An Analysis of the R&G Department | Enter the Gungeon

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so a little bit of backstory after a farewell to arms came out I spent a bunch of time observing what was added in the update and writing a whole script about everything however that dragged on a while and with my ongoing technical difficulties it dragged on still now that a few months have passed since the update people mainly know all the stuff that was added so a video telling them what they already know would be pointless and so all the work I had so far was put away in our little folder that I hoped might be useful eventually however somewhat recently I've gotten a handful of comments requesting that I cover just the R&G Department and the stuff inside so here we are all the stuff I wrote about the floor won't be going to waste after all let's get started the RNG Department is of course accessed via the sell creep he's guaranteed to spawn in his own special room in the hollow you give him a master round and two other guns or items and his great will blow open allowing the player to explore the depths below and those depths below ah a janitorial closet containing a snarling a gun and slash cell creep who vanishes shortly after and the title card with the name of the area upon coming out of the closet you find yourself in a corridor full of well-dressed bullit kin there's electric lights water coolers etc all the modern conveniences I discussed in my predictions for the update this is the most high-tech advanced location within the gungeon that we know of beating the oubliette with all its plumbing and the forge with all its blacksmithing luxuries the secret floor doesn't follow the same rules on random layout as pretty much anywhere else in the gungeon this floor is standard it never shifts never bends it's always shaped the same like the breach this floor also has no chests unless they randomly drop on room clear no shops no other NPCs etc but that doesn't mean dodge roll was lazy yet the real way the floor shines where the real effort went it was the enemies no enemies from other floors are present here and every enemies seen here is never seen again anywhere else while the rooms aren't randomized ennemy distribution kinda is seeing is what might once have been enemy x1 run could instead the enemy why the next some of the enemies here are reskins existing enemies with minor changes whereas most have completely new attack patterns no enemies here have a minimal con entry sadly but it also kind of makes sense why they didn't want to clog up the a Manama con with all these enemies never seen again in the game a law not like me would love that though not gonna lie most of these enemies are easily classified into groups namely westerns pirates and robots / mutants these enemies seem to be nods to those chambers that dodge roll initially planned for the game but never implemented this is the R&D department after all so enemies left behind in development winding up here's really to be expected the westerns presumably hint to the cut Wild West floor and the robots and mutants may hint towards the handful of futuristic cut floors as for the Pirates I didn't initially clue on to this but a member in my server who goes by Long Haul made the connection that these enemies may hint towards the monstro / belly floor seeing as monstro and the story of Pinocchio was a giant fish who would eat ships and all their crew Mariner and pirate themed enemies appearing on that floor would make a lot of sense let's start off with the enemy is that I don't see an obvious connection to a cut floor for skip to the time on screen if you really don't care for a rundown of all the floors enemies and just want to get to some more meaty stuff related to the update first up we have the first enemies you probably see upon entering the floor these two dapper folks are called the office bullet and the office bullet by their sprites it seems as though the female uniform in the RNG Department is a purplish magenta thing as opposed to the black suit and red tie worn by the males well so what's even the difference between a male and female bullet can is it just arbitrary is it built-in do they choose it's something I'm actually quite curious about back on track these office can adjust risk ins of bullet can and behave identically they carry the Magnum next we have this bullet ken wearing what appears to be a dynamite suicide vest called the bralette by the files bralette bralette I don't really know the bralette behaves identically to a bullet kin except for a couple key behaviors upon death they explode similarly to an enemy with the explosive pyre effect and if the player walks too close to them they will panic and detonate themselves unlike most other explosive enemies they make no attempt to run at the player they also carry the Magnum third up to bet the musket ball guy it should be noted that sprite names tend to use the word guy when referring to enemies for example pin heads are referred to as grenade guys keep in mind that a lot of these names aren't probably what dodge roll would prefer to call the enemies it's just the functional names for them anyways these enemies charge up before launching themselves at the player in the form of a large projectile it should be noted these guys only do contact damage while flinging themselves around and can be walked and do harmlessly otherwise I kind of thought they were cannon balls at first since they appear to use similar sprites to the cannon Balrogs projectiles but they seem to just the musket balls instead guess musket balls did end up being anthropomorphised in the gungeon after all knock at the door number for the armored bullet kin these chunky boys appear to be dressed in rusty old Knightly armor they plod towards the player firing remarkably slow moving bolts using the wrists bowed the weapon of choice of the skullet they have sprites with our armor breaking away but I've never been able to make this happen so I don't know whether this was cut or I just haven't been able to trigger it speaking of sprites upon death these guys release little green wisp and not present in other enemies the sprites for this wisp call it the armoured bullet spirit so that's their spirit escaping I'm