The American Rancher featuring Beefmasters | Veterans Air Command

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coming up it's very rough here but the beef masters have adapted well it's just close to 30 mile it's a lot of rotten we definitely want to get him out of here before hurricane season making money with hearty beef masters and flying with heroes next on the American Rancher [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich the veterans airlift command provides free private air travel for combat veterans that were severely injured in battle today we'll fly with one veteran and a business jet pilot who is dedicated to the cause that's later in the show but first we visit two historic Texas ranches that rely on beefmaster cattle to make a living our first stop is the Huebner brothers cattle company keith meyer runs and operates this ranch which is home to the oldest cattle drive in texas for over 100 years they've been driving cattle by horseback and swimming their cattle across the Colorado River the journey begins on winter pastures on the island that runs from Matagorda to Port O'Connor from there Cowboys drive cattle to their summer pastures in Bay City the peninsula is just a long strip of land between the Gulf and the bay it runs from the mouth of the Colorado to the port O'Connor Ship Channel and it sits close to 30 miles so it's it's a long strip of land and it's a lot of rod we definitely want to get them out of here before hurricane season I mean we don't have to this isn't a trip you can just throw together in a few days I mean it takes a lot of planning this is a ranch rich with history and tradition and beefmaster cattle is their breed of choice we roughly run seven hundred seven hundred Marlin cows they're bred the beefmaster bulls the main thing we appreciate about the beefmaster breed is their hardiness their fertility their ability to grow stability and it works in our program very well I mean just primarily where we're located in the kind of country that were that we're putting them on demand for beef master cattle has increased over the years because of ranches like the Huebner brothers sharing their success with beef master genetics beef masters have the optimum traits needed to excel an efficiency and thrive in harsh environments this Peninsula the salt grass country it is some pretty some pretty harsh country pretty tough country when we get into spring and the days get warmer it's some pretty harsh days with flies and so forth and in the beefmaster these beefmaster influence gotta really hold up in those conditions these cattle produce extremely fertile functional and docile females that the beef industry needs to rebuild America's cow herds beef masters also produce profitable and efficient feeder calves that deliver results in today's volatile marketplace most of the wing and weights on these beef master influence calves are going to be between 650 and 700 in the fall and wean a lot of these calves and hold onto them to shift them as yearlings in the spring and we try to get them up to 750 800 pounds the extreme versatility and adaptability of beef masters are proven by solid results beefmaster bulls are improving herds nationwide but the highest demand in the high desert of the Northwest United States and all along the Gulf Coast region which stretches from Mexico to Florida and the Atlantic coastline ranchers in these wildly diverse environments use beefmaster to anchor the maternal needs for their commercial operations up next beefmaster crossbreeding pays off in the high desert of Texas that's after the break you're watching the American Rancher call your farms program as time tested one of the most important things about how we develop our Bulls is that they're tested in a big group so that we can identify those individuals that excel above the crowd we know what goes out and works for the customer those customers come back every year to keep buying bulls because they work jo-ann Collier farms at the 2018 performance bull sale on November 17th in Brennan Texas [Music] lob ba is one of the oldest satellite associations within the beefmaster industry and its membership consists of beefmaster breeders from throughout Texas and at least 12 other states check out these outstanding sales coming up from the live oak beef masters breeders Association the satellite hosts numerous events annually including seminars field days three sales per year and they're a major sponsor in the National East six commercial beef master sale held every spring for more information visit them online at lov be a dotnet next-gen Cattle Company of hexaco Kansas is the future of advanced cattle genetics they focus on strong maternal influences terminal performance traits and of course beefmaster cattle next-gen is excited to announce their Flint Hills classic bull sale on September 29 these cattle are just a few of the hundred and twenty or so beefmaster and Charlet bulls three hundred bred beefmaster influence females offered it to sale join us at the ranch and invest in your future learn more at next-gen cattle calm stbb a is the oldest satellite association within the beefmaster industry the goal of the satellite is to assist members in the promotion and marketing of their cattle through the sponsorship of several prestigious sales throughout the year don't miss these