ANNIHILATION! - Let's Play ANNO 1800 - Ep.34 [All DLC]

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hello everybody darren here and welcome back to episode 34 in my anno 1800 let's play now in the last episode our fleet arrived in the new world and much like before we took out lady margaret's islands one by one now all that's left of her is here in cape trollani and our fleet is on route it's going to be my goal today to end this war and continue building our population so we can have a look at where our fleet is currently at in transit between the new world and cape trail it's about halfway we've got 10 ships in the fleet right now we had 14 and i've actually decided to send them back we had just at the last at the last minute of the episode sent them towards cape chilani but they were damaged so i changed my mind i've sent them back to portuguese and they are here now at the repair crane getting their repairs so once they're fully repaired we'll add that to the rest of the fleet and join them join the rest in cape girlani butterflies betty wants to settle on strichness absolutely you've already settled my heart benty you can settle wherever you like excellent so just for clarification that was the island in the new world over on the west there now that actually means i can probably get rid of this one now nothing too crazy on it we get 33 influence black of course we are an influence deficit right now um but we that should be fine as we get rid of some islands as we grow and as we grow our population of course as well so over in the old world uh what i want to do here on malahide is actually set up something we've never done before which is saltpetre now this comes from having neither as a deposit it's a fertility-based thing so we have neither on the island of malahide it only takes 25 workers and the reason i want to do this is because it's because old nate in cape trollani has a lot of items that he can transmute if he gets knighter and we didn't have any way of making it so now we have it um we make one every two minutes but now we've got two we make one every minute and we're going to send a ship over here load up with about 10 or whatever bring it to cape trollani and transmute a new weapon that we can put on our ships for our assault in cape trollani uh the other thing i want to do is run a new world's fair event oh it's already running oh i totally forgot about that well it's over in just a couple of minutes actually which is nice and then we can run another one after that um i think that's pretty much it so let's just keep an eye on where our fleet is going to be coming in it's actually just about to arrive in cape cherlani it's quite important where this arrives because margaret has islands all over the borders of the map you know she's got three here one there two here uh and a lot of them have big betties on them the biggest island we go widow magna 2 doesn't because if you remember this is an island she took from me so she hasn't actually built this one up yet but i think almost all of the other ones have big betties on them and lots of defenses so i'm a little bit worried about that i'm just gonna send this in here drop off what they've got the other thing i want to do is decolonize this island we looked at it before we see that it's the exact same as our capital swords and while it is a nice big island and it looks awfully tempting to do stuff with it i just it's not for me i like having just maybe two or three islands max i'll probably keep this one the one that we used to have and that'll probably be it um for cape trilani i like to have just about three or four islands in each session for me personally so deal with it okay all right so we're going to head down to here and then we're going to circle around to here the reason i want to do that is we left 300 glasses behind i want to pick them all up sell them let's see our ships are coming in they're coming in oh pretty safely actually next to arthur's island here so that's good not too bad at all in fact because we are next to the weakest island it might be a good idea just to go attack that i'm sure we can do it without losing anything we have our strongest ships here so it's not that big of a deal yeah cool also the name suggestion that i like the most for this is dante there was actually some really really good names maybe some that are cleverer than dante but i just thought dante was a really cool name for it so that's the one i'm going to go with for now i always say for now i mean i'm probably not going to change that but that's my decision and i'm sticking to it and what's going on out there i wonder let's have a look it's a ship with low health a bulwark against philistinism it's one of um arthur's not that big of a deal all right so while our ships are gathering together these ones are ready to go so we're gonna transfer them over to cape trollani as well hopefully they'll come in at the same area so before ships joining the fray for the rest of the fight out that way i'm confident that margaret is not going to be arriving here with ships and settling islands i think the pirates uh arthur and benty should be able to thwart her plans to do that now this isn't to forget that in the last episode she sneakily got past my patrol and set up an island here i don't know if i actually looked at it in the next last episode or not but people did comment it and i have noticed it obviously now it's been a few days since i recorded i've gone through the comments so i just i just can't remember exactly if we saw it during the episode or not but it's not a big deal because we could just send over one more battle cruiser and we can take it back uh no big deal so i'm not really too worried about it it's fine all right so let's get in position for our fleet to take out this island here and then hopefully our world's fair will be finished and we can start building again so i had said in the last episode actually that i was excited to get building again and everything like that and then i did very little i thought i'd be doing more but i'm confident in this episode i will be doing more because as we wait for our ships to heal i'm going to go over to the new world and build up that new island that we just grabbed for ourselves and uh really give the attention it deserves because i didn't before i just kind of made a little grid and then left it but we did set up enough to get construction material going so it should have everything we need to actually get it building properly uh next time this is everything this is everything we don't have the frigate with this but that's okay i'm just gonna grab the glasses here while we can and we're gonna send that up to nate we can sell that all right let's go we are in range it's gonna slam all the way up to it we should be able to take this like really really fast i think all right just firing all of my special weapons look at that what complete chaos wow that was super fast all right man that's 31 influence actually quite a lot but i do kind of want to keep the island this one has fur this one has what does this have that i'd actually want it's got iron and copper hmm amazing you know what to do with them all i think better safe than sorry we'll keep it for now i'm tempted to get rid of it uh let's see what was dropped actually some of these ships should have stuff on them thinking about it didn't i leave cigars on one of them oh yeah yeah so these guns are going to have to head up bricks i'm i'm good thank you and steal yeah i'm good actually the steel is actually not a bad idea because we don't make steel in this session so we'll keep it right so the next target along our chain here will be here but i'm actually going to deviate i'm going to go up to um crown falls and the reason for that is i want to drop those items and wait for the rest of the fleet to come in sorry okay so anyway back to the old world let's see is this done [Music] it is it's finished so last time we did an modest architectural exhibition we went for the fountain architecture now because we already have that i'll probably end up getting more but because we already have it let's just do something a bit different we'll go with the esplanade design now i've never actually done this before so hopefully we get something cool some exhibitors have bought you gifts awesome all right so we got mosaic paving columns and corner columns i've actually never seen the columns before i've seen the paving before because it's listed there when you're building like a zoo and things like that so this is when i was saying like