These Old Broads FULL MOVIE | (Debbie Reynolds, Shirley MacLaine, Elizabeth Taylor) STREAM CITY

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I always want be around Cra Crazy Bo CU I'm boy [Music] crazy no no I wasn't sleeping I was just um trying to picture how these three women look now after uh nearly 40 40 years yeah I was just getting a little nauseous but look at the grosses of the re-release I saw them yeah 14 million opening weekend it's expected to do at least 50 50 uhhuh and you want me to suggest to Mr Stern exactly what now well uh sir I was thinking oh remember your last thought remember huh when we open the sunken treasure chest on live TV and what happened Tom what happened it was empty sir but hold on a second wait wait you want me to suggest to Mr Stern that that we remake some some rusty old Road movie with with three hasb been geriatrics no not remake reunite the stars and have them Sing the Hits from the film on live television I mean they're icons people would tune in just to see if they're still alive I wasn't listening to you just now I was having a brilliant thought instead of whatever you just said we should reunite the stars and have them Sing the Hits of the movie on live television I mean people will tune in just to see if they're alive uh but there is just one problem they hate each other they hate each other on Jerry Springer and that goes through the roof okay so who who could we get to produce this this spectacle who could we get well well there is one guy who might be able to help get them together keep the piece you know one of them is his mother you're not going to tell me who it is are you huh you want me to beg like a like AER it's Wesley westborne sir am I supposed to know who that is well he's the one who does the uh documentaries for PBS he's been pitching this deadly idea for a series of 19 century first ladies well get him into the office man I I just warned you though he's a bit dry and pretentious so you you may want to humor him a bit I'm sorry just it just seemed like they thought you were talking to someone who wasn't in the business yeah you know just Mrs Ida Saxton McKinley I have Goosebumps I have I mean I don't know about you but keep going this is President William McKinley's wife duh she's only a personal Idol of mine who who do you see in the role of Miss McKenzie M McKinley um well I I thought I have two words for you phah oh oh I love it I love it I love it we're making it oh we're doing it I love it great what is this an outline oh my God look at this I smell ratings oh my God I'm so excited right now I'm about to pass on at me this is this is fantastic this is great now there's one little thing I need you to do for me first okay so you said yes right Connie these women hate each other and don't speak I haven't spoken to my mother in 2 years as you may recall well it sounds like you may have to break the silence no I don't have to Wesley are you telling me you're going to give up a chance to do your dream project just because you don't want to talk to your mommy they're old ladies now what can they do to you anyway I think it's a great idea I'd watch right after I watched your show on uh Ida stockt in McKinley it's Saxton McKinley it it has no redeeming social value hey guys get in here you got to check this out tired of Teen Angst comedies and Carnage well apparently so is the rest of America because the surprise box office winner this weekend was the re-release of the 1960s feel-good Musical Boy crazy we spoke to boy crazy star and New Age Zealot Kate westborne in her present Incarnation as M so miss westborne are you surprised to be in a hit movie again after all these years dear I've had an audience since I was 17 years old I can't do this make it a point never to appear surprised it's not a flattering look that's my mama but it is amazing no this movie is one of many many many good movies that I have made over a very long career if you'll excuse me that broad is a piece of work you know how some people have fantasies of growing up in Hollywood with movie star parents well my fantasy is everyone else's reality I wish that instead of being adopted by a movie star I was adopted by just regular parents with siblings a mom cooking dinner in the kitchen a dad coming home from work giving me chores and you know what buddy if that happened you would wish you were adopted by the movie star well maybe but a different movie star one who I don't know capable of showing affection who Joan Crawford we caught up with perky Piper Grayson at her struggling Las Vegas casino where she was as incessantly HED as ever last week you could hear a chip drop at this place and the movie came out and now I've got a full house so exciting she's cute they're winning come on down talking about I I can't do this I'm I'm a serious documentarian so be that after you be this anyway didn't you say your mother's business manager robbed her boring the is the header on the irreverent sitcom shut up mama we were unable to get an interview with sex Syle Addie Holden who's been living in luxurious seclusion since the 1991 incarceration of her mobster boyfriend Tony the meatpacker Frank 10 years ago Frank was imprisoned for lone sharking and soliciting murder since his arrest Miss Holden has Faithfully visited her Paramore and she was once fined for exposing herself through the plexiglass window during visiting hours come on admit it you're kind of liking the idea and hey play your cards right you may even get me as an assistant I hate the idea let's face it I need this job my mother needs it and apparently you need it too it's a package deal so we'll do it yeah sure we'll do it whether or not I get these ladies to do it that's a whole other matter CU he's got High he's got he's [Applause] [Music] got my husband winning hit him George if you don't I will everybody wave to my husband 42 years Bill the big love of my life I love you honey go everybody W to bill so cute oh so cute oh hello dear hello Miss Grayson I'm Wesley westborne well your parents must have been big fans you have the same name as Kate West bur's adopted son Wesley no I I am Wesley really you don't look anything like her well as you mentioned I I'm adopted I never had to adopt know all Bill had to do was just look at me funny and I got pregnant you know after four children I had to I had to beg him to look away and get him as SE to me oh well now you didn't come here to hear about my sex life or did you no thank you you can pay for it over there great $10 you there you go is there somewhere we can talk no I couldn't even look at those two again after what I've seen them do I just I just recently got over this you know I mean I almost had to see a psychoanalyst Addy and your mother were like rabbits thumping and humping and the trailers were rocking dresses were lifted they were like like