Talking Faith: Essential For Every Believer

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we're going to pray and we're going to get started with people that we have online we they're still still coming online but um we thank god for you amen let's pray father we come before you in the name of jesus thank you so much for the word thank you for the anointing on me and these lips are clay that i do speak this word with excellent accuracy and boldness asking you to think through my mind speak to my lips and this word shall come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force father we give you the praise and thank you for signs wonders and miracles following the word preached in jesus name we pray amen and amen all right let's open the bibles if you have it handy there to ephesians chapter 1 of your bibles to ephesians chapter 1 and looking here at verse 16. now this is a powerful scripture it says here cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you and my prayers that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is a hope of his calling and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us with who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he run in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion in every name that is named not only in this world but in the world to come and has put all things unto his feet and gave him to be head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all in all now the person the one who who wrote that is the apostle paul and he wrote it for the church this is a prayer that he prayed for the church he prayed for the church constantly and this is one of the prayers that he prayed for the church now if you if you look at that i want to focus in on the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the spirit of wisdom and revelation now let's look at that and see what it means and see how this applies to us i pray this prayer and i've been praying this prayer for years and the reason why i heard a man named dr kenneth e hagin senior uh he taught this and he said that once he start putting this prayer in his prayers as a believer the scriptures begin to start opening up and now it's a funny thing about god uh that this word just doesn't happen automatically it happens because uh it's prayed it it happens because somebody believes it and in in somebody has faith in it now we're looking at this as as as faith but as you look at this the bible says over in romans chapter 1 and verses 16 and 17 the just shall live by faith so we're going to have to live by faith we'll have to live by faith now with that that means everything in this bible whether it's the name of jesus whether it's the blood of jesus whether it's a the the anointing of god whether it's the word of god everything is going to have to be applied by faith see faith is the master key to all of those things working you you know a massive key opens every door so for every one of those doors for the blood to have the power to do in your life what god is called to do is going to have to be applied by faith i plead the blood well if you've never heard teachings on it you've never even studied it or whatever have you they have no faith for it you can say what you want but you have no faith for it the only source of faith is the word of god so you're getting the word of god now the teacher is supposed to teach this scriptures so that those who are in the church will have knowledge of this and have a revelation of it and that's why he says over here in romans chapter 10 and verse 14 he says how shall they call on him who they have not believed well how shall they believe on him whom they've not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall he preach except to be sent see so the preacher's job is to preach the word of god so that you could hear the word of god and have faith for the word of god to do what the preacher just preached the word of god supposed to do so this is something that um is needed today there's a need for uh god's men and women to who are teachers and preachers and apostles and prophets this should teach the word of god and the evidence of that is that people are walking in that word that the church is essential that the church is supernatural because the word of god is a supernatural and faith brings you into that supernatural now let's just look at a couple of things here now what i want to talk about mainly today is faith but faith in a certain aspect of that of the word of god and that is the anointing faith in that anointing all right now um i'm going to make a statement here that it was never meant for god's people to live in this cursed earth absent from the anointing all right now he said the judge shall live by faith so we know that you and i are supposed to live by faith i mean that's that's that's the way we are supposed to live now if i look at this and look at genesis chapter three now this is because of adam and eve's sin in genesis chapter 3 he says here that let's start reading at verse 31 see my pages messed up here all right he says uh under to adam he said because you have hearkened to the voice of your wife all right uh and eden of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shall not eat of it curse is a ground for your sake in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life thorns and thistles and so forth shall it bring forth so you'll notice that when you plant a garden one of the things that you have to do is keep the weeds out well where did weeds come from they come from the curse see there was no weeds in the garden you know well the the the idea about it is that once adam sinned the earth was cursed now what happened you and i have been born again and as born again believers we have been placed in a cursed earth got it now look what it says here in verse 13 of galatians chapter 3 13 of galatians chapter 3. here's what he says christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written curses everyone that hangeth on a tree so christ had redeemed us he didn't stop the curse he redeemed you from it so the word of god as you walk in the word having faith in that word it puts an umbrella over you now it may be raining everywhere else storms but on where you are it's dry and it's dry because you've been