Not for Sale (2022) | Full Movie | Dean Cain | Tammy Hanson | Frankie Kovar | Avaryana Rose

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(upbeat music) ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ - Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You go on, you go play with the other kids. Go on. (laughs) - My, goodness, it's so beautiful out here. I love what you're doing for the community. - Thank you so much, I'm glad you could make it. - No, thank you. - Thank you. - I absolutely love this Pumpkin Patch. It's such a great way to bring awareness in community. - Thank you so much, oh, look, the little baby. You have your dad's eyes. (chuckles) - We are so grateful for you, we love what you've done here. Well, thank you so much. (metal clunks) - Hey, Rueben. - Hey. - You made it. - Charlie, how you doing, buddy? - All right, good to see you. I got here a little early. - Good to see you, how are the kids? - Ugh, they're growing, man. - All right. - How are your grandkids? - Very good, I haven't seen them but I saw pictures. They're doing great. - Okay. - You met Sonya yet, yeah? - No, no, no. Sh-she's over there, let's go say, "Hi." How was the ride? (both laughing) - I don't know. They come out of the oven and they'll be dark brown. - Oh, look, they've made it. - Oh, okay. (background chatter) - Hey, Ms. Sonya, how are you? Good to see you. - Sonya, how you doing? - You too. - Good to meet you. - Hey, Jill. (background chatter) (somber music) - [Jill] Funny how people's lives intertwine. Coincidence? (background chatter) I don't know. I figure it's all part of His plan. (background chatter) (somber music) (Kay scoffs) (footsteps clacking) (Jill sighs) - Oh, here, I'll take that. - Oh, well, thank you. - Of course. Uh, really nice what you're doing for the community here. - Yeah, it's our first year. Who would've thought pumpkins, of all things, would be a good fundraiser? (chuckles) - Well, I think it's more than that. The victims- - Yeah. - The community, what you're doing, it's making a difference. - Yeah. You know, um, I'm really appreciative that you have volunteered, you know, is your name, it's Kay, right? - Yes, I'm Kay. - (sighs) How in the world did you first meet all these guys? - (deeply inhales) Well, I'm a flight attendant. I was in a flight home from Grand Rapids... - [Pilot] Ladies and gentlemen, very shortly, we'll be ready to departure. Make sure your mobile phones and all electronic devices should be switched off. Make sure your seatbelt is fastened, and then make yourself comfortable, thank you. (electronic game beeps) (somber music) (background chatter) (electronic game beeps continues) (background chatter continues) - [Pilot] This flight will be going out 40 minutes. (music drowns out pilot) (somber music) (background chatter) - [Heather] Have you ever looked for something and couldn't find it like your keys or your glasses? You look and look everywhere and still nothing. Then, when you're not looking, there it is in plain sight. It was right in front of you the whole time. That was me, for I too was blind and couldn't see. And this is my story. (somber music) (aircraft whooshes) (wheels screaming) - That's crazy. - Yeah. - The birds and all the bees. - Yeah. (giggles) - But do you have (indistinct) or whatever you know. - No, there's so many, I mean, oh, my God. - Okay, you guys, you really look good yourselves. (background chatter) - (gasps) She did that. - She did what? - She did this. The girl in 5B that I was telling you about. She did the H and the T. (finger tapping) - Mm. - Security. - Can I help you? - I had a girl on my flight today, and she did this. She did the H and the T. She was really young, blonde girl, with an older man. She must've been getting traffic. - What flight? - 348, Seat B, 5B, and C. - 5B, ma'am? - Um, yeah. - Let's (indistinct) - Okay. - Let's go. (footsteps clomping) (somber music) (music drowns out intercom announcement) (Gordon scoffs) (background noise drowns out intercom announcement) (somber music) - What's up, man? - At least, you know what you're doing. Bring me that redhead over there. (somber music) - Abby. (somber music) This is Abby. She's gonna be your tour guide. She knows every hot spot. You're in good hands. - Great, grab my luggage, we can be on our way. I don't wanna do this. - Just get your luggage and go. She's your cousin, she's here to show you around. (music drowns out intercom announcement) (somber music) (footsteps clomping) - I don't see them. - The most traffickers don't carry luggage, they're quick. - What about parking garages or trains? - We got that covered too. - (scoffs) I knew something was wrong. - You can't