we're going to build a zoo and a museum and a palace this is the perfect kind of thing i've been waiting for to get you know nice ornaments that will really make it look ornate and look make it look cool uh let's just have a look at it i don't want to put it down because i think we might lose it yeah there they are so that's the mosaic obviously there blueprint is off oh nice yeah i've actually never seen that before i don't think it's ever used on any like ai islands this is um arthur's island i've never i don't think i've ever noticed it before because whenever i've run world's fair you always get like the best well you don't always i guess but if you satiate all the demands of the world's fair you get the top tier items but they've changed now or you can actually choose what you get so yeah i don't think i've ever been able to get these before or notice them awesome all right that's sweet uh so let's just get running the next thing now i'm not gonna do architectural again we'll do science and innovation so this time we might get some sort of items that would be good so 25 000 again three rare and uncommon machines and inventions so again when we get to 7 500 investors we're at 5 800 right now which is pretty cool uh when we get to 7 500 uh we'll do large and then sumptuous which is the max amount you can do all right let's go modest this has to make so we need grapes of which we have 600 thanks to all our vineyards potatoes which of course we have potato village which is fine and then beer which is actually lower than we can sustain right now which is strange considering we have st james escape what's going on with st james's gate is there a problem for the boss is there a problem other than the fact that we're taking beer away to the new world i can't think of any other issues they should be having so let's go consumer goods beer minimum stock is 50. i think they just took some away that might be what happened uh there is 600 steel here so i'm going to grab some steel and we're going to go to cape trollani with that because i'm going to need that for future building i was looking at that in between episodes so go to crown falls and then this guy our white flagship is going to grab the advanced weapons what else do i need i don't think i need anything else actually but maybe we could take some items with us if we have any yeah we can take that um affect farmer residents of worker residents happiness negative eight workforces increased income per household has increased for farmers yeah that might actually be useful in cape trolani actually considering i'm thinking of turning it into a giant farm uh a soap factory rendering works dynamite we have productivity 40 for animal farms these two are perfect oops for making a new trade union down here anyway we have to go down here because we want to pick up something that i had in my mind and then definitely down to malahide to pick up the salt patter yeah i'm trying to think i guess here's where my answer lies if we check out nate i'll show you the item that i have in mind so we want to transfer we want to get a ship item this item here so a dominator damage per shot is 20 attack speed is 40 we need advanced weapons scrap and salt better now some people were saying you should just buy the oh my god oh we came in at a different place just get out of range please lookie i caught that that's so weird that we came in a different place i guess maybe we left from a different area of the new world interesting dude move you need to move right now get out there you go all right man that was a little bit too close but we got away with it all right well good thing i did that then anyway we'll go that way and then we'll just go back up and meet up with everybody else the rest of the fleet is nearly there now all right and then we'll just go island by island but don't worry we're not going to just be staring at this i'll hopefully do some building like i said oh nice we got all the we got everything together that we needed um to start the world's fair already nice so yeah we didn't have to go to the new world because we already have bananas there so worked out yes it's still going [Music] he's loving it i just hope we don't run out of beer it's quite a low amount to take although we shouldn't we shouldn't um if we really wanted to be a little cheeky we could just increase its productivity just for a little while and burn through any excess other stuff we have we've lots of hops loads of malt maxed out on mulch so yeah let these just create a little bit too much right now and then i could judge that later and see if everything's okay alrighty anyways um what is next on my list so i mean that's really it yeah the only plan i have now is to start building in the new world so while their ships gather themselves together in cape trelloni and we get ready to systematically take out the islands we can start doing a little bit of building over here so this is the island that we just taken people were saying you gotta rename it because its name is super difficult to pronounce and it's giving people ogida if uh anyone's familiar with that term uh i don't know what to call it actually i didn't really think about it beforehand oh yeah actually do we have marbella seeing as it is the biggest island that would actually make sense where we are right now guadal mina puerto benuez i don't know what i call this little thing and then this one will be marbella it could also be malaga or something like that uh okay so i was planning on actually shifting the warehouse down to the very edge the reason i kind of want to do that is i think i can make the docks look nicest on this area because it's it's quite flat or um not angled that much so that's kind of my my thinking there so right now we'll just keep a road there for now i'll change it in a bit and um let's just do blueprint mode and we're just going to kind of bring everything up as close as possible as i've been known to do and i won't go too crazy with it in the beginning but we just want a nice layout for our for our starter village here i'll do something like that now they are cut off apparently are they oh yeah sorry in fact i already need to change that road so let's just get this road ready for the future so yeah something like that so this is kind of like doc's area almost maybe this should actually be pushed up and we could do a fencing and trees to separate from the docks in a way uh we can have paved roads of course a little bit later now we do have actually mac we have actually maxed out our construction stuff for now which is cool let's just keep doing this a little block there is nice we'll do another block right next to it yeah and we could do a threesome if you will that way a block of three oh wait actually if i'm going to be putting a wall there they won't have road access thinking about it so this can't go deep uh all right so leave it like that yeah this could this could work well something like that and then um we'll have another have our marketplace somewhere over here with a bit of some gaps around it uh we'll also need a church somewhere nearby is there a nice place for this church not really in terms of like on the edge of a cliff or something but i think more normal looking church just like in the middle of the town would look kind of cool given some space of course yeah i think that's kind of nice all right actually we can move these over and get a bit more of a favela going if that's the right word probably i don't know um it's not really working out though we wouldn't be able to build the road through here not that that it really matters actually no it doesn't really matter all right cool yeah let's just leave it like that for now just some basic building before we um get distracted and look over what's going on in cape trollani but um we'll queue up the roads we'll get some of these built and then look what their needs are afterwards might do at the roads a little nicer than this in future but you know what they say for now it's good actually i'm pretty happy with it i'm pretty happy with it yeah something like that and then yes yes i actually really like it when this kind of thing happens but i just wish that you could have something in the middle you know such a shame there's something about that that aesthetically pleases me but i'll leave it like this i will put like a well there or something all right cool um so we just need to make sure everything has access to a road so i was kind of thinking like that and like this yeah yeah maybe like that all right cool let's just begin building