rabbits I already said that oh oh no no no no they were worse than rabbits because rabbits are cute and fluffy they don't have breast heaving in front of the crew and little lace undies dangled in front of the director they were both doing the nasty with the director oh I can't quite picture my mother having relations well how do you think you were born you oh that's right that's right you were adopted well knowing your mother I'm sure she slept with everybody at the adoption agency although I'm sure that menopause put an end to that dried me out completely oh wow well she certainly looks dried out oh I say that with great love the memory Fades you know and the face goes and then the bosoms go in the privates and the de here and every go no I'm not going to face those hussies no no no no no your life seems so much better than theirs you have a husband and uh four children who love you in this casino go away from me now no get away from what's going on no and the costumes were horrible I look like an egg with hair they got the best dresses not going to say it twice Mr scram we could put you in any costum now listen to me I'm an ex-marine and the WW2 I pulled a man's face off with just these two fingers I didn't enjoy it much but I do it again I look like a tap dancing mushroom I'm I'm sorry I I I I'm I'm so so sorry I I I touch no no no nothing don't touch don't touching I'm going I'm going I'm gone I'm gone [Music] what's your business who is it Leo yeah I I got a message from Mr Frank my my father's bunking with him in prison put the blindfold on and send him in the blindfold she's been in an accident [Music] uh I just can't believe that Tony wants me to do this he was the reason I retired it's a favor for a friend I can't tell you anything more than that I'm sure Tony will be proud for everyone to see how good you look and you're bound to look younger than anybody else since you had the face zet mother so is everyone else doing it is that Westborn doing it oh yeah she'll be doing it oh I wouldn't be so sure about that I suppose you heard about the fight we had yeah you and uh Mrs westborne both had uh relations with the director not at the same time obviously and I'm quite sure she wasn't as imaginative or sensual or acrobatic as I was but basically yes we did the director that awful dick Preston with Freckle penis God Rest his soul he made the first move on me Freckle you know this is perhaps too much information I used to call him the spotted dick after the English pudding anyway after he and I got together he dumped your mother yes I know you're Kate's son aren't you it's Wesley isn't it how did you know you're sneaky just like she is that red-headed witch you don't mind if I call your mother witch do you everyone else does Miss hoyy toyy here didn't bother to introduce us I'm her mother do you believe that I'm Miriam Hodes you're American I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy but oh that's a Hollywood voice can it mommy dearest I was educated in England if you say so count us don't take any notice about I wish I were scile that I could forget how crazy one more word out of you and it's back to the drool Academy for the AG it okay whatever all right where were we oh yes all right I'll do it if the other two do it but I guarantee you you will not talk that old bat into it I don't think it'll be too hard to convince my own mother get out it's so good to see you too mother stop it since you have not spoken to me and I don't know how long give me one good reason why I should speak with you well I believe it is you who have not spoken to me well we're speaking now I have a job for you I know about this job but you did not have a job for for me when you were making that Mary Todd Lincoln show and you know I wanted to play Mary Todd Lincoln I see spirits too and I can be dignified mother I was making a documentary on Mrs Lincoln we used old photos and drawings there were no actors you need this job desperately your last two business managers cleaned you out you're in debt up de I would rather get a Barum in on live TV then work with that again what the one you went to before you came to me I wasn't born yesterday yeah I'll say I'm offering you the chance to make a comeback to make some serious money forgive me I'm a horrible excuse for a son why can't I star in this TV show all by myself huh I am the only one that's still legitimately working you know that Addie is a gangster's mall and Piper has some Saloon so she can sing in it no no oh no no no no no no no no no no oh my inner child is having such a tantrum oh it's criminal what you do to my third chakra forget you know what you're doing you're doing great keep keep doing MIM on the road and wash your underwear out in the sink using tiny teeny hotel soaps no forget that this can also help my career so that I can support you in your old age age is not exactly a heart melter for me Wesley have a rice cake and don't let it bother you that if you don't do this show I will be forced to write a tell all book chronicling for example that you used to beat me I wish I had how about that time that you set my friend Jeremy on fire he got too close to my cigarette and anyway his hair grew back who they going to believe mother you or me you're a brat I should never have taught you to speak so what's it going to be write your little tell all book see how far it gets you why are we so horrible to each other well that's simple we have an SNM relationship son and mother what do you mean you've never heard of barl Mason she was the biggest agent in Hollywood when was this in the 50s and the 60s and the 70s well we weren't all raised in Hollywood you know well look barl is still these three ladies agents and if anyone could talk to them into doing the special it would be her but I got to tell you she's kind of scary when my mom brought me here as a kid kid could always get nose bleeds oh okay now the reason for you begging me to come becomes clear now if barl is anything like what she used to be she stays in bed all day eating and talking on the phone and smoking pot and watching documentaries about dead people it makes her feel better about herself wait wait then I can't go in there because you know how I am around people who smoke pot to get a contact height she'll behave hello barel sh I love this bom sit sit you got to hand it to this country we really pulled it together for dday Hitler must have felt like such a total schmuck so gulyy barl you look fantastic a boy I'm as big as a bungalow who's that oh this is Ben uh Ben Coler sit down tell me what you need besides a drink Rose bring in the trays just a nice little afternoon snack so let's get down to business okay well I was thinking wait before you start let me put my head to one side and listen to you with a part of my brain that might believe the crap you're a about to tell me like