Midnight Flight | Full Movie | Real Drama

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[Music] now [Music] [Music] uh [Music] in the coldest winter cypress has seen in 20 years passengers at lanaka airport are suffering major holdups due to airport workers coming out on strike with demands for fairer pay many flights have been cancelled there is even top of access roads to and from the airport being blocked agitators at the airport are causing disruption although we [Music] years have passed but it's still my favorite home my dream and praying someday i'll say to a sweet little piggy of my own this little piggy went to market and this little piggy stayed home george you better hurry we're late you okay mr sullivan not too cold that's unusual for cyprus it's uh the code is november we have for 20 years angela can't you ouch i'm sorry sweetheart i didn't mean to hurt you so okay schumacher survived it's okay you sure you want to go on with this only skeleton crews are in operation so any passengers due to depart from larnaca airport are advised to arrive as early as possible [Music] [Music] angela do you have your passport no i left it at the hotel i wish you have to smoke now [Music] it's an astray in the back mrs sullivan i don't smoke now for 20 years give up dad yeah i thought we were catching the plane tomorrow we are matthew we are [Applause] [Music] what's the traffic matthew [Applause] [Applause] [Music] matthew sorry that's okay kid come here sweetheart okay mr sullivan you have a lovely flight and listen don't worry about any problems because it's always working out huh be very kind come back and see us please yes thank you very much thank you thank you bye-bye thank you oh i'm sorry i'm terribly sorry morning gentlemen hello good morning jack everything under control what's the occasion first time in five days our american security expert comes together and today i see you're wearing that expensive coat today we crank it up try to make bill gates a little richer of course ma'am with your expertise this probably isn't necessary a foot officer uses his eyes his nose his feet his cats his i'm afraid i don't know the difference between a window and a bite well here we go whoops fish face [Music] what am i supposed to tell matthew i'm sure you'll think of something you've already proved what a great storyteller you are were you thinking about matthew when you were screwing that law student of yours [Music] mom where are you going excuse me your ticket please mother [Music] smoke your window please where's mom going matthew listen there's a gift shop over there let's go check it out all right i just have to have a word with mom for a second you always say that come on be a trooper [Music] angela i would have never believed this of you oh god i am so confused i don't want matthew confused and that's the only reason i'm letting him stay with you i'm not gonna punish him by by taking him away from home and his friends just because of what you've done stop it don't punish us we'll punish matthew i made a mistake i was an idiot i mean jesus i said something already i apologize i felt so sorry so so stupid how many times do you have to hear it are you gonna make her drop law school and have your baby like you made me do [Music] i'll never be able to understand computers don't worry about it it's very simple file open name enter f-o-n-e fear owning the gate's energy phone okay very handsome man angela you wanted me to tell you the truth you you always we always thought we could handle through no idea how much i was looking for spending at least some time together then let's instead of feeling sorry for yourself why don't you try to be a little more reasonable oh right i feel sorry for myself and i'm supposed to be reasonable get over it what do you expect from me wait around until you decide whose bet it is you're to sleep in mom jesus christ i don't believe it is the word you and i have got a lot of thinking to do what's a skeleton oh it's got nothing to do with halloween kid just means they've cut back on services because of the strikes so there's less people to do the work [Music] ah right [Music] [ __ ] only non-entities oh look i have to tell you something something's come up and uh i have to go to art cigarettes in frankfort you remember her don't you yeah now if it weren't for that new school of yours i'd be taking you with me you know that don't you yeah everything will be all right daddy's gonna go and register with you at the new school and that's a lot cooler than going with your old mom isn't it yeah don't worry okay uh i'll send you faxes every night and we can talk on the phone and [Music] email well you can't even switch on a computer sweetheart you're right i'm gonna miss you so much i love you with all my heart darling don't ever ever forget that [Applause] [Music] you're in pole position now [Music] look um it's getting late you better go [Music] please [Applause] foreign is that me madam do you have keys or change in your pocket excuse me we had a deal no no no no you listen to me what do you mean watch you think i'm some kind of caretaker no listen to me yes uh [Music] [Music] you keep the card i keep the dollars [Music] [Music] nothing excuse me [Music] there all right i'm just doing my job i'm sure you are but my plane is gonna leave look there's nothing to worry about everything is under control wait for what instructions keep an eye out move the strikers down the access road keep the cops occupied listen to me stay on the right frequency but i've got to get on that plane i mean can't you get the pilot talk to him radio him i can't do that but i have to get on that plane you don't understand i can't stay here i have to go home there aren't any flights in or out now until tomorrow morning be happy to look with you there tomorrow morning we had to take your luggage off the plane