if i made any grave errors there immediately i don't think so there we go starting to look a bit more natural a bit more organic and i'll shift these ones over and change their layouts a little later um now the next our influence is really heavily in a deficit each battleship takes up 12. and we're negative 52 right now it's not just the battleships obviously the islands take up a lot as well oh actually yes we have this island here i can get rid of this one we don't need that anymore she's not going to settle this she wouldn't dare now i know there's some pretty nice items here but we have these already they're duplicates and i feel like we've almost farmed them so i'm just going to get rid of it i'm sorry that if that bothers you so we are still patrolling back and forth here um i think what i'll do is i'll literally just patrol right on the beach the three different beaches that this island has people are also saying go for pride rock if you don't have it um we do have it so no worries there pride rock is here obviously from the lion king this is one of our islands we're going to be keeping it so never ye worry we've got it uh okay so that's all good let's go back to cape tilani our fleet is now assembled they are together i could start lowering some defenses actually now at this point as well perhaps saving a little bit yeah we're bringing concrete and steel back over here to help that out did i send the ships no i didn't sorry very last thing i need to do is yeah this ship really doesn't need to be here i thought it did to get stealing oh yeah yeah we're dropping off these two items and we could pick up maybe some extra steel we're going to be really needing it and then the last thing to get is the salt pepper and then we'll move off so how much salt powder have we made right now i think that's a raw material is is it not yeah it is we got 16. cool i only want about 20 um because i think we could only make two of those items those items are gonna be awesome because like we looked at before the dominator from uh nate it does 20 extra damage but 40 extra fire rate so it's really really good we should see the damage i want to put it on this ship and we should see this damage go up to like i wanna say 90 probably somewhere around that so that should be nice uh we kind of need to be looking for scrap all the time is our radioactive it is now nothing here apparently okay so the next island we're gonna go for is this our entire military fleet are we missing stuff oh no we're missing stuff it's actually the rest of the police just coming around now that's good we haven't been wasting time then just link them all up together i might transfer a repair box to that ship to help heal it faster or something uh okay well back to the new world to continue our little bit of building here we've reached the town status all right we're down to negative 18 influence looking good looking good oh actually here's what we could do to get rid of that rest get back the influence we need is that i ever sell that um glasses here we are yeah look at that 300 grand i'm happy i uh didn't just get rid of it there's still even more so we'll make that final trip one more time for the glasses there's 150 canned food as well that's not going to sell for very much so i think i'll leave that but the 150 glasses as soon as we pick it up in this frigate we're just going to delete this uh warehouse here say see you later thanks for playing we don't need this island we'll let someone else take it hopefully and uh that should free up a lot of our influence and then allow us to build maybe a repair crane so that we can just kind of come back and forth uh fairly quickly as we're taking islands and hopefully speed that process up oh by the way uh just well while i have you here uh really do appreciate all the again just consistent positive feedback that i keep getting the last episode over 100 comments and um people were being very kind and very nice about the idea of the two seasons that i talked about for those who don't know if you maybe missed it i'm planning on doing a second season of this let's play keeping the save intact but maybe in between seasons like in the next couple episodes i'll let you know this will end maybe in between seasons just tidy up a few routes and things like that and then basically just kick off a new season where we go to the arctic where we do ambassador and go through all the quests and have like a kind of almost fresh start um and i mean really for you guys nothing else really changes but it'll go the first episode will go back on my main channel for a little bit and then it'll just continue here as normal planning and doing the episodes simultaneously though so you'll actually get two episodes on one day uh so for people who ask for more that should be a good thing what do we get awesome our um thing is over already our world's fair event i'm just going to really quickly upgrade this that should get our oil running again over here properly and get the that's actually quite interesting oh yeah yeah i was just going to say it's quite interesting they actually have the oil here already it's like we were still making it and storing it even though we couldn't use it now a full train load of it's going to be delivered to the farms awesome oh yeah and i have my ambitious plans of building the farms up here i look forward to doing that actually as well now i got a little distracted with that oh yeah the world's fair and the saltpetre perfect 20 is exactly how much i want and we're going to go to cape trollani to crown falls specifically let's see what we got so we could do let's have i've never looked at this so basic tools basic equipment common seeds low quality seeds that will ensure your crops grow wherever you desire them to that's actually pretty cool advanced tools some advanced technology to enhance your production and then the product of the latest research in chemistry chemical research now i'm guessing that might be weapons and also like those fertility things that give you like chemicals that give you productivity on farms we'll go with this one anyway to start off see what we got yes so we have the chemical fertilizer we have quality cocoa beans and we have wood ash unfortunately i would say that that kind of sucks to be honest but not so bad really all good in the end we can always donate these items to science later on uh so we can run another event the only thing is i don't think i've got any ships here in this session that might have to rush to like the new world or something to go get more items so it's a bit of a risk i guess it's not that bad if we don't complete it perfectly we'll do we're going to do science one more time i'm just always going to run it basically it's nice we have 30 bananas perfect so we can actually get through this just fine all right nice there's there we go every 20 minutes we're just going to be banging out items from the world's fair hopefully and then as we build our investors we'll be getting even better items all right back to cape trolloni move here gonna grab the final stuff from here so yeah again i guess i trailed off on whatever i was talking about with season two but just wanted to say thanks for all the positivity about it people i didn't see a bad word about it people seem excited for the idea of kind of like a mini fresh start and just being like boom let's go straight to invest and get building and the arctic i'm still debating in my head whether or not i should you know divide my time between both or dedicate entire episodes to just one session it's like we'll do three in a row for the arctic three in a row for ambassador or should it be hopping around both at the same time i don't know yet there are quest chains in both there's quite interesting stories in both i think so anyway and embassa actually in particular has multiple stories ongoing at the same time so it might be better just to stick with one rather than flipping between the two but i know people want to see the arctic because they haven't seen it yet so tough call i'll have to try and divide my time between them appropriately all right there we go 35 influence back now with that influence what i'm going to do is build that repair crane so we can at least always come back here and get repairing if we need to did that ship heal itself already oh oh wow i already moved it awesome and it's got a repair toolbox on it actually all right let's go it's actually one of my favorite parts of the soundtrack right now i'm actually going to turn it up oh i forgot to turn the game back up