LAND OF LIONS! - Let's Play ANNO 1800 - Ep.12 [All DLC]

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hello everybody darren here and welcome back to episode 12 in my anno 1800 let's play now in the last episode we did a deal with the pirates in the old world opening up a very valuable trade route to the pirate cove which would be making us a lot of money we're going to use that money now to find better items to optimize our production and then fund an expedition to the land of lions so obviously lady margaret is pretty far ahead of us at the moment she's at the investor level no doubt she is colonizing islands in embassa the land of lions already so we kind of want to get onto that expedition as quickly as possible just to stake our claim to as many islands as possible to prevent the ai kind of taking it all before we get there i'd have no idea at this point because land of line is quite a new dlc but it is unlocked at tier 3 residences so i have no idea what the ai prioritizes there do they go to sunken treasures first do they go to ambassador first i don't know for all we know there might be no islands available you do get given one so at least we will have something but we are going to need more than one eventually but we'll have a look now before we uh jump into the episode just want to also mention that at the end of the last episode i cut some of the footage out just because it was quite bloated quite a long episode and one of the things that i did was i did a quest for anne harlow which we can check right now that's called taking its toll no trade route is secluded enough to slip away from anne's grasp she sent you to deliver the message to every merchant who thinks they can outsmart her you have to destroy enemy ships with your military vessels so i basically done this took out two ships and we've got the proof of destruction right here on my pirate ship that has just come into the harbor right now ready for your share there we go so i just wanted to point that out just in case people were wondering what was going on with that quest um all right so we've actually got some other quests to do i'm going to come out to lady margaret speaking of her down here first i still pray for the day my niece gives up the buffoonery of piracy and comes back to me please take her a gift from her aunt and let her know that my door is always open for her return i hope you find it illuminate um where do we have to get it we have to pick it up at our lighthouse cool so we'll do that let's see we've got another quest up here from eli they think because i'm a man of faith i wouldn't notice them smuggling their tools of escape inside their bibles show those impostor missionaries the mercy of god all right i think i've got ships on the way to this oh that actually it's a destruction quest straight away see if we can intercept it and then i think we've got another quest nope no quest down here i thought maybe it was on the like on the map there for a second all right so what i want to do here is really quickly we're going to fund that expedition to the land of lines but before we do we're going to go to cape trollani again and start transmuting some items with nate so i'm just going to build another clipper we're gonna need it and that's gonna put demand on our workforce but we've got too many uh villagers anyway or farmers god i don't even know why i bother correcting myself i just say it wrong all the time all right that should be fine so something i'm to do a lot of in this episode to start beautifying the town we actually despite the money being negative and i couldn't couldn't sort it out properly in the last episode we're actually making a lot right money is going to be going up rapidly every time we do all these different trades and speaking of trades there's just even more things there's always so much to do but one of the things i wanted to do was yeah we should be selling all this we just don't need it and really we could stop the production of it we'll just sell it for now and what else we need i think it was glass that i've got too much of you know just sell that just let different ships come by to trade it looks like we're fighting oh my god destroyed excellent let's pick that up we're gonna send these other ships and just station one at each trader and just hopefully keep them there so that we can just constantly check back for items and use all this excess money that we keep getting to buy items to better bolster our production chains and that's kind of what i just plan on doing with the money and while all that's going on i don't really plan on building new engineers or you know raising our population that much i kind of just plan on keeping things kind of consistent getting some items and kind of like working out what we've got um as best as possible while we also go to the ambassador as well all right so they they're all on their way we'll just wait to pick up that item all right cool so in order to go to sunken treasures and we need to bring some items with us to get transmuted and i'll talk about that once we get over there but i know the items that we need already so we need 10 planks we're going to need i think 10 canned food we're going to need 5 steel and 10 sand and that should be all we need your investigations so just send this to cape trollani off you go and once it gets there we'll have a look over there and deal with that is our ship nearly down here yet no not yet all right so that's pretty much all of that done um oh yeah we have our expedition let's check it out next way the route to the inuit settlement is a two-day trek by foot across exposed ice flats a small expedition party expeditionary party set off leaving the rest at sea to await their return although the going is tough it's not much sorry it is not that it is not that which preoccupies the crew as night falls they are sure something has been following them stop for the night and keep watch 30 bonus chance because of our uh diver guy or force with your current equipment you're not ready to do that okay let's do this one your sharp your sharp eared watchman keeps vigil in the small dark of the arctic summer he catches the scratch of a bear's un retractable claws on ice it is trying to approach discreetly but the watchman is ready at the sound of his gun the rest wake with the jolt only to find a big dead bear at his feet they celebrate their trophy and are soon back on route all right he protected us let's keep going i should be back soon actually we could send that one to the land of lines um so the only other thing i need to do is we are short on green and that is because well it's a few different reasons it's mostly because of the malt at 200 um and as well the pig farms are have increased their production which actually increases the demand of grain i didn't know that until a kind commenter replied to one of my comments mentioning that because i did account for the fact that we're using silos on pig farms the five silos in total basically equate to one extra grain farm needed but we're over that only slightly and i think that's because these are also on increased production 35 so that puts 35 percent more strain on these i think that's why we're slightly over it either way not a big deal we're just going to get two more of them and uh i'll we're gonna get bright harvest tractors pretty soon and when we do that we don't need these but it's kind of a temporary thing for now now we're just going to have them down here not strictly part of a green village the goal of the vehicle is designed she's talking about tractors yeah we'll we'll get to that we need steam motors for that and we could actually build all that right now we have the brass necessary we have the steel necessary but i'll tell you what the maintenance cost of of that building is kind of insane so we just have a look at it really quickly steam motors requires electricity we have it don't worry about that but it's a thousand eight hundred maintenance just to run the building now if we pause buildings it costs us half the amount to maintain them so we could still we could shut it offline if we wanted to for a while um but it's just a bit too much it's just a bit too much at the moment i think i'm not really comfortable going down to like negative four grand basically um so we'll just have to leave that for a moment but i think maybe later on later on the episode we'll get it all right cool we're making good money money is trickling on up i've also adjusted the filters of my notifications so we shouldn't be getting so much all the time that i end up just ignoring so that should help all right are we good to go let's check on these quests really quickly the ship's still not there that's done good anything for yes and harlow has a crust a noose was loose and the deck liquor fell asleep on guard damn slacker now the schooners drifted away into open seas fetch it dog while i nailed his one well i nailed his one's eyelids to his temples jeez shake the tree see what falls escort the ship to be escort this ship to begin it to begin