I already didn't know you went to all three of these women without calling me the agent I I I was punishment 15% of what they make and 15% of what you make I I don't nonnegotiable but I I and no leg that's illegal you're doing the Roundup take it or leave it well I said nonnegotiable plus I'm co-producer and if you interrupt me one more time I'll be directing the bloody thing from this bed so how long have you been here so uh all the women are committed right I spoke to barl Mason it's as good as done done is as good as done anything less than done doesn't quite measure up Wesley we don't need that washed up hasb been pothead agent barl Mason it's non-negotiable I couldn't pull it off without her okay now that's clearer but I have a great idea oh I'm frightened why don't I introduce you to the ladies and we could just sit down and Hammer out the fine points of the deal okay mhm okay good oh it's good for you oh I'm so relieved oh my God it's the pope no way and that endless shoot and the sweltering heat and that idiotic flower durndle dress they gave me to wear oh I look like a 15-year-old pregnant Hill Billy like it's bad to look 15 this isn't about the costume it's about Freddy isn't it Freddy h oh please I haven't thought about him in ages because if it is I wanted to remind you it all happens so long ago when we were so young well let's just drop it okay I forgave you years ago so let's move on okay great good Grand gravy and besides everybody knows you're a very sick woman a card carrying nymphomaniac n oh you think any woman who had a normal healthy sex life was a nyom maniac well I enjoy sex but you if a man was on fire you'd stamp him out and screw him see I think of sex as a language and I'm fluent in it you well for you it's a second language Piper I did you a favor by taking away Freddy a favor is doing something for someone that they are unable to do for themselves I was perfectly capable of losing Freddy on my own after I'd had my tonsils taken out I couldn't speak now you know what that must have been like for me so I drank and I went on a weekl long Bender that ended up with Freddy it was all in the note of atonement I sent you I didn't get any note anyway I was with Freddy because I was in a blackout what's your excuse he gave me a red convertible and my mother told me to she thought he was Italian oh and you do everything your mother tells you to bless now that she's dead the whole thing with Freddy was a a nightmare I mean the man had skinny little hairless legs and a saggy ass it was like coupling with a clothes pin how Vivid oh yes so what about the special oh I don't need it you know my casino's doing very well I mean you couldn't really pay me enough money to find the oh really well that's fine that'll just do fine I'm in of course I don't like those two other women and I still resent you there aren't any tonsils left in there are there because I don't want to worry about you around my husband bill please I spend most of my Diamond bed well from what I understand you can do quite a lot of damage in bed H Wesley mother you look great oh Bill how are you nice to see you you know I can't believe that these amusing boys are businessmen you know in my day the studio Executives were fat and ugly and smelled of cigars but you boys look like m Miss Holden oh Wesley call me Addie you remember my mother from Kansas course Miss Mason will'll see you all now uh Piper's not here yet oh don't worry she's already upstairs it's a love in okay Grandma Tom hello girls hi Piper you look wonderful Piper how are you bar hello one more face lift and she'll blow her nose through her forehead excuse me Mrs monster it's G goes to seed someone swallowed a boulder look over there dear it's Queen Elizabeth and her mother Ethel oh how are you Kate I'm very well thank you looking Grand I love your turban I love your wig oh no it's not a wig really all right enough all right let's just get this thing over with I assume you and Wesley have discussed some preliminary fig figes but I wanted to show you a number for each of these ladies that I think is closer to the mark oh you can't ladies will you excuse me a minute come you sons of don't you kids know that these women are only icons we have left all the men are dead well I can certainly see why you want us to go to another Network because the other networks e this stuff up got to hand it to her she hasn't lost her touch no smoking kills oh let her smoke but dear you really should try a thinner cigarette it uh decreases the proliferation of the lip lines at least I have lips H I think my little girl looks wonderful you know she just had a z mother I just had a little lipos suction that's what keeps my waist so tiny something you could use all the fat just goes to another place you know I had a friend who Lio her stomach and within several months she looked just like Jaba the Hut huh who's job of the Hut it's a sea slug mommy from out of space and it's not a compliment I had to have the Lio I was puffy from an accident oh yes of course isn't it odd how every four years or so you have some sort of accident and each time you end up looking more and more like a Widemouth sea [Laughter] bass ladies we have a [Music] deal L's not here yet well I'm sure she has a a perfectly good explanation no no idiot when I ordered a shatsu i metant a massage not a dog I'm so sorry I'm late you cannot believe what happened to me what it was an absolute nightmare I had to change my entire outfit because I had a run in my tights you sure it wasn't a varicose vein yes I'm quite sure and didn't we have a favorite nation's Clause yes where none of us were supposed to bring additional people the word uh Entourage comes to mind parade um you know what what you uh you really need to do something about all these people no no no Tony insists I have at least one bodyguard no she need a bodyguard for nobody would want her body in the first place what about about Mommy okay Mommy okay thank you Anan all right girls I am so thrilled to be directing real stars here so why don't we just saddle on up to the piano here and see how much of this you remember all right on the top of boy crazy boy crazy boy crazy like I I like the way they dance boy crazy I I like the cut of their pants oh keep going keep going that was great that was great I'll be right back have a problem I'll be right back too uh let's take it from the top of the song is it okay could you do it in my key no no no that was much too for me that is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my entire life this is going to be so hilarious no it's not it's not supposed to be funny I know one of them is your mother but that is not your fault I'm boy crazy you know what it should be I'm Medicare crazy hey you you got to pull yourself together here know I know I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I'll