international and safety regulations now please exercise excuse me you could uh catch a taxi outside i don't know if there are many because of the strike but i'm sure everything will work out thank you well everything's up and running yeah you're jack just have to write you an idiot book does that mean you would be leaving us soon well that depends who decides to read it don't look at me i don't want a death joke lady killer i suppose that means you'd only be able to look and not touch hey nico she's got two kids nico hey [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] no you don't understand i've missed my flight i've got to get back you're my only choice sir so i'll pay you double [Music] so [Applause] [Music] excuse me i'm sorry i'm sorry do you have a phone card you know a phone card for the telephone i'll pay you for it [Music] not a calculator um sorry my my money starts my money's gone [Music] [Music] [Music] um sorry to bother you again could you watch my luggage for me if you don't mind yeah thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello anybody there [Music] so [Music] hey come on nobody will see us give me a [Music] no no you'll make me lose my job and i need the money oh i'm sorry uh i i must be lost i was looking for the ladies room you just go straight down the corridor and it's the last store on your right right thank you [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] did i scare you no i'm sorry what's your name costa and your sister what's her name susanna please miss please please let me see if i can find something better than a dollar here how about this but don't tell your mum how old are you costa i'm eight and he's ten my boys the same age as you are look his name's matthew susana i'm so sorry sir there's such little dancers they have no father i'm the one who supports this sorry [Music] oh wonderful hey aloha come on in aloha you come to fix my fridge that door is only for the rock and roll don't mind him he thinks he's elvis presley or cleaning ladies listen madam did you make a reservation [Music] reservation of course she has a reservation under sullivan angela salad how do you know my name i'm sorry paul bacon angela sullivan please report gate number seven your plane is leaving immediately oh right you're the expert on the skeleton cruise i recognize your face uh you want to play a record you uh want a drink [Music] excellent idea can you join me i'd be delighted she's with him don't worry about it black guy and a white guy jump off the empire state building which one lands first the white guy black guy writes on the walls on the way down hello [ __ ] [Music] a little red rooster oh god you know that is what i call good music none of this new rubbish so madam how about how about an iced tea iced tea come on mother i have my pride you know i'd really like an iced tea you would really like a nice tree okay hey you know something it wasn't the rolling stones who wrote that no no iced tea let me guess a woman who waters an iced tea in a bar in the middle of the night in cyprus in november can only be from manhattan a breeze side god am i that transparent so business of pleasure excuse me your trip um are those my only choices i'm sorry this person can have a million reasons for traveling yeah that was hallowed wolf yeah we are gonna swing that bet we are gonna hit a home run oh by the way how are we gonna keep those girl here [ __ ] from jumping on the seats we're gonna put velcro on the ceiling we are going out of the way who the hell are you talking to your wife me um what made you miss your plane you checked in on time another round over here rescues me certainly sir i did it [Music] thank you oh no no no please don't ever drink anything with umbrellas in it [Music] something strange happened before i i was up on the viewing terrace and i saw this man working on one of the planes is that normal at this time of night what exactly did you say well a man he was by one of the wheels and and there was this big metal case on the ground they never work on the planes at night mother the maiden is people stick to union hours they join the bloody strikers today no nobody would be out there now [Music] really so what did i see probably an emergency somebody from management helping out [Music] do you think i ought to report it [Music] no fine excuse me [Music] we mean [Music] [Music] hi hi officer she's still waiting come over here yeah you're so beautiful damn we look good together [ __ ] [Music] i can't lose my job from this you know huh look i'm making it worth your while just give me the keys to the vip lounge thank you coming no no no i'm not coming unless i and my wife see that they had taped yeah i help you um i hope so look um i don't really know how to say this but say what um i missed my flight i know it's really stupid um but i was wondering if i could use your phone to call my husband he's in town to have him come back here and pick me up no police lines up for police business and emergencies only we have very strict rules about that especially on a night like this anyway the strikers have blocked the access rules he couldn't get through i'm afraid you're gonna have to spend the night with us in the airport don't want to scare you it's not that bad could be worse are you american yeah you yeah you want to have a seat thanks what's the problem well i don't know if it's really a problem i i was out on the viewing time it was gemini yeah yeah you got that oh my my earrings i always wear two different kinds of earrings it's a silly habit um but what i wanted to say was i was out on the viewing terrace before you know looking at the airplanes and and while i was there i saw a man really really close to one of the planes and he had this big metal case with him a mechanic well yeah he he he could have been but but you see the odd thing about it was that when he saw