blame yourself. - She was so young and she look so innocent. We have to get the Police on this. - I mean, the information has been sent to them already. But you guys can go by there and fill out a report. I'm going to take a look at the video and get a composite of it too. - That it? Can you believe this guy? - They'll find her. They're gonna get a good picture of them and they will find her. Okay, are you gonna go home, or let's go out? - No, no, I, there's something I need to get done, but I'm off for a week. I'll, I'll call you. - Sure, okay. (footsteps clomping) (luggage plunging) (background chatter) (somber piano music) - You ready? (chuckles) - Yeah. (background chatter) (upbeat music) - We should have waited for a bigger car. - It's, uh, great you guys provide car seats. - Oh, well, you kind of have to. I mean, this is the largest vacation spot for kids in the world. (upbeat music) - Yankees? - You got it. How about you, you got a team? - Not really. - Oh. - So where you from? - You know, here and there. - How was the flight? - Fine, just fine. (upbeat music) - So, uh, what do you do for a living? - You know, whatever it needs to do to make the bills. - Well, I know that. - Daddy, can we go to the pool when we get to the hotel? - You bet, sweetie. Y-you kids, get off these devices and look at all these theme park. - These kids with these technologies. I'm telling you, it's taken over every. - (scoffs) Yeah, and, uh, you can find anything and anyone. - And they can find you too. We're being tracked, you know, I tell my grandkids all the time. I say, "Technology works both ways, good and bad." You know what I mean? You know what I mean? (scoffs) All right, this is it, vacation time. (upbeat music) - No, of course, I'll take care of it as soon as possible. Right, thanks. (phone clicks) (sighs) Okay, um, we have all the information from the airport, but I really appreciate you coming down. Um, can you think of anything that maybe you did, uh, didn't tell us anything in specific? Um, the tattoos they had, or maybe something they said that seemed outta the ordinary? - No, like I said, he made it seem like they weren't even traveling together. - A very common tactic for traffickers. Makes this harder for us to, to connect them to each other. - Yeah, how do you think she was taken? - Taken, mean, like, like the movie "Taken"? Yeah, um, most of the time it doesn't happen that way. Um, these girls are groomed, manipulated, uh, given clothes, gifts, sex, drugs, whatever it happens to be. And before they know it, they're being solicited on the dark web. - Wait, the dark web? - Yep, photos, videos, things that they don't want out there. So, they start to cooperate. It's a, it's a vicious circle. - Will you keep me up to date? - Of course, thank you. Thank you so much for coming down. We appreciate you. (background chatter) (computer keyboard clacking) (background chatter) - Excuse me, do I need to check out or anything? What do I need to do? (background chatter) - [Jill] At the police station? - I was heading out and then I saw the sign again. And then... (sighs) - It's simple but very powerful. I just wish I would've seen it sooner. You know, it, it takes time. And you know, local Law Enforcement is so important in this battle, I am so glad that you went. - What was that cute detective's name again? - Um, Detective Tanner. - Yes, well, I just wish he would've done more. He would've taken me more serious. - (sighs) You do need to realize that those cops have a lot on their hands. They are overbooked. There are warehouses of girls. There's, there's just a lot going on. People don't realize how busy they are. They're doing the best that they can. - I met Abby. The thought of her being in a warehouse with all those girls, all the contacts they had to make. Jill, it makes me sick. (brooding music) (Kay) I heard it was floors and floors of girls. (door creeks) All ages. - Three. - Hurry up, let's go. (brooding music) (victims moaning) - 16-year-olds, black, white, Hispanic. Evil knows no boundaries. (garage door whirs and slams) - All right, ladies, just like you, these cell phones are our property. We will be monitoring them, so don't try anything stupid. You need to enter your info name, age, height, weight, et cetera. After you're done, sign in. (tense music) - [Kay] And the fear they must have felt. The fear that their bodies are no longer theirs. (door clicks) - Hey. (door clicks) I gotta make a run, what do we got? - I got three ready to go for you. - All right. (door clicks) (footsteps shuffling) You, you, and you, let's go. (tense music) (footsteps shuffling) (door clicks) Penza, blindfolds. - You all know the