just going to be we'll just call it the soap route for now swords is going to load up on soap as much as it can oops and then we're going to unload it there we're going to assign a ship uh the kraken's call but before that ship turns around now it's going to turn around we don't want to do that we just wanted to drop its potatoes first and then we'll set it back on the root now something you got to be careful of you don't want to take all your soap right you want to set a limit of how much we can take away so we'll go filter by consumer goods we'll click this and we'll say set the minimum stock to be i don't know 20. let's set it low for now 10. so we never want it we always want to have at least 10 soap at the bottom of our stockpile and that way when the ships come along for trade they'll always live a bit leave a bit in the back not everything of yours is out in the open all right great so that's look at this 19 000 i'd love to see it all right soap root has begun we're going to call this what's a soap brand uh johnson's i guess that's johnson's ship right we know that the johnsons deals with soap and then we're gonna take the steel back awesome right so this ship can just go do its thing once you clean up most of the fog of war the rest of it does just kind of disappear which is nice so hopefully we can do that soon that is horrible yeah let's go along that way i don't know why they don't just let you research something or do something that just uncovers the map you can start the game with fog uncovered but i feel like once you've found all the islands just clear the fog you know just clear the fog all right let's take a look back at our island swords so really now i think it's time to properly start focusing on the other island that's probably what we'll start doing in the next episode setting up hops getting beer production actually going um this town's gonna be built in a bit more of a grid like fashion just to keep things easy for us for a while but even then we'll we'll mess with it a bit more in future let's get a pub that should be a bit more happiness from these guys and then if we're over producing clothes or anything we can bring them even here if we wanted to although those kind of things those bottom tier really can be self-sufficient alright the editor announces the latest edition the promised land settlers arrive in numbers to swords its illustrious doors opening to reveal a shimmering utopia of course if they lived here they'd know not to expect that but still growth is good a reduction in riot chance the city becomes uglier swords has let itself go according to one of many visitors and then a competitor is settling other islands that's not too bad we can handle it i think the reason why you wouldn't always just publish propaganda immediately all the time is because uh other npcs or ai won't like that so that's why sometimes i just leave it growth is good build our way out so we're up to nearly 2 000 population now that's kind of good right did we bring this deal here we do we have it consumer goods how are we doing everything seems stable good there's a demand for beer that we're not meeting though and we'll have a look around the map for more quests a little later on there's none that i can see though from the map you have little stars on the map that you can spot don't see any right now okay so that should be um that should be more soap basically so how much have we got in storage we have 14 in storage so that we know that next time our ship arrives so which one's on the trade route this one it's carrying one right now it's making its first little baby delivery here of one soap so hey you know what don't turn your nose about it that's 380 uh coin right there that's pretty good stuff so i'm happy to see it all right sail along hit the rest of that sail along hit this little patch here that should have disappeared typically they just disappear but i think it's touching the edge of the map they don't and then let's make our run all along here i know that's so weird but that's just one of the quirks of anno i guess and the ocd nature of the game all right let's have a little zoom in and look at our farming town again see how it's doing so obviously there's some things here that we didn't finish like certain there's room for growth basically but i do like all the little hay bales we've put around looks nice the most fitting use of hay bales i think for this kind of area particularly like um these cluster of houses just appear at the edge i know it doesn't really make sense to be like well why would anyone grow in such a small spot like that but ah that's fine it's fine i just like the golden fields wrapping around everything it looks nice another feature in the game some of you may or may not know you can actually hop down and get in there with them if we wanted to it's probably a nightmare for compression i don't know but hopefully it doesn't look too bad hello oh yeah and if we walk over it we actually flatten the grass i used to do that as a kid that's how i found out i had hay fever actually and then you can actually see that from up here see he flattened it all he's laughing about it okay good the details man the details that's why this is one of the best games of all time except for this i guess did we make that money i'm sure we did another quest let's see what archibald's got for us i'm an avid wood carver you know yes give me a chisel and a fishtail gouge or a mallet and i'm quite content there is the thing is i'm so keen i've run rather short of timber well we've got plenty what do you need 42. apply within she offers me a puzzle quest i'll take it i didn't read the thing we'll check that out in a second so he wants 42 timber got it we've doubled and let's go back to him great that's easy money easy early money so let's read what benty wants us to do hibernation benty wants your help in bringing some wild animals on her island into the safety of her zoo for the winter you lady hunt we don't want to be going to war with her though so we'll have to give her some money or give her some gifts do some quests for if we ever see them pop up uh okay so we have to help find some animals on her island perhaps you'd like my latest torso what are you why is he talking to me um i see one there's one right there that's one wolf we've got another one out here there's actually icons on the map which kind of help you look at uh indicate where these things are they're not always super clear though there we go black bear out here and another one oh it's kind of like stranded on the cliffs to be honest and trust couldn't be more boom eight and a half thousand love to see it we now have twenty seven thousand so we started the game at fifty so obviously we wanna be getting back to that i don't really see why the money is actually going up and then down this is negative eleven i guess little bits come up and a little bit to come down but overall it's trending downwards i guess all right i think this will be the final quests we do let's take a look at one last time at our trade route we have eight soap on it now that's a big delivery right there eight times four hundred you figure it out we'll see how much we get i don't know if it tells you in the warnings no that's fine or the logs i think you see the logs back at your own place so i think here you can see i don't know actually i feel like they used to show you a list of logs trade routes passengers the soap trade route negative eight doesn't tell you how much i made from it though no finance yeah i don't know i have to maybe explore that my own maybe if you guys know let me know i'll be able to read the comments after this episode ready for assignment see what we get uh i didn't see oh there we go three thousand seven hundred three thousand and seventy two nice for eight pieces of soap you know pretty damn good i mean it's i can't believe they never nerfed it but they just i guess they're happy with how how much it gives you all right so so archibald wants yeah so hand in that quest now we've got another 4 000 from him and i think that's pretty much it i'm quite penetrated by your kindness thank you so we could now start maybe getting a little i know what to do very last thing we'll just do while we're here is i know i'll do that some other time i was gonna say set up the ornaments we've got the money now that i can finally start investing in ornaments making the city look that little bit nicer we can set up the first paved road though i think that'd be good so the main street there we go there we go we have our first little paved road going through the place now nice all right the music is quite melancholic but i'm actually quite happy so in the next episode i think we're going to work on uh building up the hops getting beer going and then that should take us to the artisans really let's see how far away we are from it all we need is a school oh my god i totally forgot actually we need 20 steel beams yeah that's going to be a big thing too um hmm school where would we place the damn school well it needs to be somewhere central relatively speaking near enough to the church maybe on the side like this or something like that we'll have to i'll have to think about it see where we put it we want it to be relatively like i said central so somewhere like there would be good if it's any further down along this line it doesn't really make any more sense although it apparently would hit the whole town even down here um but yeah we'll just we'll do the central somewhere like there i'll have to remove some houses and uh we'll get that set up as well all right so cup of coffee you've been playing for two hours i know all right that's gonna be it for today's episode thank you guys very much for watching and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: RepublicOfLetsPlay
Views: 371,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 gameplay, city building games, anno 1800 game, anno 1800 pc, anno gameplay, anno 1800 gameplay part 1, anno 1800 gameplay english, anno 1800 gameplay ep 1, city building, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 new lets play, anno 1800 city lights, anno 1800 city life, anno 1800 pretty city, anno 1800 all dlc, anno 1800 land of lions, anno 1800 arctic
Id: 9NXQ97197EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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