me he flashed a light in my eyes i mean he blinded me you missed your flight yeah i did is your son traveling with you we met earlier don't you remember your son ran into me with a card out front oh yeah i do remember i'm sorry about that um no he's he's with my husband at the hotel in town my husband's a civil rights lawyer he's here with a iacp delegation but you see when i left the viewing terrace i went back into the airport and i had this i mean it sounds ridiculous but i i have this feeling that somebody was following me can i have your passport please my passport um who followed you well i i i i don't i don't really know i mean it's just what do you say was it somebody or not look i'm not really sure i mean it's it's just a feeling that i have i i'm i mean look maybe i shouldn't have bothered you but i mean with all the terrorism and bomb threats that are going on in the world i just thought i ought to report it describe the plane you saw from me describe the plane it was a plane which airline the new york flight look my husband and son along with all the delegates will be boarding that flight at 6 30. i shouldn't have said anything did you mention anything about a bomb threat to anyone else this evening i didn't say anything about a bomb threat oh yes you did um well as a matter of fact i did i mean i was i was at the bar and i told the bartender and and this other man yeah your husband no my husband's in town remember i wanted to use your phone but you won't let me who well this this man that that i met there yeah i don't know heavens he's he's he's another passenger he he also missed his flight i i don't remember his name it was what was his name uh paul b something baker they didn't look like they just met each other bacon paul bacon all right i will check this out but there are two reasons we shouldn't say anything about this to anybody first everyone suffers anxiety when they fly oh come on and second by rights we should lock you up excuse me an empty airport can be a very scary place late at night matter sound travels the man you saw at the plane i'm sure it wasn't anything unusual right well thanks very much for your time gentlemen do you want me to walk you back i'm sure it won't be necessary she saw you why didn't you tell me she saw you now look we've got to get a retired mechanic out of there so [Music] [Music] [Music] uh huh [Music] so hey so [Music] ah [Music] [Music] uh [Music] over here this way [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh um yourself stop who is that [Music] oh [Music] why are you here please listen to me please unlocked who had to listen to me please i just saw a dead man and somebody is chasing me there is a dead man out by the plane please i'm not crazy please just come come and look with me [Music] how much so you [ __ ] it was there i swear it i i mean i don't know maybe somebody moved it somebody must have moved it i've seen too many bad movies to believe you mrs sally but i think you better come with me no no i have to get to a phone i have to phone my husband my my son is gonna be on that plane and and all the delegates i have to get to accountability so [Music] where are you taking me come along i don't want to happen scrub my job that woman's crazy what happened she said she'd sit at that man you mean you let her get away who has that eat your tonic [Music] okay i see if she's on level c what did you steal what steal nothing [Applause] gone home to feed the cats huh even the king needed his beautiful [ __ ] silly burger what's happening [Music] hey darakis cinderella's getting off the reservation with running bear what arrest is oh let him hover [Music] hey looks like this is my lucky day i have to get you a phone maybe it's not my lucky day after all or the strike yeah remember there were lots of police with the strike remember we saw it on your tv you want to report the maintenance man you saw yeah i reported it and the police wanted to arrest me that's why you should never report anything listen don't make waves that's what i say please the things i do for a pretty lady [Music] [Applause] so listen you went back and the body was there no i i don't know i i guess somebody moved it the officer dorages yeah i guess so he obviously didn't believe me you wanted to keep me at the station they won't let me use the phones and i have to fill my husband i have to get him to cancel that flight he and all those other i double acp delegates what is this i ccp the international association for the advancement of colored people he and all the delegates are going to be on that flight at 6 30 tomorrow so is my son matthew you know that's quite the story watch it they changed the road i'm sure they did come on i get you [ __ ] you don't need to know why you don't need a reason get her back here i'll pay you twice your money how much money jack okay i'm on my way look can you stay and translate i'm taking you there but i like a quiet life you know and you too you should do what it takes to protect your son but then you should take a rest what's the greek word for bomb say it again what what is this is he going to stop he's coming straight out hey i'm going to kill this guy you know the lady you have i supposed to do i like this and you know she wants to go to the police but they're too busy with a strike there it's it's a big mess okay so i'm gonna take her in my car into town you look after her yeah of course i look after her i trust you huh of course you can tell us okay okay madam hey it's okay listen this man will take you the rest of the way he's a friend of mine i trust him okay listen i don't want any trouble with the police okay come on let's go police they don't have enough time to listen to anybody now it's a big lesson oh please i take you into town into town into police station in town you can make phone calls from there you can speak to anybody you