The Anderson Tapes FULL MOVIE | (Sean Connery, Martin Balsam, Dyan Cannon) STREAM CITY

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when I first started safe Kraken I I used to repent to pour in the soup and blow the [ __ ] out of them it it was like rape it had this sexual theme running through it I used to pull them open and plunge right in often I was sexually aroused at the time but as I became more technically proficient I learned to sneak up on them fed out their secrets and caress them with my fingers I used to have them open before they even knew I was there it was more like seduction than rape the beauty of it was I was falling in love with the whole thing in love I take it you were fixating on safe cracking as a displacement of normal sexual relations tell me how was your love life at that time just like any other guy mhm I was looking looking for what H love love and what is love he was looking for something deeper mhm something more lasting mhm something more than just Nookie that's valid all right time's getting short and we've got a graduate Anderson is about to leave us after 10 years how does the group feel about that that's an outpouring of real feeling we're going to miss you how do you feel about it Duke are you sure you want to know well that's what what we're here for angry why is that they just grabbed 10 years of my life that isn't enough well you know the law you took a chance and you lost who are you angry at those sons of [ __ ] that have been going down to their offices and cutting a fat piece out of this country every day do you characterize their actions as similar to yours safe cracking you're godamn right what's advertising but a legalized con game and what the hell's marriage extortion prostitution soliciting with a government stamp on it and what the hell is your stock market a fixed horse race some business guy steals a bank he's a big success story facing all the magazines some other guy steals the magazine he's busted well for my part I feel deeply moved knowing that he trusts me enough to say those things which he really feels saying those things which I as a prison official could you can't do [ __ ] I'm not on parole I'm finished here there's nothing you can do to me not [Music] anymore Deputy o Conor Deputy o Conor call your office call your office Deputy o Conor Deputy o Conor call your office call your [Music] office attention attention CW 6 7 12 13 14 will have inspection tomorrow at 0545 hours repeat cell block 6712 13 and 14 will have inspection tomorrow at May William Anderson Robert attention attention no hot water will be available between 22s available between 2000 hours and 2230 hours tonight [Music] Anderson attention there is a ship movie3 5 7 9 11 and 13 will assemble in the auditorium at 18 15 hours repat 18 15 hours c 2 4 6 8 10 12 and 14 the [Music] ATS [Music] wow Sal long come on get out of [Applause] [Music] here come [Music] on all right take it easy hey look at it pop the Free World and it's all yours I don't like it what do you mean you don't like it you don't like the pretty girls you're not that old they look like HS only not good HS when did you go inside 1931 I shot a cop you missed the Depression and World War II and Korea you're lucky old Bard you missed everything Mohawk announces the departure of bus number 72 what didn't you get any mail who did you write to when you went inside I think my sister she was the last one I think she must have died because the last thing I got from her an Easter card I got that in 19 and 48 terrific have a look she say Charlie check the mezanine I think we got a 501 in progress oh what the hell are we supposed to do with him what the hell do I know hey what's this ah okay what is this Jesus almost didn't even get out of the bus station I think I got to go to the bathroom so long yeah okay America man you know it's so beautiful I want to eat it you hang in there man uh I'd uh like to establish an account come this way please would you like one of our revolving charge cards good for charging goods and services at any one of thousands of establishments write your name here please is a sample signature so cheese cheese cheese right want to receive I missed it [Music] [Music] w Miss ingr Everly please you a friend yeah who should I say want her Mr Anderson sign in please Mr Anderson yes ma'am you can go up sir it's apartment 2B I haven't been late in over 10 years 10 years well 10 years 3 months 8 Days [ __ ] for oh I found it [Laughter] Peace of Mind investigators Everly surveillance July 16th 4:45 p.m. code E6 38549 voice actuated is it the 15th yes okay what happens now You' put on a little weight it feels good what are you going to do well let's have breakfast for are you going to stay well you Haven ask me have you oh my God don't be C ingr yes what sort of people in here oh we have a variety there's a a [ __ ] decorator upstairs and a doctor down downstairs although they say he's an abortionist they're all loaded are you staying sure I want to sleep with you all right red hot woman if I was a red hot woman you wouldn't want me you wouldn't have the feeling you have for me poor Duke too bad Mr gotle please ing everlay you want what you can't have I mean you're always hammering on that locked door wner hi it's ingred listen wner I'm afraid you can't come by anymore you see my old boyfriend has come back and he's living here