redeemed from the curse and you're having faith in what his redemption has provided you have faith in it now uh he says that christ has redeemed us from the curse so the biggest thing i want you to get there you talk about the blessing of abraham i understand that they're wonderful praise god but the biggest thing i want you to understand is a curse is in the earth it's in the earth you you don't have to do anything to get weeds to come in a garden not a thing because of the curse and who loosed the curse adam loosed it and he loosed that curse through disobedience the blessing was flowing through adam but then once adam's sin everything got turned upside down that that blessing and what was coming out of adam instead of blessing now what was coming out of him was a force called the curse now so i'm just saying sometimes here's a baby born and a boy born deformed or whatever hey that's a wait wait don't that my point to you is is that this is because the curse is working see remember in john chapter 9 and they passed by this man who was blind and the disciples said master who did sin this man or his his parents said he was born blind he said neither see he's pointing the way back to adam adam lose the curse in the earth and because of it somebody's born to form so forth and so on now there are some other reasons but i want you to get this idea of the curse but you have been redeemed from the curse now for you to walk in that measure of redemption you're going to have to walk by faith because faith activates this blessing that is still available that can come on your life in the midst of curse you can be the only one blessed you can be the only one with the umbrella up and no rain gets on you your household can be the only one that's prospering and everything else that's going down the economy is just going down sinking see and that's what um we accomplish by having faith in our lives all right now so i'm going to read this again i wrote it down it's not meant for us to live in this curse earth absence of the anointing okay now you can put some other things absence of angels this is a believer now absence of faith you know what i'm saying so this is a believer but let's just stop with the anointing right now because that is the key because this anointing is the thing that enables you to do the work that god called you to do on the level that god called you to do it this anointing does and this anointing is something that has to be taught so that people will understand it watch this and have faith in it the anointing now let let's look at this because i want to go through this a little bit and i think you'll really be blessed by it now the anointing where where do we start with that what you and i start we start back here in uh isaiah in isaiah and look at isaiah in chapter 11 11. and i'll start reading at verse 1 and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of jesse and a branch will grow out of his roots the spirit and the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom the the an understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the lord these are seven uh of the uh aspects of the holy spirit or the anointing that are a present here in the earth and once you and i get saved these seven aspects of the anointing not only come on us but are resident in us a resident in us now the anointing another term for that is christ christ means the anointing the anointed one and his anointing the anointed one and his anointing so this anointing was prophesied that in the last days this anointing was going to come upon all flesh that's found in joel chapter 2. it's going to come upon all flesh now before this anointing only came on the prophets priests and kings and those who were designated by god to do a special work such as cyrus cyrus was completely heathen but he got an anointing god put on him to assist the jews to come back to their homeland and to rebuild powerful thing of cyrus see that's why somebody can god can put an anointing on somebody and and put him in a position of over a company or put him in a position over a white house or whatever god can put an anointing on they don't have to be that that that spiritual they just they're just he'll put an anointing on them to do certain things i mean study cyrus powerful right there see and so now here uh this anointing joel said is going to come on all flesh now what was he talking about he was talking about the day of pentecost and this day of pentecost in acts acts chapter um 1 and acts chapter 1 and and starting here i'll just read here in verse 8. and he says but you shall receive power that's that anointing that's miracle working ability and after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me in both jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and into the outermost parts of the earth so notice this anointing is going to come on all flesh now not only come on you but the anointing is going to be in you now let's let's see this now i'm teaching on something now that after i finish teaching on this oh my goodness you you're going to do some things you never thought thought you could do all right look at john chapter 14. and look what he says in verse 14 if you shall ask anything in my name i will do it he says this if you love me keep my commandments and i'll pray the father and he will give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but you know him for he dwelleth with you watch this and shall be in you now look at the next verse i will not leave you comfortless i will come to you now this is jesus so he's going to come the anointing is going to come now who is jesus he is called the christ that's what peter discovered in matthew chapter 16. he said who do men say that i the son of man am he said thou art the christ the son of the living god jesus said blessed are you simon bargina for flesh and blood has not received uh reveal that to you but my father which is in heaven so the holy spirit re revealed to je to to peter who jesus really was now i'm not talking about he just heard something and just mouthing it no he revealed it to him in son so he saw that jesus was the messiah it was the anointed one that had been prophesied over in the old testament he was here it was jesus now look what jesus says here in terms of john