The Aprile Family From The Sopranos - A Closer Look!

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let's talk about the aiio  family from The Sopranos oh really Jackie Aprile Sr. was acting  boss from 1995 until 1999 how you   feeling I may be acting boss while the old man's  a guest of the government but wish somebody would tell   my bowels cuz they don't obey. [__] chemo. maybe I should name a successor when Jackie was   acting Boss No One minded cuz it all evened  out at the end of the day [ __ ] you are my   DVD player you can watch Grumpy Old Men you're  going to be a [ __ ] funny boy too now huh hey   you Sopranos Jackie passes away in season  1 episode 4 Meadowlands I can't deal with this what kind of God but we see him again later  on in season 3 episode 10 to save us all from   Satan's power Tony has a flashback quicking in  his boots those they a pop oh and wait till we   get outside huh Junior's looking for a way out  but he's got that iron Rod up his ass he was   lying to be boss now he's got to take orders  from somebody used to fetch him a Samer hey   [ __ ] him is he going to sit down or not if  Tony will guarantee a safety you deal with it   all right Tony but when Tony yells at Meadow in  noow and talks about how he was a better father   to Jackie than his own dad it stuck out to me  because it seemed quite different from what we   saw on those flashbacks of Jackie found him  a great tutor hey Jackie tell them what you   told me in the car on the way over here come  on Capital of Canada the kids got it up here   fun it's like you have this secret you know  you want to scream to the world yeah but do   yourself a favor though huh so how was it  I previously talked about Rosalie aiel in   a video I did about Mob Wives of The Sopranos but  today I'm going to talk about Rosalie in a bit of   a different context as part of the overall aial  family she knows what it's like to be the wife   of the boss she actually tells Carmela early on  that she thinks it's all the AA from being boss   that gave Jackie cancer Rosalie has her awkward in  Funny Moments how's the watch fire that Jackie's watch thought killing son Jackie junor later on and then early on  The Following Season not only does she lose   a friend Karen bachier her boyfriend at the time  Ralph sefaro also dumps her but as we know Rose   resilient and her grief actually helps her become  an even more understanding and considerate and   forgiving person Ralph didn't have much sympathy  or empathy for row when she was you know right in   the throws of grief but as Ro says you never  know what it's like until it happens to you   how are you I just didn't understand what you  were going through R I didn't know anything I   was stupid I'm sorry I I apologize it's okay  I mean there's no way to know what it's like   until it happens to you I'm surrounded by death  my husband my son my friend I don't know what to   tell you br this pie is torn out of me chunks  of me that are dead dwelling on all this stuff   it's not stuff do you have any idea what it feels  like I mean I I cannot begin to imagine losing a son Jesus C we're on vacation we're having a  beautiful dinner why would you bring this up   I didn't mean to upset you Ro it's just I thought  because we had this time together but it's [ __ ]   morbid that's what it is I'm sorry Ro Richie aiel  so you know how Jackie apriel senior Fair calm   Richie apriel not so much we know that he's in the  can for 10 years and then he gets out and we meet   him in season 2 episode 3 to [ __ ] you you poman  sandwich [ __ ] you what did I do tell me what   did I do this is not right Richie I'm not going to  [ __ ] lay down poor choice of words there beansie   and let's just say he comes out with a bang  hitting beansy gor over the head with a coffee pot   because he doesn't agree right away to give Richie  proceeds from his pizza joint and Richie doesn't   exactly calm down either he likes to talk up his  yoga meditation mindfulness game but I don't know   about you he's not the type of guy I'd look at and  say that yoga must have really helped out like the   tow says you got to shut one door before another  one can open oh and speaking of which here's the   jacket the jacket I took off Roco the Mayo oh  yeah yeah K sucker had the toughest reputation   in Essex County but he never came back after I  got true with him I gave Tony a jacket I took off   Roco de Mayo kakua had a reputation as being the  toughest guy in ed6 County Bo he didn't come back   here when I got you with him Liliana the remote  is down there somewhere too it's on the shelves   hello Mrs thank you for TV oh stasio please enjoy  I Bo no he's got to go I want to thank my future   in-laws for making a a great party and I I want  to thank you all for coming and celebrating with   us this uh historical Union they say uh it's never  too late and they say all good comes to those who wait they're right on both counts  and they lived happily ever after on   a hill overlooking a little river with pine cones the [ __ ] out of here I'm in no mood  for you Jackie aiel Jr son of Rosalie   and Jackie aiel senior and brother to Kelly  aiel we meet him in season