calm down excuse me but is that alcohol excuse me but is that alcohol yes yes it's alcohol I'd like to see anybody do this sober oh well someone will do it sober because you're [Music] fired ladies um I have some potentially good news really it seems that Roger we know dear we heard fired I have an idea though oh it's all our idea no it wasn't it was my idea I brought it up and you agreed don't you remember no it was my idea I okay okay what's the idea we want you to direct the special me oh no no that's sweet but I I make documentaries oh no don't put yourself down it's in your blood dear my blood I'm adopted Wesley you're like my children you were raised on movie sets I breastfed the twins during dailies it was sickening and besid we never listen to the director anyway we know what you do with the director what I do with the director ladies manners she's right so it's settled you will direct but onward and upward there you have right who is the first [Music] line you for any what are you a oh God who am I asking everybody knows Roger's a drunk okay but at least he's a semi-successful director you're not even a semi-successful producer you forgive me for saying are a son Gavin I could do this oh you oh all righty then now now there's two things you can screw up producing and directing huh thank you for your support you want support get a training bra you better make this work you better make this work Westborn are you and your career are going to be like President McKenzie's wife dead and buried McKinley I said [Music] that those actresses are so self- involved mother you're an actress you forget I wrote a book yeah an autobiography called me me me well sometimes you don't even act like you're my son Wesley well sometimes you don't even act like you're my mother oh come on I've given you everything a child could want to always love publicity listen tomorrow morning I'm going to be a little bit late because I have a power peel and a bikini wax thank you Wesley give me that costume I want the red one not the GRE one you're you're having a nightm you promise me great costumes this to tight oh c oh God that was so horrible that was it was so real it was my mother and Addie and and Piper in there with this this hideous fire breathing three-headed gargoyle monster who wanted to talk to me about this show and who had the most fabulous costumes and I can't do this what's really going on I just think people are going to say that I'm setting up housekeeping in my mother's Shadow what why Connie when I was growing up I just wanted to fit in and after years of of struggling I finally do get to a place where I could succeed or I could fail on my own terms and now I'm right back at a place that I just don't want to be at Kate westbourne's son and if I do fail at this I'm just going to be known as what's his name Kate westbourne's loser son that's ridiculous you're helping your mother financially and you're going to get your series on the air even your mother will respect that let me put this in a way you'll understand not a chance my mother will never respect me you're expecting you to behave like a human being you're forgetting one thing that she never forgets she is a star Pete take it okay ladies it's just the three of you today no boys everybody we're going to face front towards the mirrors I put marks down for rehearsal Piper front right Addy front left and Kate Center back oh no I want to be in the center Front because I'm the tallest since I'm the youngest I should be in the center welcome to the land of delusion population both of you ladies ladies uh could we just try this Pete's way for now please okay okay good okay quaint shoulder up down Rudy take you from the top of boy crazy I I like the way that they dance I'm boy crazy Piper Piper Piper Piper we're not singing today no it's just a dance rehearsal oh but you know what that that does remind me when uh when we do sing these songs back from our younger days maybe we could frame them you know with a nice little intro something along the lines of remember way back when or say here's a trip down memory lane okay let's try that shall we super okay ladies let me show you from the top all right 5 six seven eight toe Point shoulder drop step click step down step kick we get this and step reach reach chep reach wonderful daning it ladies ladies we are on the right track look we'll break it down really here we go ladies here we go 5 S toe Point shoulder down reach swing that leg out swing the leg out leg out SP more time practicing your steps instead of phon ACC ladies help you [Applause] what is it you want I I need to uh I need to talk to Miss Holden privately it why it doesn't I mean it just concerns you PRI privately me all right come on go just make it quick we work get the turn okay thank you give us your first [Music] and what oh my God what what what's the matter it's my boyfriend Tony he's he's had a heart attack in jail and and what please God make this a tiny end well he has his little heart condition and so they put him in an ambulance and and took him off to the hospital and somehow or another on Route he escaped oh my God is is is is he is he dangerous or are the two of you on on good terms he's not dangerous he he dos me no he would never do anything to hurt me and besides he's an old man with a heart attack what can he do come on let's get back to the number wait wait we have to do something increase security no she's right let's let's go back to her I need to stretch my legs you always have your leg not have any more talk of heart attacks in jail let's have music and joy all right let's play some piano here we go from the top Step Up Down hey look if if I had her waiting for me I'd break out of prison too I mean look at this girl that's one good-looking lady Gavin I I may be mistaken but I think she was very much alive at the start of World War II yeah and I would love to have gotten in the trenches with her look at that oh God you need help I mean so what so she's got a few years on me you know what I'd like those ears on me yeah oh come on look this is the first break we've had it's it's getting us tons of publicity the phones are ringing off the hook I'm proud of you now get out of here Cheryl uh send Addie some flowers oh and write a note and um let's give it a personal touch uh sorry about your boyfriend blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah with love and hold vog [Music] call room service for Miss Holden could you turn around please put your arms out who is it room service oh I didn't know the room service it's cesy the production office oh how nice there you go thank [Music] you oo can my [Music] favorite be Tony oh my god oh Tony you scared me to death are you crazy Miss Holden are you okay in there oh yes officer everything's fine I um I tripped over my makeup mirror cord and it smashed but I'm