after the battle sounds a moment to go anyway one of the lowest viewed episodes in this series not to be negative at all is when we went for our walk up in the trails of the mountains it's really cool i recommend you go check it out if you are into if you're one of the players or viewers that are into seeing the stuff in first person it was a really fun episode oh wow nice fire chief mills firefighters plus one mobilized requirement is less oh nice that's really really good actually just in terms of in regards to fires [Music] let's send this to the new world and i can go pick up items and bring it back to the old world for the stuff but anyway it was just a nice episode also to have a little chat about christmas and things like that i didn't end up going home for christmas because of covid and i still haven't been home actually i really look forward to going home soon all right here we go so in this island it's obviously a really small one but she's got really good defenses now our ship just arrived here really quickly you want to see where that came in nice it's here yeah so we'll just drop what we can over here and then we'll go meet up with nate for the item tomorrow's world science extravaganza opens to public in swords world's fair presents its most novel exhibition a bizarre escape vast displays the mechanical apparatus and the brain children of the world's foremost innovators publish you know i didn't even look at what the other things were ceramics craz ceramics crash causes concern that's an ambassador isn't it i don't make ceramics but they might have had a festival where they gained some and then lost some that might be what happened [Music] all right let's go we'll take this island pretty quickly so she's got a big betty uh looks like one two three big guns and three small guns plus the main one so uh someone actually made a really astute observation which was that the monitor seems to be so fast that the big betty can't hit it so we'll send that first although it might go down relatively low risk though i guess if it does yeah that was the first shot of it so it actually does miss the big betty that is now when the other ships uh turrets slow it down maybe things will be different all right we'll pull that out now hopefully it makes it the rest of them are kind of in a bit more safely now to fire on that big betty just take that thing out immediately it fired one more shot at the monitor actually which is perfect because now there's no big area of effect thing that we have to worry about really all right we'll just go one by one really with each gun if anything's taking particularly low damage we'll just pull it out actually i didn't finish that gun it's a bit overzealous how are we doing yeah chips seem fine it's actually quite an efficient attack i might say thanks for the tip whoever was the one that mentioned about the monitor it never ceases to amaze me how observant a lot of you are you know i know a lot of people do watch passively which is obviously totally fine but it is incredible when people pick up on like the really really small details when they notice them in episodes all right get absolutely wrecked sorry margaret uh what did we pick up it's pretty useless it's obviously a tiny island so it's really not that big of a concern any items here that are particularly useful not really but you know what i don't think i've actually seen the sea lavender before that looks a bit different let's grab that um so what ships need to go back this one these three can probably head back just to grab heels really quickly and this can go back as well we'll just stay there for now so i'm being a little bit slow with it but it's okay so the art of rule decorating the coffee tables of toast yeah that's just me doing that it's fine it's the news journal of choice for those wishing to subjugate and exploit so we have the salt patter let's just go like this and then we need to grab i think it was special scrap the intermediate one god oh my god so many items there we go 23. yeah so we should be able to make two of those items now i think if we head down here there we go beautiful all right look at that look at that money super consistent not fluctuating not moving i love to see it that means all the demands are being met uh of all these different things love to see it all right actually just seeing that there is a yeah we're just globally this is the global production rates of everything right now it's actually kind of cool i've never really done that before just selected all islands and seen like what are we making how are things going it's pretty cool and then population over time so the worker population is 5708 and that's been consistent for the last 100 minutes or so everything seems like it's been consistent since we've done our upgrades nothing's falling and coming up falling if you see this if you ever go to the population tab and you see it rising and falling that's how you know like you're you know you're not meeting your demands obviously you can look in the production tab as well but it's a nice way to know that like oh every now and then like right now investors has just gone down so there must be something wrong something must have run out maybe coffee something like that it's a really great indication to let you figure out like what's after happening it's chocolate there you go there's your answer um that could be because of well i won't get distracted with that now but that could be because of the route with madame kahina i don't think we're doing that anymore where we buy the excess chocolate from her but it's not really a big concern because obviously we've got a new island here now in the new world where we're going to be making chocolate we have the cocoa fertility here big time unhappy population yeah so let's um get them their church that should uh keep them a little bit happier they also want run and things like that and they can make their own we'll get to that though we'll get to that all right so in the cape these two ships are going to be the ones hey i didn't know they did that what the hell it's um arthur he's using my repair crane huh also we should just build a few of these we can just delete them later it's only three influence in fact we can get another one that's interesting i didn't know the the ai do that i think that explains why he yeah and another uh maybe last episode there were ships piled up here from arthur i'm guessing it was actually for the crane i thought they were just sitting at the pier for some reason quite interesting that they do that um what else do i need to do all right well i guess we're pretty much ready to go take another island once they repair these ones are just steady on we want to get the uh transmission which i'm assuming is a word so transmute that boom the dominator and then transmute it again i think i was talking about this a moment ago but someone was saying i might have said it to be honest there's a purchase price for these items but you can't actually purchase them for money you do have to transmute them i thought you could but i haven't seen a way you can do that if anyone knows let me know but i he has different items that you can purchase i don't see anything like with regards to um just buying his transmuting items [Music] so that's old world yeah let's get to old world items right now there we go three and we could just activate all of those send the diving bell out that way [Music] all right we'll send the diving belt to the old world you can rely on us be our guide and i'm putting the frigate behind just to keep it safe uh anyway so we have loaded up with two big weapons that we're gonna add to our ships some of the battle cruises up here make them a bit more powerful make us dominate even faster no pun intended or coincidence intended the weapon is literally called dominate and i forgot that all right so back to building in the new world so um yeah let's start to pave these roads straight away why the hell not something like that oh yeah i didn't actually build this marketplace how silly of me i forgot it was in blueprint the whole time um yeah i'm fine with that i know there's a gap here i was trying to think should i move things but i like it looking a bit more organic so we'll leave it the way it is now that i'll probably get rid of that other market it's really just there almost temporarily at this point this would be a really nice set of obero households i think because it's kind of in a block but these ones might stay some people debate how i say that by the way because um some people say it's