the escort approach the ship to begin the escort god i can't read today uh we can do that after we come down here and sort out this one i think we'll have time i'll pay attention i'll try to uh but anyway i think that's pretty much everything i wanted to get started with i know i guess we'll cue up the expedition to ambassador before we really properly get started but essentially what i'm gonna then do is just focus on making this place look good again because i did all that down on the bottom i think around here looks really really nice but as we get further and further up it gets really patchy things aren't laid out properly we've got we need more uh fire stations and things like that and i kind of plunked the hospital down really quickly so i'm gonna do a big time lapse in this area and i'm also gonna time-lapse out here a little bit more um to make it look nice i'll show you that when it's over but i've got a plan over there and the same with the artisans we're gonna turn this into a bit of a christmas area because you know christmas as of recording it's the 12th of december today for me um you know we're very very close less than two weeks to go so we should be adding those christmas ornaments around the place people have been asking how did you get the ornaments for um the lights over here and that's basically a dlc a lot of the if you're ever wondering how did you get that thing it's typically the answer is dlc i'm not running any mods so and you get everything with dlc early on you don't have any requirements to get these things typically so that's how i've done it also a lot of people have asked about ubisoft club rewards people seem to have issues with this since ubisoft club changed to ubisoft connect all the items became unlocked for me so that's how i got everything i had most of them anyway but but the rest of them all unlocked unfortunately for some people they're having issues where they haven't gotten their items i don't know i'm not ubisoft support so i can't help you there but that's all i know about it for me it worked so unfortunately i don't have any answer for that um okay so bankruptcy hans von schlong is in the red it can only be a matter of time before the bailiffs come to reclaim furniture and wallpaper this will mean the end of it this will be the end if this disastrous venture is not turned around soon that's fine don't worry about that we got loads we got absolutely loads um still waiting on our expedition to get back so we can go good timing all right after weeks of trials and tribulations your expedition comes home safe you captured a wild animal so what do we get an oryx a bison and a lionfish kind of lame if i'm gonna be honest it's just one rare and too uncommon but whatever uh we'll throw these guys back in and then we're gonna get ready for the land of lions so this is the industrious let's extend the old telescope all right so what we're going to want for this is let's see rations diplomacy and faith there's a fire have to check that um let's see we could go with items for the rest maybe the pelican for faith and the tugboat man will fit down here there we go room two slots for extra things if we can pick up on the way off you go there's a fire now where's that let's see oh it's over on rush i'm sure it's fine although it has left ruins pave the streets a little bit something else we need to do actually while i'm here is fur production could be a little bit better people pointed this out as well you can actually get much closer with the fur buildings than it kind of lets on so you keep your 100 i love the fire service they help me a lot sorry wrong building everything progresses as expected all right cool lady margaret has given us a gift for a cherished niece so where do we have to take that i'm guessing we just bring to unharlow directly do we yep great so that fire let's just check back in on that it's left ruins we'll just fix that really quickly and then go back to fur production so the more fur we make over here we bring it back over to uh swords we can sell that to madame gahin it makes us really good money as well so that's kind of why i want to get that sorted so this should stay at 100 let's see what about this one actually it's a waste of money moving it really let's just copy and paste a new one hopefully they all stay 100 so two more i think we'll do it for what we need alrighty so i'm also gonna well i guess i could do that in the time-lapse beautify the uh port and then we can maybe set up a public mooring soon so people are saying like set up a public mooring it's free money basically public marine costs you 400 maintenance you get one coin for every attractiveness you have we're at 129 right now now if i make a zoo and we pop some of the items that we've just gotten in it the cultural items let's see what we got so we have plus 30 30 60 90 120 well actually it's a museum so 90 120 uh 140 160 180 200. so at best we'd get 200 from a zoo right now which would give us 330 attractiveness so it's still not enough to warrant building a public mooring because it's less than the maintenance cost so you need at least 400 attractiveness i know you're probably thinking as well oh you could get rid of like your pig farms and stuff like that we could do people were saying why don't you put the pig farms over here well the main reason that it's kind of shied away from doing that is because we are buffing them or boosting them each of them is like worth two because we have we're feeding them with grain and we can't do that on this island because we don't have the grain fertility we have to set up a route that delivers pigs over and then brings grain back it's just a it's just messy i don't know it's messy maybe eventually ideally there'll be no production on this island eventually when we just build up a lot of population everything feeds in here but for now it's just a bit too early to get doing that all right awesome so we're here in sunken treasures let's just drop off the book that we don't need we're gonna head down to nate's island and a really great tip that i was told about is you should send a clipper to escort your diving bell and that way when you start picking up stuff you can throw it into the back of the clipper it's a really great idea because often what you'll have to do with this is just keep going back and forth but if you could keep this constantly out diving and use the clipper to go back and forth it's a really really great obvious i guess kind of thing to do that i never thought of so it's really really good um all right so this ship has arrived we want to send this over to nate as well let's just go back now we'll get to building crown falls a little bit as well uh so i think that's pretty much it we've we've got all that stuff queued up i guess it would be nice to see the transmission fudge so this is something i forgot to mention as well god that is so loud it's so loud even when i'm zoomed out um basically something i didn't mention is that benty is at war with uh arthur gasparov and it seems pretty likely that he's just gonna take her out completely and there's really not much i can do about it i could start fighting arthur to keep her in the game but it's not really worth it um let's just buy back these shares real quick for the vote of confidence although i don't know if we'll ever actually make that money thinking about it if he ends up destroying this island i actually don't know what happens to your share if someone else destroys the island do you keep the share or do you get bought back i don't know well either way we'll keep two for now i won't buy any more just in case but i think benty's on her last legs which is a damn shame uh we've got really good money now though we're up to 400 grand and we just did that other quest in here so we're just gonna queue up this one to escort and harlow's ship i've got another one out here for archibald a delicate matter her majesty has recently become aware of the movement's ailing cause and wishes to donate off the record we trust you'll keep it all quiet thank you for all you've done so we need to deliver 34 weapons we'll have it back soon enough she sympathizes with the movements cause not really sure where the movement are let's just grab 34 tons of weapons bring that up here we actually have loads of weapons it's construction material i think [Music] all right nice our expedition is underway to embassa so i'll probably stop the time lapse every time we need to discovering new horizons every time we want to read it it's actually a pretty cool i've only done it once before it's a pretty cool expedition it's different than the other ones wow our money is really good did someone arthur bought shares from me in this place oh what i'm a bit confused i don't remember buying shares over here did i allege apparently i did i'll buy these ones keep her alive a little bit longer maybe i don't want them buying them out all right what's our share income actually our share income is a thousand six hundred and ninety three all right we've begun our escort but there's