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what's up everyone welcome into a new guide for anno 1800 well it's a new guide for older content this is going to be a guide for the uh passage dlc and the arctic even at this point long after the passage dlc has been released i still see so many people struggling to get the arctic up and running they find it very difficult very challenging and to me the arctic is one of the easier regions to deal with i find it just as easy as maybe say like in bessa which is just a joke of how easy that region is to get set up and running and to maintain so in this guide we're going to break down the things that i think you need to consider when you get to the arctic things you need to do to succeed in the arctic uh layouts uh things about workforce what goods you should and should not be supplying to your people and how to get those pesky plateaus going so with that let's dive right on in so when you first get to the region and you have unlocked king william island to be built on first thing you're going to have to be doing is getting heaters up and running for your people heaters of course need coal and that is your first decision-making part right there are you going to produce coal locally or are you going to ship it in from another region like old world or cape trollani although i would not bring it from cape trollani too long of a transit time once you've decided how you want to bring coal in uh there's really there's really no right or wrong way to do the coal if you produce it locally of course it's just going to take up space and it's going to take up a workforce if you ship it in from another region it just means more trade routes i personally like to just bring it in from the old world it's just a little bit easier i can get more coal over there and i don't have to worry about the workforce as much the arctic is really really workforce intensive and you want to try to minimize as much as you can so you don't have to be supplying so many goods to your people so i prefer to bring it in for the old world you do whichever works best for you uh the other thing you need to make sure that you already have going is brass again either produce the brass in the old world or import it from docklands and ship it up here you're going to need brass for oil lamps so you might as well go ahead and get that started the other thing i like to do is have a cargo ship that is buying goods from the inuit as you can see right here we'll take a look at my ai routes and i have a ship that is currently buying the whale oil caribou meat and pemmican the reason i do this is again it's that workforce thing me buying all of those goods from the inuit means that's less workforce i have to have fewer buildings i need so i end up buying all six goods that the inuit supplies eventually you'll be able to purchase um of course whale oil a whale oil caribou meat pemmicans seal skins bear fur and huskies i end up buying all of those goods right there it is a little expensive it can get a little expensive so make sure you have a good steady income now we will be selling some goods back to the end of it to make up some of those costs so you know it'll it will balance itself out a little bit but make sure you have a good income and a healthy amount of money to start buying all of that make sure you're also bringing over steel and cow chuck on another ship and that is steel not steel beams make sure you're bringing steel the bars of steel and cow chuck we're gonna be needing those for items later and then also bring the goods that you're going to need for your airship hanger okay the airship hanger is going to require 80 timber 60 steel beams 30 concrete 40 reinforced concrete or it's 30 cement i'm sorry 30 cement you know what the thing you get from the mine itself the raw resource 40 reinforced concrete 20 windows 10 steam motors and 50 sales i would bring over quite a bit more sales and steam motors because those are what you actually use to build the airships those are the things you need to either think about or make sure that you already have ready to go so you don't have to be sitting around waiting for anything the last thing you need to do is go grab all of the islands as you can see i've already i've already settled every single island in the arctic all these places are mine the ai now this is single player only mind you the ai is restricted from settling in the arctic until the player has built their first airship okay so the ai will not come to the region until you build your first airship this is not applied in multiplayer so if you're playing co-op then ignore that part the ai is going to go there whenever they want but in single player you have plenty of time to settle all the islands you need a grand total of 44 influence that's it these islands are relatively cheap that includes king william island king william island does cost influence costs nine influence to settle king william island all of these other islands minus the plateaus plateaus are not included in that [Music] but all of the other islands in the arctic cost a total of 44 influence so when you have 44 free influence go grab all of the islands but do it before you build your first airship that way the ai will never come to the region all right once you have all of that done and you have made your decisions on how to deal with you know coal and you have your brass coming