upcoming sales from the South Texas beef masters breeders Association STB ba also provides an opportunity for both social and business contacts meeting new breeders and exchanging ideas in order to further involvement in the beefmaster breed for more information visit them online at stbb a org [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the American Rancher flying bee ranches Rancho del Cielo and the high desert Davis mountains of Texas produces excellent results through their brief master cross breeding program in the high desert ranchers are able to utilize more country simply because Hardy or beefmaster cross cows will travel farther to water sources than high-percentage British cows their willingness to cover more country utilizing native pasture and thriving and higher elevations creates efficiency and provides great value to Ranchers stunning gorgeous remote heaven on earth these words describe Rancho del Cielo this ranch is a forty thousand acre working ranch located on the northern edge of the Davis Mountains in Far West Texas it has two main operations raising commercial cattle and managing a hunting program focused on raising desert mule deer about standing quality our commercial hunting operation consists of we sell management mule deer hunts trophy audit hunts which are Barbary sheep from Africa they're an exotic animal and we also sell quail and javelina hunts our cattle operation consists of we just be a straight Angus operation and in 2013 we started crossing using beefmaster bulls crossing on Angus cows this produces a cross bred market steer with a larger body mass high tolerance to heat as well as a capacity to travel well and stay sound on rough and rugged terrain it's very rough here it's a very high desert but the beef masters have really adapted well here in addition to market steers they offer replacement heifers that are eligible to be enrolled in the certified East six commercial heifers program with beefmaster breeders United these calves are big when they're born but none of my cows have had any problem calving you know they're probably an average calf of 90 pounds altogether but the first calf heifers we had last year they kept last year and they did really well he never got thin on us so you know we don't normally get our rain till July August here they made it through the calving in the winter through the spring which was very dry here with a minimal supplementation and I'm really very pleased with him and they raised do we win some big calves for a first calf heifers they averaged about six we kept pretty much all of our he six Cross heifers to make cows that for replacement and then the steers we sold them off the cow and they went to the Panhandle and the guy that bottom is he wants more of them I mean he said they were some of the best set of stairs he's had and this guy trades lots of cattle the success of Rancho del cielos cross breeding program led to an invitation for the ranch to participate in a 2015 sire evaluation project funded by the beefmaster educational endowment Foundation the Rancho del Cielo calves produced from this saira valuation program hit the ground and exploded with growth just as the other beef master progeny had in the past years those calves did nothing but grow and put it on even through the dry spring dry late winter dry late spring those calves never missed a beat they really put on the game they use all that you know they'll go up on on the sides of mountains like you know they get around and use the country and I really seen it the e6f trees we've kept it seems like they use the country even better than Angus according to King 75% of the calf crop were black hided and the remaining calves being solid dark red as part of the SCI revaluation program the ranch collected all the progeny data and collected birth weights King was so pleased with the calves produced through the program that he and his crew a I'd the same set of commercial Angus cows with beefmaster bulls it is easy to see that beef master crossbreeding works for the commercial cattlemen across the United States simply put beef master crossbred calves on average are better performers than their straight bred parents cross bred calves are more vigorous at birth and faster growing calves will perform better for almost every trait ultimately making you more money we try to keep all their cows docile and that starts in an early age with the heifers we take bread cold my horse break them they know what horse is I know what a dog is they're you know let them eat out of your hand but we try to keep them very gentle and beef masters in general from my experience are very gentle very docile so that's a big plus crossbreeding is the simplest way to implement efficiency for cattlemen and yield the greatest return the benefits of direct and maternal heterosis have been documented time and time again implementing an organised controlled cross breeding program will make your entire operation more efficient ultimately making you more money well we've seen in last two years we've had two sets of the crossed calves we've seen a forty to sixty pound difference which the with the beefmaster is being heavier the beef masters cross steers with forty to sixty pounds heavier than the angus for more information and a look inside how the beefmaster breed offers proven maternal traits