like these people don't have time they're too busy to strike it's a big mess a friend of mine in town will take care of you i promise you madame listen trust me it's okay it's fine please get in please ah [Music] are we going the wrong way uh don't worry i know the streets here haven't i seen your face before ah yes you see me on tv yes oh yes a very handsome man huh you know you're a very lucky woman i'm very high up in the union very lucky [Music] look why don't you just let me get off here i don't want to go this way just let me get out of here please don't worry relax trust me yeah sweetie okay hey i wouldn't do that if i were you you know the fall will probably kill you [Applause] [Music] oh wait i i show you very good pictures of me in the newspaper oh god am i glad to see you see me you're the one who pulled the disappearing act on me yeah the girl's here but uh she's very upset i can see that now get back down to the access rope you needed you get your money later okay okay i go yes much later useless greek i think somebody's trying to kill me i'll kill you look can we [Music] can we can we go someplace somewhere i don't know out of sight yeah i'm sure come on hey what's half black in these chips england okay there you go now nail her hey is that the guy that was with mrs sally when you arrest this part all right how should i know go find out ask him [Music] look angela you can see conspiracies anywhere if you look hard enough all i know is somebody doesn't want me to leave this airport [Music] [Music] look angela whatever's going on we can stay here until the morning we can meet your son and your husband before they check in i'll protect you sound good excuse me excuse me may i see your ticket in your passport you foolish little man you're very early for your flight oh uh yeah no uh i didn't have any money so i don't i don't i can't stay at a hotel you know because i'm going i'm gonna go visit my mom and uh whatever happened to the rich america i don't know i'm irish man okay you can go yeah okay [Music] [Music] this [Music] can i get you another one that'd be nice got a phone yeah can i use it yeah the uh batteries are a little lower you're right you never told me why you missed your plane i had my reasons you missed it on purpose didn't you what are you talking about you're involved in this thing involved in what you're all in this together you missed that plane on purpose no no no angela i can explain explain explain and explain that case over there [Music] [Music] hey hey hey ferrari lady you've got to help me will you help me please what do you what just help me please yeah yeah okay yeah what do yes go for it young fella yes get after it there you go yes [Music] i saw a man in the tower when i was on the viewing terrace maybe this goes there [Music] hey you know what i don't think we should be down here i mean i think that we we could be arrested probably what do you mean probably i don't i don't want to be arrested i don't either but i know that i saw somebody up in the tower and i'd really like to go and talk to them i don't should we give it a try uh i don't know i well okay yeah can i help you i hope so have you seen miss sullivan as a matter of fact ms sullivan just left here about uh 10 minutes ago did she say anything to you about um about a bomb well uh she went on about a a couple of things but uh i i didn't make anything out of it you comfortable here yeah yes he missed your flight last night that's right two frankfurt is he gonna catch for like tomorrow yes two frankfurt can i see your passport please it's okay i know everything's said you're paul bacon you're born february 28 1958 you're an investment banker and you like to play poker that's uh that's pretty good good poker knows how to buff knows when to fold thank you i hope this is the right way yeah yeah smells really funny around here it smells sort of like horse way angela [Music] who was that where's so where's costa ta-da ship i think i've kind of lost my appetite thanks your feet make too much nice look at me you stole my purse didn't you didn't you what do you have to say for yourself oh god for you i wouldn't be in this bloody mess in the first place [Music] there's got to be a phone someplace that i can use tarakis has a phone this is very important i need your help if i should get caught you have to promise me to do everything you possibly can scream shout anything to make sure that those passengers don't get on that plane okay promise focus okay then all right excuse me i don't mean to bother you but um you wouldn't happen to have seen a little kid running around here no what happened to your head man well no i'm sitting down having a couple beers this kid comes up to me and does a slingshot on my forehead and runs off and i'm just sitting there you know yeah well they're not in the vip lounge okay yeah oh you know you know that uh guy kelly he's uh really messing with your friend man you know this whole this whole airport's going crazy what do you mean he's messing with my friend i don't know i don't know hey wait a minute oh god i can't believe i reached somebody um look listen i i have to talk to my husband roger sullivan he's in room 1711. please it's very very important the case you saw the tarmac did it look like this who's there whatever your name is i don't know you know she's crying and you know women these days i i look if you know where she is tell me all right let's go [Music] oh big mistake yeah kelly guy i don't know if he's playing with a 52 you know what i'm saying i don't think she was until i met him [Music] [Music] what get you a horse bacon [Music] they can kick you [Music] so get your ass up here now i need your help this is my father what are you doing here about had it with your questions lady the man with the walkman tried to kill him as a matter of fact i have a few questions of my own like i