with me now no of course not I'll see you one night a week at your place wner wner look it's very simple I just like him more than I like you now I want to thank you I want to thank you for a marvelous relationship and all the terrific presents you gave but it is my apartment you gave me the papers for Thursdays with you you can continue the upkeep it's not a fight it's a negotiation kisses my darling poor War you know he just doesn't know who he is this coffee is going to take a little while you want to make love to me now ice cold well what do you think could I get into these flats and would it be worth it here yeah I don't want to know about it I need your help do it but don't tell me about it you know what I'm going to do I'm going to back up a moving B I'm going to steal the guts out of the whole place now you're always so serious I have no sense of humor none all right you want $1,500 advance to finance research lady cap out that's right yeah listen let me explain to you what I want don't interrupt me when I'm talking don't talk to me like that I don't give a goddamn who you are now it's all right Duke Angelo's just in a hurry he's got a lot on his mind damn sorry Duke fix right I got a lot on my mind F right I got a lot on my mind they called him Duke Anderson he's a limey he was just telling these guys we don't care about him who's the other guy I've told you Treasury Department guys a hundred times hat the kid his father was the hook but when he was knocked over in Vegas the old man Papa Angelo adopted him Vick's right I got a a lot on my mind say how's everything going with immigration ask him it'll be okay what with the Peels and everything Duke's got at least 9 months Duke's got at least 9 months that's dedal the lawyer that's right Duke's got at least 9 months right now well what do we figure to get out of these apartments a Furniture van full of stuff from The Castle Painting Stones F chist what do you want cash a lot of small bills that's what you want that's cash there maybe I clear 25,000 25 do I hear 20 I think we'll do better how much better well I'm counting on this to put me out I want a steak a steak for what I want to be a sponge Fisher up at 5:30 raw fish for breakfast out in the boats by 600 by 6:30 diving for sponges hey what sponges you're not a fisherman you're a goddamn burglar yeah but I want to be a rich goddamn burglar what do you think I think it stinks what are we screwing around with stuff like this even if he scores it's less than one week's taking our worst horse room I don't know he's a good Dependable guy he saved Gino's life I think we owe to listen to him this guy's more a muscle you know he's got every move laid out it's like a military operation not like the old days hey the old days huh you still think you can find I'm pretty good safe hey look at me Vic I'm a businessman my gut is swelling my ass is dropping I got a wife and three kids I belong to four clubs I worry about the crab grass in the lawn and worms in a goddamn poodle it ain't right man's a hunting animal it ain't natural for him to be a certified public Mr Angelo an FBI request for the installation of a wiet on the premises of antiques International 30 East 10 Street what the hell is that it's an interior decorator your honor for purpose of Investigations relating to transport and sale of stolen property across state lines 2516 of the US Code paragraph C where it refers to section 2315 also section g paragraph 1 [ __ ] that owns the joint is buying truckloads of fake antiques heisted in the midwest approved next case can I help you is Tommy Haskins still here oh hey Tommy somebody here to see you oh God where is Juke I know you've come to tell me you've had the operation Duke look at you de your but you should be so lucky don't get snippy with me you [ __ ] or to put lines you far what there is of it come in the back can we talk oh that's all you ever want to do here perch some tea Tommy I got a whole building that I want comb down what of course you do it's got a doctor's office on the ground floor six Flats two to a floor I want schedules of services I want hours and names of maids Dorman janitors The Works are you serious yeah now you just don't want one or two Flats you want you want the whole thing that's [Music] right 500 for now well now to guy I haven't I haven't seen it and I just don't like the russan 500 for now that's all well now why don't you just give me the address and I'll I'll look it over and figure out how to get in 500 Two Sugars right I remembered well when I see the size and shape of it and how to handle it I'll let you know what the price is it's 500 you know everything you say sounds like 500 how is prison okay hey Tommy the phones are all fixed oh God what do I know about that I hope you've cleaned up after yourselves like good little telephone men meet anybody interesting in your [Music] Cale good did I scare you you no I got a cap out you want to come you must be one of those hardened criminals that corrupts the younger offender I need you to bridge some burglar alarms open doors cut some telephone circuits now you can do that you a p will set you up in business for yourself what so some son of a [ __ ] can come steal me blind they rip off everything in here so you claim burglary insurance I don't know man I wasn't for dope see I don't know how I feel about stealing some guys you got to put them right