in already go ahead and just get that stuff up and running don't wait get it going you have all your building materials ready and set then you're ready to start laying out king william island now if you feel comfortable about making your own layouts based on the heaters all of your layouts are based on your heaters and the range of the heating on them if you feel comfortable doing your own layouts go for it make your own layout not a big deal but if you're not do check out the wiki there's a link in the description down below to the wiki page for arctic layouts just grab any of those from there most of them work there's actually a really nice king william island layout that looks absolutely phenomenal and it works perfect so again if you're not comfortable doing your own layout just use one but you need to use a good efficient layout for the arctic because space is crucial here because of the heaters you want to use as few of these guys as possible okay um and going along with that you don't want to over build in the arctic you know you don't you don't need tons of extra workforce sitting around obviously when you're first building everything up you're going to have extra work force because we're trying to get to the numbers that we need to unlock things like the oil lamps or the pemmicans you're going to have excess workforce but eventually you want to try and have as little excess workforce as possible if you need to destroy homes go ahead and destroy homes don't worry about it these guys make you absolutely no money the arctic is a gold sink that's all it is don't worry about trying to maximize population in the arctic unless you're doing a record building for population and you want that population for some reason other than that you want to try to have as close to a zero balance workforce as possible for everything except technicians because you do need excess technicians to make the airship hanger work so try not to over build as you're expanding and only build as needed okay so with that i'm going to uh fast forward time a little bit and we're going to get ourselves up to the point of having oil lamps going and then we're going to get into technicians and start talking about the airship hanger and the plateau so i'll see you guys after a little time jump alright so as you can see we've done a little expansion i've added a new a new little area right up here now you might notice my layout how i'm doing it i tend to put everything kind of in a line uh my heater and my canteen are always together and then i put the houses around them uh and they end up going like in like a little pokeball kind of pattern coming out from them to me that just you know gets the best use of the space and everything and i leave room for factories and stuff you don't need many uh production buildings around here but i leave space for a few and then i stick warehouses kind of off onto the edges warehouses do not need to be heated so you can put them anywhere and then of course i have plenty of ranger stations usually two ranger stations for every little area right here now this gets into some of the more advanced stuff about the arctic and what i want to talk about and the first thing i want to talk about are heating goods okay eating goods to me at least in my humble opinion are the most useless thing ever i do not supply heating goods to my people maybe schnapps if i'm feeling super generous that day and i want to import a little bit of schnapps for the people other than that i do not waste time supplying these goods the uh the sleeping bags and the parkas for especially you need a lot of those they they have a very low production rate and a very high consumption rate for what they provide and you need a lot of them and it's a lot of workforce you need 50 uh see 50 for the sleeping bag factory then you're going to need uh two goose farms that's another 70 and then you're going to need one of these right here so 20 so that is what 120 and 140 just for just for a sleeping bag factory setup and you'll need multiple of these things it's a lot of workforce and i really don't see the point in it it doesn't really give you much money it gives you a little bit but it's not really a big deal now of course the big thing that it gives you is heat which tries to help combat the arctic flu chance but honestly guys arctic flu chance is not that big of a deal arctic flu is such a minor thing plop you down a couple of extra ranger stations and you'll be fine if you do get the arctic flu it typically lasts no more than about 20 or 30 seconds on triple speed and it's done and over and it's and it's that's it you're done you've dealt with the arctic flu it's over you don't have to worry about it anymore and you've saved your people boom done and i saved myself a lot of headache and time having to put in more more production buildings now of course if you like having production buildings and you like supplying all of your needs do that i'm not telling you not to i'm just giving my opinion on what i think is the best way to do it and for me that is not supplying heating goods to my people but again if you like supplying goods to like all of the products to your people and you like having everything in the game go for that it's it's fine it's not a big deal you just are going to need more population than what i will for what i'm going to do so now that we have our technicians up and running we have