not sure why they chose to give that to this enemy whether or not it's some sort of reference but still next we have the Angry Necronomicon this enemy appears to be a large booklet bound in skin it's bullets all appear to be the number 6 referencing it's unholy nature they can fire spinning bullet rings squares triangles making them almost identical to an apprentice gun zero in some ways they can also form the symbol of a circle with a vertical line running through its center before firing it out in all directions which is an attack used by the normal booklet and finally they can fire three loose spreads of four bullets each in the direction of the player it's possible that this angry Necronomicon is in reference to the unused red book enemy which was supposedly the a Manama cone of a gun janilla which was inked in gun grease and bound in gun dead flesh I've talked about it before but we don't have much info on it following on from the last one we have the angry tablet I'd say that this tablet is supposed to be an archaic form of the modern booklet containing much ancient knowledge its face can completely disappear into itself these tablets in fire arse ends and the crossed through circle symbol pretty much mimicking a booklet aside from its spinning triangular bullet shape you can also encounter candle guys on this floor now candle guys aren't completely unused elsewhere in the game you might recognize them as they're strewn liberally around bullet-hell as decoration objects but they also appear as part of the high priests unique modified during challenge mode the modifier is called something wicked and it causes these candle guys to spawn throughout the fight unlike the versions we see in the RNG Department something wicked candle guys don't wander about and don't actively attack the player instead they burst into large pools of fire when killed or even walked into orangey Dept candle guys seem to have gotten their hands on magnums and used them to fire flaming bullets at the player they don't burst into fire on death and while they appear to be flying they can still be hurt by creep functionally they're just bullet can I'll be honest I'm really bad at transitioning between these enemies so let's just move on to one of the larger foes you can encounter here thus Lodge bluish green beaked bullet with the wings of a bat their sprites call them the bullet gargoyles also known as bullet gargoyles they fly around the room firing a large amount of bullet projectiles in a diamond formation as far as I can tell they don't have any other attacks these gargoyles seem to have sprites for emerging from a stony form into their fleshy and mobile selves but I've not been able to witness them doing that not on spawning not on spawning as part of a second wave etc they do seem to revert to the stony form upon death before shattering however I'm sure a lot of you were very glad about this enemy there was a bit of a joke going around before the update that the new boss ought to be just a LED Maiden holding Casey and while this wasn't the case in the end fortunately we did see a new lead made and make its way to this floor introducing the fridge Maiden found specifically in the break room it opens revealing the food inside before it begins to fight he's all around functionally it's the same as the lead Maiden but it's still one of the most memorable things about the new floor second to last we have these things that I at first thought was sideways dynamite Ken dogs maybe but no these guys are bipedal and apparently called m80 guys or firecracker guys depending on where you look in 80's and reality are a type of powerful firework that was originally developed for military purposes in order to simulate larger explosions or perhaps gunfire that would explain these guys fanciful explosions as opposed to the grittier explosions of their nitro brothers in fact they behave a lot like Nitra but they're not just a reskin seeing is the range of their explosion line is around double that of your basic nitro finally for misc enemies we have those big bullets that everyone thought was going to be the boss despite all the evidence to the contrary in fact these guys are just enemies like any other they don't spawn at random with two of them appearing on the floor each time these bullets are known as Titan bullet Ken and there are three different types of them two of these titans are identical to one another and behavior while the third has a slight variation to his attacks first up there's the generic Titan bullet he has no clothing and he's the one with the attack variation unlike the other Titans who fire bursts of three massive projectiles with each pull of their oversized triggers the generic Titan fires bursts of five projectiles instead secondly there's the boss Titan bullet named so because it's an authority figure in the department not because it's the boss of the floor wearing a red tie and the tightness bullet a Titan version of the purple clothes bullets found earlier on the floor with large earrings despite having no ears and a large amount of hair to complete its feminine appearance I've heard a lot of people call this tightness a Karen and I can't help but think of that every time I look at her upon entering one of the rooms containing a Titan there's a chance you'll see a bunch of gunga near figurines on the desk now this might just mean the RNG Department is considering merchandising the gungeon ears but I can't help but think of that one scene from space balls and I hope beyond hope that it's a reference to it okay that's all the normal enemies on the floor now let's get to the westerns let's start off with this bullet can wearing a large brown top hat he appears to have taken care to get that authentic western poor dental hygiene he's called the West bullet by his sprites but alas he is but a bullet kenri skin and behaves identically he wields the si a next we have the Western shotgun can equivalent again known just as West's shotgun its slug appears to be stylized as a large hat and he has a frankly adorable moustache despite the gun dead supposedly not being able to have facial hair please follow your own rules Roger oh it hurts me these guys hold the Winchester and behave like blue shotgun can at first firing spreads