out of business you rip off this stuff hold that if a guy's got stuff he can't afford and he isn't smart enough to get insurance well I'm just a hand of fate closing in on him he's going to lose it anyway is he right to steal from insurance companies look when you rob a guy who's got insurance you're doing him a favor you give him a little excitement in his life a story to tell he becomes a more interesting person because you robbed him you push the insurance company because the publicity gets people to buy insurance you do the fuzz of favor because when you prove the unnecessary and and deserving of a big pay Boost and you do yourself a favor cuz you need the dog you believe that it's [ __ ] it's just doggy dog but I want the first bite that's my man okay hey kid don't you want to know what your cut is I trust you you lay what you can on me okay okay kid don't you want to know what your cut is the other guy says I trust you you lay what you can on me we don't need the audio bug let's pull it before somebody finds it and we got trouble if the kid is still in Narcotics the visual surveillance is good enough New York State narcotics commission Anon speaking house internal security committee surveillance ad 271t 41 3:34 p.m. unidentified male caucasian uh 6' 3 brown hair late 30s early 40s and at the rooms above the subject premises occupied by Edward Spencer a non-political hey hey Spencer who's that uh you don't know me but uh I was tiped with Billy mum Billy Matlin is dead yeah I was there when they gave it to him I know you I seen you in the slam 5 years ago I just good on what those bastards do to Billy it wasn't the screws a prison yard scrap just one of those things how's it going don't sit down I'm on my way out right now I got a job laid out yeah need a good driver with a cool head let's take it for granted you need me man or you wouldn't be here men demand fell here last week figuring a Brink's truck he spent 6 months following that truck around getting to know the driver the crew H even laid the driver's wife's sister setting the whole thing up good and he walks out of here after talking to me about it what happens the Brinks driver gets drunk beats up his wife gets into a beef with the cops and got fired so this Chap's back to square one figuring it all out but not with me what I'm saying to you is that Spencer is laying very low playing it very very cool cuz I got the bread to wait for the right thing I pay you a flat 2,000 to drive for me if it's worth my time it's worth a percentage how much you figure a score I don't know enough to furnish this place are you all ly yeah oh hi I'm Sydney bort the management has decided to redecorate the Halls over the Labor Day week and I'm here to do a survey of the tenants yeah well I don't know anything about it well hold it a second yeah what is it ConEd meet a man here's my card you'll find I told you I don't know anything about it now if you got any hold hey you you talking to me yeah talking where the hell do you think you're going I got a delivery of this uh fur coat apartment to be miss evely you come back here and wait I can't deliver to nobody but miss Ely don't give me any [ __ ] just stand over there come on Chief let's go but oh look I'm terribly sorry but I only have this afternoon to make the survey look the building manager's got to clear it but it's very simple you have my card there's the phone number just call the office see all I have to do is ask the various tenants what colors they want to redecorate their Halls it's not as if you don't know me I mean you do have my identification good afternoon antiques International 1 East 91st Street we got a guy here says he's from your place of business Sydney bravard yes you got a Sydney bravard why what do you want to know it's a matter of identification what does he look like he's about 45 little chunky [ __ ] that's him okay thanks all right you can go up well thanks I'll just start on the second it hey what's happening baby let's see the [Music] invoice heav apartment to be you got it I think you got it ho [Music] day how do you do Mrs harwitz I'm Sydney bravard I'm the new decorator for the building oh my God you're not putting that in Dish water are you you do have the rest don't you the rest yes you know the BR and the earrings you know it's the kind of oldfashioned set that only someone who loves beautiful things would have you know Mrs harwitz jewel is just don't know they melt down these precious old settings and they end up being pounded into people's cavities yo you must come to my shop I have the kind of place where one is just [Music] surrounded Sorry Miss Everly were you expecting this here uh Ely Tob they said you might want to try it on in case it wasn't a good [Music] fit D did you do this yeah I saw it I thought you'd like it so I got it try it on thank you lii I'll stay with [Music] him [Music] is it real sure hey what do you up to you bastard I thought you didn't want to know about I don't can I keep it sure it was a necessary experence anyway sit down I want to show you how grateful I [Music] am it's your sweetness that gets me this you can always turn it down or I can send you a thank you note I never turn anything down never it's just another that I own don't keep count I mean by now things can never be evened out I want to buy them outside what about them I got to keep that Doan up here another 7 