a post office right here uh getting them all of their postal needs dealt with and so now i need to get up and unlock canned food and huskies i do already have the quest to build i keep moving the screen around sorry about that guys i do have the quest already to build the airship hanger foundations so we can get that started let's see we're going to put it yeah we're going to put it right here that looks like a nice place for it put it right there again go ahead and grab oh i'm out of timber i'm out of timber that's fine we'll get some more timber here in just a second i have a ship coming in with timber i normally only build a single sawmill and lumberjack cut i normally don't build more than that uh just because i can bring in like you know 300 tons of timber pretty quickly from the old world as com as opposed to how slow it is to produce up here so i prefer just to bring it in from the old world so um doing gonna do a quick time jump while i wait for the ship to come in with timber and then we will get started on the next part all right so it's been about i don't know it's been about only about 10 minutes or so we're just now building the uh finishing of airship hanger foundation so it hasn't been too awful long but i've already upgraded all of my technicians with a little help from our friendly neighborhood cargo ship full of timber which i'm going to go get a little bit more from but we have upgraded all of our technicians and we've already hit 750 technicians and unlocked all of the goods here on king william island um now i let's see yeah here we go still only with one pemmican chain and one oil lamps chain the pemmicans and oil lamps they can supply a lot of people so you don't really need to worry about like building lots of them i have one of each and it's supplying everything that i need uh now newspaper effects do not apply to the arctic so while i am actually running a newspaper with the 50 reduction in consumption goods of good of goods if i get the word out it doesn't apply to these guys because the newspaper doesn't work here so yeah already up to 750 782 technicians right now which is exactly what you need to finish the hangar and all in this little space right here i have three heaters one over here handling our one caribou hunting station as well as our one lumberjack and two for the town right here and that's it that's all it took me it is very very easy we are importing canned goods um you don't need many i'm bringing in like i think 50 on my cargo ship i believe that's what i'm bringing in yeah i'm just bringing in 50 so uh 200 tons of coal 50 brass and 50 canned food and that is all that my little people over here need yeah see barely even being used barely being used i'm gonna fill up on it here pretty soon as well so it's really really easy it's not as difficult as some people make it out to be you don't need a lot of stuff here as you can see i have an excess of 20 workforce of explorer workforce and that's perfect the 784 will get adjusted here shortly because we are going ahead going to go ahead and get huskies put in before i do that i want to go to our ai trade routes i want to go ahead and buy up everything else actually no i'm just going to go buy up the huskies yeah because i'm not going to use seal skins or bear first so we're just going to go buy the huskies for right now you know what i'm going to go ahead and buy them i'm gonna i'm gonna flex that i have so much money we're gonna buy seal skins huskies and bear fur and we're gonna go ahead and get our husky sleds going now of course i'm already doing huskies oh i need steel skins so perfect uh i don't need huskies because i'm already making those or i'm buying them i'm not you don't well i guess you can't make huskies but i'm buying those already so we're gonna go and get the last little bit of stuff right here now it's a one-to-one ratio sled frame two husky sleds so we're going to get one of those in and yeah it's not going to fit right there but it will fit perfectly right there and i just need a one more thing of timber over here you can squeeze him right there and it'll be good and i want to drag this out this way a little bit and toss down a warehouse right there so there we go that's going to be the huskies for all of our for our people and their technicians will have all of their needs fulfilled except of course for eating goods which we oh i forgot i had coffee up here for some reason turn the yeah you know we'll let them go through the coffee i don't care i forgot i had coffee in the warehouse ignore that all right so with all of that done and the airship hanger being quickly constructed let's go ahead and get the last little bit right here on the next phase done uh we're ready to start thinking about plateaus now here's what i do for the plateaus for the plateaus i do one island per plateau and what i mean by one island per plateau is in the arctic you have four of these reasonably okay size i guess they're called medium-sized islands there's always four of them i have currently uh sniffed allure fort snowshoe of course king william island and over here at caribou station i dedicate each of these islands to a plateau all right each island to support one plateau because you have four plateaus so i don't try to do everything on king william island i see a lot of people do that they try to do everything on king william island but you don't need to you can set up