drill. (somber music) - Let me help you with that, sweetheart. (somber music) (door clicks) (computer keyboard clacking) (somber music) (computer mouse clicking) (door clicks open and close) - I just got off the phone with the agency. They're so excited you're here. You know, I wouldn't hurt you. You know, I would never hurt you. - Yes. - And you can leave, did I lock that door? - No. - So leave, if you wanna leave, you leave. Leave. (somber music) You see, when I came to this door, I knocked. I knocked because this is your space. I got you this room, I bought you this food but I respect your space. This is yours, honey. Now, open up the bag and eat. (somber music) (paper rustling) Open it! (somber music) You remember our plan? You trust me? Now, you said you were gonna be nice and we both know what that means, right? Good girl. I'm gonna be back in about 30 minutes. Go ahead and get dressed. Okay? Okay? (Heather gasps) Now, stand up. Stand up! (somber music) (camera shutters) You're gonna be a great model, Heather. (somber music) (door clicks open and close) (somber music) (Heather cries) (background chatter) (door slams) - Hey, where's Ruben? - Ruben will be in later tonight, sir. - Okay, um, can you look up the Fisher family, please? They left their glasses in my car. - Fisher? - Fisher. - Sir, I don't have a Fisher registered. - I, I just dropped him off. Can you double-check? - Sure. No, sir, no Fisher listed here. - Come on ladies, you're up, come on, come on. - Hurry, hurry up, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. Come, come, come, come, come, come, let's go, let's go. (tense music) (door knocking) - Come in. (door clicks) (tense music) (door clicks) 30 bucks. - That's all I got, I swear. What do you want me to do about it? It's not my fault. (Perry hand slaps) - Don't you ever talk back to me. You're such a pretty girl. I know you can do better. (door clicks) - Hey, girls, come in. Let me get your passports first. You can go in and have a seat. I promise that we'll take care of you, okay? It's gonna be okay. You can have a seat right over there. (tense music) (door clicks) Tell them they're ready. (door clicks) (tense music) (door clicks) (tense music) (door clicks) - So, what do we got? - We're doing pretty good. Mattie has a lead. - You wanna confirm it? - Okay, give me the number. - 456-809-0998. - Hardy Michigan, what's the name he's given you? - Roger Jones. - Roger Jones, that's right. How much? - 600. - Hotel? - The Dandelion on Eastern Avenue. - Okay, give me a minute. So, he looks legit. Looks like he used that number and a classified ad to sell a car last year. - Yeah. - It was a Mercedes. Sold it for 47 grand. - I'll take it. - Wow, looks like he's a doctor. Probably in town for one of our conventions. - More than likely. - Ah, he has a dark web profile, excellent. Check that out. - Checks out. - Okay, take AJ with you. Robin, Taylor, go with them. Have them work the bar. - Okay, girls, let's make some money. (footsteps shuffling) - (groans) Take care of her, Victoria. Abby, go. (footsteps clomping) - I got something for you. (footsteps clomping) - So, wait, how did that happen? (door clicks) - Some guys are on vacation, he gets bored with his family. (scoffs) Calls a number, maybe for a massage, maybe for someone to have a drink with, that's it. The traffickers, they have your name. They have your number, all through the dark web. (brooding music) - I'm scared. - Hey, hey, hey. It's gonna be okay, all right, you're gonna be okay, okay? We've got some food coming- - How long will we be here? - You are so beautiful, all right? You're gonna have a great life. It's gonna be okay. - Well, hello, ladies, good evening. Welcome to America. This is the land of the opportunity, right? This country welcomes you, and I tell you what, one day, you will become citizen just like me. - What the hell are we doing here? Where are we supposed to go? (tense music) - Let me tell you something. Don't you ever interrupt me when I'm speaking! Welcome to America. Where are the others? Where are the others? - They're coming. - Well, they better be. And clean this place up. (tense music) (door clicks) (paper crackles) (door clicks) - Hello, boss, yeah, yeah, we're good. Oh, they look good, oh, yeah. Yeah, we got whites, we got Hispanics. We got, uh, Asians. Yeah, well, the rest are coming. Sure, oh, we're ready. Good, we're good, all right. (brooding music) (scoffs) All set, let's go. (upbeat music) (background chatter) - Good to see you. - Good to see you. - Hi. - Good to see you. (upbeat music) - Vodka Gibson, please. - [Chad] Yes, sir. - Great election this year. - Oh, the, uh, yeah. (scoffs) Mm-hmm. Discussion