and 1/2 minutes that's up to you well what if I make a noise they'll think we're balling make them [Music] happy [Music] well M L I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to match the hallway to you fo now if I could come in perhaps we get a better idea of the colors [Music] you [Music] hi I'm sorry to disturb you my name is Sydney bort the management has sent me over to see about redecorating your Halls oh just a minute I'll give you my husband Carl I'm so sorry rora sorry to disturb you I'm sitting before the man do how are [Music] [Music] you come to decorate your halls and not a moment too soon thank [Music] you going to answer it are you business before pleasure hello you for you hello hey joke how are you who's this me pop I got your number from the kid pop how you making out terrific yeah terrific hey dude could I come and live with you Pop you see I'm living with my sister she she's got these four kids and uh her husband's got this bad back uh listen uh poby are you okay for bread uh you got a place to live I'm terrific yeah don't worry about me listen I'll see you around the kid knows where to find me uh po uh hang on a minute uh if something comes up would you be interested with you duke anytime the tougher the better okay well look uh I'll get back to you anytime everything's terrific I'm sorry about your sister so long for hello Duke Hi how are you p uh not so [Music] good [Music] we're on I'm loud and clear Internal Revenue Service surveillance Pat Angelo 81270 case 642 DZ 713 subject with unidentified male white how does it look Duke 100% my bird dog he knows his stuff he says paintings alone will go maybe half a million there's a safe full of cash this guy's holding out an income tax there's a collection of diamonds and jewelry that they loan out to museums I can do it I need some muscle some technical help and 1,700 bucks dude you've been away 9 years 10 10 the country's changed they got a new breed of cup they're everywhere people got alarms Guns by the beds dogs they're breeding giant doberan to tear your arms off the real estate agents advertise these places in the papers 24-hour a day on God you got to sign in and out some of these places got Moes Papa Angela he owes it for me he owes it Papa Angelo owes you 20 years in jail for saving his kid I've laid it all out Labor Day weekend half the people are away and the streets are empty you have got it worked out pretty good all right on the way back from the funeral I'll stop off at Papa and check it out with him you wait in the car I'll talk to the old man he runs a show 89 years old and he still calls the shots I need 1700 more you never know you never know he's full of surprises 89 and full of surprises is that you g no papa it's me Angela Gino's kids broke a tooth and I sent my doctor to Mi armi chos kid is 32 years old Papa he's got kids of his own what are we going to do papa miss Anderson claims a Dead of Honor it's too complex too many people we don't need it I mean we're into linen supplies restaurants wholesale meat everything it's stupid this bang bang stuff what am I talking a downfall maybe he can make it but am I always looking at the dark side I mean why can't I once say a positive word I'm always knocking that's not happiness this Caper is so exciting Papa are you tired of living would you like to die all right s s c is going to be a disaster I mean how you going to beat the police on a thing like this it won't hurt they'll help maintain the image let the businessman and a politician sparus for men to carry guns they can argue over the price of a laundry contract they're can refuse a garbage holding contract I hope this thing falls on page one not page 5 thank you papa papa sorry was all tied up but couldn't see a personally he okay the deal we give you the money for the finance we want 6040 50/50 50/50 we want you to take one of our boys along that's okay you don't know the whole deal we want you to burn them bur he's done his duty heavy sloppy leaves bodies in the streets we want them out my job is already it's complicated enough I mean you came to me I didn't ask you it's a little negotiation don't get [Music] sore inred in shut up you made any don't fight it anymore what was it [Music] like I don't know it was scared what juring I don't know well what were you scared of I didn't want to talk about it what I hated it I lost control and I hated [Music] it what are you so happy about things are looking up the signs of good oh I hate being a woman Men You're hairy and you're Vain and you're overbearing oh boy I but now you think I'm just going to crawl and beg for you to pet me like a troly little dog I don't know why I ever had to meet you had to give me the chance to start evening things [Music] up okay go Christ sake what is this it's hot to me I'm Anderson I can't stay in here it's going to take the press out of my clothes take them off you better to outside you're out of your mind you sh yourself any guy wants to stick around here with a suit on he's going to be crazy what is this look you'll do this my way you know if it wasn't for Pat Angela I would never be here you go armed always ever killed anyone yeah doesn't bother you well you see uh none of them was friends in fact none of them was even from my hometown well what do you think I don't know dke all we want you to do is snuff him quietly what you see snuffed offed knocked out