so much going on all the time so the last thing we're gonna do we'll do this um transmution so basically it's crafting so let's have a little talk with well first of all we need to load up our ship here so 10 planks 10 canned food 10 sand 5 steel so we go into the transmute menu and the first thing i want to get is the submarine oscillator so basically it looks like there's loads of items it's actually just you know rare epic and legendary so it's just one item but three variants of it if if that makes sense so the first one i want to i want to get is the submarine oscillator which uses echolocation to allow you to find diving objects and mines so while la corona are here they place around mines in the map i think and they can damage your ships and stuff um or for certain quests as well but let's just buy this now so this basically costs 15 scrap 5 steel and 10 cents so that's why i brought that over we already have the strap from before that's fine don't worry about that so there we go we have the submarine oscillator that's just going to sit down here for now it's fine and we're going to want to do our first well let's activate it so we actually don't see anything sometimes it'll tell you a direction to go just to speed up the process and because we've good money we can just buy he has he's got a treasure hunt map right here he's actually got a 950 000 for that item holy crap increased chance of finding items of rarity rare epic and legendary while diving that's pretty cool but yeah unfortunately i won't be able to get that peter flinders conservator of artifacts well we're just gonna grab this real quick activate it and then we have to find an island that looks like that in cape and then basically we can do a dive there it looks like it might be this one nope this kind of thing could be a little tedious i mean it's kind of fun but i guess when you're recording a let's play maybe i feel like there's a bit of pressure to just find the island real quick what about this one [Music] i'm seeing like a beach on this side and a beach on this side of the mountain on that side it can be quite a big island it doesn't have to be a small one i don't think so nope it's not this one [Music] god damn oh it's this one for sure yeah there we go all right we found it so we just head out here oh i can actually see it can i is that it yeah that's it we can see it the birds floating uh flying around above it means that's it all right nice we found it so now that we're going we have our clipper trailing on behind and we have this one i don't know what i'm gonna do with this one actually we could just send it around to uncover some fog of war actually it'll help future stuff same with the ship and [Music] this one so yeah i know i keep saying it but before i do the time lapse actually i'm just going to transmute the other item and then send it back so you'll see what we're getting actually no i could just look at it now you get the idea but let's see what we're looking for oh we can't we can't check his transmit menu oh we can here we go so the item that i thought i'd get is just this one mystery vending box so fifth we need 15 more scrap 10 wood and 10 canned food and we get income per house 15 affects residences so we can put that in the town hall up by the artisans and that should make us good money obviously if we wanted to get this one we need actually rarer scrap rare form of scrap that we don't have yet and so on and so forth so we'll be able to get that just yet but that item is pretty good and then there's loads of things in here that will hopefully end up trying to get the best and everything eventually all right let's just check that diver it's almost there actually might as well just do this dive see what we get and then we'll hop back to the old world and start improving things because now it's a really good time to do it now because our income is fairly stable and we're just making money by selling all the excess that we have all right let's see what we got oh interesting we actually got some different types of scrap and then we got sea horses cool let's just drop some of that stuff off yeah so i i was kind of hoping we'd find some basic scraps so we could kind of craft that other item straight away so i guess i'll just have to periodically check back um because and see if we find any because this should kind of buzz and beep and show you where things are when we get a bit closer so i'll just have to kind of scout around the map and check back every day and then to see like oh do we have any items and once we get enough scrap well then we can just transmit more items so it's just gonna be something i have to constantly check back with every now and then so i'll just hotkey it as well all right nice so um yeah i think we'll just start to reorder this place now all right so we're gonna go into time-lapse mode basically gonna do those quests that we have in the background and i'm also gonna just basically make the place look a little nicer all right let's begin all right we have the first part of our embezza expedition the journey to embassa will it be a lispo or i'll soak choose your next port of call on your voyage to embassy land of alliance whenever you visit a port new ports will become available you can also attempt to visit every single port for example stopping at both olispo and also great rewards may come to those who succeed in this but remember to keep an eye on your morale so head to elispo a streetcar named a lispo the lights of elizabeth glimmer through the spray as your sailors hasten to secure their moorings music and merriment spill from the narrow streets wafting aromas of warm bread and savory fish fresh from the tide with the thrill of pent-up anticipation the sailors stream off the ship excitedly and excitedly crowd onto the pristinely new yellow tram laughing as a trick as it rickets off into the warm night hailed loudly by festive locals a flurry of ample sleeves turns uh to them genially buanate friends from whence does the tide bring you sorry i don't know how to say that boa nate why not uh lie we hail from ill campanile or whatever that says or we serve her majesty i'll try this one i guess i don't like lying but okay your attempts at camp and lease exit at a capital lee's accent draw a few laughs from surrounding passages but the man's insistence on making broken conversations soon has become trying for all one of your men mutters something about him minding his own bloody business don't you have some goats to adopt the native's face flares with fury rounding on the sulking sailor and answering in your own tongue i tried but your queen already has sir archibald there is a stun to silence in the tram car while your crew real with shock and disgust before a thick set young lass leans in and knees him heavily in the midriff sending him tumbling into a crowd of his outraged countrymen for queen and country so big fight is broken out i guess 15 extra force chance a roar of approval rises from your men as the man sinks to the floor crimson faced and groaning several burly mustachioed mustachioed passengers leap into the fray belts wrapped around their fists only to be tripped and set upon viciously by sailors eager to vent weeks worth of restlessness a whistle sounds through the haze of torn upholstery the local constabulary your crew promptly jumped down from the tram with a flurry of jabs for good measure and dispersed into the surrounding streets it looks like we got the better of the fight but we did lose morale overall we didn't get anything from olispo capital of trams all right we'll go to al sook i guess that's like portugal lisbon maybe and this is um tunisia all right anyway back to the time lapse so the first thing i wanted to do is just update one of the side streets that have been annoying me for a while and then i put down a new fire station by the docks just to give greater coverage to the city now up by the artisan district is where i really spend most of my time and that's doing out of sort of a meat father christmas area having our giant christmas tree is the focal point to the artisan district and then having father christmas sitting there right beside his presence right beside the uh drinks tables for the adults and i was kind of experimenting i'd never used this dlc pack before and i have to say it's actually really really good there's a lot of variety there's these food stalls that are christmas themed while people wait to go in there's drinks tables there's small christmas trees there's a big one there's a snowman and then there's obviously updated assets then as well for if you've got fencing existing already you can then kind of rapid in festive um lights and ornaments and things like that so that's kind of what i'm doing here i've put the new fencing around the church uh father chris was obviously across from the church while people wait to meet him and stuff like that so i just think it's all like i don't know it just feels really nice and festive i've honestly decorated this more than i've decorated my my own apartment with