come by meet you and half an hour later some punk is trying to ventilate my neck what are you talking about are you the reason they're trying to blow up that plane [Music] right [Music] what the [ __ ] the matter with you uh i think you broke my ribs man good we'll put in a claim now give me a hand jack jack i think we should pull up you listen to me you are not a second-class citizen you can't be somebody you have lost your birthright you are gonna get your birth right back do you know how you're gonna feel you are gonna shock the world okay okay okay good now give me a hand with sword by here [Music] i finally found a policeman who believed me but he got killed when when he'd found the case by the way where's your case want to look i'll go look i don't think so i helped you so you could help her look little man if she hadn't gotten me into this i wouldn't have needed your help in the first place i got you into this you're pathetic a plane load of people is gonna die out there lady i don't know who's trying to kill you what's true and what's not true i know as much about you as you know about me nothing [Music] i'm gonna try and get out to the front of the airport eventually somebody's got to show up that isn't in on this and you two stay here i'm serious okay i'm gonna sit this one out you keep this i mean watch it if you can't resist temptation then at least give me back my driver's license okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah what a fat piece of [ __ ] hey that's what you get for being the hero huh they go nut oh [ __ ] hero [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] looks like she figured this out [Music] one of six legs and goes holy doe how would you go hold it up three [ __ ] run into an elevator what's the matter with you we're running out of time get down to the main concourse finder don't screw up this time i'll be in the office get going [Music] [Music] [Music] we should split up this looks like a good place for you to hide while i make my way to the front who the hell are you all right angela i did miss my flight to frankfurt but not deliberately it started to rain while i was waiting to meet this man a courier what's your case it looks like a ponder of mine in this sort of deal it makes no difference he had something i needed before i could get on that flight but he got held up with a roadblock or something a deal all i can tell you is that he gave me a key a key to a locker inside the locker was a halliburton sounds pretty much like the one you saw but this one was mine some kind of weird coincidence obviously there are two of them what's so important about a case that you would miss your flight let's just say i uh i robbed from the rich to make myself less poor you can see why i didn't want you to look inside of it and why i'm not too keen on attracting the attention of police [Music] hi [Applause] hey why are you throwing ping pong balls at me i'm going with you it's better if you stay here no it makes sense they are looking for two people the odds are twice as good one of us will be alive in the morning if we split up when the sun comes up the world's gonna look like a very different place count on it can i count on you still don't trust me huh [Music] i guess i don't blame you what i'm scared i'm not feeling too good myself [Music] [Music] oh pretty lady tough guy welcome to cyprus bye bye my baby [Music] [Music] [Music] hey paul bacon that's it [Applause] [ __ ] [Applause] ah hello last night [ __ ] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello god who is this what the [ __ ] [Music] airport channel do you really think you could find a bomb on an airplane kill a police officer and walk calmly away mrs sullivan all the police in the area have been notified there's a perimeter around the airport now for your safety i suggest that you tell me exactly where you are we've got to get to that plane i've got to get to that plane this is smashed my luck let's keep moving [ __ ] come on gotcha come in please i'll be down there in a minute [ __ ] off [Music] what a six legs and goes dough hoagie dough [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] come on mr poco boya come on that's good [Music] ah roger 907 victor we are cleared to line up and hold takeoff procedure [Music] can we call mom in frankfurt sure as soon as we get home oh god oh you're all right come on we've got to stop this plane i'll drive here we go [Applause] chewing gum can't you drive faster step on it dad mom [Music] go faster come on hold on to me ready [Music] uh so [Music] how about a name [Applause] how could it come to this to me please there is a bomb on that plane go check it out the rocket has been shot please go check the lid is right you know there is a bomb on this plane we must be [Music] let me see your eyes there you are where's daddy huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you a gemini [Laughter] [Music] where's paul paul come on let's go angela i don't know what i'm supposed to say look um i have to digest all this and everything else too okay i'll phone you in a few days [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Real Drama
Views: 973,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free episodes, full episode, scripted drama, drama show, Real Drama, tv show full episodes, full length movies, comedy, latest drama, latest episodes, tv, film, latest film, latest movies, full movies english, drama movie, free movie on youtube, free movies on youtube full movies, full drama movie, drama movies, free movies websites, full movie in english free, watch films online free, watch midnight flight free, exciting films to watch, free films to watch online for free
Id: t3t5EZCBsSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 50sec (5810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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