rubbed off deceased passed on why not kill him is it so hard do hey I like you duke but I want to give you some advice perelli is tough and mean unless you are very firm with this he's going to be ahead of you I would hate to have to explain to him what happened if he killed you you understand my dilemma if I don't do it somebody else will right right I mean he's already dead I could look at it that way you could look at it that way now the other guys they'll just have to go along with it hey look Duke win or lose it's a contract okay Pete 3:45 p.m. unidentified male caucasian present at previous meeting at 8870 at which matters of a non-political nature were discussed one unidentified male sex deviate white about 45 one unidentified male white in early 20s one identified male black in late 20s this there is Jimmy I told you about I'd forget names none of us know each other none of us ever see each other again sh that ain't as real man okay he's a bird dog he'll Mark everything worth moving small stuff valuables all in the small van anything with alarm lock safe whatever the kid he'll take care uh this is socks socks I don't believe it you didn't tell me there was going to be no Spooks yeah on on on weekdays he's me mile Clark Kent he don't need no socks he's got hell over his feet Ain no shoot all right cut it out cut it out that's my name you see God damn it you show me a little respect all right Co it what do we need him for he's crowd control unless anyone gets out of hand he'll keep his thing in his pants I'll be the judge of that I'm out I don't even know if he'll do what you tell him socks go get some beer and pizza go FR or go tell Angela you don't want a job I don't like this neighborhood I don't want to go out alone Jimmy take him down to the pizza joint and don't let no Spooks mess with him I use mob money to back the C they gave us the schedules of all the squad cars on the on the beat they're going to help us French the Stu they'll get a split and uh but they insisted that we take this guy along cuz they want him not killed I'll do it I just figured you already know about it case you wanted to get out if you do and do it now that was their price mhm if you want I'll do it oh violence man maybe maybe that's what you're into that's okay I wouldn't do that myself you think you should well go right ahead well in for a penny in for a pound Ang shut up you made it don't fight it anymore what was it like I don't know I was scared oh for God's sakes want to turn it off why not to leave her alone you can get any girl you want Warner will you shut up you four bit hooker I'm Warner I pay for her clothes this place I pay for a time so maybe I got the price wrong but I sure as hell know what to call it as I don't pay for it naturally I see things different I don't wonder will you turn that off I never stop hearing it anyway fighting over a war up it's crazy right so we won't fight okay I know what you're doing I got it all on tape it's true so what do I care about Miss blue eyes yeah but I don't rent by the day or week I expect exclusivity all right what about her she's got the floor say a pece darling you know why she's coming with me cuz she knows the value of a contract she knows I'm cold Hard Cash on the line security something you can count on not exciting but rich in tax exams sounds to me like he's blackmailing you what you can you do about that I don't know the signs they don't look so good no more okay oh convicted safe crack calling a man trying to protect his property and black I'll quit oh call the holding off what' he say to that a sorry see she's I can't I can't make it I don't know what I don't want to talk about it's okay take it easy I hated it it's going to be all right again we'll hit him wi two weeks in the sun hey Anderson yeah what don't worry about the tapes want to rid this place be my guest why good I don't know just for the hell of it and what about the other bastard if you listen to all I don't worry nobody tells nobody nothing they did they all wind up in jail but now you think I'm just going to crawl and beg for you to pet me like a trly little dog I don't know why I ever had to meet you had to give me the chance to start evening things [Applause] up come on let's [Music] go [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] come on P where's Duke you're drunk p [Music] [Music] [Music] no hold [Music] l [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] even him room to [Music] breathe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay pop now you got the TV here so you can see wherever we go if someone comes in anything goes wrong you call call us on the house phones okay sure everything's going to be okay Duke hey do you look swell on the TV yes I help you I was working with my assistant uh transcribing some tape recordings of therapy sessions when they came in I thought it was at first a disturbed patient and I was trying to deal with this situation when this one this shorter round the one hit me he hit you at that time yes I was so surprised for chist sake just keep them honest okay take some SP here kid the truck no no no I have a key I have a key look when they moved you did you move of your own free will the tall one the Leer you said did he make any threats to touch you you didn't touch me I think he was upset by the violence look if they moved you from this other place in fear of