lights and things like that uh now out by the artisan district um when i'm placing ornaments around here i don't think i've ever talked about it but what i look for is i look for like the little side streets i look for like what the building's actually doing and try to put ornaments down that match things correctly like if you see a side street but you put a big tree in front of it it doesn't really make any sense it's not really a big deal but if you end up walking around the city you want to look at things in detail it doesn't look quite right so what i end up doing is i look for things like canopies that's obviously where people are selling things and i put down you know dining tables i look for large kind of areas that are kind of off on their own that's where playgrounds can go if there's big walls or the end of streets you know trees and stuff like that can go there it's little details like that i feel like that really do help bring things to life so that no matter how long you look at it it feels like things make sense and people seem to walk around it a little bit better when you do that too as you know people will interact with buildings and then your ornaments and go from one to the other so if you kind of line things up nicely it i don't know it just looks quite good now um before i go we're gonna there's this episode was super heavy with expedition uh stories and readings so i've ended up cutting out a lot of them so we're just going to jump straight to the most important parts of most expeditions after the different time lapses not wishing to interrupt the music one sailor walks up to a man about to enter a nearby house and taps his soldier to attract his attention the man turns a curious face to his unexpected intervention gesture between your mouth and the man indicating that i wish to speak to him point out the surroundings and give a thumbs up indicating you find his home beautiful or place your hand on your heart to indicate you're glad to meet him i don't like the idea of pointing to my mouth and then to him it's almost like i want to eat him i don't think thumbs up that's pretty universal place your hand on your heart to indicate i'll do the thumbs up i guess the man starts unpleasantly visibly insulted before casting a witheringly contemptuous glare at your expectant crew judging by the condemning stairs they are suddenly attracting your sailors understand the gesture must have some unknown possibly derogatory meaning here and wisely decide to retreat to the ship before committing another faux pas damn all right well let's go to the ancient labyrinth off we go all right back to the time lapse all right so i'm actually going to be trying something different for the first time which is placing down a large construction site where we know that buildings are eventually going to go so instead of just having large vacant open areas or giant blueprints it actually looks a lot more alive and like it's actually progressing i got this idea from a moderator in my discord bitmark when he was posting a screenshot of his variety theater which wasn't built yet and he just had several sandpits i thought that's a really good idea to actually make it feel like it's coming alive especially in places where we know we're blocking it out for a long time in the future and it's just gonna stay empty it just seems to make sense to have something there in its place and it looks really cool to have like an actual ongoing building site so you can see i moved the hospital back into the center of the city that was a while ago we did that but i had to dress the set with that one i decided to put like statues outside of it and then around the different estates just kind of dotting it around with the different things updating all the roads uh placing down some trees some park benches things people would have outside of their houses like clotheslines and swing sets always by the farmers i always give them an outhouse they need to go somewhere whereas i'm sure the workers probably have some sort of simple plumbing system i hope so i don't know i like to think so and then um by this separate market here we're just kind of updating it with a drink shack and a playground it's a bit more of an upper class market as we get closer and closer out to the artisan so that was the idea there [Music] darkness there and nothing more footsteps echo against a distant vaulted ceiling you reach for a light and find one match left one match and then darkness advance without light or strike your last much go without it you tread a precautious path across the room hands outstretched fumbling for an exit something cold grazes your hand then a moist warm breath slowly exhaled you feel a pronged spur jutting into the palm of your extended hand a growling thunderous and ominous surges into your ears and face strike your last march match hey a reward discovered what do we get a bullhead rython a great bovine head cruel pronged flares into life as you strike the match you let out a squeal then something catches your eye moss growing on the creature's eye a statue lifelike to a fault and one of the finest craftsmanship you discover that the brackish warm air gushing in from a hidden aperture in the wall on which it is set is being amplified ingeniously by the mammaril's beast mouth a momentous discovery an entire civilization a hidden culture forsaken sanctuary in epic for the ages thrilled you reach behind the creatured creature's neck to a glimmer of light and pry open the brittle wall behind it to emerge into the fresh air of the day a ritual drinking vessel found in an ancient labyrinth carved from a single block of black statite all right it's not actually that good really 30 attractiveness all right a great bovine head cruel pronged flares we read that already yeah this is what i just said cool all right go to the crocodile delta egypt i guess this was cypress was it maybe i think looking back on it was most likely crete um but yeah basically just building up the pier here unfortunately i feel like it's really difficult to get this pier to look good i have another save file of a different island with a different beach where the pier looks awesome but this one the shape of that beach is just so awkward to get like looking good i feel like which i think i'll talk about a little bit later but essentially just putting some finishing touches over on the artisan district and over by the engineers mostly just doing out the christmas fencing a little bit more placing down the railway because we know that we're eventually going to have it as well and putting some ornaments in between the crossroads dotting around some picnic tables and things like that up by the artisans where i've left it blank and then just putting down another pier so we can open up the docks even further to take a drink from the waters you realize how tired you feel and decide it's probably best if you rejoined the expedition damn oh well all right to the colierism canal ready for anything let's go and i think i'll leave the time lapses there i did quite a lot now the pirates and arthur have gained a peace deal in fact i might see if i can get something with him likely every little bit does make a different difference oh my god it's actually raining oh man it does not rain very often oh it looks so good um but yeah i think we'll have a little walk around at the end of the episode up here this place i'm pretty happy with how this has turned out now i think it looks pretty good there's still some extra things we could get when we um level up a bit more but i i really like how it looks and the christmas theme we have going on i think looks good as well now some people were saying i think you can actually trigger snow with some items and stuff so i think i'll try to figure that out and do that in future cape trelawny all right i'm going to stay over on cape trelawny for now see if we can't get ourselves some so let's see how much time do we left on that quest 22 minutes i think we could do it in 22 minutes yeah this uh the reason i keep looking top down is because it'll show you this graphic but i'm not seeing it anyway we'll just head up here we'll buy another item off him if he has one for the he's got maps of the old world which is cool i guess it'd be good idea actually to buy a few of those like if we had like two or three and then bring it over rather than just go over for one yeah that's not a bad idea they're only twenty thousand each uh which isn't too expensive i might get the flagship up here and do that as well yeah i didn't think that's a good idea i think just save up a bunch of treasure maps and then we can do all like a bunch at once which would be really nice especially if we have the oscillator they can just point us in the direction quite quickly an expedition we'll have a look at it in just i guess we'll have a look at it now all right the kalisma canal the explosion scattered debris across the canal as your helmsman carefully steers into the nascent kalisma current canal a deafening blast ahead of you sends most of your