Strait-Jacket FULL MOVIE | (Joan Crawford, Diane Baker, John Anthony Hayes) STREAM CITY

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[Applause] [Music] a no no extra extra Read All About It Love Slayer insane Lucy Harbin was declared legally insane today it all started on a hot sticky Saturday night Lucy's husband Frank Harbin had gone to a Roadside Tavern to meet a former girlfriend Stella Fulton his wife was Away Frank was seven years younger than his wife he'd married her because she owned property but she didn't own him at least that's what he kept telling Stella he persuaded the girl to leave with [Music] him harbin's Farm was just a short distance he took Stella there knowing his wife was away and not expected to return until the following day come on baby come on come on let's go in that house I don't want to yeah go on could be all right come on there was no one else in the house but young Carol daughter of Frank and Lucy [Music] Harbin they made one mistake in thinking that the child was [Music] asleep they made another mistake too Frank's wife Lucy had decided to come home on the evening train Lucy Harbin Born and Raised on a farm parents poor education meager very much woman and very much aware of the [Music] fact Lucy's first husband had been an older man chosen by her parents when he died she picked Frank herself at last she had what she wanted out of [Music] life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone I'm not guilty I'm not guilty I'm not guilty I'm not it was a [Applause] mistake God no no no no [Music] my mother a murderous and now you know Carol don't you say it doesn't matter Uncle Bill and Aunt Emily adopted me and they moved out here when nobody knows who I am Michael do you realize I haven't seen my mother for 20 years doctors wouldn't let me Carol Carol yes a bill just called from the station they'll be here in a few minutes what's all this about you say Bill's at the station it's all right he knows bill went back to the Midwest to talk to the doctors at the institution they asked him to come they they'd been sending reports how about Carol's mother yes they've been using some some new methods of treatment they thought perhaps she was is ready to well to face the outside world again outside world you see that's why I had to tell you my my mother has been released from an asylum she's coming home [Music] today [Music] h [Music] h [Music] there they are now Carol don't you worry everything is going to work out just fine I hope so of course it will but after all these years it'll be just like meeting a stranger [Music] I'll get it I'll put these bags in your room right in here I know she's dying to see you come in dear [Music] [Music] [Music] you see now you know where your eggs came from at breakfast I never thought my brother would end up running a farm again he started it right after we moved out here 20 years ago what's the matter nothing I just hate to see anything caged it's not for long we butcher them it's come on there's more to see that's Neo Krauss he's The Hired Hand not very tidy is it but necessary you fatten them up for the slaughter let's let's look at the locker plant shall we no no sense going inside it's just a big old deep freeze you sure are pretty must be very lonely around here for someone like you not at all I've lots of friends come on I'll show you don't you come in well what do you think this is what you do a sculptor sculptress you like it oh yes I've been puttering around here for Years uncle bill turned this guest house into a studio when I got out of school do you sell your work mhm when I'm lucky some of the art shops along the coast take my pieces and Michael says I should have an exhibition Michael you have a young man yes oh I didn't have a chance to tell you but well we're practically engaged don't worry I'm not rushing into anything we haven't even told his parents yet you'll like the fields you'll meet them soon and Michael is coming to dinner tonight I'm not ready to meet strangers not not just yet he's no [Music] stranger everyone's a stranger I almost forgot I have a surprise for you I hope you like [Music] it you made this you see mother I've I've never forgotten is something the matter no it's it's just such a wonderful surprise I think it's the best thing I've ever done I'm so proud of you and I'm proud of you I've changed haven't I 20 years it's a hell of a long time we all change mother look what 20 years has done to me pretty swell I'd say I I have something else I want to show you do you remember where did you get those I I save them I still remember how they used to jangle when you pick me up to kiss me good [Music] night and I Sav this too photograph album would you like to look at it after a while all right you know I did some modeling too Dr Anderson let me work with some clay in the hospital he says it's good therapy [Music] mother maybe we better go back to the house come on [Music] Michael will be coming soon I won't be [Music] long [Music] looks good doesn't it oh Bill did you get out the ice cubes all set bill yeah all right that's perfect mother what do you think you look wonderful I'm talking about the flowers oh I I forgot about the napkins oh the good ones well they must be in the linen closet I'll get them if I can fight off the MS isn't there something I can do to help no thanks I'll tell you what you can do you can fill the water glasses I get the picture for you wa a second Emily fixing your hair here now just fill it from the tap we'll get the ice cubes from bill there's Michael everything all right of course come on I told her all about you and she's dying to meet you mother I want you to meet my she was just here it's all right