fine keep up the good work you shouldn't not be here this is the first place they'll expect you to come so what I mean what are they going to give me life in prison oh I'm scared I'll tell you the worst thing that could happen to me I heard you were doing another show I got very upset I had a heart attack I mean didn't we have an agreement that you weren't going to do no more shows yes Tony we did oh Tony you know I adore you and you give me everything but I was lonely for my fans and let's face it you wouldn't have wanted me if you hadn't seen me perform well here I am so you can perform for me where where am I supposed to hide you I'm harboring a criminal well Harbor me good babe because this boat hasn't been dark in years why must you always be so vulgar you love it when I'm V Bo right mhm you uh you remember the time you so you can start right there just like we did in Paris good on the DI sharper and turn remind me I got to talk to Nolan about Beed go morning everybody good morning good morning good morning you lovely lovely ladies what are you so chipper about no I shouldn't I be chipper the sky is blue traffic is light my hips are tiny and I'm working again with such good friends mom hey you're hiding Tony in your room who oh come off then when a woman is cheerful and has a hickey on a neck there's a man behind it all right I am hiding him but don't tell anyone please you can't do that you know it's aiding and a beding yes you're housing a criminal which is a crime and crime is against the law let me just have him for a little while longer I'm having multiples it's absolutely amazing this man can go for hours it's some sort of tantric thing they learn in jail you love it oh what if you get caught look just one more night anymore and I I can't take it look if you ask me to hide your boyfriend who just broken out of jail I'd do it for you and you multiples tantric [Music] tant tell me that was so incredible bet you never got anything like that in jail huh you never anybody's girl will you Telly you don't have to answer that so does big Tony want to come out and play again round before Tony Tony Tony it's Tony I think he's having an extended senior moment very rude no no I think I'm stopped him to death oh dear you did the right thing I'm sure that's what he would have wanted oh yeah he's gone but don't be upset aty because death is never the end it's the beginning of the new Incarnation oh yes know that's true bill is always asking me to BFF him to death I know you're upset but would you have the decency to cover the man it is not one of my goals in life to see a dead mobster's butt we have got to get rid of this body this this is very incriminating this this could create all kinds of negative publicity for me and the show of course well no offense but he's a dead weight now now how do you suggest we do that I don't know the least let's get him off the bed well let's do it together let's roll him off on the count of three 1 two three Addie Sue are you all right honey I thought that I heard H Addy Sue quiet yes Mommy Tony's dead I'm amazed that he lived this long and what I'm reacting to is the size of his if you must know his jumbo no wonder you stayed with him so long is rigor more to setting in was he always like that okay okay put a suck in it I'm having a heck of a time here and myself think here what happened to your accent you see you rattle or enough she can talk just like you and me shut your trap ma ladies let us think precisely and concisely right mommy give me your robe why my robe I'm certainly not going to wear it again after that's brushed up against I'll buy you another robe mommy come on where's the Pioneer spirit that got us out of Kansas so what's the idea after we get him into the robe well I think that we should create some sort of a diversion and then then we'll carry his body outside and leave it somewhere casually where with the bell boy poolside in the gift shop I just want him out of my room okay spare us spare us the drama Edie put the Rope on him why don't we all do it together roll time safe oh God my memory is so hazy Addy Sue I just don't remember an old time like that particularly push him heavy for a little we don't know what to do with them don't push them towards me to heavy put his arm in them all right I'll God get him off me he's poking me is everything all right in there oh yes officer everything's fine everything's fine in here Mr policeman I don't think you should leave my robe over that it looks like a teepee I wouldn't touch that with a 10-ft pole it is a 10-ft pole [Music] [Music] fire St from stair St away from elev you need a waxing where [Music] you him in chair in chair grab a leg gra leg grab anything here call my one Tony goodbye Tony my love my love you were the best I ever had darl oh God spare us grieve in your room Addie please this is ridiculous go upstairs good luck in your new Incarnation perhaps I'll see you there God rest yourself let's get the hell out of here did you not did you notice how tiny his I guess that old adage doesn't rain through big nose excuse [Music] me goodbye goodbye goodby yes there they are a senior citizen's [Music] arrest I get final approval of all these pictures didn't anyone ever tell you that a woman should be lit From Below wait there's no filter on that lids and I'm always shot from the left thanks for this will make a SW Christmas [Music] card get them I bet they haven't had any in years she's had quite a bit very very recently just screwed a man to death I did not maybe I did Mom where honey honey oh my god [Music] look we were just Lor Miller ktw can you tell us what happened yes it's really very simple the the deceased Mr Marshall he broke into my room and um he tried to force himself unto me and when I resisted he he died and so him stay M and all we slipped him into my mother Mrs Hodges oh no not into me into my robe we slipped him into my mother's robe for the sake a common decency and then the waste paper basket caught fire and so we took him down to the lobby that's it the story well it is a sympathetic piece sympathetic to you maybe but we look like chorus girls in your sorted little tragedy it is not a little tragedy Kate the man literally died on top of me isn't that what most men want to die in the saddle it is not that great for the saddle no okay let's do this rehearsal is up fascinating Rhythm [Music] oh ready music 5 6 78 [Music] what oh oh Dipsy Doodle it was all my fault no no it was all mine I bumped into you I'm so sorry hello hello it was my fault to you hello follow me okay ready music 5 6 7 8 got a please listen listen listen listen listen listen I have I have made my statement about Mr Frank at the press conference last night and that is all I have to say you just leave her dead mobster alone I crossed over Piper what do you have to say about reports speculating that there