crew sprawling across the deck the initial shock overcome they rushed to their stations and pulled the ship into a crawl bringing it to rest mere feet away from the listing flame wreck racked a carcass of a ship doubtless it'll be days before all this cleanse the navigation can resume one of your sailors fur is their brow in it odd but there ain't no one in the water odd indeed in fact there's no trace at all of the exploded ship's crew an irresistible mystery request ship records from the canal authorities 50 bonus or 5 bonus for naval power all right we'll try this one soon as we have the lady and the extra stuff we picked up is helping us quite a bit actually and we can see why that is that's because this gives diplomacy 10 this gives diplomacy 30 so that's 40 totes and then obviously with the beer we've got extra diplomacy so diplomatically see what happens here it takes some persuasion i don't know what she was doing but you convinced the officials to let you look into the cargo report for the ship it reads fs due fairies h from the aquiania cleared for crossing this day upholstery and tools ntd nothing salient yet something feels off and your sailor quickly remembers fs is that not an imperial prefix then why register the ship as foreign slowly it dawns upon you assuming this is no mistake does it not imply deliberate sabotage by your own countrymen it may have implications for the crown if you were to inform the locals our loyalty is to the queen or these people have a right to know that they're right to know a difficult decision but your crew decides to share information with the columbia authorities believing no loyalty should take precedence over right rightening and injustice the canal master thanks your captain profusely commending his honesty and insisting that your crew be rewarded for their integrity before taking his leave your captain extracts a promise from the grateful official that no mention will be made to anyone as to the source of the information there we go got away with it well we didn't get anything so go to the savannah or the holy city go savannah that's onward two and bet well says it both ways yep savannah then oh my ship's still not here clipper is keeping good pace with uh our little steamship here that's been a while since we saw the flagship so treasure hunt old world new world cape trelawny let's just buy them all well maybe not the new world one [Music] okay cool yeah i think it's a good idea to just stay here and keep buying those because we need them until we're full up alrighty so this episode has gone on actually really long i'm sure time lapse will trim it down neatly but um i just noticed why is that are there ruins here was there a fire hmm we're short on housing oh it could be because of the extra fur production i built i should fix it housing's fine over here though this place is looking good unfortunately i feel like the docks doesn't look really good but it's a difficult one to do because you can't you can't build it in any further it's just kind of the way it is all right anyways to focus back on production chains and the game itself rather than just making the town look nice um what we need next is we want to get more and more engineers and then just keep up with the bottom tier of stuff uh so that just means upgrading artisans as it's done so i'm going to upgrade the ones that are out of the range of this so upgrade the ones that are tucked in here do five of them i actually tried to do six there but that's fine one two three four now with that we might have to we might have enough to start getting power fed into these guys but unfortunately we don't have enough oil if we want to do bright harvest and power these guys we have to do one or the other there we go we've got our little enclosed we can see this it's a building site obviously for future projects oh we then we just have one little house that needs to be placed somewhere else how much are we going to grow up to now we should have plenty of glasses 31 out of 40. 34 out of 40. so we're only getting three more per household over there hmm and what do we need a thousand man we need a lot more houses then a lot more houses if that's the case although i actually have to check the uh desires don't i as well so pocket watches are at one thousand coffee is at one thousand so coffee and pocket watches are the next thing we need a thousand engineers for it it's crazy how much artisans i have i just don't even need them really just before i i just want to put back down blueprints for where those houses kind of wear there we go so i don't make a mistake when i'm rebuilding the area no ah i know what's wrong we're short on bricks that's why we can't do the upgrade we'll just come back here really quickly pick up some bricks russia's got a festival going on at the moment an art festival maintenance cost has been reduced that's good haven't had a festival over here in a while instead i just keep getting plagues [Music] sicknesses chance is really high fire chances getting better that we've plopped down a few new ones still quite high up around the industry though yeah excessively so all right with those extra houses let's just see can we handle what we've got now penny farthings is fine glasses is fine fur should be okay i think rum is okay i think so entrepreneurs have a look at rum seems um yeah more than okay double okay then we have the sewing machines which is okay canned food is fine beer will be okay as well but as we upgrade it means we're selling less and less overproduction uh produce to the npc so money will go down although money comes up though in terms of balance so that's good um and then yeah the bottom stuff doesn't really change really it should only get better because we're removing artisans so good yeah i guess we'll just have to kind of decommission some of the extremities of this area which is unfortunate i really like it i'm sure eventually we'll need them again but right now it's more just a case of populating this area there'll be monsters abroad i bless the rains down in africa finding kindle dry enough to start a fire proves difficult to top pride's rock especially with recent rains you struggle to light small pieces of damp some piles of damp grass and twigs but your efforts only attract lion's attention a female leaps towards a man struggling with a tinderbox he ducks backward narrowly avoiding a killing blow only for blood to spurt to the ground as a ghastly tear appears in his jaw his teeth visible through the wound your crew take cover behind the what small flickering torches they've managed to light and start the achingly slow descent back to the planes with their gourd companion in tow at least he lived for now all right one place one place left to go i think the holy city it's a hell of a journey so we just have to look on every single island until we find three one two there it is we got it all right so cue them up there it is right there we can see it great so while we're doing that we can do the expedition okay so a holy pilgrimage tails a bound of a city sacred to all in this land and the holy pilgrimage that must be undertaken by the faithful at least once in their lifetime your bribe attempt was successful the crew trade several goods against their lives but the officers still refuse to let them pass bastards your party is rounded up and cantered back to the harbour amid a fierce cavalclade of the officers maroon saddled horses turn away now never to return or suffer cruel fate their leader insists you have no choice but to board your vessel and leave have you seen what little of these lands harsh and beautiful an equal measure have to offer the soul my god i think we've failed every single one of them except maybe the bald the labyrinth we failed it badly sal ambidos oh there's actually one more ten morale actually we're down to 33 now at least money's decent oh hey money's positive oh because we have a festival nice what do we got bonus income plus five increased visits one 100 so having a public mooring now would actually net us some money so we could build it a little early for it if we don't have a well we we'd earn 12 without a museum our zoo or a zoo we don't earn 12 right now i don't even know where to put the zoo keep thinking about that maybe up here would be nice where the where i plan to build the world's fair or i was also thinking of shifting houses down here and building like a zoo out the back or like museums and stuff at the back of this place and that way it's kind of close by the artisans as well somewhere like there if we change the crossroads and stuff i don't know it's difficult because it's obviously so square and then we've got this big river going through the place that has all these bends and turns in it or we could just build it on a different island people mentioned that if you want to just keep this place a little bit polluted go to a more pristine island and have it there where have you been my darlings are lost i tell you lost i tell you an entire collection of made to measure hats and head pieces that