two Jack how's   your R how you doing you want a bey no  no that's all right go join your wa for friends your uncle was a rat and now he's in  the witness protection program you're dad of   me you know how close we were but you should  know he never wanted this life for you you   finished want to meet my bud at the gym going to  Spa look kid uh I'm I'm trying real hard here I   know it's tough on you I'm the guy that's dating  your mom anyway this uh this was a good idea she   had I going out to dinner not that I think one  conversation ever solved anybody's problems I'm   only here so I don't have to hear her bitching and  crying Jackie aiel was a Man Who Loved knowledge   when he was dying at the cancer he was praying  his son will go to medical school if he knew he   dropped out of college break his heart well I  imagine if he's upset by the fact that Jackie   junr drops out of College he's going to be even  more upset when he learns that Jackie Jr died   trying to follow in his footsteps no congrats on  the club I only have admiration for your progress   ever since you got your butt thanks I wanted to  have a little sit down with you about a friend of   mine who was doing some business at your club and  when did you want to do this now if it's okay now   it's okay for a chat not a sit down this friend of  mine was moving a little exit club before you took   over and the other night he got thrown out on his  ass as a favor to me let him keep a little action   going on you got a lot of balls you hear what I  said Jackie thought that his name was basically   all he needed to carry him through and give him  legitimacy normally I would never get involved   with a stranger if Carlo here is vouching for  you willing to make an exception take care of it   thank you you know where my father was uh the the  golfer you open Chris and me your Associates s we   think come on come on it's all right I just want  to talk to you come on it's a bachelor party my f Brothers Jackie Jr makes a lot of dumb moves  with the biggest one of course being when he   Jackie maybe we take car too he's got a  shotgun we wear masks we go in we're out   with Tony's daughter Meadow so not only does  Jackie [ __ ] up and actually get spotted by   Tony at a strip club even after that he  still has the nerve to cheat on Meadow yo   I think you're done for we just started  yeah but the way she's developing her nights I win again I see you should have played  that out that's the only way you going to learn   Telly apriel sister of Jackie aiel Jr and daughter  of Rosie aiel and Jackie apriel Senor my brother's   whole stupid pathetic dream was to follow in  off Father's Footsteps what I got to paint   a picture he he was killed by some fat [ __ ]  see-through socks take your pick they all look alike actually Kelly you really have no basis  to say that this is the first time that we see   Meadow really sticking up for her father not just  saying oh you know he's not that bad but in really   telling someone else that they have no idea  what they're talking about Kelly does not want   anything to do with organized crime or the life  that her brother Jackie Jr had such a desire to   become part of if my dad still controlled all the  crime in North Jersey like your dad does now I'd   probably want to drop it too Rick or Ricky aiel  son of Richie aiel cousin to Jackie aiel Jr and   Kelly apriel you know how Kelly aiel seems very  different from her brother Jackie apriel Jr wait   till you see Richie ai's son remember when AJ gets  in trouble later in season 3 and they want him to   do some chores around the house like cleaning  the rain gutter Etc AJ doesn't know where it is   meanwhile Richie aiel [ __ ] and complains about  how he wishes his son were more like Jackie aiel   Jr his actual son is proactive offers to help  around the house like this example here with   the gutters dad I'm going to get started on your  gutters tomorrow it's great kid from me the apprel   family is a great example of how both nature and  nurture can impact someone's upbringing and the   kind of person that they are as an adult with the  aiio family we have a little bit of everything   here if we were to think about the spectrum of  morality we'd have Richie aiel all the way over   on one side we will cry now we don't really get  to know Kelly or Rick but to me they remind me   almost of Barbara Barbara soprano Barbara gave us  a little insight into what happens when someone   doesn't go down the normal track that everyone  else in their family did Barbara was the one   that got away and in this case I guess we could  probably say that about Kelly and Rick thanks for watching
Channel: Sopranos Blueprint
Views: 42,303
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Keywords: the aprile family, the sopranos, sopranos, sopranos blueprint, the sopranos analysis, the sopranos review, jackie aprile, rosalie aprile, richie aprile, Sopranos characters, the sopranos aprile family, kelli aprile, richie aprile jr, richard aprile, janice soprano, tony soprano, carmela soprano
Id: Ror_q1dhECU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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