chapter 15 and verse 1. i am the true vine my father is a husbandman every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purges it that it may bring forth more fruit let's go to verse 5. he says this i am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you without me you can do nothing me who the messiah messiah who the anointed one and his anointing so without me you can do nothing so it was never meant for a believer to work in this earth independent of the anointing and you got them doing it all over the place and no wonder they're failing no one thing is not um looked at as it's essential so forth and so on now what is the tendency the tendency is to think that the preacher is the one that is anointed wrong he is one of those that is anointed let's look at luke and luke's gospel and let's look at luke chapter four this is jesus introducing or or his ministry and look what he says here in verse 18 the spirit of the lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the boy so he doesn't even preach without that anointing without the empowerment in in enhancement the the ability of god to do what god has called him to he doesn't even preach with that because if he did preach with it without it he wouldn't preach with any power he wouldn't preach with any revelation he wouldn't preach with anything that can really truly um bring people into a knowledge that they couldn't get without that anointing he had he had to get get it on it prophets priests and kings in the old testament and certain people in the new testament i'm going to pour it out on all flesh now how did they how did they we get there jesus himself the anointed one gave his life and once he gave his life boom the thing that's available right now is the anointing who to come on all flesh and it did on the day of pentecost you get born again baptized and filled with the holy spirit and once you do that anointing takes over that anointing is going to teach you glory to god the bible says he'll teach you all things over in first john chapter 2 and verse 20 we have an unction from the holy ghost and we know all things all right now let's go back to ephesians and ephesians chapter 1 again and look at verse 16. cease not to give thanks for making mention of you and my prayers this is paul praying for the church that the the uh that the eyes of your understanding uh pardon me that the uh that uh let's see wait a minute wait a minute make sure i got the right place here um that the god of our lord jesus christ um the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him all right i look at two things revelation and wisdom okay they usually run together revelation and wisdom along with one other person that's the spirit of power or the spirit of might that's the ability to do anything you saw in the old testament where a prophet outran a chariot that was the anointing on elijah that caused him to do that i'm just saying that anointing now the tendency is is to think that this anointing only works on preachers but no the anointing is on a mother or father for raising children the anointing can be on you for business or technology the anointing can be on you now what is it going to give you supernatural ability it's going to give you ability above anything that the natural world has seen or can produce and that's what it's supposed to do it'll show you things to come it'll warn you not to go a certain place all kinds of things the anointing so it was never meant for the children of god to live in this cursed earth independent or absent of the anointing if so it can be subject to stuff that that's subject to but this anointing can protect you this anointing can prosper you this anointing can promote you this anointing can give you proficiencies then it doesn't make any difference what it did i mean if you go back in exodus chapter 31 you'll see that this anointing produced such that it gave them wisdom so that they know how how to make um a temple or whatever in the middle of the wilderness that they've never seen before this anointing see adam functioned with that and now that has to come back so that we could be that last adam now there's a scripture here let's go to it numbers and numbers chapter 17. over in numbers chapter 17 only to look at look at here in one one scripture now this is when peter uh pardon me moses moses they were the the leaders was was in strife about who is the leader you know who is supposed to lead and and and he said moses says hey everybody give me your rod in other words give me the the stick that you have the walking stick whatever they call it okay called it rods he said give me a rod so you took each one of those 12 rods and put him in the house of god in the temple that they had built now that's where the anointing was in that temple all right in the middle of the wilderness that anointing was in that temple so he put the rod in there now he left him in there overnight now look what he says here in verse 7 and moses laid up the rods before the lord in the tabernacle of witness and it came to pass that on the morrow moses went into the tabernacle of witness and behold the rod of aaron for the house of of levi was butted and it brought forth buds and bloomed and blossomed and yielded fruit for almonds notice in 24 hours a tree branch brought forth fruit oh boy don't tell me what god can't do you see okay the anointing of wisdom and revelation now here's a good i'm going to show you this and i'm going to go to a living example that we have here today so here is joshua called by god to take moses's place moses is going on now and joshua's got some big shoes to fill so here he is and god now gets over to chapter 6 of joshua and i want you to look here say wisdom wisdom say revelation say it with me wisdom wisdom revelation one more time wisdom wisdom and revelation revelation is the what and wisdom is the how that's what i that's the way i look at it all right so god has you such that he can show you things to come in other words he'll show you a picture of something he'll show you something happening he'll show you how to some so forth and so on he'll show you that you can see it why because everything god's going to do for you is already done so the holy spirit's job is to show you that he prayed that the spirit of wisdom and