cannot be replaced the last time i saw them they were in excellent condition and still more capable of impressing that feeling of timeless grandeur upon all who lay eyes upon them set sail where do we have to go don't be shy nice we hunted in our quest with margaret wise beyond your years good she's loving it oh we found another item as well cool [Music] let's see what we get nice we got some basic crap but i need more i need like 20 i think god i got 19. so unlucky um so that's one of the things done we have another map to open up so yeah i'm looking for this small little island it looks like it might be well i say small it might not be small really but it looks like it probably is hmm i think this is it i think this is it yeah this is it for sure all right cool got it uh just before i lose my mind what was the other question we were doing pick up flotsa oh yeah and then i'm guessing he wants us to come back to him so we'll just send the ship here we've also got our own little quest to do help us out with your boss the community could use some bonding help me organize a good old-fashioned barbecue yeah just get the sausages and bread and i'll take care of the rest 16 sausage 16 bread probably have that right there you go toolbox all right cool um all right let's check in on the expedition man this is super expedition heavy this episode uh go to the regal building or go back to the cave i'm gonna say say go to the k go to the regal building i guess [Music] oh my god the corroded hinges need to be excised from the frame before it can be uh before it can easily be priced open and the company slip into the dusky hall glad to escape the swelling tempest there's an air of rustic elegance to the faded red walls patterned with white chalk a low secretary of rich chalk uh chocolate would sorry a low secretary of rich chocolate wood holds a wealth of parchments old and new who is it that comes unheeded to these halls comes a sudden and commanding voice and what have you done to my door a venerable man stands atop a nearby staircase clad in raymond of gold and turquoise his long beards braided with strands of netted gemstones his hands rest on the railing for support but such is the nobility of his bearing that your expedition find themselves bowing low to him we come in trade as tradition warrants that's a lie but sure a reward discovered what we got give you something good a treasures of sal amidos his brown knit together in disapproving contempt lies are the fear of wild dogs shame on he that cannot speak truly tan nectar was once a mighty harbor however its people have long since been exiled and it's king forgotten he falters pain flashing across his features as with all things event nature must return to the mists take whatever riches you may find i ask only this of you cherish the fleeting moments you share with your kind too often soured too early by fate and keep the memory of this land alive no land truly dies until its story has entirely passed from memory he bows curtly and steps into the shadows stunned you search the palace for him but he is vanished you do whoever find many treasures and as tar as ta nature disappears into the fog one man swears he saw a gargantuan figure slither to rest on its shores nestling in the island in an embrace of gold and turquoise scales attractiveness 50. yeah there we go the many and overflowing treasures of the realm none believed to exist clearly they were not hardy enough adventurers we have to throw something overboard the pelican will we set it free and keep the lady because we could use her she is an archaeologist which helps with certain things let's set it free we're throwing it overboard i'm sure there's yeah there's land nearby it'll be fine it'll be fine [Music] never did us any favors anyway all right on to embezza got barely any more left man what an ordeal i'll probably end up cutting out all the ones that failed because i've been i've this episode i'm so far just little insider uh information been recording for over two hours so and most of it's been reading those things i think a lot of it's been reading those things as well as doing the ornaments very strange episode where there's probably quite a little gameplay but the next one is going to be quite a lot actually i think well we've got loads of money did anyone buy shares yeah margaret bought shares from you here i'm gonna buy them back doing your bit for charity are you okay still good money though 300k i'll take it all right what do we got smoke on the waters ship a stern captain she's gaining on us it's an attack a powerful ship latinos taught with dry wind ports gaping with expectant violence swivels out of a hidden nook past the heavily wooded coast she's flying the flag of carmine and sable emblazoned with the triumphant sun colours unknown to any of the crew as she definitely weaves in and out of the waves catching the draft massively to close the distance with great speed a thunderous explosion rocks her port side something whistles through the air and plummets into the emerald waters behind your ship you swing hard to port breaking line as your gun gun ports creak open hurriedly and your deckhands take careful aim aim to shatter the whole five percent bonus chance let's try it we're no way prepared but what can we do your guns then rush to the cannon to prepare a fire but a well-aimed volley forces them to take cover while the enemy's guns reload as they scramble to secure the guns and prepares their shots behind cover a new salvo belches from the enemy's starboard batteries now perfectly positioned to ravage your deck a confusion of screams and shattered wood erupts the projectile's carve as the projectiles carve a deep swath tearing several gaping holes in your ship's side repair the hole before breakwater breaks in or fire back with everything you have there's no way prepared for either fire back a handful of men rushed to the carpenter's aid to seal the breech with tarred cloth while the rest of your crew braced the cannons for carnage blaze after blaze of thunderous cannon fire roars out as your gunmen shatter the enemy ship's flanks with deadly accuracy water gushes visibly into its lower decks causing it to list heavily as sailors scramble to repair the many gaping holes in its hole a burly man in what must be an officer's attire suddenly bellows over the den his voice heavy with a tang of authority he appears to be holding a young man at gunpoint mercenaries and murderers trust katina to stoop to such methods silencer guns or your friend here will taste lead we will pay you handsomely if you release us offer a bribe or but we have never met this man nor heard of this katima i will try to get the guy free beer you want some beer oh god well i ain't giving you any of my stuff wouldn't do anything anyway sorry then i guess like there's nothing i can uh there's nothing i can give you i thought they'd like some beer your bribe attempt failed impossible we do not care for what you've earned in blood and injustice there is no price worth sacrificing our freedom as for him he points to the young man dressed in fine garb and looking slightly worried he assures us you are a rescue party sent to the uh by the usurper katima doubtless he will pay richly for the safe return so many of his henchmen of so many of his henchmen or perhaps a more gruesome message needs to be sent seize them call the men to battle stations chances aren't great but what can you do you crew draw swords in a shiver of steel rushing to close quarters in an orderly line they prepared to welcome the onslaught many of them holding shivs and small throwing knives in their offhands blades clash as the foes swing and clamber aboard only to be methodically cut down by your sailors one tall tough uh rough robed enemy fails two of your men with a series of swift blows before falling to three adroitly thrown knives to the throat as he tumbles to the deck the foes around and retreat in fear as the last of the enemy goes overboard a slight rasping is heard from the port side ladder someone is coming aboard aim the rifles of the intruder or wait for him to show himself ain't the rifles obviously hearing the dry click of rifles cocked and ready to fire a voice protests from below the railing hold fire i am the man they were holding prisoner after a moment silence a hand appears upon the railing following the lith figure of the young prisoner the light figure the young prisoner evidently disconcerted by the score of rifles aiming at him sorry for dragging you into this unfortunate situation those rogues sank my ship and slayed my crew as i was desperate for any kind of help as he says this the crew lowered the rifles a little i feared they wished to prize me from my lord's uh prize for me my lord's secrets and plans when i saw your sales that seemed my only reprieve so i told them yanahoe katima sent you who is yana hoey katima we keep hearing about emperor sal katima is the heir to the throne of silmawi lord of the high and lowlands known as embassa which you may refer to as the land of lions under