was mob involvement in the fire at your hotel what what fire at my hotel ma'am it's blazing out of control what are you sure well it's never done that before Bill did you hear that it's it's okay it'll be all right yeah but apparently it's not all right the Grayson Casino and Hotel is still in Flames after firefighters barely had time to evacuate mother warned me never trust a man no fire Insurance you would think with a name like Bill You' know how to pay one no touching no touching you no no no you can't be that stupid this is a delight you could you couldn't pay for that kind of publicity Gavin don't you think this is going to be a bit of a setback for Piper They had to sedate her and everything Cheryl look I can't help it if that that layo husband of hers didn't renew their fire Insurance Cheryl flowers to Piper uh sorry about your hotel one door closes another one opens blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah sincerely you want your name of the card no yeah sure if there's room put it on but put love love West [Music] still in the dog house yeah I guess so oh feeling blue kind of well it wasn't your fault you know tell Mama tell Mama all why oh poor little pill so sad so blue his wife's a Girl Scout such bad WIS too is my boy bill in the naughty husband hot yes yes I know I've always find you very attractive Bill oh where I'm sure you'd like to relax B pick up pick up pick up pick up Piper are you awake well get awake I know I know shut up and listen to me for a minute get the hell out of bed yeah yeah you heard me if you don't 's going to seduce your husband just like she seduced dick behind my back like Martinez I do peach martinz what kind of oh Bill honey I've been thinking I didn't like that old hotel and we shouldn't let anything get in the way of us particularly not some cheap tacky lios suction talentless offkey old bit building with liver spots all over its arms oh honey can Bill junor come out and play The Magic Flute for little Piper we don't need a hotel we just need a hotel room you don't have that I love you oh with makeup is thick as clotted cream no you're not a clown you're a drag queen well if I've got the makeup of a drag queen you got the shoulders got it hi hello hello hello hi hi the um the network brass and more importantly the major sponsors are here for the run through so let me see how can I put this um what's up word again oh nicely yeah this better not suck okay what whatever having to break a leg I need this to be good I got advertisers coming out of my key you should have that looked at oh somebody's growing a backbone break a leg and Now ladies and gentlemen may I present the very first run through of our salute to boy crazy playb I like the boys in summer and in the fall same thing and when the Winter's Cold Wind Blows what way to warm your toes cuz even in the wildest snow the snow where's the snow I [Music] don't [Music] away this is not what would [Music] rehears that's great hey it's it's it's good news really the doctor told me that Piper will pu up acrylic snow for a little bit but but that's it the flakes are completely out of Addie's eyes so right corne is a little scratched her vision will be a little a little blurry and my mom's just being treated for minor abrasions it's fine yeah I I don't know if we're going to be able to do this no it's a mess you can't start the show with that number it's a train wreck you know Wesley I I'd say you were a disappointment but that would imply that I expected more for me hold on a second I just thought of something can you detail cars did you ever get tired of being such a maggot n love it we're on the air with this thing in 2 days I'll see you in your trailer ASAP thank you ladies great effort I I matey oh Wesley Wesley please don't be depressed everything's going to be fine these things have a way of working out did I ever tell you that you remind me of that great director Billy Wilder oh Addie no well I just want to thank you for bringing Joy back into my life and giving me Faith again in the power of entertainment thank you you're very welcome mother mother wait up mother Kate Billy it's Billy Wilder for goodness sakes I didn't re recognize you without your Star Choice Edie the sucker please she was just being nice being nice what you call being nice I call blowing smoke up your butt all she wants is to get the best shots in the special Wesley God forbid you treated me a little better I am having a bad enough day as it is I really don't need any more grief I'm just trying to protect you she did the same thing with dick Preston on the movie in the first place oh for Pete's sake stop being such a control freak act like a mother what would you know about mothering you're just feeding his ego what ego you scored that down years ago you're just jealous because you don't have a son oh you've ever had her boyfriend and now that you've killed the last one you're finally realizing that family is everything and since it's much too late for you to ever start one of your own you're trying to steal mine I don't want to steal your precious son although it wouldn't be too difficult considering how you treat him at least I know how to be Charming to people and I'm younger and better looking than you darling you were stealing husbands long before I was born really really well if you're so stunning with all those liver spots that you call freckles how come dick left you for me huh and you wouldn't look quite so cute cie without that stupid wig leave me alone you skinny little mutant and Dick Preston did not leave me he sensed that I was going to lead and he left first in order to save face oh well you've never been able to face what really happened you have never been able to face anything and what is that supposed to mean let me tell you something that you have never faced Wesley bats for the other team and I don't mean baseball what the hell are you talking about Kate your son is gay that is ridiculous no what is ridiculous is that you have never noticed did Wesley tell you this Wesley didn't have to tell me that anyone with an ounce of sensitivity can see it where you going to Wesley don't tell him I told you kiss ass slag that was not a run through okay no no actually that was a stampede no a stampede would require a real directory you couldn't direct traffic you know that you you can't even what it's Wesley's mother busy mother it's important in a meeting Wesley Hill could possibly be so Gavin hello boys we need to talk what do you want mother what do I have to want something isn't it all right if I just want to come and talk to my talented son if you are complimenting me you want something well you are doing a fantastic job dear you are we all are this must really be important is one of us dying no apparently one of us is gay and who told you that Wesley I think it's wonderful dear you know