john aleros i say it's your naleros uh someone literally said it was cornularos which i i don't believe that one's correct at all i don't really care which way it is i like saying jordan alleros so i'm going to say it uh it just seems to fit for me but anyways okay so there's that i think the fighting arena next to the market would look pretty cool so where the hell is that is it in o'brieros oh yeah it must be oh it does fit awesome yeah we'll bring that in for sure start moving some of these houses around as well we need a police station of course keep these guys wrangled in do we have it right next to it i kind of think that looks nice although i guess the question is that looks like it's almost like an entrance isn't it yeah so if that's the case then i think right there to be honest we can make it look really nice and have some extra stuff here either side and like a pathway going in that would look kind of cool right this strike has it i bet it has all right cool man it feels good to just build again [Applause] just want to move the existing population in i know it's a bit tedious doing this but i think it's i don't know it just uses up what we've got i guess all right nice does that house even have a road yes it does so yeah so fighting arena there gap in between as a bit of an entrance i kind of think the church would be yeah kind of there is actually pretty cool and then maybe a police station around near the back or something that might look nice nice all right what did i just miss oh yeah the world's fair that was it cool let's see what we got i'm excited to see actually so we did another science exhibition but this time we'll do advanced tools all right let's see we got we have a mechanical loom a mechanical drill and a cast iron stove so the cast iron stove affects all food production productivity 30 chance of fires reduced actually it looks pretty cool excuse me effects clay bits salt pepper works sand mine limestone quarry and oil wells mechanical drill for productivity 30 35 but increases maintenance cost and then a mechanical loom all right it's not so bad so what's the loom 25 on all cloth industries that's kind of cool uh yeah i guess we could get cracking on another one we'll do maybe archaeology and ethnography ethnography what do you need we've got the grapes we've got the fish we've got the beer get cracking all right nice no we are just doing awesome uh cool everything's ready to go oh we have the items so what have you got on this plenty of stuff in fact transfer that if you can take all the credit for signs i mean yep settle everything i haven't seen margaret settle anything which is excellent so that's good just getting rid of some of these items and then turning around all right cool so i know that this ship wants to have it or i want to put it on it so we'll give it that now we need to have it down in this slot so i'm probably going to remove the repair thing so check the damage right 67 let's see what we go up to oh wow 105 and our attack speed is 1.7 seconds what was it before 2.1 seconds that's pretty small amount actually but i guess it's considerable when you've got four guns or do we four or three three all right cool anyway we've got another one of those we'll just bring it over to one of the other from ships could add it to that one i feel like it's better placed on a cruiser rulership of the lion has a 74 attack this is an 80 attack all right let's go and meet up with the rest of our fleet choose what ship to put it on oh my god these ships are full of things i'm gonna try to be a little quicker with this now we're gonna stay here for a while and just sort this out these ships are all full of items this one's not all right i'll put it on this one the scurvy dog yeah scooby dog will get it love the sounds of wooden sailing ships the creaking of wood is like one of those asmr sounds i guess that's just or i don't know just one of those triggering sounds that sounds really good imo they're streaming in nice the exhibition is beginning all right there you go so we go from 46 to 74. love it all right let's have a look at the next island it's particularly small so i think we could probably do is what we've got it maybe we don't have to wait for those other two battleships maybe although i think we probably should just because it's a snowball effect the more powerful you are uh in one big fight then the less damage you take and the more you can just keep snowballing it also by the way i've decided to keep the island uh out here i think it'll be pretty fun to do like a micro build try to build on a small island it might do the same for one of these out here this one's an identical island it seems actually is it identical it's pretty identical might be slightly different i don't know whatever it seems that though they both have three clay deposits as well which is coincidental in the new world yeah i'm surprised arthur hasn't this is nice jokes this means i've got four arthur has three and benti is three so that's perfect that's exactly what you want hopefully we always stay friends with um the likes of arthur i hope we never run into a situation where he starts killing fenty and we have to deal with him that'd be annoying as hell um alrighty sorry keep hitting the wrong one are we good to go i think we're pretty much good to go just want to drop off this stuff here see you later i can rejoin over here now and the only other one is this one this is carrying 150 tons of cigars we're gonna sell it to nath who's just over here so i'll wait for that let's go back to the new world and let's just continue building for a bit how are my lovely chaps oh no this house does not have that's a damn shame can't get to it could get to it like this no we can't that house is just not that's just that's just a no-go hmm that sucks can't move it up a grid yeah g darn it um i'd really rather not get rid of it but i think i kind of have to and we'll do something like that bring these in this way it's gonna leave that gap there though yeah oh well a little room for ornaments and gardens and things like that okay looking good we can build this as well yeah don't need it but we're going to use it so i like the idea of this having been separated a little bit so it's gonna need to go just a bit further back about there we can have a road that leads in is that what paved roads look like in the new world oh yeah i thought that looked a little different i thought it was more cobble lucky i mean i guess it is but it looks exactly like the one in the old world uh anyway so yes let's just update these roads make it look a little nicer know that the block is gonna definitely be obreros so we can kind of make that look good and then maybe it gets a little underdeveloped as we push a bit further out there's really nice blending between the kabbalaki and the dirt roads so it looks quite good oh you know what actually this doesn't yeah this is actually okay we can do this does that work it means that this house won't have anything but we could just attach it here it's fine no big deal solved it all right cool it's coming together wow so glasses sells better than cigars amazingly all right linking that one back up i think we'll just go for it now i think we've got enough we're one battleship short but i think it's fine just because i am impatient uh you want a smuggling quest no thank you not right now uh we're under attack let's go i wanted to bring the monitor up here i guess but it's still healing so my bad we have some of our new weapons and items on board now remember everyone okay everyone seems okay actually nice oh my god i didn't even realize how far down the moral was just wasn't given up there for a while gg margaret gg let's see what we got let's just send the really damaged ones back the others will just heal naturally these three can go uh so actually the next island is gonna be way over this way uh we picked up copper yeah we're not gonna need that let's see what item she had here yeah we have that already i have that already yeah i think we're good i'll just leave this then see you later i don't care about the items it's fine okay on on route now so basically the route that i'm going to be taking is this island then this one and this one and then that will be the final one and then she has that last one in ambassador but all we need to do is send one battle cruiser there and we can we can just take that out at the same time or something and i think that'll be it for margaret after that uh so i'm gonna try and do that now kind of as quickly as possible let's see how our old um