his rule embassa has risen to great heights of prosperity and might as our emperor has a vision beyond that of his predecessors a land united and bountiful a nation to rival the great kings of old the young man friends wearily alas there are those who would not see our people united the haughty princes of angered refused to yield to the emperor and it resolved to wage war against him by any means and to whatever ends but why attack you of course pardon my manners i am binyam son of kirya emissary of his imperial majesty katima i'm on a mission to seek out experts from around the world to assist with the many ambitions my lord has for embezza the emperor wishes for the name of embassa to be sung and admired for its learnedness beauty prosperity and wisdom but let us not tarry here come follow me to tabarim where my lord will be sure to reward your brave generosity set sail for the south pass the pillared reefs with ochre flowers cross the marshes and then you will see it ancient embassad with gold-lit mountains slumbering lions and proud peoples off we go [Music] may i introduce my benefactor a renowned city planner from the distant north such noble hearts are ever welcome in in besa so you heard i was seeking for talent such as yours to expand our new capital kind of i just our meeting was serendipity alone my emperor kind of stumbled here to be honest then the lord truly smiles on you there is opportunity here to be part of a tale greater than all of us so far i have neglected this arid province of the empire seat of the kings of old but from the dust a garden will bloom anew it's just like all occupied by lady margaret many lives of kings has it been since last embezzle was so united frail as that legacy may hold some would see us divided each to their own purpose but they are blind to the greater threat [Music] hungry eyes turning south towards us in unison and with pride we will return their stairs so must all stand to defend their share or be and so to you i would entrust the raising of taborim our new capital on these lands may it grow to unite all in beza under one covenant young binyam will help you settle share his plan for the canals tabarim may soon shine like a jewel of peace on the goddale of this great nation awesome we made it only one session left to go which is the arctic but rather unfortunately we cannot um what we're gonna find out now actually how many islands are occupied we can't settle multiple islands until we get a little bit going on the first of great one concerning all in peace i saleek to millennial ambassador at least i'll tell you what that did you rest here a while at least we got our money positive we know that we're making bank in the old world selling off we're selling off our excess so things are pretty sordid back home for us to now focus on i would say both sunken treasures cape trilani and this place man the timing on that all right let's um drop this stuff off actually i could do it i could do with the scrap there we go keeping the canned goods we're gonna pull up one last thing ship under attack what's going on oh no wait hold on hold on it's fine don't worry about that is that all you have there you go hey look we're almost friends soon we'll get peace and we might be able to even trade with him a little bit i actually can't remember i think he buys rum or something for like a ridiculous amount so maybe we could up our rum production if we mean to build a fighting arena can we do that now yeah we can there we go [Applause] right across from the market a bit of a gap between them and the houses though i didn't want them right next to it uh he's got a gift for me oh thank you very much i went for a walk in the mountains and found my pack and nibbling on it come on take it it's not like i need it you have it in you boss quartz crystals another museum item starting to gather quite the uh collection all right good so we've got a little bit of diving to do and then i'll be wrapping up the episode let's see we still have that map to look at yeah though right while we're moving out in search of the um sonar thing that's happening we can have like so two beaches uh one of the north one in the south and then some little bits of islands around it so let's just go through this there's only one there uh this is it it's just stuck in here really quick it looks like there's one really close by looks like it's like right over here is it it must be it must be here it's just the way it's gone it looks like it's real i would anticipate that it's like right there but it must just be around the corner um and later on you can get a more powerful version of this that really basically shows you where it is across the map with a very very wide uh cast on it let's say benti is still alive at least is that margaret oh it's margaret sorry how's our share value and share income 1200 i think we actually lost yeah we just did benty bought back some share let's just buy it back from her buy from margaret [Music] alrighty let's see what we get so what i'm looking for is about 20 scraps so i can get that item bring it to the old world and then get more money out of our artisans oh speaking of though we actually just got that other item for the artisan so maybe now i don't even need it or i could put it by the engineers actually they're gonna have a town hall as well what do we get we got some special scrap okay cool um and then we're heading out to this island right [Music] i can't remember exactly where we're supposed to reach somewhere at the back here i think it said all right let's just take a look at that item then actually and then maybe we'll just wrap it up there more than ready i never dropped off those bricks anyway there we go the actor there she is so right now we have the head mistress which reduces chance of illness but only gives us two bonus income we have reduced needs thirty percent for rum beer champagne uh schnapps and champagne so everything alcohol moderation acts right i guess she gives us residences with the variety theater need fulfilled are provided with rum and canned food this is actually maybe not as good as what we have this just affects everybody well it's 30 reduced needs [Music] whereas they're automatically fulfilled with rum and canned food yeah i guess that's pretty good this is bonus income i kind of want to keep that this is also bonus income like we could double up on the needs for juice right like that but it's kind of almost it's partly a waste for the rum yeah it's probably a waste for the rum if this removes rum completely but at least it still reduces the amount of beer i don't think there's champagne or schnapps consumed here so yeah not that good maybe for um engineers to be better because they they consume like and if we have investors that'd be champagne and rum you know so just get rid of it for now instead stick with the headmistress we have that other woman here as well workforce 15 if we wanted i think that'll be much better place on the engineers who built a town hall around here that's where the town hall is going to go it's building right now all right nice well money's up you know we sorted out the finances supply seems to be stable we haven't like dipped in and like money's not fluctuating like crazy it's just the share value that's changing money's going up we're still producing an excess of goods that we're selling to the npc traders we've got ourselves some items we're in embassa let's check out uh arthur's on that island i have a feeling there won't be really any islands for us god we're full up on this ship we'll have to make some new ships actually and come out here thinking about it we could get another two maybe uh made good all right um yeah i think we'll end it in ambassador then seen as we're just about to wrap up let's a new just from the dust [Music] there we go so he's offered us a trading post he gives us this island for free but it's going to be up to us then to make what we need and that's i think what i'll be doing the next episode make what we need so we can settle another island just quickly i think i really only need like two it'd be nice to have three but i think uh we just need two to get the different fertilities that we're going to end up needing and then we'll talk through land of lions a little bit more later down the line then we've of course got the other islands of uh wahadesha and caduzi and tony uh so this is the obviously land of lions dlc part of the season two pack it's awesome probably the best dlc in my opinion or bright harvest depending on what you like but um this gives you a lot of content so there's a lot to get through on this one but yeah unfortunately i'm seeing margaret's ships here i'm seeing uh arthur i'm guessing there's probably nothing left for us now i don't know what are we episode 12 just 12 hours in maybe 13 14 hours in they do colonize pretty quickly i must say but who knows we i feel like i could probably buy shares from arthur and if we buffed up our military he actually wouldn't wage war if we did it and we kept them happy so there's that there