selection team have their work cut out for them. - Mm, indeed. - Here, sir. - Thank you. (light jazzy music) - Not another one. (sighs) - Now, you wanna go up and give them a hug, all right? And don't stop playing with your hair, okay? - Listen, we need to help her out. - I want you boys to go on the other side of her. - Smile. - Hey. - Gordon. - I hear you got something for me. - Hey, buddy. - Hey, man. - What are you a cop or something? Back off. - Sorry. - What, what is this guy doing here? - He's just, he's a customer, he's not a cop, really. - Really? - Yes, it's okay. Hey, can you just excuse us for just one, one second, please, hey, can we- - Yeah. - Okay. (shoulder tapping) So, not happy that you double the price we agreed upon, but she is- - Woo-hoo, she's worth it. - Yeah, she's what I want. - Do we have a deal? - Yeah, yeah, let's do it. - All right. (light jazzy music) - Is this an open bar? - Hey, come, come with me now. Come on, let's go. - It's okay, you can trust him, go. - Follow me, come on. - Let's do it, where'd she go? Where'd she go? - Heather. Heather. Heather. (footsteps clacking) - Come on. - Who are you? - Does it matter? - Am I under arrest? - Do I look like a cop? - Look, I can't go back. I can't go back home, I'd rather go back in there. - No, you wouldn't, trust me. You have no idea what was about to happen in there. - I'm gonna be a model. - Really, is that what they told you? - Yeah. - Look, come with me. I know a place that's safe. Look, I'm not just another pretty face. I was trafficked, just like you. - Trafficked? - Come on, let's go. (computer keyboard clacking) - A world without shame. (scoffs) (computer mouse clicking) (Kay scoffs) (gentle music) (door knocking) - [Tim] I, I think they're closed, can I help you? - Do you work here? - Well, I- - I think I know you. You're the flight attendant from the plane, right? - Are you 5B? Oh. (sighs) Oh, I'm so glad you're okay. - Is she safe? - (scoffs) She almost wasn't, but she is now. - Oh, oh, I'm so glad I found you. - Uh, hey, we're gonna go for ice cream, you wanna come? - Sure. - Hey, Ruben. - Charlie. - How you doing today? (speakers talking over each other) - Listen, there's something going on at this hotel. - Like what? - I'm telling you, I feel it in my bones, Ruben. - No. - I'm talking about- - No. - All these Asian girls. - What about them? - I'm telling you. - No. - Hey, Mr. Fisher. What's happening? You left your sunglasses in my car. - I-I've been looking for these, thanks. - Yeah, I, they said you weren't even checked in in this hotel. - My wife's maiden name. - Oh, hey, since you've been here, have you seen anything off, unusual? - Off, no. - Yeah, like- - Charlie. - Asian girls. - Asian girl- - No, Charlie. - I'm telling you, Rueben. - Please, don't. - Charlie, we just discussed this- - I'm telling you, what they do with the human traffic is they find a hotel, they blend in, and then they collect their inventory. - What do you mean their inventory? - (scoffs) I'm telling you, Ruben, I'm telling, like, what's this? - It's nothing. - I'm telling you, what is it? - Charlie, hey, Charlie. - Hey, lady, are you being held against your will? (speakers talking over each other) I'm so sorry. - So sorry. - I'm so sorry, I mistaken you for somebody. Please, enjoy your vacation, I apologize. - Come on. - I'm sorry. - Let me buy you a drink. - That guy was going all off. - So you just drove there? - Yeah, I wanted to know more. - So, you wanted to learn more like, about how they're kidnapped and coerced, manipulated, drugged, beaten to death? - I'm in it, we're going on. - (scoffs) Do you believe in Heaven? - Yes. - Do you believe in hell? Well, this is hell. Hey, why don't you wanna go back home? Why are you here? Why'd you wanna go with him? Why, what, why are you here? - Because I was raped. I was raped by my stepdad. (somber music) - I'm sorry. - I met this guy, it was at the Mall, you know, like a modeling thing. And he said he was this big agent and that he had all these connections. So I believed him, you know? And after that, I let him take a few photos of me. (scoffs) A lot of photos. He told me that it was just what all models needed to do, and that it was essential. And (sighs) A couple days ago, he asked me to come to Florida. And I did want to go but (scoffs) it just, I don't know. (scoffs) I told him I couldn't. He got really, really mad. (sighs) He threatened me, told me I owed him money and all of it. (sighs) And then he said that if I didn't work for him, he'd send all the pictures back to my family back home for everybody to see. I, I was so mortified. I just can't go back home, okay? I, I can't go back