proven efficiency and proven heterosis check them out online at beef masters org or like them on Facebook coming up these are the kind of people that often represent us they're thinking about the greater cause bio zaimes Bob Norton is flying at 43,000 feet with one of America's finest veterans airlift command is next on the American Rancher Magne Bravo Zulu cleared it director foods Airport cleared direct estimation your flight theta brother Zulu at 44 farms we believe work starts at sunup doesn't stop until sundown we believe in order to live off the land we have to love and respect it we believe that cattle are just raised and nurtured and we believe when you do things right with honesty and integrity well things like quality and consistency happen naturally 44 farm steaks responsibly raised all natural beef if you're in the stocker business you know healthier faster growing cattle mean less treatment costs happier customers and stronger bids on sale day exceptional care and good nutrition are the keys to healthy profitable cattle and the game smart stocker program provides you all the tools you need to minimize stress at receiving stimulate appetite quickly and create efficient gains on forage or feed + feeding gain smart makes your cattle eligible for superiors first-ever value-added nutrition program learn more about gain smart stocker program and find a dealer near you at gain smart comm join superior on September 14th for the annual Nunley brothers 1 ranch raise bred heifer sale continuing their family tradition this year the nunley's are offering over 600 of the finest and only genetics there's Santa Gertrudis bass cabs cross with Hereford bulls make an ideal heterosis genetic blend that produces a productive feeder animal along with a superior cow in the pasture log on to Nunley brothers comm for more information about Benelli brothers September 14 Sale international genetic solutions Feder profit calculator what is it simply put it's a tool to assist in determining feeder calf value of the largest genetic group within the industry and that's the crossbred feeder calf the feeder profit calculator incorporates genetic knowledge of mainstream sires regardless of the breed preconditioning and vaccination information weaning management and responsible health programs to evaluate the value on a set of calves the finished product is a certificate that highlights the genetic and management predictions on those calves along with certain carcass and growth traits producers have three things to sell when it comes to their feeder calves and that's genetics health and the management those cattle are under the feeder profit calculator wraps all this information together but the cost can a rancher even afford it how about this it costs nothing head the International genetic you can either know or guess choose no international genetic solutions feeder profit calculator welcome back to the American Rancher veterans airlift command provides free air charter service for America's combat veterans who are severely injured in battle one pilot Bob Norton routinely dedicates his company's business jet to that mission by as I'm incorporated is a fast-growing animal nutrition company based in st. Joseph Missouri Bob and his wife Lisa who is the president of BIOS I'm operate the company with a heart for making lives better be it employees customers or livestock you can't be sustainable then you're not going to be successful and so I think that's a huge part of what we try to do is make sure that our products help that producer be sustainable help that animal do the best it possibly can and what it was made to do you know even though its life may be really short like I always say about a chicken they're only here for 42 days but I want it to be the best 42 days it possibly could have been and if that's the case then that producer makes more money which makes them sustainable which makes our food supply more sustainable and it's just one big circle that comes keeps coming back around to keep everything going the cultures one about you know investing in the lives of others that's really what drives is here yeah I mean I think we both you know really believe that God is interwoven and all that we do and whenever things get a little challenging sometimes which you know that happens no matter what you know I'll be like Bob he has a plan I'm not for sure what it is but I know there is one and then it'll be like six months later and I'm like oh my gosh like that was the plan in 1997 Bob worked in Omaha Nebraska because his family had deep roots in st. Joseph and didn't want to move to Omaha Bob earned his private pilot's license as a way to dramatically reduce his commute time after Bob acquired BIOS I'm logistics and demands on the growing business prompted him to invest in a business jet that opened the door to what became one of Bob's greatest passions we belong to an organization is called Veterans airlift command and I saw an ad or promotion about what they do in one of the aircraft magazines and so we contacted them and and and so you know that's kind of the the organization that puts together kind of the opportunities that we have to serve a lot of these young men and women specifically mostly you know men and women that have served in our armed forces in the last twenty years in the Middle East day we get