darling mother's just a little shy you understand don't you well perhaps she just stepped out for a moment I think I know where she [Music] is she's not [Music] here what is it nothing just an old photograph out Michael I gave it to mother to look at this [Music] afternoon I'm sorry about last night but you were so right I understand why you didn't want to meet Michael after all we girls have to look our best I'm not a girl anymore but you will be soon as we finish shopping just wait and see it's been so long since I bought anything new then it's about time you had a chance we really have some very nice little shops here come on we're going to have some [Music] [Applause] fun did it look all right it looked wonderful on [Music] you oh should I wrap them up do you really think I should definitely I think they're lovely yes but not very practical look at just what I wanted I thought you'd like it do you think these would go the upon new outfit no not that pair this I they pretty perfect we're spending an awful lot of money don't be silly we said head to toe remember which reminds me we've got one more stop to make are you I don't know don't you have to have an appointment to go to a beauty parlor it's all arranged you don't really think they can do anything with me of course they can't my hair's such a mess well I I wasn't thinking of a [Music] permanent oh no I couldn't but mother it's the latest thing everybody wears them now but I feel so foolish let's try it just for fun I just know it wouldn't be right for [Music] me are you ready hurry up I can't wait how do you like it you look lovely isn't she beautiful you sure it doesn't make me look too young you look just like you did 20 years ago just as I've always dreamed of you is that what you want that's what I've always wanted things are going to be so wonderful for us from now on you'll see Lucy took an gave her husband 40 W when she saw what she had done she gave his girlfriend 41 is there something wrong I heard them heard what those kids it's only a nursery ride you're tired I'll get your things and we'll go home and lock her up lock her up lock her up take a key and lock her up my fair lady Lucy har took an gave her husband 40 when she saw Lucy HB she saw she had gave his girlfriend Lucy har took an a gave her husband 40 W when she saw what she had done she gave his girlfriend Lucy when she saw what she had done she gave his girlfriend 41 took an took an a an ax [Music] bill bill bill oh bill bill bill Lucy Lucy calm down calm down Lucy Lucy tell us what happened bill I I saw them in my bedroom I I really did but there's nothing to be afraid of are are you all right that's what we're trying to find out there there was something in my bed let's let's go look no not you you must we'll all go come on come on Lucy come [Music] onc don't you go in that room no she's right I'll go there is nothing here come on come on and see for yourself there's nothing wrong but but but I saw just what did you see dear it it was like a dream mother [Music] [Music] it it must have been a nightmare yeah bill I don't know maybe you should put through a long distance call to Dr Anderson there's no reason to make such a fuss about it just because mother had a bad dream not everybody dreams Emily remember when Carol was a little girl the way she used to wake up screaming that's right you're forgetting one thing Lucy is not a child please if you only knew how much it means to me to have my mother here with me again I know I can help her we can all help her Carol are you sure you're doing the right thing please let's try it just for her sake all right all right you are the doctor and let's not have any more talk about doctors all mother needs is just a little patience and understanding bill I can't help worrying now you can just stop worrying because it's over and done with wish I could be sure of it good morning what matter what you looking at just butching a chicken as all sorry if I Disturbed you later you didn't disturb me me I was raised on the farm maybe you like to try at yourself w [Music] [Music] Michael don't Michael well this is a switch what usually the boy calls for the girl when they have a date don't you worry we're going in my car then why did you you lure me out here I was hoping you'd stop in for a moment and say hello Mom and Dad haven't seen you for weeks all [Music] right well Carol how's my girl fine what do you mean your girl it's all in the family carol how good to see you good to see you well come in D can I get you something no thanks we're on our way to the movies we'll have dinner later glass of milk oh you and your milk why not I get it wholesale after all it's my Dairy what movie are you going to see well we hadn't decided yet there's a murder mystery down at the drive-in nice and gory pay no attention to him he has the instincts of a killer inherited from his mother no doubt oh Rond and speaking of mothers didn't I hear you had a visitor Carol it's not a visit really my mother has come home to stay she lived back East didn't she that's right I hadn't seen her for 20 years 20 years my Carl's mother's been an invalid oh I'm so sorry I didn't know she's completely recovered now just uh what was her illness dad I hate to interrupt but we better be going right darling yes if you'll excuse us well now you promised to bring your mother over for dinner we'd love to meet her of course thank you goodbye see you soon Michael's really serious about her isn't he if you ask me they make a very handsome couple but did you notice how nervous she seemed when you started asking questions about her mother why not it really isn't any of our business anything that concerns Michael is our business why don't you