one island just to support one plateau let's do a quick time jump and let's get this island set up to what it's going to need in order to support a plateau all right guys and we are back after a short time jump and we have what i call my support islands done now the way i do the support islands is i dedicate the closest island to the first to the plateau that i'm going to want to develop so this island right here in this corner of the map um i use to support this island right here this is the island that i like to go for first the reason being it's the most compact it has most of the refineries for the gas right around where you're going to be building okay so when i do my little support islands i set them up to have at least be able to have two pemmicans two pemmican cook houses a single pimlicon cookhouse not boosted now you can use arctic lodges to modify all of this and to reduce things however you want to do so you know if you want to do arctic lodge stuff with them that's on you you can figure it out from there but without arctic lodges one pemmican cookhouse can support up to 833 technicians i we're not worrying about the explorers on it okay we're worrying about technicians it can support up to 833 technicians so you need 1 000 technicians per plateau so it's 250 technicians per gas gas refinery so it's a thousand total technicians so we need two pemmican cook houses and then i also get all of my coal here i do transport coal uh locally from an island to the plateau i don't import the coal from the old world for the plateaus i do produce that locally on my support islands so your support island needs to have at least two cookhouse chains and two to three maybe four um charcoal kilns going so and that is going to be what it does so i'm gonna end up having an airship coming here to pick up two loads of coal two loads of pemmican and take it back up here now when it comes to the oil lamps oil lamps are a completely different animal one oil lamp factory well two oil lamp factories rather i'm sorry two oil lamp factories can support up to three thousand three hundred and thirty three technicians okay so if you you know divide that down by by one that's one thousand six hundred and sixty six so you can support like one and a half islands roughly one and a half islands with a single oil lamp now we have four islands right here so i'm end up going to have i'm going to end up having um like four oil lamp factories and i will make all of that local okay i will have all of the oil lamps made here on king william island and i'll end up having a trade route going from king william island to each of the plateaus and we'll do a pickup and drop off of the oil lamps and i'll show you how that's done here in a bit once we do another time jump and get ahead to that part let's go ahead and get this guy almost done start the roof phase of this guy and he's good to go so he's going to go pick up the last bit of goods which is the steam motors the sails and the windows and he's going to be off and running all right so we've got our support island ready we've got the airship hanger almost done we have everything almost ready to hit up the plateau so what i'm going to do is do another quick time jump we're going to flash forward ahead to where i have found surge on and we are ready to uh settle our first plateau so let's get that going and we will take a look at the big part which is getting the gas plateaus set up so i will see you guys in just a moment all right fun part has begun and we have claimed our first plateau over here so we have claimed again the one that i consider the best one to start off with because it is the most compact so when you claim the first plateau and you get and you're ready to get started the big thing here is again your layout layout is absolutely crucial we're gonna move him around just slightly for a minute so we can take a look and see what we want to do whenever i start laying out my plateaus the first thing i do is look at an arctic lodge and i get an idea of where i can fit an arctic lodge in to make the best use of two gas mines okay it's looking like right about in here possibly let's uh let's toss one down right there let's get you back actually let's load him up with some more timber real quick speed things up i do like bringing over an extra ship full of building materials so i have plenty all right so we want to try to get this as close as humanly possible so i can get one right here make sure we turn him off and yep that reaches good that reach yep perfect okay so i was able to get both of those within range exactly like i wanted and now i can move this guy around and make sure that i have them still covered there we go so the reason that i do it this way right here is because i want to have as many of the gas mines covered by an arctic lodge as possible and also leave enough room for plenty of housing so i can still get an arctic lodge up here and i can still get an arctic lodge of course down here for those four now there is some like advanced stuff with clipping you can do so you would actually move these around if you're interested about the clipping stuff i'll have a link to it down in the description this right here is clipping basically is all it is you can see that now this guy right here you could be you can faintly see the light blue outline if i can get him back yeah right there you can see that he's now being covered