your life of bodily harm it is kidnapping but you've got to be afraid you've got to have fear or it isn't force or it isn't kidnapping so I'm going to ask you again why you in fear of bodily harm [Music] yes what the hell is this this is halfway shut up it's so bbery no Burgery robber is when don't you talk to like shut up you sit down [Applause] there we or w't expecting anyone it was was the Labor Day weekend but the doorbell rang and I answered it and this ape threw himself against the door and burst into the room I ran what are you what are you for me all right no hey shut up you won't hit him no more sucks they called them socks anyy this a man no I told you he had a mask over his face cor it don't go in there you B up train you I told you to stay away from me you she hit me first she TR to give me the knee I do like it if she did that to your look this man likes to hurt people just do what we say and I'll see that he doesn't hurt anybody for God's sake you've got to control him what have we got here well they have a big coin collection the rest is useless I'll help you if you just keep him away okay come on don't touch him he's a paraplegic he can't walk he has asthma he has to stay in this air conditioned room who are they mom we're after the coin collection is it yours now what's a combination ter if they're any good they could do it the hard way tell them to tell us I won't Mrs Bing they know your name but yes it was planned must have been planned they put us all in the old lady's apartment these knives must weigh a pound a piece you [Music] go Bell Telephone bonds dated 1877 God knows what they're worth oh for God's sake take them all away I'm tired of them your father gave you those my father was one first class son of a [ __ ] Kaylor as you well know oh go take a look in her room take a look at what she reads the story of O 73 years old and all she's got to think about is [Music] sex terrific it was terrific I didn't know you could just snap them open like that I could show you men that could just tease and tickle a safe open this is amateur stuff leaving a mess like this look at it it's the kids they don't know nothing and they don't want to learn nothing what did you do then I said okay have to wa what can I do I can't move the windows are sealed shut the phones are dead [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] e [Music] oh oh my God double eagles what's a double eagle yep oh really this is W2 UI l in New York we are being robbed the address is 1 East 91st Street please call police this is wa2 it's the first time we've had company in this apartment since oh V day but everyone open their doors then World War II ended and move no more visiting around I I told kale to make some tea or something wait a minute would it be all right if I make some tea oh yes Mrs KLA can I help oh please thank you those homely words mean so much oh God she talks like a letter to Dear Abby Department [Music] 4B Police Department I have a call for anybody collect from Mr Vincent Johnson in witch Falls well who do you want to talk to I told you anybody is he paid is he paid no he's not paid then he's collect I said he's collect he's collect from where did you say this is witch Falls Kansas calling witch Falls Kansas are you a recording who's calling Mr Vincent Johnson collect for anybody well what's it about they want to know what it's about Sir well I I think there's a see I'm a ham radio operator and I get this message from a ham in Hawaii who picked up a signal that there's someone robbing a house in your city uh one moment sir you accept the charges he isn't paid he's collect we're not allowed to accept collect calls for God's sake operator I'll pay he's pay your party is on the line I'll put you through long distance for emergency s may I help you release the elevator please if please press the emergency button and wait tell Spence is safe in 2 ready right do got you pop got it what's your score well two is ready three is done we're finished here and all we've got is the long jeans across the hall looks good good then we get out here you go if there is an emergency please press the emergency button and wait the elevator get the elevator who's at the elevator who is it there is didn't say got that stuff back inside kid you come with us oh my god elevat well you shouldn't play with a tennis guy anyway and believe me your mother didn't go for any of this no you're calling from where are you paid Sergeant it's another one Portland Maine what have you got in the 23 Jim 23 George Kate respond to 1 East 95 Street a 1010 possible burglar in progress use caution Rog my God Eric that man is bleeding squad car just went by did it stop no he just passed by release the elevator please Duke I can't bear it is everything okay SW Duke press the emergency button and wait shut that thing off release the elevator please if there is an emergency hey Duke it's getting late I'm turning into a pumpkin okay let's get the long Jane loo cut out hold it good call Pop come during the laings on the house for hey Pop what the lawn jeans they don't answer he says he doesn't get any answer pop the log says they're in I don't get the answer Duke maybe they R to it now don't panic just hold the for okay okay SP H it kid [Music] [Music] patrolman CLA I borrow this newspaper from the driver of car George number three seats returned to him I find out why he hadn't