being in Show Business I've been around gay people all my life I sensed it a mother knows these things all right Addy told me but I am your mother I know no can I get back to work now no I mean it I am your mother you're obviously driving at something here and you are so good at being blunt so why don't you just come out and say it so I could go back in there and get yelled at some more okay I said it I am your mother and and um dick Preston was was your [Music] father what do you saying dear I don't know how many other ways I can say this you you are actually my son you are actually the son of Dick Preston we had you together do you understand and and you're gay and we all had our little secrets you're saying that I'm not adopted that's right you're saying that dick Preston was my father right and that you are my mother and you're telling me all of this now to get back at me for not telling you that I was gay because Addie told no don't you please get don't get upset don't get upset why would I get upset you wait half of my life to tell me that I am not adopted and that you are my actual real birth mother and that dick Preston was my father and he's dead now oh I'm sorry I forgot to mention you do have a father but you don't really have a father because your father is dead don't get upset Wesley what come on now I'm going to go to my meeting now this is no time to Wesley Wesley stop shaking you ruin your vocal and besides that everyone will here I certainly hurt so dick Preston fathered your child you devious sloted where Wesley's Dick's boy so you deprive Wesley of a father all his life because he dumped you for me you are jealous because I had a child with dick pron and all you had was sex I wish that in a previous live I had ripped out that vicious tongue of yours and flung it in the fire oh please we can't go on like this we can't go through all this again I can't believe you two keep on mooning about Dick Preston a man who's been dead for years and who after all had a freckled penis what how the hell would you know oh uh well I wouldn't know I wouldn't know that's just something something that I heard you know he he he slept with a lot of people you know dick slept with women who had normal sexual appetites which you wouldn't know anything about because you're so frigid you probably never had an orgasm anyway I am not frigid and I was having orgasms at the same time you were with dick Preston satisfied you and dick pretending to be that little goody T's virgin when you were just as big a as we were they came to me after he was sick to death of the two of you he needed to be around someone with a little class a little is Right a very little well at least I have some which is more than you can say oh you silly dried up bimbo I hate stop stop it you made my child fatherless stop it stop it stop it we don't want stop it stop it that's it that that's it nothing is worth this I'm pulling the plug on the sucker you're all officially out of a job especially you uh Tom um put on a run of the Susan Luchi movie and and release a statement to the Press saying that that whatever Talent these ladies had they've lost along with their minds and their looks and my interest oh no thanks no you know the three of you are so bitter about crap that happened so long ago you don't even realize what was supposed to happen here you're the stars of a movie that the whole country has fallen in love with again and you don't even care boy crazy was a movie about about the joy and the love that three friends could have for each other and the three of you are just the worst ambassador of that message that the world will ever know Wesley dear heart love Apple oh my God I think she's having a heart attack she's crying I think don't you silly I've never seen her cry neither but I remember hearing that she tried that once in the Gregory PEC movie and she had to slice an onion to stick it in her eye OH police I told Wesley that he was my real son in the most horrible and bizarre way and now we've lost our jobs and he's lost his job and God he'll never speak to me again there you didn't mean to tell him that way no no no you're far too elegant for that you would have sent him a a perfume note or something that's right that's right you know you know I was thinking last night you know I I I I I was alone and I couldn't sleep so I went into some of Wesley's those presidential documentaries about mothers you know famous mothers and it struck me that they're always famous mothers like us but they're always very doting and they always put their families first I'll typ that is so profound oh my God oh my God I see that now I'm seeing it so much more clearly he needs me that's it's the truth you know see I've had four children and you know what you you can fix this thing with Wesley no no well let let me be clear no we will take take a salary cut there's nothing left to cut because you ate it all up in in added expenses with your custom gowns and your wig makers and your waxing well in our days those things would have been picked up by the studio oh okay well I I guess you've been too busy uh screaming at each other to realize that night has kind of fallen on your day pithy but rude you know Gavin when you're rude oh your eyes sparkle like a naughty little boy and I want to hold you to my breast and sing you Irish lullab oh Gavin boy your pipes your pipes are calling straight to M Glen all right Gavin we are really really really sorry and we are never really really sorry about anything don't it will be nice to people you'll see you know upbe Peppe Peppe yeah no no and a big fat no oh but Gavin we love show business so we know and if we can't perform we will die yeah and you'll be blamed what we really want is just one more moment in the sun one my dance in the Limelight we can't be ourselves unless we're in front of an audience oh that is exactly how I feel me too really you oh sweet so important oh look what you've done yes you did it I have never heard Wesley so upset when I told him to show was back on he still hung up on me will you relax you're going to wreck my car just don't worry about it if we can Vin that awful Gavin fell to do the show Wesley a cinchs [Applause] [Music] out [Music] EX no excuse sir excuse me sir sir hello oh no excuse me excuse me attention please has anyone seen my son Wesley Westborn hide me he's over here Jud you're going to have to see her sooner or later you just I want to say hi oh hi hello like you for really good you remember me you Wesley hi Wesley we've been looking for you everywhere and we've really had quite a time finding you what was the name of the place that we particularly like called the uh the toy box that me the tool box yes so could I talk with you pleas please Wesley there's so many people here oh yeah can you do something I'm the think of something distract them I don't know