revelation would be upon him that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened all right now that this is me now this is how you can move forward in comfort god tells you to do something and you move forward in conflict but look look what he says here in joshua chapter 6 verse 1 and jericho was straightly shut up because of the children of israel none went out none came in now jericho was a city that was surrounded by walls the walls are so high uh and so thick that they used to have chariot races on top of the walls now that's how thick it was all right all right next what happened none went out and none came in and the lord said unto joshua c i have given into thy hand jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of allah. now i want you to see this i don't see yourself in the fight i want you to see yourself winning the fight so god can show you that you're going to win before the fight ever starts folks i don't know about you but if i had to go in the ring and and box against against mike tyson well if god showed me i had gone three rounds and they're gonna give me 40 million dollars amen and i'd never get touched amen let me have it praise god you know iron mike you know you you he yeah he's tough so my point to you is he'll he'll the comforter comes and he'll show you things when it was time for me to leave ibm i i tried and and each time i'd set a date and the date would come and go and i wouldn't leave i knew god was calling me the full-time ministry he told me he was but i couldn't leave but i took a scripture mark chapter 10 verses 29 and 30 no man that's the house mother father says the brother a lands for my sake and the gospel but it shall receive a hundred fold now in the sea god will show you and let me tell you i was coming down university avenue in saint paul minnesota i was working for ibm there as uh in in computers and and i'm telling you i was coming down universe avenue and it it i started meditating that verse meditating day after day after day and then one day it exploded i called my wife and said baby i'm leaving the company she said well praise the lord well she's heard me say that before you know but this time it's a revelation see it gives you strength why because you see the victory you see it god never planned for you to walk places blindfolded well i got blind faith you know what's that thinking blind faith bad faith can see better than any natural person out here so here it is he's saying see i have given into your hand jericho when it was time for abraham to take isaac up on that mountain and offer him up before the lord here's what abraham said to the men that were with him stay right here me and the boy are going up on the mountain and we'll be back see he saw it he saw it and you can see it he'll show you things to come john chapter 16 verses 13 through 15. yeah he'll show you i want you to be struggling do you realize you start struggling like that fear comes in everything you know what that stuff does it starts sand down your temple just hand down your next thing you know you you got heart uh high blood pressure and all that no no no no no that's not that's not the way we live that's not we live comfortably we're gonna have comfort we have peace joy yeah that's the way it is but people don't take time to meditate and that's why i came out with a little book called the missing link of meditation all right let's let's keep going further now we got we got to watch see here's what i want you to do but look at verse two and the lord said unto joshua see i'm getting a hand very close verse 3 and you shall compass the city all ye men of war and go about the city once thus thou shalt do six days look what he's doing he's given him the how see wisdom gives you the how see so i want revelation and wisdom because i want to know how to do this when a man called me who was a ceo of a large corporation and he wanted to know through one of our members he wanted me to visit with him and tell him how could he help blackmail youth in chicago and and let me tell you i i said okay i said uh i went and met with him and and and he said uh what can i do reverend i should i don't know what you can do today but give me uh seven days i'll be back with the answer and and and and here's what it says over in matthew in chapter 11. i'll i'll be back with the answer and this is what it says this is verse 19 of matthew verse 11 and the son of man came eating and drinking and they say behold a man gluttonous and a wine bibber a friend of publicans and sinners but wisdom is justified of her children now what does it say here this means that wisdom has results wisdom will be proved right by its results that's which every time every time and what in seven days i came back to him wow wisdom and revelation he is what one man said i think it was jerry savelle he said people get on their knees to pray and god shows them something but they don't stay there long enough to find out how to do it you see if wisdom is that how see and and if you look at at scriptures let's go to proverbs proverbs 8 if you will now i'm just taking a few scriptures now but proverbs chapter 8 here's what he says here this is this is wisdom now he's planning on on on the church to have wisdom he's saying here verse 12 and wisdom i wisdom dwell with prudence watch this and i find out knowledge of woody inventions whoa the church should be an epicenter of inventions it should be inventions going on in the church like water something's missing folks and look what he says next and the fear of the lord is a beginning a pardon me fear of the lord is to hate evil pride so forth and so on verse 14 counsel is mine he's talking about wisdom now sound wisdom i am and i am understanding i have strength because when you get that wisdom and you can see it it gives you strength watch this by me king's rule and princes decree justice it should be wisdom on the bench of a judge it should be wisdom all this the wisdom of god should be there and if you go on down verse 16 by me princes rule and nobles even all the judges of the earth watch says i love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me that's why i get up early in the morning every morning i went out and played tennis this morning before i did i poof it was nighttime i got up got