home. - So, where do you go, honey? - I don't know. - Look. (clears throat) (sighs) I was 18, I had a mentor, college professor. He was gay, I was, I wasn't sure yet. But he saw in me that, and he led me down a, a wrong path. But, you know, I thought it was fun at first, and (sighs) then it got out of control. And between the drugs and the booze, it was, it was almost too late. And then I found them. - Who? - (sighs) They saved me. - What's your name? - Heather. - Heather, do you wanna go to a safe place? - Yes, I do. - Okay, you come with me. (somber music) Thank you so much. - Yeah. - So, do you work for them? - No. Something like that. You know, most people don't know what's going on. It's kind of tricky, but like, it's everywhere. Parks and hotels, and (sighs) you got an hour? (upbeat jazz music) - I don't know, maybe I'm just getting paranoid in my old age. I totally overreacted out there. It's not me. But when you read about these statistics about human trafficking and this State is number three in the nation, you gotta look out for it. - And you should. - But where is it? I know it's in this hotel. I know it. - How do you know? - Because I was a New York City Police Officer for 35 years, and me and my wife retired here, and we had the greatest life. And then she died of COVID last Spring. - Sorry. - I know they're here, they're like cockroaches. And, you know, they're in the conventions. But the thing that gets me is the tactics. The grooming. How do they get these girls to stay? - Is everything okay here? - Hey, you remember Charlie, our Uber driver? Uh, he had my sunglasses. Charlie was just telling me that he's a retired cop. - The kids are ready for bed. - Okay. - I got this, I got this. Can I settle up with you please? - I will, uh, see you later. - All right, thanks a lot. - Come on, kids. - Thank you. - Those teens right there. - No, no, the, okay, see that lady? - Mm-hmm. - All right. See the two guys? - Yeah. - Those are the marks. They answer an ad like on Facebook, uh, Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, oh, you get Snapchat. Snapchat's the big one. - How, it's, it's all in the open? - (scoffs) Okay, so the guys are on vacation. They think that they're gonna have some fun. They answer the ad, the lady comes over, there's an exchange, and now she has all their information. She's got credit cards, their home address, telephone numbers, everything. Everything to blackmail them with their families and ruin their entire lives. All because they got excited and answered a text. - So, like the dark web? - Yeah. Yeah, like five years ago, nobody knew about the dark web. Maybe 1% of people. But now, there's like 10 million hits a day it has a lot of demand, and demand requires supply. - Right? - Product, people. Girls and boys. (sighs) So have you lost all your faith in humanity yet? - It's getting there. - Mm-hmm. (light clicks) - (sighs) This is your living room. (footsteps clomping) And this is your kitchen. (footsteps clomping) This is your restroom. (footsteps clomping) (door knocking) Sarah, Sarah. This is Heather. Heather, Sarah. (footsteps clomping) - You okay? I've been here two months now. I don't feel alone anymore here. And I know you won't feel alone here soon. (Heather sobs) Hey, it's gonna be okay. It's okay. (Heather sobs) (somber music) - Hey. - Hey, Sonya. - Oh, what's going on? - (sighs) I really, really don't think I can do this anymore. Every time we pull one girl out, there's two more, three more. And now there, there's a warehouse full of them. (scoffs) When is it gonna stop? - You do amazing? You know why, because God is with you. He's the one giving you the strength, giving us the strength to do this. We've been such a blessing in these girls' lives. Even though you can't save all of them, you are making a difference in the life of each one of the ones that you're saving. God's strength is getting us through this. Do you mind if I pray with you? - I would. - Dear Lord, thank You so much for Your love and Your protection. Thank You for using us as instruments to bless these girls. Lord, open the doors You want us to walk through and close the ones You don't want us to walk through. Give us wisdom to be able to do the best for them, Lord. Thank You for giving us this opportunity. In Jesus' Name, we pray, Amen. - (sighs) Thank you. (somber music) It's amazing how prayer works. For 10 years now, I've been helping young girls find hope. Hope to find peace and comfort from their past and hope to a better future. Every day, in America, 10 to 15 miners are sold into the sex trade. This is what keeps me going. (background chatter) (somber music) God has really blessed the Lifeboat