our world's fair is going oh i forgot to look inside with the science thing [Applause] oh yeah we're not doing the science thing anymore we're doing the x um the archaeological thing it's pretty cool we can see i'll just hop in there why not let's just hop down on the ground [Applause] have you heard have you heard the world's fair is on let's go nice it's not broken as well through the ground good i can't look up any higher than that actually let's see if i can get some distance here yeah i can't see the damn thing's head there we go looks cool looks cool the sun's setting in the distance is that a t-rex it kind of looks like a t-rex that one i don't really recognize that other one i want to say brontosaurus i'm not a big dinosaur guy i guess but that's my best guess on that one oh my god was she just in my mind all right let's help out of here looking good though how much time left on that one almost done one minute to go um do we build more in the new world yeah i guess we could keep going with that so let's get a police station as well i feel like a police station at the back of the arena would look nice i don't know how realistic it is though but it should have pretty good coverage i think all the way out did that look good there and maybe some fire stations here yeah i think so i think so you know what we don't actually have room for a town hall um that might be something else as well we go with hmm i feel like you should always go town hall first and that way you can really decide where things are going to go maybe the town hall should go here in the market uh the fighting arena on the side of that actually yeah maybe that maybe that's the way we'll do it so just shift that down here we'll just leave this as a template for now next to the market makes sense as well and then the fighting arena with a bit of a gap between them not really loving the church placement so i think i will change that in future could just fit here i like the idea of there being a bit of a gap between them so we can put some ornaments and stuff in front of it like bulletins and things like that yeah it looks nice i think that looks nice i have to change where the church goes for sure i don't like that but um everything else i'm pretty happy with okay fleets together the others should be healing um which they basically seem to be good and then we got some items so let's check them out so what do we have here everyday materials buried handicrafts ancient writings rich furnitures and curiosities rich furnitures are some remains that once belonged to a wealthy person okay yeah we go with that let's see what we got oh little uh hint of the arctic to come i think the thule relics it's part of that set oftentimes confused with the simpler enoch sucks this stone structure resembles a human with wide open arms and then we got a colorful textiles some colorful textures and silver necklace so museum items cool uh we could run yet another one do that one again i like doing them in twos what do you need bananas now we don't have any bananas so we'll have to go to the new world fetch some bananas also it was pretty cool to see people talking about how they've had plantains and things like that that's quite funny uh now we needed raw bananas or a bunch of bananas i guess what else could we bring back with us corn often pops up as those tortillas um people did let me know as well what you can end up needing i'm not too sure what else there is though maybe uh i'm gonna bring plantains as well just in case we need them in the future yep let's just go back to the old world with that happy with that actually while we're here doing any items we can bring [Music] not really okay anyways so while that's ongoing let's go cape trollani and let's get ready for the next fight ready for action battleship not doing anything here so the next excuse me the next island is this one again similar defenses we got three big guns three small guns a big betty and a harbor literally the exact same as the previous place and we have our absolute tank oh actually i just realized yeah we should put that on something else this has a dandelion on it let's just transfer that box into this one if it needs to heal we can throw activate it it's uh how fitting it is that the final battles would take place in trilani considering the um previous battles that have already happened here makes makes a lot of sense i'm gonna really try and speed up now because i'm coming up to the i feel like almost the hour mark of the episode we're around there and we have four islands to go so we're gonna really try and step on it so the island we're going for is just right over there so let's just gather our forces let's go grouped just keep them all together that is such a thick armada all camoed out of our minds they're never going to see us coming other ship is on the way to join us that's okay if we're always one behind in fact we should send one to investor i keep forgetting to do that all right let's go forward with the monitor and then we'll just back out with it as well if we can get that it should be the first one in go there and then just back out i love seeing that first shot miss it's really cool actually duck and weave duck and weave oh that was a close one all right finish it off there we go good looking good let's just activate repair boxes just in case we need them keep firing our different weapons ships are all really high health pretty happy about that oh my god that monitor nearly did not make it just get them moving i feel like they do better as they're moving that should be it now i think we're fine too yeah there we go all right again same story i'm sure there's nothing here that i really want and i don't care what's it these answers are so small it's not going to make any difference okay uh so you and you can go back and heal and in your place we will now take the battleship now we're just going to keep going i think we're beating these islands really easily so no need for uh such heavy amounts of caution yeah all right we'll put them on individual just so they turn a bit faster and we're gonna head out to an island just out here [Music] feels good though we'll check on margaret's military strength and diplomacy a lot of people keep saying i keep saying this at the end of episodes that's probably why people keep asking the same question but um if she's in the arctic or not she's not in the arctic the ai does not settle the arctic because part of the story is clearing ice so others can get up there so you're the first one to arrive um so yeah so no one actually goes up there until you settle a glacier i think anyway spoilers i guess but um don't don't fear she's not up there no one's waiting for us up there there shouldn't be anyone up there except hopefully lady jane faithful's husband which is why we're going there at all of course all right pretty big distance to travel actually let's just head over here competitors oh good on him good on arthur nice i hope he takes it i hope he takes it i feel like if he leaves one ship he might leave with all of them yeah look he actually has it come on don't give up make sure the other ones take the rest of it nice that's great saves me just a little bit of time excellent good job pays to have allies uh although he was at war before even i was so fair enough another player has had the island seized good yeah she's on her last legs let's have a look at um where she's at she's got 99 military nine economy it's a lucky number in the annual universe [Music] royal ship's on its way back my capital ship in a way actually we lost our flagship i don't think every i ever repurchased one i guess it doesn't really matter i don't know if it's important to have or not great so we're not going to be able to distract with the monitor so we might just go forward with the dante because it's the one that has the most uh hit points so let's roll forward now i'll keep the rest of these guys grouped let's go [Music] oh no i'm fired on the wrong thing meant to fire on the actual gun silly me oh that was a big hit just get everything we can to fire over there yeah that dante is taking a lot of hits i'm just gonna tell it to get out of there if i can it's okay the big gun is gone which is the important thing so i'm sure all right come on there we go has returned gg me all right just two islands to go now we are really approaching the end game for this war all right let's start moving south so the last second to last one is here what does she have three big guns three small guns betty and a warehouse these are all built the same it