of 5 bullets followed closely by a spread of four upon death they explode into a bunch of bullets that fly out in irregular directions like the veteran shotgun kin during this final attack they also fired two large cannonballs in the direction of the player these guys are one of my favorites moving on from bullets we have this red snake creature known simply as the snake not related in any way to the a makanda I'm pretty sure they act identically to veteran shotgun Ken - the bullet burst upon death they shoot out a pointed and tight spread of bullets anticipating the players movements to catch them off-guard they kind of remind me of code rats or trike lights from Super Mario Bros 2 but that's probably because it's just a red snake finally we have the cactus creatively called the cactus they have the general shape of a shotgun can but don't behave like one instead they move towards the player occasionally pausing to shoot spines around them in an even circle there's not much to say here other than that this enemy is one of the things that made me realize that there was reference to the west and floor moving on to pirates we have a simple pirate bullet wearing eye patches over both of their eyes and a nice little pirate hat like the Western bullet Ken they're just a bullet can reskin but their bullets do look a bit more spherical like musket balls this does make sense since they appear to be wielding the dueling pistol a musket weapon though unlike the actual dueling pistol its bullets don't bounce next we have a pirate shotgun Ken with a large wig coming all the way down its slug a little tricorn hat and a black coat with a white undershirt and gold epaulettes very elegant behave identically to the red shotgun Ken aside from their musket ball looking projectiles that they fire using old Goldie of all things finally for the belly born scoundrels we have the parrot it's just a reskin GG I'm not sure what I expected kiki is a pronounced GG Oh Kiki I never actually learned that I've just caught them teach you by whole life and I had a certain realization while recording that it might be it might be Giggy well you'll let me know you'll let me know it's almost over I just have to run through all the futuristic robot enemies and the mutants robots first we have the bullet mech a large robotic vehicle mimicking the form of the simple bullet kin and being driven by a bullet cannon its globe like slug these enemies attack by sending up two waves of bullets around themselves the first wave always contains significantly more bullets and is diamond-shaped whereas the second wave is a more miserly serving of lead in a circular formation next to these enemies named cylinders they might be a reference to gun cylinders or they might just be uncreated Li named based on their shape regular cylinders float towards the player firing three spreads of four triangular bullets with a pause in between each spread the amount of spread seems to be random and it can be really tight or full of wide gaps red cylinders move like the normal cylinders but have different attacks they fire two spreads of atomic bullets always totaling two six bullets usually there's three bullets in the first spread and three in the second but seemingly at random the cylinder will fire two bullets in the first spread and four in the second Newton time now this floppy decrepit looking bullet is referred to rather casually by it sprites as that caliber thing bullet man or more simply the cable it clearly this relates to caliber law wise but I'm not sure what the ramifications might be it's possible that the holes that cover them may relate to the glowing eyes that cover the confirmed the terrible affliction I seek to hide with their robes perhaps these are confirmed to have shed their robes I don't know upon death cable it's turned gray reminding me a lot of the caliber synergies with the abyssal tentacle or the dragon fire functionally they act as risk ins of the tombstone ax firing cross formations next we have the weird slightly creepy slightly goofy callable it yep another enemy related to caliber don't confuse the caliber lit with the cable that have been forgivable Calla bullets have a round pulsating slug and two long tentacle legs with which they trudged along their mortal path they fire loose spreads of five bullets every time of which two bullets are always slightly further ahead a bit like the red cylinder they're not super noticeable there's not even very much I can say I can't relate it to anything else in the game that I can think of and finally the enemy you've all been waiting for fish fish bullets to be more precise these guys are just straight reskin as a bullet can but I love them so I'd say that they're the result of experiments on the fish found within the gungeon we see them here and there most notably being fired by the barrel though we never see a green Gunjan fish that would explain the green variant the green fish bullets are just referred to as fish bullet by their sprites the blue fish bullets weirdly enough are called red fish bullets by their sprites red fish's blue fish one fish two fish red fish blue fish I guess that's what they were going for okay we're officially done with enemies I really hope I didn't bore any of you I just felt as though you ought to document what I could about these strange enemies but it's okay it's over now they can't hurt you anymore they can't hurt you anymore anyways we've got more to discuss on the meat of the ROG Department and the boss first and foremost it's a gun and as you've probably learned by now boss of the bullets past was an underling of the powerful cannon who attempted to invade the gungeon in ages long past in the physical a Minami Khan it was confirmed that a gun him and the cell creek were one in the same and in this update they finally tied that into the main story of the game a gonna bring zyou down to this floor you were never meant to access to finally finish you off and kill his own past probably so he can attempt to invade the gungeon once more he does this with an attack helicopter because of course he does the fight itself is tricky but fairly standard for a secret boss apart from one thing remember in my prediction video when I threw out a random little theory about dodge