by both arctic lodges so he would actually benefit from items in both of those lodges right there again it's a bit more of an advanced tactic to do that because you have to do a lot of finagling with your layouts um but i'm not going to get into it this this is just going to be a simple easy to do method all right so with that let's uh fast forward and let's get a layout going and we'll take a look and see what i've done all right so we've got everything uh built and ready to go so let's talk about what we've done here again i have my sort of semi semi-spherical layout getting as many houses as i possibly can within the range of the arctic lodge so in the the arctic lodge we will be crafting three items for it we pop down here to old nate's airship we're going to get the radiator this is going to help us get more workforce out of our homes so we need fewer of them we're going to get the outdoorsy grill which oh and this also reduces our flu chance the arc the outdoorsy grill further reduces arctic flu chance and reduces consumption of pemmicans which you know that's just a handy little bonus and we're going to get the gritty gas extractor which is going to increase the production from our gas mines and give us zinc and copper now you could trade out the outdoorsy grill for the music box if you wanted to if you want more gas change out the outdoorsy grill for the music box you'll have a few more flu outbreaks but like we talked about earlier not a big deal and you know you won't have any pemmican consumption production but you know that's kind of a whatever as well so if you want if you want or need more gas do the music box the music box and the gritty gas extractor are the only two items that affect gas mines so just be aware of that do not replace the radiator though it is way too important for what we're going to be doing all right so that's what's going to happen with that arctic lodge right there um in terms of ranger stations we have two around each of our gas mines right here that's just going to help keep the explosion chance down once we have them up and running ideally you want like three or four but i was only able to get two around these over here though i'll be able to get quite a few more now you're probably asking what's this mess right here about well and i perfectly set up gas plateau needs about 53 technician homes when you're using the radiator item anywhere from 52 to 55 depending on how many um houses you can get with inside the range of the arctic lodge but 52-55 and that's without supplying canned goods because i will not do canned goods to the arctic plateaus i only do canned goods to king william island these guys will not get canned goods if you do supply them can't goods you need about 40 to 45 homes okay so that right there is i think this is 52 homes right here so i might have to add another one in here and there but we'll have to see this down here is to get us unlocked with the oil lamps if you supply canteen and pemmicans you get seven inhabitants each and you need 500 to unlock you need a 500 total to unlock oil lamps so you need about 72 homes so that right there got us to where the oil lamps was unlocked so that's what that one right there is for and hey look arctic flu took hold it's because i didn't build any flu any arctic ranger stations down here i'll build one just for the moment we'll turn it we'll uh disable them later so that's it that is all you have to do to set the plateau this plateau is essentially done all i've got to do now is supply it with goods so i have built another airship as ahead of it so what we're going to do is i want to first get the um oil lamps coming in so this is actually going to be our oil lamp route go to him we're going to find our oil lamps actually now before i do that let's uh set a minimum stock on our oil amps let's just say we'll set a minimum stock at 50. okay so we're gonna go from king william island up here to wolf creek and you are the oil lamp guy going under our arctic routes and get yourself going so we take a look at our production between here and what was it wolf creek yeah wolf creek you can see that we are producing more than enough oil lamps that we need to supply them oil lamps do produce kind of slow they are kind of slow to produce at one minute so that's why it seems like i don't have many but your people do not consume a lot of oil lamps so this will be perfectly fine um i did bring up uh pemmicans and stuff manually from this ship right here uh which is going to be our which i'm probably going to do it manually for a little while because i need this ship to go look for arctic scrap so once we have the oil lamps going um we'll be able to jump up quickly to the next part let's go ahead and go get some more timber should be more than enough we'll bring you up here and bring you back over all right so i'm gonna do a quick cut and then we will come back when we have the technicians up and running and we will uh take it from there and i'll show you how to finish off your arctic region all right guys and we are coming up on the end of how to deal with these plateaus right here we have all of our technicians upgraded they have everything again except canned food again no eating goods which would which kind of that's what we're wanting to do and we are at 1135 technicians i need to upgrade a few over here because all these technicians right here was just not enough to get