have some milk calm your down I'll feel a lot calmer after I find out a few things about Carol's mother You' been awfully quiet this evening you mad at me not really I still think you should have let me tell them let them meet your mother first then we can tell them after they get to know her and see she's all right she is all right isn't she why don't you see for yourself I'm sorry Michael why don't you stop by for a drink tomorrow [Music] afternoon he's late are you sure I look okay of course you do mother I'm I'm so proud of you youve no idea how how different you [Music] look there's there's nothing to be nervous about I guess it's the the record and I don't know it's just like it was 20 years ago look you promise remember we don't talk about the past only the future and I think my future is just arrived hi sweet Dar Bill and Emily won't be joining as they're getting ready to go out for dinner come along she's waiting [Music] [Music] well you didn't tell me he was that goodlooking come on I bet you could use a drink now don't tell me let me guess uh Bourbon and water scratch on the Rock but oh one of those that'll be fine [Music] [Music] than no Carol I don't almost forgotten about you your young man is quite a [Music] charm really Mrs Harbin I'm just a country boy and I'm just a country girl you don't have to be so formal with me why don't you just call me Lucy [Music] mother Carol you want a drink nothing for me thanks but this is a celebration no thank you [Music] mother I you what you just come right over here and you sit right down there with Carol because you see I wouldn't like my little girl to think I was trying to take her fell away from [Music] her Michel if you'd have seen her when she arrived you wouldn't believe it but she's like a different person [Music] now hello har [Music] please yes she is just a minute mother it's for you who want it he didn't give his name probably one of my secret admirers Hello Lucy yes who is this Dr Anderson where are you in town I'd like to come and see you Lucy you mean now yes I'll be right out mother what is it why did you send for him who he just called from town he's on his way here now mother what are you talking about Bill [Music] Bill Michael I don't know what this is all about but please believe me she isn't like this something's upset her perhaps it' be better if I sto back some other T no Michael I'm sure it's nothing serious I think it' be better for you if I go Michael you do understand don't you of course darling I'll call you later did Emily send for him Lucy please believe me nobody sent for him well then what's he doing here I don't know are you sure that it was Dr Anderson that you spoke to don't you think I'd recognize that voice after listening to it for 20 [Music] years stop worrying I'm going to try to find out what this is all about you promise bill I promise that's a girl good afternoon what Dr Anderson you'll have to excuse my appearance I'm playing hookie where you come right in thank you driving up to Oregon on a fishing trip thought I'd stop in on my way and say hello oh then the uh the institution didn't send you oh no no it's not an official visit as long as I was in the neighborhood I wanted to see how things are going well there're uh they're all right I guess then it was you that Lucy spoke to on the telephone yes she seemed a little lucy it's good to see you why did you come here oh it's just a coincidence really I was telling your brother yes I know I heard I have no secrets from you do I doctor I hope not Bill I'm already where are you we're going to be lck if you don't oh I'm sorry Emily this is Dr Anderson oh Dr Anderson from from Lucy's hospital I hope I'm not intruding oh no no not at all bill and I had a dinner engagement in Riverside I'll just go and cancel it please not on my account I'll be running along in a few minutes [Music] anyway well doctor perhaps we should you two go ahead Lucy and I will visit you well if you insist I do nice seeing you Mrs cuddler goodbye doctor have a good trip thank you Bill [Music] Emily I hope you'll be all right Lucy [Music] nervous why don't you sit down all right Lucy how are you how do I look quite different feel different too when I look in the mirror it's hard for me to believe that 20 years have passed but they have passed Luc see you've got to remember that I don't want to think about it all that matters to me is now it's just what I'm talking about you can't turn back the clock don't you approve of the way I look it's the way you feel that's important places in such a mess we were entertaining here this afternoon usually it's very quiet Lucy how do you spend your time knitting I I I do a lot of knitting remember they taught me that in therapy what are you making I don't know yet I have to find a pattern Lucy ever feel lonely no um you see there's Bill and Emily and and and cruss he works here I sometimes help him in the yard what about your daughter oh she's out back you two get along well together oh yes she's been wonderful she brought her fiance over to meet me this afternoon why are you asking me all these questions don't you believe me I just want to be sure sure of what you can see them all right Lucy oh my KN it's all unraveled it's coming apart Lucy have you had any dreams who told you about my [Music] dreams who told you about my nightmares who told you no leave me [Music] alone somebody did Lucy uh Mrs Harbin happened to come out here just now I ain't seen it thank you well where could I find her daughter Carol I saw her go into her place a little while ago over there thank [Music] you [Music] doctor how is my mother I was hoping you might be able to answer that question that's very lovely have you