is that possibility this looks like a pretty small place hopefully hopefully it's just some places left for us um and yeah we might want to start setting up stuff like um a museum and other things i'm gonna drop these items off here for now uh we're gonna set sail to the four corners of the map and try to uncover everything he likes that i'm expanding slower than him that's good oh we're on negative influence now because we've taken over islands we need a bigger population basically well we're about to get one we're about to increase the population at crown falls have your investigations been fruitful so a law abider good we're not getting very many items from quest that's what the reason i've been kind of doing them but it's mostly just uh bits of money journeying to the center of the earth delivery quest we'll do that as well damn i came here to check something and i can't remember what it was no idea anyway gonna send this to ambassa is that it i think we might be done we've got the little festival going on here oh i remember what to do so i'm gonna save it right now and we're gonna have a look at the place at night time and have a little walk around our city in fact i know what to do let's go what time is dusk yeah let's go from dusk to midnight we're going to take a journey through the city people have been asking for it and it's nice to do at the end so we're going to walk all the way up to the artisans now the artisans have had half their city destroyed but we'll just stay in the local area so obviously we have our port should probably clean that patch of grass up actually and the port really is out this way so that's the main supply warehouse we have the ships coming into the several piers our harbor masters office right over there overseeing the uh the guns and the different trades that are coming in because we have a benefit to the amount of trade that we get done in there i think it's uh 20 increased trade prices or something like that for everything passed by we can see the engineers up in the distance on the hill which is awesome [Music] all right let's keep going so this place has had now all of its ornaments put around it's never really going to change again i don't think for a very long time at least unless we want to do some heavy optimization and we can kind of think of this as in we want to get up to the christmas market [Music] parade's gonna be coming through here eventually i guess through the past the fire station as well i'm not wasting any time because i've saved it that's where the episode's really going to end and we'll pick up next time [Music] there we go we can see the parade remember of course the children's play area right across from their school it's gonna turn down a bit it's really really loud for me [Music] all right the hospital so looking on things in first person mode from below it's not it wasn't this is an easter egg mode remember it's not really intended to be looked at like this so you do get some weird clipping and stuff but i think the hospital looks pretty cool it's got this memorial outside the front of it maybe the person who um maybe the patron of the hospital you could imagine all right so to get up to the mountains we're gonna have to oh sorry my mouse went off screen there for a sec it's not clamped we're gonna have to find a way down some side streets here get out to the second pub there's a drinks shack as well outside the market never really into the kind of industrial area where the clay pits are i might have gotten lost in my own place here yeah a little bit there's actually a different road out we're about to hit it now in a second there we go all right now we're going to take the road up to the artisans area now some people were saying they asked me to do that mountain trek apparently that takes like 20 minutes so don't know if i'm going to do it in the series because it's a lot of time i don't know how people would feel about it that's actually nice blending normally the game doesn't blend that well it's pretty good all right so first thing we see as we come into the artisan area i actually want there to be some billboards here but right now it's the um the university we've got our christmas decorations all laid out in it and we've got the artisan houses so we could nip down the artisan districts for a bit for a little walk around the cliff edges we've got some of the city lights ornaments here [Music] now the game i love this game it's so cool i feel like the city is awesome i know it's my own but i just love the way everything's laid out now i'm really really happy with the artisan area uh we've got all the little so where there's extra like stalls and things like that i decided to put stalls at the front so like stalls like this shop windows i put for other stalls kind of outside the front of it and things like that um let's go do some cut through here who's a good boy oh cat looks like she's afraid of the dog maybe i could go back around this way all right and we're at the back of the school now that is certainly me i am an anaholic there's the town hall so town hall with its billboard that says merry christmas it's got the christmas decorations all up everyone's living life up by the artisans as the parade walks around the church the focal point of the town of course we've got pizza i know we've got gaming pizza commenting in the videos lately i don't know if he's still watching but uh i did mention that there is actually pizza in the series and there we go so at the moment the christmas trees at the front we have like kind of like uh christmas star the north star i guess uh for the wise men at the front of the church and then we have this little new area set up for with the christmas tree the main city christmas tree with a snowman and then we have santa claus or some variant of it of him with presents and stuff ready so we've got this little pathway you'd imagine the queue be formed here people to go up and see santa was a little late tonight and then maybe some people can get some drinks buy some things at the shacks over here some candy and of course all decorated with christmas ornaments as they should be [Music] and uh some people had called for us to look out over the city it's a little difficult on this area we have to get around the back [Music] should be able to fit right here there we go so that's us looking over the city it's not perfect view yet there we go this is the area i know i've been up here a few times turn on a little light how cool is that and when that when that engineer district in the world's fair over there um i think this will look very very good and yeah yeah this place largely has ornaments now so i think just if i keep the camera like around here everything you're in view on the lower part of the city has its ornaments and is done largely and then if we were to look maybe during the day we'd see perhaps the it's quite hard to see the river but the um the mills turning in the distance as well you know that looks quite good and then of course if we didn't remove the artisan houses i have to go back this way if we didn't remove those extra artisan houses we came back all the way out here you get another view of the harbor uh further down into the town yeah it looks good let me know what you think about the city looks i know i'm behind with the ambassador stuff we could actually just have a quick look over right now [Music] uh see how many islands are there oh god this is free i guess kind of sucks but it's free at least so margaret's on this one not much there yet and she's on this one arthur's on that one we'll have to see all right that's gonna be it for this episode is quite the super long episode for me but hopefully i've edited it down nicely for you guys at least uh and let me know what you think all right thank you guys very much for watching and i'll see you in the next one hey guys thank you very much for watching and remember if you want to support the series directly you can click the join button to become a channel member doing so will get your name in the credits as well as loyalty badges and emotes to use in the comments if you don't see the join button it means the video has been copyright claimed but you can still join from the channel page on desktop you can also link your account to our discord to get a special role on there that will give you access to the senate house and a few other perks [Music]
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 144,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 gameplay, city building games, anno 1800 game, anno 1800 pc, anno gameplay, anno 1800 gameplay part 1, anno 1800 gameplay english, anno 1800 gameplay ep 1, city building, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 new lets play, anno 1800 city lights, anno 1800 city life, anno 1800 pretty city, anno 1800 all dlc, anno 1800 land of lions, anno 1800 arctic
Id: zMqlTFBPecA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 49sec (4669 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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