seems uh we have some others that can come join us now we can bring this one down cool dante did take a beating in that battle uh we could keep it with the fleet and see if i can pick up whoever is using the the really good repair tool this one is yeah let's do that we'll just swap them over it'll have to wait for the cooldown i guess alrighty may have a little uh problem there that's my bad i did tell them to go that way so i can't you can't switch the item over while it's on the cooldown you have to wait so just keep that one following this and we'll just queue up next to benty good and the other ships should be on the way look at the speed the speed of this pirate ship's going right with the wind hey look at the dolphins behind let's have a look at them oh god they're kind of messed up swordfish actually it's not dolphins it's swordfish the speed look at that look how far they're going what the hell are they just following the ship no matter where it goes oh i zoomed out too far today no they're there let's just stop where we are this is awesome and there's dolphins there do you think would swordfish attack dolphins i think they probably would yeah look at them they're right behind me that's so cool awesome they're with me the whole way attention for the admiral we're going to call the ship the swordfish wow that's nice i hope that's coming i know when on youtube it can get a bit uh blurry when you're looking at the water a lot and moving a lot so hopefully that kind of came through but that was pretty cool all right so escorting this one you got yourself this one's escorted even though the other ship went miles ahead of it but we're in the negative of influence now oh yeah i don't want that island that's why oh wow this ship repaired really quickly as well okay these two can head down they can get there in time for the second the last island i guess it's only fitting that our flagship gets there or not our flagship might as well be our flagship the um royal ship so this has a five minute cooldown wow it's a long time i wonder could i throw all of the repair boxes on it and just repair it like as fast as possible i'm thinking you probably can oh that's a bad idea keep the hole on it for the extra hold points there's one guy here that's like active healing yeah there he is oh so messy active healing there we go so he can get in you can go on to that one instead yeah um and then the last thing is to give him the box what's the cooldown on that that's a five minute cooldown so i guess i don't want to put all the repair boxes on because i wouldn't be able to take them off that fast so we're on three thousand seven hundred and so it's three thousand eight hundred out of twelve thousand so we're only on one third health i really do kind of want to bring it back up if i just add that box oh god yeah i'll just have to wait all right well anyway while i'm waiting um let's go to the new world again let's have a look at our lovely little marbella our city oh now that's really interesting you get the you get the world's fair items here as well oh speaking of world's fair i forgot didn't i please tell me this time don't worry five minutes to go you can load up 30 bananas in five minutes 30 tons of bananas bet you thought i'd forget that one didn't you well i didn't almost did but didn't all right the box is ready to be moved and deployed this gun can switch over to someone else and this one can go down there we're on 4400 let's get moving yeah just stay right around there i'll probably keep the dante back just to heal for the final assault on the bigger island i think that bigger island actually does have bigger defenses as well what do they got one two three four five six nope same thing same thing relationship lines almost here all right nice so the world's fair is ready to go all right it's exciting we're only just we're finally just about to finish this war i know it's dragged on and on but i honestly think i kind of did it almost as quick as you can in some ways in terms of taking her out completely like we went session by session island by island without actually dramatically increasing the fleet and having like two fleets or something i don't know how i could have really done it that much faster all right let's give this a go we're gonna go straight in for big bertha there at the back i think i'll wait for the royal ship of the line i'm just i'm too much of a coward state where you are where is it it's just here it's just here yeah we'll kite with the um monitor meanwhile this one's having a whale of a time at the back healing itself god look at the holes in it 105 damage per shot 175 damage per shot it actually says an attack speed 1.7 damage per second is 105. and i love that music uh so runes let's check where the runes are oh yeah i never actually built it fixed this 10 concrete oh here's something i did forget completely though and that is dives damn i could have been doing that the whole time there's something right over here apparently it's actually kind of easier to see them at nighttime as well there it is i'll do a little dive nothing wrong with that grab some items we got our frigates escorting us as well all right we don't need to see it we've seen it enough times let's just get ready day time let's go attention for the admiral we've been shot i don't think so all right let's go oh i'm silly i supposed to go for the [Music] monitor yeah you just get out of there you're done you're done already that time hang on just one sec i just can't hear myself just want to turn it down so loud i hope they do something about that it is kind of ridiculous all right that should destroy that let's go for the warehouse next all right let's go kind of gun by gun we'll go with the warehouse first actually though which i don't normally do i think it's better to go and actually hit the guns actually these two guns are really low so let's go with them all right one more on this side all right let's go with that yeah those back weapons aren't firing you guys are totally right about that gotta really turn sideways to get the firepower going come on margaret you're past the surrender point come on give up there we go all right one island to go we're almost there we're almost there home stretch i don't even care oh i don't know i have that already actually because i don't care where she's dropping but yeah i don't sticking to it uh you you you and you head back heel do what you can reporting in this one as well okay um what do we have here battleship and we also have our little thing that can go pick up the rest of the stuff right we're almost at the end i know this is quite tedious or at least well it's actually it's actually pretty fun but it is doing the same thing over and over so i imagine it's kind of tedious all right uh we're going to approach from here so i'm actually going to speed this up now there's nothing else i really want to do other than just get this done so we'll just speed it up we'll try to send in fact this ship can probably just stay here as well but those three can go back this one's gonna be fine as well we'll send that in that'll be fine if any of those get too damaged it should be okay don't know if these two will participate maybe i can um shift over one of their weapons real quick anyone have this weapon please yep you two can go back and heal what do we get grapes and copper whatever might as well just drop them off yeah looking good looking good all right yeah we should be able to attack with this right am i forgetting anything crazy i don't think so that ship's gone i think i just moved all the ships one more time we are a little low on ships but i think it'll be fine i just don't want to lose any but i guess you know what i'm probably at the end of this war i'm probably going to sell a bunch of battleships so we won't need them i'll keep a couple of them just to hopefully stave off war with like arthur but other than that yeah i don't think we'll ever really need them his military is technically bigger than mine but again i think it's all into into the defenses margaret's was like ten times five times bigger than mine and it was fine you know all right let's just turn it back up for a sec yeah so those are the weak shifts what about this one the dante oh i send that back as well did i yeah no we'll just get that to take part that'll be it so once the dante gets down here we'll go so i'll just speed it up again let's have a little zoom in have a look at our fleet yeah that's fine these guys will these guys will be the final attack now i'm just going to double check let's