finished with it no no not quite it's hard for an artist to tell when anything is finished it's hard hard for a doctor to tell too Carol I've known your mother for more than 20 years so have I you only a little girl when she was sent away but you're wrong doctor there are some things you just don't forget that's true but that doesn't affect our relationship now it's just that well I've never forgotten neither has your mother what do you mean she's perfectly all right you released her today I saw saw different Lucy a woman who's trying to look and act as if those 20 years had never existed a woman who's trying to recapture her past but for her the past is dangerous doctor I I wanted to tell you it's probably all my fault she she did it to please me I'm the one who suggested the the clothes and and and the wig and oh well you see at first when she came here she was so depressed she didn't want to meet anyone every Everything bothered her and I thought if if well if she was more confident about her appearance perhaps you made a mistake but she is say now isn't she Senate is a relative ter the board recommended your mother's release frankly I had my doubts so we decided to put her own probation when I took this vacation the board suggested I'll look in on her I wanted to test her reactions under stress dress are you saying that my mother might what I've seen today I feel there is a danger something could happen that would trigger her please don't you're right if the institution sent someone out it would only upset her I'll take her back myself but you're on a vacation can wait I'd better tell her doctor yes you will make her understand won't you I'll [Laughter] try [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mother mother [Music] [Music] mother give it to me my knitting I dropped it I've been looking everywhere for you where were you right here in this chair sitting in the dark must have fallen asleep you've changed your clothes I can't wear them I've tried to do it just to please you Carol I'd do anything in the world for you you must know that but I can't go back 20 years it's wrong you've got to understand when I put those clothes on something happens to me something frightening you you you saw the doctor yes what did he say nothing you mean he didn't tell you tell me what where where is the doctor well he must have left hours ago his car something wrong it's still outside where is he where is he the doctor is gone mother the doctor's gone mother the doctor's gone tell me oh my [Music] God [Music] per [Music] [Music] okay okay I'm all set well hurry up Bill this load has to be in the freight office in 20 minutes the way egg prices are dropping hardly pays to bring them in talk to the hens maybe they'll organize a union oh is Carol up yet she's having coffee drive carefully Bill remember they're not buying scrambled eggs Carol Carol the doctor's car is gone yes I know but that means everything's all right isn't it please we're not going to talk about it but we've got to talk about it I have to tell you something I don't want to hear it but you've got to listen to me please you let go of me listen to me it's about the doctor I lied to you last night I didn't really see him go I was talking to him and I ran outside he got me so upset I don't know the next I remember was sitting there in the darkness when you came in I thought it was the doctor coming to take me back to the hospital so I hid in the corner hello the Cutler residence yes this is the Cutler residence long distance calling long distance what hospital [Music] and you couldn't reach him at the fishing camp this morning why did you call [Music] here oh I see he said he might stop here well perhaps he meant he'd stop on his way back no I'm sorry Dr Anderson is not [Music] here don't worry mother I won't let them take you back [Music] what what are you doing does it look like I'm painting my car your car it's nice huh where did you get it let's just say I picked it up last night last night ain't no law against a fell on in a car is there Le there's laws against other things what are you talking about you ask too many questions I want the truth okay okay is the kind of truth you're looking for you're fired sure take the car and go you'd like that wouldn't you get out of here you want to tell me about the doctor first never mind you don't have to I can guess your mother's Al Looney ain't she come on honey let's go better run along honey I want you out of here before tonight no I'm going to stay around a while honey you want to help me wish you tell me why you're so upset I'm not upset it's just that I realize we mustn't announce our engagement now it wouldn't be fair fair to home well Michael you've got to think of your parents they've got such a big future plan for you I'm thinking of our future so am I but we've got to consider the way they feel Michael your father's wealthy he's got his position in the community to consider is that the real reason part of it I think you better tell me the rest hey you still love me yes I love you and what's the matter just that I love my mother too when we made our plans we didn't know she was coming back Michael I've got to help her she needs so much love and affection it's going to take time if I deserted her now I'd never forgive myself you saw how she was yesterday she did seem a little you don't have to say it your parents will believe me Michael they'll never accept her they don't we'll run off in a loaf running away won't solve anything I know I've been running away all my life from that town we used to live in kids who used to make fun of me at school that's why we moved out here I can't run anymore not now don't you see I'd be well I'd be