Project, and God has really blessed each and every person that has come through our doors. - (laughs) No, it's okay, I think it's so funny. - [Jill] You see, rescuing these ladies is just the beginning. It's about friendship, love. (Heather screams) And restoring their innocence. - You're so mean, it's not my fault. (brooding music) (water splashes) - You'll feel better afterwards. It'll do you good. - Abby, take it. (brooding music) (Abby cries) (brooding music) - Abby! (brooding music) - What's this? What's this? Hey, wait (indistinct) - Go, go! (wheels screaming) - You okay, lady? Is someone chasing you? You okay? (brooding music) I'm gonna get you some help. - Hey, so what are, what are we doing here? What is this place? - Just, it's a daycare but they use it as a homeless shelter at night. (brooding music) - Wait. Are they trafficking women here? - But, Kay, we're- - Hey, are you trafficking these women? (people screaming) (speakers talking over each other) (Kay screams) - Get of me! (speakers talking over each other) - Come on, Kay. - Go on, go on! - Are you trying to get yourself killed? We gotta get you to a hospital. You might have a concussion. (brooding music) - Seriously, I don't need to be here, I'm fine. - No, we're gonna make sure, okay? - Hi. - Hello. Welcome to Urgent Care and Pediatrics, how can I help? - Yeah, I don't know, he thinks I have a concussion. I guess I need to be seen. - Hey, did they give you that phone? - Hey, who are you? - (scoffs) Who are you? - I'm the guy who brought her here to get checked out. - What's her name? What's your name? - I don't know, I'm just the Uber guy. - Where'd you get her? - I found her that I drive. She was running away from, from some guys. She jumped in my car and she passed out. - Look, I've been through something like what she's been through. You need to turn the phone off, they'll find you. - Just turn it off. (door clicks) - There you are, we've been worried sick, Abby. (Tim sighs) - Hi. - Hello. - Her name is Abby Miller. - Okay. - Let me get you her ID. - Yes, please. - (sighs) I'm just so happy we found her. - Okay. - Okay. I have an idea. (speakers talking over each other) - Look, it's obvious. - Okay, you get her to the back, and I'll meet you out in the back, right now. - Okay. You're not going with him, don't worry. You're not going with him. (desk door slams) - Hi, um, Abby, your dad is here to, um- - Um, you haven't even give her an X-ray yet. She broke her arm. - Okay, um, can I take a look? - Just. - Okay, um, why don't you come on back, we'll take an X-ray. - Perfect, perfect, get an X-ray, get it checked out. That's great. - Okay. - Number 37. - Okay, that's us. (footsteps clomping) - Thank you. Come on in, Doctor will be right with you. - W-where's the restroom? - Oh, that's the first door to the left. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - Hey, come on. Hey, come on, let's go now. Lose the phone, let's go now, come on. (footsteps clomping) (tense music) (door alarm beeps) - Hey, this way, this way. I got the car, come on. (tense music) (footsteps clomping) (door clicks) - Perry, what's up? - You'll not believe this. (fist slams) - What's going on? - I need two more. - 10 a piece? - Fine, I'll pick 'em then, no problem at all. - No, I'll go pick 'em. You meet them out front, get out of here. (brooding music) (door clicks) - Come on, get up. - Why, why are you taking us? - Just come on, let's go. - What are you doing? - Let's go, come on. What are you doing? Where are you taking us? What do you want? - Put these on. (brooding music) (garage door whirs) (brooding music) - That money better be on my desk tomorrow- - Uh-huh, uh-huh. (brooding music) (garage door whirs and slams) - So, how is Heather doing? - So much better. So much better, you guys. You guys had a crazy night. - (chuckles) Yeah. - Crazy night, huh? (Abby chuckles) - Gabe. - Yeah? - Can you come and get Chloe? Here comes the ice cream lady. - Let's go outside, okay? - Bye. - Bye-bye, Chloe. So, Abby, where did you come from? - It was a warehouse. It was huge. (somber music) Floors and floors of girls. And they never let us leave without a blindfold and a goon. And we had to make 20 contacts a day at least. And, and I, I just can't do it anymore. (cries) - Abby, (indistinct) can remember where this warehouse is? - Mm-mm. - How many girls? - Hundreds. - Hundreds. We have to do something. (somber music) - Hey, did they give you this tattoo? - Yeah. - What, like branding? - Yeah, basically. - Okay, Abby, you ride with me. You guys follow me to the Safe House. - Abby, you're safe now. (somber music) (footsteps clomping) - Uh, Charlie was right. Answer, answer. - No, you