just get it get before god i need some wisdom because there's some things i'm going to talk about today but i need wisdom see if you don't use god's wisdom it looked like it worked and that's why he said in proverbs chapter 14 there's a way that seemed right but the end of that was going to be death see because only wisdom of god has children and so i'm saying here that god planned for the church to work with wisdom whatever we do in our assignment it's got to be anointed it's supposed to be anointed if you're a hairdresser it's supposed to be anointed if you are a bricklayer it's supposed to be anointing why it's going to give you sweatless victories it's going to give you abilities and wisdom that arise before the natural person why god wants to make your name great not just so you can say how great i am but you're going to be that sign and a wonder to point people to christ they can have that anointing now let's just look at this because you physicians should have be anointed so why rise above the the crowd god is anointed supposed to be anointed um whatever daycare workers or whatever or night porters or whatever don't make any difference anointing anointing's supposed to be only without me you can do nothing and annoying supposed to be on all of it now um so notice what happened with joshua he saw the vision of what to do and he got a revelation of how to do it of how to do it that is so important in people a lot of people some people in the church don't get this and of how to do it now let me just see here i got some time it's closing in on me but let's look at this are you getting something out of this see so god has has wisdom for you look at proverbs chapter 2 and verses 6 and 7. proverbs 2 and verses 6 and 7 for the lord giveth wisdom and out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding watch this revelation knowledge now he layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous that's you that's me if you're born again that sound wisdom is his wisdom that's the wisdom that satan couldn't stop with jesus the bible says if he had known what he was doing he never would have crucified him why jesus walked in the wisdom of god now go to james james chapter 1 over in the book of james james chapter 1 verse 5. if any of you like wisdom let him ask of god that giveth to all men liberally and abradeth not and it shall be given him but let him ask how in faith nothing wavering for he that wave wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and toss watch this for let not that man think that he shall receive anything from the lord so god plans for you to get wisdom why because there's problems to fix and it's going to take wisdom to fix it folks you trying to come in and try to put a band-aid on on cancer it won't work and that's what the human wisdom will do it'll come in with something that that seems like it's working but so you and i should be living in a bubble and i've seen them use that expression for the sports players that um you know because they go to another city they'll keep them in a bubble their your their relatives can't come visit them whatever while they're you know on on duty there as a baseball player football player whatever they call it a bubble that that was long before we thought of it adam was in a bubble i'm talking about jesus was above you're in a bubble jesus said you can't even touch me unless the father allows it now that bubble has to do with disease that bubble has to do with everything here in this bubble god didn't drop you off in this earth and say go for yourself [Laughter] no he said hello i'm with you i'm with you all the way to the end of the earth but this anointing is the thing now let me just see can i get a couple more things here i want to say this hell is focused on keeping you from doing and saying things that would stir up that anointing hell is focused on keeping you from doing and saying things that would stir up that anointing i had two of the members of the church and they were going to help me start the joseph business school and [Music] um the lords and ray and and they both had you know degrees from the ivy league top universities and mbas and so forth so they're going to help me start the business school so i said okay go away and tell me come back and tell me in your opinion how long it's going to take to get it started joseph business school now god had shown me a picture of this school being global and so how long it's going to take start they came back say well take one to two years one to two years i say okay let me pray about that so i prayed god said tell them it'll take two months take two months now they took the word of their prophet boom and started out now remember over in mark chapter six the bible says they could do nobody works in their own hometown because of their their unbelief and jesus jesus could do pardon me no mighty works in his own hometown because of um their unbelief except he laid his hands on a few sick folk and healed them of minor illnesses now other places he was replacing arms new arms new legs new hob couldn't even do it there why because they did not believe in that anointing they didn't believe he was anointed he was a messiah he carried that that anointing to be able to do all of that see it'll do anything it anointing is god it'll it'll do anything it doesn't make any difference how big it is god will remake a person that's what he did with with lazarus lazarus his skin was they said he's decaying probably could smell it he said lazarus come forth see you're releasing that anointing see but he'll do all kinds of things to keep you from getting stirred up in that anointing stirred up see you got to stir up that annoying it just doesn't you just don't sit there and just radiate with power it's in you it's got to come out like a water uh spout he's got it you got to draw it out see and and what happens is is that anointing has to be stirred up i remember one time i saw a movie one time somebody said well you look at movie well this particular movie i saw because i want to look at it was named um it was named um it was named lucy and and it's i guess her brain or something like that but don't look at it but another one was a hulk okay now the reason why i named it because in this movie don't don't don't go to the