the husky sleds unlocked so upgraded a few of these however you see that we're at 1135 technicians which is way more than we need so we can now get rid of all of those perfect we don't have any more explorers left get rid of that one that one and i can get rid of him and i can move him up here around all of this i just gotta find a a spot that's got some heat available to it which do i have any places with heat available to it here okay so we've got our other guy squeezed in right up here and that gave us right at 1000 technicians perfection we can get rid of some of these excess buildings down here we can move him over to here or you know we'll actually move him right there because i am going to want some ranger stations around there we'll get rid of all of this and that's it there's 1 000 technicians exactly all we need to get our gas mines up and running [Music] there we go just need a little bit more it looks like um our oil lamp guy will use him to bring a little more timber up there so we can get this other set of gas mines going and that's going to be enough gas for one gas power plant and that is it that's all you have to do very simple very very simple i've got all this set up right here if we take a look at our productions here uh from wolf creek over to fort snowshoe uh we are actually way over producing on pemmicans right now uh which is actually kind of surprising but i am way over producing other oh well no i don't have the outdoorsy grill yeah over producing on the pemmicans right now so i could technically take that trade route right there with the pemmicans and do another island of that and have him go to a second island now if you were to want to now i'm not going to go set up another island to show it but i will show in the trade route menu and how it works if you wanted to say go to another island let's pause him uh we'll say that quinac right here is a another um is another gas plateau if we were wanting to do double routes what we would do is we would go to canuck first and we would tell canuck that i wanted to have to keep a minimum of let's just say 20 okay a minimum stock of 20 and a minimum stock of 20. that's all that it needs right there it's just the 20. okay we go back into our trade route we would add quinac in we would tell it to unload the uh all of the goods tell us to unload everything okay it's key unload everything and then pick it all right back up so now it's going to unload the maximum amount in the storage and then it's going to pick up everything over what i have it set as the minimum stock okay when it does that it's going to just then go to the next one and unload you can theoretically do a huge chain of these pick up and drop offs like this so if i wanted to supply use for snowshoe say supply uh chuck chi island up here as well with pemmicans and coal then i could go up there and set that as set that do the same thing and set it up just like that okay it's a really simple method to do um so that is something you could think about doing as well i will do the exact same thing with our oil lamps because this oil lamp route is going to go to all the islands and i'm actually going to end up having a go to seal inlet first and work its way around and then come back down it's just going to keep picking up and dropping off every amount to figure out how much you need all you do is go under the storage tab of your statistics screen you're going to look at trade routes and see how long it takes for the trade route to get there so i'm looking at three minutes uh that's like a two minute right there wind must have been with me but roughly about a three minute time frame and you go under your production and you see how much you need i can see right here that i technically need zero per minute uh because it's just weird like that but you always just round that up to one so i need like in three minutes i need like two or three like two or three that's it that's all it takes it's really it's a really easy calculation to come up with so if i set my i usually double it so if i set my minimum stock to like 10 it would always have more than enough uh the only thing you really have to do now is just rinse and repeat and just keep keep expanding your little supply islands and just keep adding oil lamps and huskies here on king william island until you have all that you need to supply the islands you'll end up with about four oil lamp factories and somewhere in the neighborhood of four to five husky sleds to supply all of the gas plateaus so it's a really easy setup i hope this helps if it if you still have more questions let me know down in the comments and i'll see what i can do to help you or hop over onto our discord server and we can talk about it there as well so that guys thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed and i will see you in the next video take care [Music] you
Channel: Taka
Views: 99,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 guide, the passage, anno 1800 arctic, arctic lodge, anno 1800 arctic guide, anno 1800 arctic gas mine, the passage guide, anno 1800 tips, anno 1800 arctic layout, anno 1800 tips and tricks, guide for beginners, arctic, gas mine, anno 1800 gas mine, anno 1800 gas production, anno 1800 the passage, items for arctic lodge, the arcitc guide, anno 100 tips
Id: CmW7d-IBgyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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