through you ain't nothing what hi K hi [Music] Kate thank you woo that's it we get to trouble come on get happy you better Chase all your cares away sh Hallelujah come on get happy get ready for the Judgment Day oh yeah the sun is shining come on get happy is W to take your sh Hallelujah come going to theis when I first found out I was going to have a baby I was so Overjoyed but in those days if you weren't married and you were pregnant it was a scandal and if you were a movie star your career was over no I wouldn't have been able to afford you so instead of giving you up for adoption I pretended to adopt you I have to know how did you pull this off oh I uh went to Europe I faked a phony illness got lots of fluffy bed clothes and when I came back I had this beautiful baby boy from the Ukraine and you never told me any of this because the other come on you better all your to adopt you that's why come on get happy Chase your cares away Hallelujah gety for the Jud every time I try to get close to you you run every day I meant to tell you and every day that I didn't tell you the not telling you got bigger and you sense that I was holding something back and that's the way it became between us so all those times you tried to tell me you you just felt guilty and when I felt guilty I was into to D quiet and peaceful on the other side Wesley I was wrong and I can't forgive myself until you forgive me please son all right I will will forgive you under one condition anything I want to hear you say I was wrong one more time I was wrong now do me a favor please what's that hug your mother [Music] okay Jud day the sun is shining come on get happy the is waiting to take your hand Hallelujah going be going to the thank you well did he forgive this yes come [Applause] on shro I need you to follow the spot on the ladies all the way down the stairs and Eric for crying out loud you got to fix these cracks in the stage the ladies are going to trip they're wearing heels Wesley say hello to Mr Stern the the chairman of the network hello how you doing uh Kate and Piper are on their way I'm just going to go look for Addie when Gavin told me his idea for the special I was a little skeptical but then when the sponsors started fighting for time I changed my tune gas go bye-bye denture grab tinkle pads well I told Gavin today he's getting a huge bonus well you must be so proud ah here they are Mr Stern hello two of our shining stars Piper hello I am a huge fan and Piper I wanted to marry Tammy like every other man in America oh and Kate if there's anything to this past lives thing I sure hope that we were lovers in another life I'm certain of it you were Charlamagne thank you and I still have the Playboy sential that Addy did a few years ago oh I'm sure she'd love to talk to you about her spread I'll go get her shall I oh I'd like that get your troubles come on get Addy I'm going to chase all your kids away oh and I was just starting to like you a little come on Bill wait a minute You' got it all wrong as usual have I well honey your zipper got stuck well we're going no show is worth losing your husband oh don't be so melodramatic you've had your eye on my bill ever since you killed your boyfriend with your lethal genitals he was just helping me unzip my dress we going well honey wait a minute now leth what now to head don't you this honey listen to [Music] me oh [Music] wait gin problem fix this or you'll be selling tinkle pads door to door attack I can't believe it who cares what you believe you no wonder they call you the British Open should have been her she's the oldest by whose clock prun face pot calling Kettle ladies it's a sad day for all of us barl Mason has died oh my God our agent when she heard you walked off the show she had a heart attack Rose rushed her to the hospital and I called you as soon as I heard the news by the time we got here she was an intensive care and she died in Wesley's arms but before she died she used every ounce of her strength and she told us her last wish and she uh raised herself up on her elbow and uh clasped his hand and uh and then she said I'll never forget at this she said you tell those Divas The Show Must Go On what does this do to my karma no this like a scene from stck movie then we murderers so what do you say oh well Gavin I'm in I'm in if she apologizes oh who are we kidding let's just do it let's not have any more death I'm sorry Piper I'm really sorry really it's okay it it's okay oh truce truce to barel the most brilliant wonderful ruthless crazy agent who ever lived we'll see you in the next life unless I see you first thanks barl Wesley you tricked us I am so proud of you li people I'm sure this is all very touching girls but we're live in two minutes yes Q7 in two counts go one complete performers on stage stage placs as dancers we're live in 30 seconds Roll video playback the girls are back boys so stand aside we've been on a trip and it's been one hell of a ride ladies and gentlemen welcome to the special reunion of boy crazy the girls are back [Music] [Applause] first you're down and then you're high again what a lie ride back to the top and die again what a life your best friends away your you meet somebody new you wouldn't have found if been around you geted and then you win again what a life one day bounce then boom you're in again what a life it's all one big surprise doors are open then they're [Music] shut first your Prime and then your Chuck again what a life nice shag and need a talk again what a life you watch your favorite dream go next day you start again and watch your balloon oh over the moon one day you're so mad at friends you could tear their hair next day 30 years a past and you just don't care in time we all get wi if they treat you like a nut you just keep my [Music] kick you are out and your the Life Time Goes By I am still yourness what [Music] a just play it as it Li it can kick you in the gut it can trap you in a rut it is crazy Wacky Tacky what a [Music] Al what a fabulous life [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] we're out to commercial we're back live in 3 minutes yeah come on come come on come on get off your asses for these he all [Applause] [Music] Broad [Music] p [Music]
Channel: Stream City
Views: 167,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, movies, full movie, full length feature film, full length movie, free movie, film, films, full film, cinema, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, These Old Broads, These Old Broads 2001, 2001 movie, 2001 film, drama movie, film noir, drama/noir, drama/noir movie, classic hollywood, old hollywood, hollywood, Debbie Reynolds, Shirley MacLaine, Elizabeth Taylor
Id: 5HPj2r3p9qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 9sec (5349 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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