movie you don't need to go to the movie yeah i'll tell you about it praise god but she apparently something happened with this stuff that she took or broke loose in her system that gave her greater use of her mind greater use of her mind all right so i think this is a movie i don't know i don't go to movies much anymore but but anyway but um what happened was they took her i think this was the same movie but they tied her to a chair and they turned on this huge vent fan [Music] and this fan was so powerful it was drawing her chair back into that fan i think that was the same movie and and and so forth and as it was drawing her back in that fan uh she what somebody's gonna help me but all of a sudden boom she broke out now i don't know whether that was a movie or not but she broke up but notice notice what happened she had to get into a place where the anointing was stirred i'm just i'm i'm telling you something all right now i i i think um well let me just give you examples over in second um kings and second kings and chapter um glory to god ii kings and chapter two now that's where i wrote it down here somewhere i didn't see in my notes um ii kings chapter two but look look what it says look watch so watch this now the only thing i'm saying to you is that anointing is resident inside of you but a lot of times it's not stirred up because you're not stirred up you know that that you're you're not outraged by what's going on on our streets you're not you're not you're you're you're being in lack doesn't bother you you know and and it doesn't it doesn't stir up you have to stir it up and and so uh you know got me preaching now praise god i didn't mean to do that but but i'm i'm saying here over over here this is um when um elisha was leaving and elijah wanted uh elijah was leaving and god was picking him up in a chariot from heaven and elijah was his his uh understudy and and he he he was mentee you call him and and he wanted a double portion of what he had and he said if you see me when i'm taken you'll have it well you see over here in um ii kings in chapter 2 and verse 12 and elijah saw it and cried my father my father a chariot from heaven took him out and when he took him out it dropped the mantle and that metal drop and verse 14 and he took the mantle of elijah and he that fell from him and smote the waters and said where is the lord god of elijah now i just will just see that fool where is the lord god of elijah in other words there's got to be something stirred up in you that david came to the front line this is what david says is there not a cause is there not a cause and i mean when that man asked me what can i do for blackmail youth i'm telling you it's been on my heart to all these youth getting shot i said this is not right see and and this compassion something got to be stirred up and when it's stirred up watch out the anointing is not far behind how about the woman with the issue of blood she was tired of men the doctors told her hey listen we've done all we can do this is it for you but she heard about jesus and something so she starts saying something if i can just touch his clothes i'm going to be made whole see the bible says she continued to say it why faith is building and she touched his clothes and the bible says virtue flowed why because it flows when you believe and i'm telling you you can stir yourself up about anything something in your house and my mama would say son do that one more time i mean i knew she was stirred up you do that one more time you can stir up that anointing to to give you revelation to give you strength to give you wisdom to give you understanding i was tired of not going leaving that company it was starting to bother me and i heard this man preach on seedtime and harvest i took that particular scripture that he i heard in my spirit mark chapter 10 verses 29 and 30 begin to meditate it next thing i know things some start building one day poom fruit came it came out that he creates a fruit of your lips baby i'm leaving this company i was in that place it was tied in there and we had 800 we had three services and each service was was was about 800 people it was across the street from a shopping mall i came out as the lord we need another place we need our place we're tired of moving stuff every sunday and every wednesday he said buy that shopping mall chloe took a heart and then i stayed there long enough to find out how how he said i want you to sow a seed and i did he told me where to sew it and how much and there it is right there and i'm just saying when we in the mall now they tell us we could not have services in this shopping mall whoa the village has they have ruled us out yes the board has voted trustees that you cannot have services in there no no i got before god i said god what do i do he said go to bed early wake up wake up go to bed early and wake up early and seek me see you sometimes it's like hide and seek you've got to seek him and he'll be found and i'm telling you i got up early one began to pray hard in the spirit and and then i stopped praying and the interpretation came take romans chapter 13 1-6 and read it to the mayor of the village that's all he told me that was wisdom but wisdom has children see he won't tell you to possess your promised land without telling you how he might tell you go fishing he might tell you take a little oil he might tell you take an old formula of syrup that your great-grandmother had he'll tell you how he can get you out of debt in a day come on saints paul prayed it he said for this cause i bow my knees to the father of our lord jesus christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth his name that he grant me according to the riches of his glory that he'd give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened that you know what is the hope of his calling and what are the riches of the glory of this inheritance in this saints this is your time this is your time and sometimes it's got to be stirred up david came to the front line this is what he said don't you care wow man i mean i have seen it that tears really come down my eyes because i'd be so god you got to do something about this this can't go on like this this can't go on and i'm telling you god is right there he's inside of you that anointing gets stirred