a request from them every day for a flight some of them are medical priority flights we try if we can if the planes not being used in our own business to volunteer for those the next level down will just be medical flights but maybe it's not a priority medical flight and then there are a lot of people as we'll see in the flight that we have coming up we're a family just needs to get from they would like to go from one location to another and it's difficult for for many of these people to be able to to travel commercially alright let's go inside if our passengers are here are you doing it good ready go on an airplane are you doing it Taylor Morgiana Bob Norton how you doing met you before I think you dropped them off the last time up here that's right you know I didn't get to meet you though I don't think Bob Danielle nice to meet you who's this young guy well okay well it's nice to meet you buddy the young man of you're going on our mission with this one of five quads in this country quad meaning he lost both legs and both arms and the service he does have prosthetic devices will fly from here to Waterloo Iowa and we'll pick up this young man his wife and I they have a small child with a nephew and we're gonna take them to a Chattanooga Tennessee final items are complete and you're clear for takeoff from 24 on runway two-four 5200 remaining here we go where do you think you can I was explosive ordnance disposal in the Navy I was in Afghanistan in 2011-2012 we were on just a routine combat reconnaissance patrol and stepped on an ie D and lost all four limbs I was medevac to Bethesda Maryland right outside of DC and that's where I did my recovery for the next two years and that was in 2012 so the moment I found out he got hurt it felt like my world just went black all at once when I got there I looked at him he was awake he was conscious we were literally at Ground Zero as far as recovery but I just knew in that moment everything was gonna be okay within a couple of weeks I was up and going to physical therapy I was probably fitted for prosthetics maybe on the third week at Walter Reed Hospital Taylor met Andrew Smith another soldier recovering from traumatic injury we kind of went through a lot of the same things at the same time so he was just getting up and walking when I was getting up and walking and so you know we bonded over that we both left Walter Reed at about the same time back in 2014 and Tory and Andrew started a foundation down in Chattanooga so that's what we're going down to see them and partake in one of their fundraisers just kind of feels like everybody's doing their part you know including BIOS I'm and legends airlift command this is a huge resource to have it makes travel a million times easier just the thought of flying commercially is overwhelming and stressful just too much with all the different prosthetics and you know you'd have a couple different sets of legs and a couple different sets of arms everything is custom-made it's not like you can just go to the store and buy a replacement part you know it's like it it's like a two-month process if you break something it makes the million times easier and it makes it it makes trips available that otherwise you probably wouldn't do because it would be too much of a hassle [Music] these are the kind of people that I think often represent us you know in a uniform these are the kind of people that I think people it's easy to look at them and maybe see their handicap and not think about you know that they don't think that way you know and they're thinking about you know the greater cause certainly for sure humbles us to see these young people we've been very blessed in so many many ways and just about every facet of our a lot and we've received many gift as a result of those blessings were part of those blessings one of the gifts that we have is to give to that airplane we're just using something that God provided for us into a mission that we feel is an important way to serve so I'm hoping whenever there's a need we'll be able to continue fulfilling that need this pleasure yeah it's good seeing you yeah alright as a pleasure meeting you I enjoy flying I mean flying is also love and my patience the day is coming when physically and mentally I won't be where I think I should be to be a pilot but but we'll continue with this mission whether I'm on that airplane or not Thank You Taylor and Andrew for your service and sacrifice if you're a wounded service member in need of air transportation or if you're a pilot ready to volunteer or if you just like to donate log on to veterans airlift org for more information that's all the time we have today we hope you enjoyed the show to find out more about us visit our website the American ranch or calm or connect with us on Facebook I'm Pam Minich for the entire American Rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next time looks like it'll catch it straight down or doesn't all right let's go get some landing gear [Music] Noah may break starts you there's been Sloane to rev autopilots off goddamn to go you're cleared to land on my 2-0 that was superior
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 1,866
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: Lnq3DR4P8JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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