don't understand. I live in a small town, please, you can't let these pictures get out. (cries) - W-we'll do the best we can. We'll do the best we can. - Please, I'm such an idiot. - You're, you're not an idiot. We've dealt with this so many times, okay? - Yeah, what have you got? How many? Thanks. Hey, can I talk to you? Hey, Charlie, a man down at the (indistinct) YPD says there's this hotel called the Sunset Suites- - Yeah, yeah, I know- - Okay. Well, I must have seen about three dozen Asian girls go through that place. I just gotta tip from the doorman, they're ready to leave. You gotta do something. (background chatter) - Right, I'll call it in. Let's roll. - All right. (somber piano music) - Can I get your name? - Abby, Abby Miller. - Do you have any tattoos? (somber piano music) And how did you get like this? (somber piano music) - So, Abby, this is where the opportunity start. (background chatter) (somber piano music) - [Sidekick] Have you ever been to Florida? - We all lived in a, in a big warehouse. It's by the airport, I think. I, I remember hearing planes. - You're in a good place now. (somber piano music) - Abby, tell them, all of girls, 20 contacts a day? The abuse, the drugs, Abby, tell them. - (sobs) I... - I think we're gonna stop here for now, okay? (somber piano music) (footsteps clomping) (door clicks) (somber music) (door creeks) (chair screeching) - What's the deal with the tattoos? - Tattoos? (sighs) It's how they, it's how they, they identify us. The guys go on the dark web. (sighs) They can get anything they want in this area with just using emojis. A man with fireworks, a cat, a wagon, a cheerleader, toddler. (cries) (brooding music) (door clicks) - Bathroom's clear. - Clear the left. - We missed them, dang it. (brooding music) Passport. (brooding music) Chinese. (passport tapping) (brooding music) (computer keyboard clacking) (brooding music) (message bleeps) Enjoying your vacation? (chuckles) Listen, um, this is an insecure channel, so I'll be brief. I came across something significant that may be huge. Continue on with your vacation plans, and I'll keep you posted. Oh, uh, one more thing. Charlie was right. (laptop beeps) (somber music) - Hey. - Yah? - May I ask you a question? - Sure. - What is it that you wanna get out of all this? - I wanna make a difference. Seeing that girl on my flight and not knowing what she was telling me, finding out later what the sign meant, going around with Tim, seeing how they are selling homeless women, how they're hiding in the crowds around Orlando, how they're using our hotels... Jill, it's devastating. That I didn't know. And I just wanna help people know so that when they spot these things, they can make a difference. They can help rescue these women. (somber music) I just feel like I need to tell this story. - and you can. (somber music) - I just wanna make a difference. (somber music) (Jill sighs) (somber music) (coffee pot clunks) - It is, it's actually way better than I expected. (background chatter) (door clicks) - It's really good. - Good. - Seriously, who drank the last coffee and didn't make anymore? (coffee pot slams) - Hey, girls, how was school? - It was good. - Good. - Except, I realized that geometry is still my least favorite subject. - I second that. - Well, just remember that I can always help you with homework if you need it. - (chuckles) Okay. - Thank you. (somber music) - Oh, my gosh. They finally got him. (somber music) - Well, it looks like we're gonna need to make room for a lot of girls. What do you guys think if we just get this place started? - Yeah. - I think that's a good idea. - Yeah. (somber music) - [Kay] Mark Twain once said, "There's nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact." Central Florida is beautiful with the amusement parks, lavish hotels, and convention centers. The area attracts millions. I love this area but the truth is a silent, enslaved population of human trafficking victims are hiding amidst all of that, (camera shutters) I found out about it. I found the Lifeboat. (passport thuds) (phone buttons clicking) (Detective sighs) (phone rings) (receptionist speaking in foreign language) - Detective from America? (somber music)
Channel: Indie Rights Movies For Free
Views: 105,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dean Cain, Tammy Hanson, Frankie Kovar, Joanna Sanbria, full movie, free movie, movie, not for sale, crime movie, hospital, action movie, faith movie, christian movie, Avaryana Rose
Id: VrWa7KFNsUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 29sec (3569 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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