up and then he starts speaking start directing you start showing you open doors for you whatever have you doesn't make any difference so we would never let me read it again i said this i said with it was not meant for any believer to live in this cursed earth absent of the anointing that's what he gave me this morning for you it's in you you don't have to go nowhere well kumbaya he doesn't need to come by here it's already he's i don't know he's in you closer to you than breath lord please don't pass me but now he's already in you tradition has talked us out of some stuff i don't care what job you're doing what work you're doing what assignment you have you should be doing it with the anointing not just like a human like a natural person the anointing and the anointing will give you sweatless victories and cause you to win every time did you get something out of that that's your faith time message for today you know i'm going to pray for you now i'm going to pray that anointing that anointing will come up in you and on you like never before wow it's time for you to get out of the place where you're in if you're caught in a hard place or all that debt screaming at you and trying to keep you awake at night and then some pain and you're no no it's got to come out the anointing is a burden removal yoke destroying power of god and so god planned for you to live in this earth with the anointing with the anointing breaking down things having superiority in everything every assignment that he gives you why so that you can lead people to god this is a time for his glory his glory is his full essence coming through you father i pray for all those who are listening and in the sound of my voice that there be a new understanding in revelation of the anointing of god then lord they'll see that anointing more valuable than food they'll see that anointing such that it'll constrain them from doing evil from getting involved in things that are not pertaining to god or going and drifting in sin and so forth but that anointing will keep them father let them have such a revelation of that anointing that that wherever they go people will know that god is with them father i pray that the spirit of wisdom and revelation be upon them that the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened and now lord i thank you i've asked it and i believe what i pray will come to pass i receive it down in jesus name amen and amen did you enjoy some of that today praise god i'm telling he gave me that this morning he gave me that this morning he gave me that for you and i don't know what you're going through but you're coming out and you're coming out because the power is being released the wisdom is being released right now in jesus name now let me try to take one or two questions i don't know whether we got anything it is going to be on here but it will come up on those comments okay praise god thank you okay amen yes lord amen amen amen glory to god well um we like i said don't have a normal set up today i guess some something happened i don't know it's just a devil but uh but we'll do better next time guaranteed and um so the what and the how is jesus he's he's busy uh he said feed him you know to me and the disciples said well whoa whoa we feed him with what two fish and five loaves yeah jesus said well bring them to me that's found in matthew chapter 14 bring them to me and when they brought those two fish and five loaves to jesus the anointing of multiplication took over that's what makes the hundredfold that's what make the thousand times more it's the anointing that doesn't folks you can't get the anointing to operate in strife fussing with people mad at another race you'll get it operating it would would not operate on those bases no it operates out of love just like faith does so i just want to encourage you praise god um amen as he is one question pastor from david says how can i tell the difference between demonic delay and god's divine timing um you can ask the holy ghost and he'll quicken that to you um you ask the spirit of god things and he he wants to be more of a partner with you really uh you'll find that in second corinthians chapter 13 verse 14. they call he he talks over there about um in the partnership of the holy spirit but he wants to be that paraclete he wants to be that that confidant he wants to be your standby and your illuminator and your um he'll expose the work to the devil you know he really will and it might come through you it might come through something else but if he puts it through somebody else and they speak it you'll know it inside it'll bear witness inside wow you know that that that wasn't god that was the enemy so i i never i never think it's it's god delaying i i i got too many scriptures down here that says he'll deliver me speedily i got too many scriptures for that so it could be a divine delay remember a guy tell the story he was over in iraq and um for some reason that they their he was a praying man and their uh humvee had broke broken down and so forth and broken down they were trying to get it fixed and and as they they delayed um there was a iud or whatever those things called for those explosive devices and they were planted in the road ahead and and somebody else ran over and it blew up or whatever have you didn't nobody get hurt but he could have gotten hurt so that that was kind of a divine delay but if it is i'm telling you it'll in my opinion um god god will get put it in your heart if you just inquire about it uh he'll put it in your heart you know we basically have access to all god knows you know to me the only thing we really don't have access to i think this is me now but i think uh things of when jesus is going to return i think other than that he wants to share things with us the holy spirit if he's got it and it's in his his library we can access it you know so forth is that one more or that's it uh one person said what do you do when each time you start to work for god you get sick these times you start work for god let me tell you what that is okay let me tell you what that is go to mark matthew matthew chapter chapter 15. all right all right and look what he says he said in verse 13 and he answered and said every plant which my heavenly father has not planted shall be rooted up