rolls hint about volume imagine if it's spoke when that'd be weird well call me an Oracle because actually yes he does aghanim voiced by cam Clarke most of the Gundams dialogue is fairly standard and not hugely important though there are some lines that stand out [Music] let's just move on from that while traversing the RNG Department you might notice that this new tileset adds windows along the walls of some rooms looking out over a city an actual proper city skyscrapers and all I managed to find the sprite that's used for the city backdrop so you can see it a lot more clearly here this might seem absolutely ridiculous and insane and it kinda is but it also makes a lot of sense the holo and the forge of polar opposites a frozen series of catacombs and caves as opposed to the burning industrial nature of the forge the floors couldn't really be all too close to begin with because molten metal inner ice really don't get along too well this floor could just be acting as a buffer between the two this idea that there's a large cavern between the two chambers makes a lot of sense also I know a lot of people seem to get the impression that upon going to the new floor you go to a place outside the gungeon or some weird pocket dimension or something I don't really think that's the case Occam's razor and all and there's one tiny detail that cements it for me the fight with a gun and takes place on a rooftop of one of the skyscrapers in this cabin and from above we can see snow at first this might confirm to you that this takes place outside the gungeon but to me it makes it all the clearer that this floor is where it appears to be underneath the hollow the chamber of ice and snow of course snow comes down from above the implications of the gungeon having a population sufficient enough to sustain an entire underground city are interesting but I think there's more to it mad this floor is clearly a bunch of references to stuff that was cut from the game but I would theorize that this chamber is the canonical place where bullet can are designed and tested and where things like debts were probably prototypes before being sent out to the rest of the guns bullet can are built and any good Smith or to plan their designs before putting it to the anvil that's what I think this Florez to the universe of dungeon and it in its own way slightly adds legitimacy to the Canon of the cut secret flaws is this a perfect theory hell no it falls apart if you look at enemies like snakes or parrots through this lens how do you prototype an animal but I don't think this floor was meant to be fully coherent it was a nice send-off a last hurrah it definitely has law implications but it also wasn't meant to be studied too closely so let's study it too closely outside of the city we see outside the window there are a few other small details I'd like to draw to your attention first of all you probably noticed while traversing this chamber there's a room containing six red windows in the floor if you linger you'll see a variety of strange and twisted monsters push themselves up to the glass of the chambers in which they're held these are presumably more of the experiments done in this chamber to design new enemies for other floors there are three in total the sprites call them alien floor cells but I don't think the creatures within them are actually extraterrestrial the word alien there is more likely to stand in for freaky doodad but first is a large bloated blue caterpillar looking thing I managed to locate it sprites but they don't give this creature a special name the biggest thing I can notice that this giant insect shares a color scheme with the gungeon end and maybe a related species the second is a twisted looking bullet with many eyes and a plethora of spindly legs that it uses to pull itself up to the glass this thing is simply called the spider I have no idea what this could be or what this may have been finally we have the most mysterious of the three this grey gun cylinder with fire spewing from its chambers and an eye in the very center this thing has no visible limbs or other body but who knows it might be fully humanoid down there in the shadows for all we know this thing is cooled strangely the lever le e V er I don't know if this is a reference to anything if it's the creatures name or some other descriptor levers or things in the Legend of Zelda franchise but comparing them side by side I don't know how much they're actually related as it stands it's a bit of a mystery finally the final room of the floor before the boss contains a series of specimen tubes full of green goop containing a pulsating white and red thing that matches the color scheme of enemy bullets these don't do anything and they're destroyed like any other obstacle but I'd like to take a closer look at that thing inside I might be crazy a lot of people have brought this up to don't see it but doesn't the thing in there look a lot like the interdimensional horror I've done a handful of videos in the past about the interdimensional horror and there are a lot of signs pointing to this thing originating in the gungeon and if the rng Department is where new enemies are prototyped and made the test-tube creation of the interdimensional horror infants occurring in this chamber makes a huge amount of sense but anyways that's all I have for you this time this won't be the last video born of the fair Walter arms however consider this a sister video to another project I'm working on going over all the cut content of the update brought with it because it brought with it a fair bit I myself am looking forward to making it but for now I've got to go make a human sacrifice to the elder god of cheats and hacks Gareth um no see you heart-healthy black you need it in the breach sir knock on my door knock next time yes sir did you see anything no sir I didn't see you're playing with your dolls again good
Channel: Nevernamed
Views: 258,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R&G, R&G Dept, Farewell, Farewell to Arms, Bullette, Bullet Kin, Gungeon, Enterthegungeon, etg, nevernamed, R&G Department, Leever, Interdimensional Horror, Enemies, New Enemies
Id: Hxkpz2-wj5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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