see any islands in the old world no any islands for margaret in the new world no ambassador nope wow benty's got a little armada moving around here damn look at that that's actually just clippers i think although i know it's some frigates yeah nothing there for her all right we are about to deal the final blue let's just see what we got in that thing so we went with rich furnitures last time right so this time we'll do ancient writings oh my god i'm an idiot i thought you confirmed it to see them whoops i don't even know what i got is there a way to see what you got oh god damn it it's gonna be probably a cultural item ancient writing so it would be something like that wouldn't it like antique novel one of these ancient manifests did i get anything too terribly good i'm so sorry what a way to ruin it i don't know what we got um speaking of actually we need to get moving there's only 13 minutes to get all three of those it's actually gonna be kind of tricky it's gonna be there all right let's do this thing volume down here we go the final battle against lady margaret the hunt is on just activate our heels right now because i think some of the ships needed although that's probably a stupid idea whatever let's go i've committed now super high dps ship we have our two grape shot cast mortars and we have our trunnion mortars all right let's go straight in there as soon as that line gets in range stay sideways all our guns should fire at least that's the silence all right fire fire holy crap some of these ships have taken a beating hope that battleship makes it out it does not look like it's gonna be it's gonna oh it went down it looks like it didn't drop anything though so there must not have been anything on that battle cruising there you go it wasn't a flawless victory she took one in the end she might take another one all right this should be the final blow just a couple of these grape shots i'm surprised that she hasn't gone down further she got one oh it's because she has stuff on the other side that's only one gun all right so one gun left bit of a tougher fight lost the battleship f's in the comments for whatever the name of that was i don't even remember it i'm sorry that i have to look away just for a second just let me get the dive started see you later margaret i knew this crew wow see how i smile in the dying light oh wow defeated here like a little vo line for just when you defeat her that's awesome that is awesome i didn't expect that annihilated yes all right that's it that is war with margaret dunn she is not even listed anymore get wrecked all right that ends a sort of a phase well what would i say an era it's the end of an era really for dealing with margaret i think we'll do one more episode after this and then maybe after that i'll begin season two there shouldn't be any gaps in between but i think that's probably how we're gonna go about it um i've sent i'm bringing the cargo ship down as fast as possible to see what we can pick up there there seems to be a lot of stuff that poured out of that place i guess we should try to pick anything up we can because who knows nothing and i don't recognize ever having this before income per house 40 that seems really high caprice limited the monopoly on local construction chance of fires increased though obviously but oh wow salt pepper that's awesome we actually need it in this region and so concludes the war with margaret fur coats i'll take it i'll take everything glasses spring it all up to um let's just bring it all home i'm picturing like the end of star wars you know there should be festivals going on in all of our different places right now awesome oh people quite rightly pointed out that the flotsam i probably couldn't pick up in the last episode was most likely uh oil oh advanced weapons lots of beer let's take the beer home just picking up the last of these items and then we'll get whatever we can get off this island then leave it we're good glasses nice this is good i mean it's nothing crazy but i mean it's all little bits of money you know not going to turn my nose up at it and uh yeah it's just the cargo ship left to go let's just go to the old ruler real quick what do we get here we got a great white flag wow there's only six minutes to go that island no idea where that is i know where that is it's here there it is all right at least we might be able to get two of those instead of yeah i probably won't get all three oh well my neglect cost me in the end oh it's nice to have that music it's nice for it to all be over in a way now we can get back to playing the game see i'm just going to come in take some of these items take as many books as i can out of this place and uh oh she has the uh jujube lotus here as well nice fox glove she named an island fox glove interestingly i look forward to building the palace as well that's another thing that we can uh get to work on in season two one two three i'll take that i don't know if we have it already but we'll just take it [Music] and that's gonna be it boom 18 influence back positive influence the islands are cleared margaret is no more she literally cannot take any of this stuff back and we are now free to just build relatively peacefully and trade and do quests with our allies arthur i forgot his name what's his last name gasparov yeah and benti the oregonsen and our fleet returns home triumphant a triumph for all back here in cape trollani as well it makes a lot of sense having the items in here the scepter of cape on feels damn good man so the last thing i want to do is just dive we're just going to do a final dive we're almost there the non-aggression pact has ended and harlow so we picked up basic scrap or the yeah the worst form of scrap all our non-aggression packs are ended just in time by the way it's almost like i planned it uh but yeah let's check out that white flag so diplomacy 20. trade prices are negative 15 oh wow that's actually really good that's really good i don't know if there's anything better i mean there could might be something better than that we had one that was 10 uh not too long ago all right here's the thing i guess while i'm doing that one i could look at where that other island was uh i think it's here though a little hard to tell for sure let's just see yes it is yes it is we might actually get here in time so we just picked up [Music] oh wow a mulcher oh my god damage 300 cool down 30 seconds it's the legendary howitzer essentially wow let's just toss some of that scrap overboard we'll give the other amount to the guy following us trailing us all right well we can't end it without finding the last piece let's just speed up and get there for three minutes to go i think we'll do it just in time then which is nice we have to run another world's fair in future as well cool oh man this game is so good i'm feeling so happy right now just to be like i'm just excited to get like starting building again now we get to raise up the population in the new world that's what we'll do in the next episode and uh try to get investors a little bit higher as well and build up swords a nice a nice little amount there we go we got a goblin shark i actually don't think we have that so that was a really those are three great dives those are three great dives and some nice scrap as well all right off you go back to cape trollani tuck it in there and uh that's gonna be it for this episode episode 34. so i think uh 35 might be the last in this season i'll discuss that more in the next episode when i've got my plans a little bit more concrete i hope you guys enjoyed it the war was long and arduous but it is over now this is probably by far the longest episode that we've done so thank you guys very much for all the support so far and i'll see you in the next one hey guys thank you very much for watching and remember if you want to support the series directly you can click the join button to become a channel member doing so will get your name in the credits as well as loyalty badges and emotes to use in the comments if you don't see the join button it means the video has been copyright claimed but you can still join from the channel page on desktop you can also link your account to our discord to get a special role on there that'll give you access to the senate house and a few other perks [Music]
Channel: RepublicOfLetsPlay
Views: 36,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z0ryEwX7ZLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 33sec (5313 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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