belief system inside and what happened is that belief system that you have inside has a it's it's made to keep you in your comfort zone it's designed to keep you in your comfort zone your belief system it's called the the subconscious it's designed to keep you in line with what you believe so when you go outside of that it's designed to get you back how i don't know how all kinds of ways and in your case it might be you feeling sick or upset or stuff whatever but it's designed to keep you in line with that see we were never meant to know evil so that's why it was designed that way but so what happened is i couldn't leave remember ibm so forth and so on but notice what i did i went and started meditating that scripture now what was i doing with meditation i was resetting my subconscious mind i was reprogramming it programming it and so i reprogrammed it to where i was going so that i could easily leave where i was at and the same thing you see about joseph you know joseph had this thing programmed boy i'm telling you he he had one way or the other he had to make that thing come true and it ended up that that he was moved down to egypt and so forth and raised up that powerful economy in egypt and his brothers and his father began to migrate down to to get something to eat because because they didn't receive his vision receive his his leadership and and so that's what i'm saying i'm saying reprogram get the word take time with the word now and remember mark chapter 4 verses 26 through 29 read it mark chapter 4 verse 26 to 29 the sower sought the word and then when this thing has come it says then put in the sickle and that means it's going to god's going to lead you to take a step of faith your step of faith and when you take that step of faith things will manifest but true enough it could be a sickness that comes let me give you a good example of that we were down in our first church we had it was storefront church in the west side of chicago and i told the people i said listen okay now i've done the sunday school so you know time and time again i said now i'm going to let you do sunday school or have a part to play so what i'd like to do is designate some different people and you take it next sunday you take it sunday after that you take a sunday and i got that there's one person i said now you take it this sunday after that oh no i can't do that i said oh yes yes you can you'd say i'll i'll kind of help you go through it oh no i can't do that and do you know what our hearts start having palpitations they had to go to take her to the hospital so far only because of something inside that was programmed to keep her right where she is and so forth it's called a breakthrough and i decree a breakthrough in your life in jesus name amen anymore sure how long should you wait for the instructions if you don't receive them should you be still until you hear or move in faith well he said call on me and i'll answer so i'm believing that we're going to move uh he's going to answer now true enough you have an example in the bible who i think was king saul and he didn't wait on the prophet to come he got anxious about it why because things look like they were closing in on him but if god tells you to stand then you stand you know until he tells you something different you stand and if you're waiting on god to give you an answer for something stand on that word stand on that word that word will protect you until that word comes from god you stand on that word lord i'm standing right here until i hear from you and just stand there any more uh yeah there's one more how do believers in crisis prone areas operate in winning souls into the kingdom my goodness that's a touch that's a harvest indeed when people crisis areas people are disturbed half the people are living in fear so forth and so on before you go and witness christ to them look what we've done here just in the shut in we've won what hands raised people giving their life to christ about 3 000 now and so forth so um i think when crisis comes sometimes it might look bad for the world but it's it could be good for the kingdom in other words not only are you going to be you know insulated and in the bubble and taken care of but also people will be more receptive to christ and you can go and witness to them i mean just well the first thing you got to do to hear god is you got to have a sense of righteousness what what what happened remember i told you that that night in minnesota i went before god god the people need a word god please god it's twelve o'clock at night on saturday night oh lord i was getting nothing dry as a bone and some this voice spoken and said what are you doing i said well i was trying to get a word see i'm trying to make god do something outside out of line with his word he said you come boldly to the throne you get to look what it says there's a scripture here and you might want to take this and kind of meditate it it's found in first peter in first peter i think it's chapter three he says this yeah first peter chapter 3 down here at verse 12 for the eyes of the lord are over the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer you know what the righteous is the righteous are as bold as the lion the righteous don't turn away from any battle that's what he says in proverbs what 30 30 or whatever he's like a lion turns not away from any and when you get that righteousness in you you have rights to an answer i think sometimes delayed because we're trying to con god out of something more trying to help god have sympathy on it there's no sympathy in the bible it's only compassion and so we have to no no no no he'll have mercy on you but the thing of it is go before him like a son or daughter don't go before him like some kind of a beggar and so forth it dishonors god that's all we have god bless you this is bill winston saying keep walking by faith
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 78,377
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Keywords: Bill Winston, Believer's Walk of Faith, Bill Winston Ministries, faith, bill winston youtube, bill winston faith
Id: KC7j1QpQdMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 21sec (3921 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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