running away from my mother just when she needs me the most she needs to feel at ease let me help you when you bring her to dinner tonight I don't think it' be wise for us to come folks are expecting you Michael it it'd just be embarrassing for for them for mother if anything went wrong I'd I I'd blame myself forever it's only a simple dinner just for the family I want to help your mother too the best way is for both of us to show her she is accepted do do you really think we could I'm sure of it then you better take me home we'll have to get ready remember darling we're expecting you at sex Bill and Emily coming to so don't you worry about a thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] for [Music] for [Music] oh [Music] Bill For Heaven's Sake get out of the way oh come on Emily we've got plenty of time where are Carol and Lucy huh what's wrong with your ears I asked you where Carol what's wrong with your eyes was that my name I heard dropping just now yeah just wondering if you were ready I was just about to get dressed is your mother ready yet I don't know I was out with Michael haven't you seen her no we just got back a little while ago hey uh Carol Now That We're Alone how is Lucy well she seems perfectly all right what did the doctor say yesterday he said she's going to be just fine what Lucy where have you been I went for a walk but you knew we had a date tonight I'm not going what I won't go I've made up my mind well perhaps she's right Carol if your mother feels she won't be comfortable they're expecting us why don't we take a rain check on this whole deal you run over there alone but it's mother they want to meet that's the whole reason for going and Michael and I had it all planned but I don't want to make a spectacle of myself again in front of your young man how long do you think he'll be my young man if you keep acting like this hiding in Corners as if you were ashamed I'm not asham mother don't you realize that don't you realize how much tonight means to me oh honey I please say you come for my sake Emily quit squirming I can't help it what's the matter you girdle too tight bill I think it's exciting we're going to have such Rich relatives hey you two why all the silence back there well just remember we're going to a party not a funeral Bill do I look all right yeah you look great mother mother I'm sorry Carol I I just can't please I need you [Music] now [Music] [Applause] let me out of here come on let me out of here I got to get out I got to get out let me out let me out let me help let me out let me out here you are I think I got most of it out thank you you never can be sure about coffee stains put it on I'm sure it won't show I'm sorry I made such a fool of myself how can I ever go back in there and face them now mother really there's no harm done people spill coffee every day come on put it on but I'm so embarrassed I want s to make a good impression for your sake mother they realize it was just an accident they're such nice people they can tell I don't belong in a place like this I knew I shouldn't have come out here tonight mother it's just your imagination oh you're doing fine just keep on talking honey will you come on how do you like this lure wow tastes different yes it probably does oh here you are you were getting worried about you is everything all right now yes thank you I want to apologize nonsense it was nothing well now you're just in time yes Michael's going to show us the new addition to the dairy I thought Bill and Emily liked to see it Carol would you like to come along too sure I'll uh I'll come with you now why don't you just stay here and and be comfortable nothing exciting about visiting a cowbarn good this will give us a chance to get acquainted have fun do sit down is there something I can get you no thank you I I was just looking to see if the spot showed your daughter did an excellent job job they say cold water is very good if you use it right away it even works with blood stains now there's a morbid Little House Old hint for you Raymond um Yes dear there now we can talk Michael has told us quite a bit about you Mrs Harin has he mhm he's a Charming boy well we think so you know I liked him the moment I I saw him I'm so glad that he and Carol are going to be married oh oh I'm sorry I I thought you knew I wasn't aware any decision had been made in the matter but they love each other oh sure anybody can see Carol's a very unusual girl don't you think so oh I'm so proud of her she's a very fine artist oh I'm sure we're both very fond of your daughter but uh when it comes to considering married it's absolutely out of the question but why I don't understand I think you do I see you're ashamed aren't you because I was in the sanitarium sanatorium is that where you were no reason for us to go into that now is there suppose I fix this all a little drink wait a minute I want to hear the truth why were you in a sanatorium well I I was answer me why well I I was Alice please don't just see her upsetting her it wasn't just a sanatorium was it was it no no it wasn't it was an asylum and it was hell 20 years of pure hell but I'm not ashamed I paid for anything I did you never know how much I paid I'm all right I'm all right you see it's all over with that's that's why they let me go I'm all right let me go I I'm all right I tell you you must listen I'm all right now Carolyn going to be married I'm all right you're insane stab both of you my girl is going to have what she wants out of life she is I was cheated but she's not going to be not my girl not Carol Carol and mich are going to be married and nobody's going to stop it you see no no no no let me go call Bill perhaps he ought to drive your home