his car personal or Duty iron balls Delany let's go sergeant everon and five men sir I have a particular reason in picking you for this job Everson yeah well uh what is it you want me to do sir are you familiar with the 18-story building adjacent to the subject Str structure yes sir that's The High Ground yes sir now your squad will take The High Ground jump onto the roof of the subject structure go down ropes on the outside drive the suspects out of the building into the street and we'll be waiting for them yes [Music] sir who are you and what did he do at that time well we tried to wake up my wife she's a sound sleeper anyway they said they couldn't break into my SA it's a marvelously good safe so they said that I would have to tell them the combination you tell them hey Tommy Tommy for [Applause] remember Everson your main job is to protect private property and preserve the safety of the inhabitants can't do it shut of it you give me those numbers I'll bust your ass now for God's sake now how does that grab you now give me those numbers those things are Museum pieces that Irreplaceable now you give me these numbers for help him up help him up P put your hand under his foot go all right feed me out feed me up feed me up get me up okay time it up right there you you're wasting our own loot he won't really hurt you but darling it's it's all right just hold on it just hurts right now but you'll be all right you bastard tell her be brave be brave darling isn't it risky to stay on go get socks put the other hook on come on turn move turn move good Slide Man good slide okay let's go let's [Music] go him good kill him make him hurt kill him him I knew he'd kill me okay let me go let me go let me [Applause] go come on come come on let's go let's [Applause] go okay take it away all right all right now go for the wall drop the Blue Line Drop It come on up here go hand over on the r a little [Applause] we've done [Applause] it [Applause] for now no questions go lock the stairwell door take care of the F wall BL six this is Jade 6 Blue six this is Jade 6 [ __ ] testing one two blue six this is J six blue six this is Jade s pop can you see anything on the 91st Street monitors no nothing doke what about the basement nothing okay I can't see anybody outside but I know they're there crashed over with the truck yeah okay let's [Music] go what can't make it dude okay stick with them when the cops come just put your hands up and they won't harm you okay okay sorry hey we got hostages we use them as shields uh get the Kid take those people blue s this is j s everon ever shifting godamn can't wait for me down here leave him he's [Music] dead look out the truck's [Music] moving [Music] let's go let's go [Music] [Applause] go [Applause] the hospital careful out of the way get out of the way [Applause] Sergeant report these are all of the people in the building sir that's a [ __ ] kid upstairs who else we got a stiff up on three named pelli well why the hell did you say why why me I was part of it please Captain I'm ready to go back who else you got it me the guy up on three he was the brainer he was the one who laid it all out [ __ ] him thank you [Applause] Captain [ __ ] him you take 10 men and go up on the roof you first seven men come with me we'll take the second [Music] and you take the rest of the men and you take the first of [Music] what the hell is [Music] this looks like they didn't even touch this place that's funny all right let's clear [Music] out [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] take it easy now now just a breathe deep stand up stand up slow that's it here I'll give my [Music] hand Captain Delany what I'll put that thing there Ser there better be a war for this [Music] that's in the Everly flat 2B come [Music] on you two come with me rest is upstairs hey there's a guy down nice take care of M all right [Music] Doc is he conscious maybe I don't know here let me get that mic get can you hear me all right clear the area then you want to make a statement shop is's making a statement oh oh my God she says I always hammering unlocked doors what the hell's that supposed to mean all right get him out of here I want to report on that t recorder jez an operation this size you think we get some information we talk to you won't S we have to stand them [Music] up we got to get them up one more one more LIF now come on one two [Music] all right we watch it hold it [Music] [Music] hold [Music] did you see the papers didn't we have a Duke Anderson and those Angelo tapes We'll erase them with a GM for crying out loud you can't risk anybody stumbling across those tapes are illegal erase them the police will Trace every move Anderson made and we can get caught with illegal tapes eras [Music] them for
Channel: Stream City
Views: 43,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, movies, full movie, full length feature film, full length movie, free movie, film, films, full film, cinema, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, The Anderson Tapes 1971, The Anderson Tapes, 1971 movie, 1971 film, drama movie, film noir, drama/noir, drama/noir movie, classic hollywood, old hollywood, hollywood, Sean Connery, Martin Balsam, Dyan Cannon
Id: zeWiHATJ2ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 56sec (5936 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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