leave me alone I don't need bill I don't need [Music] anybody perhaps I better go after her anything wrong we thought we heard some shouting where where's Lucy she left I'm afraid she was upset she ran out before we could stop [Music] her mother mother where did she go like we've got to find her don't worry we'll find her she can't have gone far I'll take my car right I'll get mine no now there's no sense in both of us going I think you ought to take the girls on home no he's right Carol you wait here I'll bring the car around don't you worry I'll find her but I want you two at home and I bring her back be careful now bill [Music] morning [Music] sure you'll be all right of course I'm sorry I made such a fuss I'll head back in contact Bill he's probably already found her thank you Michael don't you worry we'll bring her home safe and sound good night why haven't we heard anything where could she be now just calm down I'm sure everything's going to be all right I should be out looking for myself Carol you'll do no such thing now you just listen to me you're going to get undressed and go to bed but I've got to see her I don't think anyone should see her tonight she'll be upset too I'll let Bill bring her home and put her to bed we can talk things over sensibly in the morning now I want you to get into your pajamas and go straight to bed promise if you need me just call I'll be right here good night [Music] dear oh Raymond how can you at a time like this what's wrong with the time I always eat before I go to bed the way I feel now I couldn't sleep a wink well stop pacing you're wearing out the carpet oh really Raymond Yes dear I'm listening did you hear that hear what there was a noise oh you're imagining there it is again Raymond there's someone outside that front door why don't you open it and let them in oh Raymond all right dear I'll go be careful what is it nothing nothing but your imagination well maybe it's someone at the back door Michael might have left it open when he took them out to see the dairy where are you going it's bedtime well please don't leave me then come along not until Michael comes home oh he's a big boy now I don't care I won't rest until he's home I want to know what happened Raymond aren't you even interested all right I'll wait with you just let me get in and my pajamas first promise me you'll come right down only take me a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fire [Music] Raymond [Music] Raymond [Music] Raymond what are you doing in the [Applause] [Music] study [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Raymond [Music] [Applause] [Music] operator I want the police this is an [Music] emergency [Music] this is hard where have you been we've been looking everywhere for you thank God you're here Michael got to stop her she tried to kill me she tried to kill us all you've got to stop [Music] [Music] her it doesn't matter darling don't you understand we can be married they can't stop us now we have the money we'll have everything I planned this one from the beginning when I knew she was coming back you plan of course I knew your parents would object to the marriage but we're rid of them now everyone will think that Lucy is the murderers don't you see she's insane she's insane she's insane she's insane insane I [Music] hate I hate her oh oh I'm sorry please no I didn't mean to hurt you please I love you I hate you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I hate you damn it I hate you I hate you oh insane insane oh I [Music] [Applause] can't you see this was all part of Carol's plan the head's on my pillow the axe she probably made these heads right here in her Studio well she must have put these in your room when you ran out she removed them she also slashed all the heads off of the photographs in the album and made sure that Michael saw them I remember staring through the window I couldn't understand why Michael was so upset well she she had to convince everyone that you were still unbalanced she almost convinced me too Bill she must have started the day I came back even when she took me to the beauty shop it was all part of the plan Lucy har took an and gave her husband 40 W when she I thought I was hearing voices she had to have hidden this in her purse she had everything worked out didn't she modeling your head so she could make a mask from it that looked like you even dressing like you Carol's whole plan depended on keeping me here until she could kill the fields so I could take the blame then when the doctor came to take me back she killed him to prevent it when Krauss began to suspect she murdered him too well when did you realize what Carol was doing I didn't I just went back to the fields to apologize Bill how she must have hated me all those years oh uh those uh figurines you're uh sending them to Carol no I'm putting them away forever I'm going to Carol you're you're going to car Lucy Carol is in a place like you were I know Carol needs me she's needed me for a long time but I was never there to help her maybe now I can [Music] [Applause] help [Music]
Channel: Stream City
Views: 14,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, movies, full movie, full length feature film, full length movie, free movie, film, films, full film, cinema, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, Strait Jacket, Strait Jacket 1964, 1964 movie, 1964 film, drama movie, film noir, drama/noir, drama/noir movie, classic hollywood